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cookie-quick-manager's Issues

Doesn't seem to work at all

The manager window doesn't display any cookies. Searching doesn't appear to work. The "refresh" button doesn't populate a list of domains, or have any other obvious effect. In short, the addon doesn't seem to work.

Firefox Developer Edition 61.0b7 x64, Windows 10 x64.

Add option to export to Netscape's cookies.txt file format

Could you please add option to export/import in Netscape's cookies.txt file format, as used in WGET and CURL?

3.5 What are all those entries in my cookies.txt file?

The layout of Netscape's cookies.txt file is such that each line contains one name-value pair. An example cookies.txt file may have an entry that looks like this: TRUE / FALSE 946684799 NETSCAPE_ID 100103

Each line represents a single piece of stored information. A tab is inserted between each of the fields.

From left-to-right, here is what each field represents:

domain - The domain that created AND that can read the variable.
flag - A TRUE/FALSE value indicating if all machines within a given domain can access the variable. This value is set automatically by the browser, depending on the value you set for domain.
path - The path within the domain that the variable is valid for.
secure - A TRUE/FALSE value indicating if a secure connection with the domain is needed to access the variable.
expiration - The UNIX time that the variable will expire on. UNIX time is defined as the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT.
name - The name of the variable.
value - The value of the variable.
The Unofficial Cookie FAQ

Thanks in advance

Feature requests: Shortcuts for macOS


The current shortcuts don't work on macOS. Ok, Ctrl + F does work. Ctrl + left and Ctrl + right is already used by the system to change between desktops, maybe it could be mapped to Cmd + left/right? There is no super key. Could this be mapped to the delete (equivalent of backspace) key?


Tab key navigation skips Cookies list

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the cookie manager window. The Domains list has focus.
  2. Press the Tab key.

Expected results: Focus should always move to the next area of the interface, which is the Cookies list.
Actual results: If the Cookies list for the currently selected domain is long enough to require a scrollbar, focus moves to the Cookies list as expected. But if there is no scrollbar (which is most of the time, for me), focus skips over the Cookies list and moves directly to the Domain field under Details.

Cookie Quick Manager 0.2rc3 on Firefox 60.0.1 on macOS

support request_denying cookies or immediately delete

Does cookie-quick-manager now have (or could have) the ability to deny all cookies by default, if user chooses? Then whitelist or graylist sites as they choose?

The cookie API & cookie-quick-manager have the ability to block all 3rd party cookies, yes? Then I don't see why 1st party shouldn't be allowed to block globally - other than an incomplete API.

I've read some discussion about the possibility of deleting cookies immediately after they're set, unless the user chooses not to. Is that a possibility?

Firefox57+ allows denying cookies globally. Why (other than Mozilla is....) can users deny cookies globally from the Fx UI, but webext cookie mgrs don't seem able to deny cookies globally and only allow sites that users want to set cookies?

Webext addons wouldn't be "changing Firefox internal function," when the function is already allowed for users. Is their cookie or other APIs so incomplete, they don't allow the same basic functions as the Fx UI?

I don't want to allow cookies on every site and have to wait until the tab is closed to delete the cookies. Sometimes I forget to close tabs when I'm finished with a site. On some sites, I really don't want to allow cookies at all.


cookies without a domain cannot be deleted

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to any page of a website that uses cookies and save a copy to your computer.
  2. Open the local copy in the browser.
  3. Check Cookie Quick Manager. The local webpage will be at the top of the Domains list with no domain name, just a number.
  4. Select a cookie from the local webpage and click the right-hand trash can icon to delete it.

Expected results: The cookie should be deleted.

Actual results: The delete icon turns red and the cookie is not deleted.

Cookie Quick Manager 0.3rc2 on Firefox 60.0.1 on macOS
PS: Thanks for all the work you put into the latest update, @ysard!

cookies no longer being deleted on restart

"Delete all cookies on restart" stopped working with the upgrade to 0.3rc5. I downgraded to 0.3rc4 to double-check, and it's still working fine for me in that version.

(FF 62.0.3 on macOS 10.12)

Cookie search and protection

Firefox 63.01, Windows 10 pro,

Perhaps I don't understand how the "Search a Domain" feature is supposed to work, but when I search for a word that is in the domain name, I get no results.

If possible, I think it also might be a good idea to have at least one of the following options, especially for those of us who aren't interested in anything more complicated than protecting cookies, and don't look forward to scrolling thru 100's of cookies each we we want to do so.

  1. Have a ""Protect Cookie/Unprotect Cookie" option on the tab context menu or tab drop down menu of the site you are currently viewing

  2. When I click on the toolbar button & open the "Cookie Quick Manager", I would like the list to automatically scroll to the cookie for the current website. Perhaps by way of a checkbox on that interface enabling that option.


Add locales


I want translate you're addon in french, can you add locales files please

Modify some menu labels - enhancement

Just some suggestions.
Wouldn't "Cookie Quick Manager" option be better described as something like "Manage All Cookies"? We already know it's CQM - describe what (any) option actually does.

"Delete Current Cookies" might be better described as "Delete Current Site (or Domain) Cookies"
"Delete Current Site Local Storage" instead of "Delete Current Local Storage" (see below).

In English, "delete current..." generally means all data currently in (local storage, or what ever), which would include all sites that had stored anything, unless stated otherwise. But it actually means the current selected tab.

The toolbar CQM icon doesn't look like a cookie - even on a large, Hi Def monitor.
Maybe someone could find an non copy righted one.
At a normal viewing distance, to me it doesn't look like anything. I've used it a while & it still doesn't register what it is, though the icon isn't the most pressing issue.

How are you removing HttpOnly cookies?

May I ask how are you removing HttpOnly cookies?
I looked briefly through the source code and I didn't see anything special done to remove HttpOnly cookies:


I tried removing HttpOnly cookies programmatically in a Firefox addon but had no luck..

any ideas?


cookie counter is not updated when cookies are deleted

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In the cookie manager window, choose a domain in the Domains list and note the number of cookies.
  2. Delete one cookie from that domain, then look at its cookie counter again.

Expected results: The number on the counter should be one less than it was before.
Actual results: The number is the same as before. The only way to update it is to refresh the domain list.

Cookie Quick Manager 0.2rc3 on Firefox 60.0.1 on macOS

Feature Request: Identify Container where Cookies Exist

In the Cookie Quick Manager tab/window, please can you display the name of the Container where the Cookies exist and provide a filter (search box) where users can type in a Container name. I am in the process of switching over to use different Containers for different websites (eg Shopping, Banking, etc) and the task I'm doing is trying to find in which Containers my cookies exist, then delete all those found in old/default/incorrect Containers. It is very time consuming and your extension could help greatly.

I'd love to be able to MOVE a batch of cookies from one Container to another (which would save me having to type in all my logon user details again)... but maybe that would be asking too much? PS I'm not a web developer, so I don't even know if the cookies would still "function" if moved to a new Container?

Thanks for your effort on this extension.

Fault: Incorrect site details show in the search box.

I was viewing the following web page:

On clicking the extension toolbar icon, I get the prompt:
Search cookie for:
When I click that, the Cookie Quick Manager tab shows, but instead of the same text appearing in the search box, it contains only "" and all sites matching "" show in the Domains box instead of the site I was on.

Other sites are working OK for me.

Thanks for your effort on this extension.

buttons not highlighted when focused

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the cookie manager window. The Domains list has focus.
  2. Press the Tab key repeatedly, moving focus through the various areas of the interface, until the Sub-domains checkbox beside the Search box is highlighted.
  3. Press the Tab key again.

Expected results: Some other part of the interface should be highlighted in some way to show the user where focus now is.
Actual results: For the next 10 presses of the Tab key, there is no visual indicator of focus anywhere in the window. Only on the 11th press does focus return to the Domains list.

By experimenting, I discovered that after the Sub-domains checkbox, focus moves through the 10 buttons at the bottom of the window. Three of those buttons delete cookies! A user could easily delete some or all of their cookies by accident as a result of this bug.

Cookie Quick Manager 0.2rc3 on Firefox 60.0.1 on macOS

How to protect URL?


how can I protect all future Cookies from
It means cookie-quick-manager should not work for

Thank you!

Could you request a localStorage management api?

Would be nice to be able to view, protect, delete localStorage, as CookieKeeper was able to do.

Since they provide a cookie management api, hard to imagine they would refuse localStorage on principle , since they are conceptually similar.

Update to Bootstrap 4.1 and Fontawesome 5

When playing around the code for #17 and #18 I saw how many little (and big - 'flexbox') CSS feature are missing in BS v3.7.
Are there any specific requirements binding the project to v3.7? Otherwise, I can see if I can carve out some time to make a proof-of-concept update for you if you want.

Feature request: Open cookie manager in new tab

First off I want to say thank you @ysard for a very nice cookie manager! 😃

Unfortunately, in Linux the cookie manager window is forced on top of the parent browser window. You can't put the browser window in front of it. I don't have a very big screen, so this makes it awkward to do anything in the browser while the cookie manager is open. This includes accessing the options by clicking the wrench icon in the cookie manager.

Can you please provide the option to open the cookie manager in a new tab instead?


Feature request: prevent cookie modification

It would be nice to be able to set cookies to read-only to prevent sites from changing their content.
Right now, protecting cookies from deletion doesn't seem to stop the site from resetting a cookie by changing its value, which kind of defeat the purpose.

Compatibility & Feature request

Hi, first of all I would like to thank you very much for your hard work with developing this addon! It is extremely important, since it is one of only two addons that lets me export and import cookies without issues.
My organisation is using this addon hundreds of times a day and I even have python automations that rely on it So, thank you!

I noticed there was a new update issued a few days ago. Before I update to the latest version, I wanted to ask if it is 100% compatible with the previous one? So, if I export cookies with the updates addon, can I import them again with the previous addon, without issues?

Another idea to make it even more perfect: Could you create keyboard shortcuts for exporting and importing cookies? I saw some shortcuts are available already, so maybe it's not hard to do. If I export/import cookies manually, this would save a lot of time.

Thanks and keep up the good work! :)

feature request: add favicon

I sometimes keep Cookie Quick Manager open in a tab. It would be nice to have a favicon on the tab, so that I could find it more easily.

CQM 0.3rc3 on Firefox 61.0.1 on macOS

what are "current" cookies and localStorage items?

Hi ysard, I just updated to 0.3rc4, thanks for the update!

The menu now offers options to delete "current cookies" and "current localStorage." Can you tell me more about what that means?

I would guess that "current" means "for the current browsing context" – but if that's what it is, then the information on the menu doesn't match the information in the full CQM interface and/or in Firefox's Storage Inspector.

For example, on the Github tab where I'm typing this right now, the menu says:

  • Delete current cookies (0)
  • Delete current localStorage (3)

But CQM shows 5 cookies for and 3 for And if I check the Storage Inspector, it shows the same 8 cookies but no localStorage items. So … I'm confused. Can you explain?

Design improvements

Just stumbled upon this extension and it looks very promising! In conjunction with Mozilla's Multi Account Containers, it can be useful when analyzing a web application's session management.

I would like to propose some design improvements.

  • When the browser uses kind of a dark style by default, the icons and button labels are barely readable. See screenshot. Maybe it can be inverted to white when button color is too dark?!
    screenshot from 2018-09-12 15-52-11

  • As a workaround, I switched to "Hacker style". While this hurts my eyes a bit 😉 , it also has the drawback that you cannot distinguish grayed out fields from enabled fields.

  • Besides, the Cookies column in the middle could probably be improved in terms of readability. I'm not a design expert so I have no clear idea here. But maybe one could at least make the cookie name and value visually distinct. Especially for long complex cookie values, it's hard to spot where the name ends and the value begins. (As a side note, I'm also a fan of the cookie table view from Firefox' dev tools, but don't know if it would make sense to incorporate a similar view into the cookie manager)

Better placement of bin icons

@ysard - the three different bins are a bit confusing, especially the middle one, maybe it is just me. When I select the domain of the left pane I expet the bin underneath to be the one to delete the selected item, same for the middle column. When one cookie is highlighted there, I also expect the bin underneath to be responsible for the one highlighted.

That's why I moved the bins one to the left and the icons related to all domains underneath a border (the UI is not prefect, just as an idea for discussion).


Alternatively I could imagine the "delete all cookies" and the "delete all from domain" to be disabled by default and have a tick box each which selects all related items and give a visual from what will happen if you click.

Feature request: Swap lock icon state

Hi there,

Coming from macOS, but also to see in Photoshop and other software one expects the "locked" icon to show when the cookie is protected and the "unlocked" icon to show when the cookie is unprotected. So the icon shows the user the current state of the cookie, not a possible other state.
Hope that makes sense and if it does that it is not too late to change ;)


protected cookies appear to be deleted

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In the cookie manager window, protect some or all of the cookies from one domain.
  2. Click the center trash icon ("Delete cookies from the selected domain").

Expected results: All unprotected cookies should disappear from the Cookies list, but the protected cookies should remain. (Ideally, there should be some visual indicator in the Cookies list that these cookies are protected – e.g. a lock icon, see also #10 here – so that users understand why they're still there.) Also, the corresponding cookie counter in the Domains list should update, though see #24.

Actual results: All of the domain's cookies disappear, and the domain disappears from the Domains list. The only way to see a correct list of domains and cookies is to refresh the page.

Cookie Quick Manager 0.2rc3 on Firefox 60.0.1 on macOS

two more tooltip texts

Hi ysard,

There are two buttons at the bottom of the CQM window that don't have tooltip texts: The "delete all" trashcan and the Bitcoin button. It would be nice if these had explanations like the other buttons.

I guess a tooltip for the trashcan is not 100% necessary because you get a big warning message when you click it, but it would be nice anyway. Some users may be afraid to click it at all because they know that it will delete something but they don't know what.

The Bitcoin button really does need a text IMO because it doesn't seem to do anything. Some users may click it and wonder: Did CQM just intall a Bitcoin miner on my computer?!? (Related question: What does that button do? :p )

up and down arrows only work in Domains list (possibly Mac-specific)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the cookie manager window. The Domains list has focus.
  2. Select a domain whose Cookies list is long enough to require a scrollbar (see #20).
  3. Press the Tab key to move focus to the Cookies list. The first cookie in the list is selected.
  4. Press the down arrow key.

Expected results: The next cookie in the Cookies list is selected.
Actual results: The next domain in the Domains list is selected.

As noted at #11, the ctrl+right shortcut doesn't work on macOS, so the Tab key is the only way to switch to the Cookies list on a Mac. So perhaps the up and down arrow keys work properly when using the official shortcut, but I can't test that.

Cookie Quick Manager 0.2rc3 on Firefox 60.0.1 on macOS

PS: This is an essential extension now that Mozilla has removed this functionality from Firefox itself – thank you for creating it!

Differenciate icons with submenues

The two icons "protect all" and the folder icon are the only two icons with
a) no immediate action on click, due to the submenu
b) no explanation on hover.

This confused me a bit and I also wasn't sure if I want to click, as I didn't know what will happen. I added two semi-well placed "chevron-up" icons trying to indicate the menu.

I would suggest to add something like these icons, but also add a description for consistency - can be something simple and generic as "click for more options".


Unreputable browser add-ons

Hi all, I latest version of it but enjoyable avast antivirus alert my that cookie quick manager is a "bad reputation" add-on

I attached a screenshot


screen shot 12-13-18 at 07 31 pm

Show sameSite attribute

In the cookie details, flags like httpOnly and isSecure are shown. However, the sameSite attribute is not. Would be great to also see this.

Multiple highlighting of cookies

It would be quite helpful to have the ability to highlight multiple cookies simultaneously when performing such actions as protect, etc.


Can only delete one cookie at a time

Pressing the Delete key only deletes a single cookie at a time. If a site has six cookies, then I have to delete all six of them individually.

I'd like to be able to select a site then press Delete to get rid of all that site's cookies at once. I'd also like to be able to select multiple sites (using Shift or Ctrl to extend my selection) then press Delete once to get rid of all the cookies of all of the selected sites.

About Protecting Cookies

I don't really know how to use this add-on. On the older Firefox I had two cookie add-ons one was to be able to protect individual cookies and the other was to be able to delete all but protected cookies on closing the browser.

I did, by accident, find the protect/unprotect all cookies in that little lock icon below the list of cookies, but when you highlight a cookie and click that lock are you protecting only that cookie [all the cookies that show as part of that] or are you protecting all cookies. Assuming it protects only the ones you are highlighting, can you then set Firefox to delete all cookies on close and will it keep the protected ones. Thanks for your help. Ruth

Feature requests: Select next item instead of previous


When deleting one domain row which is not the first one, it would be great if the selection jumped to the next row not the previous. Lets say I keep cookies of domain 1 and 2, delete 3 and also want to delete 4 and 5, I would just have to select three and hit the bin three times.
Right now I either select them one by one (trying to be careful not to delete 2 - which happened to me a few times now already) or I select 5 and hit three times to the top.
This is for the both lists.


Request for Autoreload

I am using Cookie Quick Manager as a developer tool to see which cookie my own software sends. Pressing F5 to reload the cookie-status is stressys, a button for Autoreload every seconds would be great. There ist a reload button on top of the window, please add a second button labeled with an "auto".

Issues and features requests

Hello ysard, i think I'm the first person to use your addon :D

The appearance looks good, and i think it has the potentiality to become a popular extension. However, as it's still in beta phase, it has some issues that i would like to point them out to you...

1- The "Export" and "Import" options are always greyed out and doesn't work at all.

2- The frame window doesn't remember the size. i have a small monitor, and i must adjust the CQM window every time i start it to be able to use it.

3- When ticking Sub-domains, you must manually refresh to see the changes. (not sure if that intended, but would be much nicer if the list refreshed automatically)

and some features i would like to see in CQM...

1- Ability to (whitelist/protect) some cookies from deletion, with an option in QCM toolbar icon menu to remove the non protected cookies.

2- in the domains column, the up/down arrow keyboard buttons scroll the list. would be better if they are adjusted to select the previous/next cookie.

3- Removing the subdomain items from domains list when ticking Sub-domains as it become already included in the domain's cookies itself.

that's all for now. and thank you for your work.

feature: ui for managing protections

would be good to be able to see what's protected in a single list and delete individual ones or all.

if cookies are cleared or expire, the protections remain and so need a separate ui, as in CookieKeeper

clarify shortcut key names

@ysard, thank you for fixing these bugs so quickly!

I just took a quick look at the commit that fixed #20 and #21, and I have two more suggestions:

Instead of maj+tab, maybe ⇧+tab would be better for users who don't speak French.

You might also want to change suppr– I noticed that @scheinercc was confused by this in #11 (he wrote: "There is no super key"). Unfortunately I don't know of any symbol for this one, but since the rest of the preferences are in English, you could change it to delete or just del.

Allow editing cookie name

It appears to me that while I can edit the Value of a cookie, I cannot change its name. From time to time I use this functionality from Firefox dev tools. Copying and renaming cookies back and forth can be handy when testing session management of an application.

So I would like to ask having an editing capability for the cookie's name. (and maybe all the other fields that are not editable yet 😛 e.g. Domain, Path, ...)

0.3rc5 breaks protected cookie update and deletion (expiration) by sites

Fx 63.0.0, CQM 0.3rc5

I believe this is a recent regression causes either by new Fx or CQM version.

When a site wants to delete a cookie (logout) it sets an expiration date in the past (ant typically sets the value to empty or "deleted") and the browser removes it. I have confirmed with devtools in a new profile that a protection prevents this deletion (the value does not change either) and on the next request the original cookie value (before deletion) is sent

missing resp. improvable features


thank you very much for this useful add-on. What I´m missing resp. what´s improvable:

  • a "delete all cookies" (apart from protected ones) quick option/hotkey
  • "auto refresh" checkmark is always disabled again after opening the options next time
  • an optional deactivation of the warning message after clicking "delete all cookies" at options window
  • the options window itself often forget it's prior size and position

Cookie Quick Manager 0.4rc2 popup menu issue


Cookie Quick Manager 0.4rc2 / Firefox 65 (64-bit) / Winndows 7 (64-bit)

I've just updated Cookie Quick Manager from 0.4rc1 to 0.4rc2 and I can no longer access the Manage all Cookies from the extension's popup menu:

cqm-0 4rc2

Clicking on Manage all cookies is inoperative.
Downgrading to Cookie Quick Manager 0.4rc1 solves the issue.


EDIT: the popup menu Manage all Cookies link appears to work randomly. The popup itself displays correctly randomly as well (occasionally white, no menu item, but this happens with other extensions even if it appeared less with previous CQM 0.4rc1)

I'm downgrading to 0.4rc1 for the time being with which I never encountered the slightest issue.

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