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zynq-fpga's Introduction


This repo contains the software and instructions necessary to run a RISC-V Rocket Core on the Digilent Zybo board.


Method 1 (Quick):

Step 1: Copy everything from the sd_image directory to the root of your microsd card.

Jump to the "Booting Up and interacting with the RISC-V Rocket core" section to continue.

Method 2 (Build From Scratch):

You may also build the system from scratch. These instructions have been tested with Vivado 2013.4 and Xilinx SDK 2013.4.

As a quick summary, here's what the Zybo will do when booting:

  1. Impact the Rocket Core onto the zynq's programmable logic and configure the on-board ARM core. These come from the system_wrapper.bit file, which will be part of boot.bin on the sd card.

  2. Run the First Stage BootLoader (FSBL), which is part of boot.bin which we will eventually create.

  3. The FSBL will start u-Boot, which sets up the environment for linux on the ARM core.

  4. Finally, u-Boot will start our linux image (uImage) on the ARM core. This requires a custom devicetree.dtb file, which we will compile shortly.

We'll now go ahead and build each of these components.

####Step 0:

Make sure you've sourced the settings for Vivado as necessary on your system.

####Step 1: Building the Vivado Project

$ git clone [email protected]:ucb-bar/zybo.git
$ cd zybo/hw
$ vivado -mode tcl -source zybo_refchip.tcl
$ cd zybo_bsd
$ vivado ./zybo_bsd.xpr

Once in Vivado, first hit "Generate Block Design" ->, then hit "Open Block Design" ->

Then, run Generate Bitstream (it should step through Synthesis and Implementation automatically). While this is running, you can go ahead and follow steps 3 and 4 to build u-boot and Linux (but not the FSBL).

Once bitstream generation in vivado finishes, make sure that "Open Implemented Design" is selected and hit "OK". After the implemented design is open, we can export the project to the Xilinx SDK. To do so, hit File -> Export -> "Export Hardware for SDK...".

In the dialog that pops up, make sure that Source is selected as "". You can leave "Export to" and "Workspace" as their defaults, which should be <Local to Project>. The rest of the tutorial assumes that this is the case. Finally, make sure that "Export Hardware", "Include bitstream", and "Launch SDK" are all checked. Then click OK. Once the SDK launches, feel free to exit Vivado.

In case the SDK fails to launch, the command to do so is:

$ xsdk -bit [ZYBO REPO LOCATION]/hw/zybo_bsd/zybo_bsd.sdk/SDK/SDK_Export/hw/system_wrapper.bit -workspace [ZYBO REPO LOCATION]/hw/zybo_bsd/zybo_bsd.sdk/SDK/SDK_Export -hwspec [ZYBO_REPO_LOCATION]/hw/zybo_bsd/zybo_bsd.sdk/SDK/SDK_Export/hw/system.xml

####Step 2: Building the First-Stage BootLoader (FSBL) in Xilinx SDK

Now, we'll use the SDK to build the FSBL:

Inside the SDK, hit File -> New -> Project. In the window that pops up, expand the Xilinx node in the tree of options and click "Application Project".

In the following window, enter "FSBL" as the Project name and ensure that Hardware Platform under Target Hardware is set to hw_platform_0 and that the Processor is set to ps7_cortexa9_0. Under Target Software, ensure that OS Platform is set to standalone, Language is set to C, and Board Support Package is set to Create New, with "FSBL_bsp" as the name.

After you hit next, you'll be presented with a menu with available templates. Select "Zynq FSBL" and click finish. Once you do so, you should see compilation in progress in the console. Wait until "Build Finished" appears. Do not exit Xilinx SDK yet, we'll come back to it in a couple of steps to package up boot.bin.

####Step 3: Build u-boot for the zybo:

First, you'll want to grab the u-boot source for the Zybo. Since things tend to shift around in Digilent's repos, we've made a fork to ensure a stable base for this guide. This copy of the repo also contains a modified copy of the default zybo u-boot configuration to support the RISC-V Rocket core. The repo is already present as a submodule, so you'll need to initialize it (this will also download the linux source for you, which you'll need in Step 5):

[From inside the zybo repo]
$ git submodule update --init

Next, we'll go ahead and build u-boot. To do so, enter the following:

$ cd u-boot-Digilent-Dev
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi- zynq_zybo_config
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-

Once the build completes, the file we need is called "u-boot", but we need to rename it. Run the following to do so:

$ mv u-boot u-boot.elf

Step 4: Create boot.bin

At this point, we'll package up the 3 main files we've built so far: system_wrapper.bit, the FSBL binary, and the u-boot.elf binary. To do so, return to the Xilinx SDK and select "Create Zynq Boot Image" from the "Xilinx Tools" menu.

In the window that appears, choose an output location for the boot.bif file we'll create. Do not check "Use Authentication" or "Use Encryption". Also set an output path for boot.bin at the bottom (it will likely be called output.bin by default). Now, in the Boot Image Partitions area, hit Add.

In the window that pops up, ensure that Partition type is set as bootloader and click browse. The file we're looking for is called FSBL.elf. If you've followed these instructions exactly, it will be located in:

[ZYBO REPO LOCATION]/hw/zybo_bsd/zybo_bsd.sdk/SDK/SDK_Export/FSBL/Debug/FSBL.elf

Once you've located the file, click OK.

Next we'll add the bit file containing our design (with the Rocket core). Click add once again. This time, Partition type should be set as datafile. Navigate to the following directory to choose your bit file:

[ZYBO REPO LOCATION]/hw/zybo_bsd/zybo_bsd.sdk/SDK/SDK_Export/hw_platform_0/system_wrapper.bit

Once you've located the file, click OK.

Finally, we'll add in u-boot. Again, click Add and ensure that Partition type is set to datafile in the window that appears. Now, click browse and select u-boot.elf located in:

[ZYBO REPO LOCATION]/u-boot-Digilent-Dev/u-boot.elf

Once you've located the file, click OK and hit Create Image in the Create Zynq Boot Image window. Copy the generated boot.bin file to your sd card. You may now close the Xilinx SDK window.

Step 5: Build Linux Kernel uImage

Next, we'll move on to building the Linux Kernel uImage. Again, to keep our dependencies in-order, we've created a fork of the Digilent linux repo and added a modified dts file to support Rocket's Host-Target Interface (HTIF). When you ran git submodule update --init back in step 3, the source for linux was pulled into [ZYBO REPO LOCATION]/Linux-Digilent-Dev. Enter that directory and do the following to build linux:

$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi- xilinx_zynq_defconfig
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-

This will produce a zImage file, however we need a uImage. In order to build a uImage, the Makefile needs to be able to run the mkimage program found in u-boot-Digilent-Dev/tools. Thus, we'll have to add it to our path:

$ export PATH=$PATH:[ZYBO REPO LOCATION]/u-boot-Digilent-Dev/tools
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi- UIMAGE_LOADADDR=0x8000 uImage

This will produce the file [ZYBO REPO LOCATION]/Linux-Digilent-Dev/arch/arm/boot/uImage. Copy this file to your sdcard.

Next, we'll compile our device tree, so that the kernel knows where our devices are. The copy of linux in this repo already contains a modified device tree to support the HTIF infrastructure that Rocket needs. To compile it, run the following from inside [ZYBO REPO LOCATION]/Linux-Digilent-Dev/.

$ ./scripts/dtc/dtc -I dts -O dtb -o devicetree.dtb arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-zybo.dts

This will produce a devicetree.dtb file, which you should copy to your sdcard.

Finally, copy the uramdisk.image.gz file from [ZYBO REPO LOCATION]/sd_image/ to your sd card. This is the root filesystem for ARM linux, which contains a copy of riscv-fesvr (frontend server) that will interact with our Rocket core on the programmable logic. If you'd like to modify this ramdisk, see Appendix A at the bottom of this document.

At this point, there should be 4 files on your sd card. Continue to the "Booting Up and interacting with the RISC-V Rocket core" section.

Booting Up and Interacting with the RISC-V Core

Finally, copy the sd_image/riscv directory to your sd card. This contains a copy of the linux kernel compiled for RISC-V, along with an appropriate root filesystem. At this point, the directory structure of your sd card should match the following:

|-> riscv/
    |-> root_spike.bin
    |-> vmlinux
|-> boot.bin
|-> devicetree.dtb
|-> uImage
|-> uramdisk.image.gz

Insert the microsd card in your zybo. At this point you have two options for logging in:


To connect over usb, do the following (the text following tty. may vary):

$ screen /dev/tty.usbserial-210279575138B 115200,cs8,-parenb,-cstopb
  1. Telnet

You may also connect over telnet using ethernet. The default IP address is

$ telnet

In either case, you'll eventually be prompted to login to the ARM system. Both the username and password are root.

Once you're in, you'll need to mount the sd card so that we can access the files necessary to boot linux on the Rocket core. Do the following:

$ mkdir /sdcard
$ mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard

Finally, we can go ahead and boot linux on the Rocket core:

$ ./fesvr-zedboard +disk=/sdcard/riscv/root_spike.bin /sdcard/riscv/vmlinux


Appendix A: Modifying the rootfs:

The RAMDisk that holds linux (uramdisk.image.gz) is a gzipped cpio archive with a u-boot header for the zybo. To open it up (will need sudo):

$ dd if=sd_image/uramdisk.image.gz  bs=64 skip=1 of=uramdisk.cpio.gz
$ mkdir ramdisk
$ gunzip -c uramdisk.cpio.gz | sudo sh -c 'cd ramdisk/ && cpio -i'

When changing or adding files, be sure to keep track of owners, groups, and permissions. When you are done, to package it back up:

$ sh -c 'cd ramdisk/ && sudo find . | sudo cpio -H newc -o' | gzip -9 > uramdisk.cpio.gz
$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -d uramdisk.cpio.gz uramdisk.image.gz

Appendix B: Building Slave.v from reference-chip

The copy of Slave.v in this repo was built from

The following changes were made to allow the design to fit on the Zybo:

  1. Remove Rocket's uarch counters:

    [Inside Rocket]

    diff --git a/src/main/scala/csr.scala b/src/main/scala/csr.scala index 2169055..158b749 100644 --- a/src/main/scala/csr.scala +++ b/src/main/scala/csr.scala @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class CSRFileIO(implicit conf: RocketConfiguration) extends Bundle { val evec = UInt(OUTPUT, val exception = Bool(INPUT) val retire = UInt(INPUT, log2Up(1+conf.retireWidth))

    • val uarch_counters = Vec.fill(16)(UInt(INPUT, log2Up(1+conf.retireWidth))) +// val uarch_counters = Vec.fill(16)(UInt(INPUT, log2Up(1+conf.retireWidth))) val cause = UInt(INPUT, conf.xprlen) val badvaddr_wen = Bool(INPUT) val pc = UInt(INPUT, @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class CSRFile(implicit conf: RocketConfiguration) extends Module val reg_status = Reg(new Status) // reset down below val reg_time = WideCounter(conf.xprlen) val reg_instret = WideCounter(conf.xprlen, io.retire)
    • val reg_uarch_counters =, _)) +// val reg_uarch_counters =, _)) val reg_fflags = Reg(UInt(width = 5)) val reg_frm = Reg(UInt(width = 3))

    @@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ class CSRFile(implicit conf: RocketConfiguration) extends Module CSRs.tohost -> reg_tohost, CSRs.fromhost -> reg_fromhost)

    • for (i <- 0 until reg_uarch_counters.size)

      • read_mapping += (CSRs.uarch0 + i) -> reg_uarch_counters(i) +// for (i <- 0 until reg_uarch_counters.size) +// read_mapping += (CSRs.uarch0 + i) -> reg_uarch_counters(i) := Mux1H(for ((k, v) <- read_mapping) yield decoded_addr(k) -> v)

    diff --git a/src/main/scala/dpath.scala b/src/main/scala/dpath.scala index ea6b59c..b5f143a 100644 --- a/src/main/scala/dpath.scala +++ b/src/main/scala/dpath.scala @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class Datapath(implicit conf: RocketConfiguration) extends Module <> io.rocc := wb_reg_pc io.ctrl.csr_replay :=

    • := Bool(false)) +// := Bool(false))

      io.ptw.ptbr := io.ptw.invalidate :=

  2. Modify L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration:

    [Inside reference-chip] diff --git a/src/main/scala/fpga.scala b/src/main/scala/fpga.scala index 7f4df49..799ab2a 100644 --- a/src/main/scala/fpga.scala +++ b/src/main/scala/fpga.scala @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class FPGATop extends Module { writeMaskBits = WRITE_MASK_BITS, wordAddrBits = SUBWORD_ADDR_BITS, atomicOpBits = ATOMIC_OP_BITS)

    • implicit val l2 = L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration(tl, 1, 8)
      • implicit val l2 = L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration(tl, 1, 4) implicit val mif = MemoryIFConfiguration(MEM_ADDR_BITS, MEM_DATA_BITS, MEM_TAG_BITS, 4) implicit val uc = FPGAUncoreConfiguration(l2, tl, mif, ntiles, nSCR = 64, offsetBits = OFFSET_BITS)

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