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lvi-sam's Issues

lvi_sam_mapOptmization terminated

Hello, the LVI_SAM runs normally in the first few times, but I have encountered the following problems in recent times.

How can I solve it?

*** stack smashing detected **: /home/.../catkin_ws/devel/lib/lvi_sam/lvi_sam_mapOptmization terminated
[lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6] process has died [pid 23959, exit code -6, cmd /home/.../catkin_ws/devel/lib/lvi_sam/lvi_sam_mapOptmization __name:=lvi_sam_mapOptmization __log:=/home/.../.ros/log/7e9a70bc-4752-11ec-87cb-5405dbb6548a/lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6.log].
log file: /home/.../.ros/log/7e9a70bc-4752-11ec-87cb-5405dbb6548a/lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6
[lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6] restarting process
process[lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6]: started with pid [24765]

IMU Intrinsics?

Hi, I noticed there are two different IMU Intrinsics(one in lidar_params.yaml and another one in camera_params/yaml). Can you explain why?


北京时间 2021/04/29, 谷歌云盘的数据集无法下载,显示"下载此文件会超出下载限额,因此目前无法下载"

TimeStamp of imu in the datasets

Thank you for your work, but I have a problem about the dataset:
I printed the timestamp of the dataset you provided, and I found some problems with IMU, as shown in the following figure. IMU is not uniformly sampled, is this the correct timestamp or something wrong?
imu :1592423047.652287 imu :1592423047.653273 imu :1592423047.654281 imu :1592423047.658288 imu :1592423047.659220 imu :1592423047.660274 imu :1592423047.663302 imu :1592423047.664251 imu :1592423047.665274 imu :1592423047.669284 imu :1592423047.676231 imu :1592423047.677208 imu :1592423047.678205 imu :1592423047.679205 imu :1592423047.680207 imu :1592423047.682220 imu :1592423047.683204 imu :1592423047.684206 imu :1592423047.687218 imu :1592423047.688215 imu :1592423047.689263 imu :1592423047.693287 imu :1592423047.694272 imu :1592423047.695210 imu :1592423047.700286 imu :1592423047.701271 imu :1592423047.702214 imu :1592423047.705285 imu :1592423047.706218 imu :1592423047.707212 imu :1592423047.711227 imu :1592423047.712312 imu :1592423047.713274 imu :1592423047.717261 imu :1592423047.718269 imu :1592423047.719213 imu :1592423047.724327 imu :1592423047.725272 imu :1592423047.726282 imu :1592423047.729284 imu :1592423047.730273

Unstable result from a quadruped robot

Hi. First I really appreciate for sharing your great work.
I tested both of your LIO-SAM and LVI-SAM on a quadruped robot platform with velodyne LiDAR on Gazebo, and got quite unstable results from LVI-SAM, which were worse than LIO-SAM.
I think maybe I am using wrong parameters and want to ask you If I am, or not.
Can you check over my parameters and result video clip please??

video clip:
Thank you in advance.

Does LVI-SAM really improve performance?

After reading your paper and code, thank you very much for your work. But I have the following questions:

  1. The laser odometry only uses the result of the visual odometry as the initial optimization value. This should be loosely coupled.
  2. Compared with LIO-SAM, LVI-SAM only uses the result of the visual odometry as the initial value of scanning matching, and does not improve the laser odometry. Can the performance of the LVI-SAM really be significantly improved?
  3. The results of laser odometry, visual odometry, and IMU pre-integration are used in the paper to perform factor graph optimization. But only the results of the laser odometry and IMU are used in the code. The laser odometry has higher estimation accuracy than the visual odometry, so adding the result of the visual odometry to the factor graph will reduce the optimization accuracy, right?

What's PCL version in this repo? Error: [lvi_sam_mapOptmization-7] process has died [pid 72715, exit code -11

I have already built this repo on Ubuntu 20.04 with PCL 1.10 and C++14.
But when I start rosbag paly garden.bag , I got these in terminal:
[ INFO] [1619515515.441234729]: ----> Visual Odometry Estimator Started. [ INFO] [1619515515.465279140]: ----> Lidar IMU Preintegration Started. [ INFO] [1619515515.475755274]: ----> Lidar Cloud Deskew Started. [ INFO] [1619515515.478325008]: ----> Lidar Feature Extraction Started. [ INFO] [1619515515.482130955]: ----> Visual Loop Detection Started. [ INFO] [1619515515.489539180]: ----> Visual Feature Tracker Started. [ INFO] [1619515515.503315593]: ----> Lidar Map Optimization Started. [lvi_sam_mapOptmization-7] process has died [pid 72715, exit code -11, cmd /home/bie/ros_ws/Lvi_Sam/devel/lib/lvi_sam/lvi_sam_mapOptmization __name:=lvi_sam_mapOptmization __log:=/home/bie/.ros/log/79586428-a73a-11eb-9e5c-244bfecec228/lvi_sam_mapOptmization-7.log]. log file: /home/bie/.ros/log/79586428-a73a-11eb-9e5c-244bfecec228/lvi_sam_mapOptmization-7*.log [lvi_sam_mapOptmization-7] restarting process process[lvi_sam_mapOptmization-7]: started with pid [72894] [ INFO] [1619515533.629490956]: ----> Lidar Map Optimization Started.
I think it's because my PCL version is different from your repo.

I would like to know camera's lens information.

It's a nice SLAM!!
I would like to know the information of the camera's lens used in the handheld dataset.
Only camera information is written on the paper.
Can you share the information?

question about "q_lidar_to_cam q_lidar_to_cam_eigen"

Hi,thanks for your great works.
the code test well with your data,but it seems the vins program did not work well with my data. I’m confused about what the “question about q_lidar_to_cam q_lidar_to_cam_eigen” mean in the code. hope your reply ,thanks agian.

catkin_make error: c++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)

[ 34%] Building CXX object LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_visual_feature.dir/src/visual_odometry/visual_feature/camera_models/
/home/wuxin/YZH/algorithm_learning/lvi_ws/src/LVI-SAM/src/visual_odometry/visual_feature/camera_models/ In member function ‘virtual void camodocal::EquidistantCamera::readParameters(const std::vector<double, std::allocator >&)’:
/home/wuxin/YZH/algorithm_learning/lvi_ws/src/LVI-SAM/src/visual_odometry/visual_feature/camera_models/ warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
if (parameterVec.size() != parameterCount())
c++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-7/README.Bugs for instructions.
LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_visual_feature.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target 'LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_visual_feature.dir/src/visual_odometry/visual_feature/feature_tracker.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_visual_feature.dir/src/visual_odometry/visual_feature/feature_tracker.cpp.o] Error 4
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Scanning dependencies of target lvi_sam_generate_messages
[ 34%] Built target lvi_sam_generate_messages
[ 35%] Building CXX object LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_visual_odometry.dir/src/visual_odometry/visual_estimator/feature_manager.cpp.o
c++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-7/README.Bugs for instructions.
LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_visual_feature.dir/build.make:86: recipe for target 'LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_visual_feature.dir/src/visual_odometry/visual_feature/feature_tracker_node.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_visual_feature.dir/src/visual_odometry/visual_feature/feature_tracker_node.cpp.o] Error 4
[ 37%] Building CXX object LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_visual_odometry.dir/src/visual_odometry/visual_estimator/parameters.cpp.o
c++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-7/README.Bugs for instructions.
LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_mapOptmization.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target 'LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_mapOptmization.dir/src/lidar_odometry/mapOptmization.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_mapOptmization.dir/src/lidar_odometry/mapOptmization.cpp.o] Error 4
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1702: recipe for target 'LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_mapOptmization.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [LVI-SAM/CMakeFiles/lvi_sam_mapOptmization.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

Experiment on NTU VIRAL datasets

Hi Tixiao,

I am trying to do some experiments of LVI SAM on the NTU VIRAL public dataset (download page: Hence, I will include LVI-SAM to the list of applicable methods to NTU VIRAL website.

However LVI SAM diverges quickly after a few minutes. This does not happen if the visual nodes are disabled. Could you please take a look at the configurations and suggest the best configurations?

The forked repository can be found here:

Working examples of LIO SAM and VINs-Mono on NTU VIRAL datasets can be found here:

malloc(): memory corruption

malloc(): memory corruption
[lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6] process has died [pid 13598, exit code -6, cmd /home/mwy/lvisam/devel/lib/lvi_sam/lvi_sam_mapOptmization __name:=lvi_sam_mapOptmization __log:=/home/mwy/.ros/log/f460d3d2-9099-11ec-a978-9061ae86e6b5/lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6.log].
log file: /home/mwy/.ros/log/f460d3d2-9099-11ec-a978-9061ae86e6b5/lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6*.log

How to solve this problem? I install the gtsam following your introduction.
I am sure I have used cmake -DGTSAM_BUILD_WITH_MARCH_NATIVE=OFF ..
And my pcl version is 1.8.

throw img, only should happen at the beginning

hi developer, i try to enjoy your project in my research
buy i keep receiving the error below

"throw img, only should happen at the beginning"

i use rosbag record imu_raw and realsense image

but it keep fail to initiailze

can you help me out?

strong drift in dataset

2021-08-13 15-40-37 的屏幕截图
As this picture shows, when I run graden.bag and handheld.bag, there is a strong drift, what is the problem?Thank You.

lvi_sam_mapOptmization error

[lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6] process has died [pid 22275, exit code -6, cmd /home/reeman/wul/LIO-SAM/lvi-sam/devel/lib/lvi_sam/lvi_sam_mapOptmization __name:=lvi_sam_mapOptmization __log:=/home/reeman/.ros/log/64900b78-b201-11eb-ba29-353bc025c460/lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6.log].
log file: /home/reeman/.ros/log/64900b78-b201-11eb-ba29-353bc025c460/lvi_sam_mapOptmization-6*.log

deskew function disabled

When I run the code there's always "[ WARN] [1633796860.060372652]: Point cloud timestamp not available, deskew function disabled, system will drift significantly!"

And then the node lvi_sam_imageProjection crashed and restarted all the time. I used gdb to check the error, it is said that error exists in line "deskewFlag(0)".

Why did the costructor ImageProjection always reconstruct?

Is deskewing correct?

  void findPosition(double relTime, float *posXCur, float *posYCur, float *posZCur)
      *posXCur = 0; *posYCur = 0; *posZCur = 0;

      // if (cloudInfo.odomAvailable == false || odomDeskewFlag == false)
      //     return;

      // float ratio = relTime / (timeScanNext - timeScanCur);

      // *posXCur = ratio * odomIncreX;
      // *posYCur = ratio * odomIncreY;
      // *posZCur = ratio * odomIncreZ;

As far as I understand, this will result in the pcl being deskewed in rotation only, is this correct?

repropogate in imuPreintegration seems not to be used

I think each time when odometry comes, imuIntegratorIMU should reset its optimized bias to improve the overall system's stability. And repropagation seems not to be used except for some narrow case that IMU and odom at a specific frequency.

Can't run code

Is there any question in LVI-SAM code ??? Suddenly not run, so nervous!

‘tf::TransformBroadcaster::sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform const&)’未定义的引用

Which is the local position output topic?

Sorry for the dummy question, but I can not understan which is the position topic.
I have understand that /lvi_sam/lidar/mapping/odometry is related to the fusion LIDAR+IMU (LIO-SAM output) and /lvi_sam/vins/odometry/odometry is related to CAMERA+IMU (VINS-MONO output).
But which is the one that gives the fusion of both algorithms?

RVIZ map generation vs position topics

Hello, I can not understand why the rviz visualization is "wrog" but the two position topics (/lvi_sam/lidar/mapping/odometry and /lvi_sam/mavisn/odometry/odometry) gives me a correct estimate position.
I have test the same dataset with LIO-SAM and the resulting map is almost perfect (same for the position).
Can someone explain this problem please?
@TixiaoShan please can you explain me this behavior?

Screenshot from 2022-07-04 11-05-16
Screenshot from 2022-07-04 11-07-14
Screenshot from 2022-07-04 11-07-30
Screenshot from 2022-07-04 11-11-20

Some problems about LVI SAM data evaluation

Hello, I have a few questions to ask, thank you:

  1. I output GPS data and IMU from the handheld data set_ Correct, it is found that the starting point and the ending point are not at the same point. How to evaluate the accuracy of the method;

  2. Slam path is a relative position. How to align it with the ENU of GPS path;

  3. The sampling rates of GPS and slam path are different, and the time axis is also misplaced. How does RMSE w.r.t GPS evaluate it.

Process has died

Hello, when I run LVI Sam on the Jetson NX development board,catkin_make has been completed,but when I tried roslaunch, I encountered the following node death problem

[ INFO] [1636441314.154527795]: ----> Visual Odometry Estimator Started.
[ INFO] [1636441314.487589783]: ----> Visual Loop Detection Started.
[ INFO] [1636441314.585487422]: ----> Visual Feature Tracker Started.
[lvi_sam_visual_odometry-9] process has died [pid 13242, exit code -11, cmd /home/nvidia/catkin_sam/devel/lib/lvi_sam/lvi_sam_visual_odometry __name:=lvi_sam_visual_odometry __log:=/home/nvidia/.ros/log/e982fd3c-412a-11ec-ad02-48b02d3da899/lvi_sam_visual_odometry-9.log].
log file: /home/nvidia/.ros/log/e982fd3c-412a-11ec-ad02-48b02d3da899/lvi_sam_visual_odometry-9*.log
[lvi_sam_visual_odometry-9] restarting process
process[lvi_sam_visual_odometry-9]: started with pid [13528]
[ INFO] [1636441314.871099244]: ----> Visual Odometry Estimator Started.
[ INFO] [1636441314.993614341]: ----> Lidar IMU Preintegration Started.
[lvi_sam_visual_loop-10] process has died [pid 13249, exit code -11, cmd /home/nvidia/catkin_sam/devel/lib/lvi_sam/lvi_sam_visual_loop __name:=lvi_sam_visual_loop __log:=/home/nvidia/.ros/log/e982fd3c-412a-11ec-ad02-48b02d3da899/lvi_sam_visual_loop-10.log].
log file: /home/nvidia/.ros/log/e982fd3c-412a-11ec-ad02-48b02d3da899/lvi_sam_visual_loop-10*.log
[lvi_sam_visual_loop-10] restarting process
[ INFO] [1636441315.091523468]: ----> Lidar Cloud Deskew Started.
process[lvi_sam_visual_loop-10]: started with pid [13703]
[ INFO] [1636441315.169702089]: ----> Lidar Feature Extraction Started.
[lvi_sam_visual_feature-8] process has died [pid 13231, exit code -11, cmd /home/nvidia/catkin_sam/devel/lib/lvi_sam/lvi_sam_visual_feature __name:=lvi_sam_visual_feature __log:=/home/nvidia/.ros/log/e982fd3c-412a-11ec-ad02-48b02d3da899/lvi_sam_visual_feature-8.log].
log file: /home/nvidia/.ros/log/e982fd3c-412a-11ec-ad02-48b02d3da899/lvi_sam_visual_feature-8*.log

My environment is:
ROS melodic

How can I solve the problem?

Segmentation Fault

Hi , I am not able to run LVI Sam , I am getting Segmentation Fault (Core Dumped) in MapOptimization Node.

Handheld Dataset

Hello, I output GPS data from the the Handheld Dataset, and find that the starts and ends are not at the same point.How to evaluate the accuracy of the method?

Can't reproduce result with handheld.bag

Thank you for share awesome work.

I can't reproduce result with shared dataset(

It works fine at the beginning. However, at several points, displayed the warning messages and the trajectory was drifted.
also, I checked library version. (gtsam-4.0.2, ceres-solver-1.14.0)

Could PC specs have an impact?
I installed Linux on Macbook pro A1707.
Processo : 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 (I7-6700HQ)
GPU: Radeon Pro 450

Warning message:
Large bias, reset IMU-preintegration!
Large velocity, reset IMU-preintegration!

roslaunch lvi-sam run.launch meet "Assertion `px != 0' failed."

hello! when I roslaunch lvi-sam run.launch.I meet with this problem :
/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:648: typename boost::detail::sp_member_access::type boost::shared_ptr::operator->() const [with T = const sensor_msgs::PointCloud_<std::allocator >; typename boost::detail::sp_member_access::type = const sensor_msgs::PointCloud_<std::allocator >*]: Assertion `px != 0' failed.
and I used gtsam-4.0.0.Because 4.0.2 always send "error: static assertion failed: Error: GTSAM was built against a different version of Eigen. " I try to add set(GTSAM_USE_SYSTEM_EIGEN ON) in CMakeLists.txt,but never be succeed.So I use gtsam-4.0.0,it is succeed.
how can I process this issue. please help me. thanks!

How did you get the params lidar_to_cam?

lidar_to_cam_tx: 0.05
lidar_to_cam_ty: -0.07
lidar_to_cam_tz: -0.07
lidar_to_cam_rx: 0.0
lidar_to_cam_ry: 0.0
lidar_to_cam_rz: -0.04

The lidar's coordinate system(z) is up, and the camera's coordinate system(z) is forward.
But in the yaml, rpy is 0 0 -0.04,
It's almost the same coordinate system.

About external parameters

Hello here, the data is from KITTI dataset, I gave sensor information and internal and external parameters in yaml as required, but every time I open lidar for depth info in params_camera.yaml, the vio part will crash with the following error. Is this a problem with external parameter settings?

Is is compatible to single channel lidar?

Hello, I'm trying to test the code with my own rosbag with imu, single channel lidar and monocular camera and evaluate performance on your code, how to modify the code to make it compatible?

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