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django-sendfile's Introduction

Django Sendfile

This is a wrapper around web-server specific methods for sending files to web clients. This is useful when Django needs to check permissions associated files, but does not want to serve the actual bytes of the file itself. i.e. as serving large files is not what Django is made for.

Note this should not be used for regular file serving (e.g. css etc), only for cases where you need Django to do some work before serving the actual file.

The interface is a single function sendfile(request, filename, attachment=False, attachment_filename=None), which returns a HTTPResponse object.

from sendfile import sendfile

# send myfile.pdf to user
return sendfile(request, '/home/john/myfile.pdf')

# send myfile.pdf as an attachment (with name myfile.pdf)
return sendfile(request, '/home/john/myfile.pdf', attachment=True)

# send myfile.pdf as an attachment with a different name
return sendfile(request, '/home/john/myfile.pdf', attachment=True, attachment_filename='full-name.pdf')

Backends are specified using the setting SENDFILE_BACKEND. Currenly available backends are:

  • sendfile.backends.development - for use with django development server only. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION
  • sendfile.backends.simple - "simple" backend that uses Django file objects to attempt to stream files from disk (note middleware may cause files to be loaded fully into memory)
  • sendfile.backends.xsendfile - sets X-Sendfile header (as used by mod_xsendfile/apache and lighthttpd)
  • sendfile.backends.mod_wsgi - sets Location with 200 code to trigger internal redirect (daemon mode mod_wsgi only - see below)
  • sendfile.backends.nginx - sets X-Accel-Redirect header to trigger internal redirect to file

If you want to write your own backend simply create a module with a sendfile function matching:

def sendfile(request, filename):
    '''Return HttpResponse object for serving file'''

Then specify the full path to the module in SENDFILE_BACKEND. You only need to implement the sending of the file. Adding the content-disposition headers etc is done elsewhere.

Development backend

The Development backend is only meant for use while writing code. It uses Django's static file serving code to do the job, which is only meant for development. It reads the whole file into memory and the sends it down the wire - not good for big files, but ok when you are just testing things out.

It will work with the Django dev server and anywhere else you can run Django.

Simple backend

This backend is one step up from the development backend. It uses Django's django.core.files.base.File class to try and stream files from disk. However some middleware (e.g. GzipMiddleware) that rewrites content will causes the entire file to be loaded into memory. So only use this backend if you are not using middleware that rewrites content or you only have very small files.

xsendfile backend

Install either mod_xsendfile in Apache or use Lighthttpd. You may need to configure mod_xsendfile, but that should be as simple as:

XSendFile On

In your virtualhost file/conf file.

mod_wsgi backend

The mod_wsgi backend will only work when using mod_wsgi in daemon mode, not in embedded mode. It requires a bit more work to get it to do the same job as xsendfile though. However some may find it easier to setup, as they don't need to compile and install mod_xsendfile.

Firstly there are two more django settings:

  • SENDFILE_ROOT - this is a directoy where all files that will be used with sendfile must be located
  • SENDFILE_URL - internal URL prefix for all files served via sendfile

These settings are needed as this backend makes mod_wsgi send an internal redirect, so we have to convert a file path into a URL. This means that the files are visible via Apache by default too. So we need to get Apache to hide those files from anything that's not an internal redirect. To so this we can use some mod_rewrite_ magic along these lines:

RewriteEngine On
# see if we're on an internal redirect or not
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[\S]+\ /private/
RewriteRule ^/private/ - [F]

Alias /private/ /home/john/Development/myapp/private/
<Directory /home/john/Development/myapp/private/>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

In this case I have also set:

SENDFILE_ROOT = '/home/john/Development/myapp/private/'
SENDFILE_URL = '/private'

All files are stored in a folder called 'private'. We forbid access to this folder (RewriteRule ^/private/ - [F]) if someone tries to access it directly (RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[S]+/private/) by checking the original request (THE_REQUEST).

Alledgedly IS_SUBREQ can be used to perform the same job, but I was unable to get this working.

Nginx backend

As with the mod_wsgi backend you need to set two extra settings:

  • SENDFILE_ROOT - this is a directoy where all files that will be used with sendfile must be located
  • SENDFILE_URL - internal URL prefix for all files served via sendfile

You then need to configure nginx to only allow internal access to the files you wish to serve. More details on this are here.

For example though, if I use the django settings:

SENDFILE_ROOT = '/home/john/Development/django-sendfile/examples/protected_downloads/protected'
SENDFILE_URL = '/protected'

Then the matching location block in nginx.conf would be:

location /protected/ {
  root   /home/john/Development/django-sendfile/examples/protected_downloads;

You need to pay attention to whether you have trailing slashes or not on the SENDFILE_URL and root values, otherwise you may not get the right URL being sent to NGINX and you may get 404s. You should be able to see what file NGINX is trying to load in the error.log if this happens. From there it should be fairly easy to work out what the right settings are.

django-sendfile's People


christophe31 avatar davegaeddert avatar davidfischer-ch avatar drakkan avatar flyte avatar jdufresne avatar johnsensible avatar joshcartme avatar kaedroho avatar karolmajta avatar karyon avatar pdewacht avatar peterdewachter avatar siloraptor avatar


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django-sendfile's Issues

Apache 2.4 EnableSendfile as a potential replacement for XSendfile

Apache 2.4 is not supported officially by mod_xsendfile, but it seems the EnableSendfile on configuration option that ships with my Apache 2.4 installation accomplishes the same thing. Switching to SENDFILE_BACKEND = 'sendfile.backends.xsendfile' improves performance with this setting on regardless of whether or not mod_xsendfile is installed on the machine. I may have gotten lucky with my configuration, but I think EnableSendfile on should be investigated as the long-term replacement for mod_xsendfile for this package.

Problem with unicode characters

When I try to set up to sendfile with spanish characters (like: á, é, í, ó, ú...) using nginx backend, the link of sendfile response its: 404 not found.

Simple backend will decompress file

When using simple backend to serve a gzip file (for eg: test.gz), the file is decompressed on-the-fly and the content downloaded is uncompressed. I am not sure if I make mistake somewhere.

Merge features from django-downloadview?


I just released
then also just discovered django-sendfile.

I guess I would have used/contributed to django-sendfile if I discovered it before... Maybe it's not too late.

I haven't reviewed django-sendfile carefully yet, but the scope of the 2 applications seems very similar, with some differences in the implementation like:

  • django-sendfile API is really simple, one function + backends
  • django-download view focuses on class-based views, i.e. it is easy to use wherever django.views.generic.DetailView can be used.
  • django-download view can use middlewares (global configuration) or decorators (per view configuration)

Maybe django-downloadview could use django-sendfile (i.e. provide class-based views which call the sendfile() function).
But maybe we could merge the two projects? Do you see blocker points?

Since django-sendfile seems to be older and certainly have more users, I guess it would be django-downloadview features merged into django-sendfile, i.e. deprecate django-downloadview.

Serve a folder with sendfile

I have a usecase where I need to serve an entire folder on disk, only if the user has access to it. I can make the checks using a decorator or in the view. But can I configure this plugin to serve entire folders using X-Accel-Redirect, if the user is authenticated?

I have to append `media/` to the path to not get a 404

I might be conflicting with django media settings but I have to append media to the path.

I added the following url:

    # protected media
    url(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', get_media, name='get_media')

Then the get_media function based view:

def get_media(request, path):
    # append media to path
    return sendfile(request, 'media/' + path)

If I don't append media. then it fails here:

if not os.path.exists(filename):
        from django.http import Http404
        raise Http404('"%s" does not exist' % filename)

Release 0.3.8

Would love the fix that landed in #37. Do you plan on cutting a 0.3.8 release any time soon or are you waiting for some more changes to come in?

django-sendfile is externally hosted; receive warning when installing through pip

When installing django-sendfile through pip, I receive the following warning:

Downloading/unpacking django-sendfile==0.3.3 (from -r /.../requirements.txt (line 6))
  You are installing an externally hosted file. Future versions of pip will default to disallowing externally hosted files.
  You are installing a potentially insecure and unverifiable file. Future versions of pip will default to disallowing insecure files.

I believe this could be resolved by hosting the releases on PyPI instead of github.

RemovedInDjango19Warning about importlib when using Django 1.8

When running Django 1.8, I get this warning (repeatedly):

py-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sendfile/ RemovedInDjango19Warning: django.utils.importlib will be removed in Django 1.9.
  from django.utils.importlib import import_module

Suggested fix: just import importlib (and not django.utils.importlib), it's included in Python 2.7. Check, search for "importlib".

Maintaining the project

Hiya @johnsensible,

I found myself using your project in multiple projects and always enjoyed it. As far as I can see (issues, pull requests, stars, etc.) it's still quite popular but from the looks of it, also a bit abandoned. I'd hate to see the project die and would like to offer my help maintaining it, mainly sorting out current issues and pull requests, updating the compatibility/tests to work with new Python/Django versions, etc.

Feel free to have a look at my GitHub profile, where I have a couple of projects with a small userbases that I support. Nothing with the popularity of django-sendfile (in terms of stargazers that is ; ) but I am experienced with the 'worklfow' of an open source project, PyPi releases, etc.

Let me know what you think or if you have any questions.

mod_wsgi backend broken on Django 1.8

On Django 1.7 and before, the Location header that is returned by the mod_wsgi backend is just the path to the file (eg: /media/documents/mydoc.pdf).

On Django 1.8, it has http:// appended to the beginning. So the above path has now changed to http:///media/documents/mydoc.pdf.

Add support for unicode

Currently, if you try to use sendfile with a unicode attachment name, it results in an error.

Support for byte-range requests

Dear all,

I am wondering whether HTTP Byte Range requests are supported out-of-the-box?

I am trying to serve MP4 video files and realize that serving them from Django using sendfile (with backend "sendfile.backends.xsendfile") causes seeking to stop working in Chrome. If I serve the file locally through Apache, seeking works.

Thanks a lot for any pointers or tips, and a huge thank you for the great django-sendfile project!

sendfile() accepts file wrapper instead of filename

As of version 0.3.2, sendfile() function takes a filename as input, and checks that this file exists using os.path.exists.

if not os.path.exists(filename):

This implementation limits sendfile() usage to files that live on local filesystem.

What about accepting file wrappers instead of filenames? such as FieldFile (file wrapper for FileField).
This would make it possible to serve files from various locations: local filesystem, storages, URL, in-memory files...

Incorrect content-encoding on gzip files.

If you try to use sendfile with .gz or .tgz files, the response is given the Content-Encoding of "gzip" which causes the browser (or other client) to automatically decompress it on download.

.gz files should have no content-encoding and a content-type of 'application/x-gzip' and .tgz files should have no content-encoding and a content-type of 'application/x-compressed ', I think.

Content-Disposition: Output contains buffer repr (Python 3.4)

With Python 3.4, the Content-Disposition created by:

sendfile(request, path, attachment=True, attachment_filename='')

django-sendfile 0.3.10 is:

attachment; filename="b''"; filename*=UTF-8''

(The call to str.encode() now returns a byte object:

django-sendfile 0.3.9 is (desired):

'attachment; filename=""'

I have no experience with writing python 2/3 compatible code so I have not attempted to create a pull request, yet.

Thanks for your work!

Add tests running in CI

Somewhat related to #25, to make sure this maintains Python 3 compatibility, it'd be great to run the tests in Python 3 mode as well. I think this would be really easy to do for free with Travis CI, since the project has a pretty normal test suite.

This project looks py3k compliant. Your don't say it is.

I'm asking my-self if I make one of my projects python 3.4/django 1.7 as I have big refactoring in front of me.

I used the nice tool and it told me that django-sendfile is not py3k compliant. When I read my self, it looks already compliant or trivial to port.

You probably should update your except if you haven't tried your project on py3k yet.

If you ran your tests against python 3, you probably should add this to your classifiers:

classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python :: 2",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",]

Unicode error

Hi, I followed your documentation's suggestion to use django sendfile.

I'm French and as English persons we have some word with accentuation like a café.

It's rather common for us to have this kind of letters in file names, but here a stacktrace:

[my app things]
  File "/home/gunicorn/prod/ama/ama_prod/ama_app/models/", line 186, in get_document
    return sendfile(request, self.file.path)

  File "/home/gunicorn/prod/ama/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sendfile/", line 59, in sendfile
    response = _sendfile(request, filename, mimetype=mimetype)

  File "/home/gunicorn/prod/ama/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sendfile/backends/", line 7, in sendfile
    response['X-Accel-Redirect'] = _convert_file_to_url(filename)

  File "/home/gunicorn/prod/ama/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/http/", line 612, in __setitem__
    header, value = self._convert_to_ascii(header, value)

  File "/home/gunicorn/prod/ama/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/http/", line 601, in _convert_to_ascii
    value = value.encode('us-ascii')

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 40: ordinal not in range(128), HTTP response headers must be in US-ASCII format

note: my file name is péter_là_gueule.txt

Using django 1.5 and gunicorn with UTF-8 encoded filesystem.

Can't install django-sendfile with easy_install


We use buildout for django development. During the buildout the django package is not
available. Because of this, django-sendfile won't install.

Explanation of the error. contains this line:

And import('sendfile') fires an import of django.http.

When django is not installed, django-sendfile can't be installed.
Easy fix:

Put the version in or put it in a file to be loaded by and


Running easy_install:
/usr/local/bin/python2.5 "-c" "from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mUNxd" "/home/roland/.buildout/eggs/tmp-8GqjX" "-q" "/home/roland/.buildout/downloads/dist/django-sendfile-0.2.0.tar.gz"

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/", line 1712, in main
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/", line 1700, in with_ei_usage
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/", line 1716, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/", line 151, in setup
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/", line 974, in run_commands
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/", line 994, in run_command
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/", line 211, in run
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/", line 427, in easy_install
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/", line 476, in install_item
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/", line 655, in install_eggs
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/", line 930, in build_and_install
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/", line 919, in run_setup
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/", line 62, in run_setup
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/", line 105, in run
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/", line 64, in
File "", line 5, in
File "/tmp/easy_install-YsfOGK/django-sendfile-0.2.0/sendfile/", line 7, in
ImportError: No module named django.http
An error occured when trying to install django-sendfile 0.2.0.Look above this message for any errors thatwere output by easy_install.

Our abc.tar.gz file sent using this django-sendfile was automatically getting unzipped by the browser

our code that was exhibiting the problem

return sendfile(request, remote_agent_installer, attachment=True, attachment_filename=filename, mimetype='application/octet-stream', add_encoding_header=False)

our work around:
we added another param to not add content encoding.

Python27/Lib/site-packages/sendfile/ | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Python27/Lib/site-packages/sendfile/ b/Python27/Lib/site-packages/sendfile/
index da16a83..eaa0157 100644
--- a/Python27/Lib/site-packages/sendfile/
+++ b/Python27/Lib/site-packages/sendfile/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def _get_sendfile():

-def sendfile(request, filename, attachment=False, attachment_filename=None, mimetype=None, encoding=None):
+def sendfile(request, filename, attachment=False, attachment_filename=None, mimetype=None, encoding=None, add_encoding_header=True):
create a response to send file using backend configured in SENDFILE_BACKEND

@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def sendfile(request, filename, attachment=False, attachment_filename=None, mime
response['Content-Type'] = mimetype
if not encoding:
encoding = guessed_encoding

  • if encoding:
  • if encoding and add_encoding_header:
    response['Content-Encoding'] = encoding

return response

Django 1.9 support

I'm on my way of upgrading a project that uses django-sendfile to Django 1.9. Is Django 1.9 already supported? Thanks in advance

Is status really "Beta"?

We use this module since several years and it works perfectly.

Is status (according to pypi page) really "Beta"?

Nginx doesn't like URL escaped file paths

Since 0.3.6, sendfile has been URL escaping the file path before setting the X-Accel-Redirect header. This seems to confuse nginx, leading to it being unable to find a file with an @ in the name because it is looking for a file with a %40 in it.

Requested URL


I want to apologize first if this will be simple problem, learning django and was trying your app. Was able to work out all of it except the last part.

I can load image or file to Django Admin and the url of the image is: download/6.jpg

when I click it will get an error:

Even if I click in download list when files are public same error, probably I need to add that URL "protected/download" to but I would need to create a view then no?

Can you tell me the proper way to setup your example?


Host file on PyPi

Currently the pypi package downloads the django-sendfile files from Github. This can lead to issues in the deployment process (just happened for a project of mine, due to a temporary problem with a Github server).

It would therefore be better if you would upload the package directly to pypi, instead of simply relaying to the Github servers.

No mention on nginx

Not sure whether this is just a documentation issue (i.e. it's supported by one of the other backends i.e. WSGI) or whether it's unsupported.

Sorry if it's obvious to others but this area isn't one of my strong points - hence why I'm looking for a nice abstraction library!

UTF-8 compatibility fix broke serving filenames with spaces

Hi all,

Updating from 0.3.4 to 0.3.6, I had the bad surprise to see that it broke the support of files containing whitespaces.

The response of sendfile 0.3.4 for such a file was :
X-Accel-Redirect: /protected_files/1/files/Backup 2014-09-02-2.sqlbackup
Content-length: 70458
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Backup"

And now (since 0.3.5) it is:
X-Accel-Redirect: /protected_files/1/files/Backup%202014-09-02-2.sqlbackup
Content-length: 70458
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Backup"

Which makes the download fail...


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