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amdvlk's Introduction

AMD Open Source Driver for Vulkan®

The AMD Open Source Driver for Vulkan® is an open-source Vulkan driver for Radeon™ graphics adapters on Linux®. It is built on top of AMD's Platform Abstraction Library (PAL), a shared component that is designed to encapsulate certain hardware and OS-specific programming details for many of AMD's 3D and compute drivers. Leveraging PAL can help provide a consistent experience across platforms, including support for recently released GPUs and compatibility with AMD developer tools.

Shaders that compose a particular VkPipeline object are compiled as a single entity using the LLVM-Based Pipeline Compiler (LLPC) library. LLPC builds on LLVM's existing shader compilation infrastructure for AMD GPUs to generate code objects compatible with PAL's pipeline ABI. Notably, AMD's closed-source Vulkan driver currently uses a different pipeline compiler, which is the major difference between AMD's open-source and closed-source Vulkan drivers.

High-Level Architecture Diagram

Product Support

The AMD Open Source Driver for Vulkan is designed to support the following AMD GPUs:

  • Radeon™ RX 7900/7800/7700/7600 Series
  • Radeon™ RX 6900/6800/6700/6600/6500 Series
  • Radeon™ RX 5700/5600/5500 Series
  • Radeon™ Pro W5700/W5500 Series

Note For Pre-GFX10 GPUs, please use v-2023.Q3.3 or older release.

Operating System Support

The AMD Open Source Driver for Vulkan is designed to support following distros and versions on both the AMDGPU upstream driver stack and the AMDGPU Pro driver stack:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 (amd64 version)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 (amd64 version)
  • RedHat 8.6 (x86-64 version)
  • RedHat 9.0 (x86-64 version)

The driver has not been well tested on other distros and versions. You may try it out on other distros and versions of your choice.

Note To run the Vulkan driver with AMDGPU upstream driver stack on SI and CI generation GPUs, amdgpu.si_support and amdgpu.cik_support need to be enabled in kernel

Feature Support and Performance

The AMD Open Source Driver for Vulkan is designed to support the following features:

  • Vulkan 1.3
  • More than 170 extensions
  • Radeon™ GPUProfiler tracing
  • Built-in debug and profiling tools
  • Mid-command buffer preemption and SR-IOV virtualization

The following features and improvements are planned in future releases (Please refer to Release Notes for update of each release):

  • Upcoming versions of the Vulkan API
  • Hardware performance counter collection through RenderDoc
  • LLPC optimizations to improve GPU-limited performance and compile time
  • Optimizations to improve CPU-limited performance

Known Issues

  • If you are using upstream stack, you may need to upgrade the kernel to 5.3 or later version and firmware (under /lib/firmware/amdgpu/) to the right version from, and then update ramfs (sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-uname -r uname -r or sudo mkinitcpio --generate /boot/initrd.img-uname -r uname -r)
  • Timeline semaphore is not fully supported in Linux kernel until version 5.5. You can install Vulkan timeline semaphore layer to enable the extension if you are using earlier version of Linux kernel

How to Contribute

You are welcome to submit contributions of code to the AMD Open Source Driver for Vulkan.

The driver is built from source code in five repositories: LLVM, XGL, LLPC, GPURT and PAL.

For changes to LLVM, you should submit contribution to the LLVM trunk. Commits there will be evaluated to merge into the amd-gfx-gpuopen-master branch periodically.

For changes to XGL, LLPC, GPURT and PAL, please create a pull request against the dev branch. After your change is reviewed and if it is accepted, it will be evaluated to merge into the master branch in a subsequent regular promotion.

IMPORTANT: By creating a pull request, you agree to allow your contribution to be licensed by the project owners under the terms of the MIT License.

When contributing to XGL, LLPC, GPURT and PAL, your code should:

  • Match the style of nearby existing code. Your code may be edited to comply with our coding standards when it is merged into the master branch.
  • Avoid adding new dependencies, including dependencies on STL.

Please make each contribution reasonably small. If you would like to make a big contribution, like a new feature or extension, please raise an issue first to allow planning to evaluate and review your work.

Note Since PAL is a shared component that must support other APIs, other operating systems, and pre-production hardware, you might be asked to revise your PAL change for reasons that may not be obvious from a pure Linux Vulkan driver perspective.

Build Instructions

System Requirements

It is recommended to install at least 16GB RAM in your build system.

Build System

  • CMake 3.21 or newer is required. Download and install proper one if the cmake is older than 3.21.
  • C++ 20 support is required. Like gcc9, clang11.
  • Ninja is required.

Install Dev and Tools Packages


sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake curl g++-multilib gcc-multilib git ninja-build pkg-config python3 python3-jinja2 python3-ruamel.yaml
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libx11-dev libxcb1-dev x11proto-dri2-dev libxcb-dri3-dev libxcb-dri2-0-dev libxcb-present-dev libxshmfence-dev libxrandr-dev libwayland-dev
dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev:i386 libx11-dev:i386 libxcb1-dev:i386 libxcb-dri3-dev:i386 libxcb-dri2-0-dev:i386 libxcb-present-dev:i386 libxshmfence-dev:i386 libwayland-dev libwayland-dev:i386 libxrandr-dev:i386


sudo yum -y install openssl-devel gcc-c++ python3 python3-pip curl glibc-devel libstdc++-devel libxcb-devel libX11-devel libxshmfence-devel libXrandr-devel wayland-devel
pip3 install jinja2 ruamel.yaml 
sudo yum -y install openssl-devel.i686 gcc-c++ python3 python3-pip curl glibc-devel.i686 libstdc++-devel.i686 libxcb-devel.i686 libX11-devel.i686 libxshmfence-devel.i686 libXrandr-devel.i686 wayland-devel.i686
pip3 install jinja2 ruamel.yaml 

Install shader compiler tools

Shader compiler tools such as DirectXShaderCompiler and glslang need to be installed to build raytracing support.

Ubuntu 20.04

It is recommended to install them from VulkanSDK 1.3.280 or higher.

Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget -qO /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lunarg-vulkan-1.3.280-focal.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install dxc glslang-tools


Get DirectXShaderCompiler and glslang source code and build tools on local.


if [ ! -d DirectXShaderCompiler ]; then
git clone --depth=1 -b release-1.7.2308

if [ ! -d glslang ]; then
git clone --depth=1 -b sdk-1.3.280

cd DirectXShaderCompiler
git submodule init
git submodule update
cmake -H. -Bbuilds -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -C ./cmake/caches/PredefinedParams.cmake
cmake --build builds
cd ..

cd glslang
cmake -H. -Bbuilds -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='builds/install'
cd builds
make -j8 install
cd ../../

Set env PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH before amdvlk driver build.

export PATH=<DirectXShaderCompiler>/builds/bin:<glslang>/install/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<DirectXShaderCompiler>/builds/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Get Repo Tools

mkdir ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
# Replacing python with python3 is only needed on Ubuntu 20.04 if the 'python' executable is not available
sed -i s/python/python3/ ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=~/bin:"$PATH"

Get Source Code

mkdir vulkandriver
cd vulkandriver
repo init -u -b master
repo sync

Note Source code in dev branch can be gotten by using "-b dev" in the "repo init" command.

Build Driver and Generate JSON Files

cmake -G Ninja -S xgl -B builds/Release64
cmake --build builds/Release64

cmake -G Ninja -S xgl -B builds/Release32 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32
cmake --build builds/Release32


  • For debug build, use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DLLVM_PARALLEL_LINK_JOBS=2 (Linking a debug build of llvm is very memory intensive, so we use only two parallel jobs).
  • If you want to build tools (such as amdllpc) together with driver, add -m build_with_tools.xml in repo init and add the build option -DXGL_BUILD_TOOLS=ON.

Installation Instructions

Install Vulkan SDK

You can download and install the SDK package here.

Install dependencies


sudo apt install libssl1.1


sudo yum install openssl-libs

Install Driver and JSON Files

sudo cmake --install builds/Release64 --component icd
sudo cmake --install builds/Release32 --component icd

If you want to install driver to customized directory, you can add "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={installation directory}" in the cmake build command. JSON files will be installed to /etc/vulkan/icd.d while other files will be installed to the installation directory you specified.

If RADV is also installed in the system, AMDVLK driver will be enabled by default after installation. You can switch the driver between AMDVLK and RADV by environment variable AMD_VULKAN_ICD = AMDVLK or RADV.

Note: The remaining steps are only required when running the AMDGPU upstream driver stack.

Turn on DRI3 and disable modesetting X driver

Add following lines in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-amdgpu.conf:

Section "Device"

Identifier "AMDgpu"

Option  "DRI" "3"


And make sure following line is NOT included in the section:

Driver      "modesetting"

Required Settings

On the AMDGPU upstream driver stack with libdrm version lower than 2.4.92, the max number of IB per submission MUST be limited to 4 (the default setting in AMD Open Source driver for Vulkan is 16). This can be accomplished via the Runtime Settings mechanism by adding the following line to amdPalSettings.cfg:


Install with pre-built driver

You could generate the installation package with below command while building driver:


cmake -G Ninja -S xgl -B builds/Release64 [-DPACKAGE_VERSION=package version]
cmake --build builds/Release64 --target makePackage


cmake -G Ninja -S xgl -B builds/Release64 [-DPACKAGE_VERSION=package version]
cmake --build builds/Release64 --target makePackage

You could also download pre-built package from for each code promotion in master branch.

Below is the installation instruction:

Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04

sudo dpkg -r amdvlk  # If old version is installed on the machine, remove it first 
sudo dpkg -i amdvlk_x.x.x_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get -f install

RedHat 8.6, 9.0

sudo rpm -e amdvlk   # If old version is installed on the machine, remove it first 
sudo rpm -i amdvlk-x.x.x.x86_64.rpm

For Ubuntu, you could also install the latest driver build from

sudo wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb [arch=amd64,i386] bionic main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/amdvlk.list'
sudo apt-get remove amdvlk # If old version is installed on the machine, remove it first 
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install amdvlk

Runtime Settings

The driver exposes many settings that can customize the driver's behavior and facilitate debugging. You can add/edit settings in amdVulkanSettings.cfg or amdPalSettings.cfg file under one of below paths, formatted with one name,value pair per line:

  • /etc/amd

Some example settings are listed below:

Setting Name Valid Values Comment
AllowVkPipelineCachingToDisk 0: disallow
1: default
1 is default value which enables Pal's archive-file based caching.
The archive-file is stored under ~/.cache/AMD/VkCache.
ShaderCacheMode 0: disable cache
1: runtime cache
2: cache to disk
Runtime cache is the default mode. For "cache to disk", the cache file is generated under $AMD_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_PATH/AMD/LlpcCache or $XDG_CACHE_HOME/AMD/LlpcCache or $HOME/.cache/AMD/LlpcCache
IFH 0: default
1: drop all submits
Infinitely Fast Hardware. Submit calls are dropped before being sent to hardware. Useful for measuring CPU-limited performance.
EnableVmAlwaysValid 0: disable
1: default
2: force enable
1 is the default setting which enables the VM-always-valid feature for kernel 4.16 and above. The feature can reduce command buffer submission overhead related to virtual memory management.
IdleAfterSubmitGpuMask Bitmask of GPUs (i.e., bit 0 is GPU0, etc.) Forces the CPU to immediately wait for each GPU submission to complete on the specified set of GPUs.

All available settings can be determined by examining below source files that define them.

  • .../xgl/icd/settings/settings.cfg (API layer settings)
  • .../pal/src/core/settings_core.json (PAL hardware-independent settings)
  • .../pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/settings_gfx6.json (PAL GFX6-8 settings)
  • .../pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/settings_gfx9.json (PAL GFX9+ settings)

Runtime settings are only read at device initialization, and cannot be changed without restarting the application. If running on a system with multiple GPUs, the same settings will apply to all of them. Lines in the settings file that start with ; will be treated as comments.

Enable extensions under development

The extensions under development are not enabled by default in driver. You can enable them through environment variable:

export AMDVLK_ENABLE_DEVELOPING_EXT="<extension1-name> [<extension2-name>...]"



The extension name is case-insensitive.

PAL GpuProfiler Layer

The GpuProfiler is an optional layer that is designed to intercept the PAL interface to provide basic GPU profiling support. Currently, this layer is controlled exclusively through runtime settings and outputs its results to file.

You can use the following Runtime Settings to generate .csv files with GPU timings of work performed during the designated frames of an application (one file for each frame):

Setting Name Value Comment
GpuProfilerMode 0: disable
1: enable with sqtt off
2: enable with sqtt for thread trace
3: enable with sqtt for RGP
Enables and sets the SQTT mode for the GPU performance profiler layer. Actual capture of performance data must be specified via frame number with GpuProfilerConfig_StartFrame or by pressing shift-F11.
GpuProfilerConfig.LogDirectory <directory-path> The directory path is relative to $AMD_DEBUG_DIR or $TMPDIR or /var/tmp/, default value is "amdpal/". Your application must have write permissions to the directory. The profiling logs are output to a subdirectory that is named in the format like <AppName><yyyy-MM-dd><HH:mm:ss>.
GpuProfilerConfig.Granularity 0: per-draw
1: per-cmdbuf
Defines what is measured/profiled. Per-draw times individual commands (such as draw, dispatch, etc.) inside command buffers, while per-cmdbuf only profiles entire command buffers in aggregate.
GpuProfilerConfig.StartFrame Positive integer First frame to capture data for. If StartFrame and FrameCount are not set, all frames will be profiled.
GpuProfilerConfig.FrameCount Positive integer Number of frames to capture data for.
GpuProfilerConfig.RecordPipelineStats 0, 1 Gathers pipeline statistic query data per entry if enabled.

You can use the script to analyze the profiling log:

python <profiling_log_subdirectory>

Dump Pipelines and Shaders

The output of includes the information of top pipelines like below:

Top Pipelines (>= 1%)
Compiler Hash         | Type         | Avg. Call Count | Avg. GPU Time [us] | Avg. Frame %
1. 0xd91d15e42d62dcbb | VsPs         |              43 |          11,203.15 |      10.20 %
2. 0x724e9af55f2adf1b | Cs           |               1 |           9,347.50 |       8.51 %
3. 0x396e5ad6f7a789f7 | VsHsDsPs     |             468 |           8,401.35 |       7.65 %

You can add the following settings to amdPalSettings.cfg to dump the information of each pipeline:


PipelineDumpDir is a sub-path relative to $AMD_DEBUG_DIR or $TMPDIR or /var/tmp/, default value is "spvPipeline/". The pipeline dump file is named in the format like Pipeline<Type>_<Compiler_Hash>.pipe. For example, the above top 1 pipeline is dumped to PipelineVsFs_0xD91D15E42D62DCBB.pipe. The shaders referenced by each pipeline are also dumped to .spv files.

PAL Debug Overlay

PAL's debug overlay can be enabled to display real time statistics and information on top of a running application. This includes a rolling FPS average, CPU and GPU frame times, and a ledger tracking how much video memory has been allocated from each available heap. Benchmarking (i.e., "Benchmark (F11)") is currently unsupported.

Setting Name Value Comment
DebugOverlayEnabled 0, 1 Enables the debug overlay.
DebugOverlayConfig.DebugOverlayLocation 0: top-left
1: top-right
2: bottom-left
3: bottom-right
Determines where the overlay text should be displayed. Can be used to avoid collision with important rendering by the application.
DebugOverlayConfig.PrintFrameNumber 0, 1 Reports the current frame number. Useful when determining a good frame range for profiling with the GpuProfiler layer.
DebugOverlayConfig.TimeGraphEnable 0, 1 Enables rendering of a graph of recent CPU and GPU frame times.

Third Party Software

The AMD Open Source Driver for Vulkan contains code written by third parties.

  • LLVM is distributed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. See LICENSE.TXT file in the top directory of the LLVM repository.
  • MetroHash is distributed under the terms of Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file in the top directory of the MetroHash repository.
  • CWPack is distributed under the terms of MITLicense. See LICENSE file in the top directory of the CWPack repository.
  • Please see the file in the PAL, LLPC, GPURT and XGL repositories for information on third party software used by those libraries.


The information contained herein is for informational purposes only, and is subject to change without notice. This document may contain technical inaccuracies, omissions and typographical errors, and AMD is under no obligation to update or otherwise correct this information. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document, and assumes no liability of any kind, including the implied warranties of noninfringement, merchantability or fitness for particular purposes, with respect to the operation or use of AMD hardware, software or other products described herein. No license, including implied or arising by estoppel, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Terms and limitations applicable to the purchase or use of AMD's products are as set forth in a signed agreement between the parties or in AMD's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale.

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Radeon, FirePro, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.

Vega is a codename for AMD architecture, and is not a product name.

Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

Vulkan and the Vulkan logo are registered trademarks of the Khronos Group, Inc.

amdvlk's People


baryluk avatar blzzua avatar chuang13 avatar flakebi avatar jacobheamd avatar jaxlinamd avatar kuhar avatar libenike avatar makonede avatar nhaehnle avatar perlfu avatar qiaojbao avatar rejexy avatar standask avatar tsymalla avatar tsymalla-amd avatar wenqingliamd avatar


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amdvlk's Issues

Not working on amdgpu with stock linux-firmware on Pitcairn

I could not make amdvlk work on Pitcairn chipsets with the firmware from linux-firmware package, the images contained within are too old. It works amdgpu and firmware bundled into AMDs closed source stack. The solution is brittle, since the firmware will be overwritten on subsequent updates of the said package.

R7 370 and brothers, while old, are still perfectly adequate in a lot of circumstances, and it should be possible to run amdvlk on the open source stack out of the box on by modern Linux system.

What is the procedure/proper place to ask AMD to upstream latest firmware for those chipsets to linux-firmware , and what prevented AMD to update the ancient firmware for those chipsets to the latest versions shipping with closed source driver ? Are there technical issue with latest firmware and current incarnation of amdgpu/radeon ?

AMDVLK on systems with hybrid graphics?

Has anyone luck making it work on systems with dual graphics?

OS: Arch Linux. AMDVLK is installed through

I have PC with intel hd 4600 + amd radeon 8750m. It does work with mesa vulkan-radeon drivers, but not with AMDVLK. For ex launching vkQuake:

[xdshot@lenovo-pc Quake]$ VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json WINEPREFIX=~/wineprefixes/win64/ DRI_PRIME=1 wine vkQuake.exe
000b:fixme:winediag:start_process Wine Staging 3.13 is a testing version containing experimental patches.
000b:fixme:winediag:start_process Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on
wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe"
000b:err:wineboot:ProcessRunKeys Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -a -r" (2)
Command line: Z:\home\xdshot\vkQuake\Quake\vkQuake.exe
Found SDL version 2.0.8
Detected 4 CPUs.
Quake 1.09 (c) id Software
GLQuake 1.00 (c) id Software
FitzQuake 0.85 (c) John Fitzgibbons
FitzQuake SDL port (c) SleepwalkR, Baker
QuakeSpasm 0.93.0 (c) Ozkan Sezer, Eric Wasylishen & others
vkQuake 1.00.0 (c) Axel Gneiting & others
Playing registered version.
Console initialized.
UDP Initialized
WIPX_OpenSocket: Protocol not supported
WIPX_Init: Unable to open control socket, IPX disabled
Server using protocol 666 (FitzQuake)
Exe: 15:52:13 Jul 27 2018
256.0 megabyte heap


QUAKE ERROR: Couldn't create window: Installed Vulkan doesn't implement the VK_KHR_surface extension

[xdshot@lenovo-pc Quake]$


Hardware is wrong.


Asus website

lspci -mm

00:00.0 "Host bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Root Complex" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Root Complex" 00:00.2 "IOMMU" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) I/O Memory Management Unit" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) I/O Memory Management Unit" 00:01.0 "VGA compatible controller" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]" "Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics]" "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics]" 00:01.1 "Audio device" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]" "Kaveri HDMI/DP Audio Controller" "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "Kaveri HDMI/DP Audio Controller" 00:02.0 "Host bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Device 1424" "" "" 00:02.1 "PCI bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Device 1425" "" "" 00:03.0 "Host bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Device 1424" "" "" 00:03.1 "PCI bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Root Port" "" "" 00:03.2 "PCI bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Root Port" "" "" 00:04.0 "Host bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Device 1424" "" "" 00:10.0 "USB controller" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH USB XHCI Controller" -r09 -p30 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "FCH USB XHCI Controller" 00:10.1 "USB controller" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH USB XHCI Controller" -r09 -p30 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "FCH USB XHCI Controller" 00:11.0 "SATA controller" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH SATA Controller [IDE mode]" -r40 -p01 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "FCH SATA Controller [IDE mode]" 00:12.0 "USB controller" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH USB OHCI Controller" -r11 -p10 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "FCH USB OHCI Controller" 00:12.2 "USB controller" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH USB EHCI Controller" -r11 -p20 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "FCH USB EHCI Controller" 00:13.0 "USB controller" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH USB OHCI Controller" -r11 -p10 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "FCH USB OHCI Controller" 00:13.2 "USB controller" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH USB EHCI Controller" -r11 -p20 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "FCH USB EHCI Controller" 00:14.0 "SMBus" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH SMBus Controller" -r16 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "FCH SMBus Controller" 00:14.2 "Audio device" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH Azalia Controller" -r01 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "FCH Azalia Controller" 00:14.3 "ISA bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH LPC Bridge" -r11 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "FCH LPC Bridge" 00:14.4 "PCI bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "FCH PCI Bridge" -r40 -p01 "" "" 00:18.0 "Host bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 0" "" "" 00:18.1 "Host bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 1" "" "" 00:18.2 "Host bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 2" "" "" 00:18.3 "Host bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 3" "" "" 00:18.4 "Host bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 4" "" "" 00:18.5 "Host bridge" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]" "Family 15h (Models 30h-3fh) Processor Function 5" "" "" 01:00.0 "Display controller" "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]" "Bonaire PRO [Radeon R9 M270X]" -rff -pff "" "" 02:00.0 "Network controller" "Intel Corporation" "Wireless 7260" -rbb "Intel Corporation" "Dual Band Wireless-N 7260" 03:00.0 "Unassigned class [ff00]" "Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd." "RTL8411B PCI Express Card Reader" -r01 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "RTL8411B PCI Express Card Reader" 03:00.1 "Ethernet controller" "Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd." "RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller" -r12 "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." "RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller"

There is no problem in Windows

Distribute me Xubuntu

DXVK flickering garbage

When running games through wine+DXVK, some games are suffering from flickering garbage. The same setup works correctly when using the -pro driver or when using DXVK on AMD under Windows. It also works on a nvidia machine under Linux.

Here is a RenderDoc capture (requires nightly build of RenderDoc because DXVK uses recent extensions):
(visible best with "renderdoccmd replay")

GPU: POLARIS10/rx470 (others are known to be affected)

DXVK issue, for reference:

dxvk: F.E.A.R. 3 black screen in menu

F.E.A.R 3 is only showing a black screen for the menu. But one can get into the story mode, where it only displays the environment, no characters, or HUD. The log shows "Failed to compile pipeline" errors.

I have taken two traces showing the problem: one captured with wine d3d and one with dxvk. The first can be replayed with amdvlk, but the second can't. It shows the menu correctly when replayed with radv.

Trace 1 (wine d3d)
Trace 2 (dxvk)

Hardware is a Mullins based chip.


GPUOpen-Drivers/llvm does not build in Debug mode

I'm trying to build GPUOpen-Drivers/llvm to chase down a bug, but I cannot build it in Debug mode.
The build works fine if I build in RelWithDebugInfo or Release. Has anyone seen this failure?

This is the trace I get:

+ cd bld
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.3.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.3.0
-- The ASM compiler identification is GNU
-- Found assembler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Looking for dlfcn.h
-- Looking for dlfcn.h - found
-- Looking for errno.h
-- Looking for errno.h - found
-- Looking for fcntl.h
-- Looking for fcntl.h - found
-- Looking for link.h
-- Looking for link.h - found
-- Looking for malloc.h
-- Looking for malloc.h - found
-- Looking for malloc/malloc.h
-- Looking for malloc/malloc.h - not found
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Looking for signal.h
-- Looking for signal.h - found
-- Looking for sys/ioctl.h
-- Looking for sys/ioctl.h - found
-- Looking for sys/mman.h
-- Looking for sys/mman.h - found
-- Looking for sys/param.h
-- Looking for sys/param.h - found
-- Looking for sys/resource.h
-- Looking for sys/resource.h - found
-- Looking for sys/stat.h
-- Looking for sys/stat.h - found
-- Looking for sys/time.h
-- Looking for sys/time.h - found
-- Looking for sys/types.h
-- Looking for sys/types.h - found
-- Looking for termios.h
-- Looking for termios.h - found
-- Looking for unistd.h
-- Looking for unistd.h - found
-- Looking for valgrind/valgrind.h
-- Looking for valgrind/valgrind.h - not found
-- Looking for zlib.h
-- Looking for zlib.h - found
-- Looking for fenv.h
-- Looking for fenv.h - found
-- Looking for FE_ALL_EXCEPT
-- Looking for FE_ALL_EXCEPT - found
-- Looking for FE_INEXACT
-- Looking for FE_INEXACT - found
-- Looking for mach/mach.h
-- Looking for mach/mach.h - not found
-- Looking for histedit.h
-- Looking for histedit.h - not found
-- Looking for CrashReporterClient.h
-- Looking for CrashReporterClient.h - not found
-- Looking for linux/magic.h
-- Looking for linux/magic.h - found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Looking for pthread_getspecific in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_getspecific in pthread - found
-- Looking for pthread_rwlock_init in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_rwlock_init in pthread - found
-- Looking for pthread_mutex_lock in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_mutex_lock in pthread - found
-- Looking for dlopen in dl
-- Looking for dlopen in dl - found
-- Looking for clock_gettime in rt
-- Looking for clock_gettime in rt - found
-- Looking for pfm_initialize in pfm
-- Looking for pfm_initialize in pfm - not found
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Looking for pthread_create
-- Looking for pthread_create - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Looking for compress2 in z
-- Looking for compress2 in z - found
-- Looking for setupterm in tinfo
-- Looking for setupterm in tinfo - found
-- Could NOT find LibXml2 (missing: LIBXML2_LIBRARIES LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Looking for xar_open in xar
-- Looking for xar_open in xar - not found
-- Looking for arc4random
-- Looking for arc4random - not found
-- Looking for backtrace
-- Looking for backtrace - found
-- backtrace facility detected in default set of libraries
-- Found Backtrace: /usr/include
-- Looking for _Unwind_Backtrace
-- Looking for _Unwind_Backtrace - found
-- Looking for getpagesize
-- Looking for getpagesize - found
-- Looking for sysconf
-- Looking for sysconf - found
-- Looking for getrusage
-- Looking for getrusage - found
-- Looking for setrlimit
-- Looking for setrlimit - found
-- Looking for isatty
-- Looking for isatty - found
-- Looking for futimens
-- Looking for futimens - found
-- Looking for futimes
-- Looking for futimes - found
-- Looking for posix_fallocate
-- Looking for posix_fallocate - found
-- Looking for sigaltstack
-- Looking for sigaltstack - found
-- Looking for lseek64
-- Looking for lseek64 - found
-- Looking for mallctl
-- Looking for mallctl - not found
-- Looking for mallinfo
-- Looking for mallinfo - found
-- Looking for malloc_zone_statistics
-- Looking for malloc_zone_statistics - not found
-- Looking for getrlimit
-- Looking for getrlimit - found
-- Looking for posix_spawn
-- Looking for posix_spawn - found
-- Looking for pread
-- Looking for pread - found
-- Looking for realpath
-- Looking for realpath - found
-- Looking for sbrk
-- Looking for sbrk - found
-- Looking for strerror
-- Looking for strerror - found
-- Looking for strerror_r
-- Looking for strerror_r - found
-- Looking for strerror_s
-- Looking for strerror_s - not found
-- Looking for setenv
-- Looking for setenv - found
-- Looking for dlopen
-- Looking for dlopen - found
-- Looking for dladdr
-- Looking for dladdr - not found
-- Looking for __GLIBC__
-- Looking for __GLIBC__ - found
-- Looking for sched_getaffinity
-- Looking for sched_getaffinity - found
-- Looking for CPU_COUNT
-- Looking for CPU_COUNT - found
-- Looking for pthread_getname_np
-- Looking for pthread_getname_np - found
-- Looking for pthread_setname_np
-- Looking for pthread_setname_np - found
-- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ATOMICS_WITHOUT_LIB - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ATOMICS64_WITHOUT_LIB - Success
-- Performing Test LLVM_HAS_ATOMICS
-- Performing Test LLVM_HAS_ATOMICS - Success
-- Performing Test SUPPORTS_VARIADIC_MACROS_FLAG - Success
-- Performing Test HAS_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED - Success
-- Native target architecture is X86
-- Threads enabled.
-- Doxygen disabled.
-- Go bindings enabled.
-- OCaml bindings disabled.
-- Could NOT find Python module pygments
-- Could NOT find Python module pygments.lexers.c_cpp
-- Could NOT find Python module yaml
-- LLVM host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-- LLVM default target triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_FPIC
-- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_FPIC - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_FPIC
-- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_FPIC - Success
-- Building with -fPIC
-- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_WERROR_DATE_TIME - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_WERROR_DATE_TIME - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_CXX11
-- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_CXX11 - Success
-- Performing Test C_WCOMMENT_ALLOWS_LINE_WRAP - Failed
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python2.7 (found version "2.7.13")
-- Constructing LLVMBuild project information
-- Linker detection: LLD
-- Targeting X86
-- Targeting AMDGPU
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: <dir>/llpc//bld
+ cd bld
+ /usr/bin/time ninja -j96
[109/1987] Building CXX object lib/Support/CMakeFiles/LLVMSupport.dir/Process.cpp.o
In file included from <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/Unix.h:24:0,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Process.cpp:94:
<dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/Support/Errno.h:34:13: warning: mangled name for ‘decltype (F(llvm::sys::RetryAfterSignal::As ...)) llvm::sys::RetryAfterSignal(const FailT&, const Fun&, const Args& ...) [with FailT = int; Fun = int(int, stat*) throw (); Args = {int, stat*}]’ will change in C++17 because the exception specification is part of a function type [-Wnoexcept-type]
 inline auto RetryAfterSignal(const FailT &Fail, const Fun &F,
[892/1987] Building CXX object lib/CodeGen/MIRParser/CMakeFiles/LLVMMIRParser.dir/MIParser.cpp.o
In file included from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/StringRef.h:13:0,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/StringMap.h:17,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/Support/Host.h:17,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/Hashing.h:49,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h:13,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h:17,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h:17,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/CodeGen/MIRParser/MIParser.h:17,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/CodeGen/MIRParser/MIParser.cpp:14:
<dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h:908:6: warning: mangled name for ‘bool llvm::all_of(R&&, UnaryPredicate) [with R = llvm::StringRef&; UnaryPredicate = int (*)(int) throw ()]’ will change in C++17 because the exception specification is part of a function type [-Wnoexcept-type]
 bool all_of(R &&Range, UnaryPredicate P) {
[1225/1987] Building CXX object lib/AsmParser/CMakeFiles/LLVMAsmParser.dir/LLLexer.cpp.o
In file included from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/StringRef.h:13:0,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/StringMap.h:17,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/Support/Host.h:17,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/Hashing.h:49,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h:13,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/APFloat.h:21,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/AsmParser/LLLexer.h:18,
                 from <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/AsmParser/LLLexer.cpp:14:
<dir>/llpc//llvm/include/llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h:908:6: warning: mangled name for ‘bool llvm::all_of(R&&, UnaryPredicate) [with R = llvm::StringRef&; UnaryPredicate = int (*)(int) throw ()]’ will change in C++17 because the exception specification is part of a function type [-Wnoexcept-type]
 bool all_of(R &&Range, UnaryPredicate P) {
[1478/1987] Building
FAILED: lib/Target/AMDGPU/
cd <dir>/llpc//bld && <dir>/llpc//bld/bin/llvm-tblgen -gen-dag-isel -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/include -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -o lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -d lib/Target/AMDGPU/
Type set is empty for each HW mode:
possible type contradiction in the pattern below (use -print-records with llvm-tblgen to see all expanded records).
V_INTERP_P1LL_F16:      (V_INTERP_P1LL_F16:{ *:[f32] } (imm:{ *:[i32] }):$src0_modifiers, f32:{ *:[f32] }:$src0, (imm:{ *:[i32] }):$attr, (imm:{ *:[i32] }):$attrchan, (imm:{ *:[i1] }):$high, (imm:{ *:[i1] }):$clamp, (imm:{ *:[] }):$omod)
UNREACHABLE executed at <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:817!
#0 0x00005643a0296f3a llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#1 0x00005643a0296fcd PrintStackTraceSignalHandler(void*) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#2 0x00005643a0295472 llvm::sys::RunSignalHandlers() <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Signals.cpp:49:0
#3 0x00005643a02968af SignalHandler(int) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#4 0x00007f6467afc0c0 __restore_rt (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#5 0x00007f646668dfcf gsignal (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#6 0x00007f646668f3fa abort (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#7 0x00005643a01edb3e bindingsErrorHandler(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/ErrorHandling.cpp:231:0
#8 0x000056439ff5c56f llvm::TypeInfer::ValidateOnExit::~ValidateOnExit() <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:819:0
#9 0x000056439ff57dff llvm::TypeInfer::MergeInTypeInfo(llvm::TypeSetByHwMode&, llvm::TypeSetByHwMode const&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:328:0
#10 0x000056439ff79ef6 llvm::TreePatternNode::UpdateNodeType(unsigned int, llvm::ValueTypeByHwMode, llvm::TreePattern&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.h:896:0
#11 0x000056439ff61034 llvm::TreePatternNode::UpdateNodeTypeFromInst(unsigned int, llvm::Record*, llvm::TreePattern&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:1533:0
#12 0x000056439ff667c6 llvm::TreePatternNode::ApplyTypeConstraints(llvm::TreePattern&, bool) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:2402:0
#13 0x000056439ff69ea3 llvm::TreePattern::InferAllTypes(llvm::StringMap<llvm::SmallVector<llvm::TreePatternNode*, 1u>, llvm::MallocAllocator> const*) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:2760:0
#14 0x000056439ff6efe2 llvm::CodeGenDAGPatterns::parseInstructionPattern(llvm::CodeGenInstruction&, llvm::ListInit*, std::map<llvm::Record*, llvm::DAGInstruction, llvm::LessRecordByID, std::allocator<std::pair<llvm::Record* const, llvm::DAGInstruction> > >&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:3585:0
#15 0x000056439ff6f53b llvm::CodeGenDAGPatterns::ParseInstructions() <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:3633:0
#16 0x000056439ff6abfc llvm::CodeGenDAGPatterns::CodeGenDAGPatterns(llvm::RecordKeeper&, std::function<void (llvm::TreePattern*)>) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:2864:0
#17 0x00005643a0046f23 (anonymous namespace)::DAGISelEmitter::DAGISelEmitter(llvm::RecordKeeper&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/DAGISelEmitter.cpp:29:0
#18 0x00005643a00478e5 llvm::EmitDAGISel(llvm::RecordKeeper&, llvm::raw_ostream&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/DAGISelEmitter.cpp:181:0
#19 0x00005643a0191ce4 (anonymous namespace)::LLVMTableGenMain(llvm::raw_ostream&, llvm::RecordKeeper&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp:155:0
#20 0x00005643a029ade1 llvm::TableGenMain(char*, bool (*)(llvm::raw_ostream&, llvm::RecordKeeper&)) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/TableGen/Main.cpp:109:0
#21 0x00005643a0192324 main <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp:229:0
#22 0x00007f646667b2b1 __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#23 0x000056439fee802a _start (<dir>/llpc//bld/bin/llvm-tblgen+0x26302a)
Stack dump:
0.      Program arguments: <dir>/llpc//bld/bin/llvm-tblgen -gen-dag-isel -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/include -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -o lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -d lib/Target/AMDGPU/
[1485/1987] Building
FAILED: lib/Target/AMDGPU/
cd <dir>/llpc//bld && <dir>/llpc//bld/bin/llvm-tblgen -gen-instr-info -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/include -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -o lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -d lib/Target/AMDGPU/
Type set is empty for each HW mode:
possible type contradiction in the pattern below (use -print-records with llvm-tblgen to see all expanded records).
V_INTERP_P1LL_F16:      (V_INTERP_P1LL_F16:{ *:[f32] } (imm:{ *:[i32] }):$src0_modifiers, f32:{ *:[f32] }:$src0, (imm:{ *:[i32] }):$attr, (imm:{ *:[i32] }):$attrchan, (imm:{ *:[i1] }):$high, (imm:{ *:[i1] }):$clamp, (imm:{ *:[] }):$omod)
UNREACHABLE executed at <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:817!
#0 0x0000564a135bff3a llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#1 0x0000564a135bffcd PrintStackTraceSignalHandler(void*) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#2 0x0000564a135be472 llvm::sys::RunSignalHandlers() <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Signals.cpp:49:0
#3 0x0000564a135bf8af SignalHandler(int) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#4 0x00007f33f52db0c0 __restore_rt (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#5 0x00007f33f3e6cfcf gsignal (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#6 0x00007f33f3e6e3fa abort (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#7 0x0000564a13516b3e bindingsErrorHandler(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/ErrorHandling.cpp:231:0
#8 0x0000564a1328556f llvm::TypeInfer::ValidateOnExit::~ValidateOnExit() <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:819:0
#9 0x0000564a13280dff llvm::TypeInfer::MergeInTypeInfo(llvm::TypeSetByHwMode&, llvm::TypeSetByHwMode const&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:328:0
#10 0x0000564a132a2ef6 llvm::TreePatternNode::UpdateNodeType(unsigned int, llvm::ValueTypeByHwMode, llvm::TreePattern&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.h:896:0
#11 0x0000564a1328a034 llvm::TreePatternNode::UpdateNodeTypeFromInst(unsigned int, llvm::Record*, llvm::TreePattern&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:1533:0
#12 0x0000564a1328f7c6 llvm::TreePatternNode::ApplyTypeConstraints(llvm::TreePattern&, bool) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:2402:0
#13 0x0000564a13292ea3 llvm::TreePattern::InferAllTypes(llvm::StringMap<llvm::SmallVector<llvm::TreePatternNode*, 1u>, llvm::MallocAllocator> const*) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:2760:0
#14 0x0000564a13297fe2 llvm::CodeGenDAGPatterns::parseInstructionPattern(llvm::CodeGenInstruction&, llvm::ListInit*, std::map<llvm::Record*, llvm::DAGInstruction, llvm::LessRecordByID, std::allocator<std::pair<llvm::Record* const, llvm::DAGInstruction> > >&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:3585:0
#15 0x0000564a1329853b llvm::CodeGenDAGPatterns::ParseInstructions() <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:3633:0
#16 0x0000564a13293bfc llvm::CodeGenDAGPatterns::CodeGenDAGPatterns(llvm::RecordKeeper&, std::function<void (llvm::TreePattern*)>) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:2864:0
#17 0x0000564a13436968 (anonymous namespace)::InstrInfoEmitter::InstrInfoEmitter(llvm::RecordKeeper&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/InstrInfoEmitter.cpp:46:0
#18 0x0000564a1343a147 llvm::EmitInstrInfo(llvm::RecordKeeper&, llvm::raw_ostream&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/InstrInfoEmitter.cpp:619:0
#19 0x0000564a134babf4 (anonymous namespace)::LLVMTableGenMain(llvm::raw_ostream&, llvm::RecordKeeper&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp:131:0
#20 0x0000564a135c3de1 llvm::TableGenMain(char*, bool (*)(llvm::raw_ostream&, llvm::RecordKeeper&)) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/TableGen/Main.cpp:109:0
#21 0x0000564a134bb324 main <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp:229:0
#22 0x00007f33f3e5a2b1 __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#23 0x0000564a1321102a _start (<dir>/llpc//bld/bin/llvm-tblgen+0x26302a)
Stack dump:
0.      Program arguments: <dir>/llpc//bld/bin/llvm-tblgen -gen-instr-info -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/include -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -o lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -d lib/Target/AMDGPU/
[1493/1987] Building
FAILED: lib/Target/AMDGPU/
cd <dir>/llpc//bld && <dir>/llpc//bld/bin/llvm-tblgen -gen-global-isel -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/include -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -o lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -d lib/Target/AMDGPU/
Type set is empty for each HW mode:
possible type contradiction in the pattern below (use -print-records with llvm-tblgen to see all expanded records).
V_INTERP_P1LL_F16:      (V_INTERP_P1LL_F16:{ *:[f32] } (imm:{ *:[i32] }):$src0_modifiers, f32:{ *:[f32] }:$src0, (imm:{ *:[i32] }):$attr, (imm:{ *:[i32] }):$attrchan, (imm:{ *:[i1] }):$high, (imm:{ *:[i1] }):$clamp, (imm:{ *:[] }):$omod)
UNREACHABLE executed at <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:817!
#0 0x000055e96686af3a llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#1 0x000055e96686afcd PrintStackTraceSignalHandler(void*) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#2 0x000055e966869472 llvm::sys::RunSignalHandlers() <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Signals.cpp:49:0
#3 0x000055e96686a8af SignalHandler(int) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#4 0x00007fe0bc94a0c0 __restore_rt (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#5 0x00007fe0bb4dbfcf gsignal (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#6 0x00007fe0bb4dd3fa abort (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#7 0x000055e9667c1b3e bindingsErrorHandler(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Support/ErrorHandling.cpp:231:0
#8 0x000055e96653056f llvm::TypeInfer::ValidateOnExit::~ValidateOnExit() <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:819:0
#9 0x000055e96652bdff llvm::TypeInfer::MergeInTypeInfo(llvm::TypeSetByHwMode&, llvm::TypeSetByHwMode const&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:328:0
#10 0x000055e96654def6 llvm::TreePatternNode::UpdateNodeType(unsigned int, llvm::ValueTypeByHwMode, llvm::TreePattern&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.h:896:0
#11 0x000055e966535034 llvm::TreePatternNode::UpdateNodeTypeFromInst(unsigned int, llvm::Record*, llvm::TreePattern&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:1533:0
#12 0x000055e96653a7c6 llvm::TreePatternNode::ApplyTypeConstraints(llvm::TreePattern&, bool) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:2402:0
#13 0x000055e96653dea3 llvm::TreePattern::InferAllTypes(llvm::StringMap<llvm::SmallVector<llvm::TreePatternNode*, 1u>, llvm::MallocAllocator> const*) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:2760:0
#14 0x000055e966542fe2 llvm::CodeGenDAGPatterns::parseInstructionPattern(llvm::CodeGenInstruction&, llvm::ListInit*, std::map<llvm::Record*, llvm::DAGInstruction, llvm::LessRecordByID, std::allocator<std::pair<llvm::Record* const, llvm::DAGInstruction> > >&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:3585:0
#15 0x000055e96654353b llvm::CodeGenDAGPatterns::ParseInstructions() <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:3633:0
#16 0x000055e96653ebfc llvm::CodeGenDAGPatterns::CodeGenDAGPatterns(llvm::RecordKeeper&, std::function<void (llvm::TreePattern*)>) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp:2864:0
#17 0x000055e96668fe96 (anonymous namespace)::GlobalISelEmitter::GlobalISelEmitter(llvm::RecordKeeper&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelEmitter.cpp:2832:0
#18 0x000055e96669b6ed llvm::EmitGlobalISel(llvm::RecordKeeper&, llvm::raw_ostream&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelEmitter.cpp:4218:0
#19 0x000055e9667661f3 (anonymous namespace)::LLVMTableGenMain(llvm::raw_ostream&, llvm::RecordKeeper&) <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp:206:0
#20 0x000055e96686ede1 llvm::TableGenMain(char*, bool (*)(llvm::raw_ostream&, llvm::RecordKeeper&)) <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/TableGen/Main.cpp:109:0
#21 0x000055e966766324 main <dir>/llpc//llvm/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp:229:0
#22 0x00007fe0bb4c92b1 __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#23 0x000055e9664bc02a _start (<dir>/llpc//bld/bin/llvm-tblgen+0x26302a)
Stack dump:
0.      Program arguments: <dir>/llpc//bld/bin/llvm-tblgen -gen-global-isel -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/include -I <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target <dir>/llpc//llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -o lib/Target/AMDGPU/ -d lib/Target/AMDGPU/
[1573/1987] Building
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Command exited with non-zero status 1
7126.86user 433.95system 3:12.85elapsed 3920%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1451428maxresident)k
13760inputs+29478488outputs (10589major+123218555minor)pagefaults 0swaps

vkGetInstanceProcAddress returning null when getting vkEnumerateDeviceGroups

As the title says. I think this may be because I did not specify the device group creation extension when creating the VkInstance. However, I am unclear as to what it means to have these extensions promoted to core. I assume that I can expect it on all 1.1 confirming implementations. Or does it mean the extension is no longer considered a KHX extension and I still have to query for it?

PAL code violates the One Definition Rule

When building with gcc 7.2.1, I get the following warnings at the end of the build as it's linking

/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/inc/core/palLib.h:90:12: note: type ‘NullGpuId’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
 enum class NullGpuId : uint32
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/inc/core/palLib.h:90:12: note: type ‘NullGpuId’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/inc/core/palDevice.h:155:12: note: type ‘AsicRevision’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
 enum class AsicRevision : uint32
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:95400:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:56816:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:34950:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:22985:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:81606:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:46883:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:10568:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:6147:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:94865:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:56258:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:11922:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:7712:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:4271:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:1696:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:10721:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:6351:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:10672:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:6289:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:10652:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:6270:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:20563:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:14367:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:20026:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:13726:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:95291:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:56696:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:80869:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:46146:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:20597:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:14430:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:82188:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:47531:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:82034:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:47417:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:82208:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:47552:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:82044:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:47426:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:82129:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:47489:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:81994:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:47381:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:82024:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:47408:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:82149:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:47510:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:95827:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:57227:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:5319:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:3003:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:95947:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:57370:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:95132:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:56539:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:95687:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:57083:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:28072:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:16415:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:80110:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:45334:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/chip/si_ci_vi_merged_registers.h:60266:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx9/chip/gfx9_plus_merged_registers.h:33331:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
  struct {
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/ossip/oss2/sdma20_pkt_struct.h:735:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/ossip/oss4/sdma40_pkt_struct.h:917:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/ossip/oss2/sdma20_pkt_struct.h:733:5: note: type ‘union <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/ossip/oss4/sdma40_pkt_struct.h:915:5: note: the incompatible type is defined here
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/ossip/oss2/sdma20_pkt_struct.h:930:9: note: type ‘struct <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/ossip/oss4/sdma40_pkt_struct.h:1100:9: note: the incompatible type is defined here
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/ossip/oss2/sdma20_pkt_struct.h:928:5: note: type ‘union <anon>’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/ossip/oss4/sdma40_pkt_struct.h:1098:5: note: the incompatible type is defined here
/home/clee/src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/inc/core/palDevice.h:569:8: note: type ‘struct DeviceProperties’ itself violates the C++ One Definition Rule
 struct DeviceProperties

Segfault in Pal::AddrMgr::Init

Only built the 64-bit AMDVLK (PCLinuxOS doesn't really have any 32-bit support), but I don't imagine that's the issue? I've tried with and without the amdPalSettings that apparently only matter for libdrm older than mine.

For what it's worth, RADV works fine on this system if I remove AMDVLK's json file.

PCLinuxOS kde5 2018.06.
LunarG's VulkanSDK
ASUS Radeon HD 7770 GHz edition ("Cape Verde XT").
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T.

Here's the backtrace from vulkaninfo with the debug build:

Reading symbols from vulkaninfo...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /opt/VulkanSDK/ 
warning: Could not load shared library symbols for
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?
warning: Unable to find libthread_db matching inferior's thread library, thread debugging will not be available.

Vulkan Instance Version: 1.1.82

AMD-PAL: Error: Unconditional Assert | Reason: Unknown (/var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/gfx6Device.cpp:2531:DetermineIpLevel)
AMD-PAL: Warn: Unconditional Alert | Reason: Unknown (/var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/inc/util/palMemTrackerImpl.h:76:~MemTracker)
AMD-PAL: Warn: ================ List of Leaked Blocks ================ (/var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/inc/util/palMemTrackerImpl.h:338:MemoryReport)
AMD-PAL: Warn: ClientMem = 0x0x7fffe861b040, AllocSize =     1424, MemBlkType = New, File = /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxVamMgr.cpp, LineNumber =      421, AllocNum =        1 (/var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/inc/util/palMemTrackerImpl.h:349:MemoryReport)
AMD-PAL: Warn: ================ End of List =========================== (/var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/inc/util/palMemTrackerImpl.h:352:MemoryReport)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff177c090 in Pal::AddrMgr::Init (this=0x877630) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/addrMgr/addrMgr.cpp:94
94          Result result = pGfxDevice->InitAddrLibCreateInput(&createInput.createFlags, &createInput.regValue);
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff177c090 in Pal::AddrMgr::Init (this=0x877630) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/addrMgr/addrMgr.cpp:94
#1  0x00007ffff177ccf2 in Pal::AddrMgr1::Create (pDevice=0x870600, pPlacementAddr=0x877630, ppAddrMgr=0x8768a8) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/addrMgr/addrMgr1/addrMgr1.cpp:57
#2  0x00007ffff175214b in Pal::Device::HwlEarlyInit (this=0x870600) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/device.cpp:542
#3  0x00007ffff1751b73 in Pal::Device::EarlyInit (this=0x870600, ipLevels=...) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/device.cpp:412
#4  0x00007ffff17836cd in Pal::Linux::Device::EarlyInit (this=0x870600, ipLevels=...) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxDevice.cpp:616
#5  0x00007ffff1782829 in Pal::Linux::Device::Create (pPlatform=0x867318, pSettingsPath=0x867474 "/etc/amd", pBusId=0x7fffffffc220 "pci:0000:01:00.0", pPrimaryNode=0x870438 "/dev/dri/card0", 
    pRenderNode=0x870468 "/dev/dri/renderD128", pciBusInfo=..., deviceIndex=0, ppDeviceOut=0x7fffffffc218) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxDevice.cpp:217
#6  0x00007ffff15fba31 in Pal::Linux::Platform::ReQueryDevices (this=0x867318) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxPlatform.cpp:201
#7  0x00007ffff15f3838 in Pal::Platform::ReEnumerateDevices (this=0x867318) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/platform.cpp:603
#8  0x00007ffff15f2e67 in Pal::Platform::Init (this=0x867318) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/platform.cpp:336
#9  0x00007ffff15f286f in Pal::Platform::Create (createInfo=..., allocCb=..., pPlacementAddr=0x867318, ppPlatform=0x7fffffffc5c8) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/platform.cpp:169
#10 0x00007ffff15f0a64 in Pal::CreatePlatform (createInfo=..., pPlacementAddr=0x867318, ppPlatform=0x8590b0) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/core/libInit.cpp:168
#11 0x00007ffff0437f10 in vk::Instance::Init (this=0x8590b0, pAppInfo=0x7fffffffd400) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/icd/api/vk_instance.cpp:315
#12 0x00007ffff0437b9c in vk::Instance::Create (pCreateInfo=0x7fffffffd080, pAllocator=0x0, pInstance=0x79bbd8) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/icd/api/vk_instance.cpp:198
#13 0x00007ffff0439bac in vk::entry::vkCreateInstance (pCreateInfo=0x7fffffffd080, pAllocator=0x0, pInstance=0x79bbd8) at /var/lifsrc/vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/icd/api/vk_instance.cpp:1177
#14 0x00007ffff79810f1 in terminator_CreateInstance () from /opt/VulkanSDK/
#15 0x00007ffff7984fbc in loader_create_instance_chain () from /opt/VulkanSDK/
#16 0x00007ffff798922a in vkCreateInstance () from /opt/VulkanSDK/
#17 0x0000000000401c15 in main ()
(gdb) info locals
createInput = {size = 0, chipEngine = 0, chipFamily = 110, chipRevision = 41, callbacks = {allocSysMem = 0x7ffff177c5d5 <Pal::AllocSysMemCb(ADDR_ALLOCSYSMEM_INPUT const*)>, 
    freeSysMem = 0x7ffff177c6c6 <Pal::FreeSysMemCb(ADDR_FREESYSMEM_INPUT const*)>, debugPrint = 0x0}, createFlags = {{noCubeMipSlicesPad = 0, fillSizeFields = 0, useTileIndex = 0, useCombinedSwizzle = 0, 
      checkLast2DLevel = 0, useHtileSliceAlign = 0, allowLargeThickTile = 0, reserved = 0}, value = 0}, regValue = {gbAddrConfig = 0, backendDisables = 0, noOfBanks = 0, noOfRanks = 0, pTileConfig = 0x0, 
    noOfEntries = 0, pMacroTileConfig = 0x0, noOfMacroEntries = 0, blockVarSizeLog2 = 0}, hClient = 0x877630, minPitchAlignPixels = 0}
createOutput = {size = 0, hLib = 0x0, numEquations = 0, pEquationTable = 0x0}
pGfxDevice = 0x0
chipProps = @0x871e38: {gfxEngineId = 0, familyId = 110, eRevId = 41, revisionId = 0, deviceId = 26685, gpuIndex = 0, revision = Pal::AsicRevision::Unknown, gpuType = Pal::GpuType::Unknown, 
  gfxLevel = Pal::GfxIpLevel::_None, ossLevel = Pal::OssIpLevel::OssIp1, vceLevel = Pal::VceIpLevel::_None, uvdLevel = Pal::UvdIpLevel::_None, vcnLevel = Pal::VcnIpLevel::_None, gfxStepping = 0, 
  vceUcodeVersion = 0, uvdUcodeVersion = 0, vceFwVersionMajor = 0, vceFwVersionMinor = 0, uvdEncodeFwInterfaceVersionMajor = 0, uvdEncodeFwInterfaceVersionMinor = 0, uvdFwVersionSubMinor = 0, 
  imageProperties = {flags = {{supportsSingleSampleQuilting = 0, supportsAqbsStereoMode = 0, reservedForFutureHw = 0, reserved = 0}, u32All = 0}, minPitchAlignPixel = 0, maxImageDimension = {width = 0, 
      height = 0, depth = 0}, maxImageArraySize = 0, prtFeatures = (unknown: 0), prtTileSize = 0, numSwizzleEqs = 0 '\000', pSwizzleEqs = 0x0, tilingSupported = {false, false, false}}, gfxip = {
    maxUserDataEntries = 0, fastUserDataEntries = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, vaRangeNumBits = 0, realTimeCuMask = 0, maxThreadGroupSize = 0, maxAsyncComputeThreadGroupSize = 0, gdsSize = 0, hardwareContexts = 0, 
    ldsSizePerThreadGroup = 0, ldsSizePerCu = 0, ldsGranularity = 0, offChipTessBufferSize = 0, tessFactorBufferSizePerSe = 0, ceRamSize = 32768, tccSizeInBytes = 0, tcpSizeInBytes = 0, 
    maxLateAllocVsLimit = 0, queuesUseCaches = false}, {gfx6 = {mcArbRamcfg = 0, gbAddrConfig = 0, paScRasterCfg = 0, paScRasterCfg1 = 0, backendDisableMask = 0, sqThreadTraceMask = 0, gbTileMode = {
        0 <repeats 32 times>}, gbMacroTileMode = {0 <repeats 16 times>}, {activeCuMaskGfx6 = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, activeCuMaskGfx7 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {alwaysOnCuMaskGfx6 = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, alwaysOnCuMaskGfx7 = {
          0, 0, 0, 0}}, numCuPerSh = 0, numCuAlwaysOnPerSh = 0, numSimdPerCu = 0, numWavesPerSimd = 0, numActiveRbs = 0, numTotalRbs = 0, numShaderVisibleSgprs = 0, numPhysicalSgprs = 0, minSgprAlloc = 0, 
      sgprAllocGranularity = 0, numShaderVisibleVgprs = 0, numPhysicalVgprs = 0, minVgprAlloc = 0, vgprAllocGranularity = 0, wavefrontSize = 0, numShaderEngines = 0, numShaderArrays = 0, maxNumCuPerSh = 0, 
      maxNumRbPerSe = 0, numMcdTiles = 0, numTcaBlocks = 0, numTccBlocks = 0, gsVgtTableDepth = 0, gsPrimBufferDepth = 0, maxGsWavesPerVgt = 0, {doubleOffchipLdsBuffers = 0, rbPlus = 0, sqgEventsEnabled = 0, 
        support8bitIndices = 0, support16BitInstructions = 0, supportSetShIndexPkt = 0, supportLoadRegIndexPkt = 0, supportAddrOffsetDumpAndSetShPkt = 0, supportPreemptionWithChaining = 0, 
        supports2BitSignedValues = 0, lbpwEnabled = 0, rbReconfigureEnabled = 0, supportPatchTessDistribution = 0, supportDonutTessDistribution = 0, supportTrapezoidTessDistribution = 0, supportRgpTraces = 0, 
        reserved = 0}, perfCounterInfo = {features = {{counters = 0, threadTrace = 0, spmTrace = 0, supportPs1Events = 0, sqttBadScPackerId = 0, reserved = 0}, u32All = 0}, block = {{available = false, 
            numShaderEngines = 0, numShaderArrays = 0, numInstances = 0, numCounters = 0, maxEventId = 0, numStreamingCounters = 0, numStreamingCounterRegs = 0, spmBlockSelectCode = 0, regInfo = {{
                perfSel0RegAddr = 0, perfSel1RegAddr = 0, perfCountLoAddr = 0, perfCountHiAddr = 0} <repeats 16 times>}} <repeats 32 times>}, mcConfigRegAddress = 0, mcWriteEnableMask = 0, 
        mcReadEnableShift = 0}}, gfx9 = {backendDisableMask = 0, gbAddrConfig = 0, paScTileSteeringOverride = 0, numShaderEngines = 0, numShaderArrays = 0, maxNumRbPerSe = 0, wavefrontSize = 0, 
      numShaderVisibleSgprs = 0, numPhysicalSgprs = 0, minSgprAlloc = 0, sgprAllocGranularity = 0, numShaderVisibleVgprs = 0, numPhysicalVgprs = 0, minVgprAlloc = 0, vgprAllocGranularity = 0, numCuPerSh = 0, 
      maxNumCuPerSh = 0, numTccBlocks = 0, numSimdPerCu = 0, numWavesPerSimd = 0, numActiveRbs = 0, numTotalRbs = 0, gsVgtTableDepth = 0, gsPrimBufferDepth = 0, maxGsWavesPerVgt = 0, parameterCacheLines = 0, 
      activeCuMask = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, alwaysOnCuMask = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {doubleOffchipLdsBuffers = 0, supportFp16Fetch = 0, 
        support16BitInstructions = 0, supportDoubleRate16BitInstructions = 0, rbPlus = 0, supportConservativeRasterization = 0, supportPrtBlendZeroMode = 0, sqgEventsEnabled = 0, supports2BitSignedValues = 0, 
        supportPrimitiveOrderedPs = 0, lbpwEnabled = 0, supportPatchTessDistribution = 0, supportDonutTessDistribution = 0, supportTrapezoidTessDistribution = 0, supportAddrOffsetDumpAndSetShPkt = 0, 
        supportImplicitPrimitiveShader = 0, supportSpp = 0, validPaScTileSteeringOverride = 0, placeholder0 = 0, placeholder1 = 0, timestampResetOnIdle = 0, placeholder2 = 0, support1xMsaaSampleLocations = 0, 
        reserved = 0}, primShaderInfo = {primitiveBufferVa = 0, primitiveBufferSize = 0, positionBufferVa = 0, positionBufferSize = 0, controlSidebandVa = 0, controlSidebandSize = 0, parameterCacheVa = 0, 
        parameterCacheSize = 0}, perfCounterInfo = {features = {{counters = 0, threadTrace = 0, spmTrace = 0, supportPs1Events = 0, sqttBadScPackerId = 0, reserved = 0}, u32All = 0}, block = {{
            available = false, numShaderEngines = 0, numShaderArrays = 0, numInstances = 0, numCounters = 0, maxEventId = 0, numStreamingCounters = 0, numStreamingCounterRegs = 0, spmBlockSelectCode = 0, 
            regInfo = {{perfSel0RegAddr = 0, perfSel1RegAddr = 0, perfCountLoAddr = 0, perfCountHiAddr = 0, perfRsltCntlRegAddr = 0} <repeats 16 times>}} <repeats 32 times>}}}}, maxEngineClock = 1020, 
  maxMemoryClock = 1150, alusPerClock = 0, pixelsPerClock = 0, primsPerClock = 0, texelsPerClock = 0, gpuCounterFrequency = 27000000, enginePerfRating = 0, memoryPerfRating = 588800, srdSizes = {
    bufferView = 0, imageView = 0, fmaskView = 0, sampler = 0}, nullSrds = {pNullBufferView = 0x0, pNullImageView = 0x0, pNullFmaskView = 0x0, pNullSampler = 0x0}, pciBusNumber = 1, pciDeviceNumber = 0, 
  pciFunctionNumber = 0, gpuConnectedViaThunderbolt = false, requiresOnionAccess = false, p2pBltWaInfo = {required = false, maxCopyChunkSize = 0, gfxPlaceholderDwords = 0, dmaPlaceholderDwords = 0}}
result = Util::Result::_Success
__func__ = "Init"

versions of seemingly-pertinent things:
AMDVLK commit a7ba73e
xgl commit e15b26329b0bfc6ca5ad45e867f01afb6186e25b
pal commit 7ccd54869e36626000148f8c05484ddfa79e077b
llvm commit 2ac3d4684ac76f889573a4cf438e2dbfe1764d3b
llpc commit 57ebe6db0b6332939aa83fdd7d91a09e10e65fe8

$ rpm -q gcc-c++ cmake python3 curl glibc-devel libstdc++-devel libxcb-devel lib64x11-devel lib64xshmfence-devel lib64drm2 mesa x11-driver-video-amdgpu kernel-4.17.14-pclos1 
$ lsmod | grep amdgpu
amdgpu               2215936  39 
gpu_sched              20480  1 amdgpu
chash                  16384  1 amdgpu
mfd_core               16384  1 amdgpu
ttm                    81920  2 amdgpu,radeon
drm_kms_helper        131072  2 amdgpu,radeon
drm                   319488  15 amdgpu,gpu_sched,radeon,ttm,drm_kms_helper
i2c_algo_bit           16384  2 amdgpu,radeon

Any ideas / anything I could've done wrong in the build/installation to lead to this?


All vkQueueSubmit calls fail

I remember working around this issue before on Ubuntu 16.04 but I can't remember exactly how. Upgraded to 17.10 and I'm running into the same problem again.


Running vulkaninfo on my fully-updated archlinux machine results in the above-mentioned error. This error also appeared running on ubuntu, though I assumed I had done something wrong in the install process. The card has 1 GB of VRAM and the system has 8GB of RAM. According to this forum post a similar issue exited in the closed-source opencl driver, which could be fixed by setting GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR=1

SteamVR vrcompositor crash

RX 480.

With some trash output removed that's the output of

AMD-PAL: Warn: Unconditional Alert | Reason: Unknown (/home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/pal/src/core/internalMemMgr.cpp:351:AllocateGpuMemNoAllocLock)
AMD-PAL: Warn: Unconditional Alert | Reason: Unknown (/home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/pal/src/core/internalMemMgr.cpp:351:AllocateGpuMemNoAllocLock)
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: palResult == Pal::Result::Success | Reason: Unknown (/home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/xgl/icd/api/vk_image.cpp:794:CreatePresentableImage)
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: palResult == Pal::Result::Success | Reason: Unknown (/home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/xgl/icd/api/vk_image.cpp:803:CreatePresentableImage)
*** Error in `/home/chris/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/SteamVR/bin/linux64/vrcompositor': malloc(): memory corruption: 0x000000000228ff70 ***


Core was generated by `/home/chris/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/SteamVR/bin/linux64/vrcomposito'.
Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
#0  0x00007f0ce179a860 in raise () from /usr/lib/
[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7f0ce39ef780 (LWP 29097))]
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f0ce179a860 in raise () from /usr/lib/
#1  0x00007f0ce179bec9 in abort () from /usr/lib/
#2  0x00007f0ce17dd437 in __libc_message () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x00007f0ce17e3d34 in malloc_printerr () from /usr/lib/
#4  0x00007f0ce17e6f8d in _int_malloc () from /usr/lib/
#5  0x00007f0ce17e960a in calloc () from /usr/lib/
#6  0x00007f0cd75fbbf4 in amdgpu_va_range_alloc (dev=0x178aa90, va_range_type=amdgpu_gpu_va_range_general, size=4194304, va_base_alignment=2097152, 
    va_base_required=0, va_base_allocated=0x7ffd98485180, va_range_handle=0x7ffd98485190, flags=0) at amdgpu_vamgr.c:260
#7  0x00007f0cd86dc925 in Pal::Linux::Device::AssignVirtualAddress (this=0x178ca10, pGpuMemory=0x228ff60, pGpuVirtAddr=0x7ffd98485220)
    at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxDevice.cpp:3048
#8  0x00007f0cd86e27d7 in Pal::Linux::GpuMemory::AllocateOrPinMemory (this=0x228ff60, baseVirtAddr=0, pPagingFence=0x0, 
    virtualAccessMode=Pal::VirtualGpuMemAccessMode::Undefined) at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxGpuMemory.cpp:120
#9  0x00007f0cd86b6562 in Pal::GpuMemory::Init (this=0x228ff60, createInfo=..., internalInfo=...)
    at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/pal/src/core/gpuMemory.cpp:537
#10 0x00007f0cd86aebd5 in Pal::Device::CreateInternalGpuMemory (this=0x178ca10, createInfo=..., internalInfo=..., pPlacementAddr=0x228ff60, ppGpuMemory=0x7ffd98485530)
    at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/pal/src/core/device.cpp:2810
#11 0x00007f0cd86e4300 in Pal::Linux::Image::CreatePresentableMemoryObject (pDevice=0x178ca10, pImage=0x228faa8, pMemObjMem=0x228ff60, ppMemObjOut=0x7ffd984856f8)
    at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxImage.cpp:247
#12 0x00007f0cd86e3e92 in Pal::Linux::Image::CreatePresentableImage (pDevice=0x178ca10, createInfo=..., pImagePlacementAddr=0x228faa8, 
    pGpuMemoryPlacementAddr=0x228ff60, ppImage=0x7ffd984859a0, ppGpuMemory=0x7ffd984859c0)
    at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxImage.cpp:150
#13 0x00007f0cd86d9612 in Pal::Linux::Device::CreatePresentableImage (this=0x178ca10, createInfo=..., pImagePlacementAddr=0x228faa8, 
    pGpuMemoryPlacementAddr=0x228ff60, ppImage=0x7ffd984859a0, ppGpuMemory=0x7ffd984859c0)
    at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxDevice.cpp:1415
#14 0x00007f0cd8251973 in vk::Image::CreatePresentableImage (pDevice=0x19592b8, pCreateInfo=0x7ffd98485c60, pAllocator=0x16eb268, imageUsageFlags=24,
    presentMode=Pal::PresentMode::Windowed, pImage=0x26b8088, imageFormat=VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB, sharingMode=VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE, concurrentQueueFlags=1,
    pDeviceMemory=0x26b80a0) at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/xgl/icd/api/vk_image.cpp:848
#15 0x00007f0cd827b84c in vk::SwapChain::Create (pDevice=0x19592b8, pCreateInfo=0x7ffd98487030, pAllocator=0x16eb268, pSwapChain=0x7ffd984871c0)
    at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/xgl/icd/api/vk_swapchain.cpp:299
#16 0x00007f0cd822372e in vk::Device::CreateSwapchain (this=0x19592b8, pCreateInfo=0x7ffd98487030, pAllocator=0x16eb268, pSwapChain=0x7ffd984871c0)
    at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/xgl/icd/api/vk_device.cpp:1789
#17 0x00007f0cd822528b in vk::entry::vkCreateSwapchainKHR (device=0x19592b0, pCreateInfo=0x7ffd98487030, pAllocator=0x0, pSwapchain=0x7ffd984871c0)
    at /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/xgl/icd/api/vk_device.cpp:2425
#18 0x00007f0ce2c329d4 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#19 0x0000000000474305 in vr::CHmdWindowSDL::CreateVulkanSwapChain(SDL_Window*, unsigned int, unsigned int, vr::CHmdWindowSDL::SwapChainData_t*, VkSurfaceKHR_T*, bool)
#20 0x0000000000475b9c in vr::CHmdWindowSDL::CHmdWindowSDL(vr::CHmdDistort*, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int) ()
#21 0x0000000000448d66 in vr::CHmdDistort::Initialize(vr::CVRNotificationManager*, CVRSharedState*, void*, bool) ()
#22 0x000000000047bcce in CVRCompositor::Init() ()
#23 0x000000000047f3e5 in RealMain(unsigned int, ParsedArguments_t&) ()
#24 0x0000000000440cda in main ()

Requests for multiple extensions..

I was to open a new issue asking for descriptor indexing extension (VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing) after learning in detail in Vulkan Dev Day in Montreal slides:
Better I'm consolidating it all requests here so others can add to this thread and not polluting as new issue requests:

*VK_GOOGLE_display_timing (#26)
*VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization (#8)
*VK_KHR_push_descriptor (supported by Intel GPUs and Nvidia & AMD RADV)
*VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage (supported by Intel GPUs and Nvidia)
also supported by RADV:
recently added support:
new requests:

Unknown AMD GPU

Arch Linux
AMDVLK commit 29

$ vulkaninfo

	apiVersion     = 0x401046  (1.1.70)
	driverVersion  = 8388637 (0x80001d)
	vendorID       = 0x1002
	deviceID       = 0x9851
	deviceType     = INTEGRATED_GPU
	deviceName     = Unknown AMD GPU

And every VK_LAYER ...

GPU id : 0 (Unknown AMD GPU)

On vulkan-radeon work fine and system show AMD RADV MULLINS (LLVM 6.0.0), problem is only with AMDVLK.

segfault in Pal::Device::HwlEarlyInit on r9 270x

  • os: arch linux x86_64
  • gpu: r9 270x (pitcairn)
  • kernel: 4.18.5-arch1-1-ARCH
  • amdvlk commit: 10859f1
  • llpc commit: 57e0b0399da7ab022e0d675299a5c26b1616526f
  • llvm commit: 32eb74d29956bbf23e71696c9b57184692b97649
  • pal commit: 7ce51b199c72021b8d027c50b55da515fd9b2e0b
  • wsa commit: f558403d3292039de4d17334e562bda58abfc72c
  • xgl commit: f2c77b75eb94c5f970bf8c5de5a90fc069fb9c1b

the kernel has amdgpu.si_support=1 amdgpu.cik_support=1 and the regular amdgpu driver works fine with vulkan

I have verified that my linux-firmware is up to date (20180825)

backtrace of vulkaninfo with amdvlk built in debug mode


Vulkan Instance Version: 1.1.82

AMD-PAL: Error: Unconditional Assert | Reason: Unknown (/home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/gfx6Device.cpp:2544:DetermineIpLevel)
AMD-PAL: Warn: Unconditional Alert | Reason: Unknown (/home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/inc/util/palMemTrackerImpl.h:76:~MemTracker)
AMD-PAL: Warn: ================ List of Leaked Blocks ================ (/home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/inc/util/palMemTrackerImpl.h:338:MemoryReport)
AMD-PAL: Warn: ClientMem = 0x0x5555556185b0, AllocSize =     1424, MemBlkType = New, File = /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxVamMgr.cpp, LineNumber =      431, AllocNum =        1 (/home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/inc/util/palMemTrackerImpl.h:349:MemoryReport)
AMD-PAL: Warn: ================ End of List =========================== (/home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/inc/util/palMemTrackerImpl.h:352:MemoryReport)
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (m_force32BitVaSpace || (usableVaRangeBitLimit >= MinVaRangeNumBits)) && (usableVaRangeBitLimit <= m_chipProperties.gfxip.vaRangeNumBits) | Reason: Unknown (/home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/device.cpp:917:FixupUsableGpuVirtualAddressRange)
AMD-PAL: Warn: Unconditional Alert | Reason: Unknown (/home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxDevice.cpp:604:EarlyInit)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff5375866 in Pal::Device::HwlEarlyInit (
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/device.cpp:485
485         pfnTable.pfnCreateFmaskViewSrds      = &DefaultCreateFmaskViewSrds;
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff5375866 in Pal::Device::HwlEarlyInit (
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/device.cpp:485
#1  0x00007ffff5375be8 in Pal::Device::EarlyInit (
    this=this@entry=0x55555561ffc0, ipLevels=...)
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/device.cpp:423
#2  0x00007ffff53a6a58 in Pal::Linux::Device::EarlyInit (this=0x55555561ffc0, 
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxDevice.cpp:617
#3  0x00007ffff53a623d in Pal::Linux::Device::Create (
    pSettingsPath=pSettingsPath@entry=0x555555617244 "/etc/amd", 
    pBusId=pBusId@entry=0x7fffffffd4f0 "pci:0000:02:00.0", 
    pPrimaryNode=0x55555561fe78 "/dev/dri/card0", 
    pRenderNode=0x55555561fea8 "/dev/dri/renderD128", pciBusInfo=..., 
    deviceIndex=0, ppDeviceOut=0x7fffffffd468)
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxDevice.cpp:218
#4  0x00007ffff525f58b in Pal::Linux::Platform::ReQueryDevices (
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxPlatform.cpp:201
#5  0x00007ffff5258409 in Pal::Platform::ReEnumerateDevices (
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/platform.cpp:599
#6  0x00007ffff5258e0d in Pal::Platform::Init (this=0x5555556170e8)
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/platform.cpp:332
#7  0x00007ffff52580b5 in Pal::Platform::Create (createInfo=..., allocCb=..., 
    pPlacementAddr=<optimized out>, ppPlatform=ppPlatform@entry=0x7fffffffd6e0)
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/platform.cpp:165
#8  0x00007ffff5256951 in Pal::CreatePlatform (createInfo=..., 
    pPlacementAddr=<optimized out>, pPlacementAddr@entry=0x555555616020, 
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/libInit.cpp:165
#9  0x00007ffff46406f2 in vk::Instance::Init (this=this@entry=0x555555608e80, 
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/xgl/icd/api/vk_instance.cpp:315
#10 0x00007ffff4641195 in vk::Instance::Create (pCreateInfo=<optimized out>, 
    pAllocator=<optimized out>, pInstance=0x5555555a88b8)
    at /home/loli/aur/amdvlk-git/src/xgl/icd/api/vk_instance.cpp:198
#11 0x00007ffff7d5011e in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#12 0x00007ffff7d53d19 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#13 0x00007ffff7d57dfe in vkCreateInstance () from /usr/lib/
#14 0x0000555555556522 in ?? ()

[Linux] AMDVLK build fails with missing strings.cpp

I'm trying to build current AMDVLK on Debian testing. It gets to the point of building llpc, and somewhere in the middle of it, produces this:

[ 97%] Building CXX object icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/app_profile.cpp.o
[ 97%] Building CXX object icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/barrier_policy.cpp.o
[ 97%] Building CXX object icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/app_shader_optimizer.cpp.o
[ 97%] Building CXX object icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/strings/strings.cpp.o
[ 97%] Building CXX object icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/gpu_event_mgr.cpp.o
c++: error: /home/user/build/amdvlk/drivers/xgl/icd/api/strings/strings.cpp: No such file or directory
c++: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/build.make:809: icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/strings/strings.cpp.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:17377: icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

Any idea what can be wrong?

vkcube segfault

vkcube segfaults when run:

vkcube[1337]: segfault at 5577bd1a4018 ip 00007f5007953518 sp 00007ffcf1c4dbb8 error 4 in[7f50076e8000+22dd000]


not only vkcube segfaults - dolphin emulator and mpv also segfault at the same offset.

vkcube r119.0d57034
amdvlk r40.48d46fa

Patches to run build and run on Xorg and Xwayland with kernel 4.15.0 and mesa 17.3.2

The attached patches allow the driver to build and run on both the Xorg and Xwayland platforms.

I have only tested these patches on a Ryzen system with a single Vega card.

I tested with gcc 7.2.0, the mainline 4.15.0 kernel and Mesa 17.3.2 (Ubuntu 17.50 + ppa:paulo-miguel-dias/mesa + ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa) and the VulkanSDK The examples at run correctly (excluding those using geom or tess shaders).

The existing link command from icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/link.txt fails on gcc-7.2, because the libpal.a archive appears without the --whole-archive flag BEFORE appearing with the --whole-archive flag. The attached patch reverses the order of these link arguments to allow the build to complete without losing the link time optimisation:

cmakelists patch.txt

The existing driver segfaults when run on a wayland session, because the Xwayland server does not support DRI2. This segfault can be avoided by replacing the DRI2 calls with DRM calls. The attached patch adds necessary DRM functions to the drmLoader.proc file so that the drmLoader.{h,cpp} files can be rebuilt using the script:

drmloader patch.txt

The attached patch alters the OpenDri3() function to use these DRM calls:

opendri3 patch.txt

The existing driver does not recognise when the DRI3 and DRM devices connect to the same GPU under Xwayland, because the drmGetNodeTypeFromFd(fd) and drmGetBusid(fd) functions are broken in this case. However, the attached patch fixes this problem by simplifying the IsSameGpu() function:

IsSameGpu patch.txt

vsync not working correctly on xorg

In an Xorg session, try out any application which is suitable to spot tearing (e.g. vkquake, set host_maxfps to a value well above display refreshrate) and enable vsync in it.
There is a small stripe of tearing very close to the top of the screen, which is not there with any OGL application and RadeonSI.

Side note: RadV has a similar issue, but only in windowed mode. amdvlk has it both in windowed and fullscreen.

New Rise of the Tomb Raider Linux game doesn't work with AMDVLK..

please see:

Sometimes I would get a run to pass with low quality settings at 1080p, but within a few runs, the driver would hang. The AMDVLK hanging would almost always occur within the "Geothermal Valley" scene of the Rise of the Tomb Raider run.

AMDVLK as of right now doesn't seem to work properly with Rise of the Tomb Raider with the Polaris, Fiji, and Vega hardware I tested

Wolfenstein 2 via Wine Staging or new Wine Vulkan project doesnt' work vs AMDGPU Pro that works..

just tested Wolfenstein 2 (Vulkan game) via new Wine Vulkan wrapper ( and Wine Staging 2.21 (needs Staging for Vulkan "passtrough" and +2patches (ntdll patch+vulkan patch) from ( to fix Wolf2 issues) (note roderickc wine vulkan Project doesn't need any as is based on Wine 3.0 that includes ntdll patch and doesn't need vulkan patch) using AMDGPU Pro closed driver 17.50 (reports Vulkan 2.0.2 driver) on RX Vega 56 and it worked nice similar to same procedure on Nvidia GPU with Nvidia closed driver for Linux..
even AMD RADV from oibaf PPA with RX Vega works altough some graphical issues exist there..

anyway using open source AMDVLK doesn't play so nice..
using first code drop from last year (reports Vulkan 2.0.0) at least game launched correctly up to menu rendering OK but and game loads saved game correct until I saw in game GUI elements and sound as if game was ready for play but screen was black..
using latest code drop as of 1february or so (reports as Vulkan 2.0.11) game fails to launch saying missing extensions which is strange as this driver supports more extensions than before still not as much as AMDGPU PRO closed driver.. see my three reports here:
see extesions supported is 40 in AMDGPU PRO (2.0.2) 23 on 2.0.0 driver and 29 on latest drop (driver 2.0.11)..

hope AMDVLK can run eventually Wolfenstein 2 via Wine without issues on RX Vega as AMDGPU Pro driver..

Ps4 Vulkan

I have an PS4 with archlinux on it. Do you think if its possible to run VULKAN?
I m an beginer on linux scene, and my linux experience is to short.
Marcan an developer run it in 1 years ago.
Lot of player turning linux on it but We have not Vulkan for liverpool...
Can you help me ?

Support for APU Graphics Device - Richland [Radeon HD 8610G]

Does the Radeon open source driver have support for APUs like the Richaland Radeon HD 8610G. This is the graphics device that I have installed on my laptop. If the open source driver doesn't support this family of GPUs, what is the best way for me to experiment with Vulkan on my laptop ? Also, when is it likely that support for APUs like mine will be added ? I think on the main page it said the drivers have support for the 8000M series, but I'm not sure if that includes APUs like the one I have installed.

Build failure on Fedora 27 with gcc 7.2.1

When attempting to build, I get:

src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/util/math.cpp:73:1: error: ‘const Util::Math::NBitFloatInfo{16, 10, 5, 15, 32768, 1023, 31744, 15, 15, -14, 1199562752, 947912704, ((Util::uint32)((((1 << (5 - 1)) - 1) - 127) << 23)), 13}’ is not a constant expression
src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/util/math.cpp:91:1: error: ‘const Util::Math::NBitFloatInfo{11, 6, 5, 0, 0, 63, 1984, 15, 15, -14, 1191698432, 947912704, ((Util::uint32)((((1 << (5 - 1)) - 1) - 127) << 23)), 17}’ is not a constant expression
src/vulkandriver/drivers/pal/src/util/math.cpp:109:1: error: ‘const Util::Math::NBitFloatInfo{10, 5, 5, 0, 0, 31, 992, 15, 15, -14, 1191690240, 947912704, ((Util::uint32)((((1 << (5 - 1)) - 1) - 127) << 23)), 18}’ is not a constant expression

Looks like gcc doesn't like the static_cast<uint32> in a const.

DRM version is lower than the version supported by this driver

I have Linux 16.4.3 with an AMD Fire Pro W9100 GPU. After compiling and copying all the driver files, running vulkan applications triggers the following error:

amdgpu_device_initialize: DRM version is 2.50.0 but this driver is only compatible with 3.x.x.
Could not create Vulkan instance :

vkcube segfault / assertion failed
Note that vkcube has at least one known bug: krh/vkcube#25

I'm still making this issue because the assertion seems unrelated.

Running it with a release build segfaults:

VK_ICD_FILENAMES=~/amd_icd64.json vkcube
1 physical devices
vendor id 1002, device name AMD Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics
[1]    29146 segmentation fault (core dumped)  VK_ICD_FILENAMES=~/amd_icd64.json vkcube

Running it with a debug build fails an assertion:

vkcube: /home/chris/oldhome/build/amdvlk-git-debug/src/llvm-amdvlk/lib/IR/Instructions.cpp:299: void llvm::CallInst::init(llvm::FunctionType*, llvm::Value*, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*>, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::OperandBundleDefT<llvm::Value*> >, const llvm::Twine&): Assertion `(i >= FTy->getNumParams() || FTy->getParamType(i) == Args[i]->getType()) && "Calling a function with a bad signature!"' failed.

gdb log with full backtrace: gdb.txt

Request for adding 2 Vulkan extensions: variable pointers, conservative rasterization..

don't know if it's the correct place to ask for new Vulkan extensions to be supported on AMD drivers like AMDVLK but anyway I will ask here:
first is VK_KHR_variable_pointers I ask because is needed by clspv tool for converting OpenCL kernels to Vulkan compute shaders and is supported almost everywhere (NV drviers, Intel ANV,Adreno) (even by AMD RADV driver):
second is VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization a new ext. reléased last month..
supported right now by Nvidia dev driver and also seen this string on Intel HD Graphics Vulkan Windows driver so seems support is coming soon for it..
it's a D3D12 optional feature so makes sense to expose also to Vulkan devs.. should be good to VKD3D project devs eventually (a D3D12 Vulkan wrapper)..

Symbol lookup fails in

Getting this error, and I cannot load the ICD. This seems to be related to the new VK_KHR_display support, but it doesn't seem to be built in.

ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN3Pal5Linux19DisplayWindowSystem30DeterminePresentationSupportedEPNS0_6DeviceEPvl

Arch Linux's AUR package is doing this:

  cmake -H. -Bbuilds/Release64 \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \

  cd builds/Release64

Segfault with 4.18 kernel on ubuntu 18.04

my system is

Ubuntu 18.04
linux kernel 4.18.5
mesa 18.2-rc5
GPU polaris11 (rx460)
CPU xeon 2665 (8/16)

My xorg.conf:

Section "Device"
	Identifier  "radeon"
	Driver      "amdgpu"
	Option      "DRI3" "1"
        Option      "TearFree" "true"
        Option      "AccelMethod" "glamor"

both samples and amdvlk driver compiled with gcc-8

Running sample from

(gdb) run
Starting program: /tmp/Vulkan/vulkan-demos/bin/textoverlay 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff2c17be4 in vk::GenerateRenderPassHash(vk::RenderPassCreateInfo const*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff2c17be4 in vk::GenerateRenderPassHash(vk::RenderPassCreateInfo const*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#1  0x00007ffff2c1f493 in VkResult vk::CreateRenderPass<VkRenderPassCreateInfo>(vk::Device*, VkRenderPassCreateInfo const*, VkAllocationCallbacks const*, VkRenderPass_T**) [clone .lto_priv.1752] () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#2  0x0000555555576d7a in VulkanExampleBase::setupRenderPass() ()
#3  0x000055555557e7be in VulkanExampleBase::prepare() ()
#4  0x00005555555731fb in VulkanExample::prepare() ()
#5  0x0000555555566b2d in main ()
(gdb) quit

Also failed wine+dxvk. With radv driver both samples and wine+dxvk runs fine.

29-02 release notes mention extensions not exposed yet..

it says:
Implementation for below AMD extensions:

but my 2.0.21 Vega report (
shows still missing:


also release notes mention:

Hide VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height in Vulkan 1.1

but it still shows in extensions list..

vkAcquireNextImageKHR returning VK_TIMEOUT w/o waiting the timeout duration

I've been able to cause a condition where vkAcquireNextImageKHR returns VK_TIMEOUT. It's not the first frame, but rather near the first frame (maybe the second, third, or fourth).

The timeout parameter passed to that function has been 4000000000 nanoseconds (4 seconds). Yet my renderer comes up and crashes all within about half a second, so it's clearly not waiting 4 seconds.

I can get the renderer to work in other conditions, and I'm not concerned about the condition that causes this, just about it's handling. After all, it's quite possible that I haven't quite fulfilled the synchronization requirements, in which case it would technically be my fault.

However, IMHO, vkAcquireNextImageKHR shouldn't return VK_TIMEOUT unless it was actually a timeout. It should return an appropriate error if it was an error.

Vulkan layers report no warnings or errors.

Rise of the tomb raider causes ring gfx timeout

launching Rise of the Tomb Raider with AMDVLK causes the following error in dmesg:

[ 1792.044917] [drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* ring gfx timeout, last signaled seq=60221, last emitted seq=60223
[ 1792.044926] [drm] No hardware hang detected. Did some blocks stall?

I managed to get the following errors in the debug build in AMDVLK

AMD-PAL: Warn: Alert triggered: earlyPhase == false | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/gfx6Barrier.cpp:237:GetDepthStencilBltPerSubres)
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Warn: Alert triggered: earlyPhase == false | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/gfx6Barrier.cpp:237:GetDepthStencilBltPerSubres)
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Warn: Alert triggered: earlyPhase == false | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/gfx6Barrier.cpp:237:GetDepthStencilBltPerSubres)
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Warn: Alert triggered: earlyPhase == false | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/gfx6Barrier.cpp:237:GetDepthStencilBltPerSubres)
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Warn: Alert triggered: earlyPhase == false | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/pal/src/core/hw/gfxip/gfx6/gfx6Barrier.cpp:237:GetDepthStencilBltPerSubres)
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: (results[0].usages != 0) && (results[1].usages != 0) && (results[2].usages != 0) | Reason: Unknown (/home/aaron/Projects/AMDVLK/drivers/xgl/icd/api/barrier_po

My GPU is an AMD Radeon HD7770 / R7 250X (GFX6 Cape Verde) running with the AMDGPU driver using AMDVLK update 26/07/2018
Once the error is triggered, the computer stops responding and only a hard reboot works

Wayland WSI in FIFO is extremely jittery

I've tried to play some games with the Wayland backend, but it is not usable, the jitter is too extreme.
Very regularly, I see frame times of 30+ ms, only to be followed by a 2-3 ms frame time. It's like the acquire next image is held back through two vblanks for some reason. I suspect this has something to do with the locking in the present thread, which can end up holding for way too long.

This works fine in RADV.

To reproduce, try RetroArch and apply this patch:

diff --git a/gfx/common/vulkan_common.c b/gfx/common/vulkan_common.c
index 31c7f3d620..68a59eec0d 100644
--- a/gfx/common/vulkan_common.c
+++ b/gfx/common/vulkan_common.c
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "vulkan_common.h"
 #include "../../libretro-common/include/retro_timers.h"
+#include "../../libretro-common/include/features/features_cpu.h"
 #include "../../configuration.h"
 #include "../include/vulkan/vulkan.h"
 #include "../../libretro-common/include/retro_assert.h"
@@ -2351,7 +2352,9 @@ void vulkan_present(gfx_ctx_vulkan_data_t *vk, unsigned index)
+   RARCH_LOG("Queue present begin\n");
    err = vkQueuePresentKHR(vk->context.queue, &present);
+   RARCH_LOG("Queue present end\n");
@@ -2489,13 +2492,26 @@ retry:
    vkCreateFence(vk->context.device, &fence_info, NULL, &fence);
+   RARCH_LOG("Acquire image begin\n");
+   static double last_acquire;
    err = vkAcquireNextImageKHR(vk->context.device,
          vk->swapchain, UINT64_MAX,
          VK_NULL_HANDLE, fence, &vk->context.current_swapchain_index);
+   double current = cpu_features_get_time_usec() / 1000.0;
+   RARCH_LOG("Acquired image %u at: %12.3f ms\n", vk->context.current_swapchain_index, current);
    if (err == VK_SUCCESS)
       vkWaitForFences(vk->context.device, 1, &fence, true, UINT64_MAX);
+   current = cpu_features_get_time_usec() / 1000.0;
+   double delta = current - last_acquire;
+   if (last_acquire != 0.0 && delta < 4.0)
+      RARCH_WARN("[Vulkan]: Frame time is less than 4 ms! Weird jitter?\n");
+   else if (last_acquire != 0.0 && delta > 30.0)
+      RARCH_WARN("[Vulkan]: Frame time is more than 30 ms! Weird jitter?\n");
+   RARCH_LOG("Acquired image %u completed at: %12.3f ms\n", vk->context.current_swapchain_index, current);
+   last_acquire = current;

I also hacked WSA for some more logging:

diff --git a/wayland/src/wsa_wayland.c b/wayland/src/wsa_wayland.c
index aa106f1..4f3db24 100644
--- a/wayland/src/wsa_wayland.c
+++ b/wayland/src/wsa_wayland.c
@@ -395,12 +395,30 @@ static void WaylandDestroyImage(
+static double get_time(void)
+   struct timespec ts;
+   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
+   return ts.tv_nsec * 1e-9 + ts.tv_sec;
+static void log_time(const char *str, ...)
+   va_list va;
+   va_start(va, str);
+   char buffer[64];
+   vsprintf(buffer, str, va);
+   fprintf(stderr, "Time %10s: %12.3f ms\n", buffer, 1000.0 * get_time());
+   va_end(va);
 // Present.
 static WsaError WaylandPresent(
     int32          hWsa,
     int32          hImage,
     WsaRegionList* presentRegions)
+   log_time("Present enter %d", hImage + 3 - s_surfaceSlot);
     WSA_ASSERT((hWsa >= 0) && (hWsa < MAX_INSTANCE_NUMBER) && s_instanceList[hWsa].initialized);
     WSA_ASSERT((hImage < MAX_SURFACE_NUMBER) && (s_surfaceList[hImage].pSurface != NULL));
@@ -423,6 +441,7 @@ static WsaError WaylandPresent(
+   log_time("Present leave");
     return Success;
@@ -431,6 +450,7 @@ static WsaError WaylandPresent(
 static WsaError WaylandWaitForLastImagePresented(
     int32 hWsa)
+   log_time("WaitForLastImage enter");
     WSA_ASSERT((hWsa >= 0) && (hWsa < MAX_INSTANCE_NUMBER) && s_instanceList[hWsa].initialized);
     int32 ret = 0;
@@ -450,6 +470,7 @@ static WsaError WaylandWaitForLastImagePresented(
+   log_time("WaitForLastImage leave");
     return Success;
@@ -458,11 +479,14 @@ static WsaError WaylandImageAvailable(
     int32 hWsa,
     int32 hImage)
+   int32 img = hImage + 3 - s_surfaceSlot;
+   log_time("ImageAvailable enter %d", img);
     WSA_ASSERT((hWsa >= 0) && (hWsa < MAX_INSTANCE_NUMBER) && s_instanceList[hWsa].initialized);
     WSA_ASSERT((hImage >= 0) && (hImage < MAX_SURFACE_NUMBER));
     if (s_surfaceList[hImage].busy == false)
+   log_time("ImageAvailable leave (exit 0)");
         return Success;
@@ -473,6 +497,7 @@ static WsaError WaylandImageAvailable(
     if (ret < 0)
+   log_time("ImageAvailable leave (exit 1)");
         return UnknownFailure;
@@ -481,21 +506,25 @@ static WsaError WaylandImageAvailable(
     if (ret < 0)
+   log_time("ImageAvailable leave (exit 2)");
         return UnknownFailure;
     ret = wl_display_dispatch_queue_pending(s_instanceList[hWsa].pDisplay, s_instanceList[hWsa].pQueue);
     if (ret < 0)
+   log_time("ImageAvailable leave (exit 3)");
         return UnknownFailure;
     if (s_surfaceList[hImage].busy == false)
+   log_time("ImageAvailable leave (exit 4)");
         return Success;
+   log_time("ImageAvailable leave (exit 5)");
     return ResourceBusy;

Some log output is:

[INFO] Acquired image 0 at:  8233988.892 ms
[INFO] Acquired image 0 completed at:  8233988.920 ms
[INFO] Queue present begin
[INFO] Queue present end
Time WaitForLastImage leave:  8234005.227 ms
[INFO] Acquire image begin
Time Present enter 2:  8234005.249 ms
Time ImageAvailable enter 1:  8234005.253 ms
Time Present leave:  8234005.261 ms
Time WaitForLastImage enter:  8234005.264 ms
Time ImageAvailable leave (exit 4):  8234005.337 ms
[INFO] Acquired image 1 at:  8234005.351 ms
[INFO] Acquired image 1 completed at:  8234005.553 ms
[INFO] Queue present begin
Time WaitForLastImage leave:  8234021.872 ms
[INFO] Queue present end
[INFO] Acquire image begin
Time Present enter 0:  8234021.895 ms <-- Two presents?
Time ImageAvailable enter 2:  8234021.895 ms
Time Present leave:  8234021.906 ms
Time WaitForLastImage enter:  8234021.909 ms
Time WaitForLastImage leave:  8234038.447 ms
Time Present enter 1:  8234038.477 ms <-- ?!
Time ImageAvailable leave (exit 4):  8234038.505 ms
Time Present leave:  8234038.513 ms
Time WaitForLastImage enter:  8234038.519 ms
[INFO] Acquired image 2 at:  8234038.546 ms
[WARN] [Vulkan]: Frame time is more than 30 ms! Weird jitter? <-- App is held back way too long.
[INFO] Acquired image 2 completed at:  8234038.778 ms
[INFO] Queue present begin
[INFO] Queue present end
[INFO] Acquire image begin
Time ImageAvailable enter 0:  8234039.068 ms
Time ImageAvailable leave (exit 0):  8234039.073 ms
[INFO] Acquired image 0 at:  8234039.086 ms
[WARN] [Vulkan]: Frame time is less than 4 ms! Weird jitter? <-- Next frame is way too fast.
[INFO] Acquired image 0 completed at:  8234039.113 ms
[INFO] Queue present begin
[INFO] Queue present end
[INFO] Acquire image begin
Time WaitForLastImage leave:  8234055.658 ms
Time Present enter 2:  8234055.683 ms
Time ImageAvailable enter 1:  8234055.687 ms
Time Present leave:  8234055.695 ms
Time WaitForLastImage enter:  8234055.698 ms
Time ImageAvailable leave (exit 4):  8234055.788 ms
[INFO] Acquired image 1 at:  8234055.804 ms
[INFO] Acquired image 1 completed at:  8234056.061 ms
Time WaitForLastImage leave:  8234071.781 ms
Time Present enter 0:  8234071.797 ms
Time Present leave:  8234071.806 ms
Time WaitForLastImage enter:  8234071.809 ms

PatchDescriptorLoad segfault when compiling SPIR-V binary

Assembled the following shader using SPIR-V Tools (attached):

               OpCapability Shader
         %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
              OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
              OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
              OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1
              OpSource GLSL 450
              OpSourceExtension "GL_GOOGLE_cpp_style_line_directive"
              OpSourceExtension "GL_GOOGLE_include_directive"
              OpName %main "main"
              OpName %B "B"
              OpMemberName %B 0 "x"
              OpName %Buf "Buf"
              OpMemberDecorate %B 0 Offset 0
              OpDecorate %B BufferBlock
              OpDecorate %Buf DescriptorSet 0
              OpDecorate %Buf Binding 1
      %void = OpTypeVoid
         %3 = OpTypeFunction %void
     %float = OpTypeFloat 32
         %B = OpTypeStruct %float
%_ptr_Uniform_B = OpTypePointer Uniform %B
       %Buf = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_B Uniform
       %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
     %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
   %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
%_ptr_Uniform_float = OpTypePointer Uniform %float
      %main = OpFunction %void None %3
         %5 = OpLabel
        %14 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %Buf %int_0
              OpStore %14 %float_0


Compilation succeeds when starting from the assembly, but segfaults when compiling from the assembled binary. The crash stacktrace follows:

Stack dump:
0.	Program arguments: vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/builds/Debug64/llpc/amdllpc glsl_store.spv -S -val -o glsl_store.s 
1.	Running pass 'Patch LLVM for descriptor load operations' on module ''.
#0 0x00005602515d0844 llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#1 0x00005602515d08d7 PrintStackTraceSignalHandler(void*) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#2 0x00005602515ced9e llvm::sys::RunSignalHandlers() vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/lib/Support/Signals.cpp:49:0
#3 0x00005602515d01c8 SignalHandler(int) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/lib/Support/Unix/
#4 0x00007f3dfad470c0 __restore_rt (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#5 0x000056025054619e llvm::Value::getType() const vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/Value.h:245:0
#6 0x000056025054674f llvm::GetElementPtrInst::Create(llvm::Type*, llvm::Value*, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*>, llvm::Twine const&, llvm::Instruction*) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/Instructions.h:870:0
#7 0x00005602505dd162 Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad::visitCallInst(llvm::CallInst&) vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/icd/api/llpc/patch/llpcPatchDescriptorLoad.cpp:457:0
#8 0x00005602505e14f6 llvm::InstVisitor<Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad, void>::delegateCallInst(llvm::CallInst&) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h:285:0
#9 0x00005602505e0b2d llvm::InstVisitor<Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad, void>::visitCall(llvm::CallInst&) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/Instruction.def:190:0
#10 0x00005602505e002f llvm::InstVisitor<Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad, void>::visit(llvm::Instruction&) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/Instruction.def:190:0
#11 0x00005602505df774 void llvm::InstVisitor<Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad, void>::visit<llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::ilist_detail::node_options<llvm::Instruction, true, false, void>, false, false> >(llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::ilist_detail::node_options<llvm::Instruction, true, false, void>, false, false>, llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::ilist_detail::node_options<llvm::Instruction, true, false, void>, false, false>) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h:91:0
#12 0x00005602505df180 llvm::InstVisitor<Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad, void>::visit(llvm::BasicBlock&) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h:108:0
#13 0x00005602505debf8 void llvm::InstVisitor<Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad, void>::visit<llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::ilist_detail::node_options<llvm::BasicBlock, true, false, void>, false, false> >(llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::ilist_detail::node_options<llvm::BasicBlock, true, false, void>, false, false>, llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::ilist_detail::node_options<llvm::BasicBlock, true, false, void>, false, false>) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h:91:0
#14 0x00005602505de5a0 llvm::InstVisitor<Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad, void>::visit(llvm::Function&) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h:104:0
#15 0x00005602505de26c void llvm::InstVisitor<Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad, void>::visit<llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::ilist_detail::node_options<llvm::Function, true, false, void>, false, false> >(llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::ilist_detail::node_options<llvm::Function, true, false, void>, false, false>, llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::ilist_detail::node_options<llvm::Function, true, false, void>, false, false>) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h:91:0
#16 0x00005602505ddea2 llvm::InstVisitor<Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad, void>::visit(llvm::Module&) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/include/llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h:100:0
#17 0x00005602505db120 Llpc::PatchDescriptorLoad::runOnModule(llvm::Module&) vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/icd/api/llpc/patch/llpcPatchDescriptorLoad.cpp:71:0
#18 0x0000560252237177 (anonymous namespace)::MPPassManager::runOnModule(llvm::Module&) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/lib/IR/LegacyPassManager.cpp:1591:0
#19 0x000056025223782b llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl::run(llvm::Module&) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/lib/IR/LegacyPassManager.cpp:1694:0
#20 0x0000560252237a23 llvm::legacy::PassManager::run(llvm::Module&) vulkandriver/drivers/llvm/lib/IR/LegacyPassManager.cpp:1726:0
#21 0x00005602505dac06 Llpc::Patch::Run(llvm::Module*) vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/icd/api/llpc/patch/llpcPatch.cpp:159:0
#22 0x000056025052d215 Llpc::Compiler::BuildComputePipeline(Llpc::ComputePipelineBuildInfo const*, Llpc::ComputePipelineBuildOut*) vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/icd/api/llpc/context/llpcCompiler.cpp:1211:0
#23 0x00005602505247bd BuildPipeline(Llpc::ICompiler*, CompileInfo*) vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/icd/api/llpc/tool/amdllpc.cpp:851:0
#24 0x0000560250525920 main vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/icd/api/llpc/tool/amdllpc.cpp:1189:0
#25 0x00007f3dfa49c2b1 __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#26 0x000056025052262a _start (vulkandriver/drivers/xgl/builds/Debug64/llpc/amdllpc+0x18262a)
Segmentation fault

Dolphin with Super Mario Sunshine hits assertion

When running SMS in dolphin with a release build the rendering is incomplete (other games seem to work fine). The debug build hits an assertion :
dolphin-emu: /home/zenyd/Downloads/amdvlk/drivers/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIISelLowering.cpp:8368: llvm::SDNode* llvm::SITargetLowering::adjustWritemask(llvm::MachineSDNode*&, llvm::SelectionDAG&) const: Assertion `NewOpcode != -1 && NewOpcode != static_cast<int>(Node->getMachineOpcode()) && "failed to find equivalent MIMG op"' failed.

To reproduce you need to run dolphin with and the following command:
dolphin-emu -b -e sms_fifo.dff

The game is working fine with radv.

Backtrace of assert
Dolphin: dolphin-emu-git-5.0.r8518.d425732837

Failed to build AMDVLK with a missing file error

I followed the instructions at Specifically:

cd <vulkandriver_path>/drivers/xgl
cmake -H. -Bbuilds/Release64
cd builds/Release64
make -j$(nproc)

Near the end of the build, I get the error:

[ ... ]
[ 99%] Building CXX object icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/renderpass/renderpass_builder.cpp.o
[ 99%] Building CXX object icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/renderpass/renderpass_logger.cpp.o
[ 99%] Building CXX object icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/utils/json_reader.cpp.o
[ 99%] Building CXX object icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/strings/strings.cpp.o
c++: error: /..../drivers/xgl/icd/api/strings/strings.cpp: No such file or directory
c++: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/build.make:1413: recipe for target 'icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/strings/strings.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/api/strings/strings.cpp.o] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:17409: recipe for target 'icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [icd/CMakeFiles/xgl.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:151: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

Is there another repo that I should be getting?


Wayland WSI is deadlocking in FIFO mode

I have a problem where vkAcquireNextImageKHR can indefinitely hang on Wayland.
This happens spuriously, and there is no obvious pattern to it.

When it happens, it's hanging on a semaphore wait indefinitely, waiting for an image to be fetched from the present thread.

There is a way to unblock the thread, which is to move the mouse, or any kind of windowing event seems to unblock it. This of course will never happen when you're playing with a joypad ... My theory is that the present thread is not polling for present complete events from Wayland or similar, and it only gets flushed handling on a mouse event or something like that.

Another, probably related issue is that there are stutters once in while. It might just be a late vkAcquireNextImageKHR waiting for an unrelated event to come in, but I haven't investigated that.

I cannot seem to reproduce this with MAILBOX, so the logic might be a bit different.

To reproduce:

  • Compile and run RetroArch with Wayland and Vulkan enabled.
  • Play something using a gamepad.
  • Make sure vsync is enabled.
  • Find spurious hang in the game.
  • Move the mouse and see that it unblocks the game.

To get a GDB backtrace of it, you'll need to keep the GDB terminal window in focus while playing, and when it hangs, ctrl+c it right away. Losing focus on the game window also unblocks the game apparently.

FWIW, this works just fine on RADV and ANV.

I'm sometimes getting some assertions right before this happens, which are probably related:

AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: result == Result::ErrorFenceNeverSubmitted | Reason: Unknown (/home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxSwapChain.cpp:171:WaitForImageIdle)
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: result == Result::ErrorFenceNeverSubmitted | Reason: Unknown (/home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxSwapChain.cpp:171:WaitForImageIdle)
AMD-PAL: Error: Assertion failed: result == Result::ErrorFenceNeverSubmitted | Reason: Unknown (/home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxSwapChain.cpp:171:WaitForImageIdle)

Main thread:

#2  0x00007fffc06e9a94 in Util::Semaphore::Wait (this=0x55555e315348, milliseconds=4294967295) at /home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/util/lnx/lnxSemaphore.cpp:79
#3  0x00007fffc05d3031 in Pal::SwapChain::AcquireNextImage (this=0x55555e315178, acquireInfo=..., pImageIndex=0x5555584ee2b8)
    at /home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/swapChain.cpp:174
#4  0x00007fffbf28f033 in vk::SwapChain::AcquireNextImage (this=0x55555e3150d0, pAcquireInfo=0x7fffffffda80, pImageIndex=0x5555584ee2b8)
    at /home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/xgl/icd/api/vk_swapchain.cpp:528
#5  0x00007fffbf290e58 in vk::entry::vkAcquireNextImageKHR (device=0x55555d131f20, swapchain=0x55555e3150d0, timeout=18446744073709551615, semaphore=0x0, fence=0x55555ed22350, 
    pImageIndex=0x5555584ee2b8) at /home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/xgl/icd/api/vk_swapchain.cpp:1315

Present thread hangs in:

#0  0x00007fffef760ea9 in poll () from /usr/lib/
#1  0x00007ffff4fa136b in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#2  0x00007ffff4fa2e3e in wl_display_dispatch_queue () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x00007fffd4eab351 in WaylandWaitForLastImagePresented (hWsa=3) at /home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/wsa/wayland/src/wsa_wayland.c:433
#4  0x00007fffc060043d in Pal::Linux::WaylandWindowSystem::WaitForLastImagePresented (this=0x55555e3153f0)
    at /home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/wayland/waylandWindowSystem.cpp:321
#5  0x00007fffc06f416c in Pal::Linux::PresentScheduler::ProcessPresent (this=0x55555e315428, presentInfo=..., pQueue=0x55555e3359a8, isInline=false)
    at /home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/os/lnx/lnxPresentScheduler.cpp:202
#6  0x00007fffc06f295b in Pal::PresentScheduler::RunWorkerThread (this=0x55555e315428) at /home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/presentScheduler.cpp:396
#7  0x00007fffc06f232c in Pal::WorkerThreadCallback (pParameter=0x55555e315428) at /home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/core/presentScheduler.cpp:222
#8  0x00007fffc05a3f5d in Util::Thread::StartThread (pThreadObject=0x55555e315518) at /home/maister/git/amdvlk-git/src/pal/src/util/lnx/lnxThread.cpp:169

Reversed Z-buffer not working

This was on ArchLInux, with an R7 360. I haven't tried other cards or OS builds.

Using the latest code from the amdvlk-git AUR repo for ArchLinux.

I have tried other drivers (vulkan-radeon) where my code works fine.

I would provide code but its in rust and might not be your cup of tea. The code is very straightfoward, two piercing triangles. In reversing the z-buffer, the following changes were flipped from 1.0 to 0.0 or the opposite: viewport min_depth and max_depth; clear value; depth_compare_op. LunarG validation reports no issues.

Oh, I also get a SIGSEGV on exit (gdb seems to think it is in libpthread) which doesn't happen with the other drivers.

Possible bug when writing the vertex fetch instructions


I have a vertex attribute with format equal to VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_SNORM_PACK32. My program fails on pipeline creation. Did some digging and I hit an assertion deep into LLVM code.

The issue starts in:


// Insert alpha channel: %vf0 = insertelement %vf0, %a, 3
vertexFetch[0] = InsertElementInst::Create(vertexFetch[0],
ConstantInt::get(m_pContext->Int32Ty(), 3),

The pAlpha is of type FloatTyID and vertexFetch[0] is VectorTyID.

Later on there is this assert:

assert(isValidOperands(Vec, Elt, Index) &&
"Invalid insertelement instruction operands!");

which states that "Second operand of insertelement must be vector element type" which is probably not.

If you do a quick code inspection, is this piece of code correct? If yes I'll dig some more and create a repro case.

Installation instructions recommend nuking all Vulkan ICD files

See here.

This is destructive and could cause users to unknowingly hurt other driver installations on the same system. In particular, this will remove RADV's icd file and require manual fixing from the user.

Perhaps a change to the below commands would be safer:

Remove Previous Installed JSON Files

sudo rm /etc/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd*.json
sudo rm /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd*.json

Or simply re-working the advice to reflect the risks.

_ZN2vk6secure5entry24vkGetDeviceProcAddr_nameE VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER

Just trying to build on updated ubuntu x64 while following instructions.

When i build, the make process halts on a missing ~/vulkan-driver/drivers/xgl/icd/api/strings/strings.cpp
I had to create an empty one (repo synch don't find any missing file an this git cant be browsed).

It then builds the but vulkan loader crashes because it doesn't find an exported method, even if it's there :



Vulkan Instance Version: 1.1.70

ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: _ZN2vk6secure5entry24vkGetDeviceProcAddr_nameE
Cannot create Vulkan instance.
/tmp/SDK-DEV/Build/Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers/demos/vulkaninfo.c:768: failed with VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER

~/vulkan-driver/nm /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/|grep _ZN2vk6secure5entry24vkGetDeviceProcAddr_nameE
U _ZN2vk6secure5entry24vkGetDeviceProcAddr_nameE

So exports exists but wont get recognized.
Looks like that there is a mess in the datatypes between expected prototypes and built prototype.
(Cmake dind't emit any error before building)

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