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Laravel Telescope is an elegant debug assistant for the Laravel framework. Telescope provides insight into the requests coming into your application, exceptions, log entries, database queries, queued jobs, mail, notifications, cache operations, scheduled tasks, variable dumps and more. Telescope makes a wonderful companion to your local Laravel development environment.

Official Documentation

Documentation for Telescope can be found on the Laravel website.


Thank you for considering contributing to Telescope! The contribution guide can be found in the Laravel documentation.

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In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.


Laravel Telescope is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

telescope's People


amaelftah avatar ankurk91 avatar arjanwestdorp avatar barryvdh avatar browner12 avatar crynobone avatar deleugpn avatar dependabot[bot] avatar derekmd avatar diogogomeswww avatar dododedodonl avatar driesvints avatar finagin avatar freekmurze avatar gauravmak avatar gdebrauwer avatar mmachatschek avatar nunomaduro avatar paras-malhotra avatar powolnymarcel avatar srinathreddydudi avatar stancl avatar stylecibot avatar svenluijten avatar taylorotwell avatar tblindaruk avatar themsaid avatar timacdonald avatar tomswinkels avatar vocalfan avatar


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telescope's Issues

Telescope issue with JWT Auth

Laravel: 5.7.10
PHP Version: 7.2.*
tymondesigns/jwt-auth: 0.5.12 and 1.0.0-rc.3

Not able to generate JWT Token, no issue in Laravel log & still throwing 500 error.

Tried removing telescope & everything works fine. This is very strange.

[lumen] There are no commands defined in the "telescope" namespace.

I tried:

composer require laravel/telescope --dev
php artisan telescope:install

There are no commands defined in the "telescope" namespace.

Tried updating the dependencies by composer update but still the issue persists.
composer update

Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 0 installs, 29 updates, 0 removals
  - Updating illuminate/contracts (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Loading from cache
  - Updating illuminate/support (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/filesystem (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/session (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/pipeline (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Loading from cache
  - Updating illuminate/http (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/container (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/routing (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/events (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Loading from cache
  - Updating illuminate/view (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/translation (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/validation (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/database (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/console (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/queue (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating illuminate/pagination (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Loading from cache
  - Updating illuminate/log (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Loading from cache
  - Updating illuminate/hashing (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Loading from cache
  - Updating illuminate/config (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Loading from cache
  - Updating illuminate/cache (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Loading from cache
  - Updating illuminate/bus (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Loading from cache
  - Updating illuminate/broadcasting (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Loading from cache
  - Updating illuminate/auth (v5.7.9 => v5.7.10): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating laravel/lumen-framework (v5.7.1 => v5.7.2): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating phpunit/php-code-coverage (6.0.8 => 6.1.3): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating phpunit/phpunit (7.4.0 => 7.4.3): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating aws/aws-sdk-php (3.69.4 => 3.69.13): Downloading (100%)
  - Updating league/flysystem (1.0.47 => 1.0.48): Downloading (100%)
Writing lock file
Generating optimized autoload files

php artisan telescope:install

  There are no commands defined in the "telescope" namespace.

Does it mean we need to wait till laravel/lumen-framework v5.7.7+ to use telescope with lumen?

Failed while migrating create_telescope_entries_table

Installed smoothly in my local homestead. But it failed in Travis CI while migrating create_telescope_entries_table.

check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, `created_at` datetime null) 
default character set utf8 collate 'u' at line 1 (SQL: create table `telescope_entries` 
(`sequence` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, `uuid` char(36) not null, `batch_id` char(36) not null, `family_hash` varchar(255) null, `should_display_on_index` tinyint(1) not null default '1', `type` varchar(20) not null, `content` json not null, `created_at` datetime null) 
default character set utf8 collate 'utf8_unicode_ci')

In Connection.php line 452:

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error i n your SQL syntax; 
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, `created_at` datetime null) default character set utf8 collate 'u' at line 1                  

Migrating: 2018_08_08_100000_create_telescope_entries_table

Migrating: 2018_08_08_100000_create_telescope_entries_table

Illuminate\Database\QueryException : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manua
l that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, created_at datetime null) default character set u
tf8mb4 collate' at line 1 (SQL: create table telescope_entries (sequence bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, uuid char(36) not
null, batch_id char(36) not null, family_hash varchar(255) null, should_display_on_index tinyint(1) not null default '1', type varchar(20) not
null, content json not null, created_at datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci')

Configurable Environment Name

What do you think of adding a config option to declare the environments that telescope should be accessible from without using the gate? For example, I name all my environments development (not local) when working on them locally, and I might want it available on staging as well. Perhaps something like this?

"environments" => [

My work-around so far has been to update the TelescopeServiceProvider:


namespace App\Providers;

use Laravel\Telescope\EntryType;
use Laravel\Telescope\Telescope;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate;
use Laravel\Telescope\IncomingEntry;
use Laravel\Telescope\Contracts\EntriesRepository;
use Laravel\Telescope\TelescopeApplicationServiceProvider;

class TelescopeServiceProvider extends TelescopeApplicationServiceProvider
     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        // Telescope::night();

        Telescope::filter(function (IncomingEntry $entry) {
            if (in_array($this->app->environment(), ['local', "development"])) {
                return true;

            return $entry->isReportableException() ||
                   $entry->isFailedJob() ||
                   $entry->isScheduledTask() ||

     * Register the Telescope gate.
     * This gate determines who can access Telescope in non-local environments.
     * @return void
    protected function gate()
        Gate::define('viewTelescope', function ($user) {
            return in_array($this->app->environment(), ['local', "development"])
                || in_array($user->email, [

419 HTTP status code

In one project where I use Laravel Passport I'm faced with the 419 HTTP status code. In my database I can see that all entries are saved, but I only get to see that the api entries of telescope will be scanned in the view. Nothing else happens.

Requests invalid time displayed

In JavaScript console and in database (in telescope_entries) created_at field has value 2018-10-24 09:37:32. I have set timezone to Europe/Paris in config/app.php, my local time is also 2018-10-24 09:37:32` (Europe/Warsaw)

But on main telescope page, requests are displayed as 2h ago and when I go to this single request, for example I'm getting displayed:

Time | October 24th 2018, 11:37:32 AM (2h ago)

so it displays modified time (+2 hours from now in future) and it says it was 2 hours ago.

Installation did not publish config/telescope.php

First, off, thanks for all the great work you do! I love the Laravel framework!

Now on to the issue. I just installed the repo, but it didn't publish the config/telescope.php file. Just a suggestion to either publish this file by default or include instructions on how to do so in the "Installation and Configuration" section ( Maybe include something like this:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=telescope-config

telescope:prune command does not work.


  • Docker (Debian)
  • PHP 7.2-fpm
  • Laravel 5.7.10
  • Telescope 0.1.1


   Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException  : Target [Laravel\Telescope\Contracts\PrunableRepository] is not instantiable.

  at /var/www/
    941|         } else {
    942|             $message = "Target [$concrete] is not instantiable.";
    943|         }
  > 945|         throw new BindingResolutionException($message);
    946|     }
    948|     /**
    949|      * Throw an exception for an unresolvable primitive.

  Exception trace:

  1   Illuminate\Container\Container::notInstantiable("Laravel\Telescope\Contracts\PrunableRepository")

  2   Illuminate\Container\Container::build("Laravel\Telescope\Contracts\PrunableRepository")

  Please use the argument -v to see more details.

composer.json required laravel


Why required section on composer.json required only next:

    "require": {
        "php": "^7.1.3",
        "ext-json": "*",
        "moontoast/math": "^1.1",
        "symfony/var-dumper": "^4.1"

Why is not contains laravel/framework dependency?

Horizon and Telescope

Nice work on the app, it works really well so far.

One (small) issue I've come across is that the Requests section gets flooded with data from Horizon every second, so it makes it very difficult to view Request data from my app.

This only happens when you have Horizon open in the browser as it makes GET XHR requests to it's API - which in turn get logged in Telescope.

Is there a way to filter out certain requests - specifically from Horizon?

Screenshot below.

screenshot 2018-10-24 17 24 42

No tests on repo ;)

I think will be better to have some unit/integration tests for this project.

Undefinded Moontoast\Math\bcadd()

this method: `* Sets the value of this BigNumber to a new value
* @param mixed $number May be of any type that can be cast to a string
* representation of a base 10 number
* @return BigNumber for fluent interface
public function setValue($number)
// Set the scale for the number to the scale value passed in
$number = bcadd(

    $this->numberValue = $number;

    return $this;
}` is returning `"Call to undefined function Moontoast\Math\bcadd()"`

Argument 6 in EntryResults needs to be an array and not null

Argument 6 passed to Laravel\Telescope\EntryResult::__construct() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/envftp/public_html/envision/vendor/laravel/telescope/src/Storage/DatabaseEntriesRepository.php on line 92

I found this nasty little bug when attempting to view the requests page. Again I am in the vue-spa and passport realms.

My fix:
Changed line 90 of DatabaseEntriesRepository.php

is_array($entry->content) ? $entry->content : [],

SQL Syntax Error

After following the correct install steps on my current laravel project:

  • composer require laravel/telescope --dev
  • php artisan telescope:install
  • php artisan migrate

I get the following error when running after running the migrate command:

Migrating: 2018_08_08_100000_create_telescope_entries_table

   Illuminate\Database\QueryException  : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, `created_at` datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate' at line 1 (SQL: create table `telescope_entries` (`sequence` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, `uuid` char(36) not null, `batch_id` char(36) not null, `family_hash` varchar(255) null, `should_display_on_index` tinyint(1) not null default '1', `type` varchar(20) not null, `content` json not null, `created_at` datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci')

  at /Users/josh/code/hostinhub/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:664
    660|         // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error
    661|         // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a
    662|         // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors.
    663|         catch (Exception $e) {
  > 664|             throw new QueryException(
    665|                 $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
    666|             );
    667|         }

  Exception trace:

  1   PDOException::("SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, `created_at` datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate' at line 1")

  2   PDO::prepare("create table `telescope_entries` (`sequence` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, `uuid` char(36) not null, `batch_id` char(36) not null, `family_hash` varchar(255) null, `should_display_on_index` tinyint(1) not null default '1', `type` varchar(20) not null, `content` json not null, `created_at` datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'")

  Please use the argument -v to see more details.

I have also noticed that no telescope config file is found in the config directory.

Should it help:
mySQL Version: Server version: 10.2.6-MariaDB Homebrew
PHP Version: PHP 7.2.11 (cli) (built: Oct 11 2018 16:24:11) ( NTS )
NGINX version: nginx/1.15.5


[Suggestion] Option to prevent monitored tags from being pruned?

I'm trying to keep an eye on which queries are being tagged slow but because my app is processing a lot of requests my monitored tags rapidly get pruned.

Would it benefit others as well to have a switch next to each monitored tag to disabled pruning of those tagged entries?

I believe this would also be useful to tag a specific user, switch the tag to 'prevent pruning', then have them perform a specific action.

Migration Exception

MySQL 5.6.41

EDIT: for < MYSQL5.7, change the ->json() to be a ->text() as a work around

Migrating: 2018_08_08_100000_create_telescope_entries_table

   Illuminate\Database\QueryException  : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, `created_at` datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate' at line 1 (SQL: create table `telescope_entries` (`sequence` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, `uuid` char(36) not null, `batch_id` char(36) not null, `family_hash` varchar(191) null, `should_display_on_index` tinyint(1) not null default '1', `type` varchar(20) not null, `content` json not null, `created_at` datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' engine = InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC)

Method Illuminate\Auth\RequestGuard::getUser does not exist.

Alright I have installed telescope on an existing laravel 5.7 application.

This application is a vue spa that uses passport for authentication.

Method Illuminate\Auth\RequestGuard::getUser does not exist.

This is the error I receive, I have attempted to update the Authorize class uses in the config file, but I have had very little luck with it as of yet... Anybody advice or suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

Getting Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\HttpException

I have tried telescope in a fresh Laravel 5.7 installation and worked like a charm.

But if i try to install it into an recently upgraded laravel app to 5.7.10 i'm getting an Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException


Could it be due to a bad update in my application?

[feature request] grouping of log items for stack traces / call stacks

I will be using Telescope as a replacement for the Debugbar package. However, I relied on the debugbar for the Query Detector package's output. For now I let the detector output to the log file, but then I noticed the Log page in Telescope is not very useful for stack traces / call stacks.

For example, the following log lines:
screenshot from 2018-10-23 20-45-00

Are in Telescope shown like this:
screenshot from 2018-10-23 20-53-52

Maybe it would be possible to group these into a single, expandable row? When it's collapsed like this:
screenshot from 2018-10-23 21-00-02

And like this when it's expanded:
screenshot from 2018-10-23 20-53-30

And all the details on the show page:
screenshot from 2018-10-23 20-56-02

Just a proof-of-concept of course. But this would be more usable. If you could show it as one row, and click on it to expand the contents. Or view all the details on the "show" page.

PruneCommand pruning issue

In the handle method the EntriesRepository contract is type-hinted, but the only method called on that object is the prune method which actually does not even exist on that contract (it's on the PrunableRepository contract) so this will lead to issues as soon as someone creates their EntriesRepository contract implementation.

The type-hint on the handle method should change to PrunableRepository contract, the question is will the EntriesRepository contract extend the PrunableRepository contract (if the type-hint remains the same) or will the TelescopeServiceProvider manually bind the PrunableRepository contract to the DatabaseEntriesRepository implementation (just like it does currently for the EntriesRepository contract).

Anyway to clear log and disable log for sometime ?

There is telescope:prune which i though will prune the logs but it is not working .

And there is someway to disable logging untill we specify start logging or like that. There is button that will prevent from loading but it still catches logs.

Thanks Themsaid again :)

Custom UserProvider fails to be registered/found on php artisan config:cache

Adding telescope to an existing project where I have a CustomUserProvider which is registered in my AuthServiceProvider.

When I hit php artisan config:cache I get the following:

$php artisan config:cache
Configuration cache cleared!

In CreatesUserProviders.php line 42:

Authentication user provider [users] is not defined.

Monitoring does not work for custom route path

Step To Reproduce

  • Change path in telescope.php to another (_profiler as example).
  • Open


  • All Ok


  • Error 404 when handling (probably incorrect route generation)

Monitoring multiple servers

I'm enjoying this so far. Odd thing, though. Telescope seems to have started an exclusive relationship with just one of my servers and isn't on speaking terms with the others. The server being monitored happens to be the one on which I ran the migration, though I don't know whether that's in any way relevant. I use Envoyer to deploy to 4 servers. Is there a configuration I'm missing that would let me monitor them all?

I apologize for taking the easy way out and asking the question rather than digging through the code looking for an answer. But I suspect I'm not the only person who will have this question.

Timezone is off if not set to UTC

If I set another timezone other than UTC in my config/app.php file (eg Europe/Stockholm), all entries are reported as they happened with an offset (depending on the timezone defined). It appears as if you must have UTC in config/app.php to get the correct time reported.

/telescope-api blocked by VerifyCsrfToken middleware

Laravel 5.7.10
Chrome, Safari, FireFox on secure Valet directory

After installing Telescope and browsing to /telescope/requests, the page shows Scanning... non stop.
On the console I get

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
    at app.js:79580

and that line is

_this3.lastEntryIndex = ? __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_lodash___default.a.last( : _this3.lastEntryIndex;

When I did console.log() for, it gave me the HTML content of view('telescope::layout'), and further tests revealed that all routes are ignored and my POST requests are turning to GET and fetching the fallback route:

Route::get('/{view?}', 'HomeController@index')->where('view', '(.*)');

screen shot 2018-10-24 at 1 36 44

I've installed a fresh Laravel project and it all worked fine, so something is bothering Telescope on my working project, but I can't understand what it is and how POST request is turning to a GET request.

Ant thoughts?

Mail and Jobs

Look like the mails that are send from a queued job are not stored. The same is happening for the jobs.

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'xxxxxx' (SQL: select `tag` from `telescope_monitoring`)

Hi Taylor,

Thanks for sharing the beta. I just installed it and got the following stack-trace when trying to run php artisan migrate after running php artisan telescope:install. It seems the cause of this is that the config file does not get published by the install command. After manually copying it over and adjusting the connection, the error went away.

[2018-10-23 15:14:19] development.ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'portal' (SQL: select `tag` from `telescope_monitoring`) {"userId":1,"email":"[email protected]","exception":"[object] (Illuminate\\Database\\QueryException(code: 1049): SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'portal' (SQL: select `tag` from `telescope_monitoring`) at /home/vagrant/Sites/, Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDOException(code: 1049): SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'portal' at /home/vagrant/Sites/, PDOException(code: 1049): SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'portal' at /home/vagrant/Sites/
#0 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Database\\Connection->runQueryCallback('select `tag` fr...', Array, Object(Closure))
#1 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Database\\Connection->run('select `tag` fr...', Array, Object(Closure))
#2 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Database\\Connection->select('select `tag` fr...', Array, true)
#3 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder->runSelect()
#4 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder->Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\{closure}()
#5 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder->onceWithColumns(Array, Object(Closure))
#6 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder->pluck('tag')
#7 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Laravel\\Telescope\\Storage\\DatabaseEntriesRepository->monitoring()
#8 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Laravel\\Telescope\\Storage\\DatabaseEntriesRepository->isMonitoring(Array)
#9 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Laravel\\Telescope\\IncomingEntry->hasMonitoredTag()
#10 /home/vagrant/Sites/ App\\Providers\\TelescopeServiceProvider->App\\Providers\\{closure}(Object(Laravel\\Telescope\\IncomingEntry))
#11 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Closure->__invoke(Object(Laravel\\Telescope\\IncomingEntry))
#12 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Support\\HigherOrderCollectionProxy->Illuminate\\Support\\{closure}(Object(Closure), 0)
#13 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Support\\Collection->every(Object(Closure))
#14 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Support\\HigherOrderCollectionProxy->__call('__invoke', Array)
#15 [internal function]: Laravel\\Telescope\\Telescope::Laravel\\Telescope\\{closure}()
#16 /home/vagrant/Sites/ call_user_func(Object(Closure))
#17 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Laravel\\Telescope\\Telescope::withoutRecording(Object(Closure))
#18 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Laravel\\Telescope\\Telescope::record('cache', Object(Laravel\\Telescope\\IncomingEntry))
#19 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Laravel\\Telescope\\Telescope::recordCache(Object(Laravel\\Telescope\\IncomingEntry))
#20 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Laravel\\Telescope\\Watchers\\CacheWatcher->recordKeyForgotten(Object(Illuminate\\Cache\\Events\\KeyForgotten))
#21 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Events\\Dispatcher->Illuminate\\Events\\{closure}('Illuminate\\\\Cach...', Array)
#22 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Events\\Dispatcher->dispatch('Illuminate\\\\Cach...')
#23 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Cache\\Repository->event(Object(Illuminate\\Cache\\Events\\KeyForgotten))
#24 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Cache\\Repository->Illuminate\\Cache\\{closure}(false)
#25 /home/vagrant/Sites/ tap(false, Object(Closure))
#26 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Cache\\Repository->forget('mike@genealabs....')
#27 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Cache\\RateLimiter->resetAttempts('mike@genealabs....')
#28 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Cache\\RateLimiter->clear('mike@genealabs....')
#29 /home/vagrant/Sites/ App\\Http\\Controllers\\Auth\\LoginController->clearLoginAttempts(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#30 /home/vagrant/Sites/ App\\Http\\Controllers\\Auth\\LoginController->sendLoginResponse(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#31 [internal function]: App\\Http\\Controllers\\Auth\\LoginController->login(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#32 /home/vagrant/Sites/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#33 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Controller->callAction('login', Array)
#34 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\ControllerDispatcher->dispatch(Object(Illuminate\\Routing\\Route), Object(App\\Http\\Controllers\\Auth\\LoginController), 'login')
#35 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Route->runController()
#36 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Route->run()
#37 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#38 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#39 /home/vagrant/Sites/ App\\Http\\Middleware\\RedirectIfAuthenticated->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#40 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#41 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#42 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Middleware\\SubstituteBindings->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#43 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#44 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#45 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\VerifyCsrfToken->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#46 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#47 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#48 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\View\\Middleware\\ShareErrorsFromSession->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#49 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#50 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#51 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Session\\Middleware\\StartSession->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#52 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#53 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#54 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Cookie\\Middleware\\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#55 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#56 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#57 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Cookie\\Middleware\\EncryptCookies->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#58 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#59 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#60 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->then(Object(Closure))
#61 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->runRouteWithinStack(Object(Illuminate\\Routing\\Route), Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#62 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->runRoute(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Illuminate\\Routing\\Route))
#63 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->dispatchToRoute(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#64 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->dispatch(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#65 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Kernel->Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#66 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#67 /home/vagrant/Sites/ GeneaLabs\\LaravelCasts\\Http\\Middleware\\AssetInjection->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#68 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#69 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#70 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Fideloper\\Proxy\\TrustProxies->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#71 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#72 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#73 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\TransformsRequest->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#74 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#75 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#76 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\TransformsRequest->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#77 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#78 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#79 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\ValidatePostSize->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#80 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#81 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#82 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Middleware\\CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Object(Closure))
#83 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Pipeline\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#84 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Routing\\Pipeline->Illuminate\\Routing\\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#85 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Pipeline\\Pipeline->then(Object(Closure))
#86 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#87 /home/vagrant/Sites/ Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Kernel->handle(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request))
#88 {main}

Delayed Jobs not saving in telescope_entries table

When using a redis queue, dispatching delayed jobs to the queue do not get saved as entries by telescope.


TestQueue::dispatch(); //this gets added to telescope

TestQueue::dispatch()->delay(now()->addSeconds(1)); //This does not get added to telescope, even though I can confirm the job ran.

I'm running Laravel 5.7.9.

Could not get it to work for non-local environment

At first, i'd like to appreciate your efforts in producing such an amazing package.
I've updated the Gate::define method to return always true

Nothing is being logged to telescope. telescope entries table is empty, although I made sure the all flags in config/telescope is set to true.
Any clue where the problem could be ?


Is it possible to sort entries by timestamp descending, or add sorting to the "Happened" column?

I know when I have the realtime mode on, they appear at the top of the list but once I refresh it appears the list is sorted by timestamp ascending?

See screenshot, sorry if I'm not being clear!

screen shot 2018-10-24 at 00 12 52

PHP version

[InvalidArgumentException] Package laravel/telescope at version has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version (7.1.14)

I have PHP 7.1.14 installed using Valet

Feedback: Request filter

Thanks for that awesome tool! It looks very nice and can be a very important helper for every developer.

One thing that I noticed directly is that it would be very nice to have a filter for the requests. In my app my request-log is full with "_debugbar/open".

Feature-request : Formatted json display


A big thank you for this tool that works wonders :)

Little idea that I think would help a lot of people, when we do a


is it possible in the log part to display the formatted JSON (in tree) and not on a 1 line?

thank you so much

mbp120 2018-10-24 a 11 01 04

Telescope creates migration in the wrong database

Step To Reproduce

  1. Run php artisan telescope:install.
  2. Change storage => database => connection in telescope.php to another (sqlite as example).
  3. Run php artisan migrate.


Сreating a structure within the specified connection.


Creating migrations on the primary connection.

Laravel LTS 5.5

As an official Laravel project, please add support for Laravel LTS 5.5.

Error while running migration for telescope...

I had an error when were tried to install telescope with migration:

`Migrating: 2018_08_08_100000_create_telescope_entries_table

Illuminate\Database\QueryException : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, created_at datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate' at line 1 (SQL: create table telescope_entries (sequence bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, uuid char(36) not null, batch_id char(36) not null, family_hash varchar(191) null, should_display_on_index tinyint(1) not null default '1', type varchar(20) not null, content json not null, created_at datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci')
And once more: 1 PDOException::("SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, created_at datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate' at line 1")

2 PDO::prepare("create table telescope_entries (sequence bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, uuid char(36) not null, batch_id char(36) not null, family_hash varchar(191) null, should_display_on_index tinyint(1) not null default '1', type varchar(20) not null, content json not null, created_at datetime null) default character set utf8mb4 collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'")

How to solve it?

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