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shader-toy's Issues


my glsl code is :

void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(iChannel0, gl_FragCoord.xy);

and my folder is:

my settings.json is:

"shader-toy.textures": {
"0": "./normalmap_2.png"

BUT, I can't see the image anywhere! and the image is power of two...
please help me...

Off-Topic for Adam Stevenson

Hi Adam
This is not a SPAM message.

My name is Nick Gorbikoff - I'm an it director over at AJR International, a company in Glendale Heights, IL . We got your resume through and tried to contact you, but I'm guessing it went to SPAM.
If you are still interested in a Ruby Developer position, please reach out to me

Kind Regards,

Nick Gorbikoff
IT Director

AJR International
300 Regency Drive
Glendale Heights, IL 60139

t: (630) 832-0222 x 242
f: (630) 832-0333
e: [email protected]

Error messages show wrong line number

The line number mentioned in the error is not the same line where the error actually is.


#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;

#define PI 3.14159265359

void main() {
    vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy/iResolution.xy;
    vec2 origin = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
    vec2 d = distance(st, origin);

    float r = d;

    float g = r;
    float b = r;

    vec3 color = vec3(r, g, b);

    gl_FragColor = vec4(color,1.0);


Shader failed to compile

Line 97: '=' : dimension mismatch
Line 97: '=' : cannot convert from 'mediump float' to 'mediump 2-component vector of float'
Line 99: '=' : dimension mismatch
Line 99: '=' : cannot convert from 'mediump 2-component vector of float' to 'mediump float'


Start using Webview API

We're using vscode.previewHtml, but that has been deprecated. One can see it every time one launches a debug session of the extension.
So instead we should use the Webview API. Some more details are here:

I haven't taken a closer look yet, so I don't know what kind of refactor would be required.

Type mismatch on forceAspectRatio

I'm trying to force the aspect ratio to be 16:9 (with "shader-toy.forceAspectRatio": [16, 9]), but I get the warning

Incorrect type. Expected one of number, number.

Edit: Shader still works fine, this is a very minor issue

Restart of VS Code is required to reset the preview with the current shader file.

Restart of VS Code is required to reset the preview with the current shader file.
If I open the shader preview with a working shader (no errors), it's not possible to open another glsl-file for the preview. The preview still shows the first shader.


  1. Open a glsl-file.
  2. Show preview tab.
  3. Change the file / Switch to another file.

Result: The preview does not switch to the selected file. Also after closing the tab and reopen with command. It does only work if I restart VS Code.
Summary, the preview does only work for the first previewed file.

Extension Version: 0.8.3
Version: 1.33.1 (user setup)
Commit: 51b0b28134d51361cf996d2f0a1c698247aeabd8
Date: 2019-04-11T08:27:14.102Z
Electron: 3.1.6
Chrome: 66.0.3359.181
Node.js: 10.2.0
V8: 6.6.346.32
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.17763

Version 0.8.4 on Mac 10.14.4 doesn't work.

After upgrade to 0.8.4 my Shadertoy Preview doesn't work and always prompt me "Can't found shader-toy command" even I reinstall the extension and reinstall VSCode. When I downgrade to 0.8.3 extension works fine.

My OS is Mac 10.14.4 and VSCode version is 1.34.0
How can I fix this?

"To use relative paths please open a workspace"

I have already saved a new workspace with the glsl file open and saved it, then reopened the workspace - still get this error followed by; 'Unable to open 'GLSL Preview": ENOENT: no such file or directory ...\undefined\other-shader.glsl

support for texture arrays, MRT, integer textures, image load/store?

hi, i just came across your project - nice!
i'm currently working on something similar to help me with my lightmapping / path tracing research. i'd be interested in collaborating. here's the list of features beyond what ShaderToy supports that i'm currently supporting:

texture arrays
volume textures
multiple rendertargets
up to 32 texture inputs per pass
arbitrary texture resolutions
all GPU-supported texture formats
image load/store (and atomics)
arbitrary number of passes
slider widgets defined in metadata and rendered as an overlay
all declarations in metadata in the shader code .. e.g. to create a 1024x1024 buffer you just write "//$BUFFER:mybuffer,w=1024,h=1024" in the shader code, and then you can sample it with "texture(mybuffer,...)" etc.

send me an email if you are interested in sharing ideas or unifying our syntax!
[email protected]

Play / Stop Preview

Hi There

I'm using the extension to try shaders like on shadertoy. I think a play / stop button for the preview would be nice. Now it's always trying to complie, but I had moments when some thing heavy was beeing processed and I couldn't bearly move the cursor. So I had to type an error to stop the preview :)

GLSL viewer suddenly not loading

Hey there, see image below. This happens after trying to open the GLSL viewer on a file that has worked previously. As you can see there is no error log displayed as usual - only grey boxes. Not sure what else to try or where to go from here. Thanks in advance for the help.

Screen Shot 2019-03-31 at 4 03 13 am

Compile errors

Hi there :)

Well showing compile errors would be great. Or at least highlighting the line which has a problem.

[proposal] Add full screen support

This is a very impressive plugin, and I had a lot of fun with it! However, if the preview has the full-screen feature, it can even be used as a screen saver.

missing variable "iGlobalTime" recently

As of the last few weeks , June 2019, I noticed none of my shaders work. They all complain that the variable "iGlobalTime" is not defined.
I am using the 64 bit version on Windows 10.
Any help would be most welcomed

Relative path resolution when including files


I have encountered an issue with path resolution. The problem is as follows

I have my main.glsl fragment shader in the root folder and all my dependancies in deps folder

   ├ deps/
   |   ├ dep1.glsl
   |   └ dep2.glsl
   └ main.glsl

my main.glsl has a line

#include "./deps/dep1.glsl"

and my dep1.glsl has a line

#include "./dep2.glsl"

and I get an error that dep2.glsl cannot be found, but when I prepend "./deps" to the path so the line in dep1.glsl looks like

#include "./deps/dep2.glsl"

everything works fine.

It's a minor issue but gets in the way of having some shared resources in multiple projects without copying them each time (as the paths will be different)

Very high CPU usage compared to Shadertoy

On my desktop this is not really a problem but on my laptop with an integrated GPU, the CPU usage goes up to 50%+ on all threads compared to ~15% on the regular Shadertoy website using the same very basic shader code.

I don't know if this is because of a limitation by VSCode or something?

Audio channels

Similar to, support audio channels as inputs into shaders.

Suggested by @edap

Feature Request: Keyboard Input

Just as we should support keyboard input. Ideally we would have the same interface (e.g. a 256x3 texture specifying:

  1. the js keycode on x,
  2. on y == 0 a toggle,
  3. on y == 1 a pressed (this frame),
  4. on y == 2 a down (as in button is held).

I personally miss a release (this frame), which we could support optionally by a setting.

Additionally I think we should inject code for querying the key-states for ease of use. Unless anyone has an idea why does not allow that.

Feature Request: Resolution Setting

It would be great to have an option to set resolution/size for the preview window. It's a minor thing and I have a workaround by putting a small window underneath.

iChannelResolution support use pre-defined uniform:
uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4]
for texture image size ino. Using them in shader-toy seems not work.

Preview not working on Linux

Awesome extension, works great on Windows. Getting the following error trying to open one of the demo shaders on Linux.

[Embedded Page] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getExtension' of null

Pause button and frame time show up, but no shader view.

This on Linux Deepin 15.8.
VSCode version info:
Version: 1.29.1
Commit: bc24f98b5f70467bc689abf41cc5550ca637088e
Date: 2018-11-15T19:07:43.495Z
Electron: 2.0.12
Chrome: 61.0.3163.100
Node.js: 8.9.3
V8: 6.1.534.41
Architecture: x64

Nothing happends


I have the extension installed, I added a test shader, opened the extension, and the preview stays blank and no error is shown in the console.

screen shot 2017-02-21 at 11 21 39

Audio input not work with Visual Code 1.35.1

I had update my Visual Code to 1.35.1, and update the Shader Toy plugin to 0.8.8,
and then I open the audio input setting, put the mp3 to the right place(if path is not correct, it will notice what went wrong),but when i preview with the shader, the audio input channel still not work, and has none error or notice. From the issue i know it added from 0.8.4, so if i want to experience, What shall I do?

bug: shader doesn't get rendered and doesn't display any error


My shader get not rendered. The Fps counter is running and no error gets displayed, but only the VS background color is rendered.

I'm developing a shader for a Phone background. This shader is programmed to run on the "shader editor" app: appstore. The shader runs without any problems on this app.(undefine "on_vs" for use on the app.)

My guess for the cause of this problem: I use arrays in my shader.

my shader:

precision highp float;
precision mediump float;

#define on_vs
#ifdef on_vs
  vec2 resolution = iResolution.xy;
  float time = iGlobalTime;
  vec2 offset = iMouse.xy / iResolution.xy * vec2(-1.0, -1.0);
  uniform vec2 resolution;
  uniform float time;
  uniform vec2 offset;

void cswap(inout vec3[8] points, inout float[8] pdistance, int i){
    float tempf = pdistance[i];
    pdistance[i] = pdistance[i+1];
    pdistance[i+1] = tempf;

    vec3 tempv3 = points[i];
    points[i] =  points[i+1];
    points[i+1] = tempv3;
void sort(inout vec3[8] points, inout float[8] pdistance){







void FAST32_hash_3D(   vec3 gridcell,
            out vec4 lowz_hash_0,
            out vec4 lowz_hash_1,
            out vec4 lowz_hash_2,
            out vec4 highz_hash_0,
            out vec4 highz_hash_1,
            out vec4 highz_hash_2  )    //  generates 3 random numbers for each of the 8 cell corners
  //    gridcell is assumed to be an integer coordinate
  //  TODO:   these constants need tweaked to find the best possible noise.
  //      probably requires some kind of brute force computational searching or something....
  const vec2 OFFSET = vec2( 50.0, 161.0 );
  const float DOMAIN = 69.0;
  const vec3 SOMELARGEFLOATS = vec3( 635.298681, 682.357502, 668.926525 );
  const vec3 ZINC = vec3( 48.500388, 65.294118, 63.934599 );
  //  truncate the domain = - floor( * ( 1.0 / DOMAIN )) * DOMAIN;
  vec3 gridcell_inc1 = step( gridcell, vec3( DOMAIN - 1.5, DOMAIN - 1.5, DOMAIN - 1.5 ) ) * ( gridcell + 1.0 );
  //  calculate the noise
  vec4 P = vec4( gridcell.xy, gridcell_inc1.xy ) + OFFSET.xyxy;
  P *= P;
  P = P.xzxz * P.yyww;
  vec3 lowz_mod = vec3( 1.0 / ( + gridcell.zzz * ) );
  vec3 highz_mod = vec3( 1.0 / ( + gridcell_inc1.zzz * ) );
  lowz_hash_0 = fract( P * lowz_mod.xxxx );
  highz_hash_0 = fract( P * highz_mod.xxxx );
  lowz_hash_1 = fract( P * lowz_mod.yyyy );
  highz_hash_1 = fract( P * highz_mod.yyyy );
  lowz_hash_2 = fract( P * lowz_mod.zzzz );
  highz_hash_2 = fract( P * highz_mod.zzzz );
//  convert a 0.0->1.0 sample to a -1.0->1.0 sample weighted towards the extremes
vec4 Cellular_weight_samples( vec4 samples )
  samples = samples * 2.0 - 1.0;
  //return (1.0 - samples * samples) * sign(samples);  // square
  return (samples * samples * samples) - sign(samples);  // cubic (even more variance)
//  Cellular Noise 3D
//  Based off Stefan Gustavson's work at
//  Speed up by using 2x2x2 search window instead of 3x3x3
//  produces range of 0.0->1.0
float Cellular3D(vec3 P)
  //  establish our grid cell and unit position
  vec3 Pi = floor(P);
  vec3 Pf = P - Pi;
  //  calculate the hash.
  //  ( various hashing methods listed in order of speed )
  vec4 hash_x0, hash_y0, hash_z0, hash_x1, hash_y1, hash_z1;
  FAST32_hash_3D( Pi, hash_x0, hash_y0, hash_z0, hash_x1, hash_y1, hash_z1 );
  //  generate the 8 random points
  //  restrict the random point offset to eliminate artifacts
  //  we'll improve the variance of the noise by pushing the points to the extremes of the jitter window
  const float JITTER_WINDOW = 0.23;  // 0.166666666 will guarentee no artifacts. It is the intersection on x of graphs f(x)=( (0.5 + (0.5-x))^2 + 2*((0.5-x)^2) ) and f(x)=( 2 * (( 0.5 + x )^2) + x * x )
  hash_x0 = Cellular_weight_samples( hash_x0 ) * JITTER_WINDOW + vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  hash_y0 = Cellular_weight_samples( hash_y0 ) * JITTER_WINDOW + vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  hash_x1 = Cellular_weight_samples( hash_x1 ) * JITTER_WINDOW + vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  hash_y1 = Cellular_weight_samples( hash_y1 ) * JITTER_WINDOW + vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  hash_z0 = Cellular_weight_samples( hash_z0 ) * JITTER_WINDOW + vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  hash_z1 = Cellular_weight_samples( hash_z1 ) * JITTER_WINDOW + vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  //  return the closest squared distance
  vec4 dx1 = Pf.xxxx - hash_x0;
  vec4 dy1 = Pf.yyyy - hash_y0;
  vec4 dz1 = Pf.zzzz - hash_z0;
  vec4 dx2 = Pf.xxxx - hash_x1;
  vec4 dy2 = Pf.yyyy - hash_y1;
  vec4 dz2 = Pf.zzzz - hash_z1;
  vec4 d1 = dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1 + dz1 * dz1;
  vec4 d2 = dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2 + dz2 * dz2;
  vec3 points[8];
  points[0] = vec3(dx1.x,dy1.x,dz1.x);
  points[1] = vec3(dx1.y,dy1.y,dz1.y);
  points[2] = vec3(dx1.z,dy1.z,dz1.z);
  points[3] = vec3(dx1.w,dy1.w,dz1.w);
  points[4] = vec3(dx2.x,dy2.x,dz2.x);
  points[5] = vec3(dx2.y,dy2.y,dz2.y);
  points[6] = vec3(dx2.z,dy2.z,dz2.z);
  points[7] = vec3(dx2.w,dy2.w,dz2.w);
  float pdistance[8];
  pdistance[0] = d1.x;
  pdistance[1] = d1.y;
  pdistance[2] = d1.z;
  pdistance[3] = d1.w;
  pdistance[4] = d2.x;
  pdistance[5] = d2.y;
  pdistance[6] = d2.z;
  pdistance[7] = d2.w;

  sort(points, pdistance);

  vec3 minv = vec3(pdistance[0],pdistance[1],pdistance[2]);

  float delta = (abs(minv.x - minv.y) + abs(minv.x - minv.z) + abs(minv.y - minv.z))/3.0;
  float temp = ((minv.y / minv.x)/3.0) * -1.0 + 1.0;
  float distance_to_middle = (minv.x + minv.y) / 2.0;
  float c_to_mid = (distance_to_middle - minv.x);
  c_to_mid /= distance_to_middle;
  c_to_mid = c_to_mid * -1.0 + 1.0;
  return smoothstep(0.93,1.0,c_to_mid);
  return minv.x;
float CellFast(vec3 p, vec3 offset, float frequency, float amplitude)
  float h = Cellular3D((p + offset) * frequency);
  h *= amplitude;
  return h;

vec2 rotate(vec2 pos, float angle){
  float a = atan(pos.x/pos.y);
  float l = sqrt(pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y);
  a += angle;
  pos.x = l*cos(a);
  pos.y = l*sin(a);
  return pos;

void main(void) {
  float max_res = max(resolution.x,resolution.y);
  vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy /max_res;
  vec2 soffset = offset * 0.7;

  vec3 pos = vec3(uv + soffset,time/200.0);
  pos.yz = rotate(pos.yz, 0.1);

  float heigth = CellFast(pos, vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0), 8.0, 1.0);
  gl_FragColor = vec4(heigth, heigth, heigth, 1.0);

Make compatible OpenGL glsls version 330 ?

I don't know if it is possible to make this awesome plugin compatible with (Desktop) OpenGL.
I am creating shaders for desktop GLSL and they don't seem to display without modifications.

mouse input

Could mouse input in the preview be available?

improve ShaderToy mode detection

I'm using the following boilerplate code to make shaders compatible with ShaderToy and standard compilers (that includes VSCode extensions like Shaderc GLSL Linter):

//#version 460
precision highp float;

#ifdef STDGLSL
layout(location = 0) in VertexData
	vec4 v_position;
	vec3 v_normal;
	vec2 v_texcoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
layout(binding = 0) uniform ShadertoyBlock
	vec3 iResolution;
	float iGlobalTime;
	float iTimeDelta;
	int iFrame;
	vec4 iMouse;
	vec4 iDate;
	float iSampleRate;
float iTime = iGlobalTime;
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform sampler2D iChannel1;
uniform sampler2D iChannel2;
uniform sampler2D iChannel3;

void mainImage(out vec4, in vec2);
void main(void) { mainImage(fragColor, v_texcoord * iResolution.xy); }
#iChannel0 "file://./text.png"

This works quite nicely but there are 2 issues:

  • Had to change main() to main(void), otherwise your regex would pick it up and not generate its own main. Should be documented or improved (better preprocessor handling).
  • I can't use the version directive obviously (can't ifdef it). It only works because the shaderc extension offers an option for defining it via the commandline. Any ideas?

Can shader-toy support relative local require for glslify?

#pragma glslify: value_noise21 = require("..\Include\value_noise21.glsl") // not working...
#pragma glslify: simplex_noise21 = require("F:\git\shadertoy\Include\value_noise21.glsl") //works... 

I think local glslify module is useful to develop daily, thus it'll be very convinent if shadertoy support it. thanks!

No content in preview window

When running the preview command, the preview window opens, but no content is visible. The developer console shows the generated page, and the error: [Embedded Page] Uncaught ReferenceError: THREE is not defined

From my quick review of the generated code, it looks like the canvas and all relevant script tags are generated after the </body> tag, which seems problematic.

The full generated code (edited for privacy):

      html, body, #canvas { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; display: block; }
      #error {font-family: Consolas; font-size: 1.2em; color:#ccc; background-color:black; font-weight: bold;}
      <div id="error"></div>
      <div id="container"></div>
<script src="/home/user/.vscode/extensions/stevensona.shader-toy-0.1.8/resources/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/home/user/.vscode/extensions/stevensona.shader-toy-0.1.8/resources/three.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<script id="vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
    void main() {
        gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);
<script id="fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
    uniform vec3        iResolution;
    uniform float       iGlobalTime;
    uniform float       iTimeDelta;
    uniform int         iFrame;
    uniform float       iChannelTime[4];
    uniform vec3        iChannelResolution[4];
    uniform vec4        iMouse;
    uniform sampler2D   iChannel0;
    uniform sampler2D   iChannel1;
    uniform sampler2D   iChannel2;
    uniform sampler2D   iChannel3;
//                  uniform vec4        iDate;
//                  uniform float       iSampleRate;
    void main()
// -- snip --

<script type="text/javascript">
        console.error = function (message) {
            if('7' in arguments) {
                $("#error").html("<h3>Shader failed to compile</h3><ul>")                                    
                $("#error").append(arguments[7].replace(/ERROR: \d+:(\d+)/g, function(m, c) { return  "<li>Line " + String(Number(c) - 27); }));
    var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
    var scene = new THREE.Scene();
    var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas: canvas, antialias: true});
    var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, canvas.clientWidth / canvas.clientWidth, 1, 1000);
    var clock = new THREE.Clock();
    var resolution = new THREE.Vector3(canvas.clientWidth, canvas.clientHeight, 1.0);
    var channelResolution = new THREE.Vector3(128.0, 128.0, 0.0);
    var mouse = new THREE.Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
    var shader = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
            vertexShader: document.getElementById('vs').textContent,
            fragmentShader: document.getElementById('fs').textContent,
            depthWrite: false,
            depthTest: false,
            uniforms: {
                iResolution: { type: "v3", value: resolution },
                iGlobalTime: { type: "f", value: 0.0 },
                iTimeDelta: { type: "f", value: 0.0 },
                iFrame: { type: "i", value: 0 },
                iChannelTime: { type: "fv1", value: [0., 0., 0., 0.] },
                iChannelResolution: { type: "v3v", value:
                    [channelResolution, channelResolution, channelResolution, channelResolution]   
                iMouse: { type: "v4", value: mouse },
    if(false) {
    var quad = new THREE.Mesh(
        new THREE.PlaneGeometry(2, 2),
    camera.position.z = 10;


    function render() {
        if (canvas.width !== canvas.clientWidth || canvas.height !== canvas.clientHeight) {
            renderer.setSize(canvas.clientWidth, canvas.clientHeight, false);
            camera.aspect = canvas.clientWidth /  canvas.clientHeight;
            resolution = new THREE.Vector3(canvas.clientWidth, canvas.clientHeight, 1.0);
        shader.uniforms['iResolution'].value = resolution;
        shader.uniforms['iGlobalTime'].value = clock.getElapsedTime();
        shader.uniforms['iTimeDelta'].value = clock.getDelta();
        shader.uniforms['iFrame'].value = 0;
        shader.uniforms['iMouse'].value = mouse;

        renderer.render(scene, camera);

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