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api's Issues

Request: Get page range of sections/parts in CFR

Hi Team,

Could you suggest if there is way to get pageNumbers or range of pages for each part or chapter or section in CFR Titles.
E.g., This is the PDF of "Subpart A" in Title12/Part3. It starts at Page 17 and go until Page 41 and total of 25pages;
Similarly for a section 1.110, it starts and ends in Page 13 with total of 1 page.

i looked at the corresponding mods XML also Premis XML. I was not able to find this info anywhere. It would be very helpful if there is a way to get this info from API.

Thank you

Bulk Data content access

Currently, we don't provide direct access to the bulkdata contents via the API. How important is that to the community?

The govinfo bulk data repo does provide access to the contents via both xml and json endpoints as it stands.

It's doable to make the bulkdata available via the API, but we're wondering how much a priority that is to the community vs. some of the other features that we're currently looking at?

If we did this, would making BILLSTATUS and ECFR available be sufficient?

downLoad links do not resolve with uppercase API_KEY

This url returns the following response:

{'branch': 'legislative',
 'category': 'Congressional Committee Materials',
 'chamber': 'JOINT',
 'collectionCode': 'CHRG',
 'collectionName': 'Congressional Hearings',
 'congress': '114',
 'dateIssued': '2018-07-17',
 'detailsLink': '',
 'documentType': 'JHRG',
 'download': {'modsLink': '',
              'premisLink': '',
              'zipLink': ''},
 'governmentAuthor1': 'Congress',
 'granulesLink': '',
 'heldDates': ['2018-07-17'],
 'lastModified': '2018-07-30T19:54:06Z',
 'otherIdentifier': {'migrated-doc-id': 'f:94577.txt'},
 'packageId': 'CHRG-114jhrg94577',
 'pages': '156',
 'publisher': 'U.S. Government Publishing Office',
 'session': '2',
 'title': 'Addendum'}

The download links do not resolve. returns

<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /govinfoapi//packages/CHRG-114jhrg94577/zip was not found on this server.</p>

and similar for the modsLink and the premisLink

List available Bill Versions


As a govinfo API user, I want to find all available bill versions for a bill, so it is easier to correlate bill status with bill versions.

Acceptance Criteria

  • user specifies a bill status packageId (required) OR user specifies congress (required) and bill number (required)
  • json output
  • return:
    • a list of bill packageIds, version abbreviation, version user readable, and dates so users know the order of bills from new to old.
  • links to bill version files
  • links to bill status file
  • Ask Community for more information about what should be returned

Not all sections referred in BILLS-115s3611is text mentioned in API

Hi Team,

Below API for Bill S 3611 is not providing all the sections referenced in its text. For eg: Sections referred in this bill are "6103",1070","1088" and "1091". But we are only getting 1070, 1088 and 1091 in API output ("sections":["1070","1088","1091"]).
Below is the API I am referring.

Please help me where I can get all the sections related to bill.

Mani Mittal

Granule Content Type Error

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*"


<title>302 Found</title>
<p>The document has moved <a href="">here</a>.</p>

The API explorer doesn't handle it well either

support congress as a top level searchable element in the API

For many of the collections they are congress specific and in the package info they have the congress in them
for example the bills collection:
package level has:"congress": "115",
but at the collection level that information is not available:

"packageId": "BILLS-115hr609enr",
"lastModified": "2018-11-01T14:59:34Z",
"packageLink": "",
"docClass": "hr",
"title": "An Act T

It would be very helpful for downloading to allow searching and filtering by congress at the collection level, similar to how docClass was added for the CDOC collection
and return only 115th items for that time period.

Query specific data from large collection?

Is it possible to query specific data from the § 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table in the Code of Federal Regulations?

For example if I wanted to get the info related to the Identification Number UN1088, such as Hazardous materials descriptions and proper shipping names, Hazard class or Division, Identification Numbers, PG, Label Codes, Special provisions, and Packaging Exceptions, how would I construct my CURL query? (please see this image for clarification

Thank you.

Add md5 for HOB to the details link

  1. So the MD5 for each granule is in the list view for lists of hob granules

but not in the detail view:

Is it possible to have it added to the detail view?

  1. also is it possible to have it added to the mods.xml file as well?

  2. could it be searchable similar to the docClass searching as well? congress + md5 ?

call to collection CDOC is returning non CDOC items

when we make this api call

we are getting non CDOC documents

cfr_References Field discrepancy

One of the output provided by this API endpoint :
gives us the CFR references listed under the 'cfr_references' key value. For this particular granule- 2019-03474 there are 3 cfr_references present.

Although if you look at the corresponding ECFR link for that particular granule - 2019-03474 :
under the "List of Subjects" subheading you will see that that are multiple cfr_references that are not present in the API output.

Is this discrepancy expected? Any insight into this would be helpful!

this is not working ---- collections response is now sorting by lastModified date.

collections response is now sorting by lastModified date.


"count": 27027,
"message": null,
"nextPage": "",
"previousPage": null,
"packages": [
"packageId": "CHRG-103hhrg76069",
"lastModified": "2018-10-30T17:25:19Z",
"packageLink": "",
"docClass": "HHRG",
"title": "Bpa Competitiveness"
"packageId": "CHRG-103hhrg74075",
"lastModified": "2018-10-30T17:21:12Z",
"packageLink": "",
"docClass": "HHRG",
"title": "Bpa Proposed Flscal Year 1994 Budget"
"packageId": "CHRG-103hhrg69593",
"lastModified": "2018-10-30T17:17:43Z",
"packageLink": "",
"docClass": "HHRG",
"title": "Indian Tribal Justice Act"
"packageId": "CHRG-103hhrg74346",
"lastModified": "2018-10-30T13:44:22Z",
"packageLink": "",
"docClass": "HHRG",
"title": "Bpa Electric Power Resources Acquisition"
"packageId": "CHRG-113shrg28394",
"lastModified": "2018-10-30T13:41:19Z",
"packageLink": "",
"docClass": "SHRG",
"title": "Reassessing Solitary Confinement II: The Human Rights, Fiscal, and Public Safety Consequences"
"packageId": "CHRG-115shrg27017",
"lastModified": "2018-10-30T13:41:16Z",
"packageLink": "",
"docClass": "SHRG",
"title": "Nominations of Brock Long, Russell Vought and Neomi Rao"

Originally posted by @jonquandt in #19 (comment)

Granule mods are not being returned

There's an issue where granule-level mods are not being returned. We're working on a fix for this. Package-level mods are unaffected.



Much of the relevant information from MODS for the granule is avaialble via the summary json

or it can be found in the MODS for the package:

See the relevant related item, i.e.:
<relatedItem type="constituent" ID="id-HMAN-115-pg339" xlink:href="">

Feature Request for HOB and CRI

Since these collections are published as one large update for all the granules we do not have a good way to determine if the data for individual granules has changed or deleted, we would be able to determine changes faster if there were an md5 hash for each granule (md5 of the the text of the granule). We could keep track of the previous md5 and compare it to the new one to see if things changed so we would not have to re-download every granule/file.
"count": 6550,
"offset": 0,
"pageSize": 100,
"nextPage": "",
"previousPage": null,
"granules": [
"title": "A bill to amend title 10 United States Code, to establish a punitive article in the Uniform Code of Military Justice on domestic violence, and for other purposes",
"granuleId": "HOB-2018-hr4639",
"granuleLink": ""m
"md5": "123456789..."


Type of change for updates made at section level

Hi team,
In the above API endpoint the 'action' key gives us whether the entire FR document is a rule or a proposed rule.

But as noticed in the particular ecfr link for that FR document :

There are multiple updates made for each legal citation at the section level. Is their any API endpoint that could give us the type of change made for an update made for each legal citation at the section level?

Thank you,

documentation around JSON/XML field definition and values in FR granules

Hi Team,

Could you please suggest if we have some documentation around the definition of fields (elements) and possible values they can take in Federal Register granule level XML files. E.g., and when and where they would be used, as they are not available in all granule XML files.

As well, if there is any documentation available around JSON values (e.g., citation, correction_of, proclamation_number, significant etc.) as well, would be very helpful. Some of them are self-explanatory, but it would be very helpful to have guided documentation around the fields/elements.

Thank you

duplicate data items

Hi all,

This is probably not an API issue, but there are a number packages that seem to have duplicate information.

Below is a list of the ones I've found.


Agency Mapping for Section or Each Granule

Hi team,

The ECFR website provides us with the regulatory entity mapping for each Title and Volume. Is their any API endpoint or source from which we can obtain this information in machine readable format? The ecfr link we are referring to is here :

For eg --
CFR-2018-title17-vol1-sec1-2, this particular granuleID is present in the below API endpoint :

We need to map each granuleID present in the above API endpoint with the regulatory entities present on the ECFR website. Any insight would be appreciated!

Thank you,

Bills missing from bills collection?

(This is as of Jan 23, 2:45pm eastern) If I hit the bills collection endpoint for all bills since 2019-01-01<my key>

It seems to be missing a number of senate bills, for example s158. The bill was clearly created/updated since 2019-01-01.

What should I be doing to get all bills from that endpoint?

Add Committee/subcommittee information to package and granule summaries

Including committee and subcommittee data for CHRG and other Congressional collections would be very valuable to users.

Currently they can find the committee information within the MODS metadata file, but it should be something that we expose on the package and granule summaries as well, where it's available in the data.

For example shows that it is from the Committee on Agriculture.

This should be relatively easy to add.

API is down?

Hi, the API seems to be down. Is there a status page or mailing list to get notified of outages?


Bills become law information not coming in API

Hi Team,

While analyzing the bills API I observed that once bill becomes Law or signed by president there is no entry in bill collection API.
As an example last version we can found for bill 115S2248 is ENR. There is no entry for it becoming the law.
API referred here is :

Could you please tell if this is the issue with API or there will be no entry for bill becoming law.
If there will not be any entry for bill becoming law, how to track its status?

Mani Mittal

api call to retrieve packages based on 'publication date'


startDate and endDate parameters are used to search against the lastModified value for the individual packages, Could you let me know if there is a way to get packages based on their publication date?

I was trying to get FR issues published on December 10, 2018. Here is the API call I tried and the JSON response I received.
API Call:
JSON Output: {"count":0,"message":"No results found","nextPage":null,"previousPage":null,"packages":[]}

With the change in Start date like this, I got the result am looking for.
API Call:
JSON Output: {"count":1,"message":null,"nextPage":null,"previousPage":null,"packages":[{"packageId":"FR-2018-12-10","lastModified":"2018-12-08T05:24:32Z","packageLink":"","docClass":"FR","title":"Federal Register Volume 83 Issue 236 (December 10, 2018)","congress":null}]}

I understand that since the last modified date of “FR-2018-12-10” package is 8th December, it didn’t come with my first API call.
I am looking for retrieving all packages published on a specific date.

Thank you.

Related Documents Service


As a govinfo API user, I want to find documents related to one that I already know about, so I can understand how the documents interact.

Acceptance Criteria

  • user specifies a packageId (required) and granuleId(optional)
  • json output
  • return:
    • a list of packageId/granuleIds related to specified accessId - includes all known/implemented relationships
    • description of relationship ( "Bill Version", "Federal Register Documents Related by Regulation Identification Number (RIN)")


  1. should the relationship description be human-readable or will a machine-readable code with separate provided mapping be sufficient?
  2. would rdf output be desirable?

Question: USCOURTS Total Package Count Variance

Quick question, I've just started looking into the API specificity for the US COURTS.
When you call the collection endpoint:
It returns the package and granule count for each collection.

The USCOURTS Collection has a package count of: 3,801,046
"collectionCode": "USCOURTS",
"collectionName": "United States Courts Opinions",
"packageCount": 3801046,
"granuleCount": 2617554

Now when I call the USCOURTS collections endpoint:

I get back a total count of 1,184,518
{ "count": 1184518, "message": null, "nextPage": "", "previousPage": null, "packages": [] }

I've tried change the date and no matter what I change it to this is the maximum total packages available.

So is the total packageCount from the collection the real total or not?

If so how do I obtain the rest of the packages when I invoke the USCOURTS collection api call?

Thank you.

api maintenance

We're doing some maintenance on the backend API. You may see some intermittent 502 errors when trying to connect over the next hour. I will close this ticket when the work is complete

Collections API returning an outdated 'lastModified' date for many bills after 12-21-18

A query of the Collections API for recent bills returns many bills whose 'lastModified' date seems to be frozen at 12-21-2018, though their status XML has a later date, and updated information (e.g. P.L. numbers).

An illustrative example, from the query, is the value for item 1750, corresponding to packageId: "BILLS-115hr1733enr". The item has the following object, with lastModified: 2018-12-21T02:27:00Z:

   packageId: "BILLS-115hr1733enr",
   lastModified: "2018-12-21T02:27:00Z",
   packageLink: "…LLS-115hr1733enr/summary",
   docClass: "hr",
   title: "An Act To direct the Sec…f used lubricating oil.",
   congress: "115"

The billstatus API for this bill, however, has an updateDate of 2019-01-21T17:31:40Z, and new information (including a P.L. number of 115-345). (see

This mismatch seems to apply to bills after 12-20-2018, and before some time in January. I am assuming that the 'lastModified' date relates to the package itself and is being updated when, e.g. a P.L. number is added for an enrolled bill.

Endpoint to display differences between different editions of CFR, USCODE

Hi team,

Is their any API endpoint output that gives us the difference in old regulation text and new within the code of Federal Regulations, for any rule changes published in the federal register.

Secondly is their an API endpoint or access to difference between old and new text for US Code statutes, for any legislative changes via the Congress.

The information that we're looking for can be in any form from XML File returned after making a certain API call or the JSON response received upon making a certain API call.

Thank you,

Request for LSA section level info in JSON or XML format

Hi Team,

LSA collection provides list of CFR sections affected. I was able to get the granules links that provides Title level information e.g., API call that provides granules in LSA collection published in Jan-2019:
From the above link, using the ‘granuleLink’, I could get summary info for each title. (e.g., API link:
from this summary link, in order to get the details of the sections effected, I think I need to look at pdf and htm format links ("txtLink" and "pdfLink"). E.g., htm format link:; and pdfLink:

Could you let me know if the sections effected information is available through XML or JSON? I would like to consolidate each section that got affected separately, e.g., write each section that got affected to a single row in csv file.
This kind of manipulation on the PDF and HTM format seems complex, rather not possible as am not able to set demarcation between the section numbers start and end in the HTML format.
Please suggest if I am missing to get the right API link in order to get the section level info in easy manipulation or machine readable format.

Thank you

value of 'volumeCount' variable in CFR collection JSON output

Hi Team,

I am trying to construct the CFR-2018 section level index with the help of CFR collection API call. E.g., this API call ( provides ‘volume1’ header level information in CFR Title 12 as JSON output.
“{"title":"Banks and Banking","collectionCode":"CFR","collectionName":"Code of Federal Regulations (annual edition)","category":"Regulatory Information","dateIssued":"2018-01-01","detailsLink":"","granulesLink":"","packageId":"CFR-2018-title12-vol1","download":{"xmlLink":"","pdfLink":"","txtLink":"","modsLink":"","premisLink":"","zipLink":""},"branch":"executive","pages":"1118","governmentAuthor1":"National Archives and Records Administration","governmentAuthor2":"Office of the Federal Register","suDocClassNumber":"AE 2.106/3:12/","documentType":"CFR","titleNumber":"12","partRange":{"from":"1","to":"199"},"volumeCount":"8","publisher":"Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration","otherIdentifier":{"migrated-doc-id":"12CFR"},"lastModified":"2018-08-03T21:54:07Z"}”

I thought the {"volumeCount":"8"} indicates the total number of volumes in CFR Title 12. But it seems not, there are total 10 volumes in Title12, here is the API link to get Volume10:

Could you confirm what indicates the “volumeCount” key in the JSON output?

Thank you

Title 12 2018 API showing last modified date as 2019-05-06

Hi Team,

I have recently extracted the Title 12 API Data for 2018 (CFR-2018-title12-vol1). That time it was showing last modified date as 2018-08-03. Since new data is available for 2019 but 2018 API is also showing last modified date as 2019-05-06. Does this means metadata for 2018 is also changed and I need to extract the 2018 data again.
Sample API :

Please look into the issue and suggest.

Thanks and regards,
Mani Mittal

US Code data for 2018/2019

Hi Team,

US code 2017 edition data is available in API format on govinfo. Is there any update on 2018/2019 editions for US Code.

Mani Mittal

Title 12 volume 2 and volume 5 data not available.

Hi Team,

While checking for 2019 data for title 12 we found it is missing for volume 2 and volume 5. I have mentioned the API calls below. Please let us know when the data will be available.

Also please let us know if there will be any change in data already available and how to track those changes.
Please do let us know the timelines for uploading 2019 data for remaining titles as well.

Mani Mittal

FR issue granules (granule content) in XML format

Hi Team,

I am looking for an efficient way to get the content/section numbers/amendment details of selected granules of a FR issue. The XML structure of FR issues provides this information, but it is at entire issue level. Is there a way to get the XML format file at a granule level as well. Right now, I see that the granules data (the content) is available in pdf and htm formats.

e.g., package FR-2019-01-23, I can get the entire issue with this api call:,
in this if I am interested only the granule “2019-00089” and section numbers and amendment details mentioned in it, I had to search for the granule ID in the XML and take the help of XML tree structure (which is ,

and tags) to get the required content that I am looking for.

I am wondering if the XML structure of the granules are available separately, like how htm and pdf version are given:

If there are any alternative ways to get FR granule level content/specific section numbers of a granule from API rather taking XML file , please suggest.

Thank you

Is the GovInfo API down?

I am unable to get to the documentation page for GovInfo's API. The connection times out with a message of "’s server IP address could not be found." Tried connecting with a Mac and Windows machine through Google Chrome.

Following the example for the Congressional Record collection found here,, fails for the same reason. Attempted the example with both Python's requests and cURL but no success.

Is the API down?

Here is the error from Python's requests.

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /collections/CREC/2018-10-01T00:00:00Z?pageSize=10&offset=0
(Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x110a79650>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known',))

Attempted passing the API key as an HTTP query and as a query parameter.

missing html and pdf download links for CHRG collection at summary link

Hi all seems like CHRG collection is missing the html and pdf download links at the summary level

"collectionCode": "CHRG",
"collectionName": "Congressional Hearings",
"category": "Congressional Committee Materials",
"dateIssued": "2009-05-19",
"detailsLink": "",
"granulesLink": "",
"packageId": "CHRG-111shrg54718",
"download": {
"modsLink": "",
"premisLink": "",
"zipLink": ""

shouldn't there be html and pdf download links in there? like on

Search Service - Public Preview

Here's an upcoming service we're thinking about. We'd love to have feedback on any additional features within this service.


As a govinfo api user, I want to be able to get a limited subset of packages or granules based on a query.

Acceptance Criteria

  • search by keyword or specific search operators (similar to existing govinfo ui)
  • allow user to specify fields returned (based on availability within index)
  • field names should follow summary json naming convention
  • specify whether response should be at the default mix of package and granules or only packages
  • allow users to sort ascending or descending using a subset of fields
  • specify pageSize - upper limit still pending
  • default fields returned
    • packageId
    • granuleId
    • lastModified
    • dateIssued
    • lastModified
    • download links to individual content and metadata files
    • summaryLink to the package or granule summary


  • FR documents that have "bicycle" in the title, including xml and pdf links
  • Congressional Record entries for a particular speaking Member

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