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webhookd's Issues

Make "data : " Prefix toggleable or remove entirely

Hi, thanks for this excellent tool!

It would be great if the "data : " prefix sent in response to GET requests could be toggleable or removed.

With this, this tool could be used to output Prometheus Metrics :)

Current behavior:

$ curl -XGET -s 'localhost:8080/'
data: some_custom_metric_generated_in_a_shell_script{hook_name="metrics"} 1

Behavior suggested by this issue

$ curl -XGET -s 'localhost:8080/'
some_custom_metric_generated_in_a_shell_script{hook_name="metrics"} 1

Code producing the current behavior:

fmt.Fprintf(w, "data: %s\n\n", msg) // Send SSE response

Support CORS header?

I getting cors error when calling the API from remote FE client.

Is there any way to add support for the cross-origin request?

zombie process found on docker container.

to make this tool better , that per my test for the docker container.

latest: Pulled from ncarlier/webhookd

1, put the "" which collected in issue#36 into scripts directory

echo "Starting long script..."
for i in {1..20}; do
sleep 1
echo "running ${i} ..."
echo "Long script end"
exit 0

2,run the docker command,

docker run -d --name=webhookd
-v ${PWD}/scripts:/var/opt/webhookd/scripts
-p 63008:8080
webhookd --scripts=/var/opt/webhookd/scripts

3, curl it at docker host
webhookd$ curl localhost:63008/long
data: Starting long script...
data: running 1 ...
data: running 2 ...
data: running 3 ...
data: running 4 ...
data: running 5 ...
data: running 6 ...
data: running 7 ...
data: running 8 ...
data: running 9 ...
data: error: signal: killed <<<< this should expect that killed by timeout default 10s.
4,login into container at docker host.
webhookd$ docker exec -it webhookd bash
bash-5.1# ps
1 root 0:00 webhookd --scripts=/var/opt/webhookd/scripts
22 root 0:00 [sleep] <<<< this is zombie process.
23 root 0:00 bash
27 root 0:00 ps

Somehow I do not get the user/password working

I followed the instructions to add a .htpasswd file.
I created one with: htpasswd -cb .htpasswd hefty 1234
Testing locally with htpasswd -v proves that the file works fine.

When I restart the webhookd process and test from a browser, then the browser prompts for a user and password. But the correct password is not accepted.
Same behavior when I try it from the command line by curl -u hefty:1234 <url>: 401 unauthorized
I also tried curl -u hefty:1234 -XPOST <url>, but then it is waiting for a reply forever.

Did I misunderstand something?

Override mailto in WHD_NOTIFICATION_URI

Would be cool to override mailto:[email protected] parameter in WHD_NOTIFICATION_URI, when a script prefix also contains a mail address, for example:

echo "notify:[email protected]: Hello World"


If there is no mail address after the prefix, default address will be used.

Same should be possible with HTTP post hook notifications:

echo "notify: Hello World"

Thank you.

Add prefix to htpasswd for special paths

Would be cool to add a prefix to htpasswd file to use different users for different paths. For example:

/services1:api1:abcdef654321 # will be used for all scripts in /services1, eg. /services1/foo
/services2:api2:abcdef123456 # will be used for all scripts in /services2, eg. /services2/bar
/:api:default000000 # will be used for all other paths or scripts in the root path, eg. /other/foo or /bar

Thank you.

Unable to install nodejs specific version


Thank you for this awesome project !

I use my custom Dockerfile and I need a specific version of nodejs to run the nodejs scripts

I tried these methods in the Dockerfile without success:

Method 1 refuses to install nodejs (nodejs-current-17.9.0-r0: breaks: world[nodejs=14.19.0])

FROM ncarlier/webhookd:1.15.0
RUN apk add --update nodejs=14.19.0

Method 2 installs nvm but node is not available to run the scripts (env: can't execute 'node': No such file or directory)

FROM ncarlier/webhookd:1.15.0
RUN curl -o- | bash
RUN source $HOME/.nvm/ && nvm install 14

I would love to use webhookd in silex v3 💯

Have a nice day

JSON variables

Hi there,

Forgive me if I am doing something wrong here. I have a simple script that looks like this:

echo "$action" | tee /tmp/webhook.log

When I start webhookd and trigger the script with the queries in the URL look so curl http://domain:port/script?action=test it works perfectly, however when I try and pass those variables from a JSON structure like so curl -d '{"action":"test"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" 'http://domain:port/script' it does not work at all, it appears that "action" is not being received as a variable by webhookd. Could I get some help on this please?

"hook not found"


hook not found

Same from within the container:

bash-5.0# curl localhost:8080
bash-5.0# curl localhost:8080/echo
hook not found

Check everything is in place:

bash-5.0# ls     examples
bash-5.0# cat

# Usage: http POST :8080/echo msg==hello foo=bar

echo "Echo script:"

echo "Command result: hostname=`hostname`"

echo "Header variable: User-Agent=$user_agent"

echo "Query parameter: msg=$msg"

echo "Body payload: $1"
bash-5.0# pwd


Kubernetes YAML:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  annotations: dns01 cloudflare letsencrypt-prod nginx 'true'
  name: webhook
  namespace: webhook
  - host:
      - backend:
          serviceName: webhook
          servicePort: 8080
  - hosts:
    secretName: tls-webhook
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: webhook
  name: webhook
  namespace: webhook
  - port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080
    app: webhook
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: ClusterIP
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: webhook
  namespace: webhook
    app: webhook
      app: webhook
    type: Recreate
        app: webhook
      - name: webhook
        image: berndinox/webook
        imagePullPolicy: Always


FROM ncarlier/webhookd
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && \
    apk add --no-cache git wget
COPY /var/opt/webhookd/scripts

... not very complex.


INF 2020/07/25 11:37:14.085990 9f8085841545355c0a603799554e9eea GET /echo Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.89 Safari/537.36 63.099µs
ERR 2020/07/25 11:37:14.085942 Script not found: scripts/

.. am i missing something?

YEP.. fixed it:

        - name: WHD_SCRIPTS
          value: "/var/opt/webhookd/scripts"

httpsig sample

Seems desc should be "Private key file" in /tooling/httpsig/main.go:
KeyFile string flag:"key-file" desc:"Public key file (PEM format)" default:"./key.pem"?

[Improvement] remove 'release' from tgz


I created an ansible recipe installing the webhookd by downloading the tgz.
Having the "release" folder inside the tgz make the installation more complex (3 steps instead of 1).

Ok it is not very important but since it doesn't seems to add any feature I guess, it may be interesting to remove it?

You are my hero

This new version is so much better.

Thanks a lot, you roxxxx man

Reverse proxy

I'm trying to make this work through a reverse proxy (I'm using Docker), but I keep getting this error:

INF 2020/06/01 22:01:42.976802 server is ready to handle requests at :443

ERR 2020/06/01 22:01:42.977083 could not listen on :443 : open server.pem: no such file or directory

Anyone got an idea what to do?

test sha1 with github sample script


x_hub_signature got github has changed, and add format "sha1=%s"
The gihut sample script returns an error message

error: bad hook signature: expecting sha1=b5522ca84a491c0e7e457829356b6d89a836622b and got b5522ca84a491c0e7e457829356b6d89a836622b
error: exit status 1

Please change line in file scripts/examples/
signature=$(echo -n "$1" | openssl sha1 -hmac "$GITHUB_SECRET" | sed -e 's/^.* //')

  • [ "$signature" != "$x_hub_signature" ] && die "bad hook signature: expecting $x_hub_signature and got $signature"
  • [ "sha1=$signature" != "$x_hub_signature" ] && die "bad hook signature: expecting $x_hub_signature and got $signature"

Timeout env var

According the documentation, we should use WHD_HOOK_TIMEOUT but in the usages of webhookd, it says: WHD_TIMEOUT.

And finally, it works only with WHD_TIMEOUT.

Btw, great project !!

Authentification with github

I try to use this project with github. It's really easy, simple and useful.
I want to add authentication but it's look like github don't use authentication but pass the secret into json message.
I suppose you don't manage it ?
I think I need a script to manage the secret ? (with jq for example)
Any suggestion ?

Best regards

docker-compose can't find compose files

I got a setup where a webhook script executes docker-compose and uses a custom compose file inside the same directory. So my script looks like:


DIR=$(dirname $0)
cd $DIR

docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-staging.yml ps
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-staging.yml pull
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-staging.yml up -d --force-recreate

With version 1.8.0 of webhookd, the script executes just fine. With any later version (e.g. v1.9.0), docker-compose always reports that it is unable to find the specified compose file. This is even the case when I declare the whole path to the compose file inside the container, by e.g. docker-compose -f /scripts/tmp/docker-compose-staging.yml ps.

webhookd --version doesn't return any version


This is strange

bash-4.4# webhookd --version
webhookd ()
Copyright (C) 2018 Nunux, Org.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by Nicolas Carlier.


I think it would be much more convenient if we can add authentication like HTTP Authentication, query parameter,IP restriction etc.

Error at log file creation with script hierarchy

When calling HTTP endpoint with a specific script hierarchy, error is thrown in the data output:

❯ curl -XPOST http://localhost:8080/wfs/deploy                                                                                                                                                                          
data: error: open /tmp/wfs/deploy_1_20181105_0959.txt: no such file or directory 
❯ cat scripts/wfs/                                                                                                                                                                                          
echo "Deploying..." 

Ability to execute Lua (Shell) scripts ?


Looking at the build/dockerfile - I have a number of Lua scripts that I’d like to execute from the bash/shell/command line.

Here’s an example lua_test.lua to run.


print ("Hello World!")
print ("*******************")
local saydatetime ='%H, %M. On. %A %B %d :')
print ("*******************")

What would I need to do to enable that capability ?

[FR] Proposal

J'apprécie beaucoup ce projet. Simple et efficace.

Je dispose de mon propre repo apt :
Il est possible pour moi d’intégrer tout type de projet.
Je vais ajouter celui-ci à ma liste, car je pense fortement qu'il en vaut le coup.
Un fois de .deb fait, tout est automatisé de mon coté. Ce qui permet de donner aux utilisateurs un moyen de d'install et de mise à jour automatisé avec APT.

Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Request We couldn’t deliver this payload: Service Timeout

then I had a new problem , I use github to post a request , then i got “ Request
We couldn’t deliver this payload: Service Timeout” , I try to set the WHD_HOOK_TIMEOUT ,then it don't work , i still got the msg ... is the shell script execution time too long ? how can i fix it .....


Script not found

First, thank you for this wonderful package, it's exactly what I need.

However, followed your readme file, setup webhookd as docker container.
It reply me Script not found: scripts/

command used:
docker run --rm --name=webhookd -v ~/webhookd:/var/opt/webhookd/scripts -p 8080:8080 ncarlier/webhookd

This is the directory structure inside the container:

bash-4.4# pwd
bash-4.4# ls -al
total 12
drwxr-xr-x    2 1000     1000          4096 Dec 31 07:52 .
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          4096 Dec 30 21:45 ..
-rwxrwxrwx    1 1000     1000            19 Dec 31 08:02

Below is the content of my

ps aux

This is the result of the post request:

ERROR: 2018/12/31 08:10:21 index.go:61: Script not found: scripts/
INFO: 2018/12/31 08:10:21 logger.go:25: 1546243821109422472 POST /test PostmanRuntime/7.4.0 54.439µs

Pass header in response

Not an issue, thanks for the great code!
But, would that be possible to pass a header from the executed script?
Something like:
echo header: "X-Auth-Token $token"

Problem with characters and Gitlab

I'm using the example script from here, anyone got a solution to it? I think it's related to jq though.

parse error: Invalid string: control characters from U+0000 through U+001F must be escaped at line 2, column 1
error: bad body format: expecting JSON
error: exit status 1

Docker compose issue: webhookd error message: "/ exec: line 20: webhookd --scripts=/var/opt/webhookd/scripts: not found" while using docker compose with command.

Firstly, thanks you for creating this handy container. It help a lot when I just want a webhook daemon.

However when I translate your example docker run script to docker-compose, I encounter the error message:
"/ exec: line 20: webhookd --scripts=/var/opt/webhookd/scripts: not found"

My test docker compose file:

version: '3'
        container_name: webhookd
        image: ncarlier/webhookd
            - ${PWD}/scripts:/scripts
            - webhookd --scripts=/var/opt/webhookd/scripts

            - '37564:8080'

I tried following command but is doesn't workd.
command: /usr/local/bin/webhookd --scripts=/var/opt/webhookd/scripts
ErrMsg is "/ exec: line 20: /usr/local/bin/webhookd --scripts=/var/opt/webhookd/scripts: not found"

However, if I remove command and add a new entry point, it works.
entrypoint: / webhookd --scripts=/var/opt/webhookd/scripts

I don't get the difference between webhookd's preset entrypoint / with command and my workaround..
Need your insight for this question.


Environment ( if it matters )
Kubuntu 20.04

Webhookd --version: ( it seems version number is not displayed.. )
webhookd | Version:
webhookd | Git commit: 6b3623f
webhookd | Built: Sun Jul 11 11:17:07 UTC 2021

Issue with post payload not passing through

My script is:


echo "Starting background job"
echo "Hook information: name=$hook_name, id=$hook_id, method=$hook_method"
echo "Query parameter: foo=$foo"
echo "Header parameter: user-agent=$user_agent"
echo "Script parameters: ${1}"

nohup ./scripts/ >/tmp/long.log 2>&1  &

echo "Background job started."

I run the test as is outlined in the

curl -d @test.json http://*** -u aaron:***** 

where test.json is

% cat test.json 
{"message": "this is a test"}

and my response shows the payload does not get passed through.

% curl -d @test.json http:/*** -u aaron:****** 
Starting background job
Hook information: name=shoebox-test, id=12, method=POST
Query parameter: foo=
Header parameter: user-agent=curl/7.79.1
Script parameters: 
Background job started.

Can you suggest how I can debug?

Can't extend 1.15.1 image with own packages

I just wanted to create my own image with additional apk packages from :1.15.1, but the problem is that you set in 1.15.1 ARG USER=webhookd and ARG UID=1000. Now apk install ... doesn't work.

1.15.0 works because there are no ARG USER and UID variables.

Data are not correctly returned when script is too fast


I tried the webhookd with a small script.

#! /usr/bin/env bash

echo "Script parameters: $1"
echo "FOo parameters: $foo"
echo "FOo parameters: $service"
echo "FOo parameters: $version"

This give me a random result 😢


curl --data @test.json "http://localhost:8080/reload?service=saphir-traefik&version=1"
data: Script parameters: {"tata":"toto"}

data: FOo parameters: 

data: FOo parameters: saphir-traefik

data: FOo parameters: 1

data: done

But sometimes:

curl --data @test.json "http://localhost:8080/reload?service=saphir-traefik&version=1"
data: Script parameters: {"tata":"toto"}

data: FOo parameters: 

data: done

And I've got some error in the logs:

NFO: 2018/12/13 12:53:01 work_runner.go:36: Work reload#15 started...
ERROR: 2018/12/13 12:53:01 work_runner.go:82: Work reload#15 is over. Unable to write more data into the channel: FOo parameters: 1
ERROR: 2018/12/13 12:53:01 work_runner.go:95: Error while flushing the log file: /tmp/reload_15_20181213_1253.txt write /tmp/reload_15_20181213_1253.txt: file already closed
INFO: 2018/12/13 12:53:01 work_runner.go:110: Work reload#15 done [SUCCESS]

Any idea?

Short Style server options seems broken


Short style option seems broken (and incoherent with "usage" display):

This is failing:

/usr/local/bin/webhookd -l :8080 --scripts /etc/webhook -t 120 

while this OK

/usr/local/bin/webhookd --listen :8080 --scripts /etc/webhook --timeout 120 

Usage display:

Dec 19 17:56:07 jungle webhookd[4698]: Password file (encoded with htpasswd) (default ".htpasswd")
Dec 19 17:56:07 jungle webhookd[4698]: -scripts string
Dec 19 17:56:07 jungle webhookd[4698]: Scripts directory (default "scripts")
Dec 19 17:56:07 jungle webhookd[4698]: -timeout int
Dec 19 17:56:07 jungle webhookd[4698]: Hook maximum delay before timeout (in second) (default 10)
Dec 19 17:56:07 jungle webhookd[4698]: -version
Dec 19 17:56:07 jungle webhookd[4698]: Print version

No shorten options displayed, one "-" or two?

Script not found

Hey, I'm using image from and I encountered a problem with "Script not found" message when I try to do your example foo/bar.
Regardless of specified value of APP_SCRIPTS_DIR in docker-compose file still i get message "Script not found".

data: error: fork/exec - No such file or directory when triggering hook


When triggering webhook using URL, I'm getting this error:

λ curl localhost:8080/path/to/directory/test
data: error: fork/exec /scripts/path/to/directory/ no such file or directory

Webhookd is launched using Docker:

    image: ncarlier/webhookd:v1.6.0
    command: webhookd -d
      - 8080:8080
      - "APP_SCRIPTS_DIR=/scripts"
      - ./webhooks/scripts:/scripts

The script is present in the /scripts/path/to/directory/:

λ docker exec -it af5c9a0fb3ec ls -la /scripts/path/to/directory/
total 1
drwxrwxrwx    2 root     root             0 Jan 28 16:01 .
drwxrwxrwx    2 root     root             0 Jan 28 16:01 ..
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            89 Jan 28 15:29
λ docker exec -it af5c9a0fb3ec cat /scripts/path/to/directory/
echo "test"

Container logs below:

DEBUG: 2020/01/28 16:07:44 dispatcher.go:33: Dispatching work request: path/to/directory/test#7
DEBUG: 2020/01/28 16:07:44 worker.go:46: Worker #1 received work request: path/to/directory/test#7
INFO: 2020/01/28 16:07:44 work_runner.go:28: Work path/to/directory/test#7 started...
DEBUG: 2020/01/28 16:07:44 work_runner.go:29: Work path/to/directory/test#7 script: /scripts/path/to/directory/
DEBUG: 2020/01/28 16:07:44 work_runner.go:30: Work path/to/directory/test#7 parameter: [user_agent=curl/7.55.1 accept=*/*]
DEBUG: 2020/01/28 16:07:44 work_runner.go:50: Work path/to/directory/test#7 output to file: /tmp/path_to_directory_test_7_20200128_1607.txt
INFO: 2020/01/28 16:07:44 work_request.go:73: Work path/to/directory/test#7 done [ERROR]
INFO: 2020/01/28 16:07:44 logger.go:25: 1580227664298761800 GET /path/to/directory/test curl/7.55.1 19.0572ms

Any ideas?

Add docker-compose support

Many thanks for the great image and software!

It would be extremely handy for me to not only use docker but also docker-compose in scripts executed by the service. I've spotted an appropriate package for apk - - providing docker-compose. Would be great if docker-compose could be added to this image!

EDIT: alternatively use the instructions from the alpine wiki to install pip and docker-compose -

Expose Work.ID to the script through environment variables


Absolutely love this project for it's simplicity.

It would be useful to expose the Work ID (used for identifying which log to access) back out to the worker?
This would be useful for providing the URL for accessing the logs as part of the post-run notification for debugging etc.

execute bash script in background

Hi @ncarlier,

thanks for this nice piece of software.

I want to execute a bash script as a background job, so that the HTTP request exits immediatly. I wasn't able to do this with

nohup ./ >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Is there a way to solve this?

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