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kino_explorer's Issues

Emit lazy queries by default

We should call to_lazy() on the dataframe and then collect() at the end. Although I think we need to collect before pivot wider. We should have a toggle at the top to choose if we want it lazy or not, it should be on by default.

Add data exports/downloads

We can start with CSV but the underlying mechanism should be customizable, because we can also provide Parquet format for Explorer, but not for regular Kino.DataTable.

Improve tests

Our tests are more complex than they should be, verbose and the @base_operations approach is no longer needed

Random redirect to empty page from KinoExplorer Data Transform Smart Cell

The "assign to" input box redirects me to a junk link if I hit enter.
Specifically I get sent to:

I am on chromium with mac m1

Minimum reproducible example:

  1. Create a cell with
keys = [:registered_name, :initial_call, :reductions, :stack_size]

processes =
  for pid <- Process.list(),
      info =, keys),
      do: info
  1. Add a data transform smart cell
  2. Focus the "Assign To" box, and hit enter

Fan note:

I gotta say this is so freaking fantastic!!!!!

I actually started my own little project that tried to do some macro cells/smart cells before realizing how far livebooks have come. I definitely want to start contributing, I am wildly impressed.

{:list, numeric} data not displayed - float errors and integer renders as charlists


alias Explorer.Series

s = Series.from_list([[1], [2]], dtype: {:list, :float})

Below error occurs.

10:11:34.804 [error] GenServer #PID<0.290.0> terminating
** (ArgumentError) cannot convert the given list to a string.

To be converted to a string, a list must either be empty or only
contain the following elements:

  * strings
  * integers representing Unicode code points
  * a list containing one of these three elements

Please check the given list or call inspect/1 to get the list representation, got:



alias Explorer.Series

s = Series.from_list([[1], [2]], dtype: {:list, :integer})


Bug: exception when dataframe is empty

If we run this code inside a Livebook notebook:[])

We get the following error:

14:33:02.681 [error] GenServer #PID<0.791.0> terminating
** (ArgumentError) errors were found at the given arguments:

  * 1st argument: not a nonempty list

    (kino 0.12.3) lib/kino/table.ex:211: Kino.Table.get_content/1
    (kino 0.12.3) lib/kino/table.ex:128: Kino.Table.handle_connect/1
    (kino 0.12.3) lib/kino/js/live/server.ex:106: Kino.JS.Live.Server.call_handle_info/3
    (kino 0.12.3) lib/kino/js/live/server.ex:71: Kino.JS.Live.Server.handle_info/2
    (stdlib 5.2.1) gen_server.erl:1095: :gen_server.try_handle_info/3
    (stdlib 5.2.1) gen_server.erl:1183: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
    (stdlib 5.2.1) proc_lib.erl:241: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: {:connect, #PID<12914.1101.0>, %{origin: "4j637cmcib7nregh", ref: "555tv6u3uz22y3v3u3qdckslrxhel5u2"}}
State: %{module: Kino.Table, export: #Function<3.60354910/1 in>, ctx: %Kino.JS.Live.Context{assigns: %{info: %{name: "DataFrame", export: %{formats: ["CSV", "NDJSON", "Parquet"]}, features: [:export, :pagination, :sorting, :relocate]}, module: Kino.Explorer, state: %{name: "DataFrame", columns: [], df: #Explorer.DataFrame<
          Polars[0 x 0]
        >, groups: [], total_rows: 0}, limit: 10, content: nil, order: nil, relocates: [], key_to_string: %{}, page: 1}, origin: nil, __private__: %{ref: "555tv6u3uz22y3v3u3qdckslrxhel5u2", client_ids_with_pid: %{}, monitors_with_client_id: %{}}}}

Here's a screenshot:

CleanShot 2024-05-15 at 14 36 22

This is happening both with the latest release and main branch of kino_explorer.

Top statistics not clear when majority is null

First of all very excited to see this coming to livebook.

It took me a bit of time to release why the top statistics were empty for the last column in the screenshot, maybe it is just me.
I also think we could have min/max statistics for datetime and date instead of top.
I would be happy to help fixing this, if needed


Crash when previous cell has unsupported data

I'm unable to use the smart cell because my notebook has MongoDB.ObjectId values.

    {:kino_explorer, "~> 0.1.9"},
    {:explorer, "~> 0.7.0"}
19:11:33.878 [error] GenServer #PID<0.2447.0> terminating
** (ArgumentError) cannot create series "_id": unsupported datatype: #BSON.ObjectId<633dde08069d480008ba9b9f>
    (explorer 0.7.0) lib/explorer/polars_backend/data_frame.ex:572: Explorer.PolarsBackend.DataFrame.series_from_list!/3
    (explorer 0.7.0) lib/explorer/polars_backend/data_frame.ex:522: anonymous fn/3 in Explorer.PolarsBackend.DataFrame.from_tabular/2
    (elixir 1.15.2) lib/enum.ex:1693: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-1-"/2
    (explorer 0.7.0) lib/explorer/polars_backend/data_frame.ex:516: Explorer.PolarsBackend.DataFrame.from_tabular/2
    (kino_explorer 0.1.10) lib/kino_explorer/data_transform_cell.ex:846: KinoExplorer.DataTransformCell.update_data_options/3
    (kino_explorer 0.1.10) lib/kino_explorer/data_transform_cell.ex:337: KinoExplorer.DataTransformCell.updates_for_data_frame/2
    (kino_explorer 0.1.10) lib/kino_explorer/data_transform_cell.ex:189: KinoExplorer.DataTransformCell.handle_info/2
    (kino 0.10.0) lib/kino/js/live/server.ex:134: Kino.JS.Live.Server.call_handle_info_fallback/3
Last message: {:scan_binding_result, [videos: [%{"_id" => #BSON.ObjectId<633de7ac069d480008ba9bb3>, ... (truncated)

The Smart cell crashed unexpectedly, this is most likely a bug.
Restart Smart cell

The previous cell also has a valid Explorer.DataFrame towards the end, but, since the Smart Cell crashed, I cannot use it.

Allow any data structure that implements Table.Reader as argument

And then, instead of the first line of the pipeline simply being "var", it will be, which is also the code we will emit.

We should also change the warning message of when no data structure is found to something like: "The Data Transform smart cells works with Explorer DataFrames and table-like data structures but none was found."

Should we also change the name of the first label? Currently it says "DATA FRAMES" but I can't think of anything better. Perhaps just "DATA"?

Allow filtering by mean, median, and quantile

We should allow filtering by the mean, median, and quantile.

For example, if I want to filter a dataset for values that above its mean, we could do:

Filter by      operator       value
septal_length  greater than   mean

UI wise, this has a couple issues:

  1. value is a number, how could we input the mean? Perhaps a select?

  2. for quantiles, we would need a fourth input specifying the quantile but that's likely too complex, we could instead provide predefined quantiles for 10%, 20%, ..., 90%

Make columns draggable

A nice to have feature would be the ability to rearrange the order of columns. Either via the table itself, or the ability to rearrange the tags in the "Select" action. It's possible to re-arrange the columns using "Select" by just adding the tags in the order you'd like, but if you forget a tag or would like to change the order, you have to delete every tag up until the place you wanted to change the order.

For instance:

Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 7 20 14 PM

Using the select action makes it possible to set the order of columns. However if I'd like to change the order of Embarked and PassengerID, I'd have to delete all the tags and then re-add them in the order I'd like. This is especially cumbersome when you have lots of columns.

In my mind, it seems simpler to make the multiselect field draggable using the draggable component (trying to figure out how, but haven't been successful so far), but if it would be easier to add the draggable component to the columns themselves, that would work as well.

Error when filtering by datetime column

When trying to have a filter compare to e.g. 1970-01-02 00:00:00Z

undefined function sigil_U/2 (there is no such import)
    (elixir 1.14.2) src/elixir_expand.erl:587: :elixir_expand.expand_arg/3
    (elixir 1.14.2) src/elixir_expand.erl:603: :elixir_expand.mapfold/5
    (elixir 1.14.2) src/elixir_expand.erl:867: :elixir_expand.expand_remote/8
    (elixir 1.14.2) src/elixir_expand.erl:527: :elixir_expand.expand_block/5
    (elixir 1.14.2) src/elixir_expand.erl:40: :elixir_expand.expand/3
    (elixir 1.14.2) src/elixir_clauses.erl:45: :elixir_clauses.clause/6
    (elixir 1.14.2) src/elixir_fn.erl:17: anonymous fn/4 in :elixir_fn.expand/4
    (explorer 0.5.7) expanding macro: Explorer.Query.query/1

Add filter support for conjunctions (and), disjunctions (or), and negations (not)

Hopefully this is welcome! I am really impressed with what you are doing here, I started on a little prototype for a filtering system myself, but am nowhere as far along as this.

I want to suggest a feature and a data structure for adding some really cool functionality to filters.


The current approach for filters uses conjunctions by default, but it is often useful to combine conjunctions and disjunctions together.


Add support for conjunctions (and), and disjunctions (or).

This can be supported by recursively nesting query filters via "value":

Example conjunction with a disjunction:

filters: [
    "filter" => "and",
    "value" => [
        "column" => "year",
        "filter" => "equal",
        "value" => 2010
        "filter" => "or",
        "value" => [
            "column" => "country",
            "filter" => "equal",
            "value" => "Angola"
            "column" => "country",
            "filter" => "equal",
            "value" => "Algeria"

With this you can combine and nest conjunctions, and disjunctions as needed. It also works well for building a UI with nested objects.

I also wanted to suggest supporting negations directly for any given filter operator, e.g

  "filter" => "not equal",


  "filter" => "equal",
  "negate" => true,

Negations then become a really simple toggle for any given filter. In your code you then can define a single operation direction, and the inverse is just a negation.

You can see an example of how this might work in this repo. I'm a novice at elixir, but I think this is illustrative of the idea.

Add discard operation

Some datasets contain unnecessary data, which is not useful in further processing. Why not to add option to remove those columns from dataset?

Support Infinities in DataFrames/Series

Currently, when a series or data frame contains infinities there is an error.

for input Nx.tensor([:infinity], type: {:f, 64}))


S.from_tensor(Nx.tensor([:infinity], type: {:f, 64}))

15:35:11.764 [error] ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, {:badarg, [{Explorer.PolarsBackend.Native, :s_mean, [#Explorer.PolarsBackend.Series<
shape: (1,)
Series: 'series' [f64]
>], []}, {Explorer.PolarsBackend.Shared, :apply_series, 3, [file: 'lib/explorer/polars_backend/shared.ex', line: 23]}, {Kino.Explorer, :"-summaries/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/kino/explorer.ex', line: 94]}, {:maps, :fold_1, 3, [file: 'maps.erl', line: 411]}, {Kino.Explorer, :summaries, 1, [file: 'lib/kino/explorer.ex', line: 89]}, {Kino.Explorer, :init, 1, [file: 'lib/kino/explorer.ex', line: 42]}, {Kino.Table, :init, 2, [file: 'lib/kino/table.ex', line: 63]}, {Kino.JS.Live.Server, :call_init, 3, [file: 'lib/kino/js/live/server.ex', line: 76]}]}}
(kino 0.9.0) lib/kino/js/live.ex:326:
(kino_explorer 0.1.2) lib/kino_explorer.ex:9: Kino.Render.Explorer.Series.to_livebook/1
lib/livebook/runtime/evaluator/default_formatter.ex:41: Livebook.Runtime.Evaluator.DefaultFormatter.to_output/1
lib/livebook/runtime/evaluator.ex:464: Livebook.Runtime.Evaluator.continue_do_evaluate_code/5
lib/livebook/runtime/evaluator.ex:326: Livebook.Runtime.Evaluator.loop/1
(stdlib 4.2) proc_lib.erl:240: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3

Smart Cell

We should support:

  • Filters
  • Sorting
  • Pivot
  • Group by

Preparing for the next `Explorer` release

The next Explorer release will bring several changes that directly affect KinoExplorer.
This issue is to track all these changes and make sure KinoExplorer is in sync and ready for the next release.

  • Update DataFrame.arrange as DataFrame.sort elixir-explorer/explorer#777
  • Add lists to the operations that support it
  • Ensure that all new types and lists are properly supported

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