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nuxtent-module's Introduction

Deprecated ⚠️

Nuxtent has been deprecated, please checkout Nuxt Content:


Seamlessly use content files in your Nuxt.js sites.

📖 Release Notes

This is a work in progress from integrating nuxtdown features and fixing critical bugs. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION


The goal of Nuxtent is to make using Nuxt for content heavy sites as easy as using Jekyll, Hugo, or any other static site generator.

Nuxtent mainly does this in two ways:

  1. By compiling all the data from markdown or yaml files based on configured rules.

  2. By providing helpers for dynamically accessing this data inside Nuxt pages.
    But, we didn't just want to make Nuxtent as good as a static site generator–we wanted to make it better.
    So, along with that, Nuxtent also supports:

  3. The usage of content files in both static sites and dynamic applications.

  4. The usage of Vue components inside markdown files.

  5. Automatic content navigation, between pages via path and within pages via anchors.

There you go: five reasons to give Nuxtent a try, and maybe even star and share it. 😏


  • Simple configuration
  • Allows you to override settings for the markdown parser (markdown-it), and use its plugins
  • Support both blog posts or similar flat content structures, and a nested hierarchy of markdown content
  • Adds useful info to your markdown page's meta info, including:
    • Any data your specify in the config file
    • A breadcrumbs trail for hierarchical markdown content
    • (the info for) a table of contents
  • Support for using vue components inside your markdown content
  • Adds the $content helper to Nuxt to allow your to access your markdown content and metadata inside Nuxt pages

v3.X goals

  • Improve the documentation and at least a spanish translation
  • [-] Windows compatible (Help needed)
  • Be zeroconf and extendible through it's own api and exposing the markdown parser
  • Allow default attributes to be set on the frontmatter ej. title
  • Real async modules (this affects ssr more than a static build)
  • Fully integrate with the new features nuxt2.0 and node 11
  • Debugable configuration
  • Better error reporting
  • Improve the template with optional addons as examples
  • Document the code in order to simplify contributions and future development
  • Support multiple file types
  • Integrate the api configuration with nuxt itself while keeping it configurable
  • Expose $content helper and it's constant like api endpoint through all of vue
  • Vuex integration
  • [-] Improve on SSR memory usage
  • Keep the main features from nuxtdown:
    • Breadcrubms
    • Automatic table of content (TOC)
    • Isolated and global configurations
    • Allow for nested content and index files

Simple yet flexible API

Nuxtent was created to integrate with Nuxt (otherwise, you're just building another Jekyll-like tool, with the same amount of mental overhead).

Nuxtent's API is simple yet flexible. All you have to do is

  • Configure the content and
  • Fetch the files with the $content helper inside the asyncData method that is available in Nuxt pages.

Here's a basic example:

// nuxtent.config.js
module.exports = {
  content: {
    page: '/_post',
    permalink: ':year/:slug'
// pages/_post.vue
export default {
  asyncData: async ({ app, route }) => ({
    post: await app.$content('posts').get(route.path)

The response for each item is:


Quick Start

If you're starting a new site, you can use the nuxtent-starter template.

$ vue init nuxt-community/nuxtent-template my-site
$ cd my-site
# install dependencies
$ npm install # Or yarn install

Or if you already have your nuxt project:


npm install nuxtent --save

Then, under nuxt.config.js install the module:

modules: [


Documentation available at: (built with Nuxtent).

Sites built with Nuxtent

Have a site using Nuxtent? Fork the repo and add it to the list below!

Personal Sites

Documentation Sites

Corporate Sites


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Nuxt Community

nuxtent-module's People


alidcast avatar apmontgomery avatar arrkiin avatar atinux avatar bryndyment avatar calebanthony avatar callumflack avatar cesasol avatar chh avatar dahrens avatar dzabrzenski avatar edm00se avatar enummela avatar greenkeeper[bot] avatar greenkeeperio-bot avatar joostdecock avatar matthewess avatar medfreeman avatar muhajirdev avatar renovate-bot avatar ricardogobbosouza avatar slathrop avatar splode avatar woxtu avatar


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nuxtent-module's Issues

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,

nuxtent version: "nuxtent": "^0.2.27",

I have a nuxtent project that I built by checking out the nuxtent-starter template project. I got nuxtent up and running with 1 content type:

module.exports = {
  content: {
    routeName: 'freelance-slug',
    permalink: 'freelance/:slug', 
    isPost: false    

So, when I go to localhost:3000/freelance/foo I am showing data from /content/freelance/

I am now trying to use multiple content types. The only thing that I change is my nuxtent.config.js file to the following:

module.exports = {
  content: {
    ['freelance', {
      routeName: 'freelance-slug',
      permalink: 'freelance/:slug', 
      isPost: false
    ["opensource", {
      routeName: "opensource-slug",
      permalink: "opensource/:slug",
      isPost: false

Pretty simple here. Same configuration as before but adding another type, opensource.

When I run npm run dev with this configuration, I am getting the output:

> ./node_modules/nuxt/bin/nuxt

(node:59448) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
(node:59448) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 3): SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,

The build is unsuccessful with this error and I am not able to move beyond it.

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c23)

incorrect HTML markup

Getting the following warning:

The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content. This is likely caused by incorrect HTML markup, for example nesting block-level elements inside <p>, or missing <tbody>. Bailing hydration and performing full client-side render.

Seems like the problem has to do with the way JSX plugin is rendering HTML, as the issue dissapears if the HTML is rendered via v-html directive in a vue template.

Opened issue on JSX: vuejs/babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx#90

Current workaround is to check if body is a component or HTML, if it's a component use nuxtent-body, if its HTML use v-html:

For example:

component(v-if="isObject(post.body)" :is="post.body")
div(v-else v-html="post.body")
This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c15)

isAPI not set correctly when using generate

It looks like there might be an issue how IsAPI is being set within lib/plugin.js

when generating a static site isAPI is always true even when isClient is true. When serving the generated site via nginx the browser tries to load the "api" url rather than generated content one. I simply added the following, regenerated and it was good to go.

    isAPI = false;
This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c46)

Add sitemap example

There is a way to automatically add the routes generated with nuxtent to the sitemap module?

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c44)

Assets in Layouts

Assets directory: Imported styles throw an error and imported images don't load.

This is probably due to the fact that templates and styles are grabbed in advance which might interfere with usual loading. Will need to look into this.

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c1)

Example code in docs for `asyncData()` is not working.

While viewing the docs on rendering content, the docs show this code snippet that you put into your nuxt page:

async asyncData ({ app, route, payload }) {
  return {
    post: app.$content('/posts').get(route.path) || payload

I entered this code into my nuxt page and it did not render the content from my .md file into the page.

I replaced the code snippet with the code snippet from the template project:

asyncData: async ({ app, route, payload }) => ({
    post: await app.$content('/posts').get(route.path) || payload

With success.

I am not sure why this makes a difference? The syntax seems as though it should work either way, however, through my testing that does not seem to be the case.

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c25)

platform compatibility with Windows

Hello, I'm quite interested in what you're developing here, it's been on my list as well—not nearly as robust as what could come from this.

My problem is I can't seem to get it running anywhere [for future readers, it does operate fine on MacOS]. Either following your help documentation, using the 'examples' (after updating them to match the documentation), the 'docs', or using the nuxtent-starter quick-start (vue-cli init ..., npm install, then npm run dev).

I'm mainly focusing on the dev server, but also cannot get it running under build then start.

I cannot navigate between pages on either Linux or Windows, however on Linux if I get the SSR page directly it will load. There appears to be no error messages outputted.

Do you have a working example that I can tease out or perhaps there's something I'm missing?

[Note to future readers: both Linux and MacOS will work, as things are currently coded (17-07-21) you must load the dev server from localhost:3000 to avoid CORS errors as the content-api is loaded from local host, not]

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c10)

Action required: Greenkeeper could not be activated 🚨

🚨 You need to enable Continuous Integration on all branches of this repository. 🚨

To enable Greenkeeper, you need to make sure that a commit status is reported on all branches. This is required by Greenkeeper because we are using your CI build statuses to figure out when to notify you about breaking changes.

Since we did not receive a CI status on the greenkeeper/initial branch, we assume that you still need to configure it.

If you have already set up a CI for this repository, you might need to check your configuration. Make sure it will run on all new branches. If you don’t want it to run on every branch, you can whitelist branches starting with greenkeeper/.

We recommend using Travis CI, but Greenkeeper will work with every other CI service as well.

Once you have installed CI on this repository, you’ll need to re-trigger Greenkeeper’s initial Pull Request. To do this, please delete the greenkeeper/initial branch in this repository, and then remove and re-add this repository to the Greenkeeper integration’s white list on Github. You'll find this list on your repo or organiszation’s settings page, under Installed GitHub Apps.

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c42)

nested sections and permalink

Right now they do not influence permalink. Only file name does.

Either add them to permalinks or add safe guard against conflicting names.

Caveat: not adding them leaves the flexibility of using nested sections as categories.

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c16)

The current state of the module

@pi0 @Atinux

Hey sorry for the delay haven't had much time this week. Here's an update on where I'm at right now.

The minimal requirement is down: you can create components based on markdown files and structure the conent based on a layout with template and styles and the front-matter data.

But there are three problems I haven't been able to fix:

  • Unfortunately, Webpack limits how you can require assets, as the dependencies must be in the require('./content/someDir' + dynamicName + '.md') format, which limits the extent to which this module can abstract the fecthing of content.
  • Asyncdata is resolved before templates are compiled. So you can't include the compiled components via the app context without the stand alone build. And you can't access the compiled components in the client, e.g. via vue mixin, because the content retrieved via Node API is not available.
  • The content components work with nuxt build, but nuxt generate throws an unexpected token error which causes the process to fail. The documentation specify how to add dynamic routes, but not how to dynamically add nested routes, which might be the problem.

As @pi0 said from the beginning, doing it via server middleware and axios seems more feasible.

@znck Seems to have a working prototype of nuxt-blog-module. And if that is the case there is not use in repeating the work. Though it would be better l to have a more general solution that works for more than just blogs.

Let me know what you guys think and any input you may have on how to best procceed!

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c3)

How to use nuxtent with i18n?

So im working on a quite big site that is very content heavy, however I will definitely need to add i18n to support multiple languages. Is it possible to use it with Nuxtent, and any tips on how?

Thanks in advance

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c39)

Permalink must be a string

here is my config in nuxtent.config.js

module.exports = {
  content: {
    page: 'blog/_slug',
    permalink: ':slug',
    isPost: false,
    generate: [

  api: {
    baseURL: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
      ? ''
      : 'http://localhost:3000'

then the error occurred, why

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c48)

Nuxtent content pages do not allow Vuejs components before <nuxtent-body/>

On my site that I am using Nuxtent with, here is an example Nuxtjs page that I have:

<template lang="pug">
    h1  {{ post.title }}

import Navbar from '~components/Navbar.vue'

export default {
  components: {
  asyncData: async ({ app, route, payload }) => ({
    post: await app.$content('/freelance').get(route.path) || payload

<style lang="scss">
@import "~assets/css/main.scss";

When I browse to, I successfully see the content from my .md file: content/freelance/projectname. Nuxtent is setup correct there.

Now, here is the problem.

In my page template HTML, if I specify Vuejs components before <nuxtent-body>, those Vuejs components get removed when the browser renders the page.

<template lang="pug">
    Navbar <------ When refresh my webpage, I do *not* see this HTML in the resulting screen. 
    h1  {{ post.title }} <--- I see this. 
    nuxtent-body(:body="post.body") <---- And I see this. 

Here is the resulting screen in my browser:

screen shot 2017-07-25 at 11 14 56 am

with the Vue dev browser plugin output. It says that my Navbar component is added to the page?

screen shot 2017-07-25 at 11 15 09 am

Now, if I add the Navbar component after <nuxtent-body>, then the component shows up on the page:

<template lang="pug">
    h1  {{ post.title }}
   Navbar <---- Move this below nuxtent-body

Here is the resulting screen in my browser:

screen shot 2017-07-25 at 11 17 42 am

You can see my Navbar now.

*side note: Notice that in this screenshot above ^^^^ you cannot see the word "Static" anymore. I tried to add some CSS to the <nuxtent-body> tag to add some padding to the top so that my Navbar would not cover up any content (the Navbar component is fixed positioning to the top) and none of the CSS properties stayed in tact on the <nuxtent-body> component. They all got removed.

When I load up my browser, for a split second I can see my Navbar and the CSS styles. It is after the async operation is complete fetching the post content that nuxtent removes everything.

Goal: I want to be able to have Vuejs components above <nuxtent-body> so that I can style my content pages.

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c27)

Multiple content types


Having some issues with adding multiple content types,

when i add more than 3 types, it will complain:

Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): TypeError: Expected "slug" to match "[^\/]+?", but received "",

and with 3 of them, the first two will try to use the last added template. so keeps failing when going to that specific route.

How ever can still list them on the product pages just fine, it fetches the permalink, thumbnail and title of that route.

Any ideas of what it could be?

module.exports = { srcDir: '../content', dirs: [ ['first', { routeName: 'first', permalink: 'games/:slug', isPost: false }], ['second', { routeName: 'second', permalink: 'games/:slug', isPost: false }], ['third', { routeName: 'third', permalink: 'games/:slug', isPost: false }], ['third', { routeName: 'tablegame', permalink: 'games/:slug', isPost: false }] ] }

btw, any good way to nest several types under one main category?

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c8)

Out of memory exception.

I have a site that is pretty content heavy with over 40 .md files in 9 different sections. When I go to compile the site, it takes about a minute for nuxt to start serving my site. After I view the site, visit a few links, make 1 or 2 changes to content in my site, nuxt will crash.

Below is the stacktrace. Not sure if it's nuxtjs, nuxtent-module, node, etc.

nuxtjs version: latest
nuxtent-module version: 0.2.27
node version: v6.9.1

 WAIT  Compiling...                                                             2:47:01 PM

  build [==================  ] 91%
<--- Last few GCs --->

  227259 ms: Mark-sweep 1247.6 (1403.0) -> 1247.6 (1404.0) MB, 171.9 / 0.0 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space requested].
  227432 ms: Mark-sweep 1247.6 (1404.0) -> 1247.6 (1404.0) MB, 172.8 / 0.0 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space requested].
  227629 ms: Mark-sweep 1247.6 (1404.0) -> 1247.6 (1403.0) MB, 197.2 / 0.0 ms [last resort gc].
  227838 ms: Mark-sweep 1247.6 (1403.0) -> 1247.6 (1403.0) MB, 208.9 / 0.0 ms [last resort gc].

<--- JS stacktrace --->

==== JS stack trace =========================================

Security context: 0x3954433cfb51 <JS Object>
    1: parse [native json.js:~61] [pc=0x18eedabf5ac1] (this=0x3954433c9111 <a JSON with map 0x6a7f280a0e1>,C=0x22399de04201 <Very long string[73798854]>,w=0x395443304381 <undefined>)
    2: arguments adaptor frame: 1->2
    3: handler(aka watchHandler) [/Users/levibostian/code/] [pc=0x18eedb467a6c] (this=0x221676920771 <a Watching with map 0x7a...

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
 1: node::Abort() [/usr/local/bin/node]
 2: node::FatalException(v8::Isolate*, v8::Local<v8::Value>, v8::Local<v8::Message>) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 3: v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(char const*, bool) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 4: v8::internal::Factory::NewRawOneByteString(int, v8::internal::PretenureFlag) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 5: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 6: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 7: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 8: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 9: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
10: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
11: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
12: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
13: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
14: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
15: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
16: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
17: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
18: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
19: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
20: v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String> v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::SlowScanJsonString<v8::internal::SeqOneByteString, unsigned char>(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, int, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
21: v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::ParseJsonValue() [/usr/local/bin/node]
22: v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::ParseJsonObject() [/usr/local/bin/node]
23: v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::ParseJsonValue() [/usr/local/bin/node]
24: v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::ParseJsonObject() [/usr/local/bin/node]
25: v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::ParseJsonValue() [/usr/local/bin/node]
26: v8::internal::JsonParser<false>::ParseJson() [/usr/local/bin/node]
27: v8::internal::Runtime_ParseJson(int, v8::internal::Object**, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
28: 0x18eeca0092a7
29: 0x18eedabf5ac1
30: 0x18eeca009895
31: 0x18eedb467a6c
This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c34)

Update "Examples" projects


I wanted to try examples, so I downloaded your repo, went in "single-content-type" folder and tried npm i, but got error.
Looks like in your package.json you set a dependency like
"nuxtent": "file:///Users/acastano/Sites/nuxt/nuxtent"
which, of course, doesn't work.
Same is for other examples.
I'm nue to Nuxt and your project looks very interesting. Can you please update the examples?

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c47)

Browser tab stalled on application load.

I upgraded my site to the newest version of nuxtent (v0.2.57). When I run nuxt build, my site successfully builds and the command succeeds.

When I then run nuxt start, my nuxt server starts up successfully and listens for me to connect.

When I open my browser, open up to like I have it configured to, I successfully call the nuxt web server and it begins fetching data and rendering to me successfully. This is good because in a previous version of nuxtent, my site was not working giving me the error:

site_1  | [Vue warn]: Error in render function: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'sort' of undefined"
site_1  |
site_1  | found in
site_1  |
site_1  | ---> <Anonymous>
site_1  |        <Nuxt>
site_1  |          <Anonymous>
site_1  |            <Root>

This seems to be solved in the newest version of nuxtent. However, my browser tab seems to stall. My application in the browser runs out of memory. The progress bar of my browser tab continuously spins, I cannot scroll at all, cannot click anything on my webpage. I cannot do anything. I open up the console, nothing is outputting.

If I close the browser tab within ~5 seconds I am able to wait a couple seconds and then my browser will close the tab. If I wait >10 seconds, however, my browser gets killed. I cannot go to different tabs, I cannot do anything with my browser and I have to force kill the tab.

The output of nuxt doesn't seem to be too weird:

/content-api GET
   Response sent successfully.
/content-api GET
   Response sent successfully.
/content-api GET
   Response sent successfully.
/content-api GET
   Response sent successfully.
/content-api GET
   Response sent successfully.
/content-api GET
   Response sent successfully.
/content-api GET
   Response sent successfully.
/content-api GET
   Response sent successfully.
/content-api GET
   Response sent successfully.
  nuxt:render Data fetching /: 186ms +191ms
  nuxt:render Rendering url /undefined +1s
/content-api GET
   Page not found.
  nuxt:render Data fetching /undefined: 8ms +14ms

No warnings or errors.

You can pull/view my code on this branch and this commit to see for yourself if you wish.

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c35)

dynamic component imports exhibit inconsistent behavior

Using async components inside loaders is exhibiting weird, inconsistent behavior.

This method only works if the project is in the same directory as Nuxt root.

components {
   SomeComponent: () => import('~components/someComponent') 

This method works even if the directory is not the same as Nuxt root, but it's not async.

components {
   SomeComponent: require(["~components/${name + ext}"])

So I used guards to check if the directories matched to choose which method to use, but of course, even though the first method worked in the same directory as the package, when I tried to test it externally, it didn't work (import was an unexpected token).

Only this third approach worked in an external directory.

components {
   SomeComponent: `(resolve) => require(["~components/${name + ext}"], resolve)`

But even if it worked with nuxt dev, it failed when I tried to run it with nuxt generate...

ERROR in nuxt.bundle.3107bd9208454be22be2.js from UglifyJs
Unexpected token: punc ([) [nuxt.bundle.3107bd9208454be22be2.js:1191,4]


Only the standard approach so far works in all situations:

import SomeComponent from '~component/someComponent'

export default {
  components: {

Not sure if this is an issue with Nuxt, with Vue loader, or with the usage of dynamic imports inside loaders.

Going to stick the fourth approach in the meantime.

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c14)

add query option to content request methods

So that you can include, exclude, filter, map etc. and return the processed output.


content: {
routes: {
   getAll: { 
       name: 'route-name', 
       process: (pages) =>{
         // e.g. include or exlcude data
    query: {
        name: 'another-route',
        process: (pages) => {
         // e.g. filter pages

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c26)

hot module replacement for layouts

For some reason, the content layout files are not being automatically updated when changed even though hot module replacement does work for the markdown files inside the content directories.

@pi0 @Atinux Does Nuxt handle this differently for layouts?

This question is available on Nuxt.js community (#c2)

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