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loa-logs's Issues

Past Encounters Improved Search

I want to change the encounter search functionality to make the search field more useful.
Currently, searching for "word1 word2" checks all relevant fields to see if they contain this substring or similar.
I want the search to find all encounters that contain "word1" somewhere and contain "word2" somewhere else.
So if I want to find an encounter where my glaive named "char1" and my friends sorc named "char2" were present,
I could search for "char1 char2".

Do you think this would be a sensible improvement to the search functionality?

Meeter being bugged for Bleed damage (it shows just bleed damage doing such 15b)

Hello, ehmm found a bug idk how to qualifie being honest but sometimes (not always) when i use some skill that has bleed in such case my GL using taunt with bleed rune, it shows in the meeter that im doing 17b of damage and i was like "naa cant be" then i see where it comes that "damage" and just shows "Bleed" and obviously the 17b damaged dealed, and i see that it shows 2 Gunlancers (notify that in that party im the only GL) and shows 1 with the name Gunlancer and the other one obviously with my name.

Latest update - VPN no longer working


I've just updated to the latest version. But it looks like the interface changed with the previous interface mentioning raw socket. Under the new version, I'm unable to get the log working again.

I have turned off auto network selection and inputted the Port number. I've tried each interface option but to no avail.

Aside from fixing this, is there any way I can roll back to a previous version of the app?

Minimum window height for overlay

Any possibility of reducing the minimum height? I'd prefer to be able to fit it within the black letterboxing area to avoid losing visibility of anything.

Suggestions: total person DPS and DPS chart boss HP bar #

Thanks for the hard work - the app is great and very responsive

I have two minor suggestions:

  1. It would be great if on the skill breakdown screen it will display the total DPS somewhere. I know it says total DPS on the previous screen where it shows all the players, but having it on the skill breakdown screen would be useful when sharing it. The "Total DPS" currently listed is the Raid's DPS (it doesn't change when clicking into a specific player)
  1. In the DPS chart screen, it would be cool if we could see the number of bars a boss has instead of the percentage, so we can more easily correlate DPS with specific boss patterns/mechs
Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 2 11 33 PM

dps meter stops collecting data randomly mid-fight

I'm noticing that while running the meter in a VM dps will stop recording mid-fight. Loa details doesn't seem to have this issue, so I'm wondering what may be different. I only run in a vm so I can't confirm whether bare-metal would differ.

For instance, today I have a caliligos log that is only logged for 49 seconds, but lasted around 5 minutes.

The only thing i see mentioned in the log is a warning of dropped packets. it correctly starts getting new data when the next fight starts as well. Is there anywhere else I can look for clues as to why this is happening?

Here's another example where it stopped showing new data past 79%
when i go into the log itself, it shows the log only lasting 1:17 whereas you can see it was 6 minutes in the live data.

Meter is not recording

Hello current installed in my local machine when i tried to open the application it didnt show any error i did install the necessary files listed and meter is still not working. im currently using exitlog for the game not sure if it has something to do with that.

Feature Request: Ability to see local player's DPS on the Past Encounters table

Hey again - thanks so much for adding in player total DPS in the player detail view and the dps graph boss HP bar numbers. Also love the recent changes to the past encounters (cleared, difficulty, local player, etc) screen.

A big motivator for me using this tool is to see my DPS improve with gear/skill over time. What I've been doing is starring my top runs so I can refer back to them (see what I was doing right in my rotation, what comps or supports I was running with were good, etc), but it would be cool if we could see the local player's DPS listed as a top level column. This way I could ex: filter by my akkan g3 clears and see which pull I had a personal record in.

As an extension to this (and obviously this is more complex) would be to allow sorting of the Past Encounters table so I can sort my filtered encounters by local player DPS descending

Ability to view rDPS

There's a lot of ways to quantize total damage contributed (aDPS, nDPS, rDPS etc.) in other MMOs, and right now we only see DPS and total damage.

But for context in which supports vary drastically, or in situations where one might want to measure different party synergies, the context of rDPS would be super beneficial.

I know that LOA Details has an implementation for rDPS, if that helps at all. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with Rust, but if I find some time I'll take a crack at it if the effort seems too large.

Shortcut Show/Hide Meter bugs the window (minor)

If you press the shortcut to hide/show 2 times (hide-> show) when not in game or when you for example go to desktop then to the game, and you think okay dps meter is not showing maybe I have hidden it and you press it 2 times, the meter window falls into bug.

The window of the meter will show like this in alt+tab, but you will have no way to show it, reescale or anything (only solution is restart):


I will use this issue to mark that, minimizing and just making the window super small with a expand button instead of always going to tray would be appreciated.

meter stops recording halfway through a fight

it was working fine before patch on 9/20

after patch, now it would record halfway through a fight and stop(dps will decline over time) so it seems to still be running but no new data coming in.

I have already tried to reinstall it

maybe helpful info: LOA details works without any issue

thanks in advance!

Not working with Exitlag

Currently not detecting anything with Exitlag running. Reinstalled everything including npcap (installed latest version 1.76)

View DPS composition/buff logs according to time (Not an issue, but request/question/suggestion)

On the logs, we have a chart that shows DPS according to time and also boss hp:

I was wondering if it is possible to click a specific time on the chart (example 2:00 into the fight) and have the table shown below change to the data present at that specific time:

That way, we can see the cast/back attack/buff uptime at specific times of the raid as well as the end. Would help find out where your performance starts dropping in the raid. Does the current architecture of the program gather data to support this?

Listen port

Hello, im using vpn and raw input doesnt work, Can you add listen port like on loadetails pls?

past encounters batch selection

would be nice to search for a specific set of encounters, select the ones you want deleted (perhaps select all), and then delete them instead of doing it 1 by 1

Synergy is taken from the other group?

Just had a run with 2 sorcs, 1 in each group. Group 1 sorc had blaze, group 2 sorc didn't have blaze (or any synergy at all)


As you can see, the sorc from group 2 is still "buffed" by the Blaze from the sorc from group 1 somehow... ?

Loa logs doesn't detect anything

I just installed loa logs after using loa details for quite a while and once I start it nothing gets detected. I tried uninstalling both loa details and loa logs and noticed that when I try to install loa logs I get this error
I'm trying to install it on a VM and it happens even right after booting the VM

incorrect dps data


this abnormal bleed dmg while I had no bleed rune
meter was opened before I enter the raid and G1 G3 data seems normal, just G2 the bleed dmg came out from nowhere

Windows 11 issues while dragging the dps meter window

Holding the left mouse to drag and move the window of the dps meter causes performances issues , the window doesn't follow the cursor and you have this weird delay where the windows moves slowly like a snail and your cursor is invisible and you can't actually tell where the cursor is , making it a hassle for w11 users to move the window.

Log not picking up anything anymore

Was working perfectly fine on 20/06/23 after update it stopped picking up any data. I uninstalled and downloiaded v1.2.3 again and seems that doesn't work anymore either. I'm not using a vpn or anything.

I randomly disappear from the meter and log in the Party Buffs section

Hi since probably around 2-4months I have this issue that most of the time I'm not shown in the meter and in the log.
This happens on my support bard I didnt check on my dps chars because I dont go to the Party Buffs tab I only check my damage.

Today I noticed while the meter was running that while doing akkan g3 I suddenly disappeared from the Party Buffs tab. I dont remember exactly when it happened maybe it was the 30x transition and I checked the logs after clearing it and I'm completely removed there in party buffs as wellin the logs I am completely removed as well. It might have something to do with the group split in the party buffs.
Using V1.4.9 on Windows11 64bit winver 22631.2861 and its running on the host machine.

Edit: I checked again and now I am sure that it happens because of the group split view. I ran the meter again and at first it was not divided in 2 groups and I was shown in the meter but after couple seconds in the pull it switched to the group view and I was gone again

Show/Hide Logs Shortcut only opens the logs

As the title sais, for me the shortcut is only able to open the logs window and another press does not close it but only reloads the window. The Show/Hide Meter opens and closes the meter as intended for me.


how can the meters work with vpn?

Corrupted logs

After recent patch/es there seems to be an issue with some of the logs becoming corrupted (noticed it mainly on Akkan and Kayangel raids).

  1. In class preview there seems to be an additional member "0" with missing icon
  2. When trying to open said logs the app blanks out and nothing can be done until restart

I'm running on a single PC setup (Win 11) without VPN

Add option to trigger keybind/system event on start/stop of encounter

If there were an option to allow either sending a custom keybind or some type of system call on the start or end of an encounter this could be used to begin/end software like shadowplay to record video clips of specific pulls automatically rather than having to clip them yourself.

meter is not transparent

i have ticked the transparent box and dps meter still wont go transparent, also when i drag the log it goes really laggy

Feature Request: Show average damage **per cast**

I believe this would be an incredibly useful statistic for some classes that have multiple damage instances in their skill casts.
Arcana's red skills and Wardancer's Energy Combustion comes to mind, but also many others like Pistoleer Desperado or Machinist skills.

It would give the user a much better idea of how much their skill casts are doing on average.

I hope this isn't too difficult to implement as the log can already differentiate by casts per minute, for example...

Changeable Class Colors

Is there any plans on letting us change the class colors for the meter? I'd really appreciate getting a setting for that.

Searching through logs freezes program

I'm not sure if this is due to the size of the log database (331MB currently) but currently when searching, the program freezes for 4-10s every time a letter is entered into the search bar. I've been getting around it by typing what I'm searching for into another textbox and then copy pasting it into the loa logs search box so it will only freeze once before giving me the results I need.

Is it possible to search after hitting a button/enter so that it doesn't stop to search with every additional letter?

Feature Request: Save log on button press

It would be very convenient to be able to save logs with a button press to analyze trixion parses in more detail.

This is because they don't save automatically most of the time, and some information is not visible in the preview/live screen compared to the log, as well as for referring between different build parses et cetera.

Feature Request: AP Buff % in damage view


It'd be nice if either this was replaced with the values circled above or an additional option to have the % from above in the damage view. It would complement the brand % column.


Live meter Support dmg uptime

Is there any possible way to add support dmg uptime buff from party buffs to showing this % in Live meter? Same as we have right now like "Support Brand %" etc. This gonna be huge QoL if possible. Might be possible to make another colomn with smth like "Support AP Buff %", idk.
if possible - BIG, if not - it is what it is

Feature Request: Filter by local player

Now that we got the feature that we can see our char that we've been playing during a raid it would be nice to be able to filter for it similar to how we can filter for bosses.
I am aware that we can just put in our own name in the search bar for that, but having a filter we could filter by our local char and use the search field to search for a specific player we played with.

buff% discreprancy

There seems to be some differences in the buff % calculation between damage and party synergy tabs.



filter by guardian/gate type

probably requires a database update and new indices to be performant on any large collection of logs

idea: ravaged tyrant of beasts (ghost valtan) and demon beast commander valtan (pre-ghost valtan) are technically the same encounter so it would be nice to one click filter for "valtan g2". trivially we could define encounter sets and do more logic with the filter but i think it may be beneficial to parse logs into different categories

  • cube (maybe this can also get confused with chaos dungeon red portal)
  • legion raid
  • abyss dungeon
  • guardian
  • user defined groups???

barring that, it would be nice to not show chaos dungeon and cube logs with more filters

Possibly directional % display bug


I have recently started using this version of dps meter and noticed that for some reason it seems to be aggregating all of sources of damage in directional attack stats. What I mean by that is for some reason in overall display it will show for example 40% back attack:
However if we look at details skills/damage sources with back attack modifiers are at way higher percentage:

If that is intended then would like some clarification on that because in loa details it seems to only aggregate sources that have back attack modifier (idk about both front/back skills).


meter is not recording

hello. thank you for creating this.
after opening LOA logs as admin, going into raid, nothing seems to happen and would appreciate any help/advice

i have installed Npcap with WinPcap compatibilities
i have edgewebview2

i have also tried uninstall and reinstall from scratch

i have also try auto network selection and choosing manually/ also checking raw socket
is the port 6040 correct or does it need to be port that lost ark uses?

no issues with install/no errors

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