Topic: less Goto Github
Some thing interesting about less
Some thing interesting about less
less,⚙ Ant Design Theme for
Organization: ant-design
less,Simple tooltips made of pure CSS
User: kazzkiq
Home Page:
less,本仓库是自己总结的前端开发一些基础知识,包括html5,css3, canvas, jQuery, less ,ES6, webpack,Vue等,也包含了一些算法和数据结构方面的练习,同时也记录了自己工作中的踩坑总结,适合想要学习前端开发的伙伴,你可以clone项目到本地,然后一步一步跟着我的demo敲,希望大家都能全栈。
User: pubdreamcc
less,a client framework of React
Organization: react-love
less,:bulb: Simple buttons you can use easily for your next project.
Organization: sbuttons
Home Page:
less,Colors of Google's Material Design made available to coders
User: shuhei
Home Page:
less,A React UI components lib for TDesign.
Organization: tencent
Home Page:
less,A Vue3.x UI components lib for TDesign.
Organization: tencent
Home Page:
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
A PHP framework for web artisans
Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.
Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.
A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.
Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.
Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art
Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.
We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.
Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.
Alibaba Open Source for everyone
Data-Driven Documents codes.
China tencent open source team.