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angular-validation's Introduction

angular-validation 1.4.5

NPM version Build Status Code Climate Coverage Status devDependency Status

Client-side Validation should be simple and clean.
Don't let Client-side Validation dirty your controller.

Setup your Validation on config phase by using some rules (example)
If you prefer schema over html attributes , try angular-validation-schema (Demo)
And add Validation in your view only.

angularjs 1.2.x support to version angular-validation 1.2.x
angularjs 1.3.x support after version angular-validation 1.3.x
angularjs 1.4.x support after version angular-validation 1.4.x


AngularJS 1.2.x (for angular-validation 1.2.x)
AngularJS 1.3.x (for angular-validation 1.3.x)
AngularJS 1.4.x (for angular-validation 1.4.x)



Install with npm

npm install angular-validation

or with bower

bower install angular-validation

Using angular-validation

<script src="dist/angular-validation.js"></script>
<script src="dist/angular-validation-rule.js"></script>
angular.module('yourApp', ['validation']);

// OR including your validation rule
angular.module('yourApp', ['validation', 'validation.rule']);

Writing your First Code

<form name="Form">
    <div class="row">
            <input type="text" name="required" ng-model="form.required" validator="required">
            <input type="text" name="url" ng-model="form.url" validator="required, url">
        <button validation-submit="Form" ng-click="next()">Submit</button>
        <button validation-reset="Form">Reset</button>

Documentation API

Built-in validation in angular-validation-rule

  1. Required
  2. Url
  3. Email
  4. Number
  5. Min length
  6. Max length

5 and 6 require you to pass an inline parameter to set the length limit. Eg, maxlength=6.

Anyone can give a PR for this angular-validation for more built-in validation

Integrating with Twitter Bootstrap

To integrate this package with Bootstrap you should do the following.

Add the following LESS to your project{
    .has-error .form-control;

label.has-error.control-label {
    .has-error .control-label;

Change the Error HTML to something like:

$validationProvider.setErrorHTML(function (msg) {
       return  "<label class=\"control-label has-error\">" + msg + "</label>";

You can add the bootstrap class .has-success in a similar fashion.

To toggle .has-error class on bootstrap .form-group wrapper for labels and controls, add:

angular.extend($validationProvider, {
    validCallback: function (element){
    invalidCallback: function (element) {




See release


Thank you for your contribution @lvarayut and @Nazanin1369 ❤️
Thanks for all contributors

angular-validation's People


a15n avatar akolodeev avatar arthurhenning avatar austinpray avatar chorsnell avatar ctjhoa-linagora avatar dizlexik avatar dmitry-dedukhin avatar dvelopment avatar erictonussi avatar eyupatis avatar hueitan avatar huguangju avatar hung-doan avatar imgarylai avatar imranamans avatar liorcode avatar lopsided avatar lvarayut avatar musahaidari avatar nazanin1369 avatar nmccready avatar null-none avatar scottadamsmith avatar tb avatar thetutlage avatar think2011 avatar tylergraf avatar zack9433 avatar zvaraondrej avatar


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angular-validation's Issues

Reg Group validation

Group validation is not possible with this plugin? Or you have any idea to implement this?

Could you tell me the way to validate form when the input is clean.

Could you tell me the way to validate form when the input is clean.
I have a model $scope.form and it is empty object.
Now, I want to auto show validate message at initial screen.

Example: Althought user has not interacted with the form, but it show the message error

(Refactor) Setup a new Validation

the original

// your module
angular.module('yourApp', ['validation'])
    .config(['$validationProvider', function ($validationProvider) {
        // Setup `ip` validation
        var expression = {
            ip: /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/

        var validMsg = {
            ip: {
                error: 'This isn\'t ip address',
                success: 'It\'s ip'

        validationProvider.setExpression(expression); // set expression
        validationProvider.setDefaultMsg(validMsg); // set valid message

        // Setup `huei` validation

            * @param value , user input
            * @returns {boolean} true iff valid
            huei: function (value) {
                return value === 'Huei Tan';
                // or you can do
                return $q.all([obj]).then(function () {
                // ...
                    return true;

            huei: {
                error: 'This should be Huei Tan',
                success: 'Thanks!'

Need a better structure


is it a bug or somehow issue?

angular-validation 1.2.2

In my project, angular-validation is used as a git submodule. Somehow i got the error as follow:

Failed to instantiate module validation.rule due to:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'setDefaultMsg' of undefined
    at Object.d [as invoke] (
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at q (
    at e (
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at q (
    at e (

is it a bug?

Server-side validation

Most common case and well understood example is the unique email validation during a user registration (JSON-Api).

Can you add an example on how to implement this in angular-validation.

ng-repeat with checkboxes


I have a checkbox inside an ng-repeat like so:

<div class="checkbox" ng-repeat="item in vm.dataPoints">
        <input type="checkbox"

I want at least one checkbox to be checked, any idea on how I would go about this?


Try to including dependency but fail

install by rails bower, and then require in application

= reuqire angular-validation/dist/angular-validation

= reuqire angular-validation/dist/angular-validation-rule

requiring is successful, but when trying to include dependency

.module("myApp", ["ngRoute", "validation", "validation.rule"])

It shows:

Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module myApp due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module validation due to:
Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'validation' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.

quite sure the installation was done. Don't konw what happened. Please help me! Very appreciate

Validate within Directive with ng-form

Is it possible to validate fields (type= select and input=text) within a directive which contains an ng-form?
At present they are not triggering on page submit but work when switching between a selection and default state.

<ng-form name="innerForm">
    <select ng-change="selectChange(field, items)" name="dropdown" ng-model="field" class="form-control" ng-options=" as item.value for item in items"  validator="required">
       <option value="">{{intValue}}</option>

Thanks for any help.


How to pass multiple values into the function?

Below is my validation function for range

    range: function (value, min, max) {
        if (value > min && value < max) {
            return value;

May i know how to pass in the min and max values into this function?


How do I make it work along with other directives like ui-select?

I have another directive ui-select

<ui-select ng-model="step" ng-disabled="disabled">

If I add a validator to this like

<ui-select ng-model="step" ng-disabled="disabled" validator="required">

I get this error -

Error: [$compile:multidir] Multiple directives [uiSelect, validator] asking for new/isolated scope on: <div class="select2 select2-container" ng-class="{'select2-container-active select2-dropdown-open': $,
                'select2-container-disabled': $select.disabled,
                'select2-container-active': $select.focus, 
                'select2-allowclear': $select.allowClear &amp;&amp; !$select.isEmpty()}" ng-model="step" ng-disabled="disabled" validator="required">

I am new to angular, and googling this didn't help much.

How to make it support multiple input box for the same validator


Is it possible to change to the source code to make it support multiple input box for the same validator, when I click save, only the last item validated:
Here is the code for the screenshot:

<td ng-repeat="model in product.models">
                            <input class="input-block-level" type="text" 

Hi, come again. How to deal with conditional validation?

看了下以前的issue才发现原来你看得懂中文... 想请问下,如何能做conditional的validation。
比如说,如果我设置email,则应该只验证在输入了情况下 验证email,而在不输入email的时候,应该验证是通过的。我的意思是现在的validatior在验证的时候validator="email"跟validator="required, email"的区别只是在于 没有required的error message。
如果想validator email only if email existed,要如果做修改呢?

unique field event

There is a problem if I have some fields with the same name in various forms page
So he checks them all even though it is different form,
I just added a random number and that's how I created a unique field

Validation based on multiple inputs.

Is this possible? I tried

        matching: function(value, scope, element, attrs) {
            return scope.$parent.password === scope.$parent.passwordAgain;
        matching: {
            error: 'Passwords do not match.'

But it only works on the input that was last accessed.

Doesn't Clear Errors After Submit Validate

If the form uses submit validation method and user submits, the validation errors show up on the form. However, as they type, the errors don't go away. So they never know if the problem is fixed.

Is there a way to use submit validation initially and then watch validation after the first submission?

requiredSubmit is not working with ng-include

In controller, I declare this.

$scope.user = 
    username: ''
    password: ''
    submit: () ->
      $validator.validate $scope, 'user'
      .success () ->
          username: $scope.user.username
          password: $scope.user.password
        .then  ()->
          $location.path "/helloworld"
      .error ->
        console.log "err"

In view

 <form name="form" novalidate>
    <div ng-include="'/partials/auth/sign-up-form'">
    <button ng-click="user.submit()" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Sign Up</button>


<div class="input-group form-group"> 
  <span class="input-group-addon form-title">
    <label for="username">username</label>
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="username" ng-model="user.username" placeholder="username" validator="[required, requiredSubmit]">

When I use without ng-include, well done.
I have checked the user is same scope wheather using ng-include or not.
I can't understand what is defferent. How to can I fix it?

Support for multiple validators on a single input

I see all examples using a single validator. Any plans for building support for multiple validators on the single input.

Looking at the code i see you have used array for validator

validator.forEach(function (validation)

but the implementation does not take that into account.

Check Form Type

When using validate/reset, We have 3 types of forms

  1. single (only one model)
  2. multiple (multiple model)
  3. full object (whole form name object(

Add error class to input element on invalid data

Thanks for the great code!

It would be nice for there to be an option to add an arbitrary class to the input element when the user enters invalid data.

For example the bootstrap classes .has-errors and .has-warning.

If you are interested I can build out this functionality.

Add validation for SSN and USA/Canada phone numbers

Hey Huei,

I am thinking of adding validation for Social Security numbers(SSN) and USA/Canada phone numbers. Both of these are numbers that are only relevant to applications that deal with U.S and Canadian data.

Let me know if you are interested in having these validation types added.




Why default validity is false?

I think don't set validity to false when initial.

If i set a valid value to input as default value when initialize form and this input valid-method="blur", but i get this form $valid is false.

Add password validation,$submit with callback always be error

             * @param value , user input
             * @returns {boolean} true iff valid
            password: function (value) {
                return value.length >= 6 && value.length < 20;

            password: {
                error: 'error',
                success: ''

Validation should execute on submit?

Following the example on plunkr. The required field validation should be triggered on submit without requiring any other user interaction or filling any field.

Refactor $scope.submit

In Ordnung,

we use

$scope.submit('what hwat what')
    .success(function () { /* something */ })
    .error(function () { /* something */ });

What if we reduce this method from

<input type="submit" ng-click="something"/>


<input type="submit" ng-click="something" angular-validation>

Write submit action in view, not controller

How to make a confirm password validator?

Thank you for your validator gives me a lot of development to help, but I encountered a troublesome problem is how do I achieve validator password to confirm it?

Can't access $http, $q... inside .setExpression()

I cannot use $q like shown in the example unless i change the setup function to :

 var setup = function (injector) {
                this.$injector = injector;
                this.$scope = this.$injector.get('$rootScope');
                this.$http = this.$injector.get('$http');
                this.$q = this.$injector.get('$q');
                this.$timeout = this.$injector.get('$timeout');        

i had to add this in front of the variables....

Customizable initial validity

The validity of the initial directive should be customizable:

ctrl.$setValidity(ctrl.$name, validity);

where validity can be a boolean set globally or locally for each directive.
It would make more sense for the form to be valid initially.
For example, you have 2 input fields in your form initially. One of them is required, the other is validated by a regex (it can be empty string as well).
You write something in the required field. Now your form theoretically should be valid, but it's not, because the other field is invalid initially, and as you didn't write anything in it, the validator didn't trigger.



Reset form after submit?

I'm trying to reset the form after successfully submitting but this doesnt seem to work:

vm.dataSource = {
    submit: function (form) {
        $validation.validate(form).success(function () {
            /* do stuff */
    reset: function (form) {

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