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hackintool's Issues

USBPorts info.plist Model less possible?

i found that under USBPorts/info.plistI/OKitPersonalities, there are 2 lines of model related information:



model iMac19,2

Wonder if these information can be eliminated during generation of USBPorts?
e.g. iMac19,2-XHC -> XHC and delete model key

So that the kext can be used with other models when needed.
e.g. switching from iMac19,2 to MacPro7,1


Help text for USB Port Patching has wrong boot flags

The help text for USB Port Patching has wrong -uia_exclude_ss uia_include=HS01,HS02 boot flags

Look in Hackintool 2.9.3. -- USB -- click ( i ) or Menu -- Hackintool Help -- USB Patching

The text:

  1. Reboot with -uia_exclude_ss uia_include=HS01,HS02 boot flags

Should read:
10. Reboot with -uia_exclude_hs uia_include=HS01,HS02 boot flags

-uia_exclude_hs: excludes all HSxx ports
-uia_exclude_ss: excludes all SSxx ports

Also the help text could benefit from some updates especially including instructions for OpenCore, since Hackintool supports OpenCore.

The help text from USB Map also has a lot of helpful explanations which could be added where applicable.

Utilities -> "Repair Permission" throws "Kext rejected due to improper filesystem permissions"


First of all, awesome tool! New golden standard app for the Hackintosh community!
Keep up the good work.

My issue
When I run Utilities -> Rebuild KextCache & Repair Permissions I get this red coloured error log in the end:

Kext rejected due to improper filesystem permissions: <OSKext 0x7fa446621880 [0x7fff912328c0]> { URL = "file:///Library/Apple/System/Library/Extensions/AppleKextExcludeList.kext/", ID = "" }
/Library/Apple/System/Library/Extensions/AppleKextExcludeList.kext does not authenticate; omitting.

Hackintool Versions (basically any) : 3.2.4 (0324) -
Catalina 10.15.4 (19E287)
Clover 5108
GateKeeper disabled

What can it be?
So it's the famous blacklist kext: AppleKextExcludeList.kext...

I already tried to do these steps with no success

  • replace the kext with the original copy found at:
  • manually fix permissions
  • chowned and rooted the sh1t out of it
  • fix parent dir folder permissions
sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/AppleKextExcludeList.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/AppleKextExcludeList.kext

...and nothing :(
..Google is also not a good friend.

How can I fix this? Maybe this is system integrity protection related? I have SIP off.

Maybe I messed up the file (I was playing with it):
My AppleKextExcludeList.kext file size on latest Catalina 10.15.4 (19E287) is:

3 024 179 bytes

Yours too?

PS: Rhetorical question/suggestion: why don't you add "Clover+OC Configurator in One" functionality too (all in one)?

Hackintool does not work with iGPU disabled

Hi, I found that if i use this amazing tool on a mac with iGPU disabled (for example an iMac Pro or an AMD Based machine booted with opencore) this tool is not able to generate the patch required and it does not provide the AAPL,ig-platform-id string (as well as all the others defined by the user in the above ticks) even if this one is selected in the Patch main menu.

this issue is not present in the pc i use with the iGPU enabled in headless mode, (tested also in a machine that uses iGPU to drive a display, and it's working as soon as there's an IGPU enabled)

Is it possible to make the "Generate Patch" feature independent from the host system?
(maybe by adding the missing parameters required adding user-defined ticks near the ones which are already there)

Thanks in advance

Broken updater download count


I originally thought this was an issue of my macOS which has been used for quite a long time, but after I reinstalled the system today, the bug is still there.

I'm not sure whether it is a change of sending packages from the server (downloading source code as zip on GitHub produces a similar progress bar in Google Chrome) or it's a bug of the app's UI.

Thanks again for your awesome work!

Stuck Clover Boot Loader Window

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Boot tab
  2. Select Clover and let Hackintool list an update
  3. Select Update
  4. When the Save dialogue prompt appears, select cancel

A secondary Clover update window emerges but hitting cancel does not dismiss it.

Screen Shot 2020-02-26 at 10 26 29 AM

New icons

Mostly done, but been going thru and creating custom icons for all the various functions.

Here's a preview:

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 2 38 23 PM

BUG? Hackintool 3.3.7 doesn't show IntelMausiEthernet kext again

Hi @headkaze sorry for reporting this issue late on my system, I think the last couple of releases don't show my network kext anymore, in your Extensions tab. I know this was discussed on another forum, not sure what you've implemented today and if this is a bug or not.

Few months ago, I used the Intel LAN driver by acidanthera's repo:
as.acidanthera.mieze.IntelMausi (1.0.2)
that was detected by Hackintool. Then Mieze released some weeks later her own update:
com.insanelymac.IntelMausiEthernet (2.5.0)

On today's version v3.3.7 the latter kext is not detected/shown in the list. Can you confirm some code tweaking perhaps? If I uncheck "Show installed" it's not shown either.

My I suggest to separate them as IntelMausi and IntelMausiEthernet now that a) by default you do not show all kexts and people won't confuse the two, and b) they have different repos? Instead, people with either kext installed, are covered, and shouldn't be mixing them up...

This is not a critical issue, as this LAN kext is rarely updated, just thought of reporting it.
Thank you.

REQ: Add a warning if "Board Serial Number" is not 17-digits as Clover warns

Hi @headkaze thank you very much for your great work and great tool.

If you have the spare time, I'd like to propose a small feature to add.

Perhaps, on both System->System and System->Serial tabs, the info displayed for Board Serial Number could check if it's well a 17-digit number as iMessage won't work, so you can put a red line highlighting the need to be fixed just the one I saw recently in Power->Power tab.

I personally had missed that field (and I had copied my BoardSerialNumber to MLB in my Clover config) and only recently saw it thanks to your Clover Boot Log in Logs tab, that showed a "warning" at the very end (about iMessage not working due to the digits missing etc.) Question: Can a tool check also the MLB of the hack?

Once you implement this, and since RED is a warning colour, perhaps consider then changing the colour of the Patch->Connectors to orange, to avoid confusion, i.e. same as you do Disks->Disks orange one.

Warm regards, thanks again, be safe and well.


Hi! @headkaze
I'm so glad that this channel is finally ready!
I'll update the files to the latest version, and make a PR soon.
Could you please initialize this repo?


USB port patching creating phantom entries

  1. Load USB tab.
  2. Delete all ports but one (doesn't matter which here)
  3. Export.
  4. Import.

I'm seeing duplicate entries, the correct one and one missing the location ID.

In fact, the import button doesn't seem to replace all the current entries. It should (and maybe I'm remembering wrong, but did in previous versions?).

I suggest adding another button if you want to append an existing file with the current list.

Turkish localization issue

Hey Headkaze
It seems The Turkish localization file had not included in the Hackintool Project Info as one of the default languages. Therefore, the interface returns to English, when the app automatically updated.
Ekran Resmi 2019-10-20 11 04 39

Can't export USB SSDT

On the USB Tab when I click Export nothing happens, only current folder opens in Finder.

FakeSMC 'update available' confusion

This is probably a misunderstanding on my part, but ... that might help you make Hackintool a better tool for the majority who may have limited comprehension of the correct kexts to use?

As shown in my included image, Hackintool 2.8.0 shows FakeSMC 1800 as installed, but with an 'update available'.

I grabbed FakeSMC from and the date is 9/15/18.

I looked at the suggested url of: and noticed that the last commit was 6/7/17 - which seems earlier than my version?

I gather that RehabMan may have been inactive recently, with some of his code forked and modified. How do I resolve this? What's the 'correct' kext to use for 10.14.6?

I've thought of switching to VirtualSMC, but Clover still seems to use FakeSMC to determine whether to inject kexts, so I can't tell if that's the way to go? I suppose it would show in the 'superseder' column at that point?

I love the tool - and have one small feature request.

If you added a checkbox to the 'installed kexts' tab for 'only show installed', this would make it a bit easier to see the 'big picture' quickly. And a button to output to a text file a list of the installed kext names and their versions would be very useful in documenting version changes to a Hackintosh volume.

Might even pull the kexts to be injected, .aml's, drivers used, etc. from the Clover EFI to a text file? I spend a lot of time documenting, making Carbon Copy backups, and then making small incremental changes. This would really help to document that current state of the custom kexts installed in S/L/E and the EFI setup.

Hackintool FakeSMC

Can't choose Coffee Lake when using 'Current Version'

i9-9900k + Asus Prime Z390-A

I was trying to fix Current Framebuffer. When I select Framebuffer-Current Version, I cannot choose 'Intel Generation - Coffee Lake', it jumps back to 'Ice Lake(LP)' every time.

This won't happen when using macOS 10.14

USB port

Hi @headkaze
I have a question. The thunderbolt type c should be set to “Internal” or "TypeC+Sw". I don't know how to set it correctly. Thank you for helping

Hackintool 3.4.0 gives me an empty Properties block when patching via DeviceProperties

I'm not sure why it just started doing this. It was working until recently, generating the patch output without issue.

I'm trying to set up a headless GPU. I'm in the Patch section. I select some options, such as "Intel Generation" and "Platform ID" on the "Info" page. When I go to "Patch", I cannot get it to give me anything but the skeleton of the DeviceProperties for anything related to video. I'll get some properties when I try throwing in audio, but video suddenly gives me nothing and there's no explanation. Even checking "All" will dump a lot of info, but not for the iGPU. I've tried disabling the "Auto-detect changes" box and authenticating with my username/password to make changes, but no dice. No matter what options I check, whether it's in "General" or "Advanced", I get an empty Properties section in the generated patch output. The iGPU is recognized in the System -> GFX0 section.

I've tried trashing the prefs in ~/Library/Preferences and using an older version, 3.3.4 I believe. No luck.

Localizable.strings out of sync

HI @headkaze ,

I really enjoy the new UI, however, the localization files are out of sync right now and plenty of the strings are broken, could you please fix it? Thanks a lot!

Have a nice day!


Text blurs in the new UI on a 1080p display


Some text blurs on the new UI on a 1080p display when fake HIDPI is NOT enabled, while others work fine.


  • OS: macOS 10.15.3 (19D76)
  • Hackintool Version: V3.2.2
  • Language selected: Chinese zh-Hans

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Use a 1080p display
  2. Disable HIDPI
  3. Go to System -> Peripherals
  4. Stare at the values under Framebuffer, Revision & Type

Screenshot for reference

  • HIDPI disabled
  • HIDPI enabled

how about the easy config.plist file with Hackintool?

i've got a pre config.plist
for ga-x299 aorus ultra gaming, Z390 designare, Z370 aorus gaming 3,
Z370-UD3H, Z390 gaming sli, Asus Z370 plus tuf gaming, Asus Z87 pro,
HP Z420, Z620.

and those pre-config.plist are working good in MOJAVE 10.14.4 even if have an igpu or not.
how about include pre-install with config.plist file on hackintool?

USBPorts.kext incorrect EH01 and EH02 ports

Hi @headkaze
I have a Lenovo ThinkPad X240 which is Haswell and has EH01 Controller where on some devices Touchscreen and in my device it's a EMV smart card reader.
The problem is that the EMV Smart Card Reader is tied to EH01 > PR11 > HP15 port
With USBInjectAll.kext + my custom SSDT-UIAC (SSDT-USB) everything is fine.

However i wanted to get rid of the SSDT-USB and USBInjectAll.kext to have a cleaner setup with just USBPorts.kext

There is a problem with generation of EH01 and EH02 ports with your hackintool.
HP15 doesn't appear on IOREG and just the PR11 hub.

Attached you can find both Ioregs (with USBInjectall+SSDT and with USBPorts.kext) and my SSDT-UIAC (SSDT-USB) so you can check the problem.

CC @vit9696 @Andrey1970AppleLife

Guide issue in Turkish

With the latest update Turkish guides (USB, Audio, Display) are only available in the Menu / Help. In the main interface the guides come only in English.

Version Checking for OpenCore


Hi Headkaze, I've just updated to the latest version of Hackintool and I noticed an issue
I'm using a self compiled version of OpenCore which includes the latest changes in master (0.5.2).
The version is displayed correctly but the update checker seems to have some trouble comparing the versions.


Bug! We can't select our disk v3.4.0?

When we try to choose another disk cant selectable. Always the main disk is showing green and this is normal behavior. But on the other section such as USB, NVRAM, Boot etc. everything is selectable. Normally when we select anything it is marked in blue. But on the Disk section, we can't select any disk. With the latest version 3.4.0, it no longer appears in green either.

Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 6 52 42 PM

AirPortAtheros40 is being installed in /L/E/ which is deprecated (should go into OC/Kexts or CLOVER/kexts/Other)

Hackintool v2.9.3 installs AirPortAtheros40.kext into /L/E/ which is deprecated. The log shows:

cp -R /Applications/ /Library/Extensions

Please update the tool to install kexts into the recommended locations such as OC/Kexts or CLOVER/kexts/Other

For AirPortAtheros40.kext to work IO80211Family.kext needs to be loaded. For example side by side, sequentially like this in OpenCore:


or nested in the Plugins directory, like this:


Disk initialized by Windows not listed by Hackintool

Disk is partitioned with a small EFI partition and large NTFS partition. It is recognized by Diskutil

/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk0
1: Microsoft Reserved 16.8 MB disk0s1
2: Microsoft Basic Data Projects 1.0 TB disk0s2

Priority is -10

VoodooPS2Controller fails to build from source

It looks like #acidanthera adopted a submodule in VoodooPS2 to bring in support for #VoodooInput.
This change is a breaking change for Hackintool which at the current stage does not support repos using submodules: simply cloning the repo is not sufficient anymore and a further step is actually required (git submodule update --init --recursive) before starting the build.

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