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livox_camera_calib's Introduction


lidar_camera_calib is a robust, high accuracy extrinsic calibration tool between high resolution LiDAR (e.g. Livox) and camera in targetless environment. Our algorithm can run in both indoor and outdoor scenes, and only requires edge information in the scene. If the scene is suitable, we can achieve pixel-level accuracy similar to or even beyond the target based method.

An example of a outdoor calibration scenario. We color the point cloud with the calibrated extrinsic and compare with actual image. A and C are locally enlarged views of the point cloud. B and D are parts of the camera image corresponding to point cloud in A and C.


New features:

  1. Support muti-scenes calibration (more accurate and robust)

Related paper

Related paper available on arxiv:
Pixel-level Extrinsic Self Calibration of High Resolution LiDAR and Camera in Targetless Environments

Related video

Related video:

1. Prerequisites

1.1 Ubuntu and ROS

Ubuntu 64-bit 16.04 or 18.04. ROS Kinetic or Melodic. ROS Installation and its additional ROS pacakge:

    sudo apt-get install ros-XXX-cv-bridge ros-xxx-pcl-conversions

1.2 Eigen

Follow Eigen Installation

1.3 Ceres Solver

Follow Ceres Installation.

1.4 PCL

Follow PCL Installation. (Our code is tested with PCL1.7)

2. Build

Clone the repository and catkin_make:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ../
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

3. Run our example

The exmaple dataset can be download from OneDrive and BaiduNetDisk(百度网盘)

3.1 Single scene calibration

Download Our pcd and iamge file to your local path, and then change the file path in calib.yaml to your data path. Then directly run

roslaunch livox_camera_calib calib.launch

You will get the following result. (Sensor suite: Livox Avia + Realsense-D435i)

An example of single scene calibration.

3.2 Multi scenes calibration

Download Our pcd and iamge file to your local path, and then change the file path in multi_calib.yaml to your data path. Then directly run

roslaunch livox_camera_calib multi_calib.launch

The projected images obtained by initial extrinsic parameters. (Sensor Suite: Livox Horizon + MVS camera)

An example of multi scenes calibration. The projected image obtained by theinitial extrinsic parameters
Rough calibration is used to deal with the bad extrinsic.
The projected image obtained by the extrinsic parameters after rough calibration
Then we finally get a fine extrinsic after final optimization.
The projected image obtained by the extrinsic parameters after fine calibration

4. Run on your own sensor set

4.1 Record data

Record the point cloud to pcd files and record image files.

4.2 Modify the calib.yaml

Change the data path to your local data path.
Provide the instrinsic matrix and distor coeffs for your camera.

4.3 Use multi scenes calibration

Change the params in multi_calib.yaml, name the image file and pcd file from 0 to (data_num-1).

livox_camera_calib's People


chongjianyuan avatar


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livox_camera_calib's Issues


2022-01-08 20-58-50 的屏幕截图
2022-01-08 20-58-50 的屏幕截图
2022-01-08 20-59-44 的屏幕截图

mid 100/40 ?

Can mid 100 or 40 use this algorithm for automatic calibration?

image query of opencv

在void Calibration::colorCloud函数里有以下代码:
for (size_t i = 0; i < pts_2d.size(); i++) {
if (pts_2d[i].x >= 0 && pts_2d[i].x <= image_cols && pts_2d[i].y >= 0 &&
pts_2d[i].y <= image_rows) {
cv::Scalar color = rgb_img.atcv::Vec3b(pts_2d[i]);
if (color[0] == 0 && color[1] == 0 && color[2] == 0) {
其中cv::Scalar color = rgb_img.atcv::Vec3b(pts_2d[i]);是否应改为cv::Scalar color = rgb_img.atcv::Vec3b(pts_2d[i].y,pts_2d[i].x),
opencv 访问数据看起来应该是这种方式

velodyne support

I have been searching for a targetless automatic lidar-camera calibration package and I came across your repository, however the info section on README says that Velodyne support is to be added later. I was wondering why is it not possible to calibrate Velodyne and RealSense using this package. Theoretically, I can just modify the corresponding topic names before calibration and it should be able to treat the pointcloud as a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 object independently (from the hardware). Why is that not possible? I am willing to try it myself in a few days but wanted to consult you before that.

Thank you for your work!


当我执行roslaunch livox_camera_calib calib_indoor.launch后,终端提示[ INFO] [1625557327.839229229]: Sucessfully load Point Cloud and Image
[ INFO] [1625557327.840642338]: Building Voxel
[ INFO] [1625557347.866017169]: Extracting Lidar Edge
[ INFO] [1625557352.606176671]: Load all data!
[ INFO] [1625557352.678317787]: Finish prepare!
但是等了好久还是没有变化,还是显示initial extrinsic的图片,不知道这是为什么

机械式LℹDAR rosbag录制咨询

你好,我用的是速腾128线机械LiDAR,想采用此方案进行和相机的联合标定,这样需要的rosbag大概录制多久的?我理解livox是非重复扫描的可能需要录制的rosbag长一点。而机械式LiDAR是重复扫描的,那我这机械LiDAR 录制10帧是不是就可以了?

The flag of using use_rough_calib

Thanks for your impressive work. It works on my setup Livox mid70 + Realsense L515 when use_rough_calib is True with the default initial extrinsic matrix. However, I still have some questions.

  1. Most edges match well. But the edges have some offset at the boundary of the field of view. Is it due to the distortion of the camera? I have used the dist_coeffs from the Realsense API. How do you retrieve the dist_coeffs? Maybe the given coeffs from Realsense are not accurate.

  2. Is there any benefit to setting use_rough_calib as False with a better initial extrinsic matrix? I have done several trials. When I use the default initial extrinsic matrix, the final calibration just has obvious offsets. when I use a better initial extrinsic matrix, the calibration drifts out of the image in the optimization stage, i.e no points in the image anymore.

Thanks for your help in advance.


What camera is used in this code?

Is there a ros driver for hikrobot MV-CE060-10UC?


Running with the latestest update fail

Thank you for your works, it's a great idea to solve these kind of problems.
I've run your newest code with the your indoor example , but it doesn't work.
Screenshot from 2022-02-11 11-49-08
I'm pretty sure the config parameters are set to be correct. Could you please to check?

Issue with rectified image input


I tried with non rectified images and rectified images. Calibration output is much better with non rectified images. Is the code is expecting distorted images? Are you running rectification in the pipeline anywhere?


pcl problem

Hi, thank you for your contribution to the society.
When I run your code, I met a problem:

[ INFO] [1626940489.756662588]: Loading the rosbag /home/catkin_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/data/merge.bag
[ INFO] [1626940490.902931052]: Sucessfully load Point Cloud and Image
[ INFO] [1626940490.903897494]: Building Voxel
[ INFO] [1626940508.755300261]: Extracting Lidar Edge
[ INFO] [1626940526.485055384]: Load all data!
[ INFO] [1626940526.904265229]: Finish prepare!
[pcl::KdTreeFLANN::setInputCloud] Cannot create a KDTree with an empty input cloud!

Do you know in which function this error happens? So I can check my own data.
Thank you for your time.



  1. 下图这个公式可以解释下吗,代表什么含义?
  2. 代码里构建的残差公式是依据的下图这个公式,但是比这个公式多乘了一个V.transpose(),可以解释下吗?
  3. 方便的话,能否把这篇论文发我看看。地址: [email protected]



Issue with finding depth-continuous regions

We were very impressed with the results seen running your sample datasets, but once we tried using our own data, the extrinsics calibration failed in 99% of tested scenarios. In every case, your tool miscalculates scene edges and shifts the image projection, in some cases, by as much as 50-60% off original estimates.

For example, here is the projection of an ultra-HiRes image onto a cloud generated with the Livox Avia:


And here is the same cloud / image pair filtered through your calibration tool:


We provided the same exact intrinsics and initial extrinsics that were used to create the first projection, hoping that your tool would properly recognize scene edges and perfect / optimize the calibration. Instead, it identifies edges far away from their origin and attempts to shift the projection to match them. This results in a completely inaccurate calibration.

Here is the planner cloud:


And the residuals seem to show that the lines are properly detected:


Nonetheless, the optimization shifts everything, producing the result I have posted above. If there are any settings you could recommend that might improve our result, please let me know. I presume that the reason your sample datasets work better is that they are based on scenes with very clean, broad lines, such as those found in artificial structures. We even tried indoor scenes with Aruco / checkerboard plates placed in various locations, and your tool does not recognize any of the lines in these plates. It completely ignores the plates and, as with the example above, "hunts" for edges far from the original extrinsic origin.

Perhaps this tool is only applicable in industrial / city-centric settings where large buildings or artificial structures are present. We will attempt to re-test in a "cleaner" environment, but the fact that this tool cannot work with even standard Aruco / checkerboard patterns to properly orient itself makes it mostly unusable for the majority of contexts we would require.


2022-04-25 20-02-20 的屏幕截图
matrix[1][4] = a1 * x1 + b1 * y1 + c1 * z1;

2022-04-25 20-08-40 的屏幕截图
calc(matrix, point);




work with slam

Your work is great and inspiring.
I want to put this code together with my SLAM program. Do you think it is feasible?
If possible, I would like to know the specific interface
thank you

Issue while running on ros-kinetics based docker image on ubuntu machine18.04

Because of lower version of PCL(1.17), i prepared a docker image(ros:kinetic-ros-core-xenial), with all dependencies. Also placed the respective files on path.
While running i am getting the following error-

[ INFO] [1629189514.066569998]: Loading the rosbag /opt/catkin_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/data/indoor1.bag
process[rviz-3]: started with pid [381]
process 381: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: UUID file '/etc/machine-id' should contain a hex string of length 32, not length 0, with no other text
See the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue.
libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
Could not initialize OpenGL for RasterGLSurface, reverting to RasterSurface.
libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

[rviz-3] process has died [pid 381, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/rviz/rviz -d /opt/catkin_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/rviz_cfg/calib.rviz __name:=rviz __log:=/root/.ros/log/81017cba-ff36-11eb-bf90-2c56dc38a7a2/rviz-3.log].
log file: /root/.ros/log/81017cba-ff36-11eb-bf90-2c56dc38a7a2/rviz-3*.log*

[ INFO] [1629189515.516145283]: Sucessfully load Point Cloud and Image
[ INFO] [1629189515.516546482]: Building Voxel
[ INFO] [1629189539.422697927]: Extracting Lidar Edge
[ERROR] [1629189544.520860218]: Can not load image from /opt/catkin_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/data/indoor1.bag
[lidar_camera_calib-2] process has died [pid 374, exit code 255, cmd /opt/catkin_ws/devel/lib/livox_camera_calib/lidar_camera_calib /opt/catkin_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/config/camera.yaml /opt/catkin_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/config/config_outdoor.yaml /opt/catkin_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/data/indoor1.bag /opt/catkin_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/result __name:=lidar_camera_calib __log:=/root/.ros/log/81017cba-ff36-11eb-bf90-2c56dc38a7a2/lidar_camera_calib-2.log].
log file: /root/.ros/log/81017cba-ff36-11eb-bf90-2c56dc38a7a2/lidar_camera_calib-2*.log*

I am not sure, why process has been died and telling indoor1.bag is not found but it has already started with the same.

Any suggestions ?




请问是否可以分享下 livox+D435setting下点云 对齐到D435双目图像上的一些数据?
[email protected]
wechat 16600286930


2021-12-12 10-02-41 的屏幕截图
2021-12-12 10-02-16 的屏幕截图
我用的ubuntu18.04 melodic和pcl1.8




我准备录取horizon + realsense的数据,我想把他们都录取成一段简短的bag包,然后转换成相应的pcd和图片,因为帧率不同,如何确认他们是同一帧呢。


我下载了源码并成功编译安装, 数据集使用readme中链接提供的;运行室内1和室外1, 都没有得到好的对齐结果;
根据初值, 二者的匹配效果正常; rough calibration阶段把结果拉偏了, 优化的结果更差; 其中室内数据的匹配结果如下:
运行命令为 roslaunch livox_camera_calib calib_indoor.launch

Question about vpnp cost function

Dear author, thanks for your excellent work, but I am puzzled by the vpnp cost function, I did not understand why we need the line direction to compute the matrix V, and the physical meaning of this formula VRV.transpose


Look forward to your reply


我的平台是jeston TX2, ubuntu18.04, Ros melodic, PCL 1.8.1



wrong result


First ,thanks for your work!
the sensors mid70+fisheye camera(pinhole+equi),i dont know what the blue screen is and why it is round.

Rough Optimization looks good, then Optimization goes bad

Hi there,

Cool package, hoping to get this to work! I'm using an os1-64. When I launch the calib the Rough Optimization starts and is pretty good. However, when it moves onto the Optimization step, the point cloud is aligned very poorly. It seems when Optimization starts the cloud is rotated by some amount, maybe 90 degrees.

Here are a couple photos. Please note that my camera images do not fit on my monitor so I can only show what I can see:

Rough Optimization step:

Optimization Step:

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. Thank you

distortion mistake

T xd = xo * distortion + (distorT[2] * xo * yo + distorT[2] * xo * yo) + distorT[3] * (r2 + xo * xo + xo * xo);
T yd = yo * distortion + distorT[2] * xo * yo + distorT[2] * xo * yo + distorT[2] * (r2 + yo * yo + yo * yo);

should be ?

T xd = xo * distortion + (distorT[2] * xo * yo + distorT[2] * xo * yo) + distorT[3] * (r2 + xo * xo + xo * xo);
T yd = yo * distortion + distorT[3] * xo * yo + distorT[3] * xo * yo + distorT[2] * (r2 + yo * yo + yo * yo);

Process dies on LiDAR edge extraction

I have setup an environment with Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic. All dependencies have been installed, however, using your sample ROS bag files, I am not able to get past the Lidar edge extraction phase. Here is the terminal output:

Camera Matrix: 
[1364.45, 0, 958.327;
 0, 1366.46, 535.074;
 0, 0, 1]
Distortion Coeffs: 
Init extrinsic: 
[0, -1, 0, 0;
 0, 0, -1, 0;
 1, 0, 0, 0;
 0, 0, 0, 1]
[ INFO] [1617231323.709287053]: Loading the rosbag /home/visionarymind/Documents/scans/livoxcalib/outdoor1.bag
[ INFO] [1617231328.493049027]: Sucessfully load Point Cloud and Image
[ INFO] [1617231328.493564736]: Building Voxel
[ INFO] [1617231357.841487217]: Extracting Lidar Edge
[lidar_camera_calib-2] process has died [pid 2586, exit code -11, cmd /home/visionarymind/vision_ws/devel/lib/livox_camera_calib/lidar_camera_calib /home/visionarymind/vision_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/config/camera.yaml /home/visionarymind/vision_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/config/config_outdoor.yaml /home/visionarymind/Documents/scans/livoxcalib/outdoor1.bag /home/visionarymind/vision_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/result __name:=lidar_camera_calib __log:=/home/visionarymind/.ros/log/2c3b8fe2-9274-11eb-9545-000c29df74c2/lidar_camera_calib-2.log].
log file: /home/visionarymind/.ros/log/2c3b8fe2-9274-11eb-9545-000c29df74c2/lidar_camera_calib-2*.log

Would you have any advice on how to correct this problem?



Calibration Problem

English Version
I have some question about the calibration problem.
I set my vlp-16 and D345i camera as your configuration and I calibrate the extrinsic parameter. However, the value of extrinsic parameter is much different. I think that the problem is the camera intrinsic parameter. I want to ask you how to calibrate your camera intrinsic parameter (I use Matlab)? Or, maybe I deploy myself lab environment is not good?
PS: The attached image which show the color between the pointcloud and image are not matched.

Thank you, bless you have the good day.



感謝您, 祝您有個美好的一天


English version

Thank you for the open source. This work is very perfect.
However, I have the some question about the code.
First, what's the vpnp. I don't know the Physical mean. Could you provide me reference?
Second, why's the camera frame map into the pixel frame(image frame), you use the (u0-cx)/ fx. According to my knowledge, I would use (u0)/fx - cx.
Thank you very much.


  1. 請問什麼是vpnp,我不太清楚其物理意義,請問能麻煩您提供我關於這個參考資料嘛?
  2. 在lidar_camera_calib.cpp裡面中,您透過相機內參投影到pixel frame,您使用的是(u0-cx)/ fx,您是先減掉像素中心在除以焦距長. 但照我知識中,應該是(u0)/fx - cx,先除以焦距長,在減掉像素的中心,請問我哪裡搞錯了嘛?

FileStorage error


os1 64 and hik vision camera caliberation.

I have checked your git repository regarding lidar camera calibration. I am a research intern at my Home university NUST Pakistan. I have an os1 64 spinning lidar available at my lab. I need to calibrate the camera and lidar. Now kindly tell me the precise step I need to follow to get that calibration parameter. I don't know how to use Fast LIO for spinning lidar calibration. kindly outline the steps to follow to get extrinsic parameters with your package using os1 64 lidar. I would very thankful to you for this favor.I have bag file recorded with topic pointcloud2 and hikvision camera image. kindly help me in this regard

pcl problem

您好,我遇到了同样的问题,已经把Data.custom_msg: 1改好了,并确认了路径
2022-03-17 21-05-00 的屏幕截图
2022-03-17 21-05-09 的屏幕截图


您好, 请问你们使用这个方法最后标定出来的外参误差是多少?我在论文里没找到写这部分的内容

Integration with fastlio 2


Thanks for sharing such amazing work. I am able to calibrate livox avia and rgb camera really well. I am trying modify fast lio 2 ( for rgb point cloud. But the getting good results only in first 2 3 frames. After that mapping is not good. I saw your example video even you are using fast lio for SLAM and then colouring it. Can you please throw some light for the same?

Thanks a lot

Point cloud shrinking during optimization phase with calibrated fisheye camera

Thank you for continuing to develop this project. It is extremely useful. Currently, this project does not support fisheye calibrations with OpenCV, so I rewrote the code to accommodate such a calibration using this camera model. Rough optimization works almost perfectly, generating a very close calibration:


Unfortunately, when the algorithm enters the optimization stage, it gradually shrinks the point cloud before finalizing the calibration. Here is a snapshot:


I wished to share a larger area of the screen, but OpenCV resizing is not working (nor is imwrite functional). If you would like for me to share our dataset, please let me know where to upload it. In the meantime, if you have any advice on how to prevent this "shrinking" from happening, please let me know.

I have seen this behavior before when using distortion coefficients and was able to clear it up by setting them to [0,0,0,0]. In this case, they are required to properly conform the points to the fisheye image. I have also tried undistorting the images, and the same shrinking behavior is seen.

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