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Swift is a modern programming language focused on safety, performance, and expressivity.

Related Topics: language objective-c
Stargazers: ptobe photo etherneverdie photo Jeff Dickson photo rubioerika photo Simona Dobre photo #Nicolò photo Masao Nakanishi photo Shashkov Oleg photo abhijith-pm photo Tim photo wookjaemaeng photo hahalala photo mingo77 photo liji-linto photo sreekumar88 photo Mohamed Elkilany photo Brandon Quiceno photo kooyiktung photo Ryan T photo limamajormike photo Jeff photo coxiecox photo jwbader photo Luca Songini photo Uwe Tilemann photo santoshbejjugam photo cagalindo234 photo photo tmacleod photo sylaba9000 photo Tiago Mota photo lispMage photo tarosameganehakamaski photo Kevin Fu photo marianacc photo Vasiliy Ivanov photo rijamughal14 photo Mohammad khalilian photo josephxcii photo kringssebastian photo zachburt photo lavanya57 photo iuliancetanas photo Emma Nasseri photo Pedro Vinhas photo Addy photo Brandon WU photo kazakhjeff photo my-on photo simplycomplexity photo

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