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adipose-dysfunction-nafld's Introduction

Cross-tissue omics analysis discovers adipose genes encoding secreted proteins in obesity-related non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

This repo contains the code used for computational data analysis in Darci-Maher et al. 2023, published in eBioMedicine in June 2023.

The scripts used for each section of the analysis are inside the directory scripts, each with their own sub-directory.

This README details the order in which to run each script, assuming that the user has access to a high-performance computing cluster and the data used in the project (not provided here).


Unfortunately, due to privacy laws, we are unable to provide the KOBS, METSIM, or UK Biobank cohort data on this repo. The GTEx, HPA, and WikiPathways data are freely available online as described in the manuscript data sharing statement.


The code used to generate each figure from the manuscript is available in the scripts listed here. These scripts are also integrated into the full analysis pipeline below.

Figure 1: Study design flowchart

This figure was drawn using Adobe Illustrator and does not include data.

Figure 2: KOBS adipose DE results for NASH

cd scripts/
Rscript kobs_de/plot_kobs_de.R

Figure 3: SBC filtering results

This figure was drawn using Adobe Illustrator and does not include data.

Figure 4: SBC gene-gene expression correlation and best subsets analysis

This script produces the heatmap in Figure 4a. The diagram in Figure 4b was drawn using Adobe Illustrator.

Rscript kobs_de/runSBCcorrelation.R

Figure 5: Preadipoctye siRNA knockdown experiment DE results

Rscript sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/generate_knockdown_plots.R 

Figure 6: HepG2 recombinant protein experiment DE results

Rscript hepg2_experiment_de/plot_hepg2_de.R

Figure 7: Colocalization and mendelian randomization results

Rscript mendelian_randomization_ukb/plot_vegfb_coloc_and_MR_effectsizes.R

Supplementary Figure S1: WGCNA module correlation heatmap

Rscript wgcna_crosstalk/correlate_modules_phenotypes.R 
Rscript wgcna_crosstalk/arrange_sup_fig_heatmaps.R 

Supplementary Figure S2: Key WGCNA module KEGG pathway enrichment results

Rscript wgcna_crosstalk/plot_pathway_enrichment_coolmodules.R 

Supplementary Figure S3: KOBS adipose DE results for steatosis and fibrosis

Rscript kobs_de/plot_kobs_de.R 

Supplementary Figure S4: Preadipocyte cell ORO lipid staining images and quantification

Rscript mendelian_randomization_ukb/plot_vegfb_coloc_and_MR_effectsizes.R
cd ../

Full analysis pipeline

Follow the instructions below, in order, to reproduce all of the data analysis conducted in this project.

Search for adipose-liver crosstalk using WGCNA

cd scripts/wgcna_crosstalk

Get a list of valid samples for the analysis

Rscript get_adipose_liver_overlap_samples.R

Perform data normalization and correction per developer suggestions

Rscript prep_expression_data.R adipose
Rscript prep_expression_data.R liver
Rscript check_expr_genes_overlap.R

Use builtin WGCNA functions to run QC on the cleaned data

Rscript initial_wgcna_qc_checks.R adipose
Rscript initial_wgcna_qc_checks.R liver

Generate independent correlation networks in each tissue

Rscript construct_network.R adipose
Rscript construct_network.R liver

Correlate modules in each network with relevant phenotypes

Rscript correlate_modules_phenotypes.R adipose
Rscript correlate_modules_phenotypes.R liver

Correlate modules across adipose-liver

Rscript correlate_modules_crosstissue.R

Generate heatmap correlation plots

Rscript arrange_sup_fig_heatmaps.R

Investigate biological function of correlated modules

Plug module gene lists into WebGestalt with all expressed genes as background

Rscript explore_xtissue_modules.R

Write out a table for the supplement with important modules and gene names

Rscript write_supplement_table_wgcna.R
cd ../../

Run DE analysis in KOBS adipose and liver data

Prep the liver data

cd scripts/kobs_liver_data_prep

Get the list of sample IDs


Run samtools to remove MT reads from the original bam files


Run picard to generate the RNA-seq metrics


Merge sample-level picard results into one file

Rscript merge_picard.R
cd ../../

After all of this, copy picardRNAmetrics_merged_kobs_liver_noMT.txt to scripts/kobs_de/data_liver

Set up the data for DE analysis

cd scripts/kobs_de

Read in the GENCODE v26 .gtf file, convert it to a dataframe, and filter for our DE genes

Rscript extractAnnotations.R

Consolidate covariate data from various sources and define groups to use for DE (based on liver histology measurements)

Rscript mergeCovs_defGrps.R

Run gene-level DE analysis

Use LIMMA to run several DE experiments for different group definitions

Run identical analyses for adipose and liver

Rscript runLimmaVoom.R adipose
Rscript runLimmaVoom.R liver

Select serum biomarker candidates (SBCs) from DE results

Note: when dowloading PANTHER results, added header manually and copy-pasted to each file

Rscript collectMetadata.R
Rscript test_de_ctm_enrich.R

Generate DE plots for the paper

Rscript plot_kobs_de.R

Run pairwise correlation of expression values for SBCs

Rscript runSBCcorrelation.R

Run best subsets analysis

After generating the models, validate their significance with a permutation test

Rscript runBestSubsets.R
Rscript permuteBestSubsets.R

Write supplemental tables with relevant gene stats from DE and best subsets

Rscript write_supplement_table_kobsde.R
Rscript write_supplement_table_bestsubsets.R
cd ../../

Align and quantify gene expression data from siRNA knockdown experiment

cd scripts/sirna_knockdown_experiment_de

Create key file for the raw data

python3 /u/project/pajukant/nikodm/sbc_sirna/data/fastq/ raw

Trim the raw data


Create key file for the trimmed data

python3 /u/project/pajukant/nikodm/sbc_sirna/data/fastq/ trimmed

QC the raw and trimmed data

QC script will generate a MultiQC HTML report that can be viewed in browser


Download reference genome and annotation

Using main assembly files ("CHR") for GENCODE release 19/GRCh37


Map to the human genome (PASS 1)

Pass 1 maps to existing transcripts

Generate genome with STAR


Align reads with STAR

qsub 1

Map to the human genome (PASS 2)

Pass 2 adds new splice junctions present in the data to the reference and re-maps to that updated reference

Generate new genome with STAR (including new SJs)


Align reads to new genome with STAR (including new SJs)

Only output uniquely mapped reads

qsub 2
Rscript visualizeMT.R

Generate sorted versions of the alignments for downstream

Can run these simultaneously


Get some QC stats with Picard CollectRNASeqMetrics and QoRT


Quantify expression with subread's featureCounts


QC the entire mapping and quantification process at once


Check that the expression looks as expected

Rscript expression_sanity_checks.R

Run DE analysis on knockdown expression data

Download adipogenesis marker genes from wikipathways:

Use biomaRt to convert Entrez IDs to ensembl IDs

Rscript convert_markergenes_to_ensembl.R
Rscript convert_srebf1genes_to_ensembl.R

Run DE analysis between knockdown and scrambled control at each timepoint separately

Rscript run_limmavoom_pertimepoint.R
Rscript explore_de_pertimepoint_results.R

Write out DE results in a table for the supplement

Rscript write_supplement_table_knockdownde.R

Generate knockdown plots for the paper

Rscript generate_knockdown_plots.R

Generate plot of the ORO lipid staining absorbance readings

Rscript plot_oro_absorbance.R
cd ../../

Align and quantify gene expression from the SBC recombinant protein HepG2 cell experiment

This pipeline is almost identical to the one in the sirna_knockdown_experiment_de folder, with a few small changes documented below.

Find some likely downstream targets for CCDC80 and SOD3 for qPCR calibration testing

cd scripts/hepg2_experiment_de
Rscript collect_qPCR_targets.R

Create key file for the raw data

python ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/ /u/project/pajukant/nikodm/hepatocyte_rnaseq/data/fastq/ raw

Trim the raw data


Create key file for the trimmed data

python ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/ /u/project/pajukant/nikodm/hepatocyte_rnaseq/data/fastq/ trimmed

QC the raw and trimmed data

QC script will generate a MultiQC HTML report that can be viewed in browser

qsub ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/

Map to the human genome (PASS 1)

Pass 1 maps to existing transcripts

Generate genome with STAR

qsub ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/

Align reads with STAR

qsub ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/ 1

Map to the human genome (PASS 2)

Pass 2 adds new splice junctions present in the data to the reference and re-maps to that updated reference

Generate new genome with STAR (including new SJs)

qsub ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/

Align reads to new genome with STAR (including new SJs)

Only output uniquely mapped reads, and count MT reads

qsub ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/ 2
qsub ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/
Rscript visualizeMT_hepg2.R

Generate sorted versions of the alignments for downstream

Can run these simultaneously

qsub ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/
qsub ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/

Get some QC stats with Picard CollectRNASeqMetrics

qsub ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/

Quantify expression with subread's featureCounts

qsub ../sirna_knockdown_experiment_de/

QC the entire mapping and quantification process at once


Check that the expression looks as expected

Rscript expression_sanity_checks_hepg2.R

Find the genes we will test for DE in the rna-seq data

Rscript collect_DE_targets.R

Run the DE analyis comparing SBC protein treatment with control

Rscript run_limmavoom_proteinamt.R
Rscript explore_de_results_hepg2.R

Plot the DE results

Rscript plot_hepg2_de.R

Make a pretty DE table for the supplement

Rscript write_supplement_table_hepg2de.R
cd ../../

Correlate SBC adipose expression with liver WGCNA modules that correlate with NAFLD traits in liver

Run the correlation between SBC adipose expression and liver modules

cd scripts/wgcna_crosstalk
Rscript correlate_sbcs_ligands.R

Investigate the implications of these correlations

Rscript explore_ligand_corrs.R
Rscript get_ligand_cor_summarystats.R
Rscript explore_SBC_livermodule_corrs.R

Generate a supplementary table and plot highlighting the correlation results

Rscript write_supplement_table_sbc_livermodule_corr.R
Rscript plot_pathway_enrichment_coolmodules.R
cd ../../

Run Mendelian Randomization to test for a causal effect of cis-regulatory SNPs for adipose aware DE genes on NAFLD

Run MAGENTA tool to check for enrichment of GWAS hits in adipose aware DE genes

To run this section:

  • Download MAGENTA from the Broad institute website
  • Move the MAGENTA folder inside scripts
  • Move into the MAGENTA folder with the MATLAB scripts
cd scripts/magenta
Rscript format_magenta_geneset_entrez.R

Here, cd into the MAGENTA folder (will have a unique name based on version)


Now, return to scripts/magenta

Rscript collect_magenta_results.R
cd ../../

Forward MR direction: adipose IVs -> TG -> NAFLD

cd scripts/mendelian_randomization_ukb

Break huge eQTL result file into small pieces for necessary genes

qsub f

Select candidate regions for IV SNPs

Rscript select_iv_snp_set.R f

Get FPKMs for candidate region genes

qsub f

Set up LD matrix for conditional coloc

qsub f

Run conditional coloc on every candidate IV region

qsub f

Prune IV candidates based on LD and output the final list for MR

Rscript generate_iv_nafldhit_snplist.R
Rscript ld_prune_ivs.R

Get ready for the actual MR analysis by collecting and formatting data

Rscript prep_mr_inputs.R

Run MR method 1: MR-PRESSO

Rscript run_mrpresso.R

Run MR methods 2-4 with MendelianRandomization

Rscript run_MendelianRandomization.R

Make a plot of colocalized VEGFB region above MR effect size plot

Rscript plot_vegfb_coloc_and_MR_effectsizes.R

Backward direction: liver IVs -> NAFLD -> TG

Break huge eQTL result file into small pieces for necessary genes

qsub b

Select candidate regions for IV SNPs

Rscript select_iv_snp_set.R b

Get FPKMs for candidate region genes

qsub b

Set up LD matrix for conditional coloc

qsub b

Run conditional coloc on every candidate IV region

qsub b

No need to go any further because we observed 0 valid liver IVs at this point

Run a regression analysis to quantify the additional variance in NAFLD explained by VEGFB compared to TG alone

Get the genotypes for important SNPs in R compatible format


Fit VEGFB + TG to NAFLD and compare to the fit with TG alone


Write supplementary tables for the VEGFB and TG model results

Rscript write_supplement_table_vegfb_tg_models.R
cd ../../

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