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eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort's Issues

Duplicate imports are not optimized

Duplicate imports are to be combined to the one import.

Discovered in release 2.0.0

Steps to reproduce:

Try to fix the following

import './styles.scss'
import './styles.scss'

Actual result:

import './styles.scss'
import './styles.scss'

Expected result:

import './styles.scss'

eslint-disable is ignored

I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong, but sorting happens even inside a eslint-disable / eslint-enable block.

import React from 'react';
import { ToastContainer } from 'react-toastify';
import { useAccount, useUser } from 'src/state';

import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl';

/* eslint-disable */
import '@feathr/components/style/theme/index.css';
import '@feathr/components/style/global/index.css';
import './ReactApp.css';

// Load after theme/index.css.
import { ErrorBoundary } from '@feathr/components';
/* eslint-enable */

import Routes from './Routes';

I would expect anything outside the disable/enable block to get sorted, but inside to be left alone.

Sorting "../../.." is broken

The readme says:

Since “.” sorts before “/”, relative imports of files higher up in the directory structure come before closer ones – "../../utils" comes before "../utils". Perhaps surprisingly though, ".." would come before "../../utils" (since shorter substrings sort before longer strings). For that reason there’s one addition to the alphabetical rule: "." and ".." are treated as "./" and "../".

That is pretty broken, though:

import {} from "../";
import {} from "../../";
import {} from "../../a";
import {} from "../a";
import {} from "./";
import {} from "./a";


import {} from "../../";
import {} from "../../a";
import {} from "../";
import {} from "../a";
import {} from "./";
import {} from "./a";

I have some ideas around this that I’d like to play with this fall.

`require` support

I have to say, I love how this project works! It nails the developer experience, and just works without config, all the way down to the error messages.

Unfortunately I'm coming from a mixed project, (the front end uses ESM and the back end uses require) so I'm using import/order.

It's really clear from the readme that require isn't supported, though wanted to say I would definitely use it if it were added!

Thanks so much for a great project!

Fix position of a side-effect import

I'd like to be able to fix position of a side-effect import. Here's the use-case:

// main.ts, entrypoint of a Vue app

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueBlahBlah from 'vue-blah-blah'
import VueBootstrap from 'vue-bootstrap' // imaginary library with CSS

// Import local assets, including local CSS files.
// This should really go **after** global imports, because those
// may have imported some initial CSS, and local assets should
// follow to be able to override the rules.
import './assets'

import '@/store'
import '@/other/local/module'

What if eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort supported some kind of magic comment, similar to // eslint-disable-next-line? Like: // simple-import-sort: keep-group

import './foo' should be after import './foo/bar'

TLDR, order should be:

import './foo/bar/baz';
import './foo/bar';
import './foo';
  • Example 1:
import React from 'react';

import { App, QueryParams } from './App';
import { flushPromises } from './utils/flushPromises';
import { mockRouteComponentProps } from './utils/mockRouteComponentProps';

should be:

import React from 'react';

import { flushPromises } from './utils/flushPromises';
import { mockRouteComponentProps } from './utils/mockRouteComponentProps';
import { App, QueryParams } from './App';
  • Example 2:
import { config } from '../config';
import { UUID } from '../utils/UUID';

should be:

import { UUID } from '../utils/UUID';
import { config } from '../config';
  • Also noticed that
import 'core-js';
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
import 'whatwg-fetch';

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

import { Router } from './Router';
import { Layout } from './layout/Layout';
import './index.scss';


import 'core-js';
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
import 'whatwg-fetch';
import './index.scss';

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

import { Router } from './Router';
import { Layout } from './layout/Layout';

=> './index.scss' should be last

Custom groups not working with Prettier (format on save)


Prettier formats my code just fine when adding the plugin as-is, but it's ignoring the custom groups rule while formatting.

Simple Import Sort rules:

rules: {
    "simple-import-sort/imports": [
        groups: [
          // Node.js builtins. You could also generate this regex if you use a `.js` config.
          // For example: `^(${require("module").builtinModules.join("|")})(/|$)`
          // Packages. `react` related packages come first.
          ["^react", "^@?\\w"],
          // Internal packages.
          // Side effect imports.
          // Parent imports. Put `..` last.
          ["^\\.\\.(?!/?$)", "^\\.\\./?$"],
          // Other relative imports. Put same-folder imports and `.` last.
          ["^\\./(?=.*/)(?!/?$)", "^\\.(?!/?$)", "^\\./?$"],
          // Style imports.
    "simple-import-sort/exports": "error",
    "sort-imports": "off",
    "import/order": "off"


Outcome (after saving the file):

Formatting works just fine if I run eslint --fix, but for some reason, Prettier is not taking this into account and formatting as if I had never written the groups option, even though ESLint clearly sees this as an error.

Running this rule has suddenly cause broken code to generate

import { format, parseISO } from 'date-fns';
import React from 'react';
import { createFragmentContainer, graphql } from 'react-relay';
import { FaqAuthor_author } from '~/__generated__/FaqAuthor_author.graphql';
import { FaqAuthor_faq } from '~/__generated__/FaqAuthor_faq.graphql';
import { AuthorInfo } from '~/components/AuthorInfo/AuthorInfo';

Is our import block when running 'simple-import-sort/sort': 'off',, and source code.

However, as soon as we go 'simple-import-sort/sort': 'error',

This produces:

import { format, parseISO } from 'date-fns';
import React from 'react';
import { createFragmentContainer, graphql } from 'react-relay';

import { FaqAuthor_author } from '~/__generated__/FaqAuthor_author.graph

import { FaqAuthor_faq } from '~/__generated__/FaqAuthor_faq.g

import { AuthorInfo } from '~/components/AuthorInfo/AuthorInfo';

My eslintrc file:

module.exports = {
	extends: ['plugin:@autoguru/react'],
	env: {
		'shared-node-browser': true,
		browser: true,
	parserOptions: {
		tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
	settings: {
		'import/resolver': {
			typescript: {
				directory: __dirname,

and rule config @

Add support for adding comments in top of defined groups

It'd be great if we could set up a flag to enable/disable adding a comment above each defined group (if a custom definition is provided):

  // ...
  'groups': [
      match: '^\\u0000',
      comment: 'side effects',
      match: '^@?\\w',
      comment: 'package imports,
    // ...
  // ...

I can take care of this feature if you see it fit for your package. Thoughts?

Handle custom groups

Nowadays, absolute imports is a very popular thing, as well as monorepos with different features "stored" as a separate packages. However they are not packages.

Webpack aliases and yarn workspaces are breaking original idea behind the "groups" feature.

import React from 'react';              // 1. "external" package
import Button from 'components/Button'; // 2. "internal" package (or just an absolute URL)
import style from './style';            // 3. "relative" module
import "./messages";                    // 4. side effect

Technically these are:

  1. packages in node_modules
  2. packages not in node_modules
  3. relative path
  4. no import
  • 2 could be distinguished from 1 by calling require.resolve and checking path to include node_modules (obvious)
  • 2 could be distinguished from 1 by having some configuration rules, but I reckon it's not feature proof and quite fragile.

I could work on PR if you'll accept the idea

Incorrect sort of exports with as

Hey 👋,

The new exports sort does not handle sorting exports that use the as keyword.

export { something, something as default } from './something'

will be sorted as:

export { something as, defaultsomething } from './something'

which obviously is incorrect.

How to remove newline between import groups?

Thanks for nice plugin!

I tried to use this and had one question.
How to remove newline between import groups?
(Or is there no option to remove line breaks?)

import fetch from 'cross-fetch'
import { NextPage } from 'next'
import Link from 'next/link'
import React from 'react'

// I want to delete ↑ line...
import { Head } from '~/components/abstracts/head'

The config file used is shown below.

My ESLint config

  "root": true,
  "env": {
    "es6": true,
    "node": true,
    "browser": true
  "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaFeatures": { "jsx": true },
    "sourceType": "module"
  "plugins": [
  "extends": [
  "rules": {
    "prefer-const": "error",
    "react/prop-types": "off",
    "simple-import-sort/sort": "error",
    "react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error",
    "react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": "warn",
    "import/newline-after-import": "error",
    "unicorn/prevent-abbreviations": "off",
    "unicorn/consistent-function-scoping": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-ignore": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions": ["error", "type"]
  "settings": {
    "react": {
      "version": "detect"
    "import/resolver": {
      "babel-module": {}
    "import/parsers": {
      "@typescript-eslint/parser": [".ts", ".tsx"]

Wrong grouping of imports?

Hi I have these imports:

import moment, { Moment } from 'moment'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Text, View } from 'react-native'

import * as GQL from '@gql-schema'
import { Texts } from '@styles/common/Texts'
import { ToggleItem } from '@ui/Section'
import { amountWithCurrency } from '@util/amountFormatter'

import { GraphColumns } from './GraphColumns'
import { styles } from './styles'

Sort plugin reports them as wrong and it will correct them to the:

import { Texts } from '@styles/common/Texts'
import moment, { Moment } from 'moment'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Text, View } from 'react-native'

import * as GQL from '@gql-schema'
import { ToggleItem } from '@ui/Section'
import { amountWithCurrency } from '@util/amountFormatter'

import { GraphColumns } from './GraphColumns'
import { styles } from './styles'

i would expect all imports starting with @ to be in same group. Could you provide explanation how this was sorted?
Thank you

TypeScript: Broken autofix for functions with `async` name

I have noticed a strange behaviour that occurs with Angular testing library.
Before autofix:

import { TestBed, async } from '@angular/core/testing';

After autofix:

import { ,asyncTestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';

Package versions:
eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort -> 4.0.0
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin -> 1.10.2
@typescript-eslint/parser -> 1.10.2

async is not a reserved keyword - see

Merge regular and type imports

It’s possible to import types and values in a single file. If so, these can be safely merged.


import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
import React from 'react';

export default function Foo(): ReactNode {
  return <div>Hello</div>

Expected output:

import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';

export default function Foo(): ReactNode {
  return <div>Hello</div>

The only case where this is questionable, is if the type is re-exported.

import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
import React from 'react';

export { ReactNode };

When the imports are merged, this becomes the following, where some tools can’t determine if ReactNode is a type or value.

import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';

export { ReactNode };

I think this is ok though. When properly written, a type export is used for this instead.

import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';

export type { ReactNode };

TypeScript doesn’t verify this (yet), but I think this makes it ok for this ESLint plugin to fully ignore that situation.

Spacing issue when fixing unsorted imports

First of all -- great plugin. I'm a huge fan of sorting my imports and I've managed to convince my team to include this plugin in our application.

That being said, I'm running into a weird issue where the spacing isn't right after sorting.

Before fix:

Screen Shot 2020-05-26 at 1 32 47 PM

After fix:

Screen Shot 2020-05-26 at 1 33 03 PM

See how there is no space between alias and oneWay or between computed and get?

Is this an issue perhaps with another eslint rule?


Is there a way to sort default imports aboved named imports?

in a group, I have:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

all of those are in my custom "framework" group.

but, when apply the auto-fix, @glimmer/component moves to the bottom, because g comes after e.

Is there a way to keep it at the top, because it's a default import?

For example, previously, I had:

  'sort-imports-es6-autofix/sort-imports-es6': [2, {
    'ignoreCase': false,
    'ignoreMemberSort': false,
    'memberSyntaxSortOrder': ['single', 'all', 'multiple', 'none'],

which looks like:

import single from 'a';
import * from 'b';
import { foo, bar } from 'c';
import from 'd';

i'd like to maintain that to reduce impact to the (very large) codebase (and people's workflows)

Please implement better error messages.

  1:1  error  Run autofix to sort these imports!  simple-import-sort/sort

Is this complaining about the gap between the parent imports and the sibling imports? The fact I have react-navigation after react-navigation-redux-helpers? Who knows!

It's lovely that you can autofix it, but I don't want you to. I want to be told what I wrote that was wrong, so I can learn to write the right thing, first time, in future. That way, when I come to other code on the project that's compliant, I already know what I'm expecting to see, because that's how I've taught myself to write.

VsCode error

Failed to load plugin 'simple-import-sor' declared in '.eslintrc.js': Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-simple-import-sor'

"extends": [ "eslint:recommended", "plugin:react/recommended", "plugin:import/errors", "plugin:import/warnings", "plugin:simple-import-sort" ],

I set to only simple-import-sort but no works

Set sort order of imports without a specifier (side-effects)?


Consider following import declarations:

import { PROPERTY } from './config'; // later refered as "import A"
import './style'; // later refered as "import B"

According to AST, the the import A has specifier, the import B has none. I would like to sort imports without specifier last.

Digging into the code, following function was discovered (so it looks like, my case is considered side-effect):

function isSideEffectImport(importNode, sourceCode) {

The behaviour described is proven by this comment:

: // If one of the items is a side effect import, move it first.

Verdict: the side-effect comes first. I would like it come last.

I am also suspecting the regex I pass is wrong, if that's the case, please let me know. The configs can be seen in examples bellow.


The feature is specifically important for stylesheet imports, if imported as CSS - the order matters. So, I would like my imports in module to come last, this means if I extend a component which also imports style, mine module style will have a priority when resolving.

What I tried

Plugin options provided:

    "groups": [
        ], // side effect imports
        ], // anything that starts with @ and lowercase
        ], // anything but a dot
        ] // starting with dot

Gives me following output:

import './';

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { PureComponent } from 'react';

import { CATEGORY, PRODUCT, UNKNOWN } from './UrlResolver.config';

The config as follows:

    "groups": [
        ], // anything that starts with @ and lowercase
        ], // anything but a dot
        ], // starting with dot
        ], // side effect imports

Gives me:

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { PureComponent } from 'react';

import './';

import { CATEGORY, PRODUCT, UNKNOWN } from './UrlResolver.config';

Expected result:

An option to configuration is added, which allows to sort side-effects / importds without specifier last.

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { PureComponent } from 'react';

import { CATEGORY, PRODUCT, UNKNOWN } from './UrlResolver.config';

import './';

Group for first party packages

We have a module alias called web for our local code (like @ in #4) and I'd like it to be sorted into it's own group like this:

import React from "react"

import { Foo } from "web/components/foo"

import { Bar } from "./bar"

import/order supports this by doing a bunch of magic with Webpack parsing, but just having a list of first party packages as a config variable would be a lot easier.

Treat @/path imports as absolute


In a project created with vue-cli, local components are sorted above global packages:

import Error from "@/components/error.vue"
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-property-decorator"

which is counter-intuitive, and may possibly suffer from missing side-effects coming from global imports.

The @ alias comes from here:

I understand that the sort plugin treats this as a normal package import, and character code of @ (64) is smaller than of any letter—I agree that the current behaviour is correct as per documentation.

However, using @ is a wide spread use case (at least in Vue world) for referring to local modules, so this problem might have a solution provided by simple-import-sort without needing to update all imports.


I think the simplest solution would be to allow to customize prefixes for "absolute imports" group. As I understand, currently an import is considered absolute if and only if it starts with /. What if user could add more prefixes? Something like { absolutePrefixes: ['/', '@/'] }.

Current workaround

For now I've changed @/absolute/import to ~/absolute/import (~ sorts after all alphanumeric characters so these imports come directly after all package imports). Granted, it even makes more sense, as ~ means home in Unix (and also ~ is a suggested default in e.g. babel-plugin-root-import).

However, it's breaking wide spread Vue conventions, so a solution in the sorter allowing to use the default alias @/ would be appreciated.

Also, logically even ~/package is an absolute import and belong to 'absolute imports' group, not a global package with weird name which just coincidentally happens to be sorted alphabetically after all other packages. This will also be useful for putting line breaks between groups.

Error: "Definition for rule 'simple-import-sort/sort' was not found"

Hi, first time trying to use your lib. Facing that error, look at my eslintrc.js, what I does wrong?

module.exports = {
  root: true,
  ignorePatterns: ["node_modules/**/*", "dist/**/*", "storybook-static/*"],
  overrides: [
      files: ["*.ts"],
      parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",
      parserOptions: {
        project: [
        createDefaultProgram: true
      extends: [
      plugins: [
      rules: {
        "@angular-eslint/directive-selector": [
          { "type": "attribute", "prefix": "app", "style": "camelCase" }
        "@angular-eslint/component-selector": [
          { "type": "element", "prefix": "app", "style": "kebab-case" }
        "simple-import-sort/sort": [
            groups: [
              // Side effect imports.
              // Packages.
              // Relative imports.
              // Anything that starts with a dot.
        "sort-imports": "off",
        "import/first": "error",
        "import/newline-after-import": "error",
        "import/no-duplicates": "error"
      files: ["*.html"],
      parser: "@angular-eslint/template-parser",

        extends: ["plugin:@angular-eslint/template/recommended"],
        rules: {
          "max-len": ["error", { "code": 140 }]

Option to ignore filename or pattern

@lydell hi, this is a great plugin!
...but I missing an option to ignore some files.
I always put typings (TypeScript) in a separate block:

import React from 'react'
import { Button } from './Button'

// typings
import { MyType } from '../types'

But with this plugin (and others) there's no way to preserve the order. Even with /* eslint-disable-next-line */ in some cases.

Any plans for such option?

Update installation instructions for ESLint 6.0

If you maintain a plugin and provide installation instructions, you should ensure that the installation instructions are up to date with the user-facing changes to how plugins are loaded. In particular, if your plugin was generated with the generator-eslint package, it likely contains outdated instructions for how to use the plugin with global ESLint installations.

V6.0 broken

Updating to 6.0 leads to errors:



Definition for rule 'simple-import-sort/imports' was not found  simple-import-sort/imports

Are there any ways to ignore sorting for non-import lines ?

Is there a way to do something like this :

// eslint-disable-next-line simple-import-sort/sort
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';

import './some-import';
import './another import';

where I can set some environment variables before the imports ?

But what happens is process.env.NODE_ENV gets transferred to the bottom of the imports.

import './some-import';
import './another import';

process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';

Improve default group regexps to make them easier to copy-paste and re-order, and improve grouping docs

Hi, I have some problems sorting by groups.

First problem

Eslint Config


   rules: {
     "simple-import-sort/sort":  [
          groups: [["^\\u0000"], ["^[^.]"], ["^@?\\w"], ["^\\."]],


import code

    import react from "react";
    import test from "@/components/test";
    import "./style.less";
    import {sort} from "../src"

Expected behavior

    import "./style.less";

    import test from "@/components/test";

    import react from "react";

    import {sort} from "../src"

Actual behavior

    import "./style.less";

    import test from "@/components/test";
    import react from "react";

    import {sort} from "../src"

So I think the defaultGroups need to be changed, The user should be able to change the import order directly by changing the defaultGroups, but this is not possible now, as this will mislead the user。for example, change it like below:

const defaultGroups = [
   // Side effect imports.
   // Packages.
   // Things that start with a letter (or digit or underscore), or `@` followed by a letter.
   // Absolute imports and other imports such as Vue-style `@/foo`.
   // Anything that does not start with a dot.
   // Relative imports.
   // Anything that starts with a dot.

Second problem

if ["^\u0000"] is at the end of the groups

Eslint Config


   rules: {
     "simple-import-sort/sort":  [
          groups: [  ["^@?\\w"], ["^\\."],["^[^.]"],["^\\u0000"]],


** import code **

    import react from "react";
    import test from "@/components/test";
    import "./style.less";
    import {sort} from "../src"

Expected behavior

    import react from "react";

    import {sort} from "../src";

    import test from "@/components/test";

    import "./style.less";

Actual behavior

    import react from "react";

    import {sort} from "../src";

    import "./style.less";
    import test from "@/components/test";

The reason for this problem is that the 【"^[^.]"】 rules and 【["^\u0000"]】 rules coincide

Solution One: change group

       groups: [  ["^@?\\w"], ["^\\."],["^[^.]"],["^\\u0000"]]   =>  groups: [  ["^@?\\w"], ["^\\."],["(^@/[^.])|(^/[^.])"],["^\\u0000"]]

Solution Two: change flatMap function; such as:

         flatMap(itemGroups, (groups) =>
       => [group, group.regex.exec(source)])
         flatMap(itemGroups, (groups) =>
      =>  group.regex.source.includes("^\\u0000")
                  ? [group, group.regex.exec(source)]
                  : RegExp("^\\u0000", "u").exec(source)
                  ? [group, null]
                  : [group, group.regex.exec(source)];)

I think it should be possible to change the import position by changing the parameter position in the default groups, but this is not possible now 🤡

Should change the default groups, and Readme documents 🤠🤠🤠

Handle re-exports

Some modules re-export members directly. This is also sort of an import.


export { default as Foo, Fooz, Foob } from './Foo';
export { default, NonDefault } from './qwe';
export * from './asd';
export * as bar from './bar';

It would be nice if this would be sorted automatically as well following the same rules as imports.

I think this is mostly not combined with regular imports, but it could be. This means there should be rules for this.

Candidate rules I could come up with:

  1. re-exports before imports
  2. re-exports after imports
  3. re-exports mixed with imports

Personally I’d go with 2.

Case-insensitive sort of named imports

👋 @lydell!

After switching from TSLint to ESLint and your plugin, I've noticed that named imports are sorted differently. Your approach is case-sensitive, while TSLint's ordered-imports is not by default.

// tslint
import { a, B, c } from "somethiing";

// eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort
import { B, a, c } from "somethiing";

The former notation feels more natural to me. WDYT?

Plugin insists on removing empty line between imports and a semicolon (;)

The plugin insists on removing the delimiting empty line between the imports and a semicolon. This affects, for example, inline function calls (which are prepended with a semicolon by prettier).


import { foo } from "bar"

;(async function() {
  await foo()

See screenshots:

Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 13 13 03

Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 13 13 13

The "fixed" version:

Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 13 13 17

Expected behaviour

Allow empty line between imports and a block starting with a semicolon (as on screenshot 1).

If you need a reproduction repo I can create one. But I think the problem will repeat if you just copy/paste my example to any environment.

Support comments above import group

It would be nice to have an option to add comments above custom groups.

import code

// node modules
import React, { useCallback, useState } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
// components
import { CustomButton } from 'src/components';
// screens
import CurrentTimezoneClock from 'src/screens/Clock/CurrentTimezoneClock';
// store
import { StoreState } from 'src/store/rootReducer';
// services
import { NavigationService } from 'src/services';
// utils
import { DateUtils, HooksUtils } from 'src/utils';
import { clockFormat, dateFormat } from 'src/utils/DateUtils';
// types
import { eIcons } from 'src/types/enums';
import { iSavedTimezoneEntry } from 'src/types/interfaces';
// styles
import styles from 'src/screens/Clock/styles';
import { appStyles, dimensions } from 'src/styles';

eslint config


   rules: {
     "simple-import-sort/sort":  [
          groups: [
                        { comment:"node modules", ['^react', '^@?\\w'] },
                        { comment:"components", ['^src/components'] },
                        { comment:"screens", ['^src/screens'] },
                        { comment:"strore", ['^src/store'] },
                        { comment:"services", ['^src/services'] },
                        { comment:"utils", ['^src/utils'] },
                        { comment:"types", ['^src/types'] },


Support indentation in script tags

I have <script> block in my vue component. For example:

<script lang="ts">
    import { Component, Vue, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';
    import { Location } from 'vue-router';


Indent is set to 4 spaces inside script block.
But when I run linter, I got this error:
As you can see, imports are sorted. And if I remove indentation, the error is gone.

Support Typescript

Currently the plugin crashes with typescript-eslint-parser:

TypeError: Expected `index` to be a number.
    at SourceCode.getLocFromIndex (/Users/semenov/tmp/ts-rule/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/source-code.js:436:19)
    at maybeReportSorting (/Users/semenov/tmp/ts-rule/node_modules/eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort/src/sort.js:62:27)
    at Program (/Users/semenov/tmp/ts-rule/node_modules/eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort/src/sort.js:20:11)
    at listeners.(anonymous function).forEach.listener (/Users/semenov/tmp/ts-rule/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/safe-emitter.js:45:58)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Object.emit (/Users/semenov/tmp/ts-rule/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/safe-emitter.js:45:38)
    at NodeEventGenerator.applySelector (/Users/semenov/tmp/ts-rule/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/node-event-generator.js:251:26)
    at NodeEventGenerator.applySelectors (/Users/semenov/tmp/ts-rule/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/node-event-generator.js:280:22)
    at NodeEventGenerator.enterNode (/Users/semenov/tmp/ts-rule/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/node-event-generator.js:294:14)
    at CodePathAnalyzer.enterNode (/Users/semenov/tmp/ts-rule/node_modules/eslint/lib/code-path-analysis/code-path-analyzer.js:632:23)

I created the reproduction repo:

bug: import { ,ofSubject } from 'rxjs';

Thanks for this awesome plugin.

Ran into this bug...
Using version 5.0.0


import { Subject, of } from 'rxjs';


import { ,ofSubject } from 'rxjs';

Support tsconfig.json paths and baseUrl automatically

It would be cool if the plugin could automatically detect tsconfig.json to see which first party imports you have, such as web/components/foo. Then those could be moved into the “absolute imports” group, instead of ending up in the (third party) “packages” group.

One idea is to use Need to check that it actually supports baseUrl, though.

Another idea is to try to require("typescript"). If it’s there, use it to resolve the config.

The initial idea comes from: #18 (comment)

Edit: This is a light-weight package that can do the hard work for us:

Imports of the same package is not combined

Imports of the same package are to be combined to the one import.

Steps to reproduce:

Try to fix the following

import React from 'react'
import { Component } from 'react'

Actual result:

import React from 'react'
import { Component } from 'react'

Expected result:

import React, { Component } from 'react'

Steps to reproduce:

Try to fix the following

import './styles.scss'
import './styles.scss'

Actual result:

import './styles.scss'
import './styles.scss'

Expected result:

import './styles.scss'

Some side-effect imports are not autofixable

Hi there - first off, thank you for creating this project!

We are having autofix issues when running eslint --fix on this particular set of side-effect imports:

import "codemirror/addon/fold/brace-fold"
import "codemirror/addon/edit/closebrackets"
import "codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter"
import "codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter.css"
import "codemirror/addon/lint/json-lint"
import "codemirror/addon/lint/lint"
import "codemirror/addon/lint/lint.css"
import "codemirror/addon/scroll/simplescrollbars"
import "codemirror/addon/scroll/simplescrollbars.css"
import "codemirror/lib/codemirror.css"
import "codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript"

Expected behavior:

  • no errors are emitted
  • side-effect imports are not reordered

Actual behavior:

  • error (Run autofix to sort...)
  • side-effect imports are reordered like below
import "codemirror/addon/lint/lint"
import "codemirror/addon/fold/brace-fold"
import "codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter"
import "codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter.css"
import "codemirror/addon/lint/json-lint"
import "codemirror/addon/edit/closebrackets"
import "codemirror/addon/lint/lint.css"
import "codemirror/addon/scroll/simplescrollbars"
import "codemirror/addon/scroll/simplescrollbars.css"
import "codemirror/lib/codemirror.css"
import "codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript"

If I find an easier repro, I'll include it. Happy to also help dig into this further when I have a chance. Cheers.

Sorting is broken?

I have this code:

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';

with this config:

 // conflicts with the below
  'sort-imports-es6-autofix/sort-imports-es6': 'off',

  // combine imports
  'import/no-duplicates': 'error',

  // does not support sorting "require"
  'simple-import-sort/sort': ['error', {
    groups: [
      // Framework Packages
      // ['^@ember', '^@glimmer', 'ember-qunit', 'qunit'],

      // Side effect imports.

      // Parent imports. Put `..` last.
      ['^\\.\\.(?!/?$)', '^\\.\\./?$'],

      // Other relative imports. Put same-folder imports and `.` last.
      ['^\\./(?=.*/)(?!/?$)', '^\\.(?!/?$)', '^\\./?$'],

      // Style imports.

and the imports keep flip flopping and the broken state never settles.

import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';

only the bottom import errors, but autfixing goes to

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';

but then both lines error, and autofix to the first

Side-effect import not sorted properly with @typescript-eslint 2.23.0

This is with "eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort": "5.0.1".

Before (i.e. 2.22.0):

import "hard-rejection/register";

import chalk from "chalk";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import ora from "ora";
import pluralize from "pluralize";


import chalk from "chalk";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import "hard-rejection/register";
import ora from "ora";
import pluralize from "pluralize";

Here's the changelog. Seems most likely to be caused by (completely uneducated guess) typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#1697?

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