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Topic: angular Goto Github

Angular is an open source web application platform.

Related Topics: react vue
Stargazers: Oladotun Soyinka photo zbani photo onyiiee photo akkineninaveen photo chesterzengasl photo boobalan0984 photo Mark Phillips photo Pranav Salunkhe photo wesleysramalho photo janebti photo Pankaj Niranjan photo mate-trestyanszky-monster-code photo ramyabharathijalli photo Goblin photo slavyoung photo fabiian97 photo bearlutz photo Charles Dondon Centeno photo gitmaster-b photo vondraak photo Java Technologies And Frameworks photo firststep2florian photo renewmiller photo alittlehotcurry photo Ádám Bálint photo gyaneshj photo Jonatas Barroso photo neo200395 photo nourmay photo singhakhi photo evlohinov photo abrar-mahedavi photo agilsan photo aamerico photo jtneto-stf photo Rajesh photo Sayan Das photo adoroodchi photo folkerugge photo Vittal Kumar photo Oliver Jv photo seekman999 photo zydlgw photo Raviteja photo Muhammad Ismail photo radhadd10 photo Ashin Kanakaraj photo uxdevops photo raoraghub photo sinfonygit photo

👇 Here are 55675 public repositories matching this topic...

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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