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goamz's Introduction

goamz - An Amazon Library for Go

Current API documentation: GoDoc

This is a fork of that adds some missing API calls to certain packages.

This library is incomplete, but implements a large amount of the AWS API. It is heavily used in projects such as Terraform and Packer. If you find anything missing from this library, please file an issue.

Example Usage

package main

import (

func main() {
  auth, err := aws.EnvAuth()
  if err != nil {
  client := s3.New(auth, aws.USEast)
  resp, err := client.ListBuckets()

  if err != nil {

  log.Print(fmt.Sprintf("%T %+v", resp.Buckets[0], resp.Buckets[0]))

goamz's People


ambakshi avatar armon avatar ashutoshraina avatar bobveznat avatar deoxxa avatar dizzyd avatar dqminh avatar fatih avatar gregburek avatar henrysher avatar inconshreveable avatar jcoene avatar jmassara avatar johnf avatar jpadvo avatar lnguyen avatar mark-stripe avatar markpeek avatar mitchellh avatar mwhooker avatar pearkes avatar phinze avatar pquerna avatar preflightsiren avatar savaki avatar smira avatar snehaso avatar vertis avatar weavenet avatar xuwang avatar


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goamz's Issues

Add 'platform' to ec2 InstanceResp and Instance

so those of us using Windows instances can tell them apart from real computers more easily. I have a dodgy version I'm using locally that works (added Platform string xml:"platform" to RunInstanceResp and Instance structs in goamz/ec2/ec2.go) but haven't added tests (and have no experience in golang).

I'm going to try to write (my first public) pull request and see how I go.

EnvAuth using wrong secret environment variable for secret key

Never mind, it's a fallback. I misread the code. Apologies for the false issue, this has been closed.

Maybe I'm misreading this, but wanted to bring it to attention in the case that I am not. It seems that this is not getting the same environment variable that it checks for:

This seems to be causing a signature error in a route53 request that someone was running into, so I thought that it was worth noting here.

S3 Multi from STDIN

Is it possible to stream directly from STDIN to an S3 bucket? I've tried the following:

package main

import (

func main() {
    auth := aws.Auth{
        AccessKey: "...",
        SecretKey: "...",
    region := aws.USEast
    conn := s3.New(auth, region)
    bucket := conn.Bucket("...")
    err := bucket.PutBucket(s3.Private)
    if err != nil {

    multi, err := bucket.Multi("/", "application/zip", s3.Private)
    if err != nil {

    parts, err = multi.PutAll(os.Stdin, 1024*1024*5)
    if err != nil {

    err = multi.Complete(parts)
    if err != nil {

But receive the following error at multi.PutAll:

seek /dev/stdin: illegal seek

When I swap out os.Stdin for a file that I've opened with os.Open() it doesn't return an error.

Any help is much appreciated.

Consolidate goamz progress


I use goamz in a few of my services, like . Turns out that there are no less than three goamz forks being actively contributed to! The three in mind are mitchellh/goamz, crowdmob/goamz, and goamz/goamz. I'm starting to work on something that involves creating RDS snapshots and that's when I discovered this project is further built out for RDS than crowdmob(so I forked this and added snapshot support). However, I noticed this project lacks some crowdmob features, notably cloudwatch support which I used in cw-engine. Is there any way we might be able to consolidate these efforts into building out a go-to goamz package?

I have also raised this question in the goamz/goamz project : goamz/goamz#11 .


Discussion: How can we make it easier to contribute features back?

Noticed that there's a large number of issues and pull requests banked up, which shows there's a active community wanting to add and improve the goamz project. I think it would be beneficial to open up a discussion on how to tackle this.

  1. How should people contribute to make it easy to verify and merge in changes?
  2. How can we add people to help with the process? I'm happy to volunteer my time

s3: Move AttemptStrategy into S3 object so callers can change, replace

Hi Hashicorp team. Thanks for all your projects and products.

The hardwired default of S3 attempts is a bit problematic for me.


// The S3 type encapsulates operations with an S3 region.
type S3 struct {
    private byte // Reserve the right of using private data.


Attempts *aws.AttemptStrategy

Then change new to point to the current default attempts that is private and hardwired

func New(auth aws.Auth, region aws.Region) *S3 {
    return &S3{auth, region, 0, &attempts}

The caller could then point to another aws.AttemptStrategy objects as needed.

We could also change the New api as well but this seemed like the dumbest solution that unblocks everything.

If ok, then I'll proceed with a pull request.

thanks again!


Can't delete Records Sets

I keep getting this message:

2014/12/02 18:11:04 Request failed, got status code: 400. Response: <?xml version="1.0"?>
<ErrorResponse xmlns=""><Error><Type>Sender</Type><Code>InvalidInput</Code><Message>Invalid XML ; cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'Name'. One of '{&quot;;:SetIdentifier, &quot;;:Weight, &quot;;:GeoLocation, &quot;;:Region, &quot;;:Failover, &quot;;:AliasTarget, &quot;;:HealthCheckId}' is expected.</Message></Error><RequestId>~~~~~~~~</RequestId></ErrorResponse>

From the following function that uses goamz:

Can you help me figure out? (

func changeRecordSets(
    client *route53.Route53,
    hostedzoneID string,
    comment string,
    changes []route53.Change,
) (*route53.ChangeResourceRecordSetsResponse, error) {
    req := route53.ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest{
        Comment: comment,
        Changes: changes,
    return client.ChangeResourceRecordSets(hostedzoneID, &req)

func ForceDelete(
    client *route53.Route53,
    id string,
    domain string,
) (changeID string, deleteID string, ERR error) {
    listOpt := route53.ListOpts{
        Name: domain,
    resp0, err := client.ListResourceRecordSets(id, &listOpt)
    if err != nil {
        changeID = ""
        deleteID = ""
        ERR = err
    changes := []route53.Change{}
    for _, record := range resp0.Records {
        change := route53.Change{
            Action: "DELETE",
            Record: route53.ResourceRecordSet{
                Name:       strings.Replace(record.Name, ".com.", ".com", -1),
                Type:       record.Type,
                TTL:        record.TTL,
                Records:    record.Records,
                RecordsXML: strings.Replace(record.RecordsXML, ".</Name>", "</Name>", -1),
        changes = append(changes, change)
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", changes)
    resp1, err := changeRecordSets(client, id, "Delete", changes)
    if err != nil {
        changeID = ""
        deleteID = ""
        ERR = err
    resp2, err := client.DeleteHostedZone(id)
    changeID = route53.CleanChangeID(resp1.ChangeInfo.ID)
    deleteID = route53.CleanChangeID(resp2.ChangeInfo.ID)
    ERR = err



i have issue that my app is a commercial application how can i link this library in go? Is there already a pre compiled version some where?

Should func GetAuth try credentials in the same order as botocore?


Should func GetAuth try credentials in the same order as botocore?

Currently aws.go GetAuth tries:


As seen in

func GetAuth(accessKey string, secretKey string) (auth Auth, err error) {

In contrast, botocore, which the aws-cli tools use tries:


As seen in:

Having Packer check in a different order sometimes causes confusion when users expect the evaluation order to be the same as the official CLI tools.



client configurable retry settings

users will be operating in disparate environments, so one-size-fits-all configuration for resilience is not appropriate.

the client should be able to change eg the number of retries without recompiling the library.

Support Logging

We need more visibility down into the request layer to tackle bugs like hashicorp/packer#668. We can do this by logging. Logging unconditionally on the root logger sucks, so I recommend we expose a log.Logger to the EC2 struct that everyone will use.

By default, we can make this a Logger instance that goes to ioutil.Discard.

For API, I recommend adding a new function NewWithLogger:

func NewWithLogger(auth aws.Auth, region aws.Region, logger *log.Logger) *EC2 {

We can't support something like a SetLogger because modifying the logger is a race if any requests are happening.

Support Product Advertising API

Hi, nice library.
Support for the Product Advertising API would be great. Do you have any plans on adding this?
Cheers Bijan

IAM role credentials support

At this moment, aws.go supports explicit Key, Secret pair access only.

If you use IAM role you can get the temporary credentials without explicit configuration. This credential contain extra "token" field.

IAM_ROLE=$(curl -s
# will return (key, secret, token) triple
curl -s${IAM_ROLE}

By the way, it is exactly the same way how aws s3 cli, s3cmd tool works: it will use your IAM account by default.

Does it makes sense to add IAM roles authentication feature?

# to aws.go:
func IamAuth()

Incorrectly sets BlockDeviceMapping.1.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination for non-EBS mapped volumes

As of 9e419ba, a request like Action=RunInstances&BlockDeviceMapping.1.DeviceName=%2Fdev%2Fsdb&BlockDeviceMapping.1.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination=false&BlockDeviceMapping.1.VirtualName=ephemeral0 will be generated for the following BlockDeviceMapping array:

block_devices := []ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{
        DeviceName: "/dev/sdb",
        VirtualName: "ephemeral0",

(There should be no BlockDeviceMapping.1.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination.)

However, this causes EC2 to interpret the BlockDeviceMapping as referring to an EBS volume (even though it could be referring to an instance-store volume).

s3 partial get

S3 purported supports Range requests, but there's no way to specify these in Bucket.Get and friends. Perhaps a GetHeader method or similar is required?

937d133 / ea1cef4 breaks packer build

The following build error seems to be caused by 937d133

$ make dev
==> Getting dependencies...
../../mitchellh/goamz/ec2/ec2.go:2360: cannot use options.MapPublicIpOnLaunch (type bool) as type string in assignment
../../mitchellh/goamz/ec2/ec2.go:2362: cannot use SimpleResp literal (type *SimpleResp) as type *ModifySubnetAttributeResp in assignment
Makefile:9: recipe for target 'dev' failed
make: *** [dev] Error 2

reverting to 9e419ba solves this issue. Please check this PR again and fix bugs.

`NoDevice` works for regular instances, but not for Spot

We've been using NoDevice: true on our BlockDeviceMapping in order to turn off a few devices of an AMI that we're using.

Today we tried to launch Spot Instances using some the same code, but we got this error:

strconv.ParseBool: parsing "": invalid syntax

We tracked it down to this where the response XML is Unmarshalled.

It seems like the empty noDevice tag inside


Cannot be mapped back to a boolean.

When we changed NoDevice to be a string, it worked:

screen shot 2014-11-19 at 15 04 09

This is obviously not the correct fix for this problem, but I'm not 100% sure what would be.

Get : 301 response missing Location header


I am using this code to download file from S3 bucket

// key, secret and bucketNames are valid vars
auth, err := aws.GetAuth(key, secret)
if err != nil {
conn := s3.New(auth, aws.USEast)
bucket := conn.Bucket(bucketName)
data, err := bucket.Get("aws-programmatic-access-test-object")
if err != nil {
return err

The .Get() function return error : "Get : 301 response missing Location header"
I can't find what the reason or any solution.
Does anybody knows what the problem is?

Thank you in advance.

s3: no way of adding custom headers when doing a object GET


for S3, one can have custom HTTP headers on a PUT request but not on a GET request.

I would like parity here, but doing the following:

func (b *Bucket) GetResponse(path string) (*http.Response, error) {
    return b.GetResponseHeader(path, make(http.Header))
func (b *Bucket) GetResponseHeader(path string, customHeaders http.) (*http.Response, error) {
    req := &request{
        bucket: b.Name,
        path:   path,
                headers: customerHeaders,

Likewise add a GetHeader, and GetReaderHeader

Kinda gross, but not sure of a better way that preserves API compatibility and/or rewrite.

thoughts? I'm happy to do a pull request.


Change from SHA1 to SHA256 for sign

Signing is not using SHA1 anymore. It is already solved for EC2 (#120) but needs an update for all AWS services.

The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.

Throwing away original error messages

I think that some error messages would benefit from including more information, so debugging is easier. Example aws/aws.go:342:

err = errors.New("No valid AWS authentication found")


err = errors.New("No valid AWS authentication found: " + err.Error())

Retrying transport will not correctly retry requests containing a body.

The retrying transport calls the RoundTrip() method on the transport here:

Per the net/http docs, the RoundTripper interface will always read and close the body, even on errors: In addition, since a request body is an io.ReadCloser it is impossible to seek within even an unclosed body for retries.

The only workaround that I can think of that will allow a request to be correctly be retried at transport level is to copy the request body and into a new buffer to be passed to the RoundTripper on each attempt. This is obviously ugly and potentially expensive for large bodies, but something like this could work:

func (t *ResilientTransport) tries(req *http.Request) (res *http.Response, err error) {
    var b []byte
    // save body for retries
    if req.Body != nil {
        b, err = ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    for try := 0; try < t.MaxTries; try++ {
        // reset req.body
        r := bytes.NewReader(b)
        req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(r)
        res, err = t.transport.RoundTrip(req)
        if !t.ShouldRetry(req, res, err) {
        if res != nil {
        if t.Wait != nil {

If there's a better way to do this I'd love to know ( I ran into this same issue trying to implement a retrying transport for s3gof3r and ended up retrying outside the client where I could seek in request bodies). Otherwise, I can open a pull request with the above code.

HEAD does not return a *http.Response if the statuscode is 404.

I'm trying to write some code that will store files on S3, but not overwrite them if they already exist. To do this I'm calling HEAD first to see if the file exists.

I tried to do something like

details, err := s.Bucket.Head(path)
    if details.StatusCode == 404 {

but found out that details is nil if the status is 404.

I ended up having to do this:

_, err := s.Bucket.Head(path)
 if err != nil && err.Error() != "404 Not Found" {
    return errFileExists

which does work, so I understand if you don't want to change this, but this just seems like an unexpected result This also forces me to rely on string matching an error string which just feels less stable and less idiomatic than being able to check the status code directly. It would also lead to much uglier code if I were trying to handle multiple different status codes.

Bucket CreationDate field

I wanted to expose the CreationDate field from the Get Service call for S3[1]. However the way this API is setup this means that when you create a Bucket the field will be blank, even after you call PutBucket as there isn't a easy call that exposes this (for example Get Bucket doesn't return this). I have a implementation[2] but it suffers from what I describe above so I was looking for feedback if this is ok or a pointer as to what the right solution is.

[1] -
[2] - dyarnell@2542bab

Ignore SSL certificate errors

Would it be possible to add an option to ignore SSL certificate errors to allow using self-signed certificate (when using the Amazon S3 API with an Object Storage platform in a Private Cloud environment) ?

Unstable "No valid AWS authentication found" error using IAM roles

Sometimes (in 1 of 5 cases, can be reproduced easily) when I start Docker container and use IAM role, after several seconds I receive the following error:

No valid AWS authentication found using IAM roles

To fix this, I suggest:

  1. Add detailed error output (particularly related to this issue), it is hard to figure out what is actually broken without modification of source code.
  2. Fix getInstanceCredentials() or GetMetaData() function. At least one of them returns fragile result.

Does it makes sense?

Can't set EBS DeleteOnTermination to false

While using packer, I noticed that my block devices that were marked with "delete_on_termination: false" were still being deleted on termination on EC2. I believe the problem is here in goamz, where in "addBlockDeviceParams" in "ec2.go" the request is built up with the following:

if k.DeleteOnTermination {
    params[prefix+"Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"] = "true"

This makes sense if the default for DeleteOnTermination was false, but according to

By default, we do the following:
Delete the volumes that you attach to your instance at launch, including the root device volume, when you terminate the instance

So, unless I'm mistaken, it seems there is no way to set DeleteOnTermination to false.

SNS doesn't work on AppEngine

Because you can't use http.DefaultClient, you can't use http.Get()

I started working on some changes to allow you to create an http.Client and pass it to the SNS to use but now i'm getting 400 errors from AWS so I'm trying to figure out what's wrong.

AuthFailure against cn-north-1

I am trying to use packer with cn-north-1. I am stuck the following error:

2014/10/13 17:33:39 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: 2014/10/13 17:33:39 get { } -> {
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: 2014/10/13 17:33:40 response:
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: 2014/10/13 17:33:40 HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 00:33:40 GMT
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: Server: AmazonEC2
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs:
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: fe
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: <Response><Errors><Error><Code>AuthFailure</Code><Message>AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials</Message></Error></Errors><RequestID>5625fd3a-c5ce-40aa-88eb-e29e7421d135</RequestID></Response>
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: 0
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs:
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs:
2014/10/13 17:33:40 packer-builder-amazon-ebs: }
==> amazon-ebs: Error querying AMI: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials (AuthFailure)

I have verified that the same credentials works with the python boto client against cn-north-1. Could this be a signature issue? I wonder if V4 is needed.

Thank you for your awesome work with goamz and packer by the way!

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