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mixedrealitydesignlabs_unity's Introduction

What is Mixed Reality Design Labs?

The Mixed Reality Design Labs (MRDL) is a collection of well-documented, open-source samples, based on the foundation of Mixed Reality Toolkit - Unity (MRTK). The goal is to inspire creators and help them build compelling, efficient Mixed Reality experiences.

MRTK offers building-block components, and MRDL leverages them to offer more complete experiences and samples. As the name suggests, these samples are experimental/’works-in-progress’, driven by experience design, which provide creators with concrete examples of best practices for app experiences, UX, and MRTK implementation. By ‘experimental’, we mean MRDL is not officially supported/maintained by Microsoft (e.g. updated to latest versions of Unity), whereas MRTK is officially supported/maintained.

Sample apps

MRDL samples have been a successful pipeline for taking app-specific interactions and pushing them back as controls/patterns for MRTK. MRTK/MRDL have blossomed into a symbiotic relationship where iteration on each side has made the other better. This repo is where Microsoft's Windows Mixed Reality Design team publishes sample apps and experiments. If you are looking for the official toolkit, please go to Mixed Reality Toolkit - Unity.

Sample app - Lunar Module
HoloLens 1st gen only
Sample app - Periodic Table
HoloLens, HoloLens 2, VR
Sample app - Surfaces
HoloLens 2 only
Lunar Module sample app Periodic Table of the Elements Surfaces
Lunar Module demonstrates how to extend Hololens' base gestures with two hand tracking and xbox controller input, reactive objects to surface mapping and plane finding, and simple menu systems. You can use this project's components to create your own mixed reality app experience. Periodic Table of the Elements app demonstrates how to use Object Collection to lay out an array of objects in three-dimensional space with various surface types. You can also find the example of using Fluent Design elements such as light, depth, motion and material. Surfaces demonstrates how to use Mixed Reality Toolkit(MRTK)'s input system and building blocks to create an app experience for HoloLens 2. It explores how we can create a tactile sensation with visual, audio, and fully articulated hand-tracking input.

Hydrating the sample app submodules

As soon as you clone, navigate inside the repo and init/update the project submodules with the following git commands:

cd MixedRealityDesignLabs_Unity
git submodule init
git submodule update

To update the submodules you'll still need to pull from the remote master by either going into the individual submodule directory and doing a git pull or by doing the following command to do pulls on all the submodules:

git submodule foreach git pull

The former MRDL prototyping framework built on HUX has been sunset, please consult releases for a previous verison of this repostiory.


This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.

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mixedrealitydesignlabs_unity's Issues

AppBar bug & AppBar Buttons Bigger than Bounding Box (for small objects)

  1. I have a few Holographic Buttons, but once I select an item with Bounding Box Target, the Holographic Buttons icons can changed to zoom etc ... is this a Bug?

  2. For smaller object with Bounding Box Target e.g. A Screw, the App Bar (buttons) seem to appear bigger than the item (Bounding Box). Is there a way to overcome this?

MRDL Hololens Prefab still needs HoloToolkit Input Manger Prefab for OnInputClicked?

MRDL has a the Hololens Prefab which allows interaction with MRDL elements without the need for HoloTookKit Input Manager Prefab.

However, if I want to use the method public void OnInputClicked(InputClickedEventData on my GameObjects , I noticed I still have to add in HoloTookKit Input Manager Prefab.

Is there a way to only use MRDL's input management? Hope someone can help or clarify the best approach to use.

Thank you!

Bounding Box Target Drag does not correctly correlate to physical movement

Adjusting a Bounding Box Target through the Drag method does not correctly translate the target, and correlate to physical movement.

Moving an object more than a few handfull of cm's is virtually impossible.

Most notable situations are when Dragging an object and physically rotating.

Reproducable steps:

  1. Create and deploy a build with the ManipulationGizmo_Examples scene
  2. Drag the left-most target to another location within your environment at least 90 degrees to your side.

Bounding Box Rotating only on Y

I have an issue where the bounding box target have Drag, AutoScale and Rotate X options checked.

I'm using a simple cube, the menu and bound boxes appear properly, but, when I change rotation Y to rotation X or Z it doesnt works. The appbar appears in both cases, but bounding boxes appear only if rotation Y is set and rotation X and Z are unset.

Is this an issue on MRDL or I need to configure something?

InteractionManager is set to ManipulationTranslate

App Bar and Bounding Box example scene broken

In the App Bar and Bounding Box example scene, the objects can't be manipulated.
When selecting an object, the app bar pops up (after a bit of lag) but the items don't do anything.
The issue can be seen here:

I am getting following error when running in the editor:
"No target found for button Remove - button will have no effect."
Not exactly sure if it is related the problem or not.

Unity3d 2017 1.0f3
latest commits from repo

DefaultButtonIconProfileFont keep loses assigned HoloSymMDL2 font

DefaultButtonIconProfileFont randomly loses assigned HoloSymMDL2 font which makes the App Bar buttons display placeholder icons. It keeps happening while iterating design & deploy. Re-assigning symbol font (with auto assign button) works well but the symptom comes again. (even though HoloSymMDL2 font file exist)

2017-06-20 23_13_29-2017-06-20 23_01_30-greenshot png - photos

Building for UWP

When I try to build for UWP, I get a KeyNotFoundException.

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String].get_Item (System.String key) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/Dictionary.cs:150)
MetroCSharpVisualStudioSolutionCreator.WriteSolutionFile (System.String solutionFileName, UnityEditor.Scripting.ScriptCompilation.ScriptAssembly[] csharpAssemblies) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/MetroCSharpVisualStudioSolutionCreator.cs:166)
MetroCSharpVisualStudioSolutionCreator.CreateSolutionFileFrom () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/MetroCSharpVisualStudioSolutionCreator.cs:716)
PostProcessWSA.CreateVisualStudioSolution () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/PostProcessWSA.cs:320)
PostProcessWinRT.Process () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/WinRT/SharedSources/CSharp/PostProcessWinRT.cs:221)
UnityEditor.WSA.BuildPostprocessor.DoPostProcess (BuildPostProcessArgs args) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/ExtensionModule.cs:142)
UnityEditor.WSA.BuildPostprocessor.PostProcess (BuildPostProcessArgs args) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/ExtensionModule.cs:149)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

I'm hoping to test these examples on an MR headset.
mrdl settings

Unity 2017.2.0b4
Windows 10 16241.rs_prerelease.170708-1800

Components are too tightly coupled

I love what you guys are doing, but it seems like your components are all too tightly coupled together, at least for the way that I typically build an app.

I generally build an initialization scene which holds all my objects that are common in most, if not all scenes, such as my Main Camera, my managers (input, spatial, keyword, etc) and any other items that I don't want to have to duplicate in all my scenes. I would love to use something like the Bounding Box that you guys have, but I can't split up the different pieces across my scenes and still get it to compile.

I tried adding the AppBar and BoundingBox prefabs to my initialization scene, since they would get created upon application launch and persisted across all scenes because of a DoNotDestroy on their parent. However, when I changed scenes and tried adding a BoundingBoxTarget to my object that I wanted targeted, I get errors that says i'm missing the AppBar and BoundingBox in my scene, which is true at design time, but not at runtime, however I can't compile past that error.

Perhaps the pattern I am using for my Apps is unusual, I'm not sure. But as of right now, unless I want to duplicate these objects all over my project (which I would rather not), a lot of these components are not usable to me.

Hand gesture scale too much?

I was trying to move my project from Unity 5.6.1f1 to 2017.1.0f3.
So I make a fresh project and clone the lastest MRDesignLabs_Unity.
When I trying to manipulate the object in the example, this happended


As I drag and move my hand a little bit, the interaction goes really off.
Is this a bug or should I change some threshold value for dragging?

Can't compile - 'Type' does not contain a definition for 'GetFields'

I can't compile MRDesignLabs due to:

Assets\MRDesignLab\HUX\Scripts\Buttons\ButtonIconProfileTexture.cs(60,45): error CS1061: 'Type' does not contain a definition for 'GetFields' and no extension method 'GetFields' accepting a first argument of type 'Type' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

From my understanding it appears the repo is using some reflection methods which are unsupported in the Windows .NET implementation.

I am running Unity 5.6.1p3 and I have previously build to Hololens on other projects with any problems. I have the most recent commit of MRDesignLabs. I have selected API Compatibility to 4.6 in player settings, and are using .NET as scripting backend.

Base Button class repeatedly firing events

There's an issue with the pressed event getting called multiple times due to not checking for the correct state to not be pressed. Would also probably make sense to have the button base class using delegates than send message from a performance standpoint.

Cast issue in HUX.ButtonMeshProfileInspector.OnInspectorGUI() method

In the Examples project there is a casting issue on line 18 of rhit ButtonMeshProfileInspector.cs file. when trying to cast the incomming target component to a Compound ButtonMesh object.

CompoundButtonMesh meshButton = (CompoundButtonMesh)targetComponent;

Unity 2017.1.0b6 reports:
InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
HUX.ButtonMeshProfileInspector.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/MRDesignLab/HUX/Editor/ButtonMeshProfileInspector.cs:18)
UnityEditor.InspectorWindow.DrawEditor (UnityEditor.Editor[] editors, Int32 editorIndex, Boolean rebuildOptimizedGUIBlock, System.Boolean& showImportedObjectBarNext, UnityEngine.Rect& importedObjectBarRect) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Inspector/InspectorWindow.cs:1227)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

Create custom buttons in appbar with boundingbox

I would like to know if the custom button function really works. I tried to create a custom button, to add a function to the appbar (used with boundingbox), but nothing appears.
Thank you for your answer about this issue.

Bounding box wireframe for default state

Currently, Bounding Box displays the wires in the default state. To align with shell's behavior, I recommend displaying the wires with grabbers in 'Adjust' mode only. Wires in default states can be confusing since it feels like it is interactable/draggable.

Suggested update (No wires in default state):

App Bar is not positioned correctly

I have a rectangle shaped object (car) and I am using the App Bar and Bounding Box to manipulate the translation and rotation. When the App Bar is shown its not displayed correctly and displays inside of the car. Looking at the BoundingBoxShell Scale object this has the correct size, but it seems the App Bar is using wrong positions? Any suggestion on how to fix this.

Drop down box

Any idea how to do a dropdown box?
This does no seem work with this MRDesignLabs setup
Any help ?

Question about the direction of rotation (Bounding box)

Hi everybody,

when I use the Bouding Box with "Flatten Z" in Flattening preference, the rotation handle at the top and the bottom of the box is associated with the Z rotation and not the X rotation (unlike with "Do not flatten" preference). It's a bug or just a choice ? (I tried to explain this with this picture, don't critic my Paint skill :) )

Thanks !

hide AppBar after use BoundingBox

Hello, i have a question!
How can i hide the complete "AppBar" after the last tapp, without select an other object ?
Is there a way to set a timout after use to hide the "BoundingBox" and the "AppBar"?


Bounding Box Heartbeat on Rotating Object

I have an issue where the bounding box surrounding of an object that is in perpetual motion is doing a heartbeat like scaling and it's causing the resacle to be jumpy and buggy when selected.

Is there any type of fix to this?

Creating BoundingBoxHandle but not interactible

I am trying to extend the functionality of the module but am running into some roadblocks. I created a new Bounding Box handle via the Unity Editor but it is not recognized as an interactible object. I was wondering if you could point me to where in the code the Interactibles GameObjects List is populated with the Bounding Box Handles. I’ve been trying to debug this for days and to no avail. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Receiver doesn't work - code is similar

Hey everyone,

i want to do the following:

You have multiple buttons in your collection. Now, depending on which one you press, a prefab is being spawned (instantiated) in front of you. For this i created my own receiver script. I oriented on the existing ones. This is the code of the ToggleActiveReceiver:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using HUX.Interaction;

namespace HUX.Receivers
   /// <summary>
   /// Simple receiver class for toggling a game object active or inactive.
   /// </summary>
   public class ToggleActiveReceiver : InteractionReceiver
   	// When selected toggle color change
   	protected override void OnTapped(GameObject obj, InteractionManager.InteractionEventArgs e)
           Debug.Log("On tapped in interaction receiver");
           if (Targets.Count > 0)
               foreach(GameObject target in Targets)

And this is the code of my receiver:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using HUX.Interaction;

namespace HUX.Receivers
   /// <summary>
   /// Receiver to spawn the objects, selected in the menu.
   /// </summary>
   public class SpawnerReceiver : InteractionReceiver
       public GameObject collection;

       /// <summary>
       /// On select spawn prefab, depending on which button is pressed.
       /// </summary>
   	protected override void OnTapped(GameObject obj, InteractionManager.InteractionEventArgs e)

           Debug.Log("SpawnReceiver Button Clicked");

           if ("SquareButtonMachine01"))
               Debug.Log("BUTTON 01 CLICKED!");
               GameObject inst = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/machine01", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
           else if ("SquareButtonMachine02"))
               GameObject inst = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/machine02", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
           else if ("SquareButtonMachine03"))
               GameObject inst = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/machine03", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
           else if ("SquareButtonMachine04"))
               GameObject inst = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/machine04", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;


I attached this script to my Receivers-Empty object and assigned my buttons as Interactibles

Am i missing something here?

Best Regards

Bounding box not correctly and App Bar too big?


Hello everyone !
I have a object (building) and I am trying to manipulate the translation and rotation. When the App Bar and Bounding box are shown, the Bounding box is not correctly and App Bar is too big. Any suggestion on how to fix this.

The file "ManipulationManager.cs" is not in "MRDesignLabs_Unity/DesignLabs_Unity/Assets/MRDesignLab/HUX/Scripts/Interaction/".

I am implementing programs with MRDesignLab.
When using HoloLens.prefab, the ManipulationManager can not be found.
ManipulationManager.cs was not found in "DesignLabs_Unity / Assets / MRDesignLab / HUX / Scripts / Interaction".
However, "ManipulationManager.cs" is in "DesignLabs_Unity_Examples / Assets / MRDesignLab / HUX / Scripts / Interaction".
Should I use "DesignLabs_Unity_Examples/MRDesignLab" ?


When platform type is Windows store, I failed to build of DesignLabs_Unity_Examples on Unity.


When platform type is Windows store, I failed to build of DesignLabs_Unity_Examples on Unity.
A fix of "DesignLabs_Unity/Assets/MRDesignLab/HUX/Scripts/Dialogs/SimpleDialogShell.cs
" is not reflected "DesignLabs_Unity_Examples/Assets/MRDesignLab/HUX/Scripts/Dialogs/SimpleDialogShell.cs".
so,A syntax error occurs in DesignLabs_Unity_Examples Project.
Also, ButtonIconProfileTexture.cs has a description "#define USE_WINRT". this part occurs a syntax error in C #.


Using the MRDesignLabs examples

Is there a specific way I should be using the examples in the MRDesignLabs? I downloaded the files and have opened DesignLabs_Unity_Examples in Unity 2017 as a project.

When I open the scenes in the MRDL_ControlsExample folder, I see missing prefabs in the hierarchy. There also doesn't seem to be a camera in any of the scenes.

I'm also getting a bunch of errors including -
Assets/MRDL_ControlsExample/Scripts/ButtonReceiverExample.cs(5,11): error CS0234: The type or namespace name Focus' does not exist in the namespace HUX'. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/MRDL_ControlsExample/Scripts/DialogAndMenuExample.cs(5,11): error CS0234: The type or namespace name Dialogs' does not exist in the namespace HUX'. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/MRDL_ControlsExample/Scripts/DialogAndMenuExample.cs(43,102): error CS0426: The nested type InteractionEventArgs' does not exist in the type UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input.InteractionManager'

Bounding Box

Does anyone know if it is possible to use the MR Design Labs bounding box around an imported FBX file parent GameObject and its Children Objects?
I have successfully set it up within my project on just a cube but when I assign the BoundingBoxTarget script to my parent and children GameObjects nothing happens..
Thanks for your help!! says that BoundingBox.prefab is necessary for AppBar + Bounding box interactble to work

In this

It looks like BoundingBox.prefab is no longer necessary to be put into the scene in order for AppBar + Bounding box to work. Also, BoundingBox.prefab no longer exists and seems to have been replaced by ShellBoundingBox and BasicBoundingBox. Now, it looks like BoundingBox target automatically instantiates the ShellBoundingBox

SolverRadialView should include an option for min / max x axis clamps

Since we frequently use SolverRadialView for billboarded menus we should include an option to clamp the x axis. Currently if the player is looking at the ceiling or floor when a SolverRadialView is enabled it can place menus in strange-looking positions - an x angle clamp would give devs a simple way to prevent this without the additional restrictions that come with SolverRectView.

Slider Control

do we have slider control like what we have in RS3 360 media player ?

Cannot manipulate game objects using bounding box handles

The Issue

I'm trying to resize and/or rotate an object in the ManipulationGizmo_Examples scene, but the handles on the bounding box are not active for me.

What I tried

I configured the project in Unity as referenced here.

  • In the Unity editor I can move the camera using the arrow keys, look around by holding down the right mouse button and interact with the AppBar menu buttons with the left mouse button when the cursor is over them. However, the BoundingBoxShell handles are not active (dark blue color instead of light blue) and I cannot interact with them.
  • I built the solution in Visual Studio and deployed the app to a HoloLens. I can look around and select objects using the finger tap selection gesture, but again the handles are not active.
  • I deployed to an Acer Developer Edition Windows Mixed Reality headset, but the same issue persists.

Further investigation

It appears the manipulation gesture is not firing. In BoundingBoxManipulate.cs, my breakpoint in OnManipulationStarted() is not being hit, but further breakpoints on other events (tap, hold, etc.) are being hit.

Perhaps the events are not wired up correctly in some way or I'm misunderstanding how to interact with the GameObject. Any help is appreciated.

Collision Detection

Hope I'm not doing something wrong. But I tried OnCollisionEnter and OnTriggerEnter to try to detect when one object hits another but its not working.
Anyone can help?

Custom App Bar Button loses Interaction Receiver on build

I`ve run into this problem trying to add a custom button to the app bar prefab. For testing purposes the custom button changes the color of a cube with an attached Color Receiver.
I select the app bar prefab in the assets folder, add the text for the button and select the cube as the interaction receiver. (Is this even the right way to customize the app bar prefab?)
Hitting play in Unity everything works as it should but as soon as i build the project to use with the HoloLens emulator the interaction receiver of the custom button is reset to "none". The custom button itself remains in the app bar with the assigned label text but loses its functionality.
I would gladly appreciate any help to solve this.

MRDesignLabs_Unity is built for Unity 5.6.1 but HoloToolkit and official support for HoloLens is only 5.5.0

The official HoloLens requirements page says to install Unity 5.5.0f1 ( but MRDesignLabs_Unity only works with Unity 5.6.1.

While it works in the editor in Unity 5.6.1, building into a UWP fails with Assets\MRDesignLab\HUX\Scripts\Buttons\ButtonIconProfileTexture.cs(8,2): error CS1032: Cannot define/undefine preprocessor symbols after first token in file

Either HoloToolkit and the official recommended Unity Editor for HoloLens should be updated to Unity 5.6.x or MRDesignLabs_Unity should be downgraded to Unity 5.5.x

Default example DiaglogAndMenuExample has errors.

Tried to run the default scene on Hololens device but getting error. In Unity Editor, no issues running.

Class: HUX.Buttons
Line 132:
currentDatum = Profile.ButtonStates[(int)newState];

Output Debug:
Exception thrown: 'System.NullReferenceException' in Assembly-CSharp.dll

Any fix for this?

Bounding box not adapted for the 2D object ?

Hello everyone !

When I attach the bounding box script to a thin object, the box is a little too big and the scale/rotate elements are too small and too far from the box.


Do you have a solution to improve this?


Click 'Remove' button will destroy app bar, bounding box and even my cube object

Hi everyone,

I attached bounding box script to a cube object following the instruction, and after I tapped the cube, I could scale/rotate the cube as expected, It worked perfectly. But when I clicked the 'Remove' button, I thought that it only destroyed the bounding box and tool bar. But the factor it destroyed the bounding box, tool bar and also the cube object. Does it fit the design? Or I make some mistake. I did simple debug, found that OnDestroy function will be called, and boundingBox.Target = null. but the boundingBox.Target is my cube. So how can I only destroy the bounding box and tool bar, but keep my cube. And next I can tap the cube to scale/rotate again. Thank you.

need use holograms app cursor

holograms app cursor experience is very good, if there is a demo just fine
”App Bar and Bounding Box“ cursor experience is not very good

Project should be organized with sub modules

Manually copying changes between the DesignLabs_Unity & DesignLabs_Unity_Examples projects is error-prone and time consuming. I'm also concerned about the PeriodicTable project (and other sample app projects) drifting out of sync with our primary HUX project.

We should set up a HUX sub-module to ensure parity and reduce workload:

Since we're starting to see regular usage / contributions we should do this sooner rather than later to get any potential disruption out of the way.

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