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camod's Issues fails to build AppImage due to the non-existence of mods/ca/OpenRA.Mods.CA.dll


I ran:

find . -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \;
cd packaging/linux
./ $(git-comno).git.$(loge | head -c 7 ) $HOME/Applications/OpenRA

and I received the error:

  OpenRA.Platforms.Default -> /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Platforms.Default.dll
  OpenRA.Test -> /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Test.dll
Installing OpenRA engine to /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/packaging/linux/CombinedArms.appdir/usr/lib/openra
Installing OpenRA common mod files to /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/packaging/linux/CombinedArms.appdir/usr/lib/openra
cp: cannot stat './mods/ca/OpenRA.Mods.CA.dll': No such file or directory

The first line (find . -name...) fixed #1.

Thanks for your time

PointDefense makes Armament ignore Ammo or ReloadDelay seemingly

Weapon assigned to PointDefense seems to ignore Ammo mechanic, or ReloadDelay on weapon for that matter.
I was trying to use PointDefense to emulate Flares that would be dropped from Aircraft, for that end have given this to MiG:

		Name: tertiary
		Weapon: PointLaser
		LocalOffset: -480,0,-90
		PauseOnCondition: empdisable || !flareammo
		ForceTargetRelationships: Enemy
		Armament: tertiary
		PointDefenseTypes: AAMissile
		RequiresCondition: airborne
		ValidRelationships: Enemy
		Name: flareammo
		Ammo: 1
		AmmoCondition: flareammo
		Armaments: tertiary
		AmmoPool: flareammo
		Delay: 300
		Count: 1
		Sound: minelay1.aud
		RequiresCondition: !flareammo

this was how the weapon was configured:

	#	ReloadDelay: 900
	#	ReloadDelay: 300
	#	all had the same result
	ReloadDelay: 100
	ValidTargets: AAMissile
	#	InvalidTargets: Infantry, Vehicle, Structure, Wall
	Range: 0c768
	Report: vpalwe2d.aud
	Projectile: LaserZap
		Width: 30
		Duration: 3
		Color: 03f0fc
		ZOffset: 2047
		SecondaryBeam: true
		SecondaryBeamWidth: 50
		SecondaryBeamZOffset: 2047
		SecondaryBeamColor: 03fcfc30
		Blockable: false
	Warhead@1Dam: SpreadDamage
		Spread: 42
		Damage: 1
		DamageTypes: DefaultDeath
			None: 250
			Light: 100
			Wood: 60
			Heavy: 100
			Concrete: 90

The result was that PointDefense worked all the time, causing the Aircraft to become practically invincible as it kept shooting down each and every missile coming in radius.

Suggestions on AI aircraft

Hi, here.
I have a suggestion for CA aircraft AI.

Although in engine fix by @darkademic the air force become more cunning, but AI aircraft seems like stay and do nothing when they are not ordered to attack, when they face any enemy. I had an idea to make them more offensive, and I tried it (add it to all aircraft) in SP which worked pretty well:

		InitialStanceAI: AttackAnything

If your aircraft can attack while moving, it will be even better.

Incorrect Bridge Issues on Desert Tileset

I have not tried other tilesets, but I was building a map for Combined Arms and found some terrain issues on desert maps. It seems with the default world.yaml rules shipped from Git and the current release packages, there are some defined entries for the bridge layer that are incorrect.

This issue does not present it in the map editor only when in-game.

I've determined the cause to be the "LegacyBridgeLayer" entry in the world.yaml rules.
LegacyBridgeLayer: Bridges: bridge1, bridge2, br1, br2, br3, sbridge1, sbridge2, sbridge3, sbridge4, sbridge5, brg1, brg2, brg3, brv1, brv2, brv3, brh1, brh2, brh3

If we remove brv1, brv2, brv3, brh1, brh2, brh3 the terrain issues are fixed and we no longer have incorrect random bridges.

Screenshot with the original "LegacyBridgeLayer" options (various debug display options are enabled to show terrain and actor information):
Image 2

Screenshot with the "LegacyBridgeLayer" options modified to remove "brv1, brv2, brv3, brh1, brh2, brh3" (various debug display options are enabled to show terrain and actor information):
Image 4

Black minimap bug

After a player deploys a radar dome or communications center, the minimap radar shows the terrain rendered as black.

This seems to be similar to OpenRA/d2#167, adding the PlayerRadarTerrain trait to the Player actor in mods/ca/rules/player.yaml fixes this and the radar renders the minimap correctly.

A tiny error reported by Utility

OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (rules.yaml:67: There are no elements with key `RequiresCondition` to remove)
 ---> OpenRA.YamlException: rules.yaml:67: There are no elements with key `RequiresCondition` to remove
   at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits(MiniYaml node, Dictionary`2 tree, ImmutableDictionary`2 inherited) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\MiniYaml.cs:line 386
   at OpenRA.MiniYaml.MergeIntoResolved(MiniYamlNode overrideNode, List`1 existingNodes, HashSet`1 existingNodeKeys, Dictionary`2 tree, ImmutableDictionary`2 inherited) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\MiniYaml.cs:line 355
   at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits(MiniYaml node, Dictionary`2 tree, ImmutableDictionary`2 inherited) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\MiniYaml.cs:line 390

[Linux] Flatpak/Flathub?

Nice game.
Though it's only available as a Appimage. Though Appimage is fine and i'ts being distroagnostic and all. But Being on flathub as a flatpak would be very nice in terms of discoverablity, also being distrofriendly and having the latest version of the game.

It would be nice and convenient if it where available on Flathub as well, thats all.

As ARC, upgrading battle tanks equipped with minidrones removes the minidrones.


  1. Run 0.91-PreRelease-2.
  2. The battle drone upgrade is researched.
  3. A repair bay is available.
  4. There are some extant battle tanks equipped with minidrones which are not yet upgraded to battle drones.

How to reproduce:

  1. Select the extant, unupgraded battle tanks equipped with minidrones.
  2. Press "V" (upgrade).
  3. The battle tanks are upgraded to battle drones but the already attached minidrones are removed.

Sequence missing crash

[2020-08-30T00:29:29] Game started
Exception of type `System.InvalidOperationException`: Unit `apc2.nod` does not have a sequence named `turret2`
   at OpenRA.Graphics.SequenceProvider.GetSequence(String unitName, String sequenceName)

Crash on master

on ee778c8

[2024-02-16T16:28:39] Game started
Exception of type `System.InvalidOperationException`: Attempting to query the position of an invalid Target
   at OpenRA.Traits.Target.get_CenterPosition() in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\Traits\Target.cs:line 169
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Activities.CruiseMissileFly..ctor(Actor self, Target t, CruiseMissile cm, WDist maxAltitude, WDist maxTargetMovement, Boolean trackTarget) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\OpenRA.Mods.CA\Activities\CruiseMissileFly.cs:line 59
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Traits.CruiseMissile.GetActivity(Actor self, Target target) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\OpenRA.Mods.CA\Traits\CruiseMissile.cs:line 91
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Traits.MissileBase.OpenRA.Traits.INotifyAddedToWorld.AddedToWorld(Actor self) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\OpenRA.Mods.CA\Traits\MissileBase.cs:line 129
   at OpenRA.World.Add(Actor a) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\World.cs:line 341
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Traits.MissileSpawnerMaster.<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<SpawnIntoWorld>b__0(World w) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\OpenRA.Mods.CA\Traits\MissileSpawnerMaster.cs:line 207
   at OpenRA.World.Tick() in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\World.cs:line 453
   at OpenRA.Game.InnerLogicTick(OrderManager orderManager) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\Game.cs:line 630
   at OpenRA.Game.LogicTick() in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\Game.cs:line 645
   at OpenRA.Game.Loop() in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\Game.cs:line 814
   at OpenRA.Game.Run() in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\Game.cs:line 867
   at OpenRA.Game.InitializeAndRun(String[] args) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Game\Game.cs:line 305
   at OpenRA.Launcher.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\work\Projects\Github\camod-mirror\engine\OpenRA.Launcher\Program.cs:line 32

terminate called without an active exception

Guess you need a target check at CruiseMissileFly.cs:line 59.

Localization permission for CA

@Inq8 @darkademic

I want to ask for permission for Chinese Localization for CA, which the localization team leader @HansNihall think is a quite exquisite mod, although it has an appearance of first generation of CNC at first glance. Could you please give us the permission on localization for next stable release of CA?

Description of localization version

Because OpenRA doesn't have a good localization module for now, especially many texts in gameplay related to engine itself, so the localization version will be a different mod. After it is done it will be put in this page of Moddb and you can check it out.

Contribution on CA engine

Hi, here.
I want to ask where is the CA engine repo? I want to do some AI related pull request on it.

Game crashes when helicopter lands on coast

OpenRA engine version ca-2307
OpenRA Language: en
Combined Arms mod version 1.01
on map 190706e1d452e4d116396ae0aca84e91ba0728b7 (09: Zenith by Darkademic).
Date: 2024-03-03 02:38:14Z
Operating System: Windows (X64, Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0)
Runtime Version: .NET CLR 6.0.25
Installed Language: zh (Installed) zh (Current) zh (Current UI)
Exception of type `System.InvalidOperationException`: Cannot AddInfluence until previous influence is removed with RemoveInfluence
   at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.Aircraft.AddInfluence(ValueTuple`2[] landingCells) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Traits/Air/Aircraft.cs:line 876
   at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.Aircraft.AddInfluence(CPos landingCell) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Traits/Air/Aircraft.cs:line 886
   at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Activities.Land.Tick(Actor self) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Activities/Air/Land.cs:line 237
   at OpenRA.Activities.Activity.TickOuter(Actor self) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Activities/Activity.cs:line 108
   at OpenRA.Traits.ActivityUtils.RunActivity(Actor self, Activity act) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Traits/ActivityUtils.cs:line 29
   at OpenRA.Actor.Tick() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Actor.cs:line 262
   at OpenRA.World.Tick() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/World.cs:line 446
   at OpenRA.Game.InnerLogicTick(OrderManager orderManager) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 630
   at OpenRA.Game.LogicTick() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 645
   at OpenRA.Game.Loop() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 814
   at OpenRA.Game.Run() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 867
   at OpenRA.Game.InitializeAndRun(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 305
   at OpenRA.WindowsLauncher.WindowsLauncher.RunGame(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.WindowsLauncher/Program.cs:line 71
OpenRA engine version ca-2307
OpenRA Language: en
Combined Arms mod version 1.01
on map 535f2e48bd401f1bb73f3217ce045bcedd842562 (Winter Storm by Kyrylo Silin).
Date: 2024-03-03 02:44:16Z
Operating System: Windows (X64, Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0)
Runtime Version: .NET CLR 6.0.25
Installed Language: zh (Installed) zh (Current) zh (Current UI)
Exception of type `System.InvalidOperationException`: Cannot AddInfluence until previous influence is removed with RemoveInfluence
   at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.Aircraft.AddInfluence(ValueTuple`2[] landingCells) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Traits/Air/Aircraft.cs:line 876
   at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.Aircraft.AddInfluence(CPos landingCell) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Traits/Air/Aircraft.cs:line 886
   at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Activities.Land.Tick(Actor self) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Activities/Air/Land.cs:line 237
   at OpenRA.Activities.Activity.TickOuter(Actor self) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Activities/Activity.cs:line 108
   at OpenRA.Traits.ActivityUtils.RunActivity(Actor self, Activity act) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Traits/ActivityUtils.cs:line 29
   at OpenRA.Actor.Tick() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Actor.cs:line 262
   at OpenRA.World.Tick() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/World.cs:line 446
   at OpenRA.Game.InnerLogicTick(OrderManager orderManager) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 630
   at OpenRA.Game.LogicTick() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 645
   at OpenRA.Game.Loop() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 814
   at OpenRA.Game.Run() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 867
   at OpenRA.Game.InitializeAndRun(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 305
   at OpenRA.WindowsLauncher.WindowsLauncher.RunGame(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.WindowsLauncher/Program.cs:line 71

The first is on a mission, the second is on a 1v1 map.

Shell scripts need a permissions change


When I try to build this mod with make, I get the error:

Fetching Eluant from GitHub.
Fetching rix0rrr.BeaconLib from NuGet.
./thirdparty/ line 93: ../ Permission denied
make[1]: *** [Makefile:171: cli-dependencies] Error 126
make[1]: Leaving directory '/data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine'
make: *** [Makefile:106: engine-dependencies] Error 2

Shell scripts throughout this repo seem to have non-executable permissions. If you'd like to fix this, run chmod +x filename for all files with a .sh file extension.

Thanks for your time

GPS lost after original tech center lost

Playing with England. If my first Allied Tech center is lost then the GPS scan is lost. I had two tech centers built but when the first was lost the GPS scan disappeared. I tried selling the second tech center and rebuilding it but it never came back.

Also would it be possible to hide the counter from enemies? Similiar to other factions recon abilities?

Game crash when subs fire on water passable land.

Game crashes when a submarine tries to fire over land. Got the following in the log.

OpenRA engine version prep-CA
Combined Arms mod version 0.71
on map 6fd6e91e11d683c6c5374c19ed92cb2b4e8027e3 (Random Violence by Westwood Studios).
Date: 2020-11-20 02:51:40Z
Operating System: Linux (Unix
Runtime Version: Mono (tarball Tue Sep 24 01:20:30 UTC 2019) CLR 4.0.30319.42000
Exception of type System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Min[TSource,TResult] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[T] source, System.Func2[T,TResult] selector) [0x000af] in <6f6cfe3dc7984568b6f7767c7378b138>:0
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Activities.Attack.Tick (OpenRA.Actor self) [0x0003e] in /home/travis/build/Inq8/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Activities/Attack.cs:98
at OpenRA.Activities.Activity.TickOuter (OpenRA.Actor self) [0x00084] in <69e2dd9a0d584cc39b01a39591bbee59>:0
at OpenRA.Traits.ActivityUtils.RunActivity (OpenRA.Actor self, OpenRA.Activities.Activity act) [0x00015] in <69e2dd9a0d584cc39b01a39591bbee59>:0
at OpenRA.Actor.Tick () [0x0000f] in <69e2dd9a0d584cc39b01a39591bbee59>:0
at OpenRA.World.Tick () [0x00123] in <69e2dd9a0d584cc39b01a39591bbee59>:0
at OpenRA.Game.InnerLogicTick (OpenRA.Network.OrderManager orderManager) [0x001bc] in <69e2dd9a0d584cc39b01a39591bbee59>:0
at OpenRA.Game.LogicTick () [0x0003e] in <69e2dd9a0d584cc39b01a39591bbee59>:0
at OpenRA.Game.Loop () [0x000f1] in <69e2dd9a0d584cc39b01a39591bbee59>:0
at OpenRA.Game.Run () [0x0003c] in <69e2dd9a0d584cc39b01a39591bbee59>:0
at OpenRA.Game.InitializeAndRun (System.String[] args) [0x00010] in <69e2dd9a0d584cc39b01a39591bbee59>:0
at OpenRA.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00044] in <69e2dd9a0d584cc39b01a39591bbee59>:0

[Linux] AppImage stuck on loading screen

I downloaded the latest OpenRA - Combined Arms build in AppImage and it's stuck on loading screen after doing quick install.

When restarted you get to same situation without the prompt for installation.

Attached are all the logs that have size > 0.

I tried to delete ~/.config/openra and start the game again. I got the prompt for installation and then ended up in the same situation as above.

I tried the original OpenRA and didn't have this issue.

Crash with 1.0.2

I don't know what caused it. It just crashed.

Platform is Linux (X64)
Engine version is ca-engine/1.02
Runtime: .NET CLR 6.0.28
Using SDL 2 with OpenGL (Modern) renderer
Desktop resolution: 1920x1080
No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution
Using resolution: 1920x1080
Using window scale 1,00
OpenGL renderer: Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2)
OpenGL version: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.1.1-arch1.1
Using default sound device
Internal mods:
        ca: Combined Arms (1.02)
        modcontent: Mod Content Manager (ca-engine/1.02)
External mods:
        ca-1.02: Combined Arms (1.02)
Loading mod: ca
[2024-06-13T23:36:28] Game started
Exception of type `System.NullReferenceException`: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Traits.UnitBuilderBotModuleCA.ChooseUnitToBuild(ProductionQueue queue, Boolean excludeLimited) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/Traits/BotModules/UnitBuilderBotModuleCA.cs:line 280
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Traits.UnitBuilderBotModuleCA.BuildUnit(IBot bot, String category, Boolean buildRandom, Boolean excludeLimited) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/Traits/BotModules/UnitBuilderBotModuleCA.cs:line 194
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Traits.UnitBuilderBotModuleCA.BuildUnit(IBot bot, String category, Boolean buildRandom, Boolean excludeLimited) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/Traits/BotModules/UnitBuilderBotModuleCA.cs:line 194
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Traits.UnitBuilderBotModuleCA.OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.IBotTick.BotTick(IBot bot) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/Traits/BotModules/UnitBuilderBotModuleCA.cs:line 149
   at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.ModularBot.<OpenRA.Traits.ITick.Tick>b__14_0() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Traits/Player/ModularBot.cs:line 95
   at OpenRA.Sync.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<RunUnsynced>b__0() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Sync.cs:line 172
   at OpenRA.Sync.RunUnsynced[T](Boolean checkSyncHash, World world, Func`1 fn) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Sync.cs:line 205
   at OpenRA.Sync.RunUnsynced(Boolean checkSyncHash, World world, Action fn) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Sync.cs:line 173
   at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.ModularBot.OpenRA.Traits.ITick.Tick(Actor self) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Traits/Player/ModularBot.cs:line 91
   at OpenRA.TraitDictionary.TraitContainer`1.ApplyToAllTimed(Action`2 action, String text) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/TraitDictionary.cs:line 312
   at OpenRA.World.Tick() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/World.cs:line 448
   at OpenRA.Game.InnerLogicTick(OrderManager orderManager) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 630
   at OpenRA.Game.LogicTick() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 645
   at OpenRA.Game.Loop() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 814
   at OpenRA.Game.Run() in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 867
   at OpenRA.Game.InitializeAndRun(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 305
   at OpenRA.Launcher.Program.Main(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/CAmod/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Launcher/Program.cs:line 32

Game crashes with System.InvalidOperationException

I was playing skirmish 3 on 3 and the game crashed. For now I don't know how to replicate this bug but I will try.
Here is the exception log:

OpenRA engine version d006601
Combined Arms mod version 0.61
on map 3bf3c4089a18341cd8bf29cfc7bb88c777bd3e2f (Bombardment Islands by Sprog).
Date: 2020-01-31 23:37:57Z
Operating System: Linux (Unix
Runtime Version: Mono (tarball Tue Sep 24 01:20:30 UTC 2019) CLR 4.0.30319.42000
Exception of type System.InvalidOperationException: Attempting to query the position of an invalid Target
at OpenRA.Traits.Target.get_CenterPosition () [0x0003e] in :0
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Activities.FlyAttackRun.OnFirstRun (OpenRA.Actor self) [0x00000] in /home/travis/build/Inq8/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Activities/Air/FlyAttack.cs:225
at OpenRA.Activities.Activity.TickOuter (OpenRA.Actor self) [0x00034] in :0
at OpenRA.Traits.ActivityUtils.RunActivity (OpenRA.Actor self, OpenRA.Activities.Activity act) [0x00015] in :0
at OpenRA.Activities.Activity.TickChild (OpenRA.Actor self) [0x00008] in :0
at OpenRA.Activities.Activity.TickOuter (OpenRA.Actor self) [0x0004a] in :0
at OpenRA.Traits.ActivityUtils.RunActivity (OpenRA.Actor self, OpenRA.Activities.Activity act) [0x00015] in :0
at OpenRA.Actor.Tick () [0x0000f] in :0
at OpenRA.World.Tick () [0x00123] in :0
at OpenRA.Game.InnerLogicTick (OpenRA.Network.OrderManager orderManager) [0x001bc] in :0
at OpenRA.Game.LogicTick () [0x0003e] in :0
at OpenRA.Game.Loop () [0x000e3] in :0
at OpenRA.Game.Run () [0x0003c] in :0
at OpenRA.Game.InitializeAndRun (System.String[] args) [0x00010] in :0
at OpenRA.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00044] in :0

Scrin navy?

So I noticed that scrin doesn't have a navy which makes sense. However most of their vehicles hover. Would it make sense to let scrin vehicles go over water similar to the Hover MLRS from GDI?

Pressing V (upgrade) with atomic heavy tanks selected upgrades them to lasher tanks even for soviet factions other than Psi Corps.


  1. Run 0.91 Combined Arms - Pre Release 2.
  2. Play as a soviet faction other than Psi Corps (I first noticed the bug while playing as Russia and the bug also happened while playing as Iraq).
  3. A service depot is available.
  4. Atomic engines is researched.
  5. There are some extant heavy tanks without the atomic engine upgrades.

How to reproduce:

  1. Select the extant, unupgraded heavy tanks.
  2. Press V (upgrade).
  3. Wait for the upgrade to finish.
  4. Select the newly upgraded atomic engine heavy tanks.
  5. Press V (upgrade) once again.
  6. The atomic engine heavy tanks upgrade to atomic engine lasher tanks even though the faction being used is not Psi Corps.

Radical Idea: add Guerrilla Squad

Going to do some upgrade to my old AI squad module, and I have a rather radical idea: transport my Guerrilla Squad in TA mod to CA.

Guerrilla Squad like regular ground squad at its AttackMove state, but when encounter, the squad will fight in 1 interval and retreat in 2 intervals in a loop, which can both served as scout in early game and a hit and run squad at mid and late game.

you can find related code here. it is not the newest but I change not much so I guess I can show it here:

Suggestions if you want to use this experimental thing:

  1. Using fast, long range or stealth units for this squad.
  2. You can use air unit in this squad but squad logic is not support ammo reload so only some of the air units are suitable for this squad.
  3. Keep the squad size small (<=10). Because when at run in hit-and-run, the pathfinding is big.

Suggestion for armed soviet harvesters

I was thinking that since the allies get chronominers when an ore purifier is built, that it may make sense to give the soviets a similar thing.
Any thoughts on making it so the soviets get their armed harvesters when the industrial plant is built?

Suggestion on mindcontrol

I see CA apply mind control recently and I think I need to inform you about some bugs it may cause.

  1. Make sure all units either can be targeted with "mindcontrollable" trait, or cannot be targeted by mindcontroll weapon at any condition, especially including aircraft that may land or otherwise it may cause game crush when MC weapon target and fire at it.

  2. Transport bug. when change owner the cargo will also change owner, which means when you mind control/hijack a transport you can unload cargo and then cargo will be yours forever. Delete lines in OnOwnerChanged function can fix this.

DependencyResolution.targets(234,5): error NETSDK1004: Assets file '/OpenRA.Mods.CA/C:/Users/F/Documents/GitHub/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/obj/project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file.


I'm currently getting this error when I run make:

  OpenRA.PostProcess -> /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.PostProcess.exe
  OpenRA.Game -> /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game.exe
  OpenRA.Mods.Common -> /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/mods/common/OpenRA.Mods.Common.dll
/usr/lib/mono/msbuild/Current/bin/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets(234,5): error NETSDK1004: Assets file '/data/GitHub/others/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/C:/Users/F/Documents/GitHub/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/obj/project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. [/data/GitHub/others/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/OpenRA.Mods.CA.csproj]
  OpenRA.Mods.Cnc -> /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/mods/common/OpenRA.Mods.Cnc.dll

with commit 94621d2.

Thanks for your time,

GPS Satellite doesn't do anything.

First let me say I've been anxiously waiting for the new release and have been excited to play.

I tried to play as Allies specifically England. I created my tech center and two GPS Satellite count downs appeared. One launched the satellite the other doesn't do anything. It counts down but it never actually reveals anything on the map. It seems like it is supposed to reveal the entire map periodically. Since it didn't work I'm not sure if I actually liked it better or not. It seems like it could be useful but liked the old satellite better. Or if it's not an all the time thing maybe at least give the user the ability to control it.

Game crashes on Tomahawk missile fire

The game sometimes crashes when Tomahawk launches missiles.

Exception of type `System.InvalidOperationException`: Attempting to query the position of an invalid Target
   at OpenRA.Traits.Target.get_CenterPosition() in /<...>/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Traits/Target.cs:line 169
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Activities.CruiseMissileFly..ctor(Actor self, Target t, CruiseMissile cm, WDist maxAltitude, WDist maxTargetMovement, Boolean trackTarget) in <...>/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/Activities/CruiseMissileFly.cs:line 36
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Traits.CruiseMissile.GetActivity(Actor self, Target target) in /<...>/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/Traits/CruiseMissile.cs:line 91
   at OpenRA.Mods.CA.Traits.MissileBase.OpenRA.Traits.INotifyAddedToWorld.AddedToWorld(Actor self) in /<...>/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/Traits/MissileBase.cs:line 129
   at OpenRA.World.Add(Actor a) in <...>/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/World.cs:line 341
   at OpenRA.World.Tick() in <...>/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/World.cs:line 453
   at OpenRA.Game.InnerLogicTick(OrderManager orderManager) in /<...>/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 630
   at OpenRA.Game.LogicTick() in <...>/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 645
   at OpenRA.Game.Loop() in <...>/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 812
   at OpenRA.Game.Run() in <...>/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 862
   at OpenRA.Game.InitializeAndRun(String[] args) in <...>/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/Game.cs:line 304
   at OpenRA.Launcher.Program.Main(String[] args) in <...>/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Launcher/Program.cs:line 32

Game builded from WIP branch with new GDI tomahawk.

Assets file 'OpenRA.Mods.CA/obj/project.assets.json' not found

For me building this mod at the moment gives the error:

make[1]: Leaving directory '/data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine'
  Restore completed in 47.62 ms for /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/OpenRA.Mods.CA.csproj.
  Restore completed in 0.69 ms for /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Cnc/OpenRA.Mods.Cnc.csproj.
  Restore completed in 0.38 ms for /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game/OpenRA.Game.csproj.
  Restore completed in 0.35 ms for /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.PostProcess/OpenRA.PostProcess.csproj.
  Restore completed in 0.45 ms for /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Mods.Common/OpenRA.Mods.Common.csproj.
  OpenRA.PostProcess -> /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.PostProcess.exe
  OpenRA.Game -> /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/OpenRA.Game.exe
  OpenRA.Mods.Common -> /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/mods/common/OpenRA.Mods.Common.dll
/usr/lib/mono/msbuild/Current/bin/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets(234,5): error NETSDK1004: Assets file '/data/GitHub/others/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/C:/Users/F/Documents/GitHub/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/obj/project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. [/data/GitHub/others/CAmod/OpenRA.Mods.CA/OpenRA.Mods.CA.csproj]
  OpenRA.Mods.Cnc -> /data/GitHub/others/CAmod/engine/mods/common/OpenRA.Mods.Cnc.dll
make: *** [Makefile:119: core] Error 1

Thanks for your time

Exploration on bot tick lag-spike (lag causing found)

Upon days of debugging on lag-spike, I will share some discoveries on the lag-spikes here and welcome if someone can go further and faster than me. I use CA mod as test mod because CA AI is a classic example on massively AI combats which is common in OpenRA game/mod making, and OpenRA RA will also come to this one day.

Test branch.

I push my test branch "lagspike-test" here on testing the CA. In the test branch I add original "GroundState" and "AirState" from OpenRA bleed. So you can switch states in "SquadCA" to see if it is my new states (now in CA) cause the lag-spikes or somewhere else.

I also suggest add two more colors in PerfHistory.Colors at engine code to make it more clearly on watch the performance window.

The best reproducing map on lag spike.

Combat Valley, 8 Players map. Please use 4v4 brutal AIs -- 4 on the left side and 4 on the right side. I don't know which factor in this map make it easy to reproduce the bug.

The lag spikes will happen when attack finally reach deep in AI base, or late game, which is very obviously and lag the game suddenly to 8 FPS.


  1. My changes on "GroundState" is not related to this bug. It is still happening when I switch to original version.

  2. My changes on "AirState" is not related to this bug. It is still happening when I switch to original version.

  3. Protection squad related is not related to this bug. I simply disable the ProtectOwn in SquadManagerBotModuleCA, which means the AI will only update attacker's position and will never use protection squad. Lag-spikes are still happening.

  4. The interval in lag spikes is predictable


You can see the lag-spikes is sky high, but it happens in a fixed interval if it happens continuously. I find it is 50 ticks at minimum, which means when lag-spikes condition is not ending, somewhere in bot tick will trigger and lag the game at every 50 ticks. I check and find out those (including AI.yaml settings):

  • HarvesterBotModuleCA.cs: ScanForIdleHarvestersInterval
  • SquadManagerBotModuleCA.cs: AssignRolesInterval

I will do some tests on them.

Crash bug

Exception of type `System.InvalidOperationException`: The sequence does not contain any elements
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.Min[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Activities.Attack.Tick(Actor self)
   at OpenRA.Activities.Activity.TickOuter(Actor self)
   at OpenRA.Traits.ActivityUtils.RunActivity(Actor self, Activity act)
   at OpenRA.Actor.Tick()
   at OpenRA.World.Tick()

CA-version: a8058a8

Comparison Bot AI

Hello everyone,
is there an overview somewhere in which the different bot AIs are compared? For example, the Brutal AI automatically receives resources every x seconds or the APCs are equipped directly with soldiers after construction. A tabular overview of the special features or differences of the 6 AIs would be very useful.
Thank you very much.

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