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ioga's Issues

test data or tutorial

Hi @holmrenser

it would be nice to have some test data, so I can check, if my installation was successful. Also some more detailed instructions or a tutorial would be nice.



installation problem

Hi there,

I am interested to try the IOGA for chloroplast assembly, but running into problem in installing the program.
I could not get both or to run.
Both scripts gave me error messages:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 5, in
import wget
ImportError: No module named wget

File "./", line 305
def IOGA_loop(name=,ref,forward,reverse,insertsize,threads,maxrounds):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

May you help me with this?

SOAPdenovo2 segfaults on Arch Linux

Dear Holm,

I am running IOGA on a dataset (paired-end Illumina reads) from which I had successfully assembled complete plastid genomes in the past. When running IOGA on the same dataset today, IOGA reports that SOAPdenovo2 fails under every k-mer level evaluated. IOGA then exits with an index error for variable best, which is probably empty:

Iteration 1
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] BBmap
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Sorting SAM files
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Removing duplicates
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Extracting reads
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Writing forward reads
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Writing reverse reads
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Old size = 0
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] New size = 3093513
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 33 -- 10:32:42.149468
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 33 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 37 -- 10:32:42.313427
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 37 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 41 -- 10:32:42.499712
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 41 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 45 -- 10:32:42.672296
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 45 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 49 -- 10:32:42.864960
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 49 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 53 -- 10:32:43.026761
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 53 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 57 -- 10:32:43.212315
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 57 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 61 -- 10:32:43.401318
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 61 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 65 -- 10:32:43.580864
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 65 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 69 -- 10:32:43.760832
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 69 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 73 -- 10:32:43.963374
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 73 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 77 -- 10:32:44.130588
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 77 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 81 -- 10:32:44.322826
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 81 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 85 -- 10:32:44.507801
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 85 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 89 -- 10:32:44.688810
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 89 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 93 -- 10:32:44.867438
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 93 failed
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] Running SOAPdenovo2 k = 97 -- 10:32:45.051394
[BAR02A_S1_L001.1] SOAPdenovo2 k = 97 failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/michael_science/git/IOGA//", line 432, in <module>
  File "/home/michael_science/git/IOGA//", line 377, in main
    source,FP,RP,final_iteration = IOGA_loop(name,ref,forward,reverse,insertsize,threads,maxrounds)
  File "/home/michael_science/git/IOGA//", line 359, in IOGA_loop
    best,k = run_soapdenovo(folder,prefix,FP,RP,insertsize,threads)
  File "/home/michael_science/git/IOGA//", line 254, in run_soapdenovo
    best=sorted(n50,key = lambda x: int(x[1]),reverse = True)[0][0]
IndexError: list index out of range

I strongly suspect that a recent Python update (or an update of one of the Python dependency packages) has corrupted the IOGA code such that the wrapper function for SOAPdenovo2 (i.e., run_soapdenovo()) no longer interacts with the assembler properly. Why else would SOAPdenovo2 fail under every k-mer level on a dataset where an assembly worked nicely before.

Edit 1:
I found that each of the SOAPdenovo2 subfolders generated by IOGA during the assembly process (i.e., BAR02A_S1_L001.1.soap_33, BAR02A_S1_L001.1.soap_37, ..., BAR02A_S1_L001.1.soap_97) contains merely two files: an empty log file and an error file with the following contents:

Version 2.04: released on July 13th, 2012
Compile Jul  9 2013	11:57:30

Evidently, SOAPdenovo2 is not called properly.

Can you please check the code?!

Running error

Hi Renser,

When I was using this command "python -r ~/reference/reference.fasta -n name -1 file_1.fq -2 file_2.fq -i 300 -t 5 -m 0 -v" to run, an error was reported as below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/lustre/apps/bio-software/IOGA/", line 432, in
File "/lustre/apps/bio-software/IOGA/", line 377, in main
source,FP,RP,final_iteration = IOGA_loop(name,ref,forward,reverse,insertsize,threads,maxrounds)
File "/lustre/apps/bio-software/IOGA/", line 350, in IOGA_loop
FP,RP = extract_reads(folder,prefix,rmdup_merged,forward,reverse)
File "/lustre/apps/bio-software/IOGA/", line 179, in extract_reads
for line in subprocess.check_output([config['samtools'],'view','-S',samfile],stderr=fnull).split('\n'):
File "/lustre/apps/bio-software/Anaconda2/lib/python2.7/", line 566, in check_output
process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, _popenargs, *_kwargs)
File "/lustre/apps/bio-software/Anaconda2/lib/python2.7/", line 710, in init
errread, errwrite)
File "/lustre/apps/bio-software/Anaconda2/lib/python2.7/", line 1335, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

Could you please tell me how to fix it? Thanks.

Best wishes,

Minor comments on the installation instructions

Hi @holmrenser

we are currently working on a benchmarking of chloroplast assembly tools (see In this context, I installed IOGA on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.04.2 and had to install a few additional packages (see below). You might want to add a note about these in your readme.

via apt:

  • python
  • python-pip
  • wget
  • build-essential
  • default-jre
  • libz-dev
  • libcurses5-dev

via pip:

  • matplotlib
  • biopython




Hi @holmrenser,

I noticed you don't have a license assigned to IOGA. Would you mind adding an OSI-License to the repo?



Machine name

Hoi Rens,

Klopt het dat je nog wel de machine name moet aangeven? Ik zet in ieder geval in de terminal steeds -m FCC. Dat leek te helpen.


Release tag missing


I would request that you provide a release tag.

It is of great importance to science that research is reproducible and for this it must be clear which version of which software was used to obtain a particular result.

More specifically, for software management systems, such as EasyBuild, which are used by HPC sites, installation of packages can only be automated if programs have well-defined versions. If such automation is in place, it means that users can be provided with software much more quickly (some overstretched administrators could even be unwilling to install software which is hard to integrate into their provisioning mechanism).

Read trimming/filtering is not finding the necessary adapter file

Continued from #3

Hi Rens,

I have a problem! I'm using, but I keep seeing this error: OSError: [Errno 2]. Would you please help me solve this problem?

[teste] Quality trimming with BBduk

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "./", line 408, in main(args.reference,,args.forward,args.reverse,args.threads,args.insertsize,args.maxrounds,args.verbose)

File "./", line 352, in main

source,FP,RP,final_iteration = IOGA_loop(name,ref,forward,reverse,insertsize,threads,maxrounds)

File "./", line 288, in IOGA_loop

forward,reverse = run_bbduk(name,forward,reverse,threads)

File "./", line 187, in run_bbduk['','ref='+adapterdir,'in='+forward,'in2='+reverse,'out='+FP,'out2='+RP,'threads='+threads,'k=25','ktrim=rl','qtrim=t','minlength=32','-Xmx10G'],stderr=fnull,stdout=fnull)

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 522, in call

return Popen(popenargs, *kwargs).wait()

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 710, in init

errread, errwrite)

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1327, in _execute_child

raise child_exception

OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Best regards,


New different installation issue

Hi Rens,

I've got IOGA to complete on my laptop and am trying to install it on one of our lab macs but am coming across a different issue. I've installed the dependencies and the paths seem to be set up correctly in the .json file. When I run the help menu, everything looks great. However, on the first iteration, the script stops at/around bbmap (error below). Any ideas on what to do? I don't have any nearby python experts. The computer has python 2.7.10 installed, which is the same as what works for my other computer. Could this be some kind of permissions error? Let me know what you think, and thanks.


[MSAG] Quality trimming with BBduk
Iteration 1
[MSAG.1] BBmap
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 432, in
main(args.reference,, args.forward, args.reverse, args.threads, args.insertsize, args.maxrounds, args.verbose)
File "", line 377, in main
source,FP,RP,final_iteration = IOGA_loop(name,ref,forward,reverse,insertsize,threads,maxrounds)
File "", line 344, in IOGA_loop
samfile = run_bbmap(folder,prefix,ref,forward,reverse,threads)
File "", line 114, in run_bbmap
File "", line 121, in plot_coverage
with open(BBmap_coverage,'rU') as infile:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Applications/IOGA/MSAG.1/MSAG.1.basecov.txt'

Different installation issue

Hi Rens,

I'm trying to use IOGA on my mac. When I run, it looks like there is an issue with installing samtools 0.1.19 and I'm not sure how to fix it.

Any ideas?

The output from running the script is below. (It doesn't make the .json file.)

100% [......................................................] 7353972 / 7353972
chmod +x picard.jar
trying /Applications/IOGA/exe/picard-tools-1.124/picard.jar
100% [........................................................] 514507 / 514507x samtools-0.1.19/
x samtools-0.1.19/.gitignore
x samtools-0.1.19/AUTHORS
x samtools-0.1.19/COPYING
x samtools-0.1.19/ChangeLog.old
x samtools-0.1.19/INSTALL
x samtools-0.1.19/Makefile
x samtools-0.1.19/Makefile.mingw
x samtools-0.1.19/NEWS
x samtools-0.1.19/bam.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam.h
x samtools-0.1.19/bam2bcf.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam2bcf.h
x samtools-0.1.19/bam2bcf_indel.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam2depth.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_aux.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_cat.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_color.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_endian.h
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_import.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_index.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_lpileup.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_mate.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_md.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_pileup.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_plcmd.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_reheader.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_rmdup.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_rmdupse.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_sort.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_stat.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_tview.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_tview.h
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_tview_curses.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bam_tview_html.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bamshuf.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bamtk.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/Makefile
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/README
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/bcf.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/bcf.h
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/bcf.tex
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/bcf2qcall.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/bcfutils.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/call1.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/em.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/fet.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/index.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/kfunc.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/kmin.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/kmin.h
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/main.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/mut.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/prob1.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/prob1.h
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/vcf.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/
x samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/bcf.h~
x samtools-0.1.19/bedcov.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bedidx.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bgzf.c
x samtools-0.1.19/bgzf.h
x samtools-0.1.19/bgzip.c
x samtools-0.1.19/cut_target.c
x samtools-0.1.19/errmod.c
x samtools-0.1.19/errmod.h
x samtools-0.1.19/examples/
x samtools-0.1.19/examples/00README.txt
x samtools-0.1.19/examples/Makefile
x samtools-0.1.19/examples/bam2bed.c
x samtools-0.1.19/examples/calDepth.c
x samtools-0.1.19/examples/chk_indel.c
x samtools-0.1.19/examples/ex1.fa
x samtools-0.1.19/examples/ex1.sam.gz
x samtools-0.1.19/examples/toy.fa
x samtools-0.1.19/examples/toy.sam
x samtools-0.1.19/faidx.c
x samtools-0.1.19/faidx.h
x samtools-0.1.19/kaln.c
x samtools-0.1.19/kaln.h
x samtools-0.1.19/khash.h
x samtools-0.1.19/klist.h
x samtools-0.1.19/knetfile.c
x samtools-0.1.19/knetfile.h
x samtools-0.1.19/kprobaln.c
x samtools-0.1.19/kprobaln.h
x samtools-0.1.19/kseq.h
x samtools-0.1.19/ksort.h
x samtools-0.1.19/kstring.c
x samtools-0.1.19/kstring.h
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/Makefile
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/ace2sam.c
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/bamcheck.c
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/maq2sam.c
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/md5.c
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/md5.h
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/md5fa.c
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/plot-bamcheck
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/r2plot.lua
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/vcfutils.lua
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/wgsim.c
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/misc/
x samtools-0.1.19/padding.c
x samtools-0.1.19/phase.c
x samtools-0.1.19/razf.c
x samtools-0.1.19/razf.h
x samtools-0.1.19/razip.c
x samtools-0.1.19/sam.c
x samtools-0.1.19/sam.h
x samtools-0.1.19/sam_header.c
x samtools-0.1.19/sam_header.h
x samtools-0.1.19/sam_view.c
x samtools-0.1.19/sample.c
x samtools-0.1.19/sample.h
x samtools-0.1.19/samtools.1
x samtools-0.1.19/win32/
x samtools-0.1.19/win32/libcurses.a
x samtools-0.1.19/win32/libz.a
x samtools-0.1.19/win32/xcurses.h
x samtools-0.1.19/win32/zconf.h
x samtools-0.1.19/win32/zlib.h
x samtools-0.1.19/bam.h~

Error running

Hi, I have an error encountered with

sudo nohup python /opt/IOGA/ --reference /opt/IOGA/plant_mitochondria.reference.fasta --forward ../PE1.fastq --reverse ../PE2.fastq --insertsize 250 --threads 40 > mesta-IOGA.log 2> mesta-IOGA.err & Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/IOGA/", line 432, in main(args.reference,,args.forward,args.reverse,args.threads,args.insertsize,args.maxrounds,args.verbose)

File "/opt/IOGA/", line 377, in main
source,FP,RP,final_iteration = IOGA_loop(name,ref,forward,reverse,insertsize,threads,maxrounds)

File "/opt/IOGA/", line 323, in IOGA_loop
if len(name.split('/')) == 1:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

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