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websites-notes's Issues

Help with onboarding

I've installed the extension, but can't see any way to create a note. There's nothing in the toolbar or context menu. What am I missing?

Name: Firefox
Version: 116.0a1
Build ID: 20230608092730
Distribution ID:
Update Channel: nightly
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/116.0
OS: Darwin 22.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.4.0: Mon Mar 6 21:00:41 PST 2023; root:xnu-8796.101.5~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103
Rosetta Translated: false
Multiprocess Windows: 5/5
Fission Windows: 5/5 Enabled by default
Remote Processes: 38
Enterprise Policies: Inactive
Google Location Service Key: Found
Google Safebrowsing Key: Found
Mozilla Location Service Key: Found
Safe Mode: false
Memory Size (RAM): 16.0 GB
Disk Space Available: 64.0 GB

Global Notes not displaying

Hello, global notes are not working, I can add them, but they are not displayed in the addon menu, they only appear on the all notes display page.
And popup global not opening.


Firefox version: 123.0.1

Make page notes ignore hash section in urls

When I read docs, there is usually a navigation panel on the side where you can jump to different sections of the page. I think it still is the same page, but the notes disappear and are scoped to different sections, because the url technically changes (hashtag is added). It would be convenient to have the notes remain

All notes page empty

Notefox v3.7.3 all notes page is empty although the respective notes are displayed in the popup.
Additionally the buttons on the all notes page have not function.

Can you add shortcuts and possibility to use '*' to add a note to all the matching urls?

Extension shortcuts to open (a) domain notes, (b) page notes pop ups and (c) for opening the All notes page

About *: For example with* to display the specific note when any of the pages under this github account are visited
Perhaps with an addition of an extra tab in the menu (next to "Domain" and "Page"). And by clicking there (or with shortcut) the popup will have the same place to write/read the related note but also one extra editable line maybe at the bottom with the url in an editable form so users can change it using '*' and add the note to all the matching urls.

[Feature Request] Ability to add images or screenshots from the clipboard

Vivaldi has a great feature that allows to attach clipboard screenshots or own images to the notes, would it be possible to add something like this in this extension? It has its utilities, in my case to save visual reminders of some tutorials on Youtube.

I also think it can be useful to note prices of some products on some websites, which have the habit of deleting the product and not updating the price.

Sticky note: Hide buttons when not hovered

When showing the note in sticky mode, it would be nice to hide the buttons and slider when cursor is outside the sticky. I.e. only text would remain visible.

I implemented this in my browser using the following Stylus css snippet:

/* hide direct children elements of the sticky by default */
#sticky-notes-notefox-addon > * {
    visibility: hidden;

/* .. except the text child element */
#text-container--sticky-notes-notefox-addon {
    visibility: inherit;

/* Only show all children elements when sticky is hovered by cursor */
#sticky-notes-notefox-addon:hover > * {
    visibility: inherit;

I hope you and/or users find it useful. If you want to make it a feature you can enable/disable, you could control the auto-hide by adding a class to the id="sticky-notes-notefox-addon" element conditionally, like class="auto-hide-buttons" and then replace all occurences of #sticky-notes-notefox-addon in the CSS snippet above with

Thanks for your useful addon!

[Suggestion] Add a default label colour to new domain / page / global notes

Add option which permits you to set automatically a label for domains, for pages, for subdomains or for global note

  • Default label for new page notes: [label colours list / nothing]
  • Default label for new domain notes: [label colours list / nothing]
  • Default label for new global note: [label colours list / nothing]
  • Default label for new subdomains notes: [label colours list / nothing]

Some suggestions and feature requests

  1. Can you pls make optional the permission for access data for all websites? I understand many people will like the feature of sticky notes but personally I'm not gonna use it, it doesn't really provide anything extra + I'm not sure if it is accessible by the webpage's developer. Also by having it as a required permission will create an obstacle to the number of users trying the addon... Many people avoid installing addons with such permissions unless they have been reviewed and characterized as 'Recommended' by firefox.

  2. The only welcome addition from sticky notes is the resizable size. Will u consider to make the default note popup resizable too? Options I can think of: resizable global dimensions/by page/automatically adjusted to the note's text.

  3. I asked you in the past about using * to add a note to more than one urls (#13 ). Sorry I didn't respond back then I had some issues with my github account. I'm not talking about some advanced pattern, just to be able to enter the * at the end of the selected part of url so it will match all with that prefix basically. There was one addon like that with the old ff and it used to be popular but as far as I know no addon nowdays provides that and I consider it a game changer. The main reason for a note addon is to be able to see the note if at sometime in the future u return back to the same url. There are websites that accept both x.y/z/ and x.y/z. If you revisit it (perhaps from a link) if it is not of the same form as when u wrote the note then u won't see the note. This is solved with * . Or there is something u want to keep in mind for a whole section of it but not for the whole domain, one easy example is qithub let's say I want to have a note regarding this repository*, or the developer, if I leave it on one of its pages whenever I visit some other I won't see it and if it is a repository I don't visit frequently I won't even remember it. And there are many other such cases: profiles in social networks where someone's profile has several different pages (\profilex\photos etc), same for tutorials or similar to github if your in the space of a specific item/software/.. in a portal that has many pages related to it, etc
    (also in this subject if not difficult a choice to ignore the 1st part of url would be a welcome one as well = to display a note in all, and
    Probably that would be a solution for #19 as well

  4. Search: Can it be added a support to search multiple terms instead of one kewword/phrase as it is now (perhaps separated by comma)? And maybe adding the url in the searchable text?

  5. If it is easy to implement, can you make the note html editable? I mean to have the ability to add html tags (for links, hilighting etc) - it can provide some kind of a workaround for #17 as well

  6. For non http/s urls there is no page option anymore, why? It is possible someone to want to add notes perhaps to different pages of the same addon at moz-extension://... Without the page option he won't be able to do it. I understand it is a rare case (me, I don't think I will use it) but since the functionality is already implemented and exists, why to hide it

Notefox 3.4+ and Gloal notes for non-http(s) pages

Hello @Sav22999, hello everyone,

All versions of Notefox handle all pages, even non-http(s) ones : most appreciated.
Before Notefox 3.4, non-http(s) pages were saved with the 'Domain' tag.
Starting Notefox 3.4, non-http(s) pages are saved with the 'Global' tag.

By non-http(s) pages I have in mind:
Firefox abouts, of the form about:[xyz]
Firefox extensions, of the form moz-extension://[DATA]

Problem-1 : Notes saved from non-http(s) pages under Notefox 3.3+ are not displayed when opened with Notefox 3.4+, though the Notefox toolbar button indicates that the note is available. Not a real problem: in 'All notes' we copy the note, delete it, and create a new note. This new note, of a non-http(s) page, will now be saved as a 'Global' note and all is fixed.

Problem-2 is more bothering : new notes for non-http(s) pages, because saved as 'Global' appear on every visited page given this is the very purpose of 'Global' notes.
This is bothering for notes which are meant to handle a specific non-http(s) page. In particular, personally, I have notes for several Firefox abouts (i.e. about:config) as well as for several Firefox extensions (i.e. moz-extension://[UUID]/dashboard.html#settings.html

Wish/suggestion, if feasible of course, is to handle non-http(s) pages' notes as 'Domains' (as with previous verions of Notefox) rather than as 'Global'.
The ideal would be a new category such as 'Other' besides 'Global', 'Domain' and 'Page' which would handle all non-http(s) pages, but this is perhaps an excessive wish given that managing such pages with the 'Domain' tag works fine.

That's it :)

Notefox accesses Google servers to download Google fonts


I've just realized when looking at my connection logs that Notefox connects to retrieve fonts.
Personally googleapis is blocked system-wide here (as most Google servers).
Sites which require Google fonts are handled by the LocalCDN extension (Firefox) but of course the extension does not handle call to Google servers initiated by other extensions... such as Notefox.
Given I block connections to, every time I open Notefox (be it the popup only) I get four connection attempts to dedicated Google server.
I run 60+ extensions and this is the first time I notice an extension proceeding this way.
IMO all fonts are to be included in the very extension, calling a server for whatever is not as I see it a correct way of proceeding.

change icon aspect whether there are any notes on current website/domain

would it be possible to change the notefox icon if the active tab is on a website where a note is already taken? For example a checkmark drawn over the upper right angle of the icon or something like that would give an instant and useful feedback, imho.
Thank you for the good work!

Notefox 3.9.2 : popup does not respect settings set to disable Advanced managing of urls (save notes per "sub-domains")


Just updated Notefox to 3.9.2

Facing 1 issue and 1 oddity.

- Issue:

Notefox 3.9.2 / Settings /
Advanced managing of urls
When enabled you can save notes also per "sub-domains"

Though set to 'NO' in Settings appears nevertheless in the popup
Cannot manage to fix this via CSS, best I can do leads to the three-dot tab in the popup replaced by an empty space.

- Oddity (IMO):

Notefox 3.9.2 xpi weighs 15.47 MB compared to 963.39 KB of ver. because of a 23.7MB 'screenshots' folder.
I linger to understand the pertinence of adding these screenshots which are of course never used by the code and may be of any interest only for those who'd open the xpi to have a look at them. Takes space which is always bothering for Firefox profiles installed on a RAMdisk but even without such considerations seems IMO total nonsense.

Thanks for your work. I use Notefox extensively which is why I take the liberty of being straightforward :)

Optional permissions

Can you pls make optional the permission for access data for all websites? I understand many people will like the feature of sticky notes but personally I'm not gonna use it, it doesn't really provide anything extra + I'm not sure if it is accessible by the webpage's developer. Also by having it as a required permission will create an obstacle to the number of users trying the addon... Many people avoid installing addons with such permissions unless they have been reviewed and characterized as 'Recommended' by firefox.

Releated to #46

Иконка не всегда отражает правильный статус наличия заметки

Иногда заметка на странице существует, а индикатор (иконка расширения) не показывает этого - красный цвет. А иногда показывает - зеленого цвета. Поэтому приходится всегда, даже когда красного цвета, нажимать на иконку и проверять есть ли заметка на этой странице. Вот пример, текст заметки уже был введен и даже страница обновлена, а индикатор не изменяет цвет на зеленый.

When global notes are stored the toolbar button is always green

as said in the topic: When Notefox contains global notes the toolbar button is always green. This is not helpful because one cannot see whether domain or page notes are available.
I don't think that the button needs to show the presence of global notes. The user should know that there are global notes.
However, to see that a domain or page note is available is important.

Where are notes stored; possible to sync its file with Syncthing?


I haven't tried Notefox yet but I've installed it. It looks great. I've read through the issues but haven't found a clear answer to whether there is a way to sync notes between computers or Firefox profiles.

If Notefox stores its notes in a file(s) would it be possible to simply sync that file with something like Syncthing between Windows computers or even Android? (I don't sync my entire profile that way because, of course, having the profile open on 2 computers would be chaos. However, individual files might be possible??)

Support customised "sub-domains"

I asked you in the past about using * to add a note to more than one urls (#13 ). Sorry I didn't respond back then I had some issues with my github account. I'm not talking about some advanced pattern, just to be able to enter the * at the end of the selected part of url so it will match all with that prefix basically. There was one addon like that with the old ff and it used to be popular but as far as I know no addon nowdays provides that and I consider it a game changer. The main reason for a note addon is to be able to see the note if at sometime in the future u return back to the same url. There are websites that accept both x.y/z/ and x.y/z. If you revisit it (perhaps from a link) if it is not of the same form as when u wrote the note then u won't see the note. This is solved with * . Or there is something u want to keep in mind for a whole section of it but not for the whole domain, one easy example is qithub let's say I want to have a note regarding this repository*, or the developer, if I leave it on one of its pages whenever I visit some other I won't see it and if it is a repository I don't visit frequently I won't even remember it. And there are many other such cases: profiles in social networks where someone's profile has several different pages (\profilex\photos etc), same for tutorials or similar to github if your in the space of a specific item/software/.. in a portal that has many pages related to it, etc
(also in this subject if not difficult a choice to ignore the 1st part of url would be a welcome one as well = to display a note in all, and
Probably that would be a solution for #19 as well

related to #46

Notefox pop up gets closed as soon as open

When I click on the notefox icon, the pop up to add note opens up but immediately gets closed. It does not let me add notes to it.

Any suggestion on how to fix it?


[Feature Request] Ability to save notes for url patterns

Please add ability to create patterns instead of full page address.

I do love your extention, but for some sites (like youtube) I need to enable parametes as part of the url page to diff between pages with different video<VIDEO_1><VIDEO_2>

But for some anoter sites I need to disable parameters, because often these parameters change dynamically:


and I really dissapointed with that point.

What if there will be ability to use usermasks for webpages instead of full pagename as a feature?

And as I know there's no alternative extentions with the feature for Firefox at all.

Popup resizable

The only welcome addition from sticky notes is the resizable size. Will u consider to make the default note popup resizable too? Options I can think of: resizable global dimensions/by page/automatically adjusted to the note's text.

Related to #46

Некорректное поведение курсора при переводе строки

При вводе текста в заметке и нажатии перевода строки (Enter) происходит перевод строки и моментальное возвращение курсора в исходное положение - как будто были последовательно нажаты две клавиши "Enter" и "Стрелка влево (<-)".

Version 3.3 lost my notes and refuses to import previously saved notes

Up to and including version my notes remained intact.
Starting version 3.3 and until latest : all notes vanished. I tried importing my saved notes (saved with version : refused because "saved under a different version" (or something of the sort).
Reversed to version until an update either keeps my notes either allows me to import the saved ones (from
Annoying. Notefox is quite handy, use it a lot, plenty of notes. I dare not imagine the situation had I not backed up my notes ...

Re-add "Page" for all urls (also for non http(s) ones)

For non http/s urls there is no page option anymore, why? It is possible someone to want to add notes perhaps to different pages of the same addon at moz-extension://... Without the page option he won't be able to do it. I understand it is a rare case (me, I don't think I will use it) but since the functionality is already implemented and exists, why to hide it

Related to #46

Font family

I changed the font to Open Sans but the notes remain in handwriting font. For me the handwriting is not as clear to read as a normal font.

Cosmetic issue in Notefox

Just updated Notefox from to
I'm encountering a modest cosmetic issue with the color tags which no longer appear on the left side of the notes viewed in /all-notes : the color tag options are available, the association with notes as chosen by the user remains, it's only that the colored per-tag column on the left of the notes no longer appears.

With Notefox


With Notefox


SIDE-NOTE : don't consider interface colors, which i've slightly modified on the basis of Notefox's dark theme.

High CPU usage when have the protected tabs on Firefox

Firefox 119.0 (64-bit) from snap, ubuntu
Website Notes 3.7.12 from Firefox add-ons store
After the update, if I have any tabs that are protected by Firefox (e.g. about:addons), for some reason the extension consumes a lot of cpu power (100% usage basically) (got it from about:processes and system monitor). If I close those tabs, everything is back to normal. Of course, if the extension is disabled, everything is fine (even if I have those protected tabs), so I'm certain that this extension causes it (I can't see what extension does 100% cpu usage in about:processes).

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