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euslime's Issues

sequence expected in (slime:slimetop)

[DEBUG - server:L76] raw header: 000062
[DEBUG - server:L83] raw data: (:emacs-rex (swank-repl:listener-eval "(send a :newcoords cam-coords)
") "USER" :repl-thread 223)

[DEBUG - protocol:L67] Processing id: 223 ...
[INFO - protocol:L69] func: swank_repl_listener_eval
[INFO - protocol:L70] args: [u'(send a :newcoords cam-coords)\n']
[DEBUG - handler:L198] Acquiring lock: <thread.lock object at 0x7f0a3445b590>
[INFO - bridge:L362] eval: (send a :newcoords cam-coords)

[DEBUG - bridge:L118] repl output finished
[DEBUG - bridge:L218] Socket Response: error
[DEBUG - bridge:L239] Waiting for socket data...
[DEBUG - bridge:L246] Socket Request Type: error
[DEBUG - bridge:L218] Socket Response: "sequence expected in (slime:slimetop)"
[DEBUG - bridge:L218] Socket Response: abort
[DEBUG - bridge:L239] Waiting for socket data...
[DEBUG - bridge:L218] Socket Response: nil
[DEBUG - bridge:L295] Ignoring: [abort] nil
[INFO - bridge:L303] exec: (slime:print-callstack 14)
[DEBUG - bridge:L113] accumulating output: Call Stack (max depth: 14):
  0: at (slime:print-callstack 14)
  1: at slime:slime-error
  2: at slime:slime-error
  3: at (slime:slimetop)
  4: at (slime:slimetop)
  5: at #<compiled-code #X5641c77c6f50>

[DEBUG - bridge:L118] repl output finished
[DEBUG - bridge:L218] Socket Response: error
[DEBUG - bridge:L239] Waiting for socket data...
[DEBUG - bridge:L246] Socket Request Type: error
[DEBUG - bridge:L218] Socket Response: "print-callstack in (slime:print-callstack 14)"
[DEBUG - bridge:L258] Waiting for repl output...
[ERROR - handler:L229] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/euslime/", line 201, in swank_eval
    for val in self.euslisp.eval(sexp):
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/euslime/", line 368, in eval
    for r in self.get_socket_result(connection, wait=True):
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/euslime/", line 276, in get_socket_result
    gen = self.get_socket_response(connection)
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/euslime/", line 266, in get_socket_response
    raise EuslispError(msg, stack)
EuslispError: Sequence expected in (slime:slimetop)

[ERROR - protocol:L87] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/euslime/", line 79, in process
    for resp in gen:
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/euslime/", line 235, in swank_eval
    raise e
EuslispError: Sequence expected in (slime:slimetop)

[DEBUG - server:L39] response: [Symbol(':debug'), 0, 1, ['Sequence expected in (slime:slimetop)', '', None], [['QUIT', 'Quit to the SLIME top level'], ['CONTINUE', 'Ignore the error and continue in the same stack level'], ['RESTART', 'Restart euslisp process']], [[0, '(slime:slimetop)', [Symbol(':restartable'), False]], [1, '(slime:slimetop)', [Symbol(':restartable'), False]], [2, '#<compiled-code #X5641c77c6f50>', [Symbol(':restartable'), False]]], [None]]
[DEBUG - bridge:L118] repl output finished
[DEBUG - protocol:L92] ... Finished processing id: 223
[DEBUG - server:L76] raw header: 000043
[DEBUG - server:L83] raw data: (:emacs-rex (swank:invoke-nth-restart-for-emacs 1 0) "USER" 0 224)

[DEBUG - protocol:L67] Processing id: 224 ...
[INFO - protocol:L69] func: swank_invoke_nth_restart_for_emacs
[INFO - protocol:L70] args: [1, 0]
 (swank-repl:listener-eval "(send a :newcoords cam-coords)\n")
 "USER" :repl-thread 223)
(:debug 0 1
        ("Sequence expected in (slime:slimetop)" "" nil)
        (("QUIT" "Quit to the SLIME top level")
         ("CONTINUE" "Ignore the error and continue in the same stack level")
         ("RESTART" "Restart euslisp process"))
        ((0 "(slime:slimetop)"
            (:restartable nil))
         (1 "(slime:slimetop)"
            (:restartable nil))
         (2 "#<compiled-code #X5641c77c6f50>"
            (:restartable nil)))

do-until-key doesn't work

do-until-key and other functions that use select-stream don't work as expected.

(defmacro do-until-key-with-check
  (check &rest forms)
       (while (and (null (select-stream (list *standard-input*) 0.0000001))
                   (eval ,check))
     (let ((strm (car (select-stream (list *standard-input*) 0.1)))) (if strm (read-line strm nil nil)))

This is happening because since there is no active read call to the stream the slime read-mode is not activated, causing input to be classified as a new repl request which is put on standby until the first evaluation is done.


 (swank-repl:listener-eval "(do-until-key (print 1) (unix:sleep 1))\n")
 "USER" :repl-thread 61)
(:write-string "1\n")
(:write-string "1\n")
(:write-string "1\n")
 (swank-repl:listener-eval "end\n")
 "USER" :repl-thread 62)
(:write-string "1\n")
(:write-string "1\n")


[DEBUG - server:L80] raw header: 000046
[DEBUG - server:L87] raw data: (:emacs-rex (swank-repl:listener-eval "end
") "USER" :repl-thread 62)

[DEBUG - protocol:L69] Processing id: 62 ...
[INFO - protocol:L71] func: swank_repl_listener_eval
[INFO - protocol:L72] args: [u'end\n']
[DEBUG - handler:L216] Acquiring lock: <thread.lock object at 0x7fb27b0df590>
[DEBUG - server:L45] output: 1

[DEBUG - server:L45] output: 1

ROS build failing on melodic

Ros build is currently failing with:

File "/tmp/pip-build-env-D96krl/overlay/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 120, in _add_defaults_ext
    File "", line 201, in get_source_files
      self.cython_sources(ext.sources, ext)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 105, in __getattr__
      raise AttributeError, attr
  AttributeError: cython_sources

Most likely a version dependency issue, but I couldn't take the time to setup a local build and debug.

In case anyone wants to give it a shot in bumping the dependencies and releasing a fix:

Crashes after C-c on stagnated ros::roseus

Describe the bug
Emacs crashes

To Reproduce
without a proper master:

  1. (robot-init)
  2. C-c C-c

Log *slime-events*

 (swank-repl:listener-eval "(baxter-init)\n")
 "USER" :repl-thread 44)
(:write-string "^[[31m[ERROR] [1650021924.495021658]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311].  Retrying...^[[\
(:emacs-interrupt :repl-thread)
 (swank:set-package "")
 "USER" :repl-thread 45)

Log *inferior-lisp*

[DEBUG - protocol:L69] Processing id: 44 ...
[INFO - protocol:L71] func: swank_repl_listener_eval
[INFO - protocol:L72] args: [u'(baxter-init)\n']
[DEBUG - handler:L216] Acquiring lock: <thread.lock object at 0x7f996c698590>
[INFO - bridge:L371] eval: (baxter-init)

[DEBUG - server:L45] output: [ERROR] [1650021924.495021658]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311].  Retrying...

[DEBUG - server:L80] raw header: 000020
[DEBUG - server:L87] raw data: (:emacs-interrupt :repl-thread)

[INFO - protocol:L71] func: _emacs_interrupt
[INFO - protocol:L72] args: [Symbol(u':repl-thread')]
[DEBUG - server:L80] raw header: 00003b
[DEBUG - server:L87] raw data: (:emacs-rex (swank:set-package "") "USER" :repl-thread 45)

[DEBUG - protocol:L69] Processing id: 45 ...
[INFO - protocol:L71] func: swank_set_package
[INFO - protocol:L72] args: [u'']
[DEBUG - handler:L611] Acquiring lock: <thread.lock object at 0x7f996c698590>

Process inferior-lisp terminated

Fail in catkin build

I failed in catkin build. This is the log.

yoshiki@yoshiki:~/euslime_ws$ catkin build
Profile:                     default
Extending:             [env] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws
Build Space:        [exists] /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/devel
Install Space:     [missing] /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/install
Log Space:         [missing] /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        merged
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.

NOTE: Forcing CMake to run for each package.
[build] Found '1' packages in 0.0 seconds.                                     
Starting  >>> catkin_tools_prebuild                                            
Finished  <<< catkin_tools_prebuild                [ 1.6 seconds ]             
Starting  >>> euslime                                                          
Warnings   << euslime:cmake /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/logs/euslime/build.cmake.000.log
*** Arguments ['entry_points'] to setup() not supported in catkin devel space in of euslime
cd /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/build/euslime; catkin build --get-env euslime | catkin env -si  /usr/bin/cmake /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/src/euslime --no-warn-unused-cli -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/devel/.private/euslime -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/install; cd -
Errors     << euslime:install /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/logs/euslime/build.install.000.log
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:157 (file):
  file INSTALL cannot find

make: *** [install] Error 1
cd /home/yoshiki/euslime_ws/build/euslime; catkin build --get-env euslime | catkin env -si  /usr/bin/make install; cd -
Failed     << euslime:install                      [ Exited with code 2 ]      
Failed    <<< euslime                              [ 1.5 seconds ]             
[build] Summary: 1 of 2 packages succeeded.                                    
[build]   Ignored:   None.                                                     
[build]   Warnings:  1 packages succeeded with warnings.                       
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                     
[build]   Failed:    1 packages failed.                                        
[build] Runtime: 3.1 seconds total.                                            
[build] Note: Workspace packages have changed, please re-source setup files to use them.

yoshiki is user.

Concurrency problem in file-load and tags command

Describe the bug

[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: (:emacs-rex (swank:load-file "paper-folding-right.l") "USER" :repl-thread 5)

[DEBUG - server:L94] raw data: 00004d (:emacs-rex (swank:load-file "paper-folding-right.l") "USER" :repl-thread 5)

[DEBUG - protocol:L69] Processing id: 5 ...
[INFO - protocol:L71] func: swank_load_file
[INFO - protocol:L72] args: [u'paper-folding-right.l']
[DEBUG - handler:L548] Acquiring lock: <thread.lock object at 0x7fed87d5c590>
[DEBUG - server:L40] response: [Symbol(':write-string'), u'Loading file: paper-folding-right.l ...\n']
[INFO - bridge:L358] eval: (slime::load-file-and-tags "paper-folding-right.l")
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: 000057
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: (:emacs-rex (swank:find-tag-name-for-emacs "reset-pose" "USER") "USER" :repl-thread 6)

[DEBUG - server:L94] raw data: 000057 (:emacs-rex (swank:find-tag-name-for-emacs "reset-pose" "USER") "USER" :repl-thread 6)

[DEBUG - protocol:L69] Processing id: 6 ...
[INFO - protocol:L71] func: swank_find_tag_name_for_emacs
[INFO - protocol:L72] args: [u'reset-pose', u'USER']
[INFO - bridge:L332] exec_internal: (slime::find-tag-name-for-emacs "reset-pose" "USER")
[DEBUG - bridge:L334] Acquiring lock: <thread.lock object at 0x7fed87d5c5b0>
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: #i(48 
[ERROR - protocol:L89] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/baxter/ros/melodic/src/euslime/src/euslime/", line 81, in process
    for resp in gen:
  File "/home/baxter/ros/melodic/src/euslime/src/euslime/", line 607, in swank_find_tag_name_for_emacs
    yield EuslispResult(self.euslisp.exec_internal(cmd))
  File "/home/baxter/ros/melodic/src/euslime/src/euslime/", line 340, in exec_internal
    res = gen_to_string(gen)
  File "/home/baxter/ros/melodic/src/euslime/src/euslime/", line 36, in gen_to_string
    return ''.join([x for x in list(gen) if isinstance(x, str)])
  File "/home/baxter/ros/melodic/src/euslime/src/euslime/", line 287, in get_socket_result
    gen = self.get_socket_response(connection)
  File "/home/baxter/ros/melodic/src/euslime/src/euslime/", line 255, in get_socket_response
    command, data = self.recv_socket_data(connection)
  File "/home/baxter/ros/melodic/src/euslime/src/euslime/", line 246, in recv_socket_data
    command = self.recv_socket_next(connection, wait=wait)
  File "/home/baxter/ros/melodic/src/euslime/src/euslime/", line 236, in recv_socket_next
    hex_len = int(head_data, 16)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: '#i(48 '

Output is not finished in error

Describe the bug
Full output is not shown before error message

Log *inferior-lisp*

[INFO - bridge:L383] eval: (mapcar #'foo hoge)

[DEBUG - server:L46] output: ("class_file" . "/project_data/rcup_20220218_pick_nopb/models/class.yaml")
("control_joints" (("name" . "r_shoulder_pan_joint") ("type" . "revolute")) (("name" . "r_shoulder_lift_joint") ("type" . "revolute")) (("name" . "r_upper_arm_roll_joint") ("type" . "revolute")) (("name" . "r_elbow_flex_joint") ("type" . "revolute")) (("cl
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: 000005
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: error
[DEBUG - bridge:L249] Waiting for socket data...
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: 00001a
[DEBUG - bridge:L256] Socket Request Type: error
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: "list expected in (cdr a)"
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: 000005
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: abort
[DEBUG - bridge:L116] accumulating output: amp" . t) ("name" . "r_forearm_roll_joint") ("type" . "continuous")) (("name" . "r_wrist_flex_joint") ("type" . "revolute")) (("clamp" . t) ("name" . "r_wrist_roll_joint") ("type" . "continuous")))
(("name" . "r_shoulder_pan_joint") ("type" . "revolute"))
("type" . "revolute")
(("name" . "r_shoulder_lift_joint") ("type" . "revolute"))
("type" . "revolute")
(("name" . "r_upper_arm_roll_joint") ("type" . "revolute"))
("type" . "revolute")
(("name" . "r_elbow_flex_joint") ("type" . "revolute"))
("type" . "revolute")
(("clamp" . t) ("name" . "r_forearm_roll_joint") ("type" . "continuous"))
("name" . "r_forearm_roll_joint")
("type" . "continuous")
(("name" . "r_wrist_flex_joint") ("type" . "revolute"))
("type" . "revolute")
(("clamp" . t) ("name" . "r_wrist_roll_joint") ("type" . "continuous"))
("name" . "r_wrist_roll_joint")
("type" . "continuous")
("dim_list" 6 7)

[DEBUG - bridge:L249] Waiting for socket data...
[DEBUG - bridge:L121] repl output finished
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: 000003
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: nil
[DEBUG - bridge:L316] Ignoring: [abort] nil
[INFO - bridge:L324] exec: (slime:print-callstack 14)
[DEBUG - bridge:L116] accumulating output: Call Stack (max depth: 14):
  0: at (slime:print-callstack 14)
  1: at slime:slime-error
  2: at slime:slime-error
  3: at (cdr a)
  4: at (consp (cdr a))
  5: at (if (consp (cdr a)) (mapcar #'foo (cdr a)) (cons (intern (string-upcase (car a))) (cdr a)))
  6: at (mapcar #'foo (cdr a))
  7: at (mapcar #'foo (cdr a))
  8: at (if (consp (cdr a)) (mapcar #'foo (cdr a)) (cons (intern (string-upcase (car a))) (cdr a)))
  9: at (mapcar #'foo hoge)
  10: at (mapcar #'foo hoge)
  11: at (slime:slimetop)
  12: at (slime:slimetop)
  13: at #<compiled-code #X56468267ff50>

[DEBUG - bridge:L121] repl output finished
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: 000005
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: error
[DEBUG - bridge:L249] Waiting for socket data...
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: 00002f
[DEBUG - bridge:L256] Socket Request Type: error
[DEBUG - bridge:L226] Socket Response: "print-callstack in (slime:print-callstack 14)"
[DEBUG - bridge:L272] Waiting for repl output...
[DEBUG - bridge:L121] repl output finished
[ERROR - handler:L274] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/euslime/", line 239, in swank_eval
    for val in self.euslisp.eval(sexp):
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/euslime/", line 389, in eval
    for r in self.get_socket_result(connection, wait=True):
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/euslime/", line 290, in get_socket_result
    gen = self.get_socket_response(connection)
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/euslime/", line 280, in get_socket_response
    raise EuslispError(msg, stack)
EuslispError: List expected in (cdr a)

When I execute install.bash, some packages' paths are modified by euslime

I executed these commands.

source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
source ~/semi_ws/devel/setup.bash

Then I executed this commands,

rospack find pr2eus

terminal shows


However after these commands, I executed

source ~/euslime_ws/install/setup.bash
rospack find pr2eus

and terminal shows,


I want to use pr2eus in semi_ws/src/jsk_pr2eus on euslime. How can I fix this trouble?


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