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freejoywiki's Issues

Connecting multiple potentiometers.

I have connected 3 10k potentiometers as in the instructions, but when I measure the resistance with a multimeter the maximum resistance gets divided by the amount of potentiometers so I get 3.3k maximum resistance on each potentiometer.
When I turn a potentiometer one way resistance gets lower, but when I turn it the other way resistance goes to 3.3k at center and does not get any higher.
I still decided to solder this setup to the board and test it and it seems to be working fine. But I'm clearly not understanding something. Is this the way it's supposed to be or should I use some diodes in my circuit? I'm doubting I did everything right.

Config file format import old config into updated device

I have a config I saved to file before I update my device to 1.7.0

I understand you now have to use FreeJoyConfiguratorQT with 1.7.0, but how do you migrate the config from an older version as the file formats do not seem to be compatible?

[Question] 74HC165 Shift Register PCB - Do I need 10 kOhm resistors ?


Pls refer to this scheme

I intend to buy the PCB which you have shown, see image below.

My understanding is that the PCB board shown already has resistors on each input.

Using the PCB shown above, if I have ten 74HC165 shift registers connected together, do I still need the 10 kOhm resistors?

If I do need them, how many 10 kOhm resistors do I need?


MLX90393 не реагирует на магнит.

MLX90393 не реагирует на магнит, дорожку порезал как в инструкции ,куда копать?

Desktop Screenshot 2021 01 14 - 22 08 55 97

Desktop Screenshot 2021 01 14 - 22 09 08 33

судя по обмену,микросхема вроде живая. платка такая как в инструкции вики.

Desktop Screenshot 2021 01 14 - 22 09 47 64

Selectively disable axis via input?

Looking at the wiki and in the configurator, I am fairly certain that I can not do this.. But I'll ask in case I missed somthing.

Is it possible to have a button that disables axis?

The use case is this (Borrowed from VKB TRudder pedals):
Imaging a rudder pedal that does not have toe brakes. They do supply their own driver that can can be configured that when a certain button is pressed the pedals start to output data on two other axis representing left brake and right brake.

Could this behaviour somehow be replicated in freejoy by combining functions?

Any way to compress Freejoy?

Hello, I ordered a STM32103C8 but instead they sent me a STM32103C6 which is 32 Kb memory only, so I can't flash the firmware, because it's big for this it's capacity, so it's any way to compress or a lite version?
Any suggestions? or do I have to trash it? Thank you

Do I need driver for raspberry pi or linux?

I'm using Freejoy in windows 10 with several and buttons and two analog PSP1000 joystick,
and I can see the keypress and the joystick movement in the windows gamepad calibration window.
When connecting to raspberry pi with retropie installed, the gamepad is detected but when I choose A button, each other key detected as the same button.
I don't sure why but it's like the joystick's buttons recognized as one button somehow.
Maybe I need a driver, but I definitely need your help,/

CH32F103C8T6 Clones

Is there anyway to program the above board for use with Freejoy? Unfortunately, I have received a batch of these instead of ST32 boards.
When programming them it stops at 52% and disconnects.

Prescaller Axis

I am facing the problem of setting the axes.
When choosing Prescaler = for example 8% should I get a response of 8% (red bar) from 100% (green bar) to stick shift?
If so, I was unable to configure Prescaler or it doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong?


I have buy this product for convert my G29 pedals in usb, I hope that work fine.
My question is: can I use an added module ad1115 for improving resolution?
Thank for this great work

Настройка H-шифтера Logitech

Имеется шифтер от Logitech G29/G920, там 6 передач прямых и одна "реверс". Хотелось бы подключить его к ФриДжою. Дело в том, что в шифтере установлены 2 потенциометра, из взаимного положения которых включается определенная виртуальная кнопка, при реверсе к шестой передаче добавляется еще нажатие физической кнопки, таким образом включается виртуальная кнопка реверса - так это работает через базу руля. Возможно ли в дальнейшем добавление такой опции в конфигуратор? То есть я так понимаю для "прямых" передач необходимо 2 условия на данный момент - совместить (микшировать) эти две оси шифтера в одну виртуальную ось, и потом уже эту получившуюся виртуальную ось "разбить" на 6 виртуальных кнопок. Для реверса необходимо еще плюс одно условие - микширование виртуальной кнопки шестой передачи с отдельной физической кнопкой для получения виртуальной кнопки реверсной передачи. Извиняюсь за много букв, надеюсь доступно объяснил.

[Question] Encoder as replacement to potentiometer

Hello. Currently i'm really into this project and already started with setting up (more like buying stuff) FreeJoy controller. My question is. As the encoder looks pretty similar to potentiometer. Can it technically be the direct replacement to potentiometer in driving wheel. Personally, i really hate that low accuracy, low resolution of potentiometer on cheap driving wheels (Currently i own SpeedLink Drift OZ). With this controller i can simply smoothen the output data from potentiometer to become clear and not dancing from one position to another due to low resolution. But i can also simply, maybe, swap those two components?

Encoder output valut not directly bound to raw limit


In version 1.7.0b3, when I use the following setting, if I got under or above the max raw value, the out value stay at the limit, but won't come back in the normal range until the raw input is back in the minim/maximum value.

If we make 1 turn over the limit, we need to get back 1 turn before it move again in the other direction.
I'm not sure if it's the intended behavior for axis.

I tested with Fast Encoder and also EncoderA/B on channel 1 using B12/B13.
I'm available on the Hotas/DIY Discord if you need any clarifications.

Note that I used a smaller limit (-100/100) for the screnshoot, but it also happen with the default 32k

hat switch

Hi, I am confused about how to connect the hat switch to the board ? the VRX, VRY and SW? Where do they connect ?

What are the chip resource requirements for Freejoy?

Hello, I am doing a DIY flightstick project and I wanted to use the firmware framework to make it compatible with the much cheaper STM32F030C8xx series chips. I understand it has the 64 kB of memory limitation, but will it run on a slower 32 MHz clock and only 8kB of RAM instead of 10? I know I may have to re-write a lot (also since I will be using i2c), but if I can use the general framework and make it configurator-compatible, it would be a huge plus for anyone who wants to build the same.

Maybe there should be a short wiki section on the resources consumed or so?

Other STM32 micros?

Hey there, love the project.
Just wondering if i were to build my own PCB are there other options with regard to STM32 choice?

The Controller-Lite looks like a good starting point, no need for the 32,768 Crystal etc...

Just got in the mail today one of these WeAct Black Pill V2.0

This is based on the STM32F411CEU6 and seems to have a 100MHz clock would this work?

TLE5012B wiring


is the wiring diagram for the TLE5012B the same as that of the TLE5011/TLE5010?

Thank you

Armgcc app firmware !Don't work

I successful when try compiler on MDK-ARM vs arm gcc, but app's firmware run as image follow:

arm gcc boot firmware seem work good.

Black Pill

Hi I was thinking of using the STM32F411 board, will this be vastly different ? Or will it be mostly the same ?

Write config to device

Hi guys,

I'm trying to connect 3 analog sensors to the board to use them for pedals, but every time I set them up in the configurator and press "Write config to device" it stops taking values from the sensors - it's like there's nothing connected to it. When I re-flash the firmware, the configurator starts showing sensor data again until I press the "Write config to device" button. Any chance you could help me with this please?

Many thanks.

дополнительный ввод даных через уарт с блютуз модуля.

сделайте возможность подключить блютуз модуль к уарту. идея- для телефона или планшета пишите свой софт с кнопочками, осями, красивыми шкурками. подключаетесь через блютуз телефона (планшета) к модулю в джойстике, и пользуясь экраном плашета как дополнительным РУД и переключателем различных режимов.
я это у себя на ардуине промикро 32u4 пробую делать. скорость блютуз 115200. рабочий вариант написанный через
mit appinventor
Screenshot_2020-11-30-20-11-33-710_edu mit appinventor aicompanion3
как познакомился со спрайтами начал переделывать интерфейс
Screenshot_2020-11-30-20-13-28-827_edu mit appinventor aicompanion3
все элементы кликабельны и крутятся. но в mit appinventor очень все запутанно ,а другого я не умею, пока забросил. надеюсь вы поняли мысль. можно очень гибко на планшете-телефоне настраивать все горячие кнопки, выводить закладками определенные группы кнопок, для навигации, для режимов двигателя, просто подкидывая раскладку кнопок и осей. и по блютузу запускать в главный джойстик и он уже отправляет в компьютер . вместо телефона можно соорудить дополнительный руд с блютуз модулем, со своими кнопками осями и контроллером будет как в обычных джоях на две руки,но вместо кабеля будет блютуз. также можно через уарт вести отладку программы джойстика на лету. подставляя значения переменных и контолируя что джойстик отправляет в систему.а если ваш модуль может отпралять нажате кнопок клавиатуры, мыши и перемещения мыши, ваш проект станет очень гибким и всеобьемлющим. к слову 32u4 это все умеет. через дешевое составное усб устройство нажимает кнопки клавы, двигает мышь, но ,хотелось больше мошности .
ЗЫ можно также использовать гироскоп телефона и акселерометр. я держал телефон на вытянутой руке и управлял самолетом крутя телефон.данные по блютузу шли в блютуз ардуинки, там оси х и у подменялись даными от гироскопов и отправлялись с ил-2. это еще не все что можно придумать и реализовать.
например хатка = mpu6050 прикрепленная на голове с радиоканалом по блютузу( track ir для бедных). ардуинка это не потянет,там фильтрацию надо осуществлять.ресурсов платки немного.

Q: TLE5011 & Shift registers

In the wiki it’s says that SPI SCK is common for TLE50xx and Shift register.
Does that mean that I should set SPI SCK on B3 in the Pin Config tab and connect my shift register CLK to B3 too?
Or can I have ShiftReg CLK on C14 and the TLE on B3?


no boot

I have programmed with FreeJoy_v1_6_2b4, but when i connect the device via usb it no work.
my arcelli board has 64kb flash memory

TLE5011 wiki doco incorrect?


The image in the wiki regarding TLE5011 configuration indicates the data pin is connected to SPI-MOSI

I believe this is incorrect, as the bluepill (master) , listens to the data from the sensor (slave)
hence Master is taking the data as an input (MI) & slave is sending data out to master (SO) - correct?

The infineon datasheet isn't much help in this regard as it makes no mention of MISO/MOSI, only the term 'data'.

All PCBs & other documentation searched for the 5010/11 information show the chips data pin to be a MISO.

Am I understanding this wrong - or is there an error on the wiki image/doco

happy to correct / update the wiki, on your behalf, if someone can confirm this.


After flashing firmware FreeJoy_1_7_0b1.hex, win10 can't recognize the device

The STM32F103C8T6 board had a 64kb flash size. After flashing the FreeJoy_1_7_0b1.hex or bootloader.hex using the stm32 st-lnk, the win10 can not recognize the device.
In the hardware list, the device had a yellow exclamation mark, and the error code 43.
In the detail information tab, the device describation's value is unkown device, device address is USB\VID_0000&PID_0002\5&13A74B18&0&10, the hardware ID is USB\DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_FAILURE.
I think there should be some thing wrong with the hex file or the wiki page have some step lost in the flashing firmware.

Analog axis no input

I have just recently started working on this project and have ran into an issue. I am using a STM32F103 board and i am trying to use some 49E hall effect sensors for my analox axis. Unfortunately, after connecting them as shown in the instructons i get no imput whatsoever on the configurator (stays at 0). I have tried double checking with a potetiometer and the result is the same. I am pretty new to electronics and i might be overlooking something basic so please bear with me. [English] 3.3v or 5v?

Hey, I'm trying to get an MLX90393 board just like the one pictured connected up.
I have swapped the MISO and MOSI lines, but hesitate to connect the 3.3v pad on the MLX90393 board up to the 5v source on the processor board for fear of destroying th 90393.
Meanwhile I have connected to 3.3v source instead, and while the processor is getting values from the 90393, they don't seem to change in response to magnet proximity.

Q: Is connecting to 5v source as shown in correct?

How to make this work with STM32F401?

Not an issue, more of a request.
Would it be possible to compile this for a STM32F401CCU6

It has a USB-C connector instead of the micro usb on blue pill.

[Question] TLE5011 and further help

Hello FreeJoy Community,

first i have to say thank you for your great project.

A little warning, i have not much experience with this topic, i did some testing with hall effect sensors and a arduino yet.
I read about FreeJoy and TLE5011 sensors and bought them, but i m overhelmed by the complexity of the topic.

So i have a few basic question for better understanding.

  1. Where ist the best place to ask questions? Do you know a discord or something similiar with active members?
  2. the TLE5011 is supported by the freejoy board, so i just need to do the wiring and configuration with the configurator to get it running (beside fine tuning positioning....), is this correct?
  3. about the wiring, i need the PCB form, let it produce by a PCB factory, solder the SMD components and the TLE5011 to it and wire the pins to the according Freejoy pins?

Thank you in advance.

Encoder problem

First of all, superb project!
When connecting an encoder as describe in documentation, buttons are pressed every two encoder steps and not every step.

[Question] Continues repeated action while button pressed

Hi there,
is there an option to configure a button to trigger every x timeunits while holding it down or even encapsulate a certain action while holding down?
My target is to use an flasher on my racing wheel, that flashes as long as I hold the button.
In pseudo code

while (button_is_pressed){
    //start ingame flasher animation
    // wait x.y seconds to press again


while (button_is_pressed){
    // light on
    // wait x.y seconds

    // light off
    // wait a.b seconds

Hopefully I didn't miss anything to obvious.


P.S. I love your project and thanks a lot

Diode Direction


Not an issue just a quick question. From my previous experience with button matrix and diodes, the diode arrow points away from the switch. But in your diagrams it points to the switch. Can you clarify this for me?

I have a 60+ button matrix that is broken into two parts. If I just connect one half it works fine, but when I connect other half I have ghosting on specific buttons.

My diodes are pointing away from switch towards bluepill.

Thank you!

STM32 led

Hi, can you connect the PL9823-F5 leds in series, if you have to follow the diagram in the Wiki or is there another way to connect them?
I am attaching the diagram of the LEDs connected to arduino
Thank you

Multiple joysticks in a single board

One question.
Is it possible to make one board appear as multiple joysticks?
The case is that I am building a 4 player arcade.
Each player uses 10 buttons (40) and I need 10 more buttons (coin, Select,Start ,one player, two players, etc...) and I would like to use only one USB port (like the Raspberry Pi Zero W2 has)

Windows 10 Not seeing newly flashed STM32

I have flashed 5 different STM32 blue pill's and after I connect them to the PC they get power. The red LED come on and the Green LED comes on and then seems to go to half strength. Windows does not recognize anything. I have tried this with the current 1.0.7 fw as well as 1.0.6. if I load the original FM i get a blinking green LED. I programmed all of them with a ST-Link V2 with current firmware. I was able to view the chip under a good camera and it looks to be original and not a clone.

[Question] Button matrix knowledge confirmation

Hello. In your FreeJoy Wiki i found this scheme. From that image, i understand that there are columns and rows, with which combination (by pressing switch or button or simply sorting), i can call a button press inside BluePill Board, right?

The next question is if i need to put diode (something like 1N4148) behind each of the buttons? And what is the purpose of putting there the diode?

Another question, what is the purpose of that switches on right side of image i mentioned above? Do i need that too?

After all of these questions, i'll explain my situation. So, i have Speedlink Drift OZ wheel with 21 buttons on it. So i can simulate every button via using that button metrix?

Help with shift register board wiring

Please help me figure out correct wiring I bought shift register board and I'm not sure which pins are DATA and LATCH. Didn't see MISO and CS pins examples in the table in wiki.

My board have below pins:

5V- 3.3V
CS- ShiftReg LATCH
SCK- ShiftReg CLK

Board in question:

Would appreciate advice. Thanks

EDIT: OK figured based on the schematics. Would be useful to add above names to example table for the noobs like me.

On Linux all buttons presses reported as Button 1

Freejoy with 12 Buttons works fine on windows device. But on Linux all axis and buttons are detected but any button press is reported as Button 1 press. I tested on Linux Mint PC and Raspberry with Retropie. Other gamepad controller works fine on both machines.

Any hints on that behaviour?

Diode before or after switch?


The wiring documentation examples for the buttons and encoders via a button matrix differ.

The button example uses
row - switch - diode (|<) - col
and the encoder examples uses
row - diode (|<) - switch - col

Just wondering why the difference in the docs and if it matters!
Thank you:)


Is it possible to use the program with STM32F103C8T instead of STM32F103C8? The only difference I see is the 't'. Dont sure what it means nor what it changes though.

Daisychain Shiftregister PCBs - only first board is recognized

I got a problem with the shift register

I use these boards, and they work fine, as long as I leave them stand alone (connecting every board with this own Data/Latch/Clk pins)

As soon as I link them, only button presses of the first board (connected to the blue pill) are registered, nothing from the second....third... board. I use 3.3 VCC and raise the button count appropriately.

What do I miss?

Help configuring for a simple digital joystick?

I installed the precompiled release of 1.7.0b3 on a blue pill and am using 1.7.0b2 of the Qt Configurator.

I'm trying to set up a simple digital joystick, and am having difficulty getting the desired behavior. I was hoping someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong.

In many arcade machines and early 8 and 16-bit game consoles, the joystick or d-pad is simply four switches under the hood, with one pin on each tied to ground. Push the joystick up, the up switch is pressed, and the Y axis is instantly at max. Release the stick, no switches are pressed, and the axis is immediately returned to center. This is the behavior I am trying to achieve.

Using the windows game controller properties tool, the closest I can get is pushing the stick up moves the indicator to max after a short delay. Releasing the stick has no change. Pushing the stick down returns to center after a short delay, and if I continue to hold it down, it goes to min after another short delay.

I have four pins for the stick set as button_gnd. In Button Config, they're assigned to logical button IDs as "button normal" and I've checked the disable box so they're not reported as buttons to the host. Under Axes Config, I have buttons assigned to Up and Down for both the X and Y axis. Step Div is set to 1.

Is there a library of example config files available?

Button setting info

Helou, is it necessary to connect diodes in button shift registers as when connecting directly to the controller and how many 74HC165 can be connected in series on one board?

Toggle press time

Is it possible to have no toggle press time. I need a latching switch to act as toggle on off but not repeatedly. I used to do this with MMJOY2. In game now with this awesome software FreeJoy it repeatedly activates the toggle.

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