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supabase-swift's Issues

Please introduce tags

Please introduce tags and releases to this package. As you know Swift Playgrounds 4 got released, but it only supports SPM packages by version number, not by branch. Thus it is currently impossible to use this SDK in a Playgrounds project.

OAuth Login with Auth Provider Example

Feature request

I see in the gotrue RC pr the Google OAuth example was removed -

This was referenced in a few issues -
#39 (comment)
#32 (comment)
(FWIW, I was never able to get that example working.. it would never redirect back to my app)

Found another request for it

It's also being talked about in the community Discord channel (#swift) for something like this (?)

I'd also like to add that I'm new to Swift and would be interested in a full blown example app I could clone and learn from... with auth, realtime, and databasing. There's a lot of examples on the Supabase website, just none in Swift!

Is this production ready?

Guessing from contribution activity that it's not, but just wanted to check to be sure.. Hoping to use Google SSO in an app Im working on

failing to build on widget: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64

Bug report

Describe the bug

Can't build my widget extension after using Supabase module: ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64

To Reproduce

  1. Create a widget extension for your app
  2. Try to use Supabase package
  3. Enjoy

Here is my code:

Expected behavior

Should not crash when trying to build, like on my iOS app.


No screenshots, but here is the full report dump:

System information

Macbook Air M1: Darwin macbook-2.local 22.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.4.0: Mon Mar 6 21:00:41 PST 2023; root:xnu-8796.101.5~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 arm64

Additional context

I don't really understand why this issue happens only on the widget extension part. It seems to look like it's failing to build because CMake/something was not build for the ARM64 architecture, when there shouldn't be any difference between an app and a widget (maybe?).

App Store Ready

Is this library ready for use in a production app that can go in the App Store? If not, any ETA on when it would be ready by?

Ability to add own headers

Feature request

I am in the need to send my own Authorization token in the header rather than using the Auth session that Supabase provides and currently its impossible to do so - or I haven't found the way to do it. It would be interesting to be able to add your own custom headers in the init of the client since its where you set your defaultHeaders.

Describe the solution you'd like

My proposal is to add in this init the ability to pass your own custom headers that are merged into the default Supabase ones.

public init(
    supabaseURL: URL,
    supabaseKey: String,
    schema: String = "public",
    httpClient: HTTPClient = HTTPClient(),
customHeaders: [String: String]? = nil
  ) {
    self.supabaseURL = supabaseURL
    self.supabaseKey = supabaseKey
    self.schema = schema
    self.httpClient = httpClient

    defaultHeaders = [
      "X-Client-Info": "supabase-swift/\(version)",
      "apikey": supabaseKey,

if let customHeaders = customHeaders {
            defaultHeaders = defaultHeaders.merging(customHeaders) { (_, new) in new }

    auth = GoTrueClient(
      url: supabaseURL.appendingPathComponent("/auth/v1"),
      headers: defaultHeaders

This way the user can overwrite the headers if they consider it so - at their own risk.

OAuth Sign in with Apple (cannot open the page because the address is invalid)

I am trying to set up sign-in with apple for my Swift project. The account is being created on Supabase side but I can not see the email associated with the account.

trying to figure out what is the problem here and I am quite stumped.

I think it could be that the Isn't posting and there for the observer isn't working either

I have also opened a ticket in the discord:

Realtime subscriptions don't work

Socket is connected, channel is seemingly subscribed (it fires on "receive 'ok'")

It never fires on ".all" or any other events

Only when I unsubscribe "onClose" actually fires ("onError" never fires)

Replication is enabled on all tables, it doesn't work even on non-RLS tables

In API and Postgres logs I could only see "websocket" connections, didn't see any "subscription" logs if there are supposed to be any

@GRSouza please help

I'm setting it up like Realtime Swift docs say

RealtimeClient is private

Bug report

Describe the bug

The realtime client realtime in the SupabaseClient class is private, making it un-accessible.

To Reproduce

See code here for the qualifier.

Expected behavior

A public qualifier is expected, in order to use the set client, like auth, storage or database

Fails to build due to PostgREST master branch dependency

Bug report

Describe the bug

Build attempts fail due to changes in PostgREST master branch

  • FunctionsClient init change
  • PostgrestClient init change
  • FunctionsHTTPClient removal
  • PostgrestHTTPClient removal

To Reproduce

  1. Create new project (or have existing project)
  2. Add supabase-swift SPM dependency as described in README
  3. Attempt to build the project
  4. See errors in SupabaseClient.swift

Expected behavior

Should build without issue


Screenshot 2023-01-02 at 1 00 27 PM

Additional context

Switching to the Release Candidate #45 most recent commit solves the issue (albeit not ideal)

.package(name: "Supabase", url: "", branch: "release-candidate")

It seems like shifting the master branch to tagged dependencies from here on would avoid issues like these popping up


we're rolling out a header similar to Stripe's App-Data in all of the client libs so issues can be debugged more easily between the client and the backend

the javascript libs are done already: supabase/supabase-js#238

the format is: X-Client-Info: supabase-js/1.11.0

for client libs that wrap others (like how supabase-js wraps gotrue-js) we allow the wrapper lib to overwrite the wrapped lib's header (given that we can infer the gotrue-js version based on which supabase-js was used to make the call)

any help with rolling this out here would be incredible, it also ideally would be rolled out into the wrapped libs (postgrest-swift etc.)

Broken example in

Bug report

The CRUD insert example found in README.MD is broken. This caused a lot of frustration getting started.

Describe the bug

When running the example found in README.MD

let insertData = InsertModel(title: "Test", desc: "Test Desc")
let query = client.database
            .from("{ Your Table Name }")
            .select() // keep it empty for all, else specify returned data
            .match(query: ["title" : insertData.title, "desc": insertData.desc])
Task {
    do {
        let response: InsertModel = try await query.execute().value
        print("### Returned: \(response)")
    } catch {
        print("### Insert Error: \(error)")

Where InsertModel is defined as (as the README says "Using the same model as before")

struct InsertModel: Encodable {
    let id: Int? // you can choose to omit this depending on how you've setup your table
    let title: String?
    let desc: String?

You are greeted with the following error in XCode:

Cannot convert value of type 'Void' to specified type '[InsertModel]'

This is fixable by redefining InsertModel as follows:

struct InsertModel: Encodable, Decodable {
    let id: Int? // you can choose to omit this depending on how you've setup your table
    let title: String?
    let desc: String?

Which fixes this error. However, when attempting to cast to InsertModel as follows in the example:

let response: InsertModel = try await query.execute().value

You receive the following error

typeMismatch(Swift.Dictionary<Swift.String, Any>, Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "Expected to decode Dictionary<String, Any> but found an array instead.", underlyingError: nil))

To address this, it must be fit into an array as follow:
let response: [InsertModel] = try await query.execute().value

This finally allows you to access the underlying data.

To Reproduce

To reproduce, run the code found in the example README and perform the aforementioned changes.

System information

  • OS: [MacOS]
  • Version of Supabase [0.1.3]
    Using the Package.swift import:
let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(name: "Supabase", url: "", branch: "master"), // Add the package
    targets: [
            name: "YourTargetName",
            dependencies: ["Supabase"] // Add as a dependency

Auto-refreshing JWT randomly expires in 0.0.8

Auto-refresh now works, but only half the time

It occasionally throws a PGRST301 error on query execution (401 on Supabase)

Retrying the query multiple times fixes this, but I don't think it's a good solution long-term

Maybe it issues a new token on query but passes only on the next one?

Supabase installation doesn't work

I've followed steps to install Supabase but Xcode(v13.1) unable to import Supabase for an iOS app

How I installed?
SPM - Search by URL and then added the package successfully


  • Clean Build folder
  • Restart Xcode

Actual result:

  • Unable to import it
    CleanShot 2022-03-16 at 17 24 13@2x

Can not create Client

Can't create client

Client creation like in the readme doesn't work

I am trying to create a new client to test the supabase login in my swift-ui project, however when I try to create the client with:

let client = SupabaseClient(supabaseURL: "{ Supabase URL }", supabaseKey: "{ Supabase anonymous Key }")

I get the error Cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type 'URL'

When using let client = SupabaseClient(supabaseURL: URL(string: "{ Supabase URL }"), supabaseKey: "{ Supabase anonymous Key }")

I get the error No exact matches in call to initializer

Am I doing something wrong or is the readme not up to date?

Expected behavior

Create a client

System information

  • OS: macOS
  • Version of supabase-switft: 0.2.1

can't seem to fetch rows.

Bug report

I have this a test org and it's returning results fine using python

Describe the bug

When running same query
I get no results in swift version.

Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 7 43 44 am

result: Optional(PostgREST.PostgrestResponse<()>(underlyingResponse: Get.Response<()>(value: (), response: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x600001263020> { URL:* } { Status Code: 200, Headers {
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" =     (
    "Alt-Svc" =     (
        "h3=\":443\"; ma=86400, h3-29=\":443\"; ma=86400"
    "Content-Encoding" =     (
    "Content-Location" =     (
    "Content-Type" =     (
        "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    Date =     (
        "Thu, 17 Nov 2022 20:43:22 GMT"
    Server =     (
    Vary =     (
    Via =     (
    "cf-cache-status" =     (
    "cf-ray" =     (
    "content-profile" =     (
    "content-range" =     (
    "sb-gateway-version" =     (
    "x-kong-proxy-latency" =     (
    "x-kong-upstream-latency" =     (
} }, data: 422860 bytes, task: LocalDataTask <47B6B060-DF8F-4921-AE38-CF831D362865>.<1>, metrics: Optional((Task Interval) <_NSConcreteDateInterval: 0x60000125f3e0> (Start Date) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000 + (Duration) 2.450190 seconds = (End Date) 2022-11-17 20:43:22 +0000
(Redirect Count) 0
(Transaction Metrics) (Request) <NSMutableURLRequest: 0x60000101c320> { URL:* }
(Response) <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x600001262240> { URL:* } { Status Code: 200, Headers {
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" =     (
    "Alt-Svc" =     (
        "h3=\":443\"; ma=86400, h3-29=\":443\"; ma=86400"
    "Content-Encoding" =     (
    "Content-Location" =     (
    "Content-Type" =     (
        "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    Date =     (
        "Thu, 17 Nov 2022 20:27:54 GMT"
    Server =     (
    Vary =     (
    Via =     (
    "cf-cache-status" =     (
    "cf-ray" =     (
    "content-profile" =     (
    "content-range" =     (
    "sb-gateway-version" =     (
    "x-kong-proxy-latency" =     (
    "x-kong-upstream-latency" =     (
} }
(Fetch Start) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Domain Lookup Start) (null)
(Domain Lookup End) (null)
(Connect Start) (null)
(Secure Connection Start) (null)
(Secure Connection End) (null)
(Connect End) (null)
(Request Start) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Request End) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Response Start) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Response End) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Protocol Name) (null)
(Proxy Connection) NO
(Reused Connection) NO
(Fetch Type) Local Cache
(Request Header Bytes) 0
(Request Body Transfer Bytes) 0
(Request Body Bytes) 0
(Response Header Bytes) 0
(Response Body Transfer Bytes) 0
(Response Body Bytes) 0
(Local Address) (null)
(Local Port) (null)
(Remote Address) (null)
(Remote Port) (null)
(TLS Protocol Version) 0x0000
(TLS Cipher Suite) 0x0000
(Cellular) NO
(Expensive) NO
(Constrained) NO
(Multipath) NO

(Request) <NSURLRequest: 0x60000101caf0> { URL:* }
(Response) <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x60000124e260> { URL:* } { Status Code: 200, Headers {
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" =     (
    "Alt-Svc" =     (
        "h3=\":443\"; ma=86400, h3-29=\":443\"; ma=86400"
    "Content-Encoding" =     (
    "Content-Location" =     (
    "Content-Type" =     (
        "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    Date =     (
        "Thu, 17 Nov 2022 20:43:22 GMT"
    Server =     (
    Vary =     (
    Via =     (
    "cf-cache-status" =     (
    "cf-ray" =     (
    "content-profile" =     (
    "content-range" =     (
    "sb-gateway-version" =     (
    "x-kong-proxy-latency" =     (
    "x-kong-upstream-latency" =     (
} }
(Fetch Start) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Domain Lookup Start) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Domain Lookup End) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Connect Start) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Secure Connection Start) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Secure Connection End) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Connect End) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Request Start) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Request End) 2022-11-17 20:43:20 +0000
(Response Start) 2022-11-17 20:43:22 +0000
(Response End) 2022-11-17 20:43:22 +0000
(Protocol Name) h3
(Proxy Connection) NO
(Reused Connection) NO
(Fetch Type) Network Load
(Request Header Bytes) 998
(Request Body Transfer Bytes) 0
(Request Body Bytes) 0
(Response Header Bytes) 295
(Response Body Transfer Bytes) 110951
(Response Body Bytes) 422860
(Local Address)
(Local Port) 62732
(Remote Address)
(Remote Port) 443
(TLS Protocol Version) 0x0304
(TLS Cipher Suite) 0x1301
(Cellular) NO
(Expensive) NO
(Constrained) NO
(Multipath) NO

)), count: nil))

To Reproduce

    override func viewDidLoad() {
    func setupDatabase() {
        let SUPABASE_URL = URL(string:"")!
        let ANON_KEY = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJzdXBhYmFzZSIsInJlZiI6InFmd3pka3BteXpham1tdnVwZ3p5Iiwicm9sZSI6ImFub24iLCJpYXQiOjE2NjgxMzAzMjYsImV4cCI6MTk4MzcwNjMyNn0.kEweOMrRSJ0mtOIXnsRmbNxf4yqoZAZf398jlGgSxtQ"
        self.client = SupabaseClient(supabaseURL: SUPABASE_URL, supabaseKey: ANON_KEY)
        Task {
            await fetchRows();

    func fetchRows() async  {
        let result = try? await self.client?.database.from("tweets").select(columns: "*").execute();

Steps to reproduce the behavior, please provide code snippets or a repository:
I'm on release-candidate branch

Expected behavior

running python version - I get results back
Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 7 45 15 am

but on ios - I get results = nil


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

System information

  • OS: macos - ventura
  • Version of Node.js: swift release candidate branch 0.0.9

Additional context

I've successfully used and got data from superbase in another project - not sure what's going on here.
maybe to do with async stuff?

Release Number

Bug report

Is there any chance we could create a new release with version 0.0.1 or something small? It would help when integrating this package with other packages where SPM requires a version number.

Add Linux Support

Feature request

Add support for supabase-swift on Linux.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I'm trying to build a Swift on the server application and was hoping to use the Supabase SDK to do so, but not able to right now.

Describe the solution you'd like

It looks like it mostly should work, but ran into an issue around some URLSession APIs that don't seem to be available on Linux. I believe it should be something you can work around, I found this blog post discussing the subject, and while I don't know the library's history I saw some #if canImport(FoundationNetworking) checks in the code base already so I suspect some Linux support was at least attempted.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Using the REST API, but making this change would benefit more than just me, it would open up a whole class of possibilities for anyone using Supabase from the server.

Additional context

This is the failed build log for the issue I'm running into.

/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:4:25: error: cannot find type 'URLRequest' in scope
  func fetch(_ request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse)
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:5:26: error: cannot find type 'URLRequest' in scope
  func upload(_ request: URLRequest, from data: Data) async throws -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse)
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageApi.swift:52:32: error: type of expression is ambiguous without more context
	let (data, response) = try await http.fetch(request)
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageApi.swift:53:32: error: type of expression is ambiguous without more context
	if let mimeType = response.mimeType {
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageApi.swift:92:32: error: type of expression is ambiguous without more context
	let (data, response) = try await http.upload(request, from:
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:4:60: error: 'HTTPURLResponse' is unavailable: This type has moved to the FoundationNetworking module. Import that module to use it.
  func fetch(_ request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse)
Foundation.HTTPURLResponse:2:18: note: 'HTTPURLResponse' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias HTTPURLResponse = AnyObject
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:5:78: error: 'HTTPURLResponse' is unavailable: This type has moved to the FoundationNetworking module. Import that module to use it.
  func upload(_ request: URLRequest, from data: Data) async throws -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse)
Foundation.HTTPURLResponse:2:18: note: 'HTTPURLResponse' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias HTTPURLResponse = AnyObject
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:11:32: error: cannot find type 'URLRequest' in scope
  public func fetch(_ request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:11:67: error: 'HTTPURLResponse' is unavailable: This type has moved to the FoundationNetworking module. Import that module to use it.
  public func fetch(_ request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
Foundation.HTTPURLResponse:2:18: note: 'HTTPURLResponse' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias HTTPURLResponse = AnyObject
error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file doesn’t exist."
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:35:16: error: cannot find type 'URLRequest' in scope
	_ request: URLRequest,
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:37:28: error: 'HTTPURLResponse' is unavailable: This type has moved to the FoundationNetworking module. Import that module to use it.
  ) async throws -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
Foundation.HTTPURLResponse:2:18: note: 'HTTPURLResponse' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias HTTPURLResponse = AnyObject
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:13:33: error: type 'URLSession' (aka 'AnyObject') has no member 'shared'
	  let dataTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
					 ~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:27:40: error: tuple type '(_, HTTPURLResponse)' (aka '(_, AnyObject)') is not convertible to tuple type '(Data, HTTPURLResponse)' (aka '(Data, AnyObject)')
		continuation.resume(returning: (data, httpResponse))
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:39:29: error: type 'URLSession' (aka 'AnyObject') has no member 'shared'
	  let task = URLSession.shared.uploadTask(with: request, from: data) { data, response, error in
				 ~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~
/__w/SupabaseSample/SupabaseSample/.build/checkouts/storage-swift/Sources/SupabaseStorage/StorageHTTPClient.swift:53:40: error: tuple type '(_, HTTPURLResponse)' (aka '(_, AnyObject)') is not convertible to tuple type '(Data, HTTPURLResponse)' (aka '(Data, AnyObject)')
		continuation.resume(returning: (data, httpResponse))

listBuckets doesn't work

Bug report

Listing buckets crashes the app.

Describe the bug

When I try to use .listBuckets() as mentioned here, my app throws an error (caught using fatalError with the name "Error"). The error status code is 400.

To Reproduce

  • Initialize the client
  • Run try await

System information

  • OS: macOS

[Request] When are docs for Realtime and Storage coming?

I played around with Realtime based on the realtime-swift docs, but I just couldn't get it to work.
It would be great if you added docs for both of those features, since it has been months since anything changed with them.

Crashing On Query Execution

MacOS: Monterey (12.2.2)
XCode Version 13.3 (13E113)

I seem to be having an issue getting this to work correctly. Trying to execute a query crashes as soon it begins.
Although it could be a problem with my code as I'm fairly new to swift.

My Environment variables are correct as I stepped through them before crash

import SwiftUI
import Supabase

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject private var model = ContentViewModel()

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            List(model.lessons) { lesson in
                        Text("\(lesson.title): \(lesson.description)")
        .onAppear {

class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var lessons: [Lesson] = []    
    let supabaseUrl = URL(string: ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SUPABASE_URL"]!)
    let supabaseKey = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SUPABASE_KEY"]!
    lazy var client = SupabaseClient(supabaseURL: supabaseUrl!,supabaseKey: supabaseKey)

    // Retrieve all lessons
    func getLessons() {
        print("Retrieving all todo's from database")
        let query = client.database.from("lessons")
        query.execute { results in
            switch results {
                case let .success(response):
                    let lessons = try? response.decoded(to: [Lesson].self)
                    self.lessons = lessons!
                case let .failure(error):


struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

Clarification on signed in row level security access via jwt

Improve documentation

let client = SupabaseClient(supabaseURL: SUPABASE_URL, supabaseKey: ANON_KEY)

Describe the problem

how can a signed in user access database with row level security?
is there a way to switch in the jwt once we have it -
client.updateJWT( supabaseKey: authorisedJWT);

I'm working on a sign in with apple / nodejs - native login flow - but once I have the jwt - how can I then proceed to use it....

Can't sign in another google account

When I login with goggle account, after signOut I can't sign in another google account. Step flow:

  • Login with google account using: SPBase.shared.client.auth.signIn(provider: .google, options: options)
  • SignOut using: SPBase.shared.client.auth.signOut()
  • When login with google account again:

Expected: Show login screen with allow input new account

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 2022-06-28 at 17 08 07

Actual: Auto login with old account

Invoking edge function always results in `unacceptableStatusCode(404)`

Bug report

Describe the bug

When trying to invoke any Edge Function from supabase-swift client context (with or without invoke options) throws an error unacceptableStatusCode(404). Call does not register in the Edge Functions log browser, but it appears in the API Edge Network log browser as a 404 (see below) using a different invocation URL format:


Edge Functions API documentation

The function name is correct (preview-issue) and can be accessed using Edge Functions API, so it appears that the invocation URL for functions-swift uses an incorrect format:

To Reproduce

Invoke a Edge Function using the following signature (after setting up your Supabase Swift client:

do {
    try await client.functions.invoke(functionName: "preview-issue", invokeOptions: .init(headers: ["param": "some-string"]))
} catch {
    throw error

Expected behavior

  • Invocation succeeds and the Edge Function result returns expected response
  • Invocation gets registered in the Edge Functions log browser


Log ID

Log Timestamp (UTC)

Log Event Message
POST | 404 | | 79854d3a4d27777a |

Log Metadata
    "request": [
        "headers": [
            "accept": "application/json",
            "cf_cache_status": null,
            "cf_connecting_ip": "",
            "cf_ipcountry": "GB",
            "cf_ray": "79854d3a4d27777a",
            "content_length": "0",
            "content_location": null,
            "content_range": null,
            "content_type": null,
            "date": null,
            "host": "",
            "referer": null,
            "sb_gateway_version": null,
            "user_agent": "iOS/1 CFNetwork/1402.0.8 Darwin/22.3.0",
            "x_client_info": "functions-swift/0.2.0",
            "x_forwarded_proto": "https",
            "x_forwarded_user_agent": null,
            "x_kong_proxy_latency": null,
            "x_kong_upstream_latency": null,
            "x_real_ip": ""
        "host": "",
        "method": "POST",
        "path": "/functions/v1/preview-issue",
        "port": null,
        "protocol": "https:",
        "sb": [],
        "search": null,
        "url": ""
    "response": [
        "headers": [
            "cf_cache_status": "DYNAMIC",
            "cf_ray": "79854d3a7723777a-LHR",
            "content_length": "48",
            "content_location": null,
            "content_range": null,
            "content_type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            "date": "Sun, 12 Feb 2023 12:24:31 GMT",
            "sb_gateway_mode": null,
            "sb_gateway_version": "1",
            "transfer_encoding": null,
            "x_kong_proxy_latency": null,
            "x_kong_upstream_latency": null
        "origin_time": 37,
        "status_code": 404

System information

  • OS: iOS 16.1
  • Swift: 5.7
  • Xcode: 14.2
  • supabase-swift: 0.1.2
  • functions-swift: 0.2.0

Allow `GoTrueClient` injectable to SupabaseClient initializer

Feature request

It would be great a GoTrueClient to be injected as a parameter to SupabaseClient initializer.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

We have a specific Keychain configuration that we need to inject to the GoTrueClient (whose initializers already support injecting their own KeychainStorage/GoTrueLocalStorage. Our app will not be able to use the defacto Keychain location that is being provided in the GoTrueClient(...) init that this initializer is using.

Describe the solution you'd like

This could be as easy as allowing a new constructor

  public init(
    supabaseURL: URL,
    supabaseKey: String,
    schema: String = "public",
    headers: [String: String] = [:],
    httpClient: HTTPClient = HTTPClient(),
    authClient: GoTrueClient
  ) {

It seems that the auth client does depend on the headers, so maybe allowing some kind of convenience method on GoTrueClient(...) to construct it based upon the existing supabaseURL and supabaseKey which are added via the defaultHeaders property, would be helpful.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Instead of being provided to the initializer, the auth property could become a var for an automatic get or there could be another function like setAuthClient(...) that is exposed. But that would probably introduce some weird conditions that are tougher to reason about rather than just injecting in the init(...)

Additional Context

If either approach is acceptable, I'm happy to write it up and put up a PR.

iOS 12

What can I do to enable support for IOS12?

Fatal error: Attempted to read an unowned reference but object x was already deallocated

Attempting to login via:

client.auth.signIn(email: email,
                               password: password,
                               completion: { session in
                print("login result ", session)

but getting a runtime crash:

Fatal error: Attempted to read an unowned reference but object 0x600001c8fc60 was already deallocated
CoreSimulator 776.3 - Device: iPhone 13 Pro Max (B3F3EB94-461D-4424-95F2-9BC730D4FB80) - Runtime: iOS 15.0 (19A339) - DeviceType: iPhone 13 Pro Max

Running iOS 15, Xcode 13 in a SwiftUI application

Insert a todo into the database example throws an error. Suggested fix.

Bug report

Describe the bug

The code for adding a Todo throws several errors.

There appears to be an error in the JSON serialization and the client database insertion says "from" when the method should be "form. Changing that part works. But I'm unsure if the data is being properly serialized.

 do {
        let jsonData: Data = try JSONEncoder().encode(todo)
        let jsonDict  = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData, options: .allowFragments)
        try client.database.form("todos")
            .insert(values: jsonDict as! [String : Any])
                           .execute { results in
            // Handle response
    } catch {
       print("Error inserting the todo: \(error)")

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior, please provide code snippets or a repository:

  1. Add the example for adding a Todo.

The following error messages appear:

  • Cannot convert value of type 'Any' to specified type '[String : Any]'
  • Closure expression is unused
  • Unable to infer type of a closure parameter 'results' in the current context

Expected behavior

Ideally the code wouldn't throw any error messages.

System information

  • Xcode 12.5.1

Insert doesn‘t return inserted row

Using this code I insert a row into a todo table.
Expectation was, that execute returns the row but it doesn‘t.
But I need the inserted row because „id“ is an autogenerated column.
Any way to achieve this?

func createTodo(withTitle title: String) async {
        let todo = Todo(id: nil, title: title, done: false)
        let query = client
            .insert(values: todo)
        query.execute { results in
            switch results {
            case let .success(result):
                print (result)
                // self.todos.append( // I can‘t do that sice I receive no resulting data
            case let .failure(error):

Auth session doesn't refresh when using database

Bug report

Describe the bug

If my JWT has expired since I last called supabaseClient.auth.session, and I try to execute a command using supabaseClient.database, I get an error about the JWT being expired. I have to work around this by calling _ = supabaseClient.auth.session before every database call to force it to refresh the token.

To Reproduce

  1. Log in using Supabase Auth
  2. Wait for the token to expire
  3. Try to perform an operation on a database

Expected behavior

I would expect the session to automatically be refreshed before attempting the database operation.

System information

  • OS: macOS
  • Version of supabase-swift: 0.2.1

SPM Error when compiling

Bug report

Describe the bug

The compiler complains when integrating supabase-swift into a project:

error: The package product 'Supabase' cannot be used as a dependency of this target because it uses unsafe build flags. (in target 'MyApp' from project 'MyApp')

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior, please provide code snippets or a repository:

  1. Create new app in Xcode
  2. Add swift package
  3. Import the framework
  4. Try to compile
  5. See error above

Expected behavior

Should be able to compile.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

System information

macOS Ventura 10.13.1
Xcode 14.2 (14C18)

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[tvOS] Allow setting auth tokens manually

We are developing a digital signage app for Apple TV (tvOS) and are considering to use Supabase as our backend service. While creating a proof of concept I stumbled upon a problem with authenticating. Since there is no web browser on tvOS the traditional auth flow won't work.

Instead the user needs to sign in on another device and we need to set auth tokens manually on the SupabaseClient instance in our tvOS app. E.g. there might be a companion sign-in app on iOS that transfers auth tokens securely over to the tvOS app.
But as of now there is no way to set auth tokens manually on the client itself.

In supabase-js we have a method called setAuth() that lets you override the access token. Since the app basically does not have any user interaction at all, we also need to set the refresh token in order to stay authenticated while the app shows its content.

Searching across multiple columns (and matching substrings)

I have a table called fun_facts with the following columns:
id: int (primary key)
content: text
keywords: text
tag: text

Here's an example of a row:
id: 123
content: "A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out"
keywords: "impossible animals body funny"
tag: "fact123"

Using the Supabase Swift client, what's the best/recommended way to search across multiple table columns? I want the example row above to show up if I search for terms such as the following:

  • "croc"
  • "tongue crocodile"
  • "animal funny"
  • "impossible"
  • "fact123"
  • "123"

Thanks in advance!

Headers missing

Bug report

Describe the bug

Some headers aren't set when initializing a SupabaseClient and make it impossible to use the storage module

To Reproduce

Initialize a SupabaseClient and use any method from the subclass storage (e.g.

This issue is related to this issue from storage-swift but it needs to be fixed from this repo and not from supabase-community/storage-swift.
Please see this comment fro more information.

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