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react-anime's People


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react-anime's Issues

What about Timeline animation?

Hi there. Could you give some example to animate components one by one, like kind of TimeLine animation in anime.js. It's not staggerAnimation of list's items. I want to animate two different components in two different places of page, but one by one. I know how it may be implemented with anime.js or gsap.
Is there some way to make it with react-anime?.
I'll be grateful for any help, thanks.

Re-runs animation on every render

Trying to use react-anime for mounting/unmounting of components but animations are re-run every time component is re-rendered, regardless if something changes in child or <Anime ...> definition.

e.g. <Anime opacity={[0, 1]}>hello</Anime> will rapidly flash 'hello' each time you run setState or e.g. props are changed via Redux. This makes the library a bit useless, particularly for Redux, as component must manually be cached and wrapped to avoid this behaviour.

Maybe a feature to limit animations to only run when mounting/unmounting could fix it temporarily.

Version: 2.0.1

Elasticity prop as a function

Hey all,

I'm trying to do some function based elasticity per the anime.js documentation.

The following works for duration and delay, but not for elasticity. Does React-Anime not support this feature? The function doesnt appear to have any impact on elasticity.

        translateY={[-400, 0]}
        opacity={[0, 1]}
        duration={ (el, i) => 3000 + 100 * i }
        delay={ (el, i) => { console.log('delay?', i); return 3500 + 100 * i;} }
        elasticity={ (el, i) => console.log('elastic?', i)}
        complete={ props.onComplete ? props.onComplete : null}
        {props.text.split('').map( (el) => createLetter(el))}

The function gets called and logs for delay, but never does so for elasticity.

props.children not working properly in react-anime.js?

I am having an issue when the props.children change for an <Anime>.

To solve my issue, I made this change to function componentWillReceiveProps in react-anime.js file:

this.children = {
        cur: children.filter(function (c) {
          return difChildren.indexOf(c) < 0;
        cur: children,
        prev: childrenWereRemoved ? difChildren : this.children.prev,
        next: !childrenWereRemoved ? difChildren :

For some reason, the filter was returning zero children, even though there was a child component.

I am using anime like this;

//inside parent component

let FadeIn = props => {
    return (
        <Anime easing="linear"
            opacity={[0, 1]}
            delay={(el, index) => ((index * 200) + 1500)}>

Behavior of direction and delay in version @2.1.0

I am using React 16.4.2 and react-anime 2.1.0. And I have problem with direction and delay. If I use direction="reverse". Delay param flips.

Please see codesandox:
Sample 1 (React 15 & anime 0.3.4) - Delay works correctly
Sample 2 (React 16 & anime 2.1.0) - Delay flips

Code in both examples are identical only version of react and react-anime changes.
So question is does behavior of delay in 2.1.0 is correct. And if this behavior is correct how can i make that delay works like in version 0.3.4


Simple translateY will not work for the life of me.

Really not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Just trying to get a basic translation going so I can start working with the library.

Any ideas?

		const {classes} = this.props;
		return (
			<div className={classes.landscape}>
				<div className={classes.centerpiece}>
					<Anime translateY={100} loop={true} autoplay={true}>	

easeOutBounce does not seem to work

    <Anime easing='easeOutBounce'

results in an error: "Uncaught TypeError: l.easing is not a function"


    <Anime easing='easeOutElastic'

does work.

Also: I couldn't find easeOutBounce in the anime.js documentation.

Typescript - why most of the unnecessary props are required but ignored in main example?

Main example on react-anime doesn't compile in typescript

<Anime delay={(e, i) => i * 100}
         scale={[.1, .9]}>
    <div className="blue"/>
    <div className="green"/>
    <div className="red"/>

Anime declaration define multiple props as required which are not present in example. Can anyone explain me why those props are required? I'm new in react-anime and anime.js it self. Maybe I could help with typescript here?

Please see an example below:

Upgrade to anime 2.0

I saw Anime release version 2.0 23 days ago. Updating this lib would be great!

Support React-Native

It would be awesome to work on making this compatible with react-native. This issue is meant to open discussion and suggestions.

Keyframes not working?

Not sure if this is a known issue or not, just want to make sure.
Keyframes don't seem to work.

<Anime easing="easeInOutCirc"
	color={["#0000FF", "#FF0000", "#00FF00"]}
		{ value: 250, duration: 1000, delay: 500, elasticity: 0 },
		 { value: 0, duration: 1000, delay: 500, elasticity: 0 }

Does absolutely nothing when it comes to translation. The color property is only animated between "#0000FF", "#FF0000", so that's also not how these are supposed to work here, I guess.

Am I doing something wrong?

Publish 2.2.0 to npmjs

Hey, can you please publish the last master to npm? It would be useful to have the updated typescript interfaces that went into this MR: #45

Cannot read property 'nodeType' of null

Hi there,

Trying to use React Anime in my project, and I keep getting the above error!

node v9.8.0
react v16.2.0

Snippet of my code:

render () {
    const { type, show, title, fetching, handleCloseModal, initialValues } = this.props
    let defaultValues = initialValues || {}
    let animeProps = {
      opacity: [0, 1],
      translateY: [-64, 0],
      delay: (el, i) => i * 200
    return (
      <Anime {...animeProps}>
          show &&
            {this._renderForm(type, defaultValues)}

Where show is a bool being passed from the parent component. I am also using styled-components throughout the app if that makes any difference?

The error seems to be in the actual anime.min.js file inside node_modules - not inside react-anime itself, but there is nothing there on the issue either. Anyone had this before and manage to solve it?

Check the render method of `Anime`.

I am getting an error using this library using v8.9.4 of Node.

import Anime from 'react-anime';


  <Anime delay={(e, i) => i * 100}
       scale={[.1, .9]}>
    <div className="blue"/>
    <div className="green"/>
    <div className="red"/>

This may be because I am using Gatsby, which may require one to transpile to es5 before using a library but I am not sure.

Support mount/unmount of components

This is SOOO much simpler than other react animation tools out there. If it supported mounting and unmounting animations, it would be the best option available IMO. Have you considered adding this feature?

SVG Morphing not working

I thought it would be cool to use react-anime to create something like this:

I tried to morph the paths by wrapping each one in and added the "d" attribute for each one respectively, but nothing happens. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Here's my code:


<svg className="scene" width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 1440 800">
          duration={Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000) + 3000}
          d="M -84.52,-81.13 C -94.62,-73.4 -88.88,-59.55 -90.33,-48.91 -89.29,27.31 -89.61,103.5 -88.33,179.8 -85.99,416.1 -81.32,888.9 -81.32,888.9 -81.32,888.9 974.5,888.7 1587,891.9 1518,719.9 1487,644 1429,533 1388,437.7 1447,259.7 1400,187 1362,132 1270,90.53 1207,39.93 1161,2.932 1071,-74.45 1071,-74.45 1071,-74.45 914.5,-77.77 848.2,-80.17 537.6,-80.84 227,-81.38 -83.6,-81.6 -83.91,-81.44 -84.21,-81.29 -84.52,-81.13 Z"
            <path d="M -84.52,-81.13 C -94.62,-73.4 -88.88,-59.55 -90.33,-48.91 -89.29,27.31 -89.61,103.5 -88.33,179.8 -85.99,416.1 -81.32,888.9 -81.32,888.9 -81.32,888.9 974.5,888.7 1587,891.9 1518,719.9 1487,644 1429,533 1388,437.7 1447,259.7 1400,187 1362,132 1270,90.53 1207,39.93 1161,2.932 1071,-74.45 1071,-74.45 1071,-74.45 914.5,-77.77 848.2,-80.17 537.6,-80.84 227,-81.38 -83.6,-81.6 -83.91,-81.44 -84.21,-81.29 -84.52,-81.13 Z"></path>
          duration={Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000) + 3000}
          d="M 665.2,-83.08 C 413.7,-81.89 162.2,-82.43 -89.29,-81.61 -90.35,164.3 -85.06,410.2 -84.09,656.1 -83.37,733.7 -82.64,811.3 -81.92,888.9 442.4,889.8 966.7,890.7 1491,891.6 1253,747.5 1417,429.4 1286,245.4 1227,163.2 1107,142.1 1043,64.54 1009,24.41 973,-76.01 973,-76.01 973,-76.01 706.6,-83.67 665.2,-83.08 Z"
          <path d="M 665.2,-83.08 C 413.7,-81.89 162.2,-82.43 -89.29,-81.61 -90.35,164.3 -85.06,410.2 -84.09,656.1 -83.37,733.7 -82.64,811.3 -81.92,888.9 442.4,889.8 966.7,890.7 1491,891.6 1253,747.5 1417,429.4 1286,245.4 1227,163.2 1107,142.1 1043,64.54 1009,24.41 973,-76.01 973,-76.01 973,-76.01 706.6,-83.67 665.2,-83.08 Z"></path>
          duration={Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000) + 3000}
          d="M -85.01,-74.02 C -92.39,-66.64 -85.37,-55.79 -87.81,-46.91 -86.65,265.1 -84.66,577.2 -83.18,889.2 317.2,888.3 717.5,885.8 1118,890.4 1152,890.6 1187,890.9 1221,890 1219,768.3 1224,643.6 1187,526 1153,417 1091,319.3 1029,224.1 998.8,178.5 968.8,132.6 936.6,88.23 891.7,27.39 772.2,-78.96 772.2,-78.96 772.2,-78.96 222.1,-81.07 -85.01,-74.02 Z"
          <path d="M -85.01,-74.02 C -92.39,-66.64 -85.37,-55.79 -87.81,-46.91 -86.65,265.1 -84.66,577.2 -83.18,889.2 317.2,888.3 717.5,885.8 1118,890.4 1152,890.6 1187,890.9 1221,890 1219,768.3 1224,643.6 1187,526 1153,417 1091,319.3 1029,224.1 998.8,178.5 968.8,132.6 936.6,88.23 891.7,27.39 772.2,-78.96 772.2,-78.96 772.2,-78.96 222.1,-81.07 -85.01,-74.02 Z"></path>
          duration={Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000) + 3000}
          d="M -92.42,-79.11 C -89.97,243.8 -87.52,566.7 -85.07,889.6 201.8,889.9 488.7,889.9 775.5,895.6 880.4,896.9 985.2,894 1090,892.5 1064,773.3 1037,651.6 976.1,544.8 946.7,495.8 914.6,448.3 882,401.3 820.9,314.4 742.3,252 666.4,177.4 583.2,98.01 496.5,12.18 386.7,-23.38 328.4,-45.64 232.6,-81.38 232.6,-81.38 232.6,-81.38 9.82,-84.94 -92.42,-79.11 Z"
          <path d="M -92.42,-79.11 C -89.97,243.8 -87.52,566.7 -85.07,889.6 201.8,889.9 488.7,889.9 775.5,895.6 880.4,896.9 985.2,894 1090,892.5 1064,773.3 1037,651.6 976.1,544.8 946.7,495.8 914.6,448.3 882,401.3 820.9,314.4 742.3,252 666.4,177.4 583.2,98.01 496.5,12.18 386.7,-23.38 328.4,-45.64 232.6,-81.38 232.6,-81.38 232.6,-81.38 9.82,-84.94 -92.42,-79.11 Z"></path>
          duration={Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000) + 3000}
          d="M -88.6,95.54 C -90.38,166.1 -88.23,236.7 -88.68,307.4 L -86.19,890 C 229.7,890.2 939.8,892.4 939.8,892.4 855.2,767 831,639.4 721.4,519.4 634.7,424.5 526.4,360.9 428.8,281.8 332.7,204 251.6,102.3 140.1,48.9 70.75,15.73 -24.82,24.2 -85.28,0.03 Z"
          <path d="M -88.6,95.54 C -90.38,166.1 -88.23,236.7 -88.68,307.4 L -86.19,890 C 229.7,890.2 939.8,892.4 939.8,892.4 855.2,767 831,639.4 721.4,519.4 634.7,424.5 526.4,360.9 428.8,281.8 332.7,204 251.6,102.3 140.1,48.9 70.75,15.73 -24.82,24.2 -85.28,0.03 Z"></path>
          duration={Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000) + 3000}
          d="M -95.69,252.3 -87.65,890.4 698.1,892 C 698.1,892 599.1,687.7 518.9,610.6 348,446.2 131.4,466.5 -95.69,252.3 Z"
          <path d="M -95.69,252.3 -87.65,890.4 698.1,892 C 698.1,892 599.1,687.7 518.9,610.6 348,446.2 131.4,466.5 -95.69,252.3 Z"></path>
          duration={Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000) + 3000}
          d="M -85.59,444.4 -85.59,890.6 489,895.6 C 489,895.6 436.8,745.3 382.5,690.8 258.1,565.8 57.98,629.2 -85.59,444.4 Z"
          <path d="M -85.59,444.4 -85.59,890.6 489,895.6 C 489,895.6 436.8,745.3 382.5,690.8 258.1,565.8 57.98,629.2 -85.59,444.4 Z"></path>


.scene {
  position: fixed;
	background: #282886;
  z-index: -10;

.scene g:first-child path {
	fill: #4f4fea;

.scene g:nth-child(2) path {
	fill: #0c27cf;

.scene g:nth-child(3) path {
	fill: #13269c;

.scene g:nth-child(4) path {
	fill: #242468;

.scene g:nth-child(5) path {
	fill: #2648e6;

.scene :nth-child(6) path {
	fill: #2c31b0;

.scene g:nth-child(7) path {
	fill: #262689;

Web not working

Hey there.

I noticed that the website is not working.
Just a suggestion: a one?


The resulting <g> from an <Anime> tag breaks a Relative % Chain

When inserting an component within one of my containers (i.e a 50% container) to animate a child of a relative width (i.e 100% of its container), the will break the relative width chain and not occupy the full container.

Proposed fix: initiating Anime components with a width style of 100% or to give g elements a property of width: 100% in the .css.

Let me know if you approve of a solution to this issue and I can make the PR

Is there a way to trigger the animation manually while autoplay is false?

Hi, I've been trying to find a way to trigger the animation manually based on some conditions, but it looks like the only way to get a reference to the animation instance is through one of the begin, update or complete callback functions, and they all require the autoplay prop to be true to trigger. Is there any way that we can get the animation instance when the component mount?

Anime component makes div disappear

Am I doing something wrong?

import Anime from 'react-anime';

function Header() {
   return (
           <div style={{ width: 40, height: 40, background: 'blue' }} />

I've tried adding the props from the example, but without them I also get the same result. It simply makes my div disappear.

Cannot get basic animation working?

Just trying to get something basic going, and it doesn't seem to be working.

Note: I have figured out how to use anime.js with React, and will be doing so until I can figure out how to use react-anime.

Here's my code:

		const {classes} = this.props;
		return (
			<div className={classes.landscape}>
				<div className={classes.centerpiece}>
					<Anime delay={100} scale={[.1, .9]}>
						<Dot className={}/>

Cannot Simulate Events using ReactTestUtils.Simulate or enzyme simulate


I am trying to write tests to check the state changes of my component on mouse enter.

describe('animeButton', () => {
  it('swaps between normal and hover views', () => {
    const Button = mount( <AnimeButton
                            normalTextClassName="normalText" />);
    // ReactTestUtils.Simulate.mouseEnter(Button); <-- Would also error out
    const element = Button.find('a');
    element.simulate('mouseEnter');  <-- Errors out

When I run the little bit of code, I get an error 'NodeList is not defined' from Line 219 of /dist/anime.js. I was able to alter the source code to get passed this function if of unknownHTMLElement type, but then I hit a tags button elsewhere in the anime.js source code.

Ive tried many different approaches and cant find a way to simulate this mouseEnter.

What's the current recommended solution for testing components that use Anime components?

Full Error Log:

1) animeButton swaps between normal and hover views:
     ReferenceError: NodeList is not defined
      at p (node_modules/react-anime/dist/anime.min.js:1:3112)
      at (native)
      at _ (node_modules/react-anime/dist/anime.min.js:1:5577)
      at Q (node_modules/react-anime/dist/anime.min.js:1:8715)
      at H (node_modules/react-anime/dist/anime.min.js:1:9096)
      at e.createAnime (node_modules/react-anime/dist/anime.min.js:1:12115)
      at e.value (node_modules/react-anime/dist/anime.min.js:1:11575)
      at node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactCompositeComponent.js:264:25
      at measureLifeCyclePerf (node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactCompositeComponent.js:75:12)
      at node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactCompositeComponent.js:263:11
      at CallbackQueue.notifyAll (node_modules/react-dom/lib/CallbackQueue.js:76:22)
      at ReactReconcileTransaction.close (node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactReconcileTransaction.js:80:26)
      at ReactReconcileTransaction.closeAll (node_modules/react-dom/lib/Transaction.js:209:25)
      at ReactReconcileTransaction.perform (node_modules/react-dom/lib/Transaction.js:156:16)
      at ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction.perform (node_modules/react-dom/lib/Transaction.js:143:20)
      at ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction.perform (node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactUpdates.js:89:32)
      at Object.flushBatchedUpdates (node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactUpdates.js:172:19)
      at ReactDefaultBatchingStrategyTransaction.closeAll (node_modules/react-dom/lib/Transaction.js:209:25)
      at ReactDefaultBatchingStrategyTransaction.perform (node_modules/react-dom/lib/Transaction.js:156:16)
      at Object.batchedUpdates (node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.js:62:26)
      at Object.batchedUpdates (node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactUpdates.js:97:27)
      at node_modules/react-dom/lib/ReactTestUtils.js:349:18
      at ReactWrapper.<anonymous> (node_modules/enzyme/build/ReactWrapper.js:776:11)
      at ReactWrapper.single (node_modules/enzyme/build/ReactWrapper.js:1421:25)
      at ReactWrapper.simulate (node_modules/enzyme/build/ReactWrapper.js:769:14)
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/index2.test.js:26:13)```

Requires Animejs


I'm building a React-Anime button with an animated SVG and I want to publish it on NPM.

So that component would be a peer dependency of your project. But when I install your project, it does not automatically install animejs.

Is this on purpose? Could you explain why?

Now when I publish mine, do I just require your package and leave a note for the user that they will need to npm i -S animejs themselves?

Documentation not loading

The documentation doesn't show after the loading animation. I've tried across different browsers but the results are the same

Question about 'complete' and 'begin' functions

I'm fairly new with React and had some questions using this module.

The idea is to have an element that animates opacity and becomes hidden after animation based on a button toggle (opacity 0 doesn't works in this case since mouse events still works in an element with opacity 0, so display: none or visibility:hidden should work)

Problem: I need to animate opacity based on custom prop, it's ok and animates perfectly using opacity={this.props.opened ? 1 : 0}. But at the end of animation, i need to apply {visibility: 'hidden'} or {display: 'none'} to child component, and on animation start, i also need to apply back {visibility: 'visible'} for element to reaper.

I tried keeping this style in state but when i call setState in 'begin' method it enters in an infinite loop. also, i tried to set style directly using this.refs but it returns Uncaught TypeError: Can't add property style, object is not extensible

What are the best ways to approach this problem?

Anime not working with components

I am having some problems with getting the animation to work when wrapping the <Anime> component with other components. Is this not supported? I could not find any relevant info in the documentation.

Box component

import React from 'react';

export default function Box() {
    let style = {
        width: '100px',
        height: '100px',
        background: '#71bed6'
    return <div style={style}>Box</div>


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./styles.css";
import Box from "./Box";
import Anime from "react-anime";

function App() {
  return (
      <p>With div</p>
        <div className="box">Box</div>

      <p>With component</p>
        <Box />

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

I have made the example in codesandbox

It would be easier if I could apply the animation to pre-made components instead of changing all of my components with the <Anime> component.

TypeScript errors in 2.5.3 [Help Wanted]

Using create-react-app-ts, even a very basic

<Anime delay={(e, i) => i * 100}
scale={[.1, .9]}>

Fails on typescript errors:
ren?: ReactNode; }> & Rea...'.
Type '{ value: any; translateX: any; translateY: any; rotate: any; scale: any; opacity: any; color: any...' is not assignable to type 'Readonly'.
Types of property 'children' are incompatible.
Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'any[]'.
Property 'find' is missing in type 'Element'.

composite components

This currently does not work:

class Button extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return <button>{this.props.children}</button>

// functional components don't work anyway because we can't attach a ref
// const Button = ({ children }) => <button>{children}</button>

function App () {
  return (
    <Anime opacity={[0, 1]} translateY={'1em'}>
      <Button>Hello World</Button>

We could solve this by querying the raw dom node using findDOMNode() but that would make it even more incompatible with react-native because of the react-dom dep.

incompatibility with styled-components

The following TypeScript code, that uses styled-components only animates the first 4 divs (those with a style object). The other four (styled components) do not animate. Animation using the animejs library in componentdidmount with a css selector on the styled components does work. But I would prefer to use your wrapper library.

import * as React from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";
import Anime from "react-anime"

const Box = styled.div`
	width: 20px;
	height: 20px;
	background: red;

export default class Test extends React.Component
	public render(): JSX.Element
		const style = {
			width: "20px",
			height: "20px",
			background: "green"

		return (
				<Anime delay={(e, i) => i * 100}
						scale={[.1, .9]}>

						<div style={style}/>
						<div style={style}/>
						<div style={style}/>
						<div style={style}/>


no exported member 'Motion'.ts

trying to use with a typescript app and getting the error abobe

Module '"../../../../../../../../../../Users/dc/dev/tix/recobot/stack/timeline/node_modules/react-anime/dist/react-anime"' has no exported member 'Motion'.ts(2305)


Error: Problem parsing points="[object Object]"

Trying to animate the following:

<polygon strokeWidth='1' stroke='currentColor' points='70 24 119.574 60.369 100.145 117.631 50.855 101.631 3.426 54.369' />

...and getting Error: Problem parsing points="[object Object]", a whole bunch of times. Here's the whole component:

<svg width='140' height='140' viewBox='0 0 140 140'>
  <g fill='currentColor' fillOpacity='.15' transform='translate(0 6)'>
    <polygon points='70 0 136.574 48.369 111.145 126.631 28.855 126.631 3.426 48.369' />
    <polygon points='70 18 119.455 53.931 100.565 112.069 39.435 112.069 20.545 53.931' />
    <polygon points='70 34.86 101.727 57.911 89.609 95.209 50.391 95.209 38.273 57.911' />
    <polygon points='70 50.898 84.864 61.697 79.186 79.171 60.814 79.171 55.136 61.697' />

  <g fill='none' fillRule='evenodd'>
          value: '70 41 118.574 59.369 111.145 132.631 60.855 84.631 20.426 60.369'
        }, {
          value: '70 6 119.574 60.369 100.145 117.631 39.855 117.631 55.426 68.369'
        }, {
          value: '70 57 136.574 54.369 89.145 100.631 28.855 132.631 38.426 64.369'
        }, {
          value: '70 24 119.574 60.369 100.145 117.631 50.855 101.631 3.426 54.369'
      <polygon strokeWidth='1' stroke='currentColor' points='70 24 119.574 60.369 100.145 117.631 50.855 101.631 3.426 54.369' />

All component in container animate on every update


Just discovered this today and it was a breeze to get this working!
I have each component set up with specific animations.
But when one component is updated, all the component in the container animate.
Even though the container itself does not have any animations defined.

Ideally I'd like only the specific component to animate and not the others.
Is there a way to stop this? May be I am doing something wrong?


No documentation for strokeDashoffset

I checked the docs and assumed that the lib didn't support strokeDashEffort for drawing an SVG's shape borders only to find that this example actually made use of the prop. Do you think the docs could use some improvements?

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