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mkdist's Issues

Declarations not genered to `.mts` and `.cts` files


mkdist 1.1.2 on Node.js 16.14.2, v18.14.0.


  1. Have .mts and .cts files in your src directory.
  2. Run mkdist -d --ext js
Example project files
// farewells.cts
export function sayGoodbye(name: string) {
  console.log(`Goodbye, ${name}!`)
// greetings.ts
export function sayHello(name: string) {
  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`)
// index.mts
import { sayHello } from './greetings.js'
import { sayGoodbye } from './farewells.cjs'

StackBlitz example: (use pnpm build:tsc to build with TypeScript and pnpm build:mkdist to build with mkdist, start to run ./dist/index.mjs with Node).

Describe the bug

mkdist ignores .cts and .mts files and copies them as is instead of compiling them to .cjs (+.d.cts) and .mjs (+.d.mts) respectfully.

Additional context

I could've tried to explain the importance of these file extensions on my own but Bing did a nicer job than me 😒

The .mjs and .cjs extensions are used to specify the module type of a JavaScript file in Node.js 16+. The .mjs extension indicates that the file is an ECMAScript module (ESM), which is a standard format for modular JavaScript code. The .cjs extension indicates that the file is a CommonJS module, which is a legacy format that was widely used before ESM was introduced12.

The .mts and .cts extensions are used to specify the module type of a TypeScript file. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static types and other features. The .mts extension indicates that the file is an ESM TypeScript file, which will be emitted as an .mjs file when compiled to JavaScript. The .cts extension indicates that the file is a CommonJS TypeScript file, which will be emitted as a .cjs file when compiled to JavaScript1.

These extensions help Node.js to determine how to load and execute different types of modules without relying on ambiguous heuristics or configuration options3. They also help developers to write clear and consistent code across different environments.

While this is a nice explanation, it fails to mention a few other important things:

If your file has a .ts extension, TypeScript always assumes the resulting file will have .js extension. So if any of the files in your project imports the other file that has .ts extension, and you use Node16 (NodeNext) module resolution (which you very much should btw), TypeScript forces you to write import with .js extension, which is incompatible with mkdist, unless you force it in .js extension mode (--ext js), which you cannot do in environments like nuxt-module-builder without patching it (which is exactly what I'm struggling with and what I am doing).

The other important thing is that .ts, .cts, .mts on the declaration files imply the existence of the file with the same basename: that is, index.d.ts says β€˜the declaration file is for index.js’, a.d.cts is β€˜for a.cjs’, and b.d.mts is β€˜for b.mjs’. That becomes super important for libraries that ship with wildcard exports in package.json, as well helps you as developer to avoid writing types condition which may or may not lead to a correct declaration file (without types export condition TypeScript looks for [basename].d.[ts/cts/mts]).

  "exports": {
    "./locale-data/*": { "import": "./dist/locale-data/*" }


No response


  1. ↩ ↩2

  2. ↩

  3. ↩

Security Issue: Please push new tag. CVE-2023-39323


Tag 1.3.0 has a vulnerable version of esbuild 1.18.4:

The main branch has the up to date secure version of esbuild already:


I have several code security scanners all flagging this issue in the package.json. Relevant nist report:

Describe the bug

The latest current tag 1.3.0 has a vulnerable version of esbuild in it. The main branch has the patched version of esbuild in it. Can you push up a minor version update of like 1.3.1 which would include the main branch with the latest patched version of esbuild which is at 0.19.5.

Tag 1.3.0 has a vulnerable version of esbuild 1.18.4:

The main branch has the up to date secure version of 0.19.5 already:


Additional context



No response

Option to disable transpiling for Vue SFC

In <script setup lang="ts">, SFC compiler uses TS definition as the hint for generating runtime props. example

Currently, mkdist will always remove the TS annotation make the information lost. I think we should introduce an option to disable the behaviour and probably bypass <script setup lang="ts"> smartly by default.

Allow custom glob patterns for input files.

Hello, I was looking to integrate unbuild in a component library where I ship both a compiled version of all components and the uncompiled vue files.

For the last step (ship uncompiled, individual component files), I would use mkdist, but I noticed that there is no way to filter the type of input files. In my case, I have in the same folder tests, Storybook stories, .vue files, and some shared .ts files.

It would be great to have the option to customize the ** glob that is used by default with an array of glob patterns.

cjs format should not replace "exports.default =" to "module.exports = " when "exports.default =" in last line

a reproduction or simple code @pi0

// src/Foo.ts
export enum Type {

export default class Action {}
// dist/Foo.js
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
module.exports = exports.Type = void 0;
var Type = exports.Type = /* @__PURE__ */(Type2 => {
  Type2[Type2["Foo"] = 0] = "Foo";
  Type2[Type2["Bar"] = 1] = "Bar";
  return Type2;
})(Type || {});
class Action {}
module.exports = Action;
// test.js
const foo = require('./dist/Foo');
$ node test.js
foo =  [class Action]
foo.Type = undefined

Hi! πŸ‘‹

Firstly, thanks for your work on this project! πŸ™‚

Today I used patch-package to patch [email protected] for the project I'm working on.

Here is the diff that solved my problem:

diff --git a/node_modules/mkdist/dist/index.mjs b/node_modules/mkdist/dist/index.mjs
index 1403db8..7b1582a 100644
--- a/node_modules/mkdist/dist/index.mjs
+++ b/node_modules/mkdist/dist/index.mjs
@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ const jsLoader = async (input, { options }) => {
   const isCjs = options.format === "cjs";
   if (isCjs) {
-    contents = jiti("").transform({ source: contents, retainLines: false }).replace(/^exports.default = /gm, "module.exports = ").replace(/^var _default = exports.default = /gm, "module.exports = ").replace("module.exports = void 0;", "");
+    contents = jiti("")
+      .transform({ source: contents, retainLines: false })
+      .replace("module.exports = void 0;", "");
   let extension = isCjs ? ".js" : ".mjs";
   if (options.ext) {

This issue body was partially generated by patch-package.

Missing file extensions for multi-line imports

Thank you for your work on this project. It is (nearly) perfect for my use case. I'm authoring a pure ESM library in typescript, so the addition of file extensions to imports is very very nice.

However, I've seemed to find a bug... If import statements are over multiple lines, the file extensions does not seem to be resolved in the output (making the ESM dist incompatible with Node and the browser).


// src/index.ts
import { a } from './a';
import {
} from './b';
export { a, b }
$ mkdist
// dist/index.mjs
import { a } from './a.mjs';
import { 
} from './b'; // <- .mjs missing, breaks ESM
export { a, b }

This is the commit where I changed imports and things started working correctly: manzt/zarrita.js@bd6706a (#29)

[DOC] How to use?

I have a directory:

└── src
    └── map.vue


  <div @click="onClick">{{count}}</div>

<script lang="ts">
export default {
  data() {
    return { count: 0 };
  method: {
    onClick() {
      this.count += 1;

<style lang="less" scoped>
div {
  color: red;


cd project
mkdist --format=esm --ext=vue -d

Then it get:

β”œβ”€β”€ dist
β”‚   └── map.vue
└── src
    └── map.vue

What I really want to get is:

β”œβ”€β”€ dist
β”‚   └── map.js
└── src
    └── map.vue

Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Awaiting Schedule

These updates are awaiting their schedule. Click on a checkbox to get an update now.

  • chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (@types/node, @vitest/coverage-v8, @volar/typescript, @vue/language-core, cssnano, esbuild, eslint-config-unjs, mlly, pkg-types, pnpm, sass, semver, vitest, vue, vue-tsc)


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Ignored or Blocked

These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.

Detected dependencies

  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/setup-node v4
  • autofix-ci/action ea32e3a12414e6d3183163c3424a7d7a8631ad84
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/setup-node v4
  • codecov/codecov-action v4
  • autoprefixer ^10.4.19
  • citty ^0.1.6
  • cssnano ^7.0.0
  • defu ^6.1.4
  • esbuild ^0.20.2
  • fs-extra ^11.2.0
  • globby ^14.0.1
  • jiti ^1.21.0
  • mlly ^1.6.1
  • mri ^1.2.0
  • pathe ^1.1.2
  • pkg-types ^1.1.0
  • postcss ^8.4.38
  • postcss-nested ^6.0.1
  • semver ^7.6.0
  • @types/fs-extra ^11.0.4
  • @types/mri ^1.2.0
  • @types/node ^20.12.7
  • @types/semver ^7.5.8
  • @vitest/coverage-v8 ^1.5.2
  • @volar/typescript ^2.2.0-alpha.10
  • @vue/language-core ^2.0.14
  • changelogen ^0.5.5
  • eslint ^8.57.0
  • eslint-config-unjs ^0.2.1
  • modern-normalize ^2.0.0
  • prettier ^3.2.5
  • sass ^1.75.0
  • typescript ^5.4.5
  • unbuild ^2.0.0
  • vitest ^1.5.2
  • vue ^3.4.25
  • vue-tsc ^2.0.14
  • vue-tsc1 ^1.8.27
  • sass ^1.75.0
  • typescript >=5.4.5
  • vue-tsc ^1.8.27 || ^2.0.14
  • pnpm 9.0.6

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

cjs failure

when passing in { format: 'cjs' } I get the following error:

 ERROR  The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined                                    12:19:22

  at validateString (internal/validators.js:124:11)
  at dirname (path.js:1128:5)
  at t.transform.Object.assign.legacy (node_modules/jiti/dist/jiti.js:1:40213)
  at Function.f [as transform] (node_modules/jiti/dist/jiti.js:1:40499)
  at jsLoader (node_modules/mkdist/dist/index.js:35:44)
  at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
  at async loadFile (node_modules/mkdist/dist/index.js:83:23)
  at async vueLoader (node_modules/mkdist/dist/index.js:57:24)
  at async loadFile (node_modules/mkdist/dist/index.js:83:23)
  at async Object.mkdist (node_modules/mkdist/dist/index.js:115:21)

support custom plugin

Describe the feature

I want to use unbuild mkdist to process a batch of svg file, converted to react component, i can't find a way to do that

see example in here:

Additional information

  • Would you be willing to help implement this feature?

Performance benefits are lost when using CJS transform due to JITI using Babel

Hey! First of all, thank you so much for this awesome package! I've started using it with unbuild and it has been a life-saver.

I'd like to point out that I've experienced a massive speed loss when generating CJS. I suspect it's due to the fact that the esm generated by esbuild gets passed to jiti (which uses babel instead of esbuild).

Could you give the option to use esbuild exclusively as a CJS transformer instead, or pass the esbuild transform to jiti?

Sass compilation


Node 18.15.0.
mkdist: latest


No reproduction

Describe the bug

As per the documentation in, it's mentioned that only js, ts and vue files would be transformed.

runtime/*: Individually transformed files using [unjs/mkdist](
Javascript and .ts files will be transformed to .mjs with extracted types on .d.ts file with same name
.vue files will be transformed with extracted .d.ts file
-> Other files will be copied as is

I have an issue where sass files are transformed to empty css but I would like the scss file to be copied as is. I see from the tests that scss files are compiled:


Is there a way to opt-out of this and to just copy the file as is?

Additional context

No response


No response

Merge with unbuild

Maintaining mkdist seperated from unbuild only makes sense if mkdist is commonly used separated or it increases testability or maintainability.

I think for next steps, it makes sense to merge mkdist into unbuild and maintain single version.

The option cleanDist was never added to args of citty


Name Version
mkdist --version 1.5.0
node --version v22.0.0
npm --version 10.5.1
lsb_release -ds Arch Linux
uname -mr 6.8.7-arch1-1 x86_64


create fresh

# create a tmp dir and navigate to
cd $(mktemp -d)

# initialize empty package.json
npm init -y

# set package "type" to "module
# add "start" to package scripts
npm pkg set type="module" scripts.start="node src/index.js"

# create src/
mkdir src

# write some dummy console
echo 'console.log("xyzzy");' > src/index.js

# build for esm
npx mkdist --dist=dist --format=esm --ext=mjs

# build for cjs
npx mkdist --dist=dist --format=cjs --ext=cjs

# check dist/ files
tree dist

└── index.cjs

1 directory, 1 file

every build is cleaning the dist/

Describe the bug

every build is cleaning the dist/
I'm aware the cleanDist option was added f613c17 but no cli arg was ever added

cd $(mktemp -d); npm init -y; npm pkg set type="module" scripts.start="node src/index.js"
mkdir src; echo 'console.log("xyzzy");' > src/index.js

npx mkdist --dist=dist --format=esm --ext=mjs
npx mkdist --dist=dist --format=cjs --ext=cjs

tree dist
└── index.cjs

1 directory, 1 file

Additional context

I've just made a PR for this issue, will link here shortly
UPDATE: #217


No response

Improve Vue <script setup lang="ts"> handling

Describe the feature

Currently, <script setup lang="ts"> is being completely bypassed, as of #15. However, bypassing should only be needed when using type-only macros, e.g. defineProps<{ foo: number }>()(not defineProps({ foo: Number })).

So, to improve this:

  • Quick and acceptable solution: do not exclude files that don't have any type-only macros
  • Best solution: avoid bypassing completely by converting type-only macros to their runtime definition counterparts, e.g. convert defineProps<{ foo: number }>() to defineProps({ foo: number }). This may be complex to implement, and may even require help from the Vue team. The reverse of may work.

I will implement the "quick and acceptable solution" soon.

Additional information

  • Would you be willing to help implement this feature?

[mjs] CJS syntax warning

Warn if CommonJS syntax detected to use ext: js or format: cjs

  • require
  • __filename / __dirname
  • module.*
  • exports.*

TODO: Upgrade syntax when possible

Does it supports `tsconfig` paths out of the box?

Describe the feature

It will be nice to support tsconfig paths, or at least allow for aliasing, so it can be done manually.

Additional information

  • Would you be willing to help implement this feature?

[mjs] resolve imports

For valid .mjs / type: module output, we need to resolve imports with explicit extension and also handle index files. This way a relative import is a valid URL.

Maybe provide options to define custom esbuild options?

Hello, I want to use unbuild with mkdist builder to bundle my vue component library and publish them to npm. When using it in my vite project, it seems like vite will not do transform code inside node_modules and, however, my code are required to run in a web browser with chormium 70 and some syntaxs like optional chain may not be supported. I found that using unbuild with rollup builder supports custom rollupOptions and thus can specify custom esbuild options while mkdist does not support custom esbuild options. Maybe mkdist can provide options to define custom esbuild options? Thanks a lot!


Transpilation of vue components with script setup

Hi, i use your package through (unbuild)[].

And after a lot of test to translate ts component to js. I'm fail with component who use scrip setup.
The component is only copy without transformation. with ts or js component it's ok and the type file is generate.

Maybe i miss something =)

Have a nice day

Capture d’écran 2022-02-01 aΜ€ 16 47 55

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