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uservoice-ios-sdk's Issues

Header Visibility and Copying Categories

Just two minor things about adding the static library:

The three main include headers (UserVoice.h, UVDelegate.h and UVStyleSheet.h) have their visibility set to "project", those should be "public" so Xcode can find them.

Also, it is not necessary to copy the class catgeories in "Categories" into the project, those are compiled into the framework and thanks to the -ObjC flag will be loaded and can be used. The -all_load flag is also not needed, the -ObjC flag does that job for all Objective-C code.

Thanks for a great framework!

No refresh option in Give feedback page

  1. After user gives a new feedback from , it is not displayed immediately
  2. After new comment being added from the website, the new comment is not displayed on the phone
  3. No option to refresh

Setting custom tableViewHeaderColor for Stylesheet has no effect

Overrode the default stylesheet with my own, using this method

- (UIColor *)tableViewHeaderColor {
    return [UIColor whiteColor];

Does not have any effect. Other colors are working fine, but for this I'm left with the Blue color/ gray shadow which does not look good with a dark background.

Also, the info panel says this is iOS SDK version 1.0... but I just grabbed the latest code from git.

Unable to get UserVoice working in iPhone app

Hi, I've been trying to include UserVoice in an iPhone app, but haven't been successful. I followed all the steps in the README, and everything compiles etc (libUserVoice.a turns black in the Folder listing), but the call to presentUserVoiceModalViewControllerForParent seems to simply have no effect. Could anyone give me pointers to solve this?

Malformed NSURL's make phonegap integration difficult

All the URL's loaded by the sdk are malformed and return a null host name. When integrating into a PhoneGap app it's typical to restrict URL access in the app with a whitelist. But the whitelist can't work against a nil/null host. The issue is in the HTTPRiot source: HRRequestOperation.m, composedURL

[NSURL URLWithString:[[baseURL absoluteString] stringByAppendingPathComponent:_path]];

Constructing the URL in this manner results in a url with a single slash after the scheme, for example:
_path = "/api/v1/client.json"

using stringByAppendingPathComponent results in

Is you ask for the host from this NSURL you always get nil. I'd recommend not using stringByAppendingPathComponent to construct the URL.

Full width "Enter your idea", isn't obviously a textfield

While the full width "Enter your idea" text field looks slick, for a user that is new to UserVoice it looks more like a heading rather than a text field. Making it like a standard text field with margin around would make it more obvious what the user is expected to do next.

Crash shortly after opening modal view, probably on a response

The version 4d1757a crashes right after opening modal view.
We are configuring UserVoice with SSO.

Stack trace is below:

id object = [dict objectForKey:key]; (UVBaseModel.m 148)
self.providers = [[self objectOrNilForDict:authentication key:@"provider"] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate]; (UVUser.m 208) UVBaseModel *model = [[[self.modelClass alloc] initWithDictionary:dict] autorelease]; (UVResponseDelegate.m 27)
[modelClass didReturnModel:[self modelForDictionary:dict] callback:object]; (UVResponseDelegate 85)

UserVoice Fails To Load - No Access Toke

I am trying to load the UserVoice UI using the following method per the example app and it prints out in the console "No Access Token" with the connection eventually timing out.

  [UserVoice presentUserVoiceModalViewControllerForParent:host

Non-Modal presentation for UserVoice Interface

I would like the flexibility of presenting the UserVoice screen-set in a fashion other than a modal view. For example, my current usecase requires me to present it as a tab bar item in a UITabBarController

Therefore I would like to contribute some edits where a UIViewController is returned for folks to work with, as they please. In my case I can also contribute an example to the other git project, showcasing how to utilize this easily in a tab bar controller.

Before I go & fork-off to make said changes ... I would like to hear some opinions: Is this something that the maintainers of UserVoice would be willing to accept if I were to issue a pull request, at least in principle? I can understand if my coding style raises any objections :)

Cannot send "Contact us" message

Debug output:

signableString: POST, /api/v1/messages.json --, message%5Bmessage_subject_id%5D=&message%5Btext%5D=Test2&oauth_consumer_key=xxxxx&oauth_nonce=xxxxx&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1303058225&oauth_token=xxxxx&oauth_version=1.0
2011-04-17 20:37:05.605 xxxxx[28078:40b] Secret: xxxxx&xxxxx
2011-04-17 20:37:05.610 xxxxx[28078:40b] Signable: POST&
2011-04-17 20:37:05.611 xxxxx[28078:40b] HTTP Path: /api/v1/messages.json
2011-04-17 20:37:05.613 xxxxx[28078:40b] HTTP Options: {
    body =     {
        "message[message_subject_id]" = "";
        "message[text]" = Test2;
    headers =     {
        Authorization = "OAuth oauth_consumer_key=\"xxxxx\",oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\",oauth_signature=\"xxxxx%3D\",oauth_timestamp=\"1303058225\",oauth_nonce=\"xxxxx\",oauth_version=\"1.0\",oauth_token=\"xxxxx\"";
        "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
2011-04-17 20:37:06.282 xxxxx[28078:40b] DidReceiveResponse: 
2011-04-17 20:37:06.283 xxxxx[28078:40b] [UVBaseModel didReceiveError]: Error Domain=uservoice Code=404 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (uservoice error 404.)" UserInfo=0x70cac50 {type=record_not_found, message=Couldn't find MessageSubject with ID= AND (`message_subjects`.subdomain_id = 89759)}
2011-04-17 20:37:06.285 xxxxx[28078:40b] No user

Let the user know that their email will not be visible

The user is required to enter an email address, but it's not clear that only admins can see that address. I can imagine it would make some people more comfortable if they knew that their email address is not being shown publicly (at least that would work for me). Maybe just writing Required, not publicly shown as placeholder in the email field would make a difference?

"xcodebuild" build error with iphonesimulator5.0 SDK (Xcode 4.2.1)

Valid architecture should include i386.

xcodebuild -target UserVoice -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator
Build settings from command line:
SDKROOT = iphonesimulator5.0

Check dependencies
[BEROR]No architectures to compile for (ARCHS=armv7 armv6, VALID_ARCHS=i386).


The following build commands failed:
Check dependencies
(1 failure)

Crash When Presenting Modal View Controller


I'm trying to incorporate the SDK into my app. I've downloaded and imported the static library, header files, and resources.

I'm calling this from a detail view controller in a split view controller on an iPad app (XCode 4.3.1, Deployment iOS 4.0, Base SDK iOS 5.1) :

[UserVoice setDelegate:self];
[UserVoice presentUserVoiceModalViewControllerForParent:self

I get the following log entry when running in the simulator:
2012-03-17 14:33:59.218 GradeBook Pro[18003:15203] View will appear (RootView)
2012-03-17 14:33:59.219 GradeBook Pro[18003:15203] No access token
2012-03-17 14:33:59.221 GradeBook Pro[18003:15203] -[__NSCFConstantString URLEncodedString]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x161eb4
2012-03-17 14:33:59.233 GradeBook Pro[18003:15203] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFConstantString URLEncodedString]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x161eb4'

I tried the exact same syntax for the call from the demo app that you have available and it appears to work perfectly fine. I'd appreciate any advise that you can give.

UVStreamPoller is never stopped?

Dear dev team,
I noticed that UVStreamPoller is started from UVSuggestionListViewController, but it's never stopped!

The results of this is that my application continues to log the following, even after I closed the UserVoice modal controller:

2010-12-31 10:43:03.059 Immobiliare-dbg[74299:40b] DidReceiveResponse: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0xb9978d0>

2010-12-31 10:43:03.059 Immobiliare-dbg[74299:40b] Got public stream

Is this a wanted 'feature' ? It's a bit annoying to waste bandwidth for polling the system, if the uservoice controller is not opened :)

Thanks for your support.

Typo in README

The invocation 1. section of the README says to call


but should be


Unused plist file

You have UserVoice-info.plist at the root of this project, but it is completely unused. Should be deleted.

Cannot add idea and account at same time

This issue occurs in the demo app so not sure if it's a bug with the demo app or the SDK.

Not signed in to User Voice.
Enter a new idea
Click to Add the idea
On the New Suggestion page type in a new email address that doesn't have a UserVoice account
Click Create Idea

Get an error saying "A suggestion with this title already exists. Please change the title."


I integerated UserVoice SDK in an iPhone app, when I run it on the simulator it connects and runs perfectly, when I try to run it from the device I'm presented with the following error:
SecTrustRef:0x[variable number]

Am I doing anything wrong? Please advice.

Crash bug in UVImageView

I get crashes when scrolling quickly through a comment page;

It appears that UVImageView stopLoading (and thus _connection cancel) is sometimes called on non-nil but no longer active connections. I suspect the connection has been stopped, or failed, earlier and then gets a reload?

Better bookkeeping on _connection (proper releasing and setting to nil various places in the code) seems to fix the problem...

Is this bug known and scheduled for a fix?

Logout button is seen when using SSO exclusively

Current behaviour: When using SSO for authorization, logout button is shown in profile page of the user.

Expected behaviour: Since we use our own SSO system, we do not expect user to sign out and sign in with another account. Therefore we think it is better if no logout button is shown to the user.

Steps to reproduce:
1- Sign in as a user with SSO token
2- Go to your profile
3- See logout button at the bottom.

Not very clear how to enter new suggestions

Click "I suggest you..."

What do I do next???

The box for entering your new idea doesn't jump out at you compared to the listing of existing ideas. It needs some kind of border. Currently it just looks like a page header label.

Then when you work out you need to enter something to search first, if there are more results than will fit on the page it's not clear how to enter your idea - you have to scroll way down to see the 'Add' idea button.

Don't shoot the messenger...

libuservoice.a missing from SDK

Hi all, perhaps I'm not looking in the right place, but I do not see the libuservoice.a in the current SDK folders. In the example demo file I did find the library, but I believe it is out of date because it throws errors when included in my project.

The errors are related to the UVNetworkUtils class & SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags is what is being referenced.

Not possible to vote as anonymous

In v1.0.2 it is not possible to vote as anonymous, even if it is the default setting in the admin zone for a free plan.

Is it a bug?

Missing UVNewMessageViewController

UVNewMessageViewController is missing in the master branch. Beside that, there're a few errors:

Classes/UVWelcomeView.m: error: Semantic Issue: Property 'messagesEnabled' not found on object of type 'UVSubdomain *'

The ipad-compatibility branch seem to work, but the UI is mess up in the landscape mode.

UserVoice doesn't refresh after account created

Once I've created my profile in the app, in the UserVoice modal (using [UserVoice presentUserVoiceInterfaceForParentViewController:self andConfig:config];), I put the app in background and confirm my mail.
I go back in the app. The modal keeps telling me my email account isn't validated and I have no votes.

This is because their is no refresh. Is there a way to handle that or is this a bug?

Lose ugly transition from loading screen

If the UserVoice screen is loading for the first time, then there's a "Connecting to UserVoice" message shown with a spinner. Then when the page is loaded, a nav bar suddenly appears, causing the message and spinner to be pushed down the screen and the feedback page pushes in from the right. Looks very messy, particularly if all this has been presented in a modal sliding up from the bottom.


It would look better to not have the push transition and just make the Feedback page appear instantly when it is loaded.

Some bugs

Dear UserVoice:

I found your iPhone SDK have not update since beta version in 2009, I would like to know how to fix there bugs as follows:

first of all, your iPhone SDK do NOT support iPhone 4 Retina Display, that will be cause a bad user experience.

1. when the user sign in, so he tap "name" textfield firstly, so he need to put his password when his account has exists, then he put his password, but he change his mind at this time, he would like to use an another account to sign in, so it will cause auto sign in when he put his new name in "name" textfield, "password" textfield should to be clear automatically when he change his username.

2. I found 404 error when i tap "my profile" -> " Created %d ideas" or "supporting %d ideas".

3. some times you tap a topic of suggestions in Welcome controller, the ideas can not be loaded in list. No ideas loaded so I only can create a new.

4. it should be cancelled when you put a empty title when you create a new suggestion.

5. Sometimes we will cause a error named "Sorry, there was an error in the application."

6. We are translating UI to chinese, it should be support muple-languages, 

CIL Group Ltd.

iPad version?

Dear UserVoice team,
I'm successfully using UserVoice on the iPhone version of our application. I'd like to use it also on the iPad version, on a small popover controller.
I noticed that current version of uservoice doesn't work very well on iPad (I'm afraid because it wants to works always as a fullscreen modal controller?)
Do you plan to provide a better iPad support in the future?
Thanks in advance.

Three20 directory is unused

You have a Three20 directory inside your Vendor directory, including an xcode project file. None of this stuff is actually used, so it should be deleted.

use my own feedback form

Hello, i want know if it's possibile use my own feedback form and submit the feedback to my uservoice account without use your ui default interface...

Allow modalpresentationstyle to be changed

Using UserVoice presentUserVoiceInterfaceForParentViewController: does not allow the modal presentation style to be changed, and thus is only displayed full screen on the iPad. I'm also not seeing a way to set allowed orientations.

Italian Translation

Hello, i read the guide for Translation, but i don't understand very well, so i have edited the file strings.txt and i have add the italian language, i can give you the file so you can add the language?


Problem creating idea as anonymous user.

I integrated the latest SDK today and ran into a couple of issues while attempting to create an idea as an anonymous user.

First, the voting segmented control appears twice in the view:

Next, when I tap, "Create idea," I receive a validation message that, "User name can't be blank." When I fill-in all of the fields, the error message persists.

Am I doing something wrong?

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[UserVoice setDelegate:]: unrecognized selector sent to class

Hello, when i try to run the example app, or my app on the simulator all go fine, but when i try to run it on my iPhone 3gs iOS 4.2.1 i receive this error:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[UserVoice setDelegate:]: unrecognized selector sent to class

both in the example user voice and in my app, also if i use this line:

[UVStyleSheet setStyleSheet:[[[DemoStyleSheet alloc] init] autorelease]];

give me this error:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[UVStyleSheet setStyleSheet:]: unrecognized selector sent to class

what i can do?

Register process from within the app very confusing

I'm running into the following issue. We would like to use uservoice from within the app. But most of our test-users don't have an uservoice account yet.

This creates the following scenario:

  • User submits an idea
  • Gets feedback that he needs to register
  • After registering he gets feedback that he doesn't have any votes left

The only thing that signals a problem is the triangle in the users cell. But if you click that, you don't get any feedback but need to press 'edit my profile' to see that you need to confirm your email.

If people confirm on the website, they are logged in there (on the iPhone you only see the logo and username above the fold)

The user switched back to the app, en finds out he needs a password. Turns out you can change that on the website (below the fold)

Is there an easier way to have people directly posting feedback? Maybe anonymous or with an easier register process?

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