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swarm's Issues

Keep private variables private

As is, everything in the library is global. Does that need to be the case? If not, then we should wrap everything in a self executing anonymous function and expose only the variables that need to be public. For example:

var Swarm = (function () {
    var stuff = {};

    return {
        stuff: stuff

questions about models, read-only, and security/validation

a few quick questions about how to use swarm for a typical webapp. thanks in advance!

is it possible for client replicas to be read only? for example, is there a flag in the host setup to set this.

for the available models, which would work best for an append only data type? should i use vector and only the .append function?

if i use a crdt, what is the recommended way to implement server side validation on a user's changes to the models? or should they just not be trusted and model changes be filtered through server side validation before being saved.

What is the current state of this project?

This is a very enticing solution to simplifying shared state management across and between users and servers... if it can be scalable, durable, and reliable. I'd like to understand what's left to be done to meet the most minimal initial marks on those three points, and if the recent lack of activity is indicating the project has stalled or not. Having some clarity here will help me determine if and hoe to contribute.

Tests don't pass?

Pulling a copy of the repo, I can't get tests to pass on either stable or unstable node. It looks like swarm-client and swarm-stamp have been removed from the repo (but not the Makefile or various module deps).

Would love to pitch in, but wondering if there's a stable starting point to work from.


Insert into string op

It's possible to insert text into string inside object as ShareJS?

  p: ["arr_obj", idx, "text_field", offset],
  si: "my new text"

Spec object has `index` state which causes calls to be non-idempotent

The Spec object has an internal index used for parsing which causes calls to be non-idempotent. For example:

var someSpec = ...
// prints Object {quant: "!", body: "2QXIl03+A0017r~0", bare: "2QXIl03", ext: "A0017r~0"}
// prints undefined
someSpec.index = 0
// prints Object {quant: "!", body: "2QXIl03+A0017r~0", bare: "2QXIl03", ext: "A0017r~0"}

Presumably index should be reset with Spec at the beginning of each parse method?

Production Ready?

A few questions:

  1. Is swarm production ready?
  2. There appears to be no actual production ready Storages (MongoDB, Mysql, Postgres?)
  3. How hard is it to make custom a Storage?
  4. I don't see a clear strategy for query or collection syncing (Some adds a new item, removes one, etc from a query)

How to run test suite

Currently doesn't work for me. It seems to use nodeunit but I figured out tests are written with qunit. Even after I install qunit and run test suite manually (w/o I can't get all tests to pass, because some of them require Swarm.Field which isn't present in codebase.

Model version switching

Hi everyone!
I use swarm.js like caching mechanism in my TeX editor.
So, i would like to use the shifting of history (ctrl-z, ctrl-shift), but i don't understand how to switch a model versions in swarm.js :(

Libev development files not found

Tried to built project with cmake on ubuntu 15.04 - get next error -

cmake .

header: ev++.h, arguments: libev ==> /usr/include
library: ev, arguments: libev ==> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
CMake Error at cmake/locate_library.cmake:14 (MESSAGE):
libev development files are required to build.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:13 (locate_library)

I have instaled libev-dev package, what else I need?

Relay is comming

After seeing this keynote from @vjeux at React Europe, I think that It could be possible to make swarm works with relay.

For the one who have never heard of it, relay is a module that allow you to declare requirement inside the components and will handle for you the unirectional data flow in a much simpler way than flux.

See the FAQ for more info.

Basically im not sure how rellay and swarm can work together since most of the feature are shared but swarm has the advantage of beeing able to do real time and persistency (cf keynote) and i never heard that rellay aims to do it.

It may be a good idea to look at rellay once it is released in order to see if it would be possible to make something with with { relay + swarmjs }.

Reconstitute model from static data

Question. I'm on 0.3.25. In a certain case I have the oplogs as JSON like it is stored by filestorage (_version, _tail with oplogs). I want to hydrate my model with that data, not using Host or storage, how can I do that?

this.spec = new Swarm.Spec('/MyModel#44Gmj+some_id');
this.typeid = this.spec.filter('/#');
let Mr = new MyModel(this.typeid);
// then what?

How do I apply the tail of ops to get a current model?

Code structure change ?

The current project structure is mainly flat all the files are on the same level. The code could be a bit more organized: /storages, /data-structures, /streams, /utils ?

Swarm.js or Meteor GroundDb?

I'm starting to work on an app that should fully work offline, allowing the user to sync it online even after several days being offline, there is nothing decided for the tech stack yet.

On one hand, grounddb is already inside meteor platform, that has built-in realtime syncing through sockets, same code on server and client, and so on.

On the other hand swarm.js seems to be more popular, have CDRT and so on, and it's not dependent of meteor

Both of them are in very early development versions too.

So, what are your thoughts? I'm not searching for a definitive answer, just arguments in favor of one or the other.

Minor demo bugs

(1) IFRAME load races; conf/ doesn't sync over postMessage
(2) editor - block deletion from the middle

Text type status and improvements

I noticed the Text type is missing from both Html5Client.js and NodeServer.js. Is there a particular reason for that or would you accept a pull request with that change?

Without a require for Text in NodeServer, in my environment (ES6+Babel+Webpack) the server-side code does not add the Text type to Syncable properly:

In server.js:

var Swarm = require('swarm')
Swarm.Text = require('swarm/lib/Text')
console.log('types are now:')
// types are now:
// [ 'Syncable', 'Model', 'Set', 'Vector', 'Host' ]

and then later when receiving Text from a client:

error processing message [Error: type unknown: /Text#note] Error: type unknown: /Text#note

However, for some reason, this does work:

var Swarm = require('swarm/lib/NodeServer')
Swarm.Text = require('swarm/lib/Text')
console.log('types are now:')
// types are now:
// [ 'Syncable', 'Model', 'Set', 'Vector', 'Host', 'Text' ]

The swarm package.json specifies lib/NodeServer.js as "main", so as I understand the code above should be equivalent. It might have something to do with my use of ES6 and Webpack.

Improve documentation ?

Well the overall concept is well defined and the idea seems to clear. The problem is that there are many gotchas that are not documented:

  • The data structures APIs also how they work.
  • What's the limit of implemented clocks ?
  • Scaling and limits of the Swarm.
  • etc.

Native mobile clients

Is swarm going to support mobile clients natively (via swift/java languages)? If yes, do you need help with adapting code for these platforms?

Protobuf or similar smaller encoding?

I really like your approach of solving one problem at a time (the full stack of isomorphs like Meteor is atm overblown imo). Especially since there are already great complementary libs like React for rendering.

Anyway, on topic: I looked at your demo app and saw that the traffic is sent in plain and I though, why not add protobuf to the mix? The gains are typically smaller messages (in the case of my websocket app, it was about 50% smaller) and faster encoding. If that is something you are interested in, I would work in my spare time on a pull request, which you can check out and see if you like it ;)

Thanks for the effort! ๐Ÿ‘

Examples use SwarmJs version 1

Hi, I want to try to use Svarm.js. You can show an example of using the current version SwarmJs.
I've seen your usage examples, but they are all for version 0.3.
Help with examples!
Thank you)

Proper object unregistering from host


As far as I can see a specific swarm host (client) will receive events only for objects in use, currently I'm building an app prototype using React, I have multiple documents, when I open first document host.get('/Text#1) client's swarm host will receive events only for this specific object, now I want to close this document and open a new one (without refreshing), host.get('/Text#2), now my swarm host will receive and will handle events for both objects (I can see this in browser's console). How can I make swarm host to not handle events for first object anymore?

host.unregister does not solve this.


porting from a backbone app

I currently have a fullblown backbone app. How would I go about integrating Swarm while keeping most of the app intact?
Could swarm for instance be used (with some modification to my app) to replace Backbone.sync?

BTW: backend is on Node (Loopback which sits on top of regular Express)

Model do not throw error on wrong ID

I wrote wrong code:

var id = 32;
new MyModel(id);

where I used number ID instead of string. As result Swarm didnโ€™t sync models.

But I think it is common mistake and we should throw a error on wrong type of ID.

Travel in time?

Since swarm is op-based CRDT, is it possible to implement travel-in-time kind of feature, say let user sees an very old version of the content by clicking on different dates?

How to get new item from list ?

I am using following model:

ItemList is a vector, which consists of model items. When listen to the "items" changes I get back the reference to object but the object itself is empty.

This case occurs when User A adds object the other User B session listens the event but it's empty or not yet synchronized. How to fix such issue ?

var items = host.get("/ItemList#items");

items.on("init", ....)
items.on(function (spec, val, source) {
   // This gets the correct type of object but, the properties are default values
  var item = items.getObject(val);

code example?

can you put a code example in the readme?

It makes it much easier to evaluate a module if you can see a short example of what it looks like to use, along with output. If it looks simple, then you can proceed to read the documentation and/or code.

extension towards paralell map / reduce that maps eventually

this is a nice dataflow reactive system.

i was wondering ig this project intends to allow parallelization of a single datanode in th dag to be say 100 dag nodes of the same type. then each one receives a slice of the data on the bus and then converges.

its a logical next step i feel to use the power of crdt because you dont have to conform to map reduce i think anymore because the results can join over time .

bacon.js has a similar approach as swarm (not the same) but has formalized the map reduce without crdt.

the two joined would be potent !!

can you have a look and see if you see what i see. i would like to converge the two and put a formal dsl that is serialisable perhaps with a web ide on top

Serverless p2p example?

I'm looking to give Swarm a spin in a p2p app, but the example in the readme appears to be for client-server sync.

Is p2p sync in a working state at the moment? What would we have to do differently in a p2p sync scenario compared to the client-server example?

Thank you for your work on this amazing library by the way! =)

Model sync

I'm still trying to understand how Swarm works for collaborated editing.

Supposed one site created a new object extending a predefined model, how that new object be replicated to another site? I did observe an object with same ID that is already defined on both sites would be piped through, but a new object with new ID didn't seem to do so.

Perhaps I don't understand the flow clearly for the above? A code example will be great.

Remote method invocation (logged RPC calls)


I cannot managed to execute some remote method (called one client side but executed on server-side). Would be nice if you can provide a quick example. I looked on the doc, but the info are obsolete (the spec format).

I added my method in the remotes object but he doesn't seems to be parse for a websocket call unlike set.

My goal is to fetch data in DB on server with a client call like mySwarmModel.find(myId);

Rails + React + Swarm Integration (Question)

Hello there,

Thanks for this library. I was wondering if there is a dist/ file to use in a project (standalone file)? Can I use swarm in Rails, sounds like I can but don't know any recommended approach?

Thanks in advance.


Connecting multiple swarm hosts (backend)


I'm trying to set up a swarm cluster on the backend but am having a couple of issues. Reading the code, in Pipe.js it says that a pipe is a channel to a remote swarm host. This works great when the connection is from client -> server, but not so much when doing server -> server. I am able to connect servers to each other but there does not appear to be any replication going on between different instances.

My issue is that we need more then one machine on the back end and since users that share models could be connected to different physical hosts we need a way to ensure that each server stays up to date and that data is replicated correctly.

Is there a way to accomplish this today?

Is crdt really a good fit for collaborative text editing?

Been playing with various CRDT solutions to implement collaborative text editing which is real-time and offline-ready and I started to wonder since CRDT tends to be memory and disk storage heavy, will there eventually be performance issue after a long editing session (meaning oplog piling up, long syncing and replay time...etc)? Thanks!

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