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julip.jl's Issues

no-copy `positions` crashes `TightBinding`

The current TightBinding.jl crashes with the efficient "no-copy" implementation of positions. No clue whatsoever what is going on. I reverted to the old implementation which makes a double (triple?) copy. This works for now, but this needs a fix.



  • Implement minimalistic visualisation using ThreeJS and/or GLVisualise


  • get chemview to work under Julia

Enable automatic installation of Python dependencies

The following seems to work for the Travis-CI tests, but may not be optimal

using Conda
pip = joinpath(Conda.BINDIR, "pip")
run(`$pip install ase`)
run(`$pip install -e git+`)
Pkg.test("JuLIP"; coverage=true)

Matscipy Neighbourlist

@jameskermode wrote in another issue:

@cortner the low-level neighbour_list C call looks like this:

_matscipy.neighbour_list(quantities, a.cell,
                                    np.linalg.inv(a.cell.T), a.pbc,
                                    a.positions, cutoff, *args)

so it can already be called without an ASE Atoms object, but doing it without Python at all is much harder, as the Python API is very convenient for building up variable length return arrays etc.

Temporary Arrays for Atoms

introduce temporary arrays for Atoms, and implement more clever calculators that precompute and store information to save compute time, e.g., any PairPotentialCalculator should compute energy and forces as the same time and store in an array that gets wiped after each positions update


Hi Christoph,

When I try testsolve.jl (with include("testsolve.jl"), I got the following error message,

same test but large and with Exp preconditioner

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching PyAMG.AMGSolver{PyAMG.RugeStuben}(::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64}; tol=1.0e-7)

I tried to use "using PyAMG" first also with include("runtests.jl"), but those gave me the same error.

Best regards,

Energy is not rotation invariant

Why is this happening????? Maybe cell means something different from what I thought?

using JuLIP
using JuLIP.Potentials

println("   Variable Cell Test")
calc = lennardjones(r0=JuLIP.ASE.rnn("Al"))
at = Atoms("Al", pbc=(true,true,true)) * 2   # cubic=true,
set_calculator!(at, calc)
set_constraint!(at, VariableCell(at))

# compute energy before rotation
E0 = energy(at)

# generate a rotation matrix
U = [0 1.0 0; -1.0 0 0; 0 0 0]
Q = expm(0.1 * U)
@assert abs(det(Q) - 1.0) < 1e-10
@assert vecnorm(Q'*Q - eye(3)) < 1e-10

# deform cell
F0 = cell(at)
X0 = positions(at)
F = Q * F0
X = [ JMat(Q) * x for x in X0 ]
set_cell!(at, F)
set_positions!(at, X)

# compute energy after rotation
Eh = energy(at)
@show E0, Eh
# output
#    (E0,Eh) = (-126.23143471478076,-112.77456617599405)

Transition to Julia 0.6

I am thinking of slowly start transitioning to Julia v0.6 in preparation for v0.7 = v1.0. Apparently jumping a version is not advised. Any concerns?

What should be in JuLIP

James brought up this question when I started work on SaddleSearch.jl: what should be in JuLIP and what shouldn't be? More generally, should JuLIP become a complete environment, or do we want to follow the Julia convention of many smaller packages.

@GRAD has performance penalty

using @GRAD as opposed to grad has a huge performance penalty (type instability? check this) even though they should be equivalent.

Pure Julia `Atoms`

CC @jameskermode

I thought, we'd collect some ideas and action points to discuss how to and the consequences of a pure Julia Atoms object.


  • pure Julia neighbourlist (EDIT)

Automatic Differentiation

ReverseDiffSource will never be able to resolve the complex layers of function calls, but in particular the neighbourlist. The most likely candidates for more general usage of AD are ReverseDiffPrototype.jl and Autodiff.jl. But those (as well as ForwardDiff) require generic types instead of Float64 being hard-coded. So to take advantage of AD packages some fairly serious rewriting is needed unfortunately.

Revisit ReverseDiffSource

ReverseDiffSource.jl now supports variable length inputs.

  • fix JuLIP to be able to ReverseDiffSource differentiate all potentials
  • test performance of automatic versus manual
  • probably rewrite all potentials to use ReverseDiffSource.



FYI, this is now implemented, about to be merged, let me know if there is a bug.

julia> using JuLIP
WARNING: 'gpaw' Python module cannot be imported: JuLIP.DFT disabled

julia> at = bulk("Si", cubic=true)

julia> x, y, z = xyz(at)

julia> x
8-element SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Int64,Colon},true}:

and then

julia> x[1] = 0.1

julia> set_positions!(at, x, y, z)

julia> positions(at)[1]
3-element StaticArrays.SVector{3,Float64}:

Consider redesign of constraints

to make it easy to implement much more general constraints, Including bound constraints, box constraints, all sorts of useful stuff.

adsite.jl not found

WARNING: adsite.jl could not be included; most likely some AD package is missing;
at the moment it needs ForwardDiff, ReverseDiffPrototype
In [3]:

DOF Managers and Molecular Dynamics

It occurred to me that #20 would also lead to a natural way to incorporate dynamics into the framework. The idea would be to define (e.g.) a Dynamics <: DofManager (ignoring cell shape dynamics for now) which returns

  dofs(at) = [positions[:]; momenta[:]] 

as opposed to what happens at the moment

 dofs(at) = positions[:]

Julia v0.7 Feature Freeze

is already on 15 December. I am inclined to immediately move to v0.7 = v1.0, then I won't develop much (at all) for v0.6. I will just test whether the main dependencies are immediately being updated to work on v0.7

FixedSizeArrays vs StaticArrays

StaticArrays has the advantage that arrays are subtypes of AbstractArray, which has a number of advantages. Consider switching. But this shows also how crucial it will be to keep the usage of fixedsize arrays in a way that allows switching of packages, since it is not clear what the future of each of these packages is.

Fix Implementation of Pressure

Right now, I've written energy as

   energy <- energy - pressure * det( defm(at) ) 

which is surely wrong, since there should be some form of normalisation against size of the of the cell; deformed / undeformed maybe? But what does this mean here?

I looked in ASE, but there doesn't seem to be any pressure option in the UnitCellFilter?

CC @jameskermode

Add read() function that calls

Could be as simple as this:

import JuLIP.ASE

function read(filename)
    atoms =
    return JuLIP.ASE.ASEAtoms(atoms)

But perhaps name shouldn't clash with builtin read()?

Redefining Methods and World Age

There is an interesting new "feature" in v0.6 : "In version 0.6, Julia now keeps track of all the callers of a given function (called backedges) so it can go back and invalidate the previous code with any updated methods."

See e.g.

The is explained in detail in Redefining Methods

Related from #68 :
preconditioner matrix assembly in v0.6 crashes; cf. preconditioners.jl / testsolve.jl; I am now guessing that the problem has something to do with either the precomputation of the refactor and then redifinition; or with the @d, @dd macros. Will need to revisit them or get rid of them. Or quite possible there is a problem with the way the analytic potentials are defined. . .

Recompute Neighbourlist

I've run into a case where I construct the neighbourlist first with a cutoff r1 and then with a different cutoff r2, but on the same set of positions. In that case we don't recompute. The canonical solution is probably to store the neighbour lists with keys of the form (:nlist, rcut).

Distinction between Potentials and Calculators

The distinction between calculators and Potentials looks more and more arbitrary. E.g., we have a PairCalculator which has as a single argument the pair potential.

Probably want to refactor code a little so that a Potential is a calculator and then use dispatch to choose the correct versions of energy, force, etc. E.g.

abstract PairPotential <: AbstractCalculator
type AnalyticPairPotential <: PairPotential  ... end 
function energy(pot::PairPotential, at::AbstractAtoms)
   # requires only that `pot` has expected pair potential behaviour


CC @jameskermode

using JuLIP, JuLIP.Potentials, PyPlot
V = PairPotential(:( (r-1.0)^2 - 1.0 )) * StepFunction(2.0)
r = linspace(0, 3, 101)
plot(r, V.(r), "b-")
axis([0, 3, -1.1, 1.1])

screen shot 2017-06-01 at 22 12 57

Very Short Codes

S Johnson pointed out that EAM can simply be written as f2(sum(f1, r)). What else can be made this short?

Computing distance of two configurations when one of the two jumps across the PBC.

The aim is to define a distance between images along the string at the net of “jumps" across the PBC as it evolves.

So, the issue is that I have two configurations X1, X2, and I want to compute the difference X2 - X1 but need to do it in a continuous way.

One atom of X1 may cross the unit cell boundary during dynamics/relaxation without the same atom crossing in X2.

computing min configuration distance:

def undo_pbc_jumps(at):
    if not at.has('prev_pos'):
        at.set_array('prev_pos', at.get_positions())
    prev_pos = at.get_array('prev_pos')
    p = at.get_positions().T
    g = np.linalg.inv(at.get_cell().T)
    p -=, np.floor(, (p - prev_pos.T))+0.5))        
    at.positions[:] = p.T
    at.set_array('prev_pos', p.T)
def pbc_diff(a, b):
    aa = a.copy()
    bb = aa.copy()
    return aa.get_positions() - bb.get_positions()

Array Conversions Python to/from Julia

It looks as if, at the moment, we make two copies of a positions (or similar) array when converting between ASE and JuLIP. First copying from Julia to Python and then transposing; but the memory layout of the original and final are the same, so it should be possible to convert between the JuLIP and ASE arrays and never copy them.

New AbstractASECalculator abstract type

I would like to be able to create multiple subtypes of ASE Calculator, e.g. to allow dispatching differently for DFT-based calculators.

How about renaming the current ASECalculator to AbstractASECalculator and adding the following:

ASECalculator <: AbstractASECalculator <: AbstractCalculator
GPAWCalculator <: AbstractASECalculator <: AbstractCalculator


should be generalised to compute a reasonable rnn estimate for an arbitrary set of positions

Store arbitrary data inside Atoms types

I would like to be able to store additional per-atom scalar and vector and tensor properties inside the Atoms type. Examples include local energy, masses, atomic numbers, momenta and/or velocities, local stresses.

Would an at.arrays::Dict{String,Any} that maps names to values be a reasonable solution? Should 1xN, 3xN and 3x3xN properties live in different places?

NaN energy when calling Atomistica potentials via ASE

The following script demonstrates the error. We tracked it down as far as set_position_dofs!().

using PyCall
using JuLIP
@pyimport atomistica
@pyimport ase

atoms = ASEAtoms(""))
calc = ASECalculator(atomistica.TersoffScr())
set_calculator!(atoms, calc)

set_constraint!(atoms, FixedCell(atoms))
println(energy(atoms, dofs(atoms)))

Results are:

julia> include("run.jl")

i.e. second call to energy(atoms, dofs(atoms)) gives a NaN result.

LennardJones energy ~zero for dimer for all bondlengths

Am I doing something obviously stupid here? I'm trying to plot the dimer energy curve for LennardJones but get ~zero for all bond lengths. Same code works OK with StillingerWeber (after adjusting linspace range).

using JuLIP
using JuLIP.Potentials

si = ASEAtoms("Si2")
set_cell!(si, 100.0*eye(3))
set_pbc!(si, true)

p = positions(si) |> mat
sw = LennardJones(1.0, 1.0)
#sw = StillingerWeber()
set_calculator!(si, sw)

r = linspace(0.5, 1.5, 10)
e = []
for d in r
    p[1,1] = d
    set_positions!(si, p)
    push!(e, energy(si))
(r, e)




This issue is to discuss anything related to the following variable cell implementation:

We transform F = exp(U), then the following happens:

  • F is a rotation iff. U = - U’ (e.g. one can get rid of rotational motion by just imposing the U = U’)
  • F is diagonal iff U is diagonal (for isotropic constraint)
  • det(F) = exp( trace(U) ) (so volume constraint becomes linear, trace(U) = log(volume); so trivial to impose in optimisation)
  • maybe the best one: F is non-degenerate (det(F) \neq 0) for ALL U (so no increment can degenerate the cell)

Unfortunately, in initial tests this turned out to be not robust.

`grad` and `gradient`

Since making a Potential a calculator, JuLIP got confused about what grad means. It can mean either - forces or it can mean evaluate_d * R/r. I suggest to rename -forces = gradient and keep grad = evaluate_d * R/r (or similar usage).

incorrect override of show/display

You are overriding show(x) to call display(x), which isn't how these functions are intended to be customized. See the manual on custom pretty printing.

To customize REPL output, you should override, x::MyType) and/or, ::MIME"text/plain", x::MyType), as explained in the manual.

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