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jitsi_ynh's Issues

Dark screen with Jitsi Meet Electron desktop app

Describe the bug

When we use YunoHost Jitsi server with Jitsi Meet Electron desktop app we get a dark screen after entering a room name / URL. No login/authentication window, no video screen in the background.


We also tried the solution mentioned at #63 (added code in nginx config) but to no avail.

However, it works with the Android app and in the browser.

On the YunoHost Jitsi app page it says that it can only be used using Chrome/Chromium (like Iron) or Firefox (since version 76) and is limited to two participants: Is this still up to date?


  • Jitsi Meet Electron: 2022.6.1
  • Hardware: VPS bought online
  • YunoHost version:
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH, through the webadmin, direct access via keyboard / screen
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start Jitsi Meet Electron
  2. Enter the room name / URL and hit Enter.
  3. Dark screen

Expected behavior

Steps 1 to 2: see above
3. Login or video screen appears.


No entries in the log for Electron. However, there are entries for other working sessions (Android, browser).

Feedback on the coturn branch

As you asked on #29 (comment) I installed the jitsi from the coturn branch, following the instruction on the coturn branch's readme.
I have setup a fresh yunohost container for the occasion. Installation went well, no error of anything.
Two main issues :

  • You need to login with LDAP before joining a room. No guest allowed.
  • It... doesn't seems to work so well... This may be a problem with my setup tho'
    Several users can join the room, but every users appear with microphone and camera "muted" (cf. screenshot).

I'm available to debug things on the freenode yunohost room.

You have been disconnected. Solution


Using Yunohost 11.2.2 (stable)

I see that I have 2 Jitsi Meet processes:

One outputs this:
java -Xmx2000m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 -Dconfig.file=/etc/jitsi/videobridge/jvb.conf -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/etc/jitsi/videobridge/ -cp /var/www/jitsi/jitsi-videobridge/jitsi-videobridge.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-videobridge/lib/* org.jitsi.videobridge.MainKt --host= --port=5347 --secret=NOTs6wyb

And another:

java -Xmx2000m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/etc/jitsi/jicofo/ -Dconfig.file=/etc/jitsi/jicofo/jicofo.conf -cp /var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/jicofo.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/agafua-syslog-0.4.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/annotations-23.0.0.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/aopalliance-repackaged-3.0.1.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/cglib-nodep-2.2.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/commons-codec-1.11.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/config-1.4.2.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/gson-2.8.5.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/hk2-api-3.0.1.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/hk2-locator-3.0.1.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/hk2-utils-3.0.1.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/httpclient-4.5.13.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/httpcore-4.4.14.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/jackson-annotations-2.13.0.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/jackson-core-2.13.0.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/jackson-databind-2.13.0.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/jackson-module-jakarta-xmlbind-annotations-2.13.0.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/jackson-module-kotlin-2.14.1.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/jakarta.activation-2.0.1.jar:/var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/lib/jakarta.annotation-api-2.0.0.jar:/var/ww

I have not done any custom settings to it except increase the RAM memory for the app via the dashboard. It didn't work before that either.

It used to work perfectly fine. If I am to remove it and reinstall it will work for some time.


Here are some logs jitsi-jicofo and jitsi-videobridge

Jitsi Meet isn't working with Jitsi Android app with self-hosted instance

Describe the bug

In the official Jitsi Meet Android app (downloaded from FDroid) no meetings from the YNH hosted Jitsi instance can be started. After creating / joining a meeting in the app, it goes into disconnected / trying to reconnect loop. Has already been described here:


  • Hardware: VPS bought online
  • YunoHost version: x.x.x
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: 2.0.9111~ynh1

Steps to reproduce

  1. I installed the Jitsi instance
  2. Created a room with my login and password
  3. Entered the room via browser with another desktop device
  4. Entered the room via browser with a mobile device
  5. Tried to enter the room with Jitsi Android and with no success

Expected behavior

Jitsi meeting should work in Android app.


Couldn't find any related logs.
Edit: Found out it's related to this JS error.

Jitsi doesn't work after upgrade

Describe the bug

Jitsi stopped working after I upgraded to the latest version. It still doesn't work after reinstalling or using the Backup created before the update.


  • Hardware: VPS bought online at Contabo
  • YunoHost version: (stable).
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: yes
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: Jitsi: 2.0.8044-ynh1 | Prosody: 0.11.13-ynh3





Add jigasi

Can you help me to install jigasi please ?

Loop error

I've done EVERYTHING, the domains, the let's encrypt certificates, ports in the router... everything. Even tried the testing branch....

It show a message that it has been disconnected, wait some seconds and reconnect... and back again, is like i forgot anything. But everything else works, it ask for camera permits, audio, blah blah, but suddenly it disconnect
Captura de pantalla_2020-01-14_01-18-02

no video and audio, when connect two users

When connecting a second user, there is no audio and video(black screen) from the other user - you just can see yourself.

used: Firefox 68, latest yunohost

With it works, so it has nothing to do with firefox.
I checked the ports TCP/4443 and UDP/10000 and 4443 is open, 10000 is closed. I did not configure anything, but 4443 is already open.

I contacted my vServer provider and he tells me, that it is just me and my config, who can block ports.
I do not think, that an extra DNS SRV entry is necessary. has no SRV entry in their dns config. (
yunohost firewall says port 10000 is open.

Does this help?

wasm files are not loaded on Firefox due to wrong Content-Type

Describe the bug

On Firefox I get an error in JS console:

wasm streaming compile failed: TypeError: WebAssembly: Response has unsupported MIME type 'application/octet-stream' expected 'application/wasm'

This is in relation for request to /libs/olm.wasm.

With out this WASM compiled the performance is so low that video does not work and client gets "Connection: poor" even thought there is plenty of bandwidth available.


  • Hardware: VM on home server (Dell PC)
  • YunoHost version: 11.0.11
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: yes
    • If yes, please explain: It is behind Caddy, and I work around the issue there, direct request still gives wrong Content-Type.
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: 2.0.8138~ynh1

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to Jitsi Meet
  2. Start a conference
  3. Check JS console output for
wasm streaming compile failed: TypeError: WebAssembly: Response has unsupported MIME type 'application/octet-stream' expected 'application/wasm'


curl -v

If you get this there is a problem:

< content-type: application/octet-stream

Expected behavior

No error, video working and curl request giving:

< content-type: application/wasm

Unable to turn on mic and cam from IOS of Android apps

Describe the bug

Unable to turn on mic and camera from mobile device. No media.
Web browser users can communicate without any problem with other web browser users, but mobile.


jitsi-meet 1.0.6155~ynh2

Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. You can remove this section if the command above is enough to understand your intent.


org.jitsi.jicofo.conference.UnsupportedFeatureConfigurationException: Participant doesn't support bundle, which is required

Same bug
resolved by updating jitsi to 7648 build

Limit of 2 connections


I have a fresh updated yunohost. A few days ago I have added Jitsi Meet. With up to two participants it works great. But all further participants are getting a user/password dialog. Of course I have noch setup a password. My Meet instance should be open for all, no user limitations.

These files could not be loaded (Error 404):

I see no further errors.

Whats going wrong?

Thanks for your help.

Cheers, derMicha

password required

When I try to join a room in my jitsi server asks for the user and password of yunohost [1]. That's bad if I want to invite a guest to have a conversation. The default configuration allows guests to join rooms and looks like you changed the default config. Where can I re-change the config?


[1] image

armhf support

Describe the bug

fail to create a bridge


  • Hardware: odroid hc1 armhf(v7) 2Gb RAM
  • YunoHost version:
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: yes
    • If yes, please explain: inside lxc container
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: master
  • If upgrading, current package version: NA

Steps to reproduce

install, run, watch the logs

Expected behavior

working on armhf

To analyse


[SOLVED] Problem: Integrate Jitsi in Wordpress using IFrame while Jitsi is on Subdomain

My Setup is Yunohost all latest from today.

Wordpress is running on domain.TLD
Jitsi is running on jitsi.domain.TLD

Each for itself running perfect.


If integrating Jitsi as IFrame into a Wordpress page, Firefox and Chromium are not loading Jitsi because of some X-Frame Error. If I use my other Jitsi Server (no Yunohost, Debian 11 Bare install, IFrame works fine).

Can somebody enlighten me where to remove/set this header in a way Wordpress is able to integrate Jitsi. I found security.conf in ngix include setting the header, but removing this only helps partially. It looks like browser then tries to load, but an error - something is wrong, we try to fix within 15 seconds - runs in a loop and it does not work.

Thank you very much for any hint!

update failed

the latest update (from 2.0.8719~ynh3 to 2.0.9164~ynh2) failed. The log result are attached.

2024-02-18 08:25:14,442: WARNING - The following packages have unmet dependencies:
2024-02-18 08:25:14,443: WARNING -  metronome : Conflicts: prosody but 0.11.9-2+deb11u2 is to be installed
2024-02-18 08:25:14,444: DEBUG - + ynh_die '--message=Unable to install dependencies'
2024-02-18 08:25:14,463: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-02-18 08:25:14,463: DEBUG - + [[ provision_or_update_apt =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-02-18 08:25:14,464: WARNING - Unable to install dependencies
2024-02-18 08:25:15,978: ERROR - provision_or_update failed for apt : An error occured inside the script snippet

Full log:

After update Jitsi Meet: You have been disconnected, and not able to reinstall/install

Describe the bug

After the upgrade I got the same error messages as described in "You have been disconnected" Forum

Not able to re-install, or even install a fresh latest version of Jitsi Meet into new subdomain.
Jitsi Meet 2.0.9111~ynh1


  • Hardware: VPS bought online
  • YunoHost version: YunoHost 11.2.8 (stable)
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH and through the webadmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: Jitsi Meet 2.0.9111~ynh1

Steps to reproduce

After updating the Jitsi Meet and prosody I get the You have been disconnected after providing the credentials.
Tried to deleted and reinstall, or even install the latest version on a different subdomain, still not working getting the same error message provided below int he log section.

ERROR - Unable to install jitsi: An error occurred inside the app installation script

No success with reload the firewall either: [ sudo yunohost firewall reload ]


ERROR - Unable to install jitsi: An error occurred inside the app installation script

Full logs available at link.

Not working until a chrome user enter in the room

Describe the bug

just after the first install and 1rst room creation
no video and sound until a chrome user enter in the room


  • Hardware: odroid hc1 armhf(v7) 2Gb RAM
  • YunoHost version:
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: yes
    • If yes, please explain: inside lxc container
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: master
  • If upgrading, current package version: NA

Steps to reproduce

  • Create a room with firefox

  • Enter in the room with android app
    -> no sound not video both way

  • enter in the room with chrome
    -> chrome user and firefox are visible android not for chrome and firefox (reverse android can't see chrome and firefox)

  • quit and join again from android
    -> all works

  • close room in all terminals

  • Create a room with firefox

  • Enter in the room with android app
    -> all works


Seems like the camera and mic are not working for the other participants

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version: (stable).
I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen | ...
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no

I can see my camera/mic working, but the others cannot. And I cannot see theirs. Works to connect, but no audio/video is sent to the other participants.

Just a question.... Is it possible to have metronome working WITH jitsi???

I know, it says that it deactivate metronome, but, just in case that metronome is mandatory... is there a work around??

I don't know... maybe another instance of yunohost just with this app, and redirect from the first machine the domain to the machine with yunohost and jitsi?

Could it be a solution?

Any ideas?

Make it work with Jitsi Meet apps

As explained here

Probably the nginx needs to be edited for it to work. Currently the nginx looks like so:

root /var/www/jitsi/jitsi-meet-web;

# ssi on with javascript for multidomain variables in config.js
ssi on;
ssi_types application/x-javascript application/javascript;

index index.html index.htm;
error_page 404 /static/404.html;

location = /config.js {
    alias /etc/jitsi/meet/;

location = /external_api.js {
    alias /var/www/jitsi/jitsi-meet-web/libs/external_api.min.js;

#ensure all static content can always be found first
location ~ ^/(libs|css|static|images|fonts|lang|sounds|connection_optimization|.well-known)/(.*)$
    more_set_headers "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *";
    alias /var/www/jitsi/jitsi-meet-web/$1/$2;

    # cache all versioned files
    if ($arg_v) {
        expires 1y;

location = /http-bind {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

# xmpp websockets
location = /xmpp-websocket {
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    tcp_nodelay on;

# colibri (JVB) websockets for jvb1
location ~ ^/colibri-ws/default-id/(.*) {
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
    tcp_nodelay on;

location ~ ^/([^/?&:'"]+)$ {
    try_files $uri @root_path;

location @root_path {
    rewrite ^/(.*)$ / break;

location ~ ^/([^/?&:'"]+)/config.js$
   set $subdomain "$1.";
   set $subdir "$1/";
   alias /etc/jitsi/meet/;

# BOSH for subdomains
location ~ ^/([^/?&:'"]+)/http-bind {
    set $subdomain "$1.";
    set $subdir "$1/";
    set $prefix "$1";

    rewrite ^/(.*)$ /http-bind;

# websockets for subdomains
location ~ ^/([^/?&:'"]+)/xmpp-websocket {
    set $subdomain "$1.";
    set $subdir "$1/";
    set $prefix "$1";

    rewrite ^/(.*)$ /xmpp-websocket;

#Anything that didn't match above, and isn't a real file, assume it's a room name and redirect to /
location ~ ^/([^/?&:'"]+)/(.*)$ {
    set $subdomain "$1.";
    set $subdir "$1/";
    rewrite ^/([^/?&:'"]+)/(.*)$ /$2;

Unable to use jitsi meet

After the installation the jitsi meet shows the page to enter the link. Nothing happens after entering the link and pressing the Go button. It look like a static page.
I have tried it on different browsers and the log is empty too.

Add jibri

Describe the bug

livestream not working


no specific context because not implemented

Steps to reproduce

no step to reproduce because not implemented

Expected behavior

Create a module app to add Share live streaming with peertube/youtube ... througth rtmp link,
Good for small companies and CHATONS to record conferences easily and New wave of peertubers.


"Invalid cookie header:" Temporary troubles while installing jitsi_ynh :)

Hi, first thank you for Jitsi on YNH.

let me mention this which is not necessarly important (just frightening for our configuration) as our JItsi instance seems to work on YNH Powered by YunoHost (stable) / OVH SSD 1 :).

the "permanent" message was:

WARNING: Invalid cookie header: "Set-Cookie: logged_in=no; Path=/;; Expires=Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:02:58 GMT; HttpOnly; Secure". Invalid 'expires' attribute: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:02:58 GMT

Mar 19, 2020 3:02:59 PM org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.http.httpclient.client.protocol.ResponseProcessCookies processCookies

WARNING: Invalid cookie header: "Set-Cookie: _octo=GH1.1.426984661.1584626578; Path=/;; Expires=Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:02:58 GMT; Secure". Invalid 'expires' attribute: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:02:58 GMT

Mar 19, 2020 3:02:59 PM org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.http.httpclient.client.protocol.ResponseProcessCookies processCookies

To stop this loop (the bin did not work) I've been obliged to run again the admin url.
After some minutes, I've been able to reach my admin panel (Ouf! as we say in French!)

Just a question.
In your Readme file, you mention the port redirection. But this is not necessary for a VPS hosting ?!

Thank you for any comment.


Installation failed

Here what happens when I try to install this app:

Warning: Failed to stop jitsi-videobridge.service: Unit jitsi-videobridge.service not loaded.
Warning: Failed to stop jicofo.service: Unit jicofo.service not loaded.
Warning: rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/default/jitsi-videobridge’: No such file or directory
Warning: rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/default/jicofo’: No such file or directory
Warning: rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/init.d/jitsi-videobridge’: No such file or directory
Warning: Unknown service 'jitsi-videobridge'
Warning: rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/init.d/jicofo’: No such file or directory
Warning: Unknown service 'jicofo'
Warning: rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/metronome/conf.d/jitsi..cfg.lua’: No such file or directory
Warning: rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/nginx/conf.d/.d/jitsi.conf’: No such file or directory
Warning: userdel: user 'jvb' does not exist
Warning: userdel: user 'jicofo' does not exist
Warning: groupdel: group 'jitsi' does not exist
Warning: jitsi has not been properly removed

I tried with Yunohost 2.4 - Debian Jessie.

Thanks for your help ;)

(Is this app still maintened ?)

Port 10000 is not reachable from outside


The yunohost console reports : "Port 10000 is not reachable from outside."

I think it's a false positif. Because jitsi is listening in UDP on this port :

UNCONN 0      0                 [::ffff:]:10000             *:*     users:(("java",pid=23209,fd=147))

Maybe we should remove this port from the check list ?

I'm new to yunohost but I think that the solution could be just to change this line in the install script :

yunohost service add $app-videobridge --log "/var/log/$app/$app-videobridge.log" --needs_exposed_ports $port $port_videobridge


yunohost service add $app-videobridge --log "/var/log/$app/$app-videobridge.log" --needs_exposed_ports $port

What do you think ?

Disable Metronome

Jitsi requires Prosody and if Metronome is running then Jitsi cannot be used. Prosody and Metronome conflict. You would have to stop Metronome and restart Prosody in order for Jitsi to work. On my system Metronome always keep enabling itself...

systemctl disable metronome.service doesn't seem to help.

metronome.service is not a native service, redirecting to systemd-sysv-install.
Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install disable metronome

Many have complained about this in the past, they see a "rejoin" message that keeps on looping. This is the reason why....

[BUG] Unable to install

Jitsi currently fails to install on a fresh setup version 11 Yunohost because it wants prosody >= 4.3.0 . Requirements are not met for Prosody error, then deinstalls thjings again.

Thank you for changing the package

Update failed

the latest update (from 2.0.9164ynh1 to 2.0.9164ynh2) failed. The log result are attached.
The issue is related with the source path.


Log extract is here.

2024-02-09 11:35:44,306: DEBUG - + ynh_print_warn '--message=Source path '\'''\'' does not exist'
2024-02-09 11:35:44,316: DEBUG - + ynh_print_log 'Source path '\'''\'' does not exist'
2024-02-09 11:35:44,316: DEBUG - + echo -e 'Source path '\'''\'' does not exist'
2024-02-09 11:35:44,316: DEBUG - + '[' 0 == 0 ']'
2024-02-09 11:35:44,317: WARNING - Source path '' does not exist

jitsi-jicofo cannot start

Let me start by saying that I edited some files, as it was suggested here, to be able to enable Jitsi for everyone not just logged in users. I edited /etc/jitsi/jicofo/jicofo.conf and removed

authentication: {
    enabled: true
    type: XMPP
    login-url: __DOMAIN__

Edited /etc/jitsi/meet/ commented out anonymousdomain: 'guest.__DOMAIN__',

And edited /etc/prosody/conf.avail/ to replace

  authentication = "ldap"
    ldap_server = "localhost"
    ldap_filter = "(uid=$user)"
    ldap_scope = "subtree"
    ldap_base = "ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org"
    ldap_mode = "bind"

With authentication = "anonymous" plus delete

VirtualHost "guest.__DOMAIN__"
    authentication = "anonymous"
    c2s_require_encryption = false

Now all worked fine until the last update. What changed? This is the log . I mainly see

Jicofo 2022-06-17 22:54:21.487 WARNING: [1] CmdLine.parse#117: Skipped empty cmd line argument: port=
Jicofo 2022-06-17 22:54:21.488 WARNING: [1] CmdLine.parse#117: Skipped empty cmd line argument: secret=

Can anyone help me out? Would be quite useful to be able to have Jitsi available for everyone not just logged in users.

Thanks a bunch!

How to disable LDAP?

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version: (stable).
I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen | ...
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no

I would like to have Jitsi open for anyone. So how can I disable LDAP? Thanks!

EDIT: Is it the file /etc/prosody/conf.avail/ ?

Jitsi Prosody install has cert issues

Describe the bug

Jitsi appears to try to replace metronome with prosody, but in my case the prosody install had some kind of certificate issue and wouldn't accept connections. I ended up disabling prosody and restarting metronome, but I think that might have broken Jitsi?


  • Hardware: VPS
  • YunoHost version:
  • I have access to my server: SSH/Webmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: Jitsi 2.0.8319~ynh1
  • If upgrading, current package version: N/A

Steps to reproduce

  • If you performed a command from the CLI, the command itself is enough. For example:
    sudo yunohost app install jitsi

Expected behavior

Presumably prosody should take over for metronome? I don't know what the "expected behavior" was, I wasn't expecting a prosody install at all



Jul 06 18:02:00 mydomain.tld prosody[20226]: portmanager: Error binding encrypted port for https: No certificate present in SSL/TLS configuration for https port 5281                                                                                            Jul 06 18:02:00 mydomain.tld prosody[20226]: portmanager: Error binding encrypted port for https: No certificate present in SSL/TLS configuration for https port 5281

Snippet from prosody.log:

Jul 07 01:14:20 s2sin561c39a279d0       info    Incoming s2s stream domain.tld->mydomain2.tld closed: This host does not serve mydomain2.tld                                                                                                                     Jul 07 01:14:23 s2sin561c397f4040       info    Incoming s2s stream domain.tld->mydomain2.tld closed: This host does not serve mydomain2.tld

working on small memory SBC

Describe the bug

On small memory SingleBoardComputer the services "jvb" and "jicofo" don't want to start.


  • Hardware: odroid hc1 armhf(v7) 2Gb RAM
  • YunoHost version:
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: yes
    • If yes, please explain: inside lxc container
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: master
  • If upgrading, current package version: NA

Steps to reproduce

  • install
  • verify services jitsi-cofo and jitsi-videobridge not starting with log error indicates that VM memory alocation 3000 mb failed.

Expected behavior

ability to run jitsi on small memory platform as most yunohost users will not use it as public server.
reduce the VM memory allocation.

as indicates in
memory used at maximum were 1500mb with 1056 participant(1056 video streams+1056 audio streams) we could calculate a usage of 1,5 mb per user.
maybe it should be possible to ask the admin for how many people he want to use for the service and allocate VM memory in relation.
it exist 2 shell variable to set before starting the services. (for 70 mega set value to 70m)
VIDEOBRIDGE_MAX_MEMORY (tested and set in /var/www/jitsi/jitsi-videobridge/
JICOFO_MAX_MEMORY (tested and set in /var/www/jitsi/jitsi-jicofo/

the reason why i don't do a PR is that i don't know how the variables should be set from the yunohost scripts

302 redirect error

I just installed meet-jitsi. All went fine during installation. But as I call the root address (visio.domain.tld), I get an "incorrect redirection" error.

When I tail the /var/log/nginx/ I see 20 times this line: - - [14/Apr/2020:22:53:42 +0200] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 302 824 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/75.0"

Port 4443 is not reachable from outside.

Describe the bug

I just installed Jitsi with the latest changes you made. The install went through but I see this error "Port 4443 is not reachable from outside."


  • Hardware: VPS bought online
  • YunoHost version: (stable).
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen | ...
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no

I am sent to this but I do not self host. So what would be the solution?

I opened the port via the firewall and rebooted the server but still no luck. The Jitsi itself works, even connecting to a meeting I have created. I do not see the video from the other person but the rest works.

I know you guys did a lot of changes recently and maybe this is why, but I am willing to test if that helps.


Error: You have been disconnected

Describe the bug

I just installed Jitsi for the first time. Whenever I enter in a meeting room there is the error message "You have been disconnected". There are also several errors in browser console.


  • Hardware: VPS bought online
  • YunoHost version: 11.2.3
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: 2.0.8719~ynh2

Steps to reproduce

Just enter a random meeting.

Expected behavior

I should stay connected to the meeting.


This is the log from jitsi-videobridge service:
Relevant part is probably this.

org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException$StreamErrorException: host-unknown You can read more about the meaning of this stream error at
<stream:error><host-unknown xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/><text>This server does not serve</text></stream:error>
	at org.jivesoftware.smack.tcp.XMPPTCPConnection$PacketReader.parsePackets(
	at org.jivesoftware.smack.tcp.XMPPTCPConnection$PacketReader.access$700(
	at org.jivesoftware.smack.tcp.XMPPTCPConnection$PacketReader$
	at java.base/

Not reliable. Does not work properly.

I want to open a separate issue from #60 - we've tested our instance ( a bit and it works at times only with chrome-based browsers. Not with Firefox. We tried with Linux and Mac. Basically the audio/video stops working between peers. For example I tested it last night form Linux to Linux, via the official electron app, and worked to connect 2 people, but when the 3rd one joined (using Mac) it broke the connection for all of us in the sense that the video(audio would no go through.

Let me know if anyone else can replicate this. I have to mention that other instances work perfectly fine.

[Maintenance ping] Is this app still maintained ?

Hello !

This is a friendly automatic notice from the Yunohost Apps team : our tool noticed that this app is listed in the community/official app lists - but this app appears to be inactive.

Hence, this issue was created automatically to check if this app is still actively maintained.

You are the current maintainer ? 👷‍♂️ 👷‍♀️

You still actively maintain this app ? 🎉

Please close this issue to signify that you still actively maintain this app. Nothing else, and thank you for your work ❤️ !

You don't intend to maintain this app anymore ? 😢

Either don't do anything, or add a comment to explicitly state that you do not intend / have time / ... to maintain this app (but thanks for your work so far ! 😘). After 15 days, if this issue is still opened, the app will be considered unmaintained.

You wish to become the new maintainer of this app ? 😄

You are welcome and free to comment in this thread that you wish to become the new maintainer, and/or to create the corresponding pull request to fix this issue ! (If you do not already have commit rights on this repo, we can then arrange things with the rest of the app team. 😉) Once this issue is closed, the app will then be flagged again as maintained !

No video with chromium browser


Yunohost version : 11.1.19
Jitsi version : 2.0.8319~ynh1
Chromium version : v113.0.5672.63


When loading jitsi on google chromium, video fails to start with following errors in console. It works on firefox.

Refused to create a worker from 'blob:' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src https: data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'". Note that 'worker-src' was not explicitly set, so 'script-src' is used as a fallback.
Refused to create a worker from 'blob:' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "worker-src 'none'".

Error occurs in StreamBackgroundEffect.js line 218 on the prejoin page or in EEContext.js line 54 when disabled.

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