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react-firestore's Issues

Support for firebase emulator

Is anyone working on adding support for the local firebase emulator? I would like to be able to pass prop to indicate I want tp connect to the local firestore emulator for local testing and CI/CD scripts.

How to paginate?

  • react-firestore version: 0.10.3


This component allows you to interact with a Firestore collection. Using this component, you can access the collection at a given path and provide sort options, perform queries, and paginate data.

What would be the idiomatic way of paginating? limit is exposed, but I don't see startAt or startAfter in the interface of <FirestoreCollection>

Thanks for providing a nice library!

FirestoreDocument is returning data from an id that doesn't exist

  • react-firestore version: 0.8.1 (from
  • node version: 12.13.1
  • npm (or yarn) version: 6.13.6

Relevant code or config

<FirestoreDocument path={`posts/${}`}>

What you did: Query a document with an id that doesn't exist.

What happened:

Instead of getting an error (necessary for displaying a 404), it just returns the data with the id I provided it.
Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 5 33 12 PM

Suggested solution: Provide an error when the document isn't found.

Query a random document

  • react-firestore version: @latest
  • node version: 8.11.1
  • npm (or yarn) version: 6.0.0

Relevant code or config:

I was just wondering if there was a way to query a random document?

Errors from queries

Sorry for not using the issue template... I just have a really small question. I'm using the library for some queries and stuff and I wanted to show a message when an error popped up. I noticed this awesome commit of like 12 days ago which solves this issue and I wonder when this will be deployed to NPM and everything. Thanks!

Support for firebase emulator

Is anyone working on adding support for the local firebase emulator? I would like to be able to pass prop to indicate I want tp connect to the local firestore emulator for local testing and CI/CD scripts.

Add timeout prop to stop loading indefinitely

  • react-firestore version: @latest
  • node version: 10.1.0
  • npm (or yarn) version: @latest

Great work with the library 👍 . Currently using with react-native-firebase. Not sure if my issue is related only to mobile but, I am not able to perform a .where in conjunction with a .order and have the collections listen to real time updates.. No problem, I've decided to just do my sorting in my components..

It would be nice to add in a sort prop to clean up this logic that gets applied after receiving a collection so I don't have to do this as well.

The biggest issue with this is currently there is no way to stop showing the loading after some timeout. If there is not data in a collection this loads indefinitely.. which isn't the best UX. We should be able to provide a timeout to stop showing the loading after a certain amount of time (while still having it listen to updates come in). I have a solution that works just fine, but it would be nice to just have this here in this module.

I'd be willing to create a PR for this if you think both or one of these suggestions would be beneficial.

Let me know!

Guide how to combine collections

Hi @green-arrow, this is a truly awesome project!

I wanted to ask, is there any place in the docs which would guide me towards combining collections?

For instance, in the case where I have two collections. One has property 'collection1.userId' and collection 2 also contains this: 'collection2.userId'.

I would like to query all of collection1 and combine to each document, the matching document from collection2.

In super rough pseudo code, the idea is:

          get related document

Add support for pagination

Allow the user to specify the total number of documents that should be returned, as well as an offset, so that the user can support paging through a large number of documents.

Render to children instead of "render" prop

Last one I promise :)

This one is really a matter of opinion, but I think rendering to this.props.children instead of a "render" prop makes things a little cleaner.

The React docs describe using this method:

Just my 2¢


  render={({ isLoading, data }) => {
    return isLoading ? (
      <Loading />
    ) : (
          { => (
            <li key={}>
              {story.title} - {story.authorName}


<FirestoreCollection path="stories" sort="publishedDate:desc,authorName">
  {({ isLoading, data }) => {
    return isLoading ? (
      <Loading />
    ) : (
          { => (
            <li key={}>
              {story.title} - {story.authorName}

Component to provide Firebase Auth

I know this isn't a Firestore request, but I'm guessing a lot of people who use this package would appreciate a component with a similar API to expose the state of Firebase Auth. (I know I would.)

Sample usage:

import { FirebaseAuth } from 'react-firestore'

  { ({error, isLoading, auth}) => {
    if (error) {
      return 'error logging you in'
    if (isLoading) {
      return 'loading account...'
    if (!auth) {
      return <LoginButton />
    } else {
      return <UserSummary user={auth} />

Something like this could work:

What do you think @green-arrow?

Accept Number as valid type for filter array

Currently using a number to filter a collection query causes a PropType error, when it is actually valid. In fact, changing the number to a string to silence the warning breaks the filter.

I'm happy to contribute the fix for this, if you can confirm that this project is still being maintained? Hope so!

Add `withFirestore` component

Add a withFirestore component that will inject the firestore database (from firebase.firestore()) into a component.

This provides an escape hatch that will allow the user to directly access firestore in cases where the other components don't completely fulfill the user's needs.

Please add @types/react-firestore declarations to make it clearer the types of each element in the library

  • react-firestore version: 1.0.1
  • node version: 10.16.0
  • npm (or yarn) version: 6.8.0

I use react together with typescript, for ease of typing and being native (I use VS Code) when comparing with Flow. It would be interesting to create a index.d.ts file containing the declared types of the library, so that it would be possible to make the most of the resources being created ...

I searched the types defined for the library but did not find it. I also searched within the repository itself and did not find it. I believe that if they were created, it would be possible to work more easily and clearly ...

Option to pass loading component

Another feature request--would be really nice to have the option to pass a loading component directly to the react-firestore components.

This could co-exist with the current method of passing isLoading in the render method, letting people choose.


  render={({ isLoading, data }) => {
    return isLoading ? (
      <Loading />
    ) : (
          { => (
            <li key={}>
              {story.title} - {story.authorName}


  render={({ data }) => (
        { => (
          <li key={}>
            {story.title} - {story.authorName}

To make the API even cleaner, you could let users set a default loading component so it only has to be passed in special cases (similar solution).

// user component (no loading code at all)
  render={({ data }) => (
        { => (
          <li key={}>
            {story.title} - {story.authorName}

// FirestoreCollection component
render() {
  if (this.state.loading) {
    return this.props.loading || 'loading...' // or replace 'loading...' with a user-set global default loading component

Hopefully these are useful suggestions! Let me know if I should format differently or hold off submitting until I have a PR.

FirestoreDocument should handle document not existing

If the document does not exist, you get this in data: {id: "undefined"} (yes, the string "undefined", not the identifier!). This makes it rather difficult to check.

I would expect data just to be null if the document does not exist.

Make use of docChange of QuerySnapshot to pick changes

Is there an option for react-firebase to support delta change of QuerySnapshot to cherry-pick and update only the affected documents (added, modified, deleted) in the local copy?

  • react-firestore version: 1.0.1
  • node version: v8.16.0
  • npm (or yarn) version: 1.19.1

Relevant code or config

The current FirebaseCollection.handleOnSnapshotSuccess() is directly updating the state by replacing the data in case of even minor updates of the collection.

What you did:
MUI-Datatable wrapped in FirebaseCollection and data is shared between the components.

What happened:
Upon internal (from within the app) or external change of the data (another app user) the Datatable widget will re-render fully.

Problem description:
In case consumer widget is relying on state of data the component must re-render fully breaking the flow unexpectedly. In my app the FirebaseCollection feeds MUI-Datatable and change of underlying data re-renders the full table and loosing the state of the table.

Suggested solution:

  • Use docChange() and a different state management approach,
  • useReducer to delegate state management to consumer,
  • any other option?

New timestamp config throwing error on init

  • react-firestore version: 0.10.1
  • firebase version: 5.5.8
  • node version: 8
  • npm (or yarn) version: 1.7 yarn

Relevant code or config

import firebase from '@firebase/app';
import '@firebase/firestore';
<FirestoreProvider firebase={firebase} useTimestampsInSnapshots>

What you did:
It seems like the latest version of the package isn't initialising correctly due to how the timestamp settings are being set.

What happened:
Throwing the following error on load:

Firebase: firebase.firestore() takes either no argument or a Firebase App instance. (app/invalid-app-argument).

Suggested solution:
It seems to be caused by this line:

Untested, but I think it needs to be replaced with firebase.firestore().settings({ timestampsInSnapshots: this.props.useTimestampsInSnapshots}) before Line 26

firestoreDatabase children prop is null because firestore().settings() does not return firestore instance


Relevant code or config (meta code)

let firebase = ...;
export default () => (
    <FirestoreProvider firebase={firebase}>
        <FirestoreCollection path={'mycollection'} ... />

What you did:

Following the readme instructions basically to simply render a FirestoreCollection somewhere under the FirestoreProvider.

What happened:

Blank screen, complaining for firestoreDatabase childProp being null although it's required.

Problem description:

Apparently, firebase's firestore api now returns null from the settings(...) call (which I guess was wrong before a certain version.


Suggested solution:

Instead of returning from the .settings() call, just do it on its own line and return the firestore instance.

(fix works locally when patching the provider code, will provide a simple pull request)

Typescript support

If someone (me or anyone else) would like to add Typescript support to react-firestore, would you prefer:

  1. the whole project to be migrated to Typescript, or
  2. an independent type definition to be maintained via DefinitelyTyped.

From a TS user perspective the solution 1/ is preferable since it prevents type definition to drift appart from actual library but it requires that the library is maintained in TS (which has numerous benefits :))


Expose Firestore query errors

First of all, thanks for releasing react-firestore. It's the perfect way to bring my two favorite tools together, and the API you chose is spot on.

A feature request: it would be great if each component could pass Firebase errors when they occur. This can happen if you try to query content but don't have the right permissions, for example.

Something like:

  render={({ isLoading, data, error }) => {
    if (error) return `Whoops! ${error.message}`
    return isLoading ? (
      <Loading />
    ) : (
          { => (
            <li key={}>
              {story.title} - {story.authorName}

I've built something similar here:

Listener not updated if props change

  • react-firestore version: 0.6.0
  • node version: 8.9.0
  • npm (or yarn) version: 5.5.1

Relevant code or config

  render={({ isLoading, data }) => {
    return isLoading ? (
      <Loading />
    ) : (
      <div className="form-group">
        <label htmlFor="leagueId">League</label>
          <option value="">Please select a league...</option>
          {data &&
   => (
              <option key={} value={}>

  filter={["leagueId", "==", this.state.leagueId]}
  render={({ isLoading, data }) => {
    return isLoading ? (
      <Loading />
    ) : (
      <div className="form-group">
        <label htmlFor="teamId">Team</label>
          <option value="">Please select a team...</option>
          {data &&
   => (
              <option key={} value={}>

What you did:
I have 2 form elements. When the user selects a league, I want the team select to update with that particular leagues teams.

What happened:
The team dropdown never updates to reflect leagueId changes because the FirestoreCollection listener is only set up on mount, instead of prop change.

Reproduction repository:

Problem description:

Suggested solution:
FirestoreCollection and FirestoreDocument should be refactored to update on prop change.

Unknown relation: !=

  • react-firestore version: 0.10.3

I want to show all elements in a list, which has not an empty string.

This works, it shows me only empty Strings
filter={['name', '==', '']}

But this doesn't I'm getting: INTERNAL ASSERTION FAILED: Unknown relation: !=
filter={['name', '!=', '']}

Big scary console error

I'm observing the following console error which appears to be coming from react-firestore:

index.js:2178 [2018-05-09T08:43:10.595Z]  @firebase/firestore: Firestore (4.13.0): 
The behavior for Date objects stored in Firestore is going to change
To hide this warning and ensure your app does not break, you need to add the
following code to your app before calling any other Cloud Firestore methods:

  const firestore = firebase.firestore();
  const settings = {/* your settings... */ timestampsInSnapshots: true};

With this change, timestamps stored in Cloud Firestore will be read back as
Firebase Timestamp objects instead of as system Date objects. So you will also
need to update code expecting a Date to instead expect a Timestamp. For example:

  // Old:
  const date = snapshot.get('created_at');
  // New:
  const timestamp = snapshot.get('created_at');
  const date = timestamp.toDate();

Please audit all existing usages of Date when you enable the new behavior. In a
future release, the behavior will change to the new behavior, so if you do not
follow these steps, YOUR APP MAY BREAK.

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