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frskytelemetryscript's Issues

How do you setup multiple sites?

The wiki says: "For each flying site the pilot will have to download the mapping tiles required to "cover" the area that the widget will display."

Do you:

  1. download the tiles for site1, site2, ..., siten
  2. process the tiles with mktiles.cmd
  3. copy the tiles to the radio


  1. download the tiles for site1
  2. process the site1 tiles with mktiles.cmd
  3. copy the site1 tiles to the radio
  4. clear the downloaded tiles for site1
  5. download the tiles for site2
  6. process the site2 tiles with mktiles.cmd
  7. copy the site2 tiles to the radio
  8. clear the downloaded tiles for site2
  9. download the tiles for site3
  10. process the site3 tiles with mktiles.cmd
  11. copy the site3 tiles to the radio

QX7 OpenTx 2.2.4 memory issue

Syntax error (attempt to call a nil value) when QX7 has the OpenTx 2.2.4 with lua and luac options enabled.

Not enough memory (or panic) when QX7 has the OpenTx 2.2.4 with only lua firmware.

I might have switch too early on openTx2.2.4 version ;-)
Nice work !

Feature Request: repiting GPS lost Alert

Hi yaapu!
It's very nice to have "GPS lost" voice alarm, but is it possible to make it repetitive as per settings
repeat alert every ** sec?
Sometimes it's easy not to hear it from the first time in noisy environment.
Thank you!

Sharing sportTelemetryPop() data with other scripts?

I'm working on another project where I would like to transfer information to and from the receiver via the sportTelemetryPop and Push functions in my own Lua script. However I would also like to have the Yaapu script running and Thus I see a potential problem if two scripts are using the sportTelemetryPop() function, because then WHO is getting the data?

I think the easiest way is to add my decode code in the Yaapu processTelemetry() function and then store the results in a global variable somehow.
Does anyone know if this is possible? Or is there a simpler way to somehow share or not fight over the telemetry pass-through data?


Info not always updating

I've noticed that the info displayed/played(audio) doesn't seem to update all the time. For example I switch the flight mode and the info is not displayed(or sound played) for minutes after. Is there a way to tell what the cause of this is?

TX: Taranis X9D+ (OpenTX 2.2.1 - lua,luac)
FC: PixHawk 2 (ArduCopter 3.5.5)

Resolution of virtual horizon on Horus / T16

On the virtual horizon, the small white lines which are parallel to the horizon are fine but the horizon itself (the transition from the brown part to the blue part) is quite coarse, we can see that when the line goes down, it goes down by 2 pixels, not just one
Is it due to a technical limitation for rendering time ?

Transmitter Voltage Warnung.

the Xlite (the smallest display) lacks the transmitter's voltage or is too inconspicuous.
Is there a way to acoustically maintain the TX battery voltage?

If the LUA script is running, the transmitter does not warn against undervoltage.
(There is only one exclamation mark)
I ran out of transmitter during flight (R9 module is very hungry for electricity)

A Wing just landing over notebook and 433Mhz telemetry is an adventure... but it works.

No data sent from MatekF405-Wing

I don't think this a bug, but I can not get passthru to work. I have used an FDTI adapter with the RX line tied to the Serial 4 port TX line of the FC, and of course set SERIAL4_PROTOCOL=10 and OPTIONS=7. All I see from the sniff are the receivers requests for data:

dbf 717e ef7e bdbf 537e 347e ef7e bdbf
0002640 e27e 9690 ef7e bdbf ef7e bdbf 397e ef7e
0002650 bdbf e27e 9b90 e27e 8090 ef7e bdbf 227e
0002660 ef7e bdbf ef7e bdbf 457e ef7e bdbf 677e
0002670 487e ef7e bdbf 6a7e ef7e bdbf ef7e bdbf
0002680 0d7e ef7e bdbf 2f7e ef7e bdbf 717e ef7e
0002690 bdbf 537e 347e ef7e bdbf e27e 9690 ef7e
00026a0 bdbf ef7e bdbf 397e ef7e bdbf e27e 9b90
00026b0 e27e 8090 ef7e bdbf 227e ef7e bdbf ef7e
00026c0 bdbf 457e ef7e bdbf 677e

I added debug prints to the passthru code in ardupilot, in the send_byte method, and I get data. I did not capture it but I try to figure out how to do that, to capture all bytes sent. Nothing shows up on the TX line for FC sends. No converter, just the SERIAL_OPTIONS=7 and a wire soldered to the P pad on an R-XSR receiver.

Can you offer any insight? It shoudl just work. I've tried the latest dev with your new scheduler, and 3.9.

Taranis-1.8.0: slowness on 9xd+ with opentx 2.2.3


First fantastic work: having all this telemetry with no additional hardware except an omnibus pro F4 and the R9mm is just a revolution in the ardupilot world.

Now I did some test with the previous release and it was working flawlessly then I decided to test the last stable release (1.8) My issue is that the voice is very laggy: almost a second between the change of a flight mode and it’s announcement. On screen it’s in time (instant) but the voice lags.

Should I do something particular ? I enabled Lua and Luac (looks luac is a new requirement) I also have only this sole script running.

Many thanks

MavLink Passthrough no telemetry data on X9D+

I connected my ULRS 1W module to a teensy 3.2 like shown in the ground side picture. If I connect the teensy to the Arduino Serial monitor, I can see Mavlink messages.
I set up the MavlinkToPassthru_v1.0.8 script as follows:
#define Target_Board 0
#define Ground_Mode
#define Battery_mAh_Source 2

My FC:
Pixhawk 4 with ArduPlane 3.9.4

These are the messages, which I can see in the serial monitor:
Mavlink in #30 Attitude: ap_roll degs=-0.8 ap_pitch degs=-0.3 ap_yaw degs=-86.3
Mavlink in #74 VFR_HUD: Airspeed= 1.35 Groundspeed= 0.10 Heading= 273 Throttle %= 0 Baro alt= 36 Climb rate= 0.03
Mavlink in #147 Battery Status: bat id= 0 bat current mA= 270 ap_current_consumed mAh= 54 my di/dt mAh= 1
Mavlink in #27 Raw_IMU: accX=-0.04 accY=0.01 accZ=-1.00
Mavlink in #29 Scaled_Pressure: press_abs=1029.4hPa press_diff=0.000hPa temperature=35.1C
Mavlink in #30 Attitude: ap_roll degs=-0.7 ap_pitch degs=-0.3 aMavlink in #30 Attitude: ap_roll degs=-0.7 ap_pitch degs=-0.2 ap_yaw degs=-86.3
Mavlink in #27 Raw_IMU: accX=-0.04 accY=0.01 accZ=-1.00
Mavlink in #29 Scaled_Pressure: press_abs=1029.5hPa press_diff=0.000hPa temperature=35.1C
Mavlink in #1 Sys_Status: Bat volts=18.851 Bat amps=0.3 mAh=0.037125 Total mAh=1.188 Bat1 cell count= 5
Mavlink in #125 Power Status: Vcc= 5019 Vservo= 5097 flags= 1
Mavlink in #24 GPS_RAW_INT: ap_fixtype=3 3D Fix sats visible=15 latitude=54.1732979 longitude=12.3405924 gps alt amsl=25.4 eph (hdop)=77 epv (vdop)=127 vel=0.130 cog=346.6
Mavlink in #65 RC_Channels: Channel count= 16 values: 1=1493 2=1494 3=982 4=1494 5=1494 6=1494 7=1494 8=1817 9=1494 10=1494 11=1494 12=1494 13=1494 14=1494 15=1494 16=982 Receive RSSI=49.21
Mavlink in #74 VFR_HUD: Airspeed= 1.32 Groundspeed= 0.13 Heading= 273 Throttle %= 0 Baro alt= 36 Climb rate= -0.17
Mavlink in #30 Attitude: ap_roll degs=-0.7 ap_pitch degs=-0.2 ap_yaw degs=-86.3
Mavlink in #147 Battery Status: bat id= 0 bat current mA= 270 ap_current_consumed mAh= 55 my di/dt mAh= 1
Mavlink in #30 Attitude: ap_roll degs=-0.7 ap_pitch degs=-0.3 ap_yaw degs=-86.3
Mavlink in #74 VFR_HUD: Airspeed= 1.31 Groundspeed= 0.13 Heading= 273 Throttle %= 0 Baro alt= 36 Climb rate= 0.45
Mavlink in #0 Heartbeat: ap_type=1 ap_autopilot=3 ap_base_mode=89 ap_custom_mode=11 ap_system_status=5 ap_mavlink_version=3
Mavlink in #0 Heartbeat: ap_type=27 ap_autopilot=8 ap_base_mode=4 ap_custom_mode=0 ap_system_status=1 ap_mavlink_version=3
Mavlink in #33 GPS Int: ap_lat=54.xxxxxx ap_lon=12.xxxxxx ap_amsl=36 ap_alt_ag=-0.0 ap_vx=0.00 ap_vy=0.00 ap_vz=0.00 ap_gps_hdg=273.7
Mavlink in #27 Raw_IMU: accX=-0.05 accY=0.01 accZ=-1.00
Mavlink in #29 Scaled_Pressure: press_abs=1029.4hPa press_diff=0.000hPa temperature=35.1C
Mavlink in #1 Sys_Status: Bat volts=18.852 Bat amps=0.3 mAh=0.045344 Total mAh=1.233 Bat1 cell count= 5
Mavlink in #125 Power Status: Vcc= 5027 Vservo= 5102 flags= 1
Mavlink in #24 GPS_RAW_INT: ap_fixtype=3 3D Fix sats visible=15 latitude=54.xxxxxxx longitude=12.xxxxxxx gps alt amsl=25.2 eph (hdop)=77 epv (vdop)=127 vel=0.180 cog=346.6
Mavlink in #65 RC_Channels: Channel count= 16 values: 1=1493 2=1494 3=982 4=1494 5=1494 6=1494 7=1494 8=1817 9=1494 10=1494 11=1494 12=1494 13=1494 14=1494 15=1494 16=982 Receive RSSI=49.21

But if I start my Taranis, the yaapu telemetry page tells me "no telemetry data". Is there anything I did wrong?

Sounds List Like OpenTX

Would it be possible to add a list like OpenTX has of the sound files and names ie
folder; name; tts callout;

In a file? Lots of people generate their own voices so it would be nice :D

Fuel or Mah Consumption not working?

Hello Alex,
I finally was able to get my Quad fixed... tore it apart and fixed the Power Module to be in line with power distribution vs passive install. Long Story... ;-) . End of the day, I was am getting Curr now and unfortunately, the Consumption or Mah/Fuel is not being calculated? See attached Log.


How do I get into the alternative display mode on the X-Lite? I only ever get into the menu.
The option to display the coordinates can make you live easy when you have landed in corn.
Enter the coordinates into your phone and search for the GeoCache. :)

Support for Betaflight

I have not seen if this will work with Betaflight

Also nothing here on setting it up for the Jumper T16 radio, is it the same as the 10S ??

Could you create a video for this


AltAsl parameter

According to this image, it seems that AltAsl should display absolute altitude above sea level when rangefinder max is not set (this rangefinder mode not enabled) and if rangefinder max is set, it should display rangefinder measurement.

I have rangefinder max enabled but i can still see gps altitude there. QGC reports rangefinder measurement correctly.

my setup:
[email protected]
Jumper T16 with zs6buj/MavlinkToPassthru converter


After update to ChibiOS version of arduplane the ground data received to telemetry fail to display.

The telemetry start correctly but after some second the screen was blocked

Fc V parameter

Hi, there is fc V parameter at the upper right corner of display. What voltage is this?


Measure battery capacity in Wh instead of Ah

My vehicle uses LiIon batteries, like a lot of more recent builds. These cells start with 4.2V and are flown down to 2.6V. As the energy needed to keep the vehicle in the air is constant, the current rises over the whole flight. The last minute of the flight therefore needs 1.6 times as much amp hours as the first minute, rendering the info about Ah used and Ah left virtually useless. The Wh per minute however, are constant over the flight.

IMHO, there should be an option to switch the display from Ah to Wh completely. The math should be rather trivial - just multiply by recent voltage and change the labels.

BTW, outstanding work, @yaapu! Recently I forgot my GCS at home and didn't even miss it ;-)

Always "Stabilised Flightmode"

Hi Alex,
I am running a PixRacer/MavlinkToPassthru/QuadCopter Combination. So far almost everything works fine, however I am always getting independent from the Mode I choose.
I discussed that issue already with Eric (zs6buj/mav2pt#8 (comment)), and he proposed that you might help.

Where to download working OpenTX firmware?


On a clean install of OpenTX Companion, there seems to be no way to get any firmware other than the newest 2.3.5, which doesn't work correct? I do not have any prior firmwares saved. I am assuming that 2.3.4 is the last working one with this telemetry script? Is there any chance someone can post a working firmware for this telemetry? Thanks!


Frsky Frsky redundancy bus-10

Attached the MavLink Passhtrough cable to the SmartPort of the Frsky redundancy bus-10. After that the LUA script stops working. Can this combination work?

Master yaapu7.lua file is only 33.7kb...

The following occurs when you first execute the new created yaapu7.lua file that is created via "On a command line simply run "lua pproc.lua yaapu0.lua yaapu9.lua"

The output file was generated, then placed in Scripts Folder and then executed in Companion. The following is the log...

Then the file was copied to the the SD Card and loaded... Neither attempt to use only the yaapu7.lua or .luac file worked.

luaClose 0x7fda88538fe0
luaLoadScriptFileToState(/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/yaapu7.lua, T): loading /SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/yaapu7.lua
luaDumpState(/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/yaapu7.luac): Saved bytecode to file.
Script run function returned unexpected value
luaClose 0x7fda8aa62d10
luaLoadScriptFileToState(/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/yaapu7.lua, T): loading /SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/yaapu7.lua

GPS position is cleared in display when telemetry is lost

First of all – great script! I really appreciate you taking the time.

I noticed that when the data link is lost, the GPS position (showed under 3D fix / hd) is cleared, but all the other data are still there. I think it should keep the last known position visible in the event of a crash.

Saving MAVLink Message History

Is there a way to have this data saved to a txt file somewhere. Would be great for diagnosis and problem solving.

Also it used to be (X10S) I could roll the wheel and it would change screens with the message history but with the latest this is no longer the case?



Crossfire over mavlink

I think this is more the question rather than a bug. I use Crossfire nano connected to FC over Mavlink protocol. Do I understand correctly that only 'PASSTHROUGH' mode (10) should be used to work this script properly? Or there are any other options to make it working?

Please point me where I can read more to understand how to make my setup fully working with your nice script using Crossfire RC )


Battery persentage always shows 99%

I have setup this scrip successfully on two pixhawks using my Jumper T16 running version 1.8.0. now and love it. However, my battery percentage is always at 99%. Is there any reason for this? Am I missing a setting somewhere to configure this? Im only using a single battery with the frsky smartport and yaapu cable.

can not work with FPort

receiver: RXSR(flashed FPort firmware)
TX: X10S
FC: Omnibus F4V3 with INav 2.1.0
this script can not work, just "No telemetry signal" on screen.

Battery voltage limited to 50V volts

My platform uses an 12 cells baterry reaching 53 volts.
While using the FrSky telemtry script it seems that it can't display more than 50 volts.
As battery discharges bellow 50V telemetry voltage readings seems fine.
Any suggestions?

ArduCopter/PixHawk voltage does not display


First of all awesome lua script!

For some reason voltage does not display properly (0.0v). Current appears to be fine.

TX: Taranis X9D+ (OpenTX 2.2.1 - lua,luac)
FC: PixHawk 2 (ArduCopter 3.5.5)

BATT_* settings

I suppose I should mention that I'm not using the FrSky power module.

No values in the telemetry radio screen

I have the following question/Issues:
Radio: Taranis X9D+ Firmware: 2.3.5 RX: R9 slim on 868Mhz

When I run the yaapu script I see all the values send from the F405-Wing but when I go in the telemetry menu of the radio I see only the GPS Coordinate, I see the other sensors (CURR, Volt, ALt, etc) but NOT ANY values.. I am not able to set the special functionality of the vario or the voice features. Is some thinks that is possible to solve? Thanks, Franco

20200328_105101 - Copia

Radio not storing Yaapu settings values

I am using your awesome Yaapu Telemetry script with a PixHawk 4 and a Frsky Taranis XD9+ SE 2019 Tx.

I am having an issue that when I click on the menu button and scroll to the bottom of the settings,
because I have the PX4 firmware loaded, I change "enable px4 flightmodes" to yes.

However when I navigate back into the settings I see that the script hasn't saved the PX4 flightmodes setting. It is back to no. Therefore the radio is teling me the incorrect flightmodes

If I try and open the cfg file for this model of the PC I find it is full of NULL.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Not able to save the configuration script data

Maybe the problem was already known but in the Taranis x9d+ firmware OPENTX 2.3.5 the exit key during the configuration of the parameters of the script go out. Is It a way to create a configuration file like modelname.cfg to configure all the parameters without use the radio to configure it? Coud you have same sample to create it and save to the model/yaapu dirs? Thanks, Franco

Show last good GPS coordinate on Taranis


Yesterday I lost my plane in a corn field 400 m away from me. Lost telemetry. I was running Yaapu: I would have so much appreciated to have the last coordinates shown instead of a lot of data. I had to spend a lot of time to play pause the recorded video and found it but... but...
Thanks !

Feature request : add Crossfire CRSF protocol - MSP capability

First of all, I love your Widget ! :) That's a great job.

I updated it to work with Inav + Crossfire on my Horus X10 - openTX2.2.2
I changed the code to read CRSF protocol and MSP over CRSF.
And it do work !!! :)

But for sure, what i did is not very clean.
Perhaps, you could be interested in adding crossfire + MSP capability to the official release.
I can send you the code I modifyed.

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