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actor's Issues

"default" and "in" input attributes don't behave as expected.

If I have an input that has both the default and in attribute, and I call the actor without that input, I would expect the default to be used. Instead I get a ServiceActor::ArgumentError because my lack of input doesn't satisfy the in: property.


class MyActor < Actor
  input :word, default: "one", in: ["one", "two", "three"]

When calling this actor like, I would expect the word variable to be set to "one".

Invoking undefined methods on `ServiceActor::Result` will lead to runtime errors in the next major release of Actor.


After updating to version 3.8.0, a large number of project services in RSpec began to crash with this comment:

DEPRECATED: Invoking undefined methods on `ServiceActor::Result` will lead to runtime errors in the next major release of Actor.

In one of the examples, the service was mocked using allow and the expected result was indicated:

    .and_return( true, error: "Some error")

But at the same time, when actually checking the result of the service, the following data appears:

# => false

# => true

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong and what happened?

Actor's output names collision with `Object`'s instance methods

class OutputWithBlacklistedName < Actor
  input :value, type: Integer

  output :object_id, type: Integer

  play -> actor { actor.object_id = actor.value.succ }
end 1).object_id != 2

Before #127 object_id would be correctly set (I doubt that overriding object_id is a good idea though).

One possible solution is to inherit Result from BasicObject and explicitly disallow output names that collide with Result.instance_methods

Problem with `zeitwerk` after update to version 3.4.0

There seems to be something wrong with zeitwerk in release 3.4.0. The application started crashing instantly after updating the gem version from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0.

Failure/Error: require File.expand_path("../config/environment", __dir__)

  uninitialized constant Actor::ServiceActor

    include ServiceActor::Base
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/service_actor-3.4.0/lib/service_actor.rb:7:in `<class:Actor>'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/service_actor-3.4.0/lib/service_actor.rb:6:in `<main>'

The application code, especially that associated with Actor, has not changed.

Now I'm trying to figure out what's wrong.

Feature request: use other input values in default

I'd love to be able to use other input values in the Proc form for default:

input :foo, type: [String], allow_nil: false
input :bar, type: [String], default: ->(inputs) { "Default Bar: #{inputs[:foo]}" }

You probably don't want the Proc to be able to modify inputs, so we should pass a defensive copy:

def default_for_normal_mode_with(result, key, default)
  if default.is_a?(Proc)
    args = []
    args.push(result.dup) if default.arity != 0
    default =*args)

  result[key] = default

If you're interested in this, I'm happy to open a pull request.

Keep Zeitwerk as a development dependency only

This article by @pepawel gives an interesting way to remove the Zeitwerk dependency in production and replace it with a script that builds a loader.

It sounds like an interesting idea, so if anybody wants to tackle this, it should be rather straightforward by following the article and make the ServiceActor gem a bit more lightweight and easy to install πŸͺΆ

See also this discussion.

[FeatureRequest] Collection of admissibles values for input

Would'nt it be great to be able to specify a collection of admissible values for certain inputs ?

For instance, you could have:

class BuildGreeting < Actor
  input :name
  input :adjective, default: 'wonderful', in: ['brillant', 'wonderful', 'smart', 'dazzling', 'blazing']
  input :length_of_time, default: -> { ['day', 'week', 'month'].sample }

  output :greeting

  def call
    self.greeting = "Have a #{adjective} #{length_of_time} #{name}!"

Or, if you defined your GREAT_ADJECTIVES_LIST anywhere else in the code,

class BuildGreeting < Actor
  input :name
  input :adjective, default: 'wonderful', in: GREAT_ADJECTIVES_LIST
  input :length_of_time, default: -> { ['day', 'week', 'month'].sample }

  output :greeting

  def call
    self.greeting = "Have a #{adjective} #{length_of_time} #{name}!"

Release notes for 3.8.0

We got tones of tests crashing with 3.8.0 update. It's be great to have some release notes for the new version with a summary of what has changes, some deprecations and reasoning behind them and maybe some migration paths described as well.

New notation for array inputs

Hey @sunny !!

Thanks for the amazing work :D

I have an idea, regarding inputs and outputs.

What do you think about accepting a new notation when expecting an array of similar objects, such as:

    inputs :orders, type: [Orders]

(Similar to the GraphQL notation)

This way it will be easier to type arrays.

Is `DefaultCheck` obsolete?

I struggle to figure out in which case DefaultCheck is used.

Seems like return if @result.key?(@input_key) (lib/service_actor/checks/default_check.rb:54) is always evaluated to true (both in specs and real-world scenarios).

  1. Defaultable (which runs first) sets the default is required
  2. NiCheck (runs second) raise if nil
  3. Finally DefaultCheck.check is fired and has nothing to do

Am I missing something?

Breaking changes on ServiceActor::Result `failure?` after dropping `ostruct` ???

My tests started to fail after upgrading to 3.8.x because changes on Result.

My code before 3.8.x:

allow(MyActor).to receive(:result).and_return( true))

result = MyActor.result
result.success? # => false
result.failure? # => true

After upgrading to 3.8.x:

allow(MyActor).to receive(:result).and_return( true))

result = MyActor.result
result.success? # => true
result.failure? # => false

I think what caused the problem was this line: c73d688#diff-6d7487eb2415132d6b0752596159f369f60fc82446b1a372ea0d5841fed7678cL25

Fixing things on my side is easy, I have to change all true, ...) by true, ...), but I'm reporting here because it could be a problem for more people.

Question / feature request: hooks around call?

Hey :)
I wonder if there is a way to execute some callback code before / after / around the call method of an actor.

My use case is the following:

  • I have an actor which plays actors in a sequence (is this a playbook? an orchestrator? something else?)
  • My actors inherit from ApplicationActor (which simply has include ServiceActor::Base)
  • I need to log the execution of each actor.

I tried to add to ApplicationActor the following:

  class << self
    def call(**args)
      ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("ApplicationActor", extra: self) do

but it gets executed only on the call of the "main" actor.

Any idea?

Problems between checks within the same `input`

There is this code in the application:

class ApplicationService
  include ServiceActor::Base
class CurrencyService < ApplicationService
  input :currency,
        type: String,
        inclusion: {
          in: %w[USD EUR],
          message: ->(value:, **) { "Incorrect currency: #{value}" }

When using it: :GBP)

Gives an error:

ServiceActor::ArgumentError: Incorrect currency: GBP

That is, the check for the type of the input value is ignored.

Missing note on stubbing ServiceActor::Result

I'm trying to fake a service actor result in a Rails request spec. The test I would like to write looks like this:

context 'when search fails (e.g. because of HTTP 503 on Google side)' do
  let(:params) { { query: 'Darkstorm Galaxy' } }

  before do
    allow(Google::AutocompletePlaces).to receive(:result).and_return(
      instance_double(ServiceActor::Result, success?: false, error: 'lol')

  it 'returns suggestions' do
    get api_authenticated_address_search_suggestions_path, params: params, headers: auth_headers

    expect(response).to have_http_status(:service_unavailable)
    expect(response.parsed_body).to include('application_errors' => be_a(String))

But this doesn't work because error is derived from method_missing. And I shouldn't use double because of RSpec best practices enforced by rubocop.

What's your take on that?

[Discuss] actor default: option not so useful for my usage.

Hi, i am a user come from interactor, i use this gem for all my service , until, i meet a issue, i want a guarantee to ensure pass correct name input into my service, so, i switch to use service_actor, one if the reason is, this gem not use 'activesupport'.

Following is my code:

I define my service like this:

class RetrieveStocks < Actor
  input :sort_column
  input :sort_direction
  input :page, default: '1'
  input :per, default: '20'
  input :stock_name

  def call
    # ...

Then, invoke my service in my roda routers, like this:

     sort_column, sort_direction, stock_name, page, per = r.params.values_at('sort_column', 'sort_direction', 'stock_name', 'page', 'per')
      result = RetrieveStocks.(
        sort_column: sort_column,
        sort_direction: sort_direction,
        page: page,
        per: per,
        stock_name: stock_name,

Following is my issue, because above page, per is come from request params,
so, them maybe string, or nil(when user not use paginate), when pass both
of them into service, if request not use paginate, will pass page and per as nil.
like following:

      result = RetrieveStocks.(
        sort_column: sort_column,
        sort_direction: sort_direction,
        page: nil,
        per: nil,

For this case, what i want is, use page/per default value, but, it not work.

AFAIK, the only solution is, run compact! before passed in.

      result = RetrieveStocks.({
        sort_column: sort_column,
        sort_direction: sort_direction,
        page: nil,
        per: nil,

But i consider this solution is not good, so, just curious, what is the expected way to do this?

Thank you.


I workaround this issue use following code.

params = r.params.slice('sort_column', 'sort_direction', 'stock_name', 'page', 'per')

result = RetrieveStocks.(params)

It works anyway, though, i still curious, how to handle this case when use with actor.

warning: method redefined; discarding old orig_name=

While doing:


The following warnings appear:

/Users/afuno/Projects/GitHub/afuno/actor/lib/service_actor/playable.rb:46: warning: method redefined; discarding old orig_name=
/Users/afuno/.rbenv/versions/2.7.4/lib/ruby/2.7.0/ostruct.rb:191: warning: previous definition of orig_name= was here
/Users/afuno/Projects/GitHub/afuno/actor/lib/service_actor/playable.rb:46: warning: method redefined; discarding old name=
/Users/afuno/.rbenv/versions/2.7.4/lib/ruby/2.7.0/ostruct.rb:191: warning: previous definition of name= was here

[Discuss] Why we need the output: option as describe on README?

after i read output section in README, i have a question.

do we need this? i found it works as interactor, following is a example

class RetrieveStocks < Actor
  input :stock_name, default: nil

  def call
     stocks = Stock.where(:stocks[:name] => stock_name)

    if stocks.empty?
      fail!(message: "no stocks!")
	  # we can assign use a setter like this, why we need output?
      result.stocks = stocks

params = r.params.slice('sort_column', 'sort_direction', 'stock_name', 'page', 'per')

result =

if result.success?
   # get assigned value, it works
  @stocks = result.stocks

Thank you.

What about improving the README about testing?

Thank you for this nice gem! πŸ˜„
In past I used the Interactor gem quite a lot, I recently switched to Actor and I find it a nice improvement.

As in the subject: perhaps it could be nice to suggest some testing strategies for actors.

For example, with RSpec I recently wrote something like this:

RSpec.describe ParseFileName, type: :actor do
  describe ".result" do
    subject(:result) { described_class.result(file_name:) }

    context "with a valid file_name" do
      let(:file_name) { "sample_file_name_20221229010101.csv" }

      it { expect(result).to be_a_success }

      it "parses the file_name and returns an Hash" do
        expected_hash = {
          prefix: :sample,
          name: "file_name",
          timestamp:"20221229010101", "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        expect(result.formatted_attributes).to eq expected_hash

    context "with an invalid file_name" do
      let(:file_name) { "wrong_name.csv" }

      it { expect(result).to be_a_failure }
      it { expect(result.error).to eq "Invalid format for \"#{file_name}\"" }

In this case I preferred to use result to avoid checking exceptions.


Feature: Promptable

I use Actors to run complex business logic, often from console or a rake task. I'd love to be able to integrate prompts without needing to think about how to integrate.

It would only be a few lines of code either way, but it seems like a helpful enough ability to provide it to everyone.

One downside is adding a new dependency to this gem. If that's too big an ask, then I can make a plugem called service_actor-promptable

[Enhancement] Add declarative syntax for delegated context variables

Sometimes we instantiate objects manually in the actor, from a main input. To do that, most of the time we override the call method in the players, or create attr_readers from the main input.

What do you think about adding a declarative syntax to avoid being forced to override call in such use cases ?

An actor looking like this

module Projects
  class Confirm < Actor
    input :project, type: Project

    def call
      result.owner = project.owner
      result.rewards = project.rewards


    play ConfirmOwner, ConfirmRewards, ConfirmProject

Could be simplified like this for instance :

module Projects
  class Confirm < Actor
    input :project, type: Project

    declare :owner, :rewards, on: :project

    play ConfirmOwner, ConfirmRewards, ConfirmProject

Can't set an hash as a default value for an input

Hi, it seems that setting an hash as a default value for an input results in a ServiceActor::ArgumentError.

Here's an example, slightly changed from the example in the readme:

class BuildGreeting < Actor
  input :name

  # Here's the change: the original example used a string as a default.
  # input :adjective, default: "wonderful"
  input :adjective, default: { text: "wonderful" }

  input :length_of_time, default: -> { %w[day week month].sample }
  input :article,
        default: lambda { |context|
                   puts context.adjective[:text]
                   puts context.adjective[:text].match?(/^[aeiou]/)
                   /^[aeiou]/.match?(context.adjective[:text]) ? "an" : "a"

  output :greeting

  def call
    self.greeting = "Have #{article} #{adjective[:text]} #{length_of_time}, #{name}!"

actor = "Jim")
puts actor.greeting # => I'd expect "Have a wonderful week, Jim!", but I get a `ServiceActor::ArgumentError`

Wrapping the default value in a lambda does work, but I wouldn't expect to need such a workaround:

  # This works, but it's kinda ugly
  input :adjective, default: -> { return { text: "wonderful" } }

Thanks and keep up the great work!

Validating params or attributes

First of all, thanks for the great work! πŸ’―

In interactor with the interactor-contracts gem, it's possible to validate a hash like this:

expects do
  required(:user).filled(type?: User)
  required(:params).schema do

Is there a similar way? Or a recommended way of achieving the same thing?

Aliases for inputs and outputs

Hey @sunny !!!!

Thanks for the great work \o/

@AnneSottise and I were wondering what were you thinking about adding aliases to inputs and ouputs, such as:

    input :description, type: String, default: nil, as: :aliased_description

Wouldn't it be great ?

Invoking undefined methods on a result does not raise errors

please check following example.

# i assign result.institutions = ??? in this service.
result = RetrieveInstitutions.result(params)

if result.success?
    @institutions = result.institutions1 # But i never defined this method in above service, but when invoke it, not raise any error, just return nil, this is not acceptable?

Above result.institutions1 never raise any error, just return nil, which make result.success? almost no any means for this case.

[Question] allow_nil, type, and must supported at the same time?

First, great work with the gem!

I was wondering: are these attributes supported at the same time?


Given the scenario that I have an interactor that looks like this:

class MyInteractor < Actor

    # weekdays is an Array of strings
    input :weekdays, type: Array, must: { 
      be_valid: ->(weekdays) { weekdays.all?(SomeValidation)  } 
    }, default: DefaultWeekdays, allow_nil: true

In this scenario, weekdays is optional. If this input is not sent, it defaults to something else. The issue I am having at the moment is that it can also be nil and that would also trigger the usage of the defaults.

I get a ServiceActor::ArgumentError, because in the must: validation weekdays is nil -- fixing it implies in using weekdays.nil? || ... to allow this optional scenario.

Is that expected or am I missing something here?

Again, thanks for the great work πŸ™

Ruby 2.3

Hello. Is it possible to add support for ruby 2.3?

I need to use fail_on but my project uses ruby 2.3

Uploading to ruby 2.4 is in the backlog. Apparently we will do it in a few months.

My alternative is to fork and upload a gem momentarily.

I can also fork and use github on the Gemfile but I don't like the idea.

Misleading `ServiceActor::ArgumentError` message under specific circumstances

Given the following actor

class TestActor < Actor
  input :value, type: Integer
  output :value_result, type: Integer, allow_nil: true

Evaluating 1) leads to

  The "value_result" input on "TestActor" is missing

(note the "input" while value_result is defined as output)

It does not happen if you define output without allow_nil: true

Old bundler & deprecation warnings

❯ bundle install                                                                                                                                               ξ‚² 100% β–ˆ ─╯
Bundler is running, but your lockfile was generated with 2.1.4. Installing Bundler 2.1.4 and restarting using that version.
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching bundler 2.1.4
Installing bundler 2.1.4
Calling `DidYouMean::SPELL_CHECKERS.merge!(error_name => spell_checker)' has been deprecated. Please call `DidYouMean.correct_error(error_name, spell_checker)' instead.
Fetching gem metadata from
Using rake 13.0.6
Using ast 2.4.2
Using bundler 2.1.4
Using parallel 1.22.1
Using parser
Using rainbow 3.1.1
Fetching regexp_parser 2.3.1
Installing regexp_parser 2.3.1
Using rexml 3.2.5
Fetching rubocop-ast 1.17.0
Installing rubocop-ast 1.17.0
Using ruby-progressbar 1.11.0
Using unicode-display_width 2.1.0
Using rubocop 1.28.2
Fetching code-scanning-rubocop 0.5.0
Installing code-scanning-rubocop 0.5.0
Using coderay 1.1.3
Fetching diff-lcs 1.4.4
Installing diff-lcs 1.4.4
Fetching interactor 3.1.2
Installing interactor 3.1.2
Using method_source 1.0.0
Using pry 0.14.1
Fetching rspec-support 3.10.3
Installing rspec-support 3.10.3
Fetching rspec-core 3.10.1
Installing rspec-core 3.10.1
Fetching rspec-expectations 3.10.1
Installing rspec-expectations 3.10.1
Fetching rspec-mocks 3.10.2
Installing rspec-mocks 3.10.2
Fetching rspec 3.10.0
Installing rspec 3.10.0
Fetching rubocop-performance 1.12.0
Installing rubocop-performance 1.12.0
Fetching rubocop-rspec 2.6.0
Installing rubocop-rspec 2.6.0
Using service_actor 3.1.3 from source at `.`
Bundle complete! 9 Gemfile dependencies, 26 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

Similarly, when running bin/rake

❯ bin/rake                                                                                                                                     ξ‚² 100% β–ˆ ξ‚³ 144 Mbps WiFi ─╯
Calling `DidYouMean::SPELL_CHECKERS.merge!(error_name => spell_checker)' has been deprecated. Please call `DidYouMean.correct_error(error_name, spell_checker)' instead.
/Users/pboling/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.2/bin/ruby -I/Users/pboling/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/rspec-core-3.10.1/lib:/Users/pboling/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/rspec-support-3.10.3/lib /Users/pboling/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/rspec-core-3.10.1/exe/rspec --pattern spec/\*\*\{,/\*/\*\*\}/\*_spec.rb
Calling `DidYouMean::SPELL_CHECKERS.merge!(error_name => spell_checker)' has been deprecated. Please call `DidYouMean.correct_error(error_name, spell_checker)' instead.

Randomized with seed 5086

Finished in 0.02617 seconds (files took 0.16946 seconds to load)
82 examples, 0 failures

Why object type should be passed as String and not directly be a constant ?

Hi there,

First of all, thank you for your work. I find it really cool and looks like a good solution to improve basic service objects.

My question here is: why can't we pass directly constants to check the type of inputs and should pass it as string instead ?

like this:

class GreetUser < Actor
  input :user, type: User

  def call
    puts "Hello #{}!"

I didn't find any reason in the code of the gem or I am ignorant about a deeper problem.

All I found about this is in lib/actor/type_checkable.rb:

types = Array(type_definition).map { |name| Object.const_get(name) }

which confirms to me we could pass directly constant instead of String since you "constantize" it anyway.

looking forward to your reply,
thanks !

Repeated `play` execution on 3.9.0

After upgrading to 3.9.0, I noticed something odd is happening. I managed to simplify it to the following MRE:

# frozen_string_literal: true

# some other actor defined somewhere
Another = do
  output :outcome

  def call
    p "ENTER"

    self.outcome = nil

class TestActor < ApplicationActor
  play Another

Invoking it shows Another#call was executed twice:

[3] pry(main)> TestActor.result;

And on 3.8.1:

[2] pry(main)> TestActor.result;

I think this is a critical bug -- I was extremely lucky to notice it before deploying to production. In my case it was doubled external API calls..

Consider removing `OpenStruct` usage

Ruby MRI 3.3 throws performance-related warnings:

gems/service_actor-3.7.0/lib/service_actor/result.rb:11: warning: OpenStruct use is discouraged for performance reasons

Can we refactor ServiceActor::Result so that it doesn't inherit from OpenStruct?

Using `Kernel.tap` and `Kernel.then` via `ServiceActor::Result` receiver

#138 made Result class inherit from BasicObject. One thing I missied is that now it's impossible to call tap/then on service result: { do_something(_1) } { _1.some_output = ... }

I think we can add these methods because collisions here are unlikely to happen and it seems reasonable in general

[Feature][Solution included] Allows boolean outputs to have `result.boolean?` accessors instead of `result.boolean`


Thank you very much for this small yet precious gem. I really like how simple it is and working with it.

I had this idea for quite some time. Only recently i was able to pull it off.

So, i had an actor that we either creating or updating a record. I had a output :new_record on the actor. Moreover, i could access it using ActorClass.result.new_record.

However, i wanted it to give the impression that this accessor(new_record) is a boolean output. In accordance with Ruby's best practices for naming boolean methods and postfixing them with a ? character. I added some logic to support that. I would like your opinion. And, maybe shipping this behaviour by default in this gem.

For starters, i have my own ApplicationActor that inherits from Actor. Which looks like this

class ApplicationActor
  include ServiceActor::Base

  def = nil, **arguments)
    result = super options, **arguments

    result.each_pair do |key, value|
      if outputs.dig(key, :boolean)
        result.define_singleton_method "#{key}?", -> { value }

I'm adding some extra behaviour to static method. Simply calling it. Then for each key in the result struct i determine if it has the :boolean argument.

To tell Application actor to generate these methods. It can be like so

class AnyActor < ApplicationActor
  output :new_record, boolean: true

Am i doing anything wrong here?.

Thank you for your work on this gem and hope this helps someone trying to do the same.

Make Actor result + pattern matching more pleasant

Hi, I'm using sunny/actor on my projects and I like it a lot, thanks for this awesome project.

I'm doing some experiments with pattern matching + Result but I noticed some issues, for example:

My expectation:

case CreateUser.result(attributes: user_params)
in {success: true, user:}
  redirect_to user_path(user), notice: "success"
in {error: :invalid_record, user:}
  render "new", locals: { user: user }
in {error: :other_error}
  # do something else

But it can't be achieve because:

  1. case CreateUser.result(attributes: user_params)
    To have acess to succes/failure key, I need to use .to_h on result

  2. in {success: true, user:}
    result.to_h doesn't return success key, and returns failure? key only if failure? is true

So I have to write something like:

result = CreateUser.result(attributes: user_params)

case result.to_h
in {failure?: true, error: :invalid_record, user:}
  render "new", locals: { user: user }
in {error: :other_error}
  # do something else
in {user:}
  redirect_to, user_path(user), notice: "success"

I'm not an expert on Pattern Matching, so I'm not sure if I'm on the right way. So I tried adding a #deconstruct_keys to ServiceActor::Result and it worked fine:

def deconstruct_keys(keys)
  to_h.merge(success: success?, failure: failure?)

What do you think? If you are interested on this, I can try opening a PR with a first take on this.

Inhibit method redefined warning if user redefined input method in service object.

Following is a example:

class InhibitMethodRedefinedWarning < Actor
  input :page, default: 1, type: [Integer, String]

  def call = page


  def page

when i run test, get many warn message like this:

/home/zw963/Stocks/marketbet_crawler/app/services/retrieve_insider_history.rb:97: warning: method redefined; discarding old days
/home/zw963/others/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.2@marketbet_crawler/gems/service_actor-3.1.2/lib/service_actor/attributable.rb:26: warning: previous definition of days was here

If this gem expect user override input same name method this way, it should do some hack for avoid produce those warning.
the offical recommand way for this is to add a alias. as following code, (i copy from sequel gem).

you can check discuss here.

And this hack should fix many warnings when run rspec --warning for gem spec.

Dependency injection

First of all, thank you for the work in this lib! I've found it very useful and I'm giving it a go in a personal project to play around.
I've found a hurdle that I would appreciate if you can provide some tips on how to proceed, hopefully, it could help others as well.

I see play as a way of dependency injection, although inside of an actor I would like to call another actor and perform some logic basic on inputs and outputs.

class ServiceClient < Actor
  input :token, allow_nil: false
  input :term, allow_nil: false

  def call'').get("", query: term)
class Persistor < Actor
  input :client, default: ServiceClient
  def class
    outcome = ServiceClient.result(token: 'token', term: 'actor')
    puts outcome.status   if outcome.success?

The problem is when I use input :client, default: ServiceClient it tries to initialize the class and then failed because of the missing required arguments. If I move provider as a private method it works.

Is there any way to achieve dependency injection?

Get "TypeError: exception class/object expected" error when update from 3.1.3 to 3.6

See following backtrace.

TypeError: exception class/object expected
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/service_actor-3.6.0/lib/service_actor/result.rb:22:in `raise'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/service_actor-3.6.0/lib/service_actor/result.rb:22:in `fail!'
    /home/common/Stocks/marketbet_crawler/app/services/retrieve_jin10_message.rb:42:in `call'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/service_actor-3.6.0/lib/service_actor/core.rb:48:in `_call'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/service_actor-3.6.0/lib/service_actor/checkable.rb:13:in `_call'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/service_actor-3.6.0/lib/service_actor/defaultable.rb:53:in `_call'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/service_actor-3.6.0/lib/service_actor/failable.rb:33:in `_call'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/service_actor-3.6.0/lib/service_actor/core.rb:16:in `call'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/service_actor-3.6.0/lib/service_actor/core.rb:26:in `result'
    app/routes/jin10/messages.rb:4:in `block (2 levels) in <class:App>'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/plugins/hash_paths.rb:120:in `block in hash_paths'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/request.rb:536:in `always'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/plugins/hash_paths.rb:120:in `hash_paths'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/plugins/hash_routes.rb:296:in `hash_routes'
    /home/common/Stocks/marketbet_crawler/app/app.rb:147:in `block (3 levels) in <class:App>'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/plugins/_optimized_matching.rb:140:in `block in _is1'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/request.rb:536:in `always'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/plugins/_optimized_matching.rb:140:in `_is1'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/plugins/_optimized_matching.rb:25:in `is'
    /home/common/Stocks/marketbet_crawler/app/app.rb:146:in `block (2 levels) in <class:App>'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/request.rb:536:in `always'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/plugins/_optimized_matching.rb:124:in `_verb'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/request.rb:104:in `get'
    /home/common/Stocks/marketbet_crawler/app/app.rb:103:in `block in <class:App>'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda.rb:518:in `_roda_run_main_route'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/plugins/_before_hook.rb:27:in `_roda_run_main_route'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda.rb:496:in `block in _roda_handle_main_route'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda.rb:494:in `catch'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda.rb:494:in `_roda_handle_main_route'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda/plugins/error_handler.rb:88:in `_roda_handle_main_route'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/roda-3.64.0/lib/roda.rb:380:in `block in base_rack_app_callable'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/rack-test-2.0.2/lib/rack/test.rb:358:in `process_request'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/rack-test-2.0.2/lib/rack/test.rb:165:in `custom_request'
    /home/common/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1@marketbet_crawler/gems/rack-test-2.0.2/lib/rack/test.rb:114:in `get'
    /home/common/.rvm/rubies/ruby-3.2.1/lib/ruby/3.2.0/forwardable.rb:240:in `get'
    /home/common/Stocks/marketbet_crawler/test/routes/jin10/messages_test.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

The source code which raise this error is here


Positional arguments support?

It's not pleasant to type full keyword arguments all the time for actors with only one or two inputs. So I figured out a way to run actor with positional arguments:

class ApplicationActor < Actor
  class << self
    attr_reader :defined_run_args

    # Define positional args for
    # Should be called after all inputs defined
    # class HiActor < ApplicationActor
    #   input :planet
    #   input :name
    #   has_run_args :name, :planet
    #   def call
    #     puts "Hi, #{name} from #{planet}"
    #   end
    # end
    #!('Dan', 'Earth')
    def has_run_args(*args)
      if args.size != inputs.keys.size
        raise ServiceActor::ArgumentError, 'Run args must match inputs'

      const_set('RUN_ARGS', args.freeze)
      @defined_run_args = true

    def run!(*args)
      raise ServiceActor::ArgumentError, 'Actor run args not defined!' unless defined_run_args

      args_h = { |key, idx| [key, args[idx]] }.to_h

Just a small run! method built on top of call.

Is positional arguments support on the roadmap of Actor?

Type example


Have a question.

Where create type class?

What is the content of a type class?

Evaluate conditions only once

When the if: condition is used on play, the lambda is evaluated once per actor, when it should only be evaluated once before playing the whole group.

class PrintThings < Actor
  play -> _ { puts "one" },
       -> _ { puts "two" },
       -> _ { puts "three" },
       if: -> _ { puts "should be evaluated only once"; true }

Current output of calling this actor:

should be evaluted only once
should be evaluted only once
should be evaluted only once


should be evaluted only once

Play symbols

This is a feature idea for using Ruby symbols as play arguments.


Sometimes, we need to interlace small actions with larger ones inside a play. For that, instead of giving it actors we can give it lambda actions.

For example :

class PlaceOrder < ApplicationActor
  input :order
  input :log, default: true

  play -> actor do
         actor.order.currency ||= Current.currency! if actor.order.changes.any?
       -> actor { Logger.log("Order #{} created") if actor.log }


In some cases it could be nice to be able to give it instance methods as well:

class PlaceOrder < ApplicationActor
  input :order
  input :log, default: true

  play :set_current_currency,


  def set_current_currency
   order.currency ||= Current.currency! if order.changes.any?

  def log_order_creation
    Logger.log("Order #{} created") if log

[Proposal] Default outputs via `output_of` actor class method

In a project I'm working on, we've taken to using actors as a way to isolate and encapsulate complex bits of fetching logic. For example:

class GetVersionChanges < ApplicationActor
  input :version
  input :filters, default: {}
  output :output

  def call
    # complicated database calls
    # version_changes = ...
    this.output = version_changes
end, filters:).output

Calling .call().output for these gets a bit tiring as use of the pattern grows throughout the app. What I'd like to do is something like this:

class GetVersionChanges < ApplicationActor
  input :version
  input :filters, default: {}

  def call
    # complicated database calls
    version_changes # the return value is picked up and returned by `output_of`

GetVersionChanges.output_of(version:, filters:)

In fact, I've monkey-patched the gem with the following to get this behavior in our application:

module ServiceActor::Core
  module ClassMethods
    # Get the return value of calling an actor with arguments.
    #   CreateUser.output_of(name: "Joe")
    def output_of(result = nil, **arguments)
      call(result, **arguments)[:_default_output]

  def _call
    result._default_output = call

It's rudimentary - "polluting" the result object with a _default_output attribute - but it works. Let me know if 1) this feature is a good fit for the gem and 2) if this implementation is sufficient, or if something more sophisticated is desired. Thanks!

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