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console's Issues

Check origin change

Since the new console update, I've got this error message

helium_console | 08:24:31.504 [error] Could not check origin for Phoenix.Socket transport.
helium_console | 
helium_console | Origin of the request:
helium_console | 
helium_console | This happens when you are attempting a socket connection to
helium_console | a different host than the one configured in your config/
helium_console | files. For example, in development the host is configured
helium_console | to "localhost" but you may be trying to access it from
helium_console | "". To fix this issue, you may either:
helium_console | 
helium_console |   1. update [url: [host: ...]] to your actual host in the
helium_console |      config file for your current environment (recommended)
helium_console | 
helium_console |   2. pass the :check_origin option when configuring your
helium_console |      endpoint or when configuring the transport in your
helium_console |      UserSocket module, explicitly outlining which origins
helium_console |      are allowed:
helium_console | 
helium_console |         check_origin: ["",
helium_console |                        "//", "//"]
helium_console | 

apparently the devices stopped to connect

I've applied the 2nd option proposed adding check origin ... and get console crash as a loop

helium_console | ERROR! Config provider Config.Reader failed with:
helium_console | ** (SyntaxError) _build/prod/rel/console/releases/0.0.1/releases.exs:15: syntax error before: cache_static_manifest
helium_console |     (elixir) src/elixir.erl:245: :elixir.eval/3
helium_console |     (elixir) lib/code.ex:240: Code.eval_string/3
helium_console |     (elixir) lib/config.ex:219: Config.__eval__!/2
helium_console |     (elixir) lib/config/reader.ex:44:!/2
helium_console |     (elixir) lib/config/reader.ex:24: Config.Reader.load/2
helium_console |     (elixir) lib/config/provider.ex:206: anonymous fn/2 in Config.Provider.run_providers/2
helium_console |     (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1948: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
helium_console | 
helium_console | {"init terminating in do_boot",{#{'__exception__'=>true,'__struct__'=>'Elixir.SyntaxError',description=><<"syntax error before: cache_static_manifest">>,file=><<"/app/_build/prod/rel/console/releases/0.0.1/releases.exs">>,line=>15},[{elixir,eval,3,[{file,"src/elixir.erl"},{line,245}]},{'Elixir.Code',eval_string,3,[{file,"lib/code.ex"},{line,240}]},{'Elixir.Config','__eval__!',2,[{file,"lib/config.ex"},{line,219}]},{'Elixir.Config.Reader','read!',2,[{file,"lib/config/reader.ex"},{line,44}]},{'Elixir.Config.Reader',load,2,[{file,"lib/config/reader.ex"},{line,24}]},{'Elixir.Config.Provider','-run_providers/2-fun-0-',2,[{file,"lib/config/provider.ex"},{line,206}]},{'Elixir.Enum','-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-',3,[{file,"lib/enum.ex"},{line,1948}]}]}}
helium_console | init terminating in do_boot ({,[{elixir,eval,3,[{_},{_}]},{Elixir.Code,eval_string,3,[{_},{_}]},{Elixir.Config,__eval__!,2,[{_},{_}]},{Elixir.Config.Reader,read!,2,[{_},{_}]},{Elixir.Config.Reader,loa

Confirm user password on registration

  • add another field to the registration form for "confirm password"
  • verify server-side that the passwords match in order for the registration to be successful
  • (optional?) confirm the passwords match client-side for a better UX

teams and private keys

The console will behave much like coinbase in that it will store a user's private keys for them (store in a db? something else? bones to decide) that allows them to transact within the web app. Users will not be able to access their private keys.

Who owns the private keys?

  • the org or team will own the private key
  • users with admin/top level permissions will be able to manage the wallet (add credit card, set up transaction bids, fund wallet, move funds)

Default Teams

  • in Dashboard, personal teams were automatically created on sign up. the personal team name would be the firstname/lastname of a new user. we won't be doing this for console
  • instead, as part of the sign up flow, users are required to name their team. Our expectation is that they will name the team after their company name (we expect console to be used by corporations). this user will also get admin privileges by default. This gives the team a relevant team name to their use case.

Creating a new team

  • all users are can create a new team. they'll have to go through the same onboarding process (name the team, invite users)

Switching between teams

  • as with dashboard, users in console are able to switch between teams using the same login credentials

New session error

I didn’t figure out how to configure captcha, so I temporarily cut it out.
After registration and confirmation of the letter (but the letter does not arrive at the mail), an error occurs when creating a new session.

def create(conn, %{"session" => session_params) do
with {:ok, %User{} = user} <- Auth.authenticate(session_params),
current_team <- Teams.current_team_for(user),
jwt <- Auth.generate_session_token(user, current_team) do
AuditTrails.create_audit_trail("user_account", "login", user)

  if user.twofactor do
    |> put_status(:created)
    |> render("show.json", user: user)
    |> put_status(:created)
    |> render("show.json", user: user, jwt: jwt, skip2fa: !Auth.should_skip_2fa_prompt?(user.last_2fa_skipped_at))
    # TODO: why jwt if twofactor?


== Compilation error in file lib/console_web/controllers/session_controller.ex ==
** (SyntaxError) lib/console_web/controllers/session_controller.ex:11: unexpected token: ). The "{" at line 11 is missing terminator "}"

Handle successful login

Let's redirect to "/secret" for now after a successful login so that it's clear that the login was successful. We should also hide the login/register etc links and prevent users from visiting "/login", redirecting back to "/secret". We'll want to make sure that the "redirect after login" path is stored in a single place so that once we have a real place to redirect them to, we can just change it in one place.

Env file should contains all the Database configuration and mention Docker-Compose relation

In the current .env file we have only


I think we should have:

# make sure your setting matches the DockerCompose

I also propose to add in docker-compose.yml file

    image: postgres
    container_name: helium_postgres
    restart: always
        - POSTGRES_DB=console
        - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
        - POSTGRES_USER=console
      - "./data/postgres/:/var/lib/postgresql/data"

Handle JWT expiration

When a JWT passes its TTL, we should handle that gracefully and redirect to login.

Also, if the client detects that a JWT is close to expiring, it could refresh it using Guardian's refresh token feature.

channel setup flow

We should port our existing channel setup flow from symphony into console

CRUD API for Gateways, Devices, Channels

These will just have some basic attributes on them for now so that we can get things wired up


  • name
  • mac
  • latitude
  • longitude


  • name
  • mac
  • public_key


  • name
  • type
  • credentials (encrypted map?)
  • active

Error messages

show error messages in react when phoenix responds with an error status and json like:

  "errors":  [...]

Test interface and simulation for users without hardware

As a user I want to be able to test the Helium router and cloud channel integrations without having to buy hardware initially.

To solve this I suggest exposing an interface to the dashboard and channels as "virtual atoms" and "virtual gateways" which can interface with a standard channel and any cloud service through it. The virtual atoms can be transmitting data via some MQTT pub/sub or REST style API (or something else?) to simulate an atom sending data end-to-end.

Additional features of the virtual devices could be tools to introduce/adjust network jitter, interference, latency at different branches, etc..

Streamline OSS Build

There are some file edits required by the user. I wonder if we can automate/streamline this.

Perhaps we copy the source into the build container and use sed to make these changes?
Perhaps we can reference a /config/docker.exs instead of editing /config/prod.exs?

Follow instructions at the top of /config/prod.exs
Follow instructions at the bottom of /assets/webpack.config.js
Update host at the top of /config/releases.exs

Integration HTTP fail on deployed instance of console

Not clear why but the same HTTP integration working in is not working on my instance.
I just getting the following:

foxtrackr | error | Mar 20, 2021 9:08:54.428 PM | Integration Response

I propose to add the HTTP response code from the server.

My question here is : how to debug this kind of issues as there is no reason it comes from the backend side.

Create additional teams & switch between them

Previously we used the session to track current team. Since we're using API routes without access to the session, we'll need a new strategy.

For reference, the data model is:

users <--> memberships <--> teams

Two ideas I can think of:


When the user logs in, we issue a JWT that they use to authenticate themselves for each subsequent request. We could store the current team as a field on the JWT so that all requests made with that token are scoped against that team. When the user switches teams, it is issued a different token that it stores in place of its existing token.

Field on memberships

We could also track a user's current team as a boolean field or a timestamp on memberships. When a user switches teams, the new team's membership record has its timestamp updated and all future requests will apply to the team with the most-recently-switched-to membership

Even if we go with JWT, I think we might need some kind of timestamp on memberships so that when a user logs in, we take them back to the team they were viewing last.

I kind of like the cleanliness of scoping an access token to the combination of a user and team

ROUTER_SECRETS requires timestamp?

ROUTER_SECRETS=[Unix Timestamp:Random 64 char secret key]

What is the purpose of the Unix timestamp? Can it be any timestamp? Should it be "now"?

Private Keys

Teams also will own the blockchain private key and users with admin/owner permissions can make transactions on behalf of the team.

During team creation, we'll need to use the blockchain node application to generate a private key and store it, encrypted, as part of the team record

Packet graph

show events that have packet info in a realtime graph


Events can pertain to some combination of Gateway, Device and/or Channel.

they have:

  • description:string
  • direction (inbound vs outbound)
  • payload:text
  • payload_size:integer
  • reported_at:datetime
  • rssi:float
  • signal_strength
  • status:string

xor transaction billing

Could be have a way to bill the xor transaction to the final consumer by decreasing it's DC amount ?

Audit Trails

We'll need to make sure to keep and display audit trails for all transactions.

These will include:

  • Inviting members to teams
  • Changing membership roles
  • All transactions made with a team's private key
  • Creating/removing devices/gateways/channels
  • ...

Release.exs could be .template

As this file needs to be modified, the use of a .template exenstion could help in updating the source tree w/o conflicts.

How to change the console base url ?

I would like the console to repond on localhost:4000/console/ to have it as part of a more global service.
Is there a configuration I can use somewhere ?
not sure about ENV_DOMAIN if it can be use for this ?

Need success flash after resend verification

right now it works, but there's no user feedback.

We also probably want to regenerate the confirmation token on this action. For security but also because there's a failure case where if confirmation_token is null, this action fails.

Failed Network Calls cause Firefox issues

When testing with @mfalkvidd, we could not use Firefox. Some failed calls to services such as Amplitude were upsetting the browser. Switching to Chrome was fine. We probably want to do a better job of disabling these optional services when they are not configured to fix this issue.


users <--> teams is a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship. The join table is called Memberships and includes the role a user has on that team (owner, admin, member).

Users must belong to a team and by default will provide a name for their team during signup unless signing up with an invitation to join another team, in which case they will just join that team. (Note there will be no distinction between personal/organization teams)

gateways, devices, and channels all belong to teams and can be transferred between teams if the user's role is admin or owner.

For reference, our Rails classes are:

=> class Team < ApplicationRecord {
     :created_at => :datetime,
             :id => :integer,
  :mqtt_password => :string,
           :name => :string,
       :personal => :boolean,
           :slug => :string,
          :token => :string,
     :updated_at => :datetime
=> class Membership < ApplicationRecord {
              :created_at => :datetime,
                      :id => :integer,
  :invitation_accepted_at => :datetime,
   :invitation_created_at => :datetime,
        :invitation_email => :string,
        :invitation_token => :string,
              :inviter_id => :integer,
                    :role => :string,
                 :team_id => :integer,
                   :token => :string,
              :updated_at => :datetime,
                 :user_id => :integer

Gateway mapping

gateways have a latitude and longitude properties. We'll need to visualize collections of gateways and individuals on a map. we should make a reusable mapbox component for this

Forgot password feature

I think we can use Guardian to build the token. We can use the typ claim with a value of "reset_password" instead of "access" and a ttl of 1 hour or whatever is suitable.

Team Invitations

allow users with role of owner/admin to invite other users to a team via email

unclear console message

I got the following error message:

21:47:26.297 [error] Could not check origin for Phoenix.Socket transport.
helium_console | 
helium_console | Origin of the request:
helium_console | 
helium_console | This happens when you are attempting a socket connection to
helium_console | a different host than the one configured in your config/
helium_console | files. For example, in development the host is configured
helium_console | to "localhost" but you may be trying to access it from
helium_console | "". To fix this issue, you may either:
helium_console | 
helium_console |   1. update [url: [host: ...]] to your actual host in the
helium_console |      config file for your current environment (recommended)
helium_console | 
helium_console |   2. pass the :check_origin option when configuring your
helium_console |      endpoint or when configuring the transport in your
helium_console |      UserSocket module, explicitly outlining which origins
helium_console |      are allowed:
helium_console | 
helium_console |         check_origin: ["",
helium_console |                        "//", "//"]

But the release.exs file contains the right domaine name corresponding to that one :
I see no check_origin mension in the configuration file. What is the best to do ?

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