Topic: numerical Goto Github
Some thing interesting about numerical
Some thing interesting about numerical
numerical,.NET bindings for native numerical computing
User: allisterb
numerical,NLA course in OZON Masters
User: amkatrutsa
numerical,A lightweight, parallel python wrapper for the GSL integration library
User: ashkelly
numerical,Fixed point math C# library
User: asik
numerical,基于MATLAB的ROMS预处理、后处理工具包;MATLAB-based pre-processing and post-processing toolkit for ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System)
User: autodotua
numerical,Numerical integration methods as discussed on
User: ben1980
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numerical,开源Go语言数值算法库(An open numerical library purely based on Go programming language)
User: chfenger
numerical,Wide-Integer implements a generic C++ template for uint128_t, uint256_t, uint512_t, uint1024_t, etc.
User: ckormanyos
numerical,Forlab is a Fortran module that provides a lot of functions for scientific computing mostly inspired by Matlab and Python's package NumPy.
Organization: fortran-fans
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numerical,A single file VOF fluid solver implementation in Taichi.
User: houkensjtu
numerical,PLASMA is a software package for solving problems in dense linear algebra using OpenMP
Organization: icl-utk-edu
numerical,Numerical planar projection of 3D meshes into UV space.
User: jeinselen
numerical,The Julia Programming Language
Organization: julialang
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numerical,Forlab is a Fortran module that provides a lot of functions for scientific computing mostly inspired by Matlab and Python's package NumPy.
User: keurfonluu
numerical,GEO 325M Introduction to Numerical Modeling
User: mhesse
numerical,:umbrella: Implementations of mathematical functions, formulas and concepts
User: mingrammer
numerical,A Quasi-Monte-Carlo Integrator Library with CUDA Support
Organization: mppmu
numerical,Collection of Python modules for pre- and postprocessing XBeach models and output files
Organization: openearth
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numerical,OpenTerrace: A fast, flexible and extendable Python framework for packed bed thermal energy storage simulations
Organization: openterrace
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numerical,Connect Owl with other accelerators and numerical frameworks with symbolic maths
Organization: owlbarn
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numerical,Repositorio de la II Escuela de Verano en Física computacional (100% virtual), donde participaron estudiantes de habla hispana de todo lationamérica.
Organization: pcpunmsm
numerical,An efficient method for the conversion from internal to Cartesian coordinates that utilizes the platform-agnostic JAX Python library.
Organization: peptoneltd
numerical,Repository for the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM)
Organization: pism
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numerical,A numerical quadrotor simulation, using python. The objective of developing such an algorithm was to enable a reliable and fast way to simulate a variety of controllers without all the hassle of coding the dynamics for every controller.
User: rafaelcostafrf
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numerical,An exact riemann problem solver written in julia. This program which generates exact solutions for the hydrodynamics Euler equations using Toro solver.
User: ryarazi
numerical,FractionalCalculus.jl: A Julia package for high performance, comprehensive and high precision numerical fractional calculus computing.
Organization: scifracx
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numerical,Solve Fractional Differential Equations using high performance numerical methods
Organization: scifracx
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numerical,Multi-language suite for high-performance solvers of differential equations and scientific machine learning (SciML) components. Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), stochastic differential equations (SDEs), delay differential equations (DDEs), differential-algebraic equations (DAEs), and more in Julia.
Organization: sciml
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numerical,Python implementation of the exact Riemann solver of Toro (1999).
User: tahandy
numerical,ODE system solver using dG(q), time-discontinuous Galerkin with Lobatto basis.
User: technologicat
numerical,Weighted least squares meshless interpolator and differentiator.
User: technologicat
numerical,Setuptools-based `` template for Cython projects
User: technologicat
numerical,Latin hypercube sampler with sudoku constraint
User: technologicat
numerical,Blender Add-On that displays selected Vertex Group weight on the mesh numerically
User: theoldben
numerical,A Finite Difference Method Engine in C++
User: thomasthelen
numerical,Generate and manipulate semi-analytic models of planet wakes
User: tomhilder
numerical,A numerical integrator written in Elixir for the solution of sets of non-stiff ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
User: woodward
numerical,String helper methods and an inflector
Organization: yiisoft
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numerical,NRPy+, BlackHoles@Home, SENRv2, and the NRPy+ Jupyter Tutorial: Python-Based Code Generation for Numerical Relativity... and Beyond!
User: zachetienne
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