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amulet's Issues

Pre-print/manuscript available soon?


Based on the README and on the thesis abstract I see here, this looks like it could be a very useful tool, and of course the idea behind it is quite intuitive. If you don't mind me asking, will a pre-print or manuscript describing the methods and demonstrating accuracy be available any time soon? I'd love to give this a shot on my own data, as long as there's good evidence it works well (I can validate this on some of my data using orthogonal doublet detection methods) and it's cite-able.



IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed

Hi there. I recently got this error when running the bash script . If I could get some help understanding the issue that would be great. Here is the traceback.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/AMULET/", line 201, in
lengths = filtereddata[:,2]-filtereddata[:,1]+1
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed


Multiome input

Hi AMULET team,
I have a 10X multiome kit dataset and trying to run AMULET on the ATAC data.
The fragments input file is the same, but the singlecell.csv is no longer available as CellRanger output. Instead, the following per_barcode_metrics.csv is produced.


The is_cell column corresponds to the is__cell_barcode from singlecell.csv I believe. I've tried a quick and dirty solution of renaming the column, which failed. The atac_barcode column corresponds to the barcode column from singlecell.csv .

Is there a good way to modify the source code accordingly to take care of this?
Thanks so much,

Use with outputs of scATAC-pro


I am wondering whether there is a straightforward way to use AMULET with the output of scATAC-pro. The vignettes seem to require the outputs from cellranger which conveniently produce a csv file. scATAC-produces cell_barcodes.bam file, is there a way to convert this to csv file to be in a form to work with AMULET.


empty overlaps.txt

Thanks for this really nice tool!! I have two questions:

  1. I am facing some issues in the implementation: As a first pass, I am trying to compare the doublet rate identified in mouse+human mixed species barnyard experiment. The data is generated with default 10x pipeline. For mixed species, it generates the following first few columns in singlecell.csv. The default is_cell_barcode is 9, here that corresponds to is_GRCh38_cell_barcode.
    The pipeline returns empty overlap.txt. Any clues why?

  2. Also, if I were to use some other pipeline than 10x that does not produce singlecell.csv. I essentially need a "comma" separated csv file that has barcode info (--bcidx) and one column indicating whether it is a cell barcode or not (specified in --iscellidx) ? How do I specify --cellidx (not sure what that corresponds to)

Can AMULET identify doublets with relatively low read counts from cells with a wide range of read counts

Hi! I am applying AMULET on snATAC-seq data generated from my lab. For a dataset like this, after filtering with TSSE >= 10 and log10(UQ + 1) >= 3 (UQ means the number of uniquely mapped fragments), the cells still have a wide range of UQ.
屏幕快照 2022-04-04 14 23 37
Since the number of overlaps (genomic regions with >2 overlapping reads) for a cell positively correlates with the UQ of the cell, cells have high UQ tend to have a larger number of overlaps. Because the majority of cells fall in the range of 3 < log10(UQ + 1) < 4, I believe the majority of doublets are also there (at least with the same order of magnitude). However, with a doublet formed by two singlets each with UQ = 3000 and a singlet with UQ = 30000, AMULET would very probably locate more overlaps in the singlet than in the doublet. The cells whose UQ > 10000 tend to have more overlaps and are thus more likely to be identified as doublets.
The AMULET paper indicates that 25K median valid reads per nucleus is optimal, but is there a way to maximize the probability of finding doublets in the range of 3 < log10(UQ + 1) < 4 in this dataset given that there are cells in range 4 < log10(UQ + 1) < 5?

Truncated jar exceptions - Test files missing


I am trying to run the snATACOverlapCounter.jar through the, but it fails, and the error message is truncated, so not helpful at all. Most probably, my input files are not shaped properly. Can you provide the test files in the examples and/or a better representation of the errors?

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 9
	at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.util.Util.readCellBarcodes(
	at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.OverlapCounter.findOverlaps(
	at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.OverlapCounter.main(
	... 5 more

Doesn't run


I downloaded directly from the binary releases and it seems throw this error.

Reading BAM file.                                                                                                                                                                                       [434/804] ../ATACDoublet_output/Overlaps.txt (No such file or directory)                                                                                                                            at Method)                                                                                                                                                                 at                                                                                                                                                      at<init>(
        at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.OverlapCounter.findOverlaps(                                                                                                                             at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.OverlapCounter.main(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main( ../ATACDoublet_output/Error_2021-02-12T203531.txt (No such file or directory)
        at Method)
        at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.util.Util.writeCompletionFile(
        at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.util.Util.writeErrorFile(
        at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.OverlapCounter.main(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main( ../ATACDoublet_output/Overlaps.txt (No such file or directory)
        at Method)
        at<init>(                                                                                                                                                    at<init>(
        at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.OverlapCounter.findOverlaps(
        at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.OverlapCounter.main(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main( ../ATACDoublet_output/RunTime.txt (No such file or directory)
        at Method)
        at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.OverlapCounter.writeRunTime(
        at org.jax.snatacoverlapcounter.OverlapCounter.main(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main(

I have Java 8, and all my inputs are directly from CellRanger outputs.
Any ideas?

Amulet output contains only Overlap file, there is no overlaps summary

I tried running the script but it only produces the Overlaps.txt output, the OverlapSummary.txt file is not written.

Then, the python script throws an error.

`Traceback (most recent call last):
summarydata = pd.read_csv(args.overlapsummary, sep="\t").values

pandas.errors.EmptyDataError: No columns to parse from file`

Comment lines in fragments

Hi, the fragment files from cellranger-atac 2.0.0 contains some comment lines starting with "#". I think currently this is not handled in AMULET, which throws an error. I added two lines of code myself that skips the comment lines and everything runs fine.

Thanks so much!

Troubles with running doublet annotation part

Hi, I tried to run your doublet annotation functions but I encountered several errors.
Firstly, I tried to run your getMarkerPeaks function:

marker_peaks <- getMarkerPeaks(data, doublets = unlist(multiplets), 
                               n_peaks = 100, 
                               min_cells = 200)
Error in order(meta_peaks$avg_logFC, -meta_peaks$p_val_adj, decreasing = T): argument 1 is not a vector

1. getMarkerPeaks(data, doublets = unlist(multiplets), n_peaks = 100, 
 .     min_cells = 200)
2. meta_peaks[order(meta_peaks$avg_logFC, -meta_peaks$p_val_adj, 
 .     decreasing = T), ]
3. `[.data.frame`(meta_peaks, order(meta_peaks$avg_logFC, -meta_peaks$p_val_adj, 
 .     decreasing = T), )
4. order(meta_peaks$avg_logFC, -meta_peaks$p_val_adj, decreasing = T)

After that I generated marker peaks by myself and used them in your annotateDoublets function:

multiplet_annotations <- annotateDoublets(obj = data, marker_peaks = df, doublets = multiplets)
Error in rep(t_read_counts$ids[j], t_read_counts[j, row.names(probs)[i]]): invalid 'times' argument

1. annotateDoublets(obj = data, marker_peaks = df, doublets = multiplets)
2. getCellValues(obj, cells = Cells(obj), marker_peaks_set = marker_peaks, 
 .     doublets = doublets, k = k)
3. lapply(cells, function(cell) {
 .     neighbors <- names(obj@graphs$ATAC_nn[cell, obj@graphs$ATAC_nn[cell, 
 .         ] > 0])
 .     reads <- Matrix::as.matrix(subset(obj, cells = neighbors, 
 .         features = marker_peaks_set$peaks)@assays[["ATAC"]]@counts)
 .     no_clusters <- length(unique(marker_peaks_set$cluster))
 .     results = data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = no_clusters + 
 .         1)) %>% `colnames<-`(value = c("cell_id", as.character(unique(marker_peaks_set$cluster))))
 .     results[cell, "cell_id"] = cell
 .     reads <- data.frame(apply(reads, 1, mean)) %>% `colnames<-`(value = cell)
 .     if (colSums(reads) == 0) {
 .         results[, -1] <- 0
 .         results[cell, "a.heterotypic"] <- NA
 .         results[cell, "a.homotypic"] <- NA
 .         return(results)
 .     }
 .     doublet_probs <- reads %>% getReadCountDistributions(marker_peaks_set, 
 .         .) %>% data.frame()
 .     results[cell, colnames(doublet_probs)] <- doublet_probs
 .     results[cell, "a.heterotypic"] <- paste(names(doublet_probs)[order(doublet_probs, 
 .         decreasing = T)[1:2]], collapse = ".")
 .     results[cell, "a.homotypic"] <- names(which.max(doublet_probs))
 .     return(results)
 . }) %>%, .)
4., .)
5. lapply(cells, function(cell) {
 .     neighbors <- names(obj@graphs$ATAC_nn[cell, obj@graphs$ATAC_nn[cell, 
 .         ] > 0])
 .     reads <- Matrix::as.matrix(subset(obj, cells = neighbors, 
 .         features = marker_peaks_set$peaks)@assays[["ATAC"]]@counts)
 .     no_clusters <- length(unique(marker_peaks_set$cluster))
 .     results = data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = no_clusters + 
 .         1)) %>% `colnames<-`(value = c("cell_id", as.character(unique(marker_peaks_set$cluster))))
 .     results[cell, "cell_id"] = cell
 .     reads <- data.frame(apply(reads, 1, mean)) %>% `colnames<-`(value = cell)
 .     if (colSums(reads) == 0) {
 .         results[, -1] <- 0
 .         results[cell, "a.heterotypic"] <- NA
 .         results[cell, "a.homotypic"] <- NA
 .         return(results)
 .     }
 .     doublet_probs <- reads %>% getReadCountDistributions(marker_peaks_set, 
 .         .) %>% data.frame()
 .     results[cell, colnames(doublet_probs)] <- doublet_probs
 .     results[cell, "a.heterotypic"] <- paste(names(doublet_probs)[order(doublet_probs, 
 .         decreasing = T)[1:2]], collapse = ".")
 .     results[cell, "a.homotypic"] <- names(which.max(doublet_probs))
 .     return(results)
 . })
6. FUN(X[[i]], ...)
7. reads %>% getReadCountDistributions(marker_peaks_set, .) %>% 
 .     data.frame()
8. data.frame(.)
9. getReadCountDistributions(marker_peaks_set, .)

I used ATAC peaks from 10X genomics and successfully generated file with possible multiplet barcodes, but on annotation step code stops working. Have you encountered this behavior? Thanks in advance!

Count Matrix before binarization and artificial doublets simulation

Hi AMULET team,

Thank you so much for developing this great method first! So sorry that I am quite new to this area and have some basic questions.

I noticed that in the multiplet detection step, the matrix we generated is already binarized. My first question is can we have the count matrix before binarization by any chance? I tried to repeat your method using the seurat count matrix, and I would like to use the original count matrix generated by AMULET to check the concordance。

The second question I have is that I am still confused about how can I generate artificial doublets to assess the detection accuracy. I have seen your answer in, but still didn't quite get it. It would be great if you could share a sample script to do that or give a specific example of the process.

Many thanks,

Labels cycling cells as doublets

Thank you for developing this great tool!
I tried AMULET on two of 10x Multiome datasets and found two issues:

  1. it labeled most of the Mki67+ cycling cells as multiples, which makes sense based on the design of this tool. This might be an issue if the sample contains considerable number of cycling cells. I would suggest doing more performance test using datasets with cells in cycling phase.
  2. the doublets labeling does not seem to be consistent with the doublets identified from the RNA assay. Scrublet prediction is consistent with the shared marker gene expression and higher number of nUMI per cell. Since the 10x multiome kit measures both atac and RNA from the same cell, I don't know how to interpret this difference.
    I have attached a plot of the multiples comparison
    Do you have any suggestions how to examine the accuracy of the AMULET predictions? Or do you have recommendations on how to fine-tune the prediction?
    I am thinking excluding the cluster of cells that is known to be in cycling phase based on the RNA assay.

Cannot Run Multiplet Detection Vignette

Hi! Thank you for developing this great tool!

I encountered this issue when trying to run the multiplet detection vignette:

Filtering regions.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "$PWD/AMULET-v1.1/", line 201, in
lengths = filtereddata[:,2]-filtereddata[:,1]+1
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed

The number of valid read pairs seems good, but the number of overlaps are all zeros, and that's why I think it gives the above error.

head -n 6 OverlapSummary.txt

Cell Id Number of Valid Read Pairs Number of Overlaps Barcode Total Number of Reads
101 195 0 TGTACGATCCTATCAT-1 1100
104 102 0 TCAGTCCAGGCTGGAT-1 496
105 208 0 TTGAGTGAGAAGCCTG-1 722

cat Overlaps.txt

chr start end cell id Min Overlap Count Max Overlap Count Mean Mapping Quality Min Mapping Quality Max Mapping Quality Starts Ends

cat StatSummary.txt

Total Reads: 713014
Valid Read Pairs: 18305
Positive: 464525
Negative: 248489
Not in chromosome list: 15155
Insert size (<=0 or >900): 8
Low Mapping Quality Reads (<=30): 332222
Mean Read Length: 49.20841300191205
Mean Insert Size: 135.4882272603114
SAMTools Flag Checked: 188719
SAMTools Flag Passed: 187284
SAMTools Flag Duplicate: 1435
SAMTools Flag Unpaired: 0
SAMTools Flag Unmapped: 0
SAMTools Flag Mate Unmapped: 0
SAMTools Flag Secondary: 0
SAMTools Flag Reference Mismatch: 0

I followed the instructions on 10X genomics step by step and I don't know where I messed up. I checked my fastq files after running cellranger-atac mkfastq:
(base) -bash-4.2$ ls -l HJN3KBCX2/outs/fastq_path/ 总用量 424780 drwxr-xr-x 3 yuw044 ren-group 3 1月 30 12:28 p1 drwxr-xr-x 3 yuw044 ren-group 3 1月 30 12:28 Reports drwxr-xr-x 2 yuw044 ren-group 8 1月 30 12:28 Stats -rw-r--r-- 1 yuw044 ren-group 41185965 1月 30 12:28 Undetermined_S0_L001_I1_001.fastq.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 yuw044 ren-group 156691442 1月 30 12:28 Undetermined_S0_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 yuw044 ren-group 78766690 1月 30 12:28 Undetermined_S0_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 yuw044 ren-group 157781371 1月 30 12:28 Undetermined_S0_L001_R3_001.fastq.gz
(base) -bash-4.2$ tree HJN3KBCX2/outs/fastq_path/p1/s1/ HJN3KBCX2/outs/fastq_path/p1/s1/ test_sample_S1_L001_I1_001.fastq.gz test_sample_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz test_sample_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz test_sample_S1_L001_R3_001.fastq.gz 0 directories, 4 files

I used the following options when running cellranger-atac count:
--reference $pwd/opt/refdata-cellranger-arc-GRCh38-2020-A-2.0.0
where I downloaded this reference file with this:
--fastqs to the directory containing these files:
(base) -bash-4.2$ tree HJN3KBCX2/outs/fastq_path/p1/s1/ HJN3KBCX2/outs/fastq_path/p1/s1/ test_sample_S1_L001_I1_001.fastq.gz test_sample_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz test_sample_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz test_sample_S1_L001_R3_001.fastq.gz 0 directories, 4 files

Can you help me with this problem?

Low no. of multiplets detected than expected


I have noticed that no. of multiplets detected by AMULET are proportional to number of cells in singlecell.csv. For clarification, does amulet considers only the cells in singlecell.csv for testing multiplets or does it consider all the barcodes in the singlecell.csv?
Since I am not using 10x cell calling method, I would like for AMULET to detect multiplets from all the barcodes in the singlecell.csv. Is that feasible?


homotypic vs heterotypic multiplet output files

I have a very basic question about the outputs generated. Are both homotypic and heterotypic multiplets barcode ids in the MultipletCellIds_xx.txt ? If so, how can I find out from the output files of AMULET (without using the R vignette that you provided) which barcode ids are heterotypic vs homotypic?

Thanks again for this great tool for scATAC users! :)


How to individually evaluate simulated artificial doublets

I read the original thesis PDF of AMULET. When you simulate artificial doublets to measure recall for detecting multiplets, I wonder how "each one of them is separately added to the existing set of single cells (them = artificial doublets)" and how you "tested the performance of DoubletDetector by evaluating each artificial cell individually". Did you generate a bam file for each simulated artificial doublet, run overlap counter (the first step of AMULET) on the bam file to obtain the overlaps files, and add the overlaps to the overlaps files of the bam file of the set of real cells?

Fragment files as input?

Hi Ucar Lab,

Thanks for the great tool--- have you all tried the statistical approach utilizing the fragments.tsv.gz file as input instead of the .bam file? Do you have any sense off-hand on how it would perform? It'd greatly simplify my workflow as I have several fragments files but not .bam files saved from preprocessing runs.

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