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mpal-single-cell-2019's Introduction

Single-cell multiomic analysis identifies regulatory programs in mixed-phenotype acute leukemia. Nature Biotechnology (Granja JM*, Klemm SK*, McGinnis LM*, et al. 2019)

Please cite : Granja JM et al., Single-cell multiomic analysis identifies regulatory programs in mixed-phenotype acute leukemia. Nature Biotechnology (2019)

Brief Descriptions of Analysis Scripts

scATAC Analyses

For current up to date scATAC-seq analysis

scATAC_01 - Script for reading in 10x scATAC-seq fragments identify cells using number of fragments and TSS enrichment scores and saving fitlered fragments.

scATAC_02 - Script for pre-clustering using large windows genome-wide and then calling peaks on putative clusters and create a master peak set

scATAC_03 - LSI-Clustering + UMAP of scATAC-seq data with visualization and demonstration of how to properly save umap for projection.

scATAC_04 - Computing Gene Activity Scores using an adapted form of Cicero (Pliner et al 2018).

scATAC_05 - Identifying potential disease cells by clustering disease w/ healthy reference, and then projecting these cells onto healthy hematopoiesis.

scRNA Analyses

scRNA_01 - LSI-Clustering + UMAP of scRNA-seq data with visualization and demonstration of how to properly save umap for projection.

scRNA_02 - Identifying potential disease cells by clustering disease w/ healthy reference, and then projecting these cells onto healthy hematopoiesis.

Integration (scATAC + scRNA) Analyses

scRNA_scATAC_Integration_01 - Alignment of scRNA and scATAC-seq data using Seurat CCA and identifcation of nearest neighbors across modalities.

scRNA_scATAC_Integration_02 - Aggregate scRNA + scATAC-seq data for correlation focused analysis.

scRNA_scATAC_Integration_03 - Identify putative Peak-To-Gene Links with aligned scATAC and scRNA-seq data aggregates.

scRNA_scATAC_Integration_04 - Link TFs to putative target genes that are differential in both mRNA and nearby accessibility peaks containing motifs of the TFs.

Raw Data Download

You will be able to download raw 10x Bam Files which can be converted back to fastq using bamtofastq ( if you have issues with this please reach out to support@10xgenomics

scATAC-seq fragment files which contain fragment coordinates

scRNA-seq/scADT-seq individual matrices (recommend looking below for summarized experiments)

Additional Data Download Links

These links may be moved if we can find a better host for better download speed


.rds file is an R binarized object to read into R use readRDS(filename)

SummarizedExperiment is a class in R see :

deviations (TF chromVAR) is a class in R see :

Healthy Hematopoiesis

scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis cell x peak Summarized Experiment :

scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis cell x gene activity Summarized Experiment :

scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis cell x TF chromVAR Summarized Experiment :

scRNA-seq Hematopoeisis cell x gene Summarized Experiment :

scADT-seq Hematopoeisis cell x antibody Summarized Experiment :

Note 1. If you want to get the biological classifications for each cell use colData(se)$BioClassification.

Healthy + MPAL Data Sets

scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis + MPAL cell x peak Summarized Experiment :

scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis + MPAL cell x gene activity Summarized Experiment :

scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis + MPAL cell x TF chromVAR Summarized Experiment :

scRNA-seq Hematopoeisis + MPAL cell x gene Summarized Experiment :

scADT-seq Hematopoeisis + MPAL cell x antibody Summarized Experiment :

Note 1. The peakset for Hematopoiesis + MPAL is different than that for Hematopoiesis because we used the same peak calling pipeline where pre-clustering was done using all the cells (ie Hematopoiesis + MPAL) then peaks called so that we could easily include malignant peaks. This did not result in many ~10-20% additional peaks, but they may not be the exact coordinates as in the previous file.

Note 2. If you want to get projected positions/classifications for MPALs onto hematopoiesis use colData(se)$ProjectedUMAP1, colData(se)$ProjectedUMAP2, and colData(se)$ProjectedClassification.


scATAC-seq saved UMAP embedding :

scRNA-seq saved UMAP embedding :

Note 1. To project into the reference hematopoiesis we used in this paper you need to use the uwot.tar file for either modality.


Peak-To-Gene Linkages :

scRNA to scATAC mappings :


MPAL Clinical FACS Data :

Differential Results MPAL (scRNA + scATAC) :

Differential Results AML (scRNA) :

Differential Results Bulk Leuekemias (bulk RNA) :

mpal-single-cell-2019's People


jeffmgranja avatar jgranja24 avatar


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mpal-single-cell-2019's Issues

How did you compose those pretty scentific figures ?


How did you compose those pretty scentific figures? like the panels f and g in your example figure, which show density tracks of scADT-seq and scRNA-seq. Did you plot them by customized python code or R code? I am starting to learn scentific plotting by python and thirsty for suggestions.

nn_index in is empty or not compatible with uwot 0.1.8 and RcppAnnoy 0.0.16

Dear Granja

It is quite a smart idea to apply the 'uwot_transform' to in situ projection of new data (disease sample of both single cell or bulk datasets) to a already calculated umap graph. This method, which is named 'LSI_projection' is exemplified in your script scRNA_02_Cluster_Disease_w_Reference_v1.R. However, when loading the saved umap model file from a tar file in '', it complained for the unloaded nn_index. I looked into this issue further by run the load_uwot() code step by step and found a error message "Index size is not a multiple of vector size: Success (0)". and if applied model$nn_index$getNTrees() , I got zero. But , the nn1 file is not empty. As I described above, it seems that either the nn_index is empty or is not compatible with my R enviroment.



error in 02.R...

Making Seurat Object...
Error in CreateAssayObject(counts = counts, min.cells = min.cells, min.features = min.features) :
No feature names (rownames) names present in the input matrix

Antibody features in raw 10x Bam Files provided in the repository link

Thank you for freely providing these datasets and analysis scripts.
I've tried to recover the gene expression and antibody features data from an original 10X bam file (sample GSM4138874) and even though I could get the the gene expression data from this file, I can't recover the antibody features reads from the raw 10X bam files.

I've tried extracting the reads using the following one liner:
samtools view original10X.bam | LC_ALL=C grep -F fb:Z | samtools view -b -o original10X_ADT.bam
The one liner is from an official 10X Genomics support page:
It did not generate any output and at a read inspection I could not find reads with the fb:Z flag that is used to mark reads pertaining the antibody features.

Has anyone encountered the same issue when they tried to retrieve antibody features data from in raw 10x Bam Files from this publication? Thank you for your help!

'keepFilteredChromosomes' function seems invalid

keepFilteredChromosomes function at line 310 of scATAC_04_Compute_Gene_Scores.R seems invalid and can not be found in any R packages (for example GenomicRanges, IRanges). Did you defined this function as your own and forget to upload?


AML cells LSI projection and reclassification

Thank you very much for providing so much data and code in such an organized fashion.
I am interested in the LSI projections and reclassification of the AML cells as in fig 7.
Perhaps it should be in the file '', however, it seems that the files in the folder '__MACOSX' are corrupted.

CLR assay missing in scADT-All-Hematopoiesis-MPAL-191120.rds

scADT-All-Hematopoiesis-MPAL-191120.rds contains the rawCounts but not the CLR normalised assay.
I tried applying compositions::clr as well as the CLR transformation implemented in Seurat :

clr_function <- function(x) { 
 return(log1p(x = x / (exp(x = sum(log1p(x = x[x > 0]), na.rm = TRUE) / length(x = x)))))

but I cannot reproduce the normalisde values in the CLR assay from scADT-Healthy-Hematopoiesis-191120.rds. Could you add the code that you used for the CLR normalisation?

Thank you,

Runtime of getting UMAP reductions

I am trying to run scRNA_01_Clustering_UMAP_v1.R, and apparently the function optimizeLSI is iterative. The code shows that each iteration take 30 seconds and the maximum number of iterations is 3000. Am I doing something wrong or is it supposed to be this slow?

No seuratSNN function?

Hi there,

I got a problem that when I run scRNA_01, there is an error says no seuratSNN function. Could you please check it ?


Seurat v3

Several functions do not work with Seurat v3. Will the code provided be maintained for compatibility with Seurat v3?

Error in lsiProjection

Hi ,

I'm having some trouble with the umapProjection from
'Update scRNA_02_Cluster_Disease_w_Reference_v1.R'
at line 366:
umapProjection <- uwot::umap_transform(as.matrix(lsiProjection$matSVD)[,1:25], umapManifold, verbose = TRUE)

The error is
Error in lsiProjection$matSVD : $ operator not defined for this S4 class
but I cannot see the matSVD slot here, not even within lsiProjection@ .

As I understand, it should be coming from
lsiProjection <- projectLSI(matProjectLSI, lsiReference)

I would like to use it to project a second scRNAseq dataset on a previously determined scRNAseq umap.

Thank you for any comments and tips!


LASSO penalty issue in customized gene activity score calculation


I understand that in the script scATAC_04_Compute_Gene_Scores.R, gene activity scores are calculated by the custom_cicero_cds function in a more efficient way and at the same time cell grouping information is kept for next steps (that is great!). It seems to me that unlike the original cicero paper method, the following codes ignores the peak-gene distance penalty but directly calculates the coaccessibility correlation and others. I wonder if I miss something or it does not matter to skip the distant penalty issue. My question: is there any difference if the peak-gene distance variable is considered? This is important to fully understand the gene activity score, so I am looking forward to hear from your suggestion.


Label transfer from RNA to ATAC

Hi @jgranja24 @jeffmgranja

I had a question regarding this sentence from the methods section:

"Matching scATAC-seq-scRNA-seq pairs using Seurat’s canonical correlation analyses.
To integrate our epigenetic and transcriptomic data we built on previous approaches for integration10,37. We found the approach that worked best for our integrative analyses was using Seurat’s CCA. We performed integration for each biological group separately because (1) it improved alignment accuracy and (2) required much less memory."

For each biological group separately, you mean for each cell type separately? Does this mean you took a multi-patient RNA dataset of only CD8T cells and aligned it with the full ATAC dataset composed of all your patients and all of your cell types?

Thanks in advance!

Cell barcode IDs for processed ATAC SummarizedExperiment objects


Many thanks for the repository of code and data. I was hoping to use some of the healthy scATAC datasets, but after downloading the healthy hematopoiesis scATAC cell x peak SummarizedExperiment object, I found that the cell names (column names) are all in the form BMM_R1_15, BMM_R1_16... etc.

However, the fragment files when I download them have the 10X cell barcodes. Is there a way I can match the barcodes back to the processed SummarizedExperiment objects? I've looked in the various metadata slots for the SummarizedExperiment object but can't seem to find anything.

Many thanks in advance.

optimizeLSI for scRNA-seq gives Error in if (n < 0L) max(length(x) + n, 0L) else min(n, length(x)) :

I've tried to run scRNA_01_Clustering_UMAP_v1.R using default parameters, and the
"scRNA-All-Hematopoiesis-MPAL-191120.rds" as input. When I do run the
#Optimize LSI Features
lsiObj <- optimizeLSI(assay(se),
resolution = resolution,
pcsUse = nPCs,
varFeatures = nTop)

it gives error after LSI 1 finished
Number of communities: 38
Elapsed time: 188 seconds
Additional LSI 2...
Error in if (n < 0L) max(length(x) + n, 0L) else min(n, length(x)) :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

Anyone has faced with this error?

Code for creating differentiual_Summary objects is missing

I went through your pipeline and the part that is producing the first two input files for scRNA_scATAC_Integration_04_Link_TFs_To_Targets.R script is missing. Could you please clarify about this part futher?

diff_scATAC_file <- "Save-scATAC-PromoterNorm-Differentials.rds"
diff_scRNA_file <- "output/scATAC_scRNA/Differential/Differential_Summary.rds"

scATAC peak file

Hi there,

Just wondering if there is a scATAC peak file associated with the published data set that could be used for reference?


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