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Provides an efficient allocation free async/await integration for Unity.

  • Struct based UniTask<T> and custom AsyncMethodBuilder to achieve zero allocation
  • Makes all Unity AsyncOperations and Coroutines awaitable
  • PlayerLoop based task(UniTask.Yield, UniTask.Delay, UniTask.DelayFrame, etc..) that enable replacing all coroutine operations
  • MonoBehaviour Message Events and uGUI Events as awaitable/async-enumerable
  • Runs completely on Unity's PlayerLoop so doesn't use threads and runs on WebGL, wasm, etc.
  • Asynchronous LINQ, with Channel and AsyncReactiveProperty
  • TaskTracker window to prevent memory leaks
  • Highly compatible behaviour with Task/ValueTask/IValueTaskSource

For technical details, see blog post: UniTask v2 — Zero Allocation async/await for Unity, with Asynchronous LINQ
For advanced tips, see blog post: Extends UnityWebRequest via async decorator pattern — Advanced Techniques of UniTask

Table of Contents

Getting started

Install via UPM package with git reference or asset package(UniTask.*.*.*.unitypackage) available in UniTask/releases.

// extension awaiter/methods can be used by this namespace
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;

// You can return type as struct UniTask<T>(or UniTask), it is unity specialized lightweight alternative of Task<T>
// zero allocation and fast excution for zero overhead async/await integrate with Unity
async UniTask<string> DemoAsync()
    // You can await Unity's AsyncObject
    var asset = await Resources.LoadAsync<TextAsset>("foo");
    var txt = (await UnityWebRequest.Get("https://...").SendWebRequest()).downloadHandler.text;
    await SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("scene2");

    // .WithCancellation enables Cancel, GetCancellationTokenOnDestroy synchornizes with lifetime of GameObject
    var asset2 = await Resources.LoadAsync<TextAsset>("bar").WithCancellation(this.GetCancellationTokenOnDestroy());

    // .ToUniTask accepts progress callback(and all options), Progress.Create is a lightweight alternative of IProgress<T>
    var asset3 = await Resources.LoadAsync<TextAsset>("baz").ToUniTask(Progress.Create<float>(x => Debug.Log(x)));

    // await frame-based operation like a coroutine
    await UniTask.DelayFrame(100); 

    // replacement of yield return new WaitForSeconds/WaitForSecondsRealtime
    await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), ignoreTimeScale: false);
    // yield any playerloop timing(PreUpdate, Update, LateUpdate, etc...)
    await UniTask.Yield(PlayerLoopTiming.PreLateUpdate);

    // replacement of yield return null
    await UniTask.Yield();
    await UniTask.NextFrame();

    // replacement of WaitForEndOfFrame
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
    await UniTask.WaitForEndOfFrame();
    // requires MonoBehaviour(CoroutineRunner))
    await UniTask.WaitForEndOfFrame(this); // this is MonoBehaviour

    // replacement of yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(same as UniTask.Yield(PlayerLoopTiming.FixedUpdate))
    await UniTask.WaitForFixedUpdate();
    // replacement of yield return WaitUntil
    await UniTask.WaitUntil(() => isActive == false);

    // special helper of WaitUntil
    await UniTask.WaitUntilValueChanged(this, x => x.isActive);

    // You can await IEnumerator coroutines
    await FooCoroutineEnumerator();

    // You can await a standard task
    await Task.Run(() => 100);

    // Multithreading, run on ThreadPool under this code
    await UniTask.SwitchToThreadPool();

    /* work on ThreadPool */

    // return to MainThread(same as `ObserveOnMainThread` in UniRx)
    await UniTask.SwitchToMainThread();

    // get async webrequest
    async UniTask<string> GetTextAsync(UnityWebRequest req)
        var op = await req.SendWebRequest();
        return op.downloadHandler.text;

    var task1 = GetTextAsync(UnityWebRequest.Get(""));
    var task2 = GetTextAsync(UnityWebRequest.Get(""));
    var task3 = GetTextAsync(UnityWebRequest.Get(""));

    // concurrent async-wait and get results easily by tuple syntax
    var (google, bing, yahoo) = await UniTask.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3);

    // shorthand of WhenAll, tuple can await directly
    var (google2, bing2, yahoo2) = await (task1, task2, task3);

    // return async-value.(or you can use `UniTask`(no result), `UniTaskVoid`(fire and forget)).
    return (asset as TextAsset)?.text ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Asset not found");

Basics of UniTask and AsyncOperation

UniTask features rely on C# 7.0(task-like custom async method builder feature) so the required Unity version is after Unity 2018.3, the official lowest version supported is Unity 2018.4.13f1.

Why is UniTask(custom task-like object) required? Because Task is too heavy and not matched to Unity threading (single-thread). UniTask does not use threads and SynchronizationContext/ExecutionContext because Unity's asynchronous object is automaticaly dispatched by Unity's engine layer. It achieves faster and lower allocation, and is completely integrated with Unity.

You can await AsyncOperation, ResourceRequest, AssetBundleRequest, AssetBundleCreateRequest, UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation, AsyncGPUReadbackRequest, IEnumerator and others when using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;.

UniTask provides three pattern of extension methods.

* await asyncOperation;
* .WithCancellation(CancellationToken);
* .ToUniTask(IProgress, PlayerLoopTiming, CancellationToken);

WithCancellation is a simple version of ToUniTask, both return UniTask. For details of cancellation, see: Cancellation and Exception handling section.

Note: await directly is returned from native timing of PlayerLoop but WithCancellation and ToUniTask are returned from specified PlayerLoopTiming. For details of timing, see: PlayerLoop section.

Note: AssetBundleRequest has asset and allAssets, default await returns asset. If you want to get allAssets, you can use AwaitForAllAssets() method.

The type of UniTask can use utilities like UniTask.WhenAll, UniTask.WhenAny. They are like Task.WhenAll/Task.WhenAny but the return type is more useful. They return value tuples so you can deconstruct each result and pass multiple types.

public async UniTaskVoid LoadManyAsync()
    // parallel load.
    var (a, b, c) = await UniTask.WhenAll(

async UniTask<Sprite> LoadAsSprite(string path)
    var resource = await Resources.LoadAsync<Sprite>(path);
    return (resource as Sprite);

If you want to convert a callback to UniTask, you can use UniTaskCompletionSource<T> which is a lightweight edition of TaskCompletionSource<T>.

public UniTask<int> WrapByUniTaskCompletionSource()
    var utcs = new UniTaskCompletionSource<int>();

    // when complete, call utcs.TrySetResult();
    // when failed, call utcs.TrySetException();
    // when cancel, call utcs.TrySetCanceled();

    return utcs.Task; //return UniTask<int>

You can convert Task -> UniTask: AsUniTask, UniTask -> UniTask<AsyncUnit>: AsAsyncUnitUniTask, UniTask<T> -> UniTask: AsUniTask. UniTask<T> -> UniTask's conversion cost is free.

If you want to convert async to coroutine, you can use .ToCoroutine(), this is useful if you want to only allow using the coroutine system.

UniTask can not await twice. This is a similar constraint to the ValueTask/IValueTaskSource introduced in .NET Standard 2.1.

The following operations should never be performed on a ValueTask instance:

  • Awaiting the instance multiple times.
  • Calling AsTask multiple times.
  • Using .Result or .GetAwaiter().GetResult() when the operation hasn't yet completed, or using them multiple times.
  • Using more than one of these techniques to consume the instance.

If you do any of the above, the results are undefined.

var task = UniTask.DelayFrame(10);
await task;
await task; // NG, throws Exception

Store to the class field, you can use UniTask.Lazy that supports calling multiple times. .Preserve() allows for multiple calls (internally cached results). This is useful when there are multiple calls in a function scope.

Also UniTaskCompletionSource can await multiple times and await from many callers.

Cancellation and Exception handling

Some UniTask factory methods have a CancellationToken cancellationToken = default parameter. Also some async operations for Unity have WithCancellation(CancellationToken) and ToUniTask(..., CancellationToken cancellation = default) extension methods.

You can pass CancellationToken to parameter by standard CancellationTokenSource.

var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

cancelButton.onClick.AddListener(() =>

await UnityWebRequest.Get("").SendWebRequest().WithCancellation(cts.Token);

await UniTask.DelayFrame(1000, cancellationToken: cts.Token);

CancellationToken can be created by CancellationTokenSource or MonoBehaviour's extension method GetCancellationTokenOnDestroy.

// this CancellationToken lifecycle is same as GameObject.
await UniTask.DelayFrame(1000, cancellationToken: this.GetCancellationTokenOnDestroy());

For propagate Cancellation, all async method recommend to accept CancellationToken cancellationToken at last argument, and pass CancellationToken from root to end.

await FooAsync(this.GetCancellationTokenOnDestroy());

// ---

async UniTask FooAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    await BarAsync(cancellationToken);

async UniTask BarAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), cancellationToken);

CancellationToken means lifecycle of async. You can hold your own lifecycle insteadof default CancellationTokenOnDestroy.

public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    CancellationTokenSource disableCancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();
    CancellationTokenSource destroyCancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();

    private void OnEnable()
        if (disableCancellation != null)
        disableCancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();

    private void OnDisable()

    private void OnDestroy()

When cancellation is detected, all methods throw OperationCanceledException and propagate upstream. When exception(not limited to OperationCanceledException) is not handled in async method, it is propagated finally to UniTaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException. The default behaviour of received unhandled exception is to write log as exception. Log level can be changed using UniTaskScheduler.UnobservedExceptionWriteLogType. If you want to use custom behaviour, set an action to UniTaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException.

And also OperationCanceledException is a special exception, this is silently ignored at UnobservedTaskException.

If you want to cancel behaviour in an async UniTask method, throw OperationCanceledException manually.

public async UniTask<int> FooAsync()
    await UniTask.Yield();
    throw new OperationCanceledException();

If you handle an exception but want to ignore(propagate to global cancellation handling), use an exception filter.

public async UniTask<int> BarAsync()
        var x = await FooAsync();
        return x * 2;
    catch (Exception ex) when (!(ex is OperationCanceledException)) // when (ex is not OperationCanceledException) at C# 9.0
        return -1;

throws/catch OperationCanceledException is slightly heavy, so if performance is a concern, use UniTask.SuppressCancellationThrow to avoid OperationCanceledException throw. It returns (bool IsCanceled, T Result) instead of throwing.

var (isCanceled, _) = await UniTask.DelayFrame(10, cancellationToken: cts.Token).SuppressCancellationThrow();
if (isCanceled)
    // ...

Note: Only suppress throws if you call directly into the most source method. Otherwise, the return value will be converted, but the entire pipeline will not suppress throws.

Some features that use Unity's player loop, such as UniTask.Yield and UniTask.Delay etc, determines CancellationToken state on the player loop. This means it does not cancel immediately upon CancellationToken fired.

If you want to change this behaviour, the cancellation to be immediate, set the cancelImmediately flag as an argument.

await UniTask.Yield(cancellationToken, cancelImmediately: true);

Note: Setting cancelImmediately to true and detecting an immediate cancellation is more costly than the default behavior. This is because it uses CancellationToken.Register; it is heavier than checking CancellationToken on the player loop.

Timeout handling

Timeout is a variation of cancellation. You can set timeout by CancellationTokenSouce.CancelAfterSlim(TimeSpan) and pass CancellationToken to async methods.

var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
cts.CancelAfterSlim(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); // 5sec timeout.

    await UnityWebRequest.Get("http://foo").SendWebRequest().WithCancellation(cts.Token);
catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
    if (ex.CancellationToken == cts.Token)

CancellationTokenSouce.CancelAfter is a standard api. However in Unity you should not use it because it depends threading timer. CancelAfterSlim is UniTask's extension methods, it uses PlayerLoop instead.

If you want to use timeout with other source of cancellation, use CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource.

var cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
cancelButton.onClick.AddListener(() =>
    cancelToken.Cancel(); // cancel from button click.

var timeoutToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
timeoutToken.CancelAfterSlim(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); // 5sec timeout.

    // combine token
    var linkedTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancelToken.Token, timeoutToken.Token);

    await UnityWebRequest.Get("http://foo").SendWebRequest().WithCancellation(linkedTokenSource.Token);
catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
    if (timeoutToken.IsCancellationRequested)
    else if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Cancel clicked.");

Optimize for reduce allocation of CancellationTokenSource for timeout per call async method, you can use UniTask's TimeoutController.

TimeoutController timeoutController = new TimeoutController(); // setup to field for reuse.

async UniTask FooAsync()
        // you can pass timeoutController.Timeout(TimeSpan) to cancellationToken.
        await UnityWebRequest.Get("http://foo").SendWebRequest()
        timeoutController.Reset(); // call Reset(Stop timeout timer and ready for reuse) when succeed.
    catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
        if (timeoutController.IsTimeout())

If you want to use timeout with other source of cancellation, use new TimeoutController(CancellationToken).

TimeoutController timeoutController;
CancellationTokenSource clickCancelSource;

void Start()
    this.clickCancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
    this.timeoutController = new TimeoutController(clickCancelSource);

Note: UniTask has .Timeout, .TimeoutWithoutException methods however, if possible, do not use these, please pass CancellationToken. Because .Timeout work from external of task, can not stop timeoutted task. .Timeout means ignore result when timeout. If you pass a CancellationToken to the method, it will act from inside of the task, so it is possible to stop a running task.


Some async operations for unity have ToUniTask(IProgress<float> progress = null, ...) extension methods.

var progress = Progress.Create<float>(x => Debug.Log(x));

var request = await UnityWebRequest.Get("")
    .ToUniTask(progress: progress);

You should not use standard new System.Progress<T>, because it causes allocation every time. Use Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Progress instead. This progress factory has two methods, Create and CreateOnlyValueChanged. CreateOnlyValueChanged calls only when the progress value has changed.

Implementing IProgress interface to caller is better as there is no lambda allocation.

public class Foo : MonoBehaviour, IProgress<float>
    public void Report(float value)

    public async UniTaskVoid WebRequest()
        var request = await UnityWebRequest.Get("")
            .ToUniTask(progress: this); // pass this


UniTask is run on a custom PlayerLoop. UniTask's playerloop based methods (such as Delay, DelayFrame, asyncOperation.ToUniTask, etc...) accept this PlayerLoopTiming.

public enum PlayerLoopTiming
    Initialization = 0,
    LastInitialization = 1,

    EarlyUpdate = 2,
    LastEarlyUpdate = 3,

    FixedUpdate = 4,
    LastFixedUpdate = 5,

    PreUpdate = 6,
    LastPreUpdate = 7,

    Update = 8,
    LastUpdate = 9,

    PreLateUpdate = 10,
    LastPreLateUpdate = 11,

    PostLateUpdate = 12,
    LastPostLateUpdate = 13
#if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER
    TimeUpdate = 14,
    LastTimeUpdate = 15,

It indicates when to run, you can check to Unity's default playerloop and injected UniTask's custom loop.

PlayerLoopTiming.Update is similar to yield return null in a coroutine, but it is called before Update(Update and uGUI events(button.onClick, etc...) are called on ScriptRunBehaviourUpdate, yield return null is called on ScriptRunDelayedDynamicFrameRate). PlayerLoopTiming.FixedUpdate is similar to WaitForFixedUpdate.

PlayerLoopTiming.LastPostLateUpdate is not equivalent to coroutine's yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(). Coroutine's WaitForEndOfFrame seems to run after the PlayerLoop is done. Some methods that require coroutine's end of frame(Texture2D.ReadPixels, ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshotAsTexture, CommandBuffer, etc) do not work correctly when replaced with async/await. In these cases, pass MonoBehaviour(coroutine runnner) to UniTask.WaitForEndOfFrame. For example, await UniTask.WaitForEndOfFrame(this); is lightweight allocation free alternative of yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame().

Note: In Unity 2023.1 or newer, await UniTask.WaitForEndOfFrame(); no longer requires MonoBehaviour. It uses UnityEngine.Awaitable.EndOfFrameAsync.

yield return null and UniTask.Yield are similar but different. yield return null always returns next frame but UniTask.Yield returns next called. That is, call UniTask.Yield(PlayerLoopTiming.Update) on PreUpdate, it returns same frame. UniTask.NextFrame() guarantees return next frame, you can expect this to behave exactly the same as yield return null.

UniTask.Yield(without CancellationToken) is a special type, returns YieldAwaitable and runs on YieldRunner. It is the most lightweight and fastest.

AsyncOperation is returned from native timing. For example, await SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync is returned from EarlyUpdate.UpdatePreloading and after being called, the loaded scene's Start is called from EarlyUpdate.ScriptRunDelayedStartupFrame. Also await UnityWebRequest is returned from EarlyUpdate.ExecuteMainThreadJobs.

In UniTask, await directly uses native timing, while WithCancellation and ToUniTask use specified timing. This is usually not a particular problem, but with LoadSceneAsync, it causes a different order of Start and continuation after await. So it is recommended not to use LoadSceneAsync.ToUniTask.

In the stacktrace, you can check where it is running in playerloop.


By default, UniTask's PlayerLoop is initialized at [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(RuntimeInitializeLoadType.BeforeSceneLoad)].

The order in which methods are called in BeforeSceneLoad is nondeterministic, so if you want to use UniTask in other BeforeSceneLoad methods, you should try to initialize it before this.

// AfterAssembliesLoaded is called before BeforeSceneLoad
public static void InitUniTaskLoop()
    var loop = PlayerLoop.GetCurrentPlayerLoop();
    Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopHelper.Initialize(ref loop);

If you import Unity's Entities package, that resets the custom player loop to default at BeforeSceneLoad and injects ECS's loop. When Unity calls ECS's inject method after UniTask's initialize method, UniTask will no longer work.

To solve this issue, you can re-initialize the UniTask PlayerLoop after ECS is initialized.

// Get ECS Loop.
var playerLoop = ScriptBehaviourUpdateOrder.CurrentPlayerLoop;

// Setup UniTask's PlayerLoop.
PlayerLoopHelper.Initialize(ref playerLoop);

You can diagnose whether UniTask's player loop is ready by calling PlayerLoopHelper.IsInjectedUniTaskPlayerLoop(). And also PlayerLoopHelper.DumpCurrentPlayerLoop logs all current playerloops to console.

void Start()
    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("UniTaskPlayerLoop ready? " + PlayerLoopHelper.IsInjectedUniTaskPlayerLoop());

You can optimize loop cost slightly by remove unuse PlayerLoopTiming injection. You can call PlayerLoopHelper.Initialize(InjectPlayerLoopTimings) on initialize.

var loop = PlayerLoop.GetCurrentPlayerLoop();
PlayerLoopHelper.Initialize(ref loop, InjectPlayerLoopTimings.Minimum); // minimum is Update | FixedUpdate | LastPostLateUpdate

InjectPlayerLoopTimings has three preset, All and Standard(All without last except LastPostLateUpdate), Minimum(Update | FixedUpdate | LastPostLateUpdate). Default is All and you can combine custom inject timings like InjectPlayerLoopTimings.Update | InjectPlayerLoopTimings.FixedUpdate | InjectPlayerLoopTimings.PreLateUpdate.

You can make error to use uninjected PlayerLoopTiming by Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BannedApiAnalyzers. For example, you can setup BannedSymbols.txt like this for InjectPlayerLoopTimings.Minimum.

F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.Initialization; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.LastInitialization; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.EarlyUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.LastEarlyUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.d
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.LastFixedUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.PreUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.LastPreUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.LastUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.PreLateUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.LastPreLateUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.PostLateUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.TimeUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.
F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.LastTimeUpdate; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project.

You can configure RS0030 severity to error.


async void vs async UniTaskVoid

async void is a standard C# task system so it does not run on UniTask systems. It is better not to use it. async UniTaskVoid is a lightweight version of async UniTask because it does not have awaitable completion and reports errors immediately to UniTaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException. If you don't require awaiting (fire and forget), using UniTaskVoid is better. Unfortunately to dismiss warning, you're required to call Forget().

public async UniTaskVoid FireAndForgetMethod()
    // do anything...
    await UniTask.Yield();

public void Caller()

Also UniTask has the Forget method, it is similar to UniTaskVoid and has the same effects. However UniTaskVoid is more efficient if you completely don't use await

public async UniTask DoAsync()
    // do anything...
    await UniTask.Yield();

public void Caller()

To use an async lambda registered to an event, don't use async void. Instead you can use UniTask.Action or UniTask.UnityAction, both of which create a delegate via async UniTaskVoid lambda.

Action actEvent;
UnityAction unityEvent; // especially used in uGUI

// Bad: async void
actEvent += async () => { };
unityEvent += async () => { };

// Ok: create Action delegate by lambda
actEvent += UniTask.Action(async () => { await UniTask.Yield(); });
unityEvent += UniTask.UnityAction(async () => { await UniTask.Yield(); });

UniTaskVoid can also be used in MonoBehaviour's Start method.

class Sample : MonoBehaviour
    async UniTaskVoid Start()
        // async init code.


useful for checking (leaked) UniTasks. You can open tracker window in Window -> UniTask Tracker.


  • Enable AutoReload(Toggle) - Reload automatically.
  • Reload - Reload view.
  • GC.Collect - Invoke GC.Collect.
  • Enable Tracking(Toggle) - Start to track async/await UniTask. Performance impact: low.
  • Enable StackTrace(Toggle) - Capture StackTrace when task is started. Performance impact: high.

UniTaskTracker is intended for debugging use only as enabling tracking and capturing stacktraces is useful but has a heavy performance impact. Recommended usage is to enable both tracking and stacktraces to find task leaks and to disable them both when done.

External Assets

By default, UniTask supports TextMeshPro(BindTo(TMP_Text) and TMP_InputField event extensions like standard uGUI InputField), DOTween(Tween as awaitable) and Addressables(AsyncOperationHandle and AsyncOperationHandle<T> as awaitable).

There are defined in separated asmdefs like UniTask.TextMeshPro, UniTask.DOTween, UniTask.Addressables.

TextMeshPro and Addressables support are automatically enabled when importing their packages from package manager. However for DOTween support, after importing from the DOTWeen assets and define the scripting define symbol UNITASK_DOTWEEN_SUPPORT to enable it.

// sequential
await transform.DOMoveX(2, 10);
await transform.DOMoveZ(5, 20);

// parallel with cancellation
var ct = this.GetCancellationTokenOnDestroy();

await UniTask.WhenAll(
    transform.DOMoveX(10, 3).WithCancellation(ct),
    transform.DOScale(10, 3).WithCancellation(ct));

DOTween support's default behaviour(await, WithCancellation, ToUniTask) awaits tween is killed. It works on both Complete(true/false) and Kill(true/false). But if you want to reuse tweens (SetAutoKill(false)), it does not work as expected. If you want to await for another timing, the following extension methods exist in Tween, AwaitForComplete, AwaitForPause, AwaitForPlay, AwaitForRewind, AwaitForStepComplete.

AsyncEnumerable and Async LINQ

Unity 2020.2 supports C# 8.0 so you can use await foreach. This is the new Update notation in the async era.

// Unity 2020.2, C# 8.0
await foreach (var _ in UniTaskAsyncEnumerable.EveryUpdate().WithCancellation(token))
    Debug.Log("Update() " + Time.frameCount);

In a C# 7.3 environment, you can use the ForEachAsync method to work in almost the same way.

// C# 7.3(Unity 2018.3~)
await UniTaskAsyncEnumerable.EveryUpdate().ForEachAsync(_ =>
    Debug.Log("Update() " + Time.frameCount);
}, token);

UniTaskAsyncEnumerable implements asynchronous LINQ, similar to LINQ in IEnumerable<T> or Rx in IObservable<T>. All standard LINQ query operators can be applied to asynchronous streams. For example, the following code shows how to apply a Where filter to a button-click asynchronous stream that runs once every two clicks.

await okButton.OnClickAsAsyncEnumerable().Where((x, i) => i % 2 == 0).ForEachAsync(_ =>

Fire and Forget style(for example, event handling), you can also use Subscribe.

okButton.OnClickAsAsyncEnumerable().Where((x, i) => i % 2 == 0).Subscribe(_ =>

Async LINQ is enabled when using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Linq;, and UniTaskAsyncEnumerable is defined in UniTask.Linq asmdef.

It's closer to UniRx (Reactive Extensions), but UniTaskAsyncEnumerable is a pull-based asynchronous stream, whereas Rx was a push-based asynchronous stream. Note that although similar, the characteristics are different and the details behave differently along with them.

UniTaskAsyncEnumerable is the entry point like Enumerable. In addition to the standard query operators, there are other generators for Unity such as EveryUpdate, Timer, TimerFrame, Interval, IntervalFrame, and EveryValueChanged. And also added additional UniTask original query operators like Append, Prepend, DistinctUntilChanged, ToHashSet, Buffer, CombineLatest,Merge Do, Never, ForEachAsync, Pairwise, Publish, Queue, Return, SkipUntil, TakeUntil, SkipUntilCanceled, TakeUntilCanceled, TakeLast, Subscribe.

The method with Func as an argument has three additional overloads, ***Await, ***AwaitWithCancellation.

Select(Func<T, TR> selector)
SelectAwait(Func<T, UniTask<TR>> selector)
SelectAwaitWithCancellation(Func<T, CancellationToken, UniTask<TR>> selector)

If you want to use the async method inside the func, use the ***Await or ***AwaitWithCancellation.

How to create an async iterator: C# 8.0 supports async iterator(async yield return) but it only allows IAsyncEnumerable<T> and of course requires C# 8.0. UniTask supports UniTaskAsyncEnumerable.Create method to create custom async iterator.

// IAsyncEnumerable, C# 8.0 version of async iterator. ( do not use this style, IAsyncEnumerable is not controled in UniTask).
public async IAsyncEnumerable<int> MyEveryUpdate([EnumeratorCancellation]CancellationToken cancelationToken = default)
    var frameCount = 0;
    await UniTask.Yield();
    while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
        yield return frameCount++;
        await UniTask.Yield();

// UniTaskAsyncEnumerable.Create and use `await writer.YieldAsync` instead of `yield return`.
public IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable<int> MyEveryUpdate()
    // writer(IAsyncWriter<T>) has `YieldAsync(value)` method.
    return UniTaskAsyncEnumerable.Create<int>(async (writer, token) =>
        var frameCount = 0;
        await UniTask.Yield();
        while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
            await writer.YieldAsync(frameCount++); // instead of `yield return`
            await UniTask.Yield();

Awaitable Events

All uGUI component implements ***AsAsyncEnumerable to convert asynchronous streams of events.

async UniTask TripleClick()
    // In default, used button.GetCancellationTokenOnDestroy to manage lieftime of async
    await button.OnClickAsync();
    await button.OnClickAsync();
    await button.OnClickAsync();
    Debug.Log("Three times clicked");

// more efficient way
async UniTask TripleClick()
    using (var handler = button.GetAsyncClickEventHandler())
        await handler.OnClickAsync();
        await handler.OnClickAsync();
        await handler.OnClickAsync();
        Debug.Log("Three times clicked");

// use async LINQ
async UniTask TripleClick(CancellationToken token)
    await button.OnClickAsAsyncEnumerable().Take(3).Last();
    Debug.Log("Three times clicked");

// use async LINQ2
async UniTask TripleClick(CancellationToken token)
    await button.OnClickAsAsyncEnumerable().Take(3).ForEachAsync(_ =>
        Debug.Log("Every clicked");
    Debug.Log("Three times clicked, complete.");

All MonoBehaviour message events can convert async-streams by AsyncTriggers that can be enabled by using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Triggers;. AsyncTrigger can be created using GetAsync***Trigger and triggers itself as UniTaskAsyncEnumerable.

var trigger = this.GetOnCollisionEnterAsyncHandler();
await trigger.OnCollisionEnterAsync();
await trigger.OnCollisionEnterAsync();
await trigger.OnCollisionEnterAsync();

// every moves.
await this.GetAsyncMoveTrigger().ForEachAsync(axisEventData =>

AsyncReactiveProperty, AsyncReadOnlyReactiveProperty is UniTask's version of ReactiveProperty. BindTo extension method of IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable<T> for binding asynchronous stream values to Unity components(Text/Selectable/TMP/Text).

var rp = new AsyncReactiveProperty<int>(99);

// AsyncReactiveProperty itself is IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable, you can query by LINQ
rp.ForEachAsync(x =>
}, this.GetCancellationTokenOnDestroy()).Forget();

rp.Value = 10; // push 10 to all subscriber
rp.Value = 11; // push 11 to all subscriber

// WithoutCurrent ignore initial value
// BindTo bind stream value to unity components.

await rp.WaitAsync(); // wait until next value set

// also exists ToReadOnlyAsyncReactiveProperty
var rp2 = new AsyncReactiveProperty<int>(99);
var rorp = rp.CombineLatest(rp2, (x, y) => (x, y)).ToReadOnlyAsyncReactiveProperty(CancellationToken.None);

A pull-type asynchronous stream does not get the next values until the asynchronous processing in the sequence is complete. This could spill data from push-type events such as buttons.

// can not get click event during 3 seconds complete.
await button.OnClickAsAsyncEnumerable().ForEachAwaitAsync(async x =>
    await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

It is useful (prevent double-click) but not useful sometimes.

Using the Queue() method will also queue events during asynchronous processing.

// queued message in asynchronous processing
await button.OnClickAsAsyncEnumerable().Queue().ForEachAwaitAsync(async x =>
    await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

Or use Subscribe, fire and forget style.

button.OnClickAsAsyncEnumerable().Subscribe(async x =>
    await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));


Channel is the same as System.Threading.Tasks.Channels which is similar to a GoLang Channel.

Currently it only supports multiple-producer, single-consumer unbounded channels. It can create by Channel.CreateSingleConsumerUnbounded<T>().

For producer(.Writer), use TryWrite to push value and TryComplete to complete channel. For consumer(.Reader), use TryRead, WaitToReadAsync, ReadAsync, Completion and ReadAllAsync to read queued messages.

ReadAllAsync returns IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable<T> so query LINQ operators. Reader only allows single-consumer but uses .Publish() query operator to enable multicast message. For example, make pub/sub utility.

public class AsyncMessageBroker<T> : IDisposable
    Channel<T> channel;

    IConnectableUniTaskAsyncEnumerable<T> multicastSource;
    IDisposable connection;

    public AsyncMessageBroker()
        channel = Channel.CreateSingleConsumerUnbounded<T>();
        multicastSource = channel.Reader.ReadAllAsync().Publish();
        connection = multicastSource.Connect(); // Publish returns IConnectableUniTaskAsyncEnumerable.

    public void Publish(T value)

    public IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable<T> Subscribe()
        return multicastSource;

    public void Dispose()

For Unit Testing

Unity's [UnityTest] attribute can test coroutine(IEnumerator) but can not test async. UniTask.ToCoroutine bridges async/await to coroutine so you can test async methods.

public IEnumerator DelayIgnore() => UniTask.ToCoroutine(async () =>
    var time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

    Time.timeScale = 0.5f;
        await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), ignoreTimeScale: true);

        var elapsed = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - time;
        Assert.AreEqual(3, (int)Math.Round(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(elapsed).TotalSeconds, MidpointRounding.ToEven));
        Time.timeScale = 1.0f;

UniTask's own unit tests are written using Unity Test Runner and Cysharp/RuntimeUnitTestToolkit to integrate with CI and check if IL2CPP is working.

ThreadPool limitation

Most UniTask methods run on a single thread (PlayerLoop), with only UniTask.Run(Task.Run equivalent) and UniTask.SwitchToThreadPool running on a thread pool. If you use a thread pool, it won't work with WebGL and so on.

UniTask.Run is now deprecated. You can use UniTask.RunOnThreadPool instead. And also consider whether you can use UniTask.Create or UniTask.Void.

IEnumerator.ToUniTask limitation

You can convert coroutine(IEnumerator) to UniTask(or await directly) but it has some limitations.

  • WaitForEndOfFrame/WaitForFixedUpdate/Coroutine is not supported.
  • Consuming loop timing is not the same as StartCoroutine, it uses the specified PlayerLoopTiming and the default PlayerLoopTiming.Update is run before MonoBehaviour's Update and StartCoroutine's loop.

If you want fully compatible conversion from coroutine to async, use the IEnumerator.ToUniTask(MonoBehaviour coroutineRunner) overload. It executes StartCoroutine on an instance of the argument MonoBehaviour and waits for it to complete in UniTask.

For UnityEditor

UniTask can run on Unity Editor like an Editor Coroutine. However, there are some limitations.

  • UniTask.Delay's DelayType.DeltaTime, UnscaledDeltaTime do not work correctly because they can not get deltaTime in editor. Therefore run on EditMode, automatically change DelayType to DelayType.Realtime that wait for the right time.
  • All PlayerLoopTiming run on the timing EditorApplication.update.
  • -batchmode with -quit does not work because Unity does not run EditorApplication.update and quit after a single frame. Instead, don't use -quit and quit manually with EditorApplication.Exit(0).

Compare with Standard Task API

UniTask has many standard Task-like APIs. This table shows what the alternative apis are.

Use standard type.

.NET Type UniTask Type
IProgress<T> ---
CancellationToken ---
CancellationTokenSource ---

Use UniTask type.

.NET Type UniTask Type
Task/ValueTask UniTask
Task<T>/ValueTask<T> UniTask<T>
async void async UniTaskVoid
+= async () => { } UniTask.Void, UniTask.Action, UniTask.UnityAction
--- UniTaskCompletionSource
TaskCompletionSource<T> UniTaskCompletionSource<T>/AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource<T>
ManualResetValueTaskSourceCore<T> UniTaskCompletionSourceCore<T>
IValueTaskSource IUniTaskSource
IValueTaskSource<T> IUniTaskSource<T>
ValueTask.IsCompleted UniTask.Status.IsCompleted()
ValueTask<T>.IsCompleted UniTask<T>.Status.IsCompleted()
new Progress<T> Progress.Create<T>
CancellationToken.Register(UnsafeRegister) CancellationToken.RegisterWithoutCaptureExecutionContext
CancellationTokenSource.CancelAfter CancellationTokenSource.CancelAfterSlim
Channel.CreateUnbounded<T>(false){ SingleReader = true } Channel.CreateSingleConsumerUnbounded<T>
IAsyncEnumerable<T> IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable<T>
IAsyncEnumerator<T> IUniTaskAsyncEnumerator<T>
IAsyncDisposable IUniTaskAsyncDisposable
Task.Delay UniTask.Delay
Task.Yield UniTask.Yield
Task.Run UniTask.RunOnThreadPool
Task.WhenAll UniTask.WhenAll
Task.WhenAny UniTask.WhenAny
Task.CompletedTask UniTask.CompletedTask
Task.FromException UniTask.FromException
Task.FromResult UniTask.FromResult
Task.FromCanceled UniTask.FromCanceled
Task.ContinueWith UniTask.ContinueWith
TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException UniTaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException

Pooling Configuration

UniTask aggressively caches async promise objects to achieve zero allocation (for technical details, see blog post UniTask v2 — Zero Allocation async/await for Unity, with Asynchronous LINQ). By default, it caches all promises but you can configure TaskPool.SetMaxPoolSize to your value, the value indicates cache size per type. TaskPool.GetCacheSizeInfo returns currently cached objects in pool.

foreach (var (type, size) in TaskPool.GetCacheSizeInfo())
    Debug.Log(type + ":" + size);

Allocation on Profiler

In UnityEditor the profiler shows allocation of compiler generated AsyncStateMachine but it only occurs in debug(development) build. C# Compiler generates AsyncStateMachine as class on Debug build and as struct on Release build.

Unity supports Code Optimization option starting in 2020.1 (right, footer).

You can change C# compiler optimization to release to remove AsyncStateMachine allocation in development builds. This optimization option can also be set via Compilation.CompilationPipeline-codeOptimization, and Compilation.CodeOptimization.


Unity's default SynchronizationContext(UnitySynchronizationContext) is a poor implementation for performance. UniTask bypasses SynchronizationContext(and ExecutionContext) so it does not use it but if exists in async Task, still used it. UniTaskSynchronizationContext is a replacement of UnitySynchronizationContext which is better for performance.

public class SyncContextInjecter
    public static void Inject()
        SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new UniTaskSynchronizationContext());

This is an optional choice and is not always recommended; UniTaskSynchronizationContext is less performant than async UniTask and is not a complete UniTask replacement. It also does not guarantee full behavioral compatibility with the UnitySynchronizationContext.

API References

UniTask's API References are hosted at by DocFX and Cysharp/DocfXTemplate.

For example, UniTask's factory methods can be seen at UniTask#methods. UniTaskAsyncEnumerable's factory/extension methods can be seen at UniTaskAsyncEnumerable#methods.

UPM Package

Install via git URL

Requires a version of unity that supports path query parameter for git packages (Unity >= 2019.3.4f1, Unity >= 2020.1a21). You can add to Package Manager



or add "com.cysharp.unitask": "" to Packages/manifest.json.

If you want to set a target version, UniTask uses the *.*.* release tag so you can specify a version like #2.1.0. For example

.NET Core

For .NET Core, use NuGet.

PM> Install-Package UniTask

UniTask of .NET Core version is a subset of Unity UniTask with PlayerLoop dependent methods removed.

It runs at higher performance than the standard Task/ValueTask, but you should be careful to ignore the ExecutionContext/SynchronizationContext when using it. AsyncLocal also does not work because it ignores ExecutionContext.

If you use UniTask internally, but provide ValueTask as an external API, you can write it like the following(Inspired by PooledAwait).

public class ZeroAllocAsyncAwaitInDotNetCore
    public ValueTask<int> DoAsync(int x, int y)
        return Core(this, x, y);

        static async UniTask<int> Core(ZeroAllocAsyncAwaitInDotNetCore self, int x, int y)
            // do anything...
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(x + y));
            await UniTask.Yield();

            return 10;

// UniTask does not return to original SynchronizationContext but you can use helper `ReturnToCurrentSynchronizationContext`.
public ValueTask TestAsync()
    await using (UniTask.ReturnToCurrentSynchronizationContext())
        await UniTask.SwitchToThreadPool();
        // do anything..

.NET Core version is intended to allow users to use UniTask as an interface when sharing code with Unity (such as Cysharp/MagicOnion). .NET Core version of UniTask enables smooth code sharing.

Utility methods such as WhenAll which are equivalent to UniTask are provided as Cysharp/ValueTaskSupplement.


This library is under the MIT License.

unitask's People


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unitask's Issues

Issue starting UniTask

I'm most definetly missing something, but I want to start an async method like this:

new UniTask(() => doSomethingAsync());

But the code in doSomethingAsync is never called.

Delayed reporting of an unhandled exception during a UniTask


When in Play Mode, when an async method throws an exception, and the exception is unhandled, the exception doesn't appear in the console window until after play mode exits.

Expected behaviour:

The exception would appear in the console immediately when thrown.


  • Create an empty scene.
  • Add a single GameObject and attach the following component.
  • Enter Play Mode.
  • Look at the console and confirm that you see a message which indicates an exception is about to be thrown.
  • Confirm that the exception does not appear in the console.
  • Exit Play Mode.
  • Confirm that the exception is now reported to the console.

What should happen:

  • The exception should be reported to the console immediately after the initial message, i.e. while still in Play Mode.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UniRx.Async;

public class Repro : MonoBehaviour

    protected async UniTask Start()
        await UniTask.Yield();

        Debug.Log("An exception will be thrown immediately, but you won't see it until you exit play mode.");

        throw new ApplicationException("This exception won't surface until exiting play mode.");

Pending tasks count increases

I have a method that awaits for other GOs trigger enter like so

var collisionTrigger = bullet.gameObject.GetAsyncCollision2DTrigger();
var hit1 = await collisionTrigger.OnCollisionEnter2DAsync();

this method is awaited and eventually flow is returned to the caller, but in theUniTask Tracker that every time this code is called, a new Pending task is created at the "await" line.

What is UniTaskVoid?

So why do we need UniTaskVoid? After reading README and googling I still cannot understand its purpose.
It seems like it is a UniRx replacement for async void but you still need to .Forget() it - you can do the same with UniTask. Apart from that, you can't use it for Unity events like Start.
Also, I'm using async void Start in conjuction with UniRx, are there any downsides of it?

Can I use UniTask outisde of Unity, in standalone library for tests?

As in the title. I want to create a DLL (.NET library) and use it outside of Unity. The potential use cases are unit testing and using this library on a backend server, without Unity.
Is this something that is supported out of the box? Or can I at least make it work without too much hassle?

How to implement ConfigureAwait(false) without Task?

Hello, I'm trying to emulate the behavior of Task.ConfigureAwait(false) with UniTask and so far have failed to do so. The expected behavior is that continuations of the configured task are run in another thread, until the method containing it ends.

public async UniTask LongTask() {
  await new SwitchToThreadPoolAwaitable();

  // on background thread now.
  Debug.Log("On background thread");

public async UnitTask Consumer() {
  // here on the main thread.

  // this task will spawn a backgroud thread internally.
  await LongTask();

  // We're still on the background thread LongTask spawned.
  // I would rather be back on the main thread here, like ConfigureAwait() does...

I've tried using SwitchToThreadPoolAwaitable but the task does not switch back to the main thread after it completes, and therefore an outer method consuming the task continues running on the background thread.

I've tried using SwitchToTaskPoolAwaitable and this works fine since it does spawn a Task.

How could I go and implement this?

Request for Separating Editor Scripts as Independent Plugin Scripts

Hi @neuecc,

Firs of all, great library!

I was wondering if it would be possible for you to separate the editor scripts to their own independent directory/namespace/repository so that we can use the editor scripts inside the Plugins directory and manage the asmdefs on the outer scope by ourselves.

I Understand that I can make these changes on the source myself once imported the package, but it would be nice if this is by default so we can keep up with the latest update without the need to change every time.


AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute conflicts with imported type

Still getting the warning described in #13. Using Unity 2018.4.17f1 and .NET 4.x compatibility level.

The type 'AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute' in
conflicts with the imported type 'AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute' in 'System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'. Using the type defined in

[6.2.2] NullReference in UnityAsyncOperations.cs:175

Reference issue.

asyncOperation = null; // remove reference.
  if (continuationAction != null)
    asyncOperation.completed -= continuationAction; //175: Will throw a NullReferenceException as asyncOperation is set to null right before the if.

Therefore it should read as

  if (continuationAction != null)
    asyncOperation.completed -= continuationAction;
asyncOperation = null; // remove reference.

Change AsyncTriggers returned value to UniTask<T>


Change AsyncTriggers returned value to UniTask<T>


using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UniRx.Async;
using UniRx.Async.Triggers;
using UnityEngine;

class TriggerSample : MonoBehaviour
    private void Start()

    private async UniTaskVoid WaitForCollisionAsync()
        var trigger = this.GetAsyncCollisionTrigger();

        var collision = await trigger.OnCollisionEnterAsync(); // <<<<


Support UPM?

I think this project could just add support to UPM just by adding package.json

PlayerLoopTiming extension method

Could we have helper method reflecting UniTask as PlayerLoopTiming extension?

public static UniTask WaitWhile(this PlayerLoopTiming timing,Func<bool> predicate,CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) => UniTask.WaitWhile(predicate,timing,cancellationToken);

// usage

// await UniTask.WaitWhile(() => reloadTable,PlayerLoopTiming.PostLateUpdate)
await PlayerLoopTiming.PostLateUpdate.WaitWhile(() => condition);

UnityWebRequest cancellation is not call UnityWebRequest.Abort

Reference issue.

I found that UnityWebRequestAsyncOperationConfiguredAwaiter cancellation is not call UnityWebRequest.Abort.
I think this is counterintuitive behavior.

Here is a simple reproducible code.

using System.Threading;
using UniRx.Async;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class UniTaskTest : MonoBehaviour
    CancellationTokenSource cts;

    // called by Button.OnClick
    public async void StartRequest()
        cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
        // localhost:3333 will respond text "test response" after 5 seconds
        var req = UnityWebRequest.Get("http://localhost:3333");

        var asyncOp = req.SendWebRequest();
        // show response text on request completed
        asyncOp.completed += _ => {

        await asyncOp.ConfigureAwait(cancellation: cts.Token);

    // called by Button.OnClick
    public void Cancel()

Reproduction steps:

Execute StartRequest()
Execute Cancel() before request complete
Expected result:
UnityWebRequest is aborted, so response text will be not shown (empty text will be show immediately after cancellation).

Actual behavior:
UnityWebRequest is not aborted, and response text will appear after 5 seconds.


Is this bug or intended design?

Unitasks don't work properly in edit mode

I've tried to use Unitask into a "edit mode only" project (the unity project only creates assetbundles automatically), and UniTask runners and continuations don't work like play mode.
This example show the issue

public class UniTastEditModeIssue : MonoBehaviour
    [MenuItem("executeHeavyOperationByAsync", menuItem = "EditorTest/Execute Task")]
    static async Task VeryHeavyOpTask()
        Debug.Log("Very Heavy Operation start (Task)");
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        Debug.Log("Very Heavy Operation end (Task)");
    [MenuItem("executeHeavyOperationbyUniTask", menuItem = "EditorTest/Execute UniTask")]
    static async UniTask VeryHeavyOpUniTask()
        Debug.Log("Very Heavy Operation start (UniTask)");
        await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        Debug.Log("Very Heavy Operation end (UniTask)");

as you can see, the c# native Task works well, the UniTask version instead only print the first Debug.Log

After some research, i found the problem in PlayerLoop updates called in edit mode, and i found a solution using


which forces unity to execute PlayerLoop lifecycle

i've made a pull request with my solution for the issue

(i'm sorry for any inadvertency, it's my first issue and pull request)

Change default logging for unhandled exceptions

Currently, an unhandled exception thrown in a UniTask will be logged as a warning. Normally, an unhandled exception would be logged by Unity with Debug.LogException(). This behavior can be changed by setting UniTaskScheduler.UnobservedExceptionWriteLogType:

UniTaskScheduler.UnobservedExceptionWriteLogType = LogType.Exception;

I think it's good that the behavior can be customized, but it would be better to have the default behavior match what Unity does by default.

If this is acceptable, I would be happy to open a pull request for the work! 😁

Converting completed observable to (Uni)Task causes an exception

Reference issue.


Unity 2018.3.6f1
UniRx 6.2.2
Reproduction code:

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UniRx;
using UniRx.Async;

class MyComponent : MonoBehaviour
    async void Start()
        await UniTask.CompletedTask;  // ok

        var subject = new Subject<Unit>();

            await subject.ToUniTask();  // exception
        catch (Exception exception)

Error message:

System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence has no elements
  at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() [0x0000c] in <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0 
  at UniRx.Async.UniTaskCompletionSource`1[T].UniRx.Async.IAwaiter<T>.GetResult ()[0x0002d] in Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/UniTaskCompletionSource.cs:281 
  at UniRx.Async.UniTask`1[T].get_Result ()[0x00019] in Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/UniTask.cs:314 
  at UniRx.Async.UniTask`1+Awaiter[T].GetResult ()[0x00000] in Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/UniTask.cs:449 
  at MyComponent+<Start>d__0.MoveNext ()[0x000bb] in Assets/MyComponent.cs:17 
<Start>d__0:MoveNext() (at Assets/MyComponent.cs:21)

Stepping over await in the Visual Studio debugger crashes the Unity editor

I'm running into an issue where using Visual Studio in combination with UniTask is causing the Unity editor to crash.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Write an async function that returns a UniTaskVoid, UniTask, or UniTask<T> and awaits at least once.
  2. Using Visual Studio, set a breakpoint on the await statement and attach the debugger to the editor.
  3. Run your game in the editor until Visual Studio hits the breakpoint.
  4. Try to step over the await statement.


  • I've tested this with Visual Studio 2019 on Windows with Unity 2019.2.4f1.
  • Stepping over await statements appears to work correctly when using async void, async Task, and async Task<T>, so the issue appears to have something to do with UniTask.
  • It's not clear if the issue is with Visual Studio, Unity, or UniTask. To test this, it would be good to try the following things:
    • Create a non-Unity C# project with Visual Studio 2019 and create a custom task-like type, matching what UniTask provides. See if you can use the debugger here.
    • Create a basic task-like type, similar to what UniTask provides but as minimal as possible, and see if that still causes the editor to crash.

I'll try to dig into this issue more, but I wanted to open this ticket in case I don't have time.

"await SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync" not working

I'm trying the following to load a new scene:

private void someMethod()
        new UniTask(() => loadMainScene());

private async UniTask loadMainScene()
        await SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("MainScene").ConfigureAwait(Progress.Create<float>(x => Debug.Log(x)));

I took the above lines from your doc, but the new scene is never loaded (doesn't even show up in the GameObject tree).

I'm probably missing something here.

UniTask Tracker: UniTask Tracker continues to display task information after exiting play mode


I think I found an issue with the UniTask Tracker where it continues to display tasks that were running when exiting play mode. I've written down the reproduction steps, as well as the script I used to reproduce this issue below.

I reproduced this issue with Unity 2018.4.14.

I also looked into this a bit, and it seems this bug did not occur with UniTask 1.0.0, but does occur in both UniTask 1.1.0 and 1.2.0. Furthermore, importing UniTask 1.1.0 and reverting commit f82c762 seems to fix this issue. I unfortunately don't completely understand the code, but it seems like the code wrapped in the #if UNITY_EDITOR is the cause.

Please let me know if there's any more information I can provide, or if there's anything I can help with.


Reproduction Steps:
Attaching the script below to a GameObject in an empty scene

  1. Open UniTask Tracker and start play mode
  2. Reload UniTask Tracker and confirm that the task is displayed in the tracker
  3. Stop Play mode

Result: UniTask Tracker continues to display the task, with the Elapsed time continuing to increase everytime you press reload, and the task status remaining on pending.

public class Experiments : MonoBehaviour {
  private CancellationTokenSource tokenSource;

  void Start() {
    this.tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    var token = this.tokenSource.Token;

  void OnDestroy() {

  private async UniTaskVoid Test(CancellationToken token) {
    while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) {
      await UniTask.Delay(500, cancellationToken: token);

await IEnumerator does not work?

Reference issue.

 UniRx 6.2.2

using System.Collections;
using UniRx.Async;
using UnityEngine;

public class TestTest : MonoBehaviour
    async void Start()
        await Test();

    IEnumerator Test()
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
           // It will not stop for 3 seconds...
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(3.0f);

await IEnumerator does not work?

NullReferenceException on UniTask

Reference issue.


UniRx 6.2.2
Reproduction code

using System;
using UniRx.Async;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class UniTaskWeb : MonoBehaviour
    async void Start()
            var request = UnityWebRequest.Get("");
            var result = await request.SendWebRequest().ToUniTask();
            Debug.Log(result.downloadHandler.text.Substring(0, 10));
        catch (Exception e)

Error message

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UniRx.Async.UnityAsyncExtensions+UnityWebRequestAsyncOperationAwaiter.GetResult () (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/UnityAsyncExtensions.cs:583)
UniRx.Async.UniTask`1[T].get_Result () (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/UniTask.cs:314)
UniRx.Async.UniTask`1+Awaiter[T].GetResult () (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/UniTask.cs:448)
UniTaskWeb+<Start>d__0.MoveNext () (at Assets/UniTaskWeb.cs:14)
<Start>d__0:MoveNext() (at Assets/UniTaskWeb.cs:19)
UniRx.Async.Internal.FuncExtensions:Invoke(Action, AsyncOperation) (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/Internal/Hack.cs:18)

Perhaps asyncOperation is being referred to after assigning null here.

Prevent UnitTasks from continuing after exiting play mode

UniTasks continue executing after leaving play mode. This may lead to issues where continuations are executed after returning to edit mode, potentially altering the scene.

Note that this is the same behaviour as the built-in Tasks, which makes them extremely risky and essentially only reliable in edit mode, thus only useful for editor tooling.

It'd be nice if UniTasks wouldn't run after play mode exits.

Here's a simple example case that represents the problem. Add this MonoBehaviour to a game object, hit the Play button, then immediately exit play mode. You'll notice some of the instantiated game objects are destroyed when returning to edit mode, but the UniTask keeps running and instantiates more into the edit mode scene, thus permanently changing the scene.

using System;
using UniRx.Async;
using UnityEngine;

public class UniTaskTest : MonoBehaviour

    protected async UniTask Start()
        await InstantiateObjectsForTwoSeconds();

    async UniTask InstantiateObjectsForTwoSeconds()
        var end = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(2);

        var counter = 0;
        while (DateTimeOffset.Now < end)
            await UniTask.Yield();

            var go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
            go.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, counter++);


A very naive hack is to modify PlayerLoopHelper.InsertRunner() so it only calls ContinuationQueue.Run() and PlayerLoopRunner.Run() when in play mode, e.g.:

        static PlayerLoopSystem[] InsertRunner(PlayerLoopSystem loopSystem, Type loopRunnerYieldType, ContinuationQueue cq, Type loopRunnerType, PlayerLoopRunner runner)
            var yieldLoop = new PlayerLoopSystem
                type = loopRunnerYieldType,
                updateDelegate = () =>
                    // This line is the new edit-mode check
                    if (Application.isPlaying)

            var runnerLoop = new PlayerLoopSystem
                type = loopRunnerType,
                updateDelegate = () =>
                    // This line is the new edit-mode check
                    if (Application.isPlaying)

            // (the remaining code is unmodified)

            var dest = new PlayerLoopSystem[loopSystem.subSystemList.Length + 2];
            Array.Copy(loopSystem.subSystemList, 0, dest, 2, loopSystem.subSystemList.Length);
            dest[0] = yieldLoop;
            dest[1] = runnerLoop;
            return dest;

I would love to hear some thoughts on this, and would be willing to spend some time solving the general issue of play mode Tasks executing in edit mode - right now the default behaviour of Tasks and UniTasks makes them generally unsuitable for use in Unity projects.

How to use unitask both unity and .net core side?

we have lot of gamelogic share between unity and .net core, in the .net core side i'm try to inherit Task class as solution. but i found .net core can't return null of Unitask but Task can..

public async Task Load(string mapName)

//not allowed , defined public class UniTask:Task
public async UniTask Load(string mapName)

is there any best practices ?

How to cancel a UniTask.WaitUntil()

I have a method that plays a particle, waits for that particle to finish then calls another method.

//Method Call
await UniTask.WaitUntil((() => !particle.isPlaying));
//Method Call

However, when I reload the scene the particle system gets destroyed and I get a
The object of type 'ParticleSystem' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it. exception. Is there a way to cancel the UniTask that I could cancel it before reloading the scene?

UniTask.Delay results in "Pending" status forever

I'm trying to use "await UniTask.Delay", but every time that line gets executed, the UniTask Tracker lists two new entries with status pending ("UniTask.DelayPromise" and "UniTask.CompletionSource").

private void startMethod()

private async UniTask asyncMethod()
        //do something
        await UniTask.Delay(5000);
        //do something

"async void" method with UniTask causing OperationCanceledException every frame.

Reference issue.

        public async void FailMethodAsync()
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var ct = cts.Token;
            await UniTask.Delay(100, cancellationToken: ct);

The code above is causing OperationCanceledException every frame. It's 100% reproducable in Unity 2018.3.4f1. If I use async UniTask for return signature, this odd behaviour is not happening.

I hope the stacktrace below would help to fix this buggy behaviour.

OperationCanceledException: The operation was canceled.
UniRx.Async.Internal.ReusablePromise.GetResult () (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/Internal/ReusablePromise.cs:34)
UniRx.Async.Internal.ReusablePromise.UniRx.Async.IAwaiter.GetResult () (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/Internal/ReusablePromise.cs:46)
UniRx.Async.UniTask.GetResult () (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/UniTask.cs:58)
UniRx.Async.UniTask+Awaiter.GetResult () (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Async/UniTask.cs:225)
Editor.Windows.UtilityPanel+<FailTask8>d__12.MoveNext () (at Assets/Scripts/Editor/ServicesWindow/UtilityPanel.cs:174)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <ac823e2bb42b41bda67924a45a0173c3>:0)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <ac823e2bb42b41bda67924a45a0173c3>:0)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnitySynchronizationContext.cs:112)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext.Exec () (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnitySynchronizationContext.cs:73)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext.ExecuteTasks () (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnitySynchronizationContext.cs:94)

Addressables Support

Would be great to have support for the new addressables system, so we can attach progress handlers whilst we are awaiting the downloads etc.

UniTask.WhenAll work not correct

    private async UniTask HeavyTaskAsyncA1()
        await UniTask.Run(() =>
            for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
                var example = Mathf.Pow(2, 10);

            Debug.Log("Done A");

    private async UniTask HeavyTaskAsyncB1()
        await UniTask.Run(() =>
            for (int i = 0; i < 8000000; i++)
                var example = Mathf.Pow(2, 10);

            Debug.Log("Done B");

    public async void TestWhenAll()
        var backgroundTasks = new[]
        await UniTask.WhenAll(backgroundTasks);
        Debug.Log("All task compelte!");

=> Result:
All task compelte!

Why "All task compelte!" is print first. It is different from the Task, "All task compelte!" will be printed at the end when the entire task is finished running.
I tried with .ContinueWith but it still doesn't work, If it's not an error then how do I know when WhenAll is finished?

       await UniTask.WhenAll(backgroundTasks).ContinueWith(_ =>
            Debug.Log("All task compelte!");

I test on Unity 2019.2.0f1, 2019.2.4f1, 2019.1.14f1

Best practice for destroyed GameObject

What is currently the best practice for cases were the GameObject (attached script) was destroyed that was using await?

For example

private async void test()
        string result= await doSomethingAsync();

        //GameObject was destroyed while waiting

        uiText.text = result; //Will throw null reference exception as the GameObject doesn't exist anymore

Serious Bug: task.IsCompleted == false after await task, but when using System.Threading.Tasks.Task, task.IsCompleted == true !

Here is my code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UniRx.Async;

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
private Task task = Task.CompletedTask;
private UniTask uniTask = UniTask.CompletedTask;

private async void Start()
await (task = Task.Delay(1000));
print("task.IsCompleted= " + task.IsCompleted);

await (uniTask = UniTask.Delay(1000));
print("uniTask.IsCompleted= " + uniTask.IsCompleted);


In the output console: "task.IsCompleted= True"
"uniTask.IsCompeleted= False"

ConfigureAwait does not accept progress callback says:

// .ConfigureAwait accepts progress callback
await SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("scene2").ConfigureAwait(Progress.Create<float>(x => Debug.Log(x)));

I tried the following:

await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).ConfigureAwait(Progress.Create<float>(x => Debug.Log(x)));

It doesn't work. It says that .ConfigureAwait expects a PlayerLoopTiming.

Any samples?

Are there any useful samples for this project? I don't get how to properly use it. I want to use it to load resources
await Resources.LoadAsync
but it just blocks main thread.


Reference issue.

I have a TcpListener() that uses await NetworkStream.ReadAsync and SendAsync to read/write data from the sockets in unity.

In my test, I find that to have a very high CPU cost

I saw your blog where you focus on zero cost async/await, and I was wondering if it was possible to use UnityRc.Async to read/write data asynchronously from sockets. If so, can you explain how?

IEnumerator awaiting doesn't handle inner coroutines correctly

The following code prints "End of Start" immediately instead of after 15 seconds

private async void Start()
    await Coroutine();
    print("End of Start");

private IEnumerator Coroutine()
    yield return StartCoroutine(InnerCoroutine());

private IEnumerator InnerCoroutine()
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(15f);

Repository maintenance

Hey @neuecc

Looks like PRs are piling up and some really good contributions are hanging there for quite some time. I guess you have some hard time working on other projects and there's not much time left for you to work on this repo. I'm using this package extensively in my projects, so I can help with maintaining it if you are up for it.

Error on import UniRx 6.2 unitypackage from last build

Reference issue.

Errors :

Assets\Plugins\UniRx\Scripts\Async\UnityAsyncExtensions.Jobs.cs(41,22): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'JobHandle' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\Plugins\UniRx\Scripts\Async\UnityAsyncExtensions.Jobs.cs(48,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'JobHandle' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\Plugins\UniRx\Scripts\Async\UnityAsyncExtensions.Jobs.cs(30,51): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'JobHandle' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

[...] few more of the same type, and then the one wich give all the explanation :

Assets\Plugins\UniRx\Scripts\Async\UnityAsyncExtensions.Jobs.cs(6,13): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Jobs' does not exist in the namespace 'Unity' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Those errors only appear when I try an Unity build. Those errors doesn't appear when I'm coding in Editor mod, and for Visual Studio everything is fine. I have check all the file ("UnityAsyncExtensions.Jobs") and everything is clean in for VS.

Any clue about why Unity go wild on ?

AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute conflicts with imported type

Reference issue.

When compiling our project with Unity 2018.3.6f1, using NET_STANDARD_2_0, I see the following warnings in the Unity Editor:

Assets/3rdPartyPlugins/UniRx/Async/UniTask.cs(16,6): warning CS0436: The type 'AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute' in 'Assets/3rdPartyPlugins/UniRx/Async/CompilerServices/AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute' in 'System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'. Using the type defined in 'Assets/3rdPartyPlugins/UniRx/Async/CompilerServices/AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute.cs'.
Assets/3rdPartyPlugins/UniRx/Async/UniTask.cs(258,6): warning CS0436: The type 'AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute' in 'Assets/3rdPartyPlugins/UniRx/Async/CompilerServices/AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute' in 'System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'. Using the type defined in 'Assets/3rdPartyPlugins/UniRx/Async/CompilerServices/AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute.cs'.
Assets/3rdPartyPlugins/UniRx/Async/UniTaskVoid.cs(11,6): warning CS0436: The type 'AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute' in 'Assets/3rdPartyPlugins/UniRx/Async/CompilerServices/AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute' in 'System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'. Using the type defined in 'Assets/3rdPartyPlugins/UniRx/Async/CompilerServices/AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute.cs'.

AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute is already included in System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions in our project when building in the Editor. It is missing from the actual builds though. Would it make sense to put it behind a !UNITY_EDITOR flag?

NullreferenceException on asyncOperation

Reference issue.

[Exception] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UniRx.AsyncOperationExtensions+<AsObservableCore>c__Iterator0`1[T].MoveNext()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/UnityEngineBridge/AsyncOperationExtensions.cs:50
48:   else
49:   {
-->50:       if (!asyncOperation.isDone)
51:       {
52:           yield return asyncOperation;

SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext()    C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Coroutines.cs:17


MainThreadDispatcher.StartCoroutine()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/UnityEngineBridge/MainThreadDispatcher.cs:367
365:   if (dispatcher != null)
366:   {
-->367:       return (dispatcher as MonoBehaviour).StartCoroutine(routine);
368:   }
369:   else

MainThreadDispatcher.SendStartCoroutine()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/UnityEngineBridge/MainThreadDispatcher.cs:295
293:   if (mainThreadToken != null)
294:   {
-->295:       StartCoroutine(routine);
296:   }
297:   else

FromCoroutineObservable`1.SubscribeCore()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/UnityEngineBridge/Operators/FromCoroutine.cs:29
27:   #endif
-->29:               MainThreadDispatcher.SendStartCoroutine(coroutine(fromCoroutineObserver, token));
31:               return moreCancel;

OperatorObservableBase`1.Subscribe()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/OperatorObservableBase.cs:34
32:   else
33:   {
-->34:       subscription.Disposable = SubscribeCore(observer, subscription);
35:   }

AsObservableObservable`1.SubscribeCore()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/AsObservable.cs:18
16:   protected override IDisposable SubscribeCore(IObserver<T> observer, IDisposable cancel)
17:   {
-->18:       return source.Subscribe(new AsObservable(observer, cancel));
19:   }

OperatorObservableBase`1.Subscribe()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/OperatorObservableBase.cs:34
32:   else
33:   {
-->34:       subscription.Disposable = SubscribeCore(observer, subscription);
35:   }

UniRx.ConnectableObservable`1.Connect()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Subjects/ConnectableObservable.cs:32
30:   if (connection == null)
31:   {
-->32:       var subscription = source.Subscribe(subject);
33:       connection = new Connection(this, subscription);
34:   }

UniRx.Operators.RefCount.Run()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/RefCount.cs:41
39:       if (++parent.refCount == 1)
40:       {
-->41:           parent.connection = parent.source.Connect();
42:       }
43:   }

RefCountObservable`1.SubscribeCore()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/RefCount.cs:21
19:   protected override IDisposable SubscribeCore(IObserver<T> observer, IDisposable cancel)
20:   {
-->21:       return new RefCount(this, observer, cancel).Run();
22:   }

OperatorObservableBase`1.Subscribe()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/OperatorObservableBase.cs:34
32:   else
33:   {
-->34:       subscription.Disposable = SubscribeCore(observer, subscription);
35:   }

ObservableExtensions.Subscribe()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Observer.cs:414
412:   public static IDisposable Subscribe<T>(this IObservable<T> source, Action<T> onNext)
413:   {
-->414:       return source.Subscribe(Observer.CreateSubscribeObserver(onNext, Stubs.Throw, Stubs.Nop));
415:   }

Plugins.GoinPlaces.Scenes.<Unload>c__AnonStorey5.<>m__0()    Assets/Plugins/GoinPlaces/Scenes/SceneSystem.cs:196
194:                                   {
195:                                       var call = UnloadSceneAsync(s.Info);
-->196:                                       call.Subscribe(_ => s.OnUnload());
197:                                       return call;
198:                                   });


WhenAllObservable`1.SubscribeCore()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/WhenAll.cs:34
32:   if (xs == null)
33:   {
-->34:       xs = new List<IObservable<T>>(sourcesEnumerable); // materialize observables
35:   }
36:   return new WhenAll_(xs, observer, cancel).Run();

OperatorObservableBase`1.Subscribe()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/OperatorObservableBase.cs:34
32:   else
33:   {
-->34:       subscription.Disposable = SubscribeCore(observer, subscription);
35:   }

AsObservableObservable`1.SubscribeCore()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/AsObservable.cs:18
16:   protected override IDisposable SubscribeCore(IObserver<T> observer, IDisposable cancel)
17:   {
-->18:       return source.Subscribe(new AsObservable(observer, cancel));
19:   }

OperatorObservableBase`1.Subscribe()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/OperatorObservableBase.cs:34
32:   else
33:   {
-->34:       subscription.Disposable = SubscribeCore(observer, subscription);
35:   }

UniRx.ConnectableObservable`1.Connect()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Subjects/ConnectableObservable.cs:32
30:   if (connection == null)
31:   {
-->32:       var subscription = source.Subscribe(subject);
33:       connection = new Connection(this, subscription);
34:   }

UniRx.Operators.RefCount.Run()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/RefCount.cs:41
39:       if (++parent.refCount == 1)
40:       {
-->41:           parent.connection = parent.source.Connect();
42:       }
43:   }

RefCountObservable`1.SubscribeCore()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/RefCount.cs:21
19:   protected override IDisposable SubscribeCore(IObserver<T> observer, IDisposable cancel)
20:   {
-->21:       return new RefCount(this, observer, cancel).Run();
22:   }

UniRx.Operators.<Subscribe>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/OperatorObservableBase.cs:30
28:   if (isRequiredSubscribeOnCurrentThread && Scheduler.IsCurrentThreadSchedulerScheduleRequired)
29:   {
-->30:       Scheduler.CurrentThread.Schedule(() => subscription.Disposable = SubscribeCore(observer, subscription));
31:   }
32:   else

ScheduledItem.Invoke()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/InternalUtil/ScheduledItem.cs:44
42:       if (!_disposable.IsDisposed)
43:       {
-->44:           _action();
45:       }
46:   }

UniRx.Trampoline.Run()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Schedulers/CurrentThreadScheduler.cs:122
121:           if (!item.IsCanceled)
-->122:               item.Invoke();
123:       }
124:   }

UniRx.CurrentThreadScheduler.Schedule()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Schedulers/CurrentThreadScheduler.cs:91
89:   try
90:   {
-->91:       Trampoline.Run(queue);
92:   }
93:   finally

UniRx.CurrentThreadScheduler.Schedule()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Schedulers/CurrentThreadScheduler.cs:69
67:   public IDisposable Schedule(Action action)
68:   {
-->69:       return Schedule(TimeSpan.Zero, action);
70:   }

OperatorObservableBase`1.Subscribe()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/OperatorObservableBase.cs:30
28:   if (isRequiredSubscribeOnCurrentThread && Scheduler.IsCurrentThreadSchedulerScheduleRequired)
29:   {
-->30:       Scheduler.CurrentThread.Schedule(() => subscription.Disposable = SubscribeCore(observer, subscription));
31:   }
32:   else

ObservableExtensions.Subscribe()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Observer.cs:414
412:   public static IDisposable Subscribe<T>(this IObservable<T> source, Action<T> onNext)
413:   {
-->414:       return source.Subscribe(Observer.CreateSubscribeObserver(onNext, Stubs.Throw, Stubs.Nop));
415:   }

SceneSystem.Unload()    Assets/Plugins/GoinPlaces/Scenes/SceneSystem.cs:201
200:   var unloadAll = unloadScene.WhenAll().Share();
-->201:   unloadAll.Subscribe(_ =>
202:                       {
203:                           foreach (var action in scenes.SelectMany(s => s.OnComplete))

LoadSceneUI.LoadSceneByIndex()    Assets/Scripts/Systems/SceneLoading/UI/LoadSceneUI.cs:120
118:   lifecycleManager.DestroyAll();
-->120:   sceneSystem.Unload(sceneSystem.Scene.AsSceneOperation())
121:              .DoOnTerminate(() => Log("TERMINATE"))
122:              .DoOnCancel(() => Log("CANCEL"))

UniRx.Subscribe`1.OnNext()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Observer.cs:165
163:       if (isStopped == 0)
164:       {
-->165:           onNext(value);
166:       }
167:   }

UniRx.Operators.FromEvent.OnNext()    Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/FromEvent.cs:188
186:   void OnNext(TEventArgs args)
187:   {
-->188:       observer.OnNext(args);
189:   }


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