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pxa_social_feed's Issues

Option to disable Twitter Retweets / no (default) image


thank you for this plugin.
I tested it and noticed that retweets have no image, only a gray square.


Is it possible to have an option "Disable Retweets" or do I have to change the partial to define a default image or maybe a default image can be set in the options somewhere?

Thank you

Social ID for business account?

When testing your plugin a couple of months ago there was an option to specify which social ID should be used for the feed. Now I can only select "My page (me)".

I want to display the feed of a Facebook business page, which does not have it's own account - my account is the administrator instead. How can I achieve this now?

Admin posts only?

Hey! Really appreciated plugin. However, the question arises whether it would be possible to have a feature where only posts that the administrators of the page post are streamed to the plugin. That is, guests' posts on the Facebook page wouldn't be in the social feed on the website. They are not relevant :). Thanks! Ames

Problems with emojis

When your Facebook message contains an emoji (e.g. the birthday cake), only a part of the message (the part from the beginning to the first emoji) is stored in TYPO3 database.

[BUG] Class 'League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Facebook' not found

Describe the bug
Setting up configuration with facebook app id and secret leads to typo3 error telling missing dependency.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Admin Menu -> Social Feed
  2. Click on Add Configuration Facebook
  3. Enter App ID and App Secret
  4. See error

Expected behavior
Configuration is created


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: macOS
  • Browser Chrome

Additional context

Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Class 'League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Facebook' not found | Error thrown in file /var/www/html/typo3conf/ext/pxa_social_feed/Classes/Domain/Model/Token.php in line 458. Requested URL:

json_decode for INSTAGRAM in Feed.php

/pxa_social_feed/Classes/Domain/Model/Feed.php => function getMessage() => #164

decoded message only for facebook:
return $this->type == Token::FACEBOOK ? $this->getDecodedMessage() : $this->message;

should be also used for instagram:
return $this->type == (Token::FACEBOOK || Token::INSTAGRAM) ? $this->getDecodedMessage() : $this->message;

Class 'Facebook\Facebook' not found on TYPO3 8

I have a TYPO3 8 site (non composer mode) with the pxa_social_feed extension. If I use any 2.x.x version, I get this error message when trying to open the "Social Feed" module in the BE.

Is the 2.x.x version actually compatible with TYPO3 8?

[Error] Such social type is not valid

Error when executing the scheduler task to clean up obsolete entries for pxa_social_feed.

Execution of task "Clean up obsolete entries (pxa_social_feed)" failed with the following message: Such social type is not valid

screen shot 2018-09-12 at 14 23 54
screen shot 2018-09-12 at 14 25 03

[FEATURE] Add list of requirements for setting up business account

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Missing requirement for setting up a facebook business account

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise list of required steps to be able to set up the social feed

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
Currently there might be some missing steps or lack of documentation for the client/business how to set up their account ot make it work with social feed

[enhancement] possibility to save instagram images 'locally'?

It would be really cool if (maybe I missed it and the possibility exists?) the extension could be set to save instagram post images 'locally' to the TYPO3 installation, ideally to a customizeable folder name, so the extension would not be dependent on instagram being available or not changing their api and / or filenames?
Since the image URLs seem to change after some time and Instagram is not allowing new clients for 'just' displaying your own content, local saving/caching would be helpful: Sandboxed clients only allow to access the last 20 posts of this user so we cannot update older / existing posts for these.

import error on unicode characters

the unicode character '💐' in a tweet results in an import error:

[scheduler]: scheduler - Task failed to execute successfully. Class: Pixelant\PxaSocialFeed\Task\ImportTask, UID: 1, Code: 1470230766, Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x92\x90 h...' for column 'message' at row 1

Thoughts on displaying error when not including TypoScript

I like the tool you've built, but I'm wanting to style the feed with my own CSS.

If I exclude your TypoScript so the feed appears as plain HTML, I see an error message about not having the TypoScript included.

screen shot 2017-08-23 at 9 44 02 am

Would it be more appropriate to have this error message somewhere in the BE instead of appearing on the live site just because I don't want to use your CSS?

Instagram image url expires

The image URL from Instagram seams to expire after some time. For older Post I get only "Bad URL date param" or "URL signature expired". And the scheduler dose not update the URL.

Common Facebook App Review rejection - suggestion for improvement


I've applied for Facebook API access on a variety of TYPO3 sites using pxa_social_feed and the most common rejection I get is as follows:


Basically they "Can't find the Facebook Login button". I've found this to be luck of the draw, depending on who reviews my application. It's super annoying.

I'm wondering if the pxa_social_feed extension should have a Facebook Button here instead of the generic "Generate access token" button:


They always share the same screenshot "to help you understand my response better":

Screenshot from 2019-12-18 15-26-40

Thoughts? This is a constant issue, and basically I resubmit the application without changing anything and often it'll get approved next time around, because maybe the second reviewer isn't as thick as the first.

Twitter images coming through as http, not https

Feed image URLs stored for tweets are http://, but this causes mixed content errors on sites with https enabled.

Is it possible to fetch and store Twitter images as https:// instead of http://?


[FEATURE] Custom template per social network

Hi !
I installed and started using your Typo3 extension which is really nice.
The one thing that prevents me from using it on my production server is that I wanted to display feeds from my social networks but with custom look for each one (like having a Twitter logo for Twitter and a Facebook logo for Facebook, and so on). I tried to modify the "FeedsItems.html" file with a switch/case structure but it doesn't work.
If you have any idea on how to do this it would be great. Otherwise, maybe for future versions, it would be great to be able to choose the display template in each plugin.
Have a nice day

Error while pressing the admin module social feed. "Oops..."

Hi guys,

The customer uses TYPO3 9.5.28 and the latest version of the extension.


Oops, an error occurred!
Too few arguments to function Pixelant\PxaSocialFeed\Controller\AdministrationController::__construct(), 0 passed in /kunden/typo3cms/typo3_src-9.5.28/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/GeneralUtility.php on line 3691 and exactly 1 expected

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Admin Tools and click Social feed.

Error log:

Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Too few arguments to function Pixelant\PxaSocialFeed\Controller\AdministrationController::__construct(), 0 passed in /kunden/typo3cms/typo3_src-9.5.28/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/GeneralUtility.php on line 3691 and exactly 1 expected | ArgumentCountError thrown in file /kunden/typo3cms/typo3conf/ext/pxa_social_feed/Classes/Controller/AdministrationController.php in line 96. Requested URL:

Cheers and thankful for help.


Twitter post url

The url of the tweet or retweet isn't stored in the database field "post_url", there even is no function "setPostUrl" in function "saveTwitterFeed".

Error-Message when clicking on the Social-Feed-Button under the Admintools section.

Hello Pixelant-Team,

I wanted to try your Extension for one of my projects but i failed right at the beginning.
I installed it with the extensions-tool in the Typo3-Backend.

I added it to the Typoscript template and clicked on the Social Feed Button.
The result is a errorcode: #1472074485: Table 'usr_p477431_1.tx_pxasocialfeed_domain_model_token' doesn't exist

I dont know why and where this table is missing, i dont changed something in the files.

Unnessesary private methods

Because \Pixelant\PxaSocialFeed\Utility\Task\ImportTaskUtility::saveInstagramFeed is private, you cannot overwrite it. Why did you chose to declare it private? I dont want to overwrite the monster method \Pixelant\PxaSocialFeed\Utility\Task\ImportTaskUtility::run for a small custom change..

composer.json issue

Could not find package pixelant/pxa-social-feed at any version for your minimum-stability (stable). Check the package spelling or your minimum-stability

[BUG] Facebook and Instagram Token Error

Describe the bug
After add Facebook or Instgram Token come the Error

Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Class 'League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Facebook' not found

To Reproduce
Go to Social Feed and add Token for Facebook or Instagram


Additional context
Clean TYPO3 10.4.23 install with pxa_social_feed extension in version 3.0.2

Does something have to be installed separately for Facebook? It went perfectly with Twitter Token

[pxa_social_feed] Error: Invalid data from FACEBOOK feed. Please, check credentials

Hello Team,

we get this error and can't figure out, whats missing. We think the credentials are correct, so it could be something with the app permissions. Anyone here with a working setup, who could support us?

We followed every step - all other social media platforms are connected and are working correct. But the Facebook configuration throws this error.


  • Create Facebook App with our admin account of our facebook page
  • Get App ID and Secret
  • Get Social ID (Number of Facebook profile)
  • Included template
  • Created correct token and config in backend
  • Created scheduler task with facebook config
  • Import throws error in log

Tested on TYPO3 8 LTS with pxa_social_feed 1.9.4
Tested on TYPO3 9 LTS with pxa_social_feed 1.10.0

We also got permission for "manage_pages". Now we're requesting the permission for "Public Content Access".

Would be nice to see exactly, which is incorrect or if it is connected to missing permission in the facebook app in the error text. We tested the facebook SDK, which is used in the extension and there are more detailed error logs, which could help more.

Invalid data from INSTAGRAM feed

i´m using this extension for a multi doamin project and have 2 different configurations for fetching instagram content.
it works fine for the first one which i´m using since november 2017
the second configuration (setup yesterday) doesn´t get the content.
this is the log error:
[pxa_social_feed] Error: Invalid data from INSTAGRAM feed. Please, check credentials.

do you have any idea what could be wrong

many thanks

[BUG] Error in backend module: "expires" is not set on the token

Describe the bug
After clicking the button Login to Facebook and get access token in the token section within the backend menu, the following error message is shown:

"expires" is not set on the token

The created access token though works as feed items are fetched correctly via the configured scheduler task.

I could not figure out a solution, yet.

Additional context
TYPO3 Version: v10.4.22
Extension Version: v3.0.1
PHP: 7.4

[BUG] Error when generating facebook access token

Argument 1 passed to League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Facebook::getLongLivedAccessToken() must be of the type string, object given, called in /var/www/html/public/typo3conf/ext/pxa_social_feed/Classes/Domain/Model/Token.php on line 295

On lines 295 and 336 :
getLongLivedAccessToken($token) should be replace by getLongLivedAccessToken($token->getToken())

[pxa_social_feed] An unknown error has occurred.

Hi there,
Today the scheduler didn't work and i got this message in the Logs:
Fri, 20 Sep 2019 08:15:07 +0200 [ERROR] request="5552691a914be" component="TYPO3.CMS.Scheduler.Task.AbstractTask": Task failed to execute successfully. Class: Pixelant\PxaSocialFeed\Task\ImportTask, UID: 6, Code: 1, An unknown error has occurred. - {"exception":"Facebook\\Exceptions\\FacebookServerException: An unknown error has occurred. in /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pb_social/Resources/Private/Libs/facebook/src/Facebook/Exceptions/FacebookResponseException.php:120\nStack trace:\n#0 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pb_social/Resources/Private/Libs/facebook/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php(210): Facebook\\Exceptions\\FacebookResponseException::create(Object(Facebook\\FacebookResponse))\n#1 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pb_social/Resources/Private/Libs/facebook/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php(255): Facebook\\FacebookResponse->makeException()\n#2 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pb_social/Resources/Private/Libs/facebook/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php(82): Facebook\\FacebookResponse->decodeBody()\n#3 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pb_social/Resources/Private/Libs/facebook/src/Facebook/FacebookClient.php(224): Facebook\\FacebookResponse->__construct(Object(Facebook\\FacebookRequest), '{\"error\":{\"mess...', 500, Array)\n#4 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pb_social/Resources/Private/Libs/facebook/src/Facebook/Facebook.php(469): Facebook\\FacebookClient->sendRequest(Object(Facebook\\FacebookRequest))\n#5 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pb_social/Resources/Private/Libs/facebook/src/Facebook/Facebook.php(341): Facebook\\Facebook->sendRequest('GET', '178414028875146...', Array, Object(Facebook\\Authentication\\AccessToken), NULL, 'v3.3')\n#6 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pxa_social_feed/Classes/Feed/Source/InstagramSource.php(25): Facebook\\Facebook->get('178414028875146...')\n#7 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pxa_social_feed/Classes/Feed/Update/InstagramFeedUpdater.php(24): Pixelant\\PxaSocialFeed\\Feed\\Source\\InstagramSource->load()\n#8 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pxa_social_feed/Classes/Service/Task/ImportFeedsTaskService.php(112): Pixelant\\PxaSocialFeed\\Feed\\Update\\InstagramFeedUpdater->update(Object(Pixelant\\PxaSocialFeed\\Feed\\Source\\InstagramSource))\n#9 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pxa_social_feed/Classes/Service/Task/ImportFeedsTaskService.php(93): Pixelant\\PxaSocialFeed\\Service\\Task\\ImportFeedsTaskService->importFeed(Object(Pixelant\\PxaSocialFeed\\Feed\\InstagramFactory), Object(Pixelant\\PxaSocialFeed\\Domain\\Model\\Configuration))\n#10 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3conf/ext/pxa_social_feed/Classes/Task/ImportTask.php(73): Pixelant\\PxaSocialFeed\\Service\\Task\\ImportFeedsTaskService->import(Array)\n#11 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3_src-9.5.8/typo3/sysext/scheduler/Classes/Scheduler.php(179): Pixelant\\PxaSocialFeed\\Task\\ImportTask->execute()\n#12 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3_src-9.5.8/typo3/sysext/scheduler/Classes/Controller/SchedulerModuleController.php(797): TYPO3\\CMS\\Scheduler\\Scheduler->executeTask(Object(Pixelant\\PxaSocialFeed\\Task\\ImportTask))\n#13 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3_src-9.5.8/typo3/sysext/scheduler/Classes/Controller/SchedulerModuleController.php(297): TYPO3\\CMS\\Scheduler\\Controller\\SchedulerModuleController->executeTasks()\n#14 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3_src-9.5.8/typo3/sysext/scheduler/Classes/Controller/SchedulerModuleController.php(200): TYPO3\\CMS\\Scheduler\\Controller\\SchedulerModuleController->getModuleContent(Object(TYPO3\\CMS\\Scheduler\\Task\\Enumeration\\Action))\n#15 [internal function]: TYPO3\\CMS\\Scheduler\\Controller\\SchedulerModuleController->mainAction(Object(TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Http\\ServerRequest))\n#16 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3_src-9.5.8/typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Http/RouteDispatcher.php(87): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)\n#17 /usr/www/users/schaefrv/SBS_TYPO3/typo3_src-9.5.8/typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Http/RequestHandler.php(73):

does anyone have an idea, what the Problem is?

[Error] - Incorrect string value:

When I set up scheduler task and run it I get following error:

Task failed to execute successfully. Class: Pixelant\PxaSocialFeed\Task\ImportTask, UID: 2, Code: 1470230766, Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x99\x8C\xF0\x9F...' for column 'message' at row 1

I try to set column, table, database to utf8 encoding but still getting same error.

Do you know where is th problem?

No error-feedback when importing Youtube-feed

I tried to import a youtube-feed, first using the wrong API-key and then the wrong channel ID, but I didn't get any feedback when running the scheduler. Would be good to see this information.

From the API (when I run the url in the browser) with an invalid API I get this message:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "accessNotConfigured",
    "message": "Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 1234567890 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.",
    "extendedHelp": ""
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 1234567890 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry."

And this with an invalid channel id:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "",
    "reason": "invalidChannelId",
    "message": "Invalid channel.",
    "locationType": "parameter",
    "location": "channelId"
  "code": 400,
  "message": "Invalid channel."

video in tweet is shown with black image


I'm not sure if that is an error or if this can be changed via the Twitter API but I noticed that Tweets which contains a video are shown with a black image. I don't know how the black image is rendered but I assume it's auto rendered from the video.


Is it possible to change that behaviour? Maybe it is possible to change the second in the video of which the image is generated or set a default image for tweets which include a video?

Thank you

Tag regex could be improved to allow tags with umlauts.

Currently the viewhelper ParseMessageViewHelper can create instagram hashtags to instagram searches, however if the hashtag contains umlauts, f.ex. "#hemisfär", then only the part up until "ä" will be a link (and the url will search for "#hemisf").

Perhaps the regex (can be improved (maybe break on space/newline or similar instead). Not sure how well the other services handle hashtags with umlauts.

TYPO3 10 compatibility

Hi there good folks of pixelant,

thank you for providing this extension. Are there any plans regarding TYPO3 10 compatibility?


Facebook verification process

I am currently going through various TYPO3 websites I host and creating Facebook Apps for each. I am required to apply for manage_pages permission in order to generate a Facebook Access Token.

I had success with one application, however I've been denied for a few others because the Facebook reviewer is unable to add their custom Social Feed Configuration to the TYPO3 Scheduler, and correct me if I'm wrong but I think that requires admin privileges, and I'd really rather not give their TYPO3 user access to such power.

If you have ever used pb_social, it has a scheduled job that finds all plugins and uses the configurations set in each plugin, instead of having to add each configuration to the TYPO3 Scheduler like the pxa_social_feed does.

I'm going to try and replicate this functionality for pxa_social_feed, but am just wondering if you have any other ideas or workaround for this issue.


Misleading text

You say "Social ID/Instagram hashtag (with starting #)" in the BE configuration module. But only for Instagram you need the hashtag, not for Twitter and Facebook.

Error Facebook Access Token

Hello @anjeylink,

after #58 we updated to Version 2.0.1 and followed step by step your new, well written, documentation. Everything went as expected until the Facebook popup window appears:

  • we choose the enterprise page of our facebook personal account (checkbox)
  • it pops up a window, which says something about the Login Review (we already have "manage pages")
    Screenshot from 2019-08-09 16-39-12
  • we tried both checkboxes (screenshot)
  • it says everything is ok but then on redirect (OAuth Redirect path from plugin backend on facebook login plugin):
    (1/1) ArgumentCountError Too few arguments to function Pixelant\PxaSocialFeed\Controller\EidController::addFbAccessTokenAction(), 1 passed and exactly 2 expected

Could we do something to fix this error?

[FEATURE] Combine multiple sources foremost news extension

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Would be great to use this extension as paginated feed of different sources, foremost also internal news written by typo3 news extension.

Describe the solution you'd like
PXA_Social Feed on a page (paginated) with all sources combined

Describe alternatives you've considered
Took as an example from pb_social extension but this is really unstable

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