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Comments (17)

twolinin avatar twolinin commented on July 2, 2024 1

I noticed that the coordinates in the automatically generated file "0_199.csv" are not sorted in ascending order. I'm not sure what the impact would be if I remove the file, but currently, I am able to execute successfully after removing it.

less -S work/chr1/0_199.csv

0,"(248528664, 248946160)","(43042, 66277)","(248516738, 248946160)","(43042, 89283)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
1,"(43042, 66277)","(89283, 160571)","(43042, 89283)","(66277, 165210)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
2,"(89283, 160571)","(165210, 180261)","(66277, 165210)","(160571, 257733)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
3,"(165210, 180261)","(257733, 296746)","(160571, 257733)","(180261, 368589)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
4,"(257733, 296746)","(368589, 370458)","(180261, 368589)","(296746, 399996)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
5,"(368589, 370458)","(399996, 402079)","(296746, 399996)","(370458, 406767)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
6,"(399996, 402079)","(406767, 446106)","(370458, 406767)","(402079, 464054)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
7,"(406767, 446106)","(464054, 464109)","(402079, 464054)","(446106, 470234)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
8,"(464054, 464109)","(470234, 531222)","(446106, 470234)","(464109, 597817)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
9,"(470234, 531222)","(597817, 746318)","(464109, 597817)","(531222, 814327)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
10,"(597817, 746318)","(814327, 1324179)","(531222, 814327)","(746318, 1357359)",same,15,13,270362,186279,203,243,272188,184453,207,239
11,"(814327, 1324179)","(1357359, 2702747)","(746318, 1357359)","(1324179, 2746360)",same,36,31,460356,469320,1000,1510,550209,379467,1539,971
12,"(1357359, 2702747)","(2746360, 8835484)","(1324179, 2746360)","(2702747, 8911215)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
13,"(2746360, 8835484)","(8911215, 10512026)","(2702747, 8911215)","(8835484, 10590287)",same,174,14,1157239,1237948,1228,1488,2259831,135356,2574,142
14,"(8911215, 10512026)","(10590287, 12218875)","(8835484, 10590287)","(10512026, 12269238)",same,117,48,753145,1604186,384,1555,1698795,658536,1111,828
15,"(10590287, 12218875)","(12269238, 12950011)","(10512026, 12269238)","(12218875, 13005933)",same,70,15,421830,631703,317,460,928510,125023,692,85
16,"(12269238, 12950011)","(13005933, 13884604)","(12218875, 13005933)","(12950011, 13942278)",cannot decide,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

from methphaser.

Fu-Yilei avatar Fu-Yilei commented on July 2, 2024

Please try only keep the primary alignments of the bam file

from methphaser.

twolinin avatar twolinin commented on July 2, 2024

Dear @Fu-Yilei

The first program, meth_phaser_parallel, ran successfully. However, when I executed the second program, meth_phaser_post_processing, I encountered some issues. Could you please advise on how to resolve them?

$~/methphaser/meth_phaser_parallel \
-b hg002.sup.60x.whatshap.haplotag.bam \
-r GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fa \
-g whatshap_hg02_60x.gtf \
-vc whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz  \
-o work

$ls work/
chr1                   chr14_read_assignment  chr19_read_assignment  chr3                  chr8
chr10                  chr15                  chr1_read_assignment   chr3_read_assignment  chr8_read_assignment
chr10_read_assignment  chr15_read_assignment  chr2                   chr4                  chr9
chr11                  chr16                  chr20                  chr4_read_assignment  chr9_read_assignment
chr11_read_assignment  chr16_read_assignment  chr20_read_assignment  chr5                  chrX
chr12                  chr17                  chr21                  chr5_read_assignment  chrX_read_assignment
chr12_read_assignment  chr17_read_assignment  chr21_read_assignment  chr6                  chrY
chr13                  chr18                  chr22                  chr6_read_assignment  chrY_read_assignment
chr13_read_assignment  chr18_read_assignment  chr22_read_assignment  chr7
chr14                  chr19                  chr2_read_assignment   chr7_read_assignment

The program meth_phaser_post_processing encountered a TypeError: "replace() argument 2 must be str, not int" issue. Could you please advise which file I need to check?

~/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing \
-ib hg002.sup.60x.whatshap.haplotag.primary.bam \
-if work \
-ov output.vcf \
-ob output_ob \
-vc /whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz \
-t 8

  0%|                                                                                                     | 0/24 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 697, in <module>
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 651, in main
    final_block_dict, remaining_dict, flipping_dict = get_altered_vcf(
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 306, in get_altered_vcf
    split_rec[-1] = split_rec[-1].replace(start_loc, get_altered_block_start_loc(current_chrom_final_block, int(start_loc)))  # type: ignore
TypeError: replace() argument 2 must be str, not int


from methphaser.

Fu-Yilei avatar Fu-Yilei commented on July 2, 2024

Which version of MethPhaser are you using?

from methphaser.

Fu-Yilei avatar Fu-Yilei commented on July 2, 2024

Please try the newest MethPhaser (V0.0.3, also available on conda). This should be the issue related to PS tags on vcf files, and it was fixed on this version. If you are using this version and still see this bug, could you please also share the vcf file with me?

from methphaser.

twolinin avatar twolinin commented on July 2, 2024

The issue "TypeError: replace() argument 2 must be str, not int" is specific to the GitLab version I am using. When I re-cloned the GitHub version, a different error occurred.

github version

git clone
Cloning into 'methphaser'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 70, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (70/70), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (63/63), done.
remote: Total 70 (delta 34), reused 23 (delta 7), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (70/70), 48.88 KiB | 1.11 MiB/s, done.

$ time ~/github_v/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing  -ib hg002.sup.60x.whatshap.haplotag.primary.bam -if work/ -ov output.vcf -ob output_ob -vc ~/test_r1041_dirty/whatshap/whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz -t 8
 33%|███████████████████████████████                                                              | 8/24 [00:05<00:10,  1.58it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jyunhong104/github_v/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 701, in <module>
  File "/home/jyunhong104/github_v/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 655, in main
    final_block_dict, remaining_dict, flipping_dict = get_altered_vcf(
  File "/home/jyunhong104/github_v/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 287, in get_altered_vcf
    called_vcf = called_vcf_file.fetch(chrom, i[0], i[1])
  File "pysam/libcbcf.pyx", line 4468, in pysam.libcbcf.VariantFile.fetch
  File "pysam/libchtslib.pyx", line 688, in pysam.libchtslib.HTSFile.parse_region
ValueError: invalid coordinates: start (248516738) > stop (43042)

gitlab version

git clone
Cloning into 'methphaser'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 68, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 68 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 59
Unpacking objects: 100% (68/68), 212.44 MiB | 11.67 MiB/s, done.

$ time ~/gitlab_v/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing  -ib hg002.sup.60x.whatshap.haplotag.primary.bam -if work/ -ov output.vcf -ob output_ob -vc ~/test_r1041_dirty/whatshap/whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz -t 8
  0%|                                                                                                     | 0/24 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jyunhong104/gitlab_v/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 697, in <module>
  File "/home/jyunhong104/gitlab_v/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 651, in main
    final_block_dict, remaining_dict, flipping_dict = get_altered_vcf(
  File "/home/jyunhong104/gitlab_v/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 306, in get_altered_vcf
    split_rec[-1] = split_rec[-1].replace(start_loc, get_altered_block_start_loc(current_chrom_final_block, int(start_loc)))  # type: ignore
TypeError: replace() argument 2 must be str, not int
less ~/test_r1041_dirty/whatshap/whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz

##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##FILTER=<ID=LowQual,Description="Low quality variant">
##FILTER=<ID=RefCall,Description="Reference call">
##INFO=<ID=P,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Result from pileup calling">
##INFO=<ID=F,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Result from full-alignment calling">
##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype Quality">
##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Read Depth">
##FORMAT=<ID=PL,Number=G,Type=Integer,Description="Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods rounded to the closest integer">
##FORMAT=<ID=AF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Estimated allele frequency in the range of [0,1]">
##FORMAT=<ID=PS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Phase set identifier">
##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Observed allele depths">
##commandline="(whatshap 1.7) phase --ignore-read-groups -r GRCh38_no_alt.fa Sample.wf_snp.only.vcf ../Sample.sup.60x.bam -o whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf"
#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  Sample
chr1    43042   .       G       A       6.98    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:6:78:0.7692:43042
chr1    43586   .       C       A       8.71    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:8:76:0.7763:43042
chr1    43666   .       C       A       8.69    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:8:76:0.7368:43042
chr1    44690   .       C       T       3.88    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:3:69:0.7246:43042
chr1    45627   .       G       A       8.34    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:8:63:0.746:43042
chr1    45891   .       T       A       6.94    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:6:62:0.7581:43042
chr1    46095   .       C       G       4.19    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0/1:4:61:0.7213:43042
chr1    47661   .       T       C       13.31   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:13:51:0.6863:43042
chr1    47696   .       T       C       11.35   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:11:51:0.6863:43042
chr1    47699   .       A       G       10.23   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:10:51:0.6863:43042
chr1    47706   .       A       T       9.42    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:9:51:0.6863:43042
chr1    47761   .       T       C       10.27   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:10:49:0.6735:43042
chr1    47930   .       T       C       13.94   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:13:49:0.6735:43042
chr1    48171   .       A       G       11.7    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:11:49:0.6531:43042
chr1    48183   .       C       A       10.83   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:10:49:0.2653:43042
chr1    48937   .       T       C       15.84   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:15:44:0.2955:43042
chr1    48976   .       A       G       11.93   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:11:44:0.2955:43042
chr1    49148   .       A       T       13.15   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:13:43:0.3023:43042
chr1    49243   .       G       A       24.57   PASS    P       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:24:43:0.6512:43042
chr1    49291   .       C       T       12.57   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:12:43:0.6744:43042
chr1    49314   .       G       A       12.23   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:12:43:0.6512:43042
chr1    49315   .       T       C       26.9    PASS    P       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:26:43:0.6512:43042
chr1    49342   .       G       T       15.13   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:15:43:0.6279:43042
chr1    49363   .       C       T       24.43   PASS    P       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:24:43:0.6512:43042
chr1    49404   .       C       T       26.11   PASS    P       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:26:43:0.6279:43042
chr1    49427   .       C       T       24.18   PASS    P       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:24:43:0.6512:43042
chr1    49482   .       G       A       5.66    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:5:43:0.4884:43042
chr1    49515   .       G       A       5.31    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:5:42:0.7381:43042
chr1    51403   .       A       T       14.27   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:14:33:0.303:43042
chr1    51459   .       G       A       24.24   PASS    P       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:24:33:0.6667:43042
chr1    51499   .       G       A       10.56   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:10:33:0.303:43042
chr1    51620   .       A       G       5.21    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:5:33:0.2424:43042
chr1    51802   .       C       T       8.03    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:8:33:0.6364:43042
chr1    51806   .       A       G       9.17    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:9:33:0.6364:43042
chr1    51902   .       C       T       7.17    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:7:32:0.2812:43042
chr1    51936   .       G       T       9.73    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:9:32:0.2812:43042
chr1    51941   .       A       G       10.77   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:10:32:0.2812:43042
chr1    51951   .       T       C       9.02    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:9:32:0.6562:43042
chr1    52105   .       A       T       11.99   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:11:31:0.6452:43042
chr1    52144   .       T       A       13.86   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:13:31:0.2903:43042
chr1    52525   .       T       C       13.11   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:13:31:0.2903:43042
chr1    52863   .       C       A       11.99   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:11:29:0.2759:43042
chr1    53009   .       C       T       11.05   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:11:29:0.6552:43042
chr1    53428   .       T       C       8.17    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:8:27:0.1852:43042
chr1    53789   .       A       C       27.99   PASS    P       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:27:23:0.6087:43042
chr1    53817   .       A       G       12.7    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:12:23:0.6522:43042
chr1    53958   .       A       G       13.11   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:13:22:0.6364:43042
chr1    54178   .       T       C       24.35   PASS    P       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:24:22:0.6364:43042
chr1    54222   .       A       C       14.25   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:14:22:0.2727:43042
chr1    54290   .       C       G       7.36    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:7:22:0.1818:43042
chr1    54395   .       C       T       14.67   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:14:22:0.6364:43042
chr1    55038   .       C       G       7.15    PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  1|0:7:18:0.1667:43042
chr1    55388   .       C       A       10.79   PASS    F       GT:GQ:DP:AF:PS  0|1:10:18:0.7222:43042

from methphaser.

Fu-Yilei avatar Fu-Yilei commented on July 2, 2024

I might need more information to solve this bug.. Could you please also share the /work folder, and your subsampled BAM file (or the command that generates the file if the file is too large) with me to my Email [email protected]? From what I am seeing in this VCF file, it seems like there is only 1 phaseblock (43042) exists. This might be the reason that causes this bug. I am also unsure how MethPhaser will react when only one phaseblock exists, so I might dig into that a little further.

from methphaser.

twolinin avatar twolinin commented on July 2, 2024
ls work/
chr1                   chr13                  chr16_read_assignment  chr1_read_assignment   chr22_read_assignment  chr5_read_assignment  chr9
chr10                  chr13_read_assignment  chr17                  chr2                   chr2_read_assignment   chr6                  chr9_read_assignment
chr10_read_assignment  chr14                  chr17_read_assignment  chr20                  chr3                   chr6_read_assignment  chrX
chr11                  chr14_read_assignment  chr18                  chr20_read_assignment  chr3_read_assignment   chr7                  chrX_read_assignment
chr11_read_assignment  chr15                  chr18_read_assignment  chr21                  chr4                   chr7_read_assignment  chrY
chr12                  chr15_read_assignment  chr19                  chr21_read_assignment  chr4_read_assignment   chr8                  chrY_read_assignment
chr12_read_assignment  chr16                  chr19_read_assignment  chr22                  chr5                   chr8_read_assignment

$ ls work/chr1
0_199.csv  0_26.csv  100_126.csv  125_151.csv  150_176.csv  175_199.csv  25_51.csv  50_76.csv  75_101.csv

$ ls work/chr1_read_assignment/
0_43042_89283.csv            130_124757385_124786140.csv  161_188238880_188542279.csv  191_233068669_243367177.csv  4_296746_399996.csv         74_104255071_104557469.csv
100_123193985_123299246.csv  131_124782456_125132469.csv  16_12950011_13942278.csv     19_18039368_20279975.csv     43_51480627_53566222.csv    7_446106_470234.csv
101_123278074_123394796.csv  132_125130164_125184526.csv  162_188503811_190260557.csv  192_243301759_243470371.csv  44_53514369_53643837.csv    75_104511025_105545352.csv
102_123339421_123404555.csv  133_143185165_143384675.csv  163_190198144_190482285.csv  193_243395483_243621683.csv  45_53572984_60000160.csv    76_105504443_107169460.csv
103_123395199_123498012.csv  134_143342014_144335200.csv  164_190416420_192156066.csv  194_243571178_243702213.csv  46_59925583_65189420.csv    77_107085075_109669912.csv
104_123476366_123548544.csv  135_144183106_144772613.csv  165_192112629_193865185.csv  195_243644148_246823403.csv  47_65120314_67057639.csv    78_109624961_110003350.csv
105_123531735_123601209.csv  136_144651265_146316156.csv  166_193809530_195029697.csv  196_246817660_248253504.csv  48_66987352_67183813.csv    79_109952758_111644441.csv
106_123583280_123792587.csv  137_146234833_147228133.csv  1_66277_165210.csv           197_248179535_248528664.csv  49_67131127_68514106.csv    80_111587266_111901264.csv
107_123787930_123820206.csv  138_147161089_149495322.csv  167_194945545_195119852.csv  198_248516738_248946160.csv  50_68443430_68703258.csv    81_111720041_113761186.csv
10_746318_1357359.csv        13_8835484_10590287.csv      168_195051805_196833767.csv  20_20181920_24762365.csv     51_68555167_72346221.csv    82_113698624_116880820.csv
108_123807462_123834808.csv  139_149354637_149897254.csv  169_196761270_198499033.csv  21_24673789_27877387.csv     52_72300402_73832178.csv    83_116797059_119977355.csv
109_123820702_123842020.csv  140_149824518_151244853.csv  170_198430131_202989384.csv  2_160571_257733.csv          5_370458_406767.csv         84_119905042_121779871.csv
110_123839080_123886578.csv  14_10512026_12269238.csv     171_202875529_208636682.csv  22_27743697_29555950.csv     53_73769029_74392171.csv    8_464109_597817.csv
111_123876136_123914672.csv  141_151140967_151333747.csv  17_13884604_16849384.csv     23_29549390_31889339.csv     54_74336707_75824232.csv    85_121773858_122028748.csv
11_1324179_2746360.csv       142_151260631_151556923.csv  172_208530725_208919111.csv  24_31817122_32450544.csv     55_75764840_76011522.csv    86_121910542_122042222.csv
112_123886950_123926748.csv  143_151501721_153025493.csv  173_208858643_210083595.csv  25_32409679_33978177.csv     56_75874529_77082146.csv    87_122039145_122092834.csv
113_123914910_123930157.csv  144_152968833_156494753.csv  174_210029508_210319398.csv  26_33928305_34072879.csv     57_77032002_78409421.csv    88_122044927_122240382.csv
114_123927995_124086759.csv  145_156424208_156838145.csv  175_210244406_212588636.csv  27_33987928_35170626.csv     58_78355654_79218443.csv    89_122096238_122404351.csv
115_124086721_124107676.csv  146_156789853_159985145.csv  176_211630419_212806752.csv  28_35120226_35810601.csv     59_79116922_79507349.csv    90_122389435_122413193.csv
116_124103903_124145909.csv  147_159912287_160608434.csv  177_212588647_213740703.csv  29_35719173_35941550.csv     60_79319643_79578361.csv    91_122404837_122437836.csv
117_124139448_124204759.csv  148_160546472_161425952.csv  178_212806783_214238055.csv  30_35910532_41249565.csv     61_79514507_79636120.csv    92_122413354_122509171.csv
118_124171436_124371073.csv  149_161304521_161579393.csv  179_213740985_214490934.csv  31_41182743_44865590.csv     62_79585873_80220929.csv    93_122439936_122666360.csv
119_124344922_124434468.csv  150_161523828_162844759.csv  180_214240846_214679740.csv  3_180261_368589.csv          63_79892346_83485778.csv    94_122657964_122671949.csv
120_124432735_124450328.csv  151_162651606_164276523.csv  181_214490947_214927380.csv  32_44816619_47386206.csv     6_402079_464054.csv         95_122668848_122798097.csv
121_124435600_124457911.csv  15_12218875_13005933.csv     18_16798943_18096829.csv     33_47326102_48055478.csv     64_83373627_86930791.csv    9_531222_814327.csv
122_124451497_124670206.csv  152_164226936_164477975.csv  182_214711597_216590930.csv  34_47958326_48750699.csv     65_86870226_88885395.csv    96_122797822_122818198.csv
12_2702747_8911215.csv       153_164360718_165571654.csv  183_216525502_218356111.csv  35_48697255_48964070.csv     66_88838102_89621621.csv    97_122799373_122844384.csv
123_124643525_124685650.csv  154_165504948_169736216.csv  184_218301288_222689485.csv  36_48893675_49063809.csv     67_89561597_93135530.csv    98_122818575_123022962.csv
124_124672342_124690411.csv  155_169682691_170163441.csv  185_222595897_223333419.csv  37_48977976_49359434.csv     68_93039833_93266848.csv    99_123004093_123198659.csv
125_124686763_124714343.csv  156_170084946_177943283.csv  186_223291874_223609492.csv  38_49302608_49528668.csv     69_93203819_93344870.csv
126_124690983_124716775.csv  157_177898675_181691253.csv  187_223557837_226866167.csv  39_49425939_49696255.csv     70_93298414_93647846.csv
127_124715380_124722020.csv  158_181617029_185379171.csv  188_226795561_228608871.csv  40_49623147_50126929.csv     71_93434356_97946313.csv
128_124717199_124727438.csv  159_185320789_185661979.csv  189_228558244_231412905.csv  41_50061567_51329032.csv     72_97764038_102772534.csv
129_124723292_124761588.csv  160_185598521_188281070.csv  190_231327455_233144051.csv  42_51219386_51531037.csv     73_102713485_104324697.csv

The original file can be downloaded from the amazon web services S3 bucket.

Here is a small portion of the file I am using.

from methphaser.

QianZixi avatar QianZixi commented on July 2, 2024


I am using ONT R10.4.1 provided by EPI2ME ( ) and testing with whatshap. However, I encountered an error during the process. How can I resolve it? Here are the commands I used.

whatshap --version
whatshap phase --ignore-read-groups --indels \
-r GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fa \
hg002.wf_snp.vcf.gz \
hg002.sup.60x.bam \
-o whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf
bgzip -c whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf > whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz
whatshap haplotag --ignore-read-groups  \
whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz hg002.sup.60x.bam \
-r GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fa \
-o hg002.sup.60x.whatshap.haplotag.bam

samtools index -@ 24 hg002.sup.60x.whatshap.haplotag.bam
whatshap stats --gtf whatshap_hg02_60x.gtf whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz
~/methphaser/meth_phaser_parallel \
-b hg002.sup.60x.whatshap.haplotag.bam \
-r GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fa \
-g whatshap_hg02_60x.gtf \
-vc whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz  \
-o work

[E::bam_parse_basemod] MM tag refers to bases beyond sequence length
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1471, in <module>
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1437, in main
    ) = get_assignment_max(
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 898, in get_assignment_max
    base_modification_list = get_base_modification_dictionary(  # build the dictionary with snp phased reads
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 239, in get_base_modification_dictionary
    if methylation_identifier_0 in list(mm.keys()):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'
[W::bam_next_basemod] MM tag refers to bases beyond sequence length
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1471, in <module>
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1437, in main
    ) = get_assignment_max(
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 898, in get_assignment_max
    base_modification_list = get_base_modification_dictionary(  # build the dictionary with snp phased reads
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 239, in get_base_modification_dictionary
    if methylation_identifier_0 in list(mm.keys()):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'
[W::bam_next_basemod] MM tag refers to bases beyond sequence length
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1471, in <module>
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1437, in main
    ) = get_assignment_max(
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 898, in get_assignment_max
    base_modification_list = get_base_modification_dictionary(  # build the dictionary with snp phased reads
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 239, in get_base_modification_dictionary
    if methylation_identifier_0 in list(mm.keys()):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'



Hello, where did you obtain the hg002.sup.60x.bam you used in the first step?

I couldn't find it in EPI2ME(


from methphaser.

twolinin avatar twolinin commented on July 2, 2024

Hi @QianZixi,

EPI2ME only provides "hg002.pass.cram" file, while "hg002.sup.60x.bam" is a test file generated by myself after downsampling.

The original file can be downloaded from the amazon web services S3 bucket.

from methphaser.

Fu-Yilei avatar Fu-Yilei commented on July 2, 2024

could you please also try just remove the first line?

from methphaser.

QianZixi avatar QianZixi commented on July 2, 2024


I am using ONT R10.4.1 provided by EPI2ME ( ) and testing with whatshap. However, I encountered an error during the process. How can I resolve it? Here are the commands I used.

whatshap --version
whatshap phase --ignore-read-groups --indels \
-r GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fa \
hg002.wf_snp.vcf.gz \
hg002.sup.60x.bam \
-o whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf
bgzip -c whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf > whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz
whatshap haplotag --ignore-read-groups  \
whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz hg002.sup.60x.bam \
-r GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fa \
-o hg002.sup.60x.whatshap.haplotag.bam

samtools index -@ 24 hg002.sup.60x.whatshap.haplotag.bam
whatshap stats --gtf whatshap_hg02_60x.gtf whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz
~/methphaser/meth_phaser_parallel \
-b hg002.sup.60x.whatshap.haplotag.bam \
-r GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fa \
-g whatshap_hg02_60x.gtf \
-vc whatshap_hg02_60x.vcf.gz  \
-o work

[E::bam_parse_basemod] MM tag refers to bases beyond sequence length
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1471, in <module>
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1437, in main
    ) = get_assignment_max(
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 898, in get_assignment_max
    base_modification_list = get_base_modification_dictionary(  # build the dictionary with snp phased reads
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 239, in get_base_modification_dictionary
    if methylation_identifier_0 in list(mm.keys()):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'
[W::bam_next_basemod] MM tag refers to bases beyond sequence length
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1471, in <module>
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1437, in main
    ) = get_assignment_max(
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 898, in get_assignment_max
    base_modification_list = get_base_modification_dictionary(  # build the dictionary with snp phased reads
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 239, in get_base_modification_dictionary
    if methylation_identifier_0 in list(mm.keys()):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'
[W::bam_next_basemod] MM tag refers to bases beyond sequence length
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1471, in <module>
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 1437, in main
    ) = get_assignment_max(
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 898, in get_assignment_max
    base_modification_list = get_base_modification_dictionary(  # build the dictionary with snp phased reads
  File "/home/jyunhong104/methphaser/methphasing", line 239, in get_base_modification_dictionary
    if methylation_identifier_0 in list(mm.keys()):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'



HI @twolinin
Thanks for your help.
Now I have processed the data in the same way as you and encountered the same error.
May I ask how you resolved this error?
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

from methphaser.

Fu-Yilei avatar Fu-Yilei commented on July 2, 2024

please only use primary alignment on bam, I just updated the readme there is a recommended command for that.

from methphaser.

Fu-Yilei avatar Fu-Yilei commented on July 2, 2024

I could not reproduce your issue on chromosome 1's data, what's your pysam version?

from methphaser.

QianZixi avatar QianZixi commented on July 2, 2024

Hi@Fu-Yilei,I also encountered the same problem while running the second step.
~/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing -ib hg002.sup.10.whatshap.haplotag.bam -if work/ -ov output.vcf -ob output_ob -vc whatshap_hg02_10.vcf.gz -t 8

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/lixin/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 697, in
File "/home/lixin/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 651, in main
final_block_dict, remaining_dict, flipping_dict = get_altered_vcf(
File "/home/lixin/methphaser/meth_phaser_post_processing", line 314, in get_altered_vcf
split_rec[-1] = split_rec[-1].replace(start_loc, get_altered_block_start_loc(current_chrom_final_block, int(start_loc))) # type: ignore
TypeError: replace() argument 2 must be str, not int

I ran the first four chromosomes separately, and this error only occurred when dealing with chr2.
I have checked the vdf of four chromosomes and it is true that the first line of the vcf for chr2 is different from the others.

The compressed package is a work folder containing the first four chromosomes.
The version of methphaser I used is the newest version in github.

Please help solve this problem. Thanks!

from methphaser.

Fu-Yilei avatar Fu-Yilei commented on July 2, 2024

Could you please also attach whatshap_hg02_10.vcf.gz?

from methphaser.

Fu-Yilei avatar Fu-Yilei commented on July 2, 2024

No response, closing this issue

from methphaser.

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