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rabbitmqbundle's Issues

Queues/Messages not created automatically ?


I have the following configuration :

            port:      %rabbitmq.port%
            user:      %rabbitmq.user%
            password:  %rabbitmq.password%
            vhost:     '/'
            connection: default
            exchange_options: {name: 'main_direct', type: direct}
            connection: default
            exchange_options: {name: 'main_direct', type: direct}
            queue_options:    {name: 'post_processing', durable: true}
            callback:          consumer.post_processing
            connection: default
            exchange_options: {name: 'main_direct', type: direct}
            queue_options:    {name: 'permission', durable: true}
            callback:         consumer.permission
            connection: default
            exchange_options: {name: 'main_direct', type: direct}
            queue_options:    {name: 'index', durable: true}
            callback:         consumer.index_document
            connection: default
            exchange_options: {name: 'main_direct', type: direct}
            queue_options:    {name: 'following_encode', durable: true}
            callback:         consumer.encode_following_list
            connection: default
            exchange_options: {name: 'main_direct', type: direct}
            queue_options:    {name: 'user_activity', durable: true}
            callback:         consumer.user_activity
            connection: default
            exchange_options: {name: 'main_direct', type: direct}
            queue_options:    {name: 'build_feed', durable: true}
            callback:         consumer.build_feed

And i add jobs through a manager which basically does :

    public function addJob($queue, $data, $priority = 0)
        $message = serialize($data);
        $this->producer->publish($message, $queue);

$queue being the queue name defined in the configuration.

The things is that with this configuration I have no queue nor message being added.
sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues returns nothing.

What am i doing wrong ?

Thanks !


After upgrade symfony to 2.1, we got this error.

  ->addDefaultsIfNotSet() is not applicable to prototype nodes at path "old_sound_rabbit_mq.connections"  

Consumer and Producer config

Default parameters for the consumer and the producer aren't the same. So when you don't explicitly specify all the parameters you will have tha kind of exceptions

PRECONDITION_FAILED - cannot redeclare exchange 'exchange-name' in vhost '/' with different type, durable, internal or autodelete value

with that config.yml

            host:      'localhost'
            port:      5672
            user:      'guest'
            password:  'guest'
            vhost:     '/'
            connection: default
            exchange_options: {name: 'exchange-name', type: direct}
            connection: default
            exchange_options: {name: 'exchange-name', type: direct}
            queue_options:    {name: 'queue-name'}
            callback:         sample_task_service

Make RabbitMQ unavailability catchable

Currently if the server is unavailable then even on pages that do not use rabbitmq, our app dies with a fatal error.

I want to implement a fallback in this case but seem unable to prevent the fatal errors.

As long as the rabbitmq bundle is configured in config.yml, then it seems there is no way to operate the app in the case of the rabbit server being unavailable, so this is a problem.

[Feature request] Support for configuring with an amqp uri

It would be great if the config could accept an amqp uri and convert it internally to extract each setting. This would make it easier to use the bundle with hosted rabbitmq providing an amqp uri with the settings (for instance, CloudAMQP sets the uri directly as an environment variable on heroku)

pcntl signals processed only after message is handled

Hey @videlalvaro,

Great bundle. We use it in many of our projects.

Recently, we've had some issues with one of our consumers that doesn't receive messages that often. 1 per 30 minutes or so.

The issue we have is with handling the pcntl signals. Presently, handling signals happens after the next message is processed. When your script is processing messages at a rate of 1 per second, sending a SIGINT will only have you waiting 1 second before it's handled properly.

Now, in the case of 1 per 30 minutes, this is obviously a problem. We're specifically having the issue during deploys. We want to restart all consumers each deploy. Waiting 30 minutes really isn't an option.

Is there a way to have the following happen?

  • If a signal arrives while the consumer is waiting for the message, it just handles it immediately and close down.
  • If a signal arrives during the processing of one of these messages, it obviously should finish handling the message first, then handle the signal and close down.

I tried playing around with the bundle and the underlying lib, but the architecture seems to make this hard to accomplish.

Any ideas? I'm happy to write the code if there's a good solution without a ton of refactoring.

Handle messages that can't be delivered

According to my experience, currently when a consumer fails to consume a message (the callback ends with fatal error, exception, etc), the message is still considered as delivered and is not restored.

Is there any workaround for this?

Do Consumer have the timeout mechanism?

Hi, I'm using this bundle to deal with the data transfer, it really help me a lot.
I have several consumers, each use the bulk insert to get better performance.
But i find out every consumer hold some data because the amount didn't reach the batch size.
Will you add the timeout mechanism to Consumer?
Or there has any method can let Consumer know the queue situation?

Reconnect if connection is closed

I have a consumer that once started performs some time-consuming operations and then tries to write to Rabbit. If the connection was closed by RabbitMQ server, then the application crashes with:

Notice: fwrite(): send of 31 bytes failed with errno=104 Connection reset by peer in vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Connection/AMQPConnection.php line 157

What can be done about it? Doesn't the bundle have possibility to re-connect to RabbitMQ server?

multiple routing key


I would like to know if it is possible to have several routing key in the configuration:
my configuartion is:

# define producers
        connection:         default
        exchange_options:   {name: 'upload-picture', type: topic, durable: true }
        connection:         default
        exchange_options:   {name: 'Service', type: topic, durable: true }

        connection: default
        exchange_options: {name: 'upload-picture', type: topic}
        queue_options:    {name: 'upload-picture'}
        callback:         upload_picture_service


rabbitmq_routing_key:  upload_picture.state

I would like to have something like :

        connection:         default
        exchange_options:   {name: 'upload-picture', type: topic, durable: true }
        routing_key: upload_picture.state
        connection:         default
        exchange_options:   {name: 'Service', type: topic, durable: true 
         routing_key: content.state

it is possible for consumers too?
thank you for ur help =)

Consumer architecture

Hello @videlalvaro

I review your bundle a bit and I have couple of issues.

  1. Does producer should know anything about queues? As far as I understand producer just publishes messages to exchange. The only thing producer should declare is an exchange.
  2. Does consumer should know anything about exchanges and routing keys? As far as I understand consumer just consumes the message from a queue and doesn't care where it come from. The only thing consumer should declare is a queue he consumes.
  3. If both questions above should be answered "no" then we need a way to setup exchanges,queues and bindings between them and here comes my issue #27. I can implement these changes, but I just need your opinion maybe I have missed something important.

Connect to RabbitMQ server even without using it

I find that RabbitMqBundle will try to connect to the server if we declare a producer service.
When we are doing some functional test, we can see a lot of connection at the RabbitMQ server even these tests is not about RabbitMqBundle.

We are updating RabbitMQ to the latest master, and aware this new behavior.
Could we avoid this? I think this is not necessary.

timeout for RPC client + custom (de)serialization

This bundle is great and we are very happy with it.

Only thing we are missing at the moment are these 2 features:

Timeout for RPC client:
Our RPC client works fine when RPC server is listening but in case that RPC server is offline, client is blocking whole apache which is very unfortunate. I tried to build a timeout mechanism around getReplies() function like it is mentioned here: but it is very unstable. It works first few times (throws timeout exception as we want) but then same old issue occurs where whole apache thread is blocked and no other web requests can be made.

Custom (de)serialization:
Now serialization and deserialization are both done using php native serialize command. We wish to have a custom setting for adding our own serialization (for use with JMSSerializerBundle for example

[Feature Request]

It looks like this requirement may overlap a couple of existing requests.

We need the ability to dynamically create and destroy queues - while running as a consumer - using the same connection.

I will continue to review the code - maybe this can be done already - I was just concerned reading "lazy" threads.

Container is not being passed into consumers

The documentation indicates that by declaring your consumer to extend ContainerAware, the consumer should have access to the DIC. In practice, however, this does not appear to work.

$this->container is always set to null, and defining the setContainer function:

public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null) {
  die('Consumer container set');
  $this->container = $container;

the setContainer function is never called.

Is this an implementation problem with RabbitMQBundle or a symfony core issue?

Using routing_keys parameter

Hello there,
If I try add routing_keys parameter into config.yml like this:

            host:      'localhost'
            port:      5672
            user:      'guest'
            password:  'guest'
            vhost:     '/'
            connection: default
            exchange_options: {name: 'social-networks', type: topic}
            connection: default
                name: 'social-networks'
                type: topic
                name: 'twitter-metrics-queue'
                  - 'metrics.twitter'
            callback: twitter_metrics_service

I tried add routing_keys parameter into producers too and variants only in consumers and producers. But when I try to use symfony2 console, I get this:

Unrecognized options "routing_keys" under "old_sound_rabbit_mq.consumers.twitter_metrics.queue_options"

What I'm doing wrong?

If this issue isn't suitable here, please delete it and asnwer at stackoverflow

[RFC] Added Stub producer


IMHO, it could be usefull to add a stub producer into this bundle (or in php-aqm lib) that will mock a producer. It will we usefull in functionnal tests to mock the real rabbitmq.
Thanks to the data-collector, we could ask to the mock if new message has been pushed to rabbitmq, etc.

What do you think ?

hardcoded values in exchange_declare call


RabbitMq/Producer.php, line 12:
$this->ch->exchange_declare($this->exchangeOptions['name'], $this->exchangeOptions['type'], false, true, false);

Why are you using hardcoded values here? I have completely equal declaration of producer and consumer (with auto_delete set to true, and durable to false) and the code above tries to redeclare (with no success of course) the queue with other options just because it ignores my settings

Is it a bug or am I missing something?


Queue on producer

Hi there,
I'm working with AMQP since few days.
I have build a Java application which use AMQP & do some little test with phpamqp-lib out-of-box.

Right now, I'm trying to integrate the AMQP producer to our Symfony2 application.
I'm looking on your RabbitMqBundle.

The first question is about queue.
When work with AMQP, Producer & Consumer have to work with a specific channel. This channel can be configure to use a specific queue_name. Isn't it ?

The problem is, that I have not found any method to specify a queue_name for the producer channel.

For the consumer, the configuration have a dedicated part for queue options.. Like queue_name.

Thanks for help.

Exchange names cannot contain the "period" character

Messages sent to an exchange which name contains a period (.) never arrive to the RabbitMQ broker. Here's the config for such a producer:

        connection: default
        exchange_options: { name: 'accounts.update', type: direct }

According to RabbitMQ's reference for AMQP 0-9-1 periods are allowed in the exchange name:

The exchange name consists of a non-empty sequence of these characters: 
letters, digits, hyphen, underscore, period, or colon.


Hi @videlalvaro ,

Is this bundle/project considered inactive or dead? Questions/Issues are not answered and code was not maintained within the last 6 months.


Not register as a service ??


I recently create one consumer and it's fully works even if it's not declare as a Symfony service.
According to what I understand of your code, that sounds logic but if I read the manual it's not since :
"Keep in mind that your callbacks need to be registered as normal Symfony2 services."

My question is : Which one is wrong ? If none, what did I miss ?



get channel

Hello, is there any easy way to get the channel from inside a consumer interface?

example, you have this consumer:



namespace Sensio\HelloBundle\Consumer;

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAware;
use OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\ConsumerInterface;

class UploadPictureConsumer extends ContainerAware implements ConsumerInterface
    public function execute($msg)
        //Process picture upload. 
        //$msg will be what was published from the Controller.

what I want to do is something like this:



namespace Sensio\HelloBundle\Consumer;

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAware;
use OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\ConsumerInterface;

class UploadPictureConsumer extends ContainerAware implements ConsumerInterface
    public function execute($msg)
        // Get the channel
        $channel = $this->getChannel();

Should I code it by myself or there is a way to do it currently cuz from what I see from the interface there isn't any way to do it

Can not set 'x-message-ttl' in arguments in queue_options

Following the example here:

queue_options: {name: 'upload-picture', arguments: {'x-ha-policy': ['S', 'all']}}

I'm trying to do:

queue_options: {name: 'upload-picture', arguments: {'x-message-ttl': 3600000}}

as I'm trying to set the message ttl for one hour

Create rpc server

I want to write a rpc server and I found that the document only mentioned rpc client,
I read the source code and guessed the way to write rpc server is to write a callback "function"
which is defined in service.yml, but in this way I would get a "object", not "function".

Thanks in advanced.

RpcClient infinite loop if the RpcServer dies

The current implementation makes RpcClient wait in an infinite loop if the processing Server side dies silently (segfault, or unhandled php error like out of memory error).
This is caused by server, because it confirms the message before calling the user function.
If the two lines are exchanged (and the ack placed in the catch as well) it will be more robust, more tolerant to errors.
The backdraw is that this case the call maybe processed twice or more, depends where the exception happens in the RPC code.

Consumer performance decreasing with increasing run time

I've run a simple consumer that does nothing but ackonwledges the messages. When run it consumes 30-40 messages per second, but then performance decreases constantly, dropping to 2-3 messages per second after 2 minutes. The process uses about 90MB of memory and it doesn't increase much during those 2 minutes. Any ideas what might be the reason? How can this solution be used for consumes supposed to run constantly, if performance drops that fast?

Another question is: when started, consumer fetches all messages from the queue (11k messages, all move from Ready to Unacked in RabbitMQ panel). When I run another consumer it has nothing to process, which makes it impossible to paralelize processing. Is there a way not to fetch all messages from the queue? I tried running it with "-m" parameter to limit number of messages to process, but it doesn't help.

Producers Not Declaring Queue

Great work on this, it has saved us tons of time.

One thing however... In my somewhat brief exposure to the AMQP world, I find it is usually recommended to create your exchange and queues on the sending as well as the receiving side. This prevents messages from never reaching the exchange/queue due to it being deleted etc...

We are pushing into a queue that is talking to a log server. The server will create the queue, but it would be good if that server were to go down and the queue was to somehow get deleted, we could have assurance that it would recreate and continue sending.

We are working on a pull for this but wanted to find out if there was a rationale behind it.

There is no way to setup queues\bindings

Currently you manually should declare queues and bindings between queues and exchanges. It will be cool to have a CLI command that will setup necessary relations for the application based on some configuration. Should it be implemented in this bundle and how would you like to see it? What's your opinion on that feature?

Can't install with composer, wrong deps

There seems to be a problem with the name of the branches, I think they have changed. When I try to install with composer, I get this:

Problem 1
    - Installation request for oldsound/rabbitmq-bundle dev-master -> satisfiable by oldsound/rabbitmq-bundle dev-master.
    - oldsound/rabbitmq-bundle dev-master requires videlalvaro/php-amqplib dev-master -> no matching package found.

[RPC Server] Error in Tutorial example: Undefined index: routing_keys

Hi Alvaro,
when I configure RPC or Reply/Response as defined in the Usage section and try to start random_int server via command line, I give the following error:

Notice: Undefined index: routing_keys in /home/matteo/git_prj/sf21/vendor/oldsound/rabbitmq-bundle/OldSound/RabbitMqBundle/RabbitMq/BaseAmqp.php line 135

If I add the routing_keys parameter in the queueOptions array in the abstract class BaseAmqp:

protected $queueOptions = array(
    'name' => '',
    'passive' => false,
    'durable' => true,
    'exclusive' => false,
    'auto_delete' => false,
    'nowait' => false,
    'arguments' => null,
    'ticket' => null,
    'routing_keys'=> null

Then run succesfully.

I missing some configuration or is a bug?

Thanks in advice

requeue loop


I'm using rabbitmq to verify a status change in a third-party service, reading messages from a queue and sending them to a webservice that returns if it's status has changed or not. If there is no status change, I have to requeue the message to check it again later (I'm doing this just returning false in the consumer's execute method), but the message is again delivered to consumer instantaneously, causing a loop until the message is dropped. Is there any way to avoid this behavior? Some way to postpone the delivery of the message to consumer or postpone the requeuing of the message?

Message rates stop at 25 msg/s

I have a simple command


        connection: default
        exchange_options: {name: 'my-producer', type: direct}


    $producer = $this->getContainer()

    for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {

It runs correctly but the message rates display on the RabbitMq management is alway 25 msg/s.
Run 2 process at the same time can get 50 msg/s.

At the same machine, I can get about 2000 msg/s using node-amqp.
Do I miss something?

debian 6
symfony 2.0.3
rabbitmq-server version 2.6.1 / R14A

Receive fwrite error exception

I wrote some producer/consumer commands in sf2, and when I excuted a certain producer command,
I continuously receive the following error exception:

  Notice: fwrite(): send of 10 bytes failed with errno=11 Resource temporarily unavailable in /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Connection/AMQPConnection.php line 141  

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error reading data. Recevived 0 instead of expected 1 bytes' in /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Wire/AMQPReader.php:64
Stack trace:
#0 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Wire/AMQPReader.php(95): PhpAmqpLib\Wire\AMQPReader->rawread(1)
#1 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Connection/AMQPConnection.php(260): PhpAmqpLib\Wire\AMQPReader->read_octet()
#2 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Connection/AMQPConnection.php(280): PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPConnection->wait_frame()#3 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Channel/AbstractChannel.php(119): PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPConnection->wait_channel(0)
#4 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Channel/AbstractChannel.php(225): PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AbstractChannel->next_frame()#5 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Connection/AMQPConnection.php(321): PhpAmq in /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Wire/AMQPReader.php on line 64
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error reading data. Recevived 0 instead of expected 1 bytes' in /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Wire/AMQPReader.php:64 
Stack trace:
#0 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Wire/AMQPReader.php(95): PhpAmqpLib\Wire\AMQPReader->rawread(1) #1 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Connection/AMQPConnection.php(260): PhpAmqpLib\Wire\AMQPReader->read_octet()
#2 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Connection/AMQPConnection.php(280): PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPConnection->wait_frame()
#3 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Channel/AbstractChannel.php(119): PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPConnection->wait_channel(0)
#4 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Channel/AbstractChannel.php(225): PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AbstractChannel->next_frame()
#5 /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Connection/AMQPConnection.php(321): PhpAmq in /root/convert_src/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Wire/AMQPReader.php on line 64

It would throw exception until it had published about 88000 or above messages,

Thanks in advanced.

Symfony 2.2 Compatibility

Trying to upgrade an app to 2.2, but this bundle is still requiring 2.1. Are there any known issues with 2.2?

Queue configuration doesn't handle argument passing correctly

When trying to pass an argument array into the queue declaration the Configuration.php doesn't accept it because it actually isn't a scalar value.

queue_options:    {name: 'search_indexer', arguments: { x-ha-policy: ['S', 'all']} }

Results in:

  Invalid type for path "old_sound_rabbit_mq.consumers.search_indexer.queue_options.arguments". Expected scalar, but got array.  

I tried to modify the TreeBuilder configuration a bit, but without success. The variant below cuts off the key 'x-ha-policy' key.

    public function addQueueConfiguration(NodeBuilder $nb)
        return $nb

Results in

array(8) {
  string(14) "search_indexer"
  array(1) {
    array(2) {
      string(1) "S"
      string(3) "all"

New Symfony preview release compatibility

The Symfony DependencyInjector has no more Extension class, it's now an Interface, so the actual call
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension\Extension
is broken. We tried to use the ExtensionInterface instead but we faced a missing "Debug" method when launching a consumer

SF2 app with RabbitMqBundle failed when rabbitmq is stopped

Hi @videlalvaro,

there is an issue with the RabbitMqBundle and php-amqplib. Here the steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. bootstrap a Symfony2 app with "oldsound/rabbitmq-bundle": "dev-master" in composer.json
  2. don't install rabbitmq server or stop it.
  3. Try to display any page on the bootstrapped SF2 app with rabbitmq-bundle enabled

=> you will have the following exception:

ErrorException: Warning: stream_socket_client() []: unable to connect to tcp:// (Connection refused) in /Users/joseph.rouff/projects/insight/vendor/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/PhpAmqpLib/Connection/AMQPConnection.php line 80

It would be cool that RabbitMqBundle fail silently without any exception (or just a warning on the datacollector icon).

Thanks for you answer :).

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