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metal3-docs's Introduction




What is Metal³

The Metal³ project (pronounced: Metal Kubed) exists to provide components that allow you to do bare metal host management for Kubernetes. Metal³ works as a Kubernetes application, meaning it runs on Kubernetes and is managed through Kubernetes interfaces.

Useful links


Please see our user-guide to familiarize yourself with Metal³ and its features. We are currently in the process of writing the user-guide. As such, not all the topics might be covered yet.


Metal³ is constantly growing and we would be happy to collaborate with you. If you are interested in Metal³ or would like to reach out its community then come talk to us!

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metal3-docs's Issues

User-guide: add Metal3 project introduction section

Write down below sections for the Introduction section to the user-guide book.

  • what is Metal3 project about
  • What is it trying to solve
  • Why and when would someone use
  • What is different between Metal3 and some other server management projects/tools
  • Explain briefly the relationship between Metal3 and Cluster API
  • Explain briefly the relationship between Metal3 and Ironic
  • Shortly about community and useful references like meeting links, blog posts, etc

Node Failure detection mechanism

Problem Statement -

Airship community has come up with one requirement on how user will get to know what is the cause of failure on the host.
So it's the use case related to failure detection mechanism where user can get to know what has failed so that User can go and fix the perticular issue on the node.
At broader side, there are many reasons host will fail either in introspection or in day n scenarios. Following are the scenarios -
Disk Errors - Some disks went into error/failed state, another point is raid creation is failed.
PXE Errors - It's because PXE NIC is not properly configured
Management and power Errors - Now able to power on the node or Node goes into recovery mode but it's not accessible.
Boot/Bios Errors - Boot is failed due to device settings are incorrect.

Currently from Ironic side, none of the above failures put into introspection data. I have done investigation but I never found these level of specifics which will help user identify reason behind the failure.

I thought through above scenarios, we can bring some classification for errors detection where we can classify hosts based on specific failures.
For that, we need to write entire failure detection mechanism in HCC. I will put my investigation and solution approach in google doc for more details.

FR: Add Infoblox IPAM support

The current IP Address Manager could be extended to support using Infoblox as a backend. Or as an alternative, create a new CRD and controllers on the same model for infoblox IPAM : InfobloxIPPool to back the IPClaim and provide the IPAddress objects.

Handling Special Case Compute Devices

An administrator places into a BMH a PCIe card that has a fully programmable device where:

  • The device can act as a switch or as an off-load network controller, and requires uploading of an OS image to the PCIe-attached device on the host after which the device is externally programmable / configurable.

  • The device is a GPU that requires upload of an OS image or a bootstrap image to the PCIe-attached device on the host after which it can be programmed independently from its network connection

Question: How shall we classify such dependent hosts and then bring them into full manageability.
Note: The key to this issue is that the host-like device is capable of being detected via BMH introspection.

Add ironic authentication

Considering the self-managed cluster use-case, Ironic would run on the target cluster, in host networking mode. hence, all nodes would need physical access to the provisioning network, to be able to host ironic. However, by default, all traffic from the pods is NATed and routed, meaning that all pods could interact with ironic.

Currently there is no authentication in Ironic, making this setup very insecure. We should investigate adding some authentication in ironic. This issue is to keep track of securing the ironic setup.

Define release guidelines for baremetal-operator and start publishing releases

We should adopt a releasing approach similar to that of CAPI and follow the well-known semantic versioning guidelines (see references below).

Besides this being a good practice, integration with the redesigned clusterctl will require that projects follow the above mentioned releasing strategy. A similar issue was created for capbm: metal3-io/cluster-api-provider-baremetal#224

PR Tracking:

Proposal to Add support of Keystone authentication

As we discussed in the last meeting, currently Metal3 is only relying on standalone Ironic. So all the Ironic calls are currently initiated directly. @maelk has proposed one Authentication which is SSL/TLS certificate based system, need to be configured outside BMO.
There are plenty use cases where Ironic will not run as standalone, rather Ironic will be running as part OpenStack Cloud or It will run along with Keystone. I think we came to a point that, we have to add support of Keystone in BMO where each Ironic calls will be authenticated against Keystone based on Token provided.
This implementation only targets non-standalone Ironic scenario.

User-guide: add doc to describe how to tune ironic before deploying


  • how to tune Ironic parameters before deploying. Example, how to enable a certain features like fast track before ironic is deployed
  • what is the format we pass or manipulate those parameters. As an example, in dev-env we use configMap

/kind documentation

FR: Network configuration integration

Currently, when deploying a node, the networking configuration (switches etc.) needs to be done beforehand and be ready for deployment. However, it would be great to be able to leverage some available solutions such as SDN to perform the network configuration just in time, right before provisioning the node. This could be done in two steps, the first one via hooks that would be called before provisioning, the second by creating new CRDs and controller that would manage the network configuration. Each host would then have a network configuration object representing the configuration to apply before provisioning.

FAQ link in README goes to blog has:

## Useful links

* [Quick start](
* [Demos](
* [Blog posts](
* [FAQ](

Note that the "Blog posts" and "FAQ" links both go to the blog

query: vm support

will it support provisioning VM in esxi ? and deploy the k8s on top

Purge offensive language from Metal3-io repositories

Following a K8s-wide effort to remove terms such as "master", "slave", "whitelist" and "blacklist", we should take steps to remove this type of words from our repos. In K8S repos, the Github "master" branches will be renamed to "main".

We should follow the movement and remove at least those four words with the following proposed replacements:

  • master -> controlplane
  • slave -> worker
  • whitelist -> allowlist
  • blacklist -> denylist

we should also rename all our master branches to main.

try-it-out results in baremetalhosts with 'inspecting' indefinitely

When I tried out the 'try-it-out' I was presented with the following:

The make command is waiting on:

Logging to ./logs/04_verify-2019-10-08-220516.log
OK - Network provisioning exists
OK - Network baremetal exists
OK - Kubernetes cluster reachable

OK - Fetch CRDs
OK - CRD created
OK - CRD created
OK - CRD created
OK - CRD created
OK - CRD created
OK - CRD created

   - Waiting for task completion (up to 2400 seconds)  - Command: 'check_k8s_entity statefulsets cluster-api-controller-manager   cluster-api-provider-baremetal-controller-manager'
OK - statefulsets cluster-api-controller-manager created
OK - cluster-api-controller-manager statefulsets replicas correct
OK - statefulsets cluster-api-provider-baremetal-controller-manager created
OK - cluster-api-provider-baremetal-controller-manager statefulsets replicas correct
   - Waiting for task completion (up to 2400 seconds)  - Command: 'check_k8s_entity deployments metal3-baremetal-operator'
OK - deployments metal3-baremetal-operator created
OK - metal3-baremetal-operator deployments replicas correct
OK - Replica set metal3-baremetal-operator created
OK - metal3-baremetal-operator replicas correct
OK - Fetch Baremetalhosts
OK - Fetch Baremetalhosts VMs

   - Waiting for task completion (up to 2400 seconds)  - Command: 'check_bm_hosts master-0 ipmi:// admin password 00:e8:69:bb:a0:99'
OK - master-0 Baremetalhost exist
OK - master-0 Baremetalhost address correct
OK - master-0 Baremetalhost mac address correct
OK - master-0 Baremetalhost status OK
OK - master-0 Baremetalhost credentials secret exist
OK - master-0 Baremetalhost password correct
OK - master-0 Baremetalhost user correct
OK - master-0 Baremetalhost VM exist
OK - master-0 Baremetalhost VM interface provisioning exist
OK - master-0 Baremetalhost VM interface baremetal exist
FAIL - master-0 Baremetalhost introspecting completed
       expected ready, got inspecting

   - Waiting for task completion (up to 2400 seconds)  - Command: 'check_bm_hosts worker-0 ipmi:// admin password 00:e8:69:bb:a0:9d'

Indeed through kubectl, this is also the case:

$ kubectl get baremetalhosts -n metal3
master-0   OK       inspecting                       ipmi://                      true     
worker-0   OK       inspecting                       ipmi://                      false    

What could be the case?

Automated node remediation

The Cluster API includes an optional Machine Healthcheck Controller component that implements automated health checking capability, however it doesn’t offer any other remediation than replacing the underlying infrastructures.

Environments consisting of hardware based clusters are significantly slower to (re)provision unhealthy machines, so they have a need for a remediation flow that includes at least one attempt at power-cycling unhealthy nodes.

Other environments and vendors also have specific remediation requirements, such as KCP, so there is a need to provide a generic mechanism for implementing custom remediation logic.

proposal: add auto-scaling for MachineSets

In many clusters, it is desirable for the size of a MachineSet to always equal the number of matching BareMetalHosts. In such a scenario, the cluster owner wants all of their hardware to be provisioned and turned into Nodes, and they want to remove excess Machines in case they remove hosts from their cluster.

Rather than make some external process manage the size of MachineSets as BareMetalHosts come and go, we could create a small controller that (optionally) automatically ensures a MachineSet has a size equal to the number of matching BareMetalHosts.

The controller would be an additional Controller in this project. It would watch MachineSets as its primary resource, and if they have a particular annotation, ensure that their size equals the number of matching BareMetalHosts. It would watch BareMetalHosts as a secondary resource.


FR: target node boot via virtualmedia or network boot

Instead of using (i)PXE, we could use the virtualmedia boot of some BMC drivers (such as Redfish) to lift some networking constraints to boot IPA. We could even extend that and investigate booting the target node via redfish virtualmedia to understand the constraints of such a solution. Another possibility would be to network boot the nodes and use the local drives for persistent storage.

Proposal: enable scaling up by grabbing baremetalhosts consumed by other clusters

Hi, Metal3 team!

Currently we have encountered a bare metal specific use case.

One of our customers has a bare metal environment with multiple clusters deployed on it. Each cluster has different priority, for example one cluster for production with high priority and another with low priority for test. Considering that all the physical machines have been consumed, to ensure the performance of production cluster, scaling up needs to be done by stealing nodes from test cluster (ignore the performance of test cluster). The workflow includes determining whether the cluster needs to scale up, choosing a node in other cluster, removing the node from that cluster, reconfiguring the physical machine, and joining to the target cluster.

Our customer wants to automate this workflow and we think this can be done by combining Cluster Autoscaler, ClusterAPI and Metal3 although CA does not support ClusterAPI right now. But if it does, it can create new machine based on the load and we need Metal3 to be able to handle the rest tasks which is provisioning a baremetalhost to the new machine even when there is no available baremetalhosts. So we want to add such scaling up through grabbing baremetalhosts consumed by other clusters feature to Metal3. This feature asumes running in a multi-cluster environment and there is only one cluster need to scale up, others' performance can be ignored temporarily.

We are looking forward to discussion.

Netlify: select a new build image

Notice from Netlify

After November 15, 2022, builds for this site will fail unless you update the build image.

As reported via deploy logs:

DEPRECATION NOTICE: Builds using the Xenial build image will fail after November 15th, 2022.

The build image for this site uses Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, which is no longer supported.
All Netlify builds using the Xenial build image will begin failing in the week of November 15th, 2022.

To avoid service disruption, please select a newer build image at the following link:

For more details, visit the build image migration guide:

Proposal: In-Place Executors

For day-2 operations, users may want to make in-place changes to various host configurations. The configuration changes are in-place in the sense that they can be carried out without host reprovisioning or reboot.

This proposal seeks to extend the Metal3MachineTemplate with a new CRD for storing the in-place host configuration data. In particular, it seeks to (i) add the ability to lookup the set of machines built from a specific Metal3MachineTemplate, and (ii) when the in-place host configuration data is updated by the user, pass this data, along with the set of machines impacted, to the in-place executors.

NOTE: I'm keeping the proposal in google docs to allow for quicker iteration. I will move it into the /design section once we're close to the final design.

User-guide: add introduction document for CAPM3

Write down below sections for the Introduction section to CAPM3 section in the user-guide book.

  • What is CAPM3
  • Why and when should/can it be used
  • It is relationship with CAPI

/kind documentation
/help wanted

User-guide: add introduction document to Baremetal Operator

Write down below sections for the Introduction section to BMO section in the user-guide book.

  • What is BMO
  • Why and when should/can it be used
  • It is relationship with CAPM3
  • it is relationship with Ironic

/kind documentation

User-guide: add introduction document for IPAM

Write down below sections for the Introduction section to ip-address-manager section in the user-guide book.

  • What is IPAM
  • Why and when should/can it be used
  • It is relationship with CAPM3

/kind documentation

FR: In-place upgrade

Considering the stacked storage use-case, during the upgrade of a CAPI cluster, I would like to make sure that the upgraded metal3machine lands on the same physical node, to be able to re-use the disk in a ceph cluster for example, without wiping them out

Extending Baremetal Operator to extract RAID Controller and Disk names

In the metal3 baremetal-operator repository, the hardware RAID configuration of a baremetal host is being extended to include the 'physical disks' and 'controller' items. Here is the specification Pull Request:

When specifying the disk numbers, the user specifies a simple number like ‘0’, ’1’ etc. However, this needs to be translated to vendor-specific disk names (without the user specifying the vendor), so that the vendor-specific disk names can be passed to Ironic (and eventually passed to the iDRAC driver), for RAID configuration.

It was found that the Ironic inspector output does not contain the disk names.

One solution for this issue is:

The Ironic iDRAC driver API can be extended to allow the operator to query the physical disk and RAID controller names. The following two APIs are proposed:

Disk name API Query:
Sample output:

RAID Controller name API Query:
Sample output:
[‘Boss-F1 RAID Controller’,...]

Can anyone suggest any other good way to resolve this issue?

Sync a set of labels placed on a BMH to the corresponding K Node object

There are use cases where certain information is inherently tied to the BMH but at the same time, is valuable to the users/operators/schedulers in the K workload cluster. For example:

  1. As a user, I would like to place my workloads across hosts that are in different failure zones. For example, I may want replicas of a specific workload spread out across different server racks or geographical locations.

  2. As a user, I would like to place my security sensitive workloads on machines that meet specific security requirements. For example, certain hosts may be in a fortified zone within a data center or certain hosts may have strong hardware based security mechanisms in place (e.g. hardware attestation via TPM).

In Kubernetes, labels on Node objects are the primary means by which to solve this problem. The ask here is for CAPM3 to synchronize a specific set of labels placed on a BMH object with labels on the corresponding K Node running on that BMH. CAPM3 is already capable of mapping BMH<->Node, so a controller that keeps the labels in sync may be a straightforward addition. The synchronization would be limited to only a specific set of labels matching a certain prefix. For example, the user may specify as their prefix (e.g. via a command-line flag). Labels placed on the BMH that match this prefix would be synchronized with the labels on the K Node object. For example,

kind: BareMetalHost
name: node-0
  labels: xyz-123 security-level-0
kind: Node
name: worker-node-0 
  labels: xyz-123 security-level-0

Proposal doc:

There is a related issue in the CAPI community linked below. The proposal there is for CAPI to synchronize labels placed on MachineDeployment objects with the K Nodes created from that deployment. While similar, they are addressing different things. However, the proposed CAPI approach also uses prefixes to limit the scope of the synchronization.

CAPI: Support syncing a set of labels from MachineDeployment/MachineSet/Machine to Nodes

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