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flask-restful's Issues

Dependency broken when installing from PIP

When installing flask-restful from PIP and using reqparse, it complains about not having the package 'six' installed. Installing it manually solves it, but I suppose this should be marked as a dependency ?

I notice it even downloads six, but for some reason, it does not install it properly.

Working with Blueprint

When Blueprint is used instead of standard flask app, restful.abort return HTML rather than JSON

blueprint = Blueprint('apis', __name__)
api = Api(blueprint)

I need to add the following code to make it work:

app.handle_user_exception = api.handle_error

Not sure is there a more elegant solution. I tried overriding blueprint.app_handle_error, blueprint.app_errorhandler, doesn't seems to work.

Couldn't find a way to access Flask app from blueprint, accessing Flask.current_app in Api class throws RuntimeError('working outside of application context')

Automatically constructing URLs: url_for

In Flask you can use the url_for function to get the URL for a particular function. This doesn't directly work with Flask-RESTful Resources, or at least I don't know how to go about this. Perhaps this could be documented somewhere?

Flask `test_client()` exceptions

According to the Flask documentation we should get exceptions in our test_client() if we set testing = True:

However, Flask-RESTful will stlll give only the {u'status': 500, u'message': u'Internal Server Error'} response when an uncatched exception occurs. Only when you set debug = True it will show the errors too.

I think because debug = True is the default behaviour of a Flask application, only for the test_client() it works differently in Flask. So maybe to prevent confusion, Flask-RESTful should also check the testing variable?

0.2.5 needs a release tag

There is a 0.2.5 release on pypi and in the changelog but not in the github releases system. Just fyi.

HATEOAS support for pagination on server side

I am looking for one important thing, which I don't think is there yet in the library (or might be, but I didn't find it), is the way to implement HATEOAS. Do you guys have an recommendations about it?

The use case where I see it would be really interesting is when I have collection of model instances and I need to create a paginated front-end, then if server creates the urls with first, next, prev, last, urls in the payload, that would be awesome

something as mentioned here -

Thank you again for lot of good work

Docs: Quickstart's full example is misleading

In the full code example given in the documentation (, there is this line of comment:

# TodoList
#   shows a list of all todos, and lets you POST to add new tasks

However, the examples on creating new tasks below actually uses PUT to create new tasks. Furthermore, the example in the docs is different from another example in the code base ( which contains the actual POST implementation.

I can make quick pull request to either remove the POST comment or to change the docs to use the example code in the code base for correctness but I'm unsure which is the preferred example in the documentation.

Better handling for nested fields when the value is None

When using foo = fields.Nested(foo_fields) and the object being marshaled has a None value for the associated field, you get an empty object in your representation. It would be nice to have the option to have the field be null in JSON instead.

JSON object validation


I'm using Flask-RESTful for my new project and what's best way to validate POST data with JSON object?

flask.ext.restful.reqparse is hardcoded to use Flask request object.

Are there any other libraries that can do similar level of validation and return cleaned dictionary?


Missing trailing slash, redirect without Location header

Hi there,
I've just noticed we are having a strange behavior with the trailing slash:

this is a simple Flask demo, the one at with a different url:

$ curl -I
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 12
Server: Werkzeug/0.8.3 Python/2.7.3
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 15:05:19 GMT

$ curl -I
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 263
Server: Werkzeug/0.8.3 Python/2.7.3
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 15:05:21 GMT

my flask-restful API:

$ curl -I
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2
Server: Werkzeug/0.8.3 Python/2.7.3
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 15:07:10 GMT

$ curl -I
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 47
Server: Werkzeug/0.8.3 Python/2.7.3
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 15:07:29 GMT

As you can see it's a redirect without the Location header.


Question: Splitting app with Blueprints

This question feels similar to Issue #18 and concerns how to split up bigger flask-restful projects.

I'm pretty new to both flask and flask-restful but it looks like Blueprints are the way to go. Unfortunately I had to add a couple of lines to avoid complaints about error handling which sort of smell. Here they are in context:


todo_bp = Blueprint('todo_api', __name__)
todo_bp.handle_exception = None
todo_bp.handle_user_exception = None 
todo_api = Api(todo_bp)

This works, but like I say doesn't seem right.

I've also extended the TODOS example from this repository to demonstrate how I was splitting an app across three files. Would it help to share this and if so, what is the best way? If you can help me get it right, it might be nice to add it as another example?



typo in retreive_next_page

should be retrieve_next_page - or removed altogether since it's not documented anywhere and adds the pycrypto dependency...

Conflicting default endpoint names cause errors

If you add a resource with the same name from different modules, flask-restful gives them the same endpoint. Both paths will then route to the same Resource class and will cause errors.

import v1
import v2

app = Flask(__name__)
api = restful.Api(app)

api.add_resource(v1.TodoList, '/v1/todos')
api.add_resource(v2.TodoList, '/v2/todos/<string:todo_id>')

The workaround is to explicitly give them endpoint names.

api.add_resource(v1.TodoList, '/v1/todos', endpoint="v1.todolist")
api.add_resource(v2.TodoList, '/v2/todos/<string:todo_id>', endpoint="v2.todolist")

Support for sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flask

With the sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flask extension, one can automatically generate documents as follows:

.. autoflask:: main:app

However, it seems docstrings under RESTful functions like get, post, or delete do not appear on auto-generated documents.

Refer this page for more details.

pip needs internet connection when installing flask-restful's requirements

It's not possible to install flask-restful using pip install flask-restful without an internet connection.

Something about the way flask-restful's dependencies are listed:

  1. prevents pip freeze from finding flask-restful's requirements (mock, blinker, nose)
  2. breaks installation with pip install if there's no internet connection, and the useful approach described at does not work.

None of the other packages that are requirments in my project (e.g. Flask, NLTK) have this problem, so perhaps flask-restful's dependencies are listed or handled in a nonstandard way.

Or maybe I'm just installing it wrong, and I there is a way I don't know about that allows installing it with pip in way that ignore's the setup_requires argument in

JSONEncoder overrides?


I've been struggling for a couple hours to override the default JSONEncoder. I started by trying the Flask method of setting Flask.json_encoder. After stepping through the code, it looks like Flask-Restful discards that setting altogether.

I also tried using @api.representation('application/json') with the example from the "Response Formats" section of the docs. Within the function body, I called the standard json.dumps with a custom JSONEncoder-derived class. That resulted in a recursive loop that I didn't dig much deeper into.

I'd prefer to avoid using output parameters since what I'm really trying to do is blindly pass data from database back to the caller. Any ideas here?


How to use marshal_with when return object contains object inside it?

Hi @kevinburke
My resource_fields is

resource_fields = {
    'uuid': fields.String,
    'name': fields.String,
    'created_on': fields.DateTime,
    'amount': fields.Float,
    'debit': fields.Boolean,
    'category': fields.String # this is actually an sqlalchemy object

Currently, my response payload looks something like

   'category': '<Category: 34eb8825-e991-47e4-aae3-65e435dafc2f: food: parent>', #currently string
    'uuid': 'a2901253-12ac-4b9c-8748-513594864974',
    'created_on': 'Tue, 16Apr201303: 35: 09-0000',
    'amount': '10.0',
    'debit': True,
    'name': 'Costco'

How can I return category as nested object rather than String? like

    'category': {
       'uuid': '34eb8825-e991-47e4-aae3-65e435dafc2f',
       'name': 'food',
       'parent': 'parent'
    'uuid': 'a2901253-12ac-4b9c-8748-513594864974',
    'created_on': 'Tue, 16Apr201303: 35: 09-0000',
    'amount': '10.0',
    'debit': True,
    'name': 'Costco'

flask-restful disables the werkzeug debugger

What the title says.

I'm fairly new to flask, but I suspect the way flask-restful takes over the exception handler of the application object it is provided is wrong.

If my understanding is correct, I suspect the larger underlying design decision is that flask-restful is meant to work with an app (and requires one to be initialized) rather than as a blueprint.

Flask-Restful on IIS

Hi All,

I'm just wondering if anyone has deployed flask restful service on IIS? Is there any guide around this area ?


six isn't listed as dependency

$ pip install flask-restful
$ python
>>> from flask.ext.restful import fields
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    from flask.ext.restful import fields
  File "/home/saml/py/lib/python3.3/site-packages/flask_restful/", line 2, in <module>
    import six
ImportError: No module named 'six'

How to track errors?

Hello. I've been trying to get Sentry ( up and running with Flask-Restful, but since it already handles errors so well, there's no way to trigger Sentry. What would be the best approach for tracking various errors (400s, 500s, etc.) in a centralized manner? Thanks!

Argument won't be parsed

I've installed restful and almost eveything works but I may forgot something as this code below runs and when I make a GET request with python my query argument is None.
I've read the sentence about arguments set to None if not set in the Request but I don't understand what you mean by "set in the request itself".
Python code for a get request

>>> get('http://localhost:5000/sync/bla',data={'query':'bla'}).json()
{u'args': {u'content': None, u'query': None}, u'mid': u'bla', u'you called': u'get'}

Server code

from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.restful import reqparse, abort, Api, Resource

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

parser = reqparse.RequestParser()

class Sync(Resource):

    def get(self, mid):
        args = parser.parse_args()
        return {'you called': 'get', 'mid': mid, 'args': args}

    def post(self, mid):
        args = parser.parse_args()
        return {'you called': 'post', 'mid': mid, 'args': args}

    def delete(self, mid):
        args = parser.parse_args()
        return {'you called': 'delete', 'mid': mid, 'args': args}

    def put(self, mid):
        args = parser.parse_args()
        return {'you called': 'put', 'mid': mid, 'args': args}

api.add_resource(Sync, '/sync')
api.add_resource(Sync, '/sync/<string:mid>')

if __name__ == '__main__':

AttributeError on JSON argument parsing

When parsing args with location set to 'json', I get an AttributeError

File "/Users/ke/.virtualenvs/quest/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_restful/", line 91, in parse
values = source.getall(name)
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'getall'

But when I use the request.json dictionary instead, I can access the args.

My code :
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('last_name', location='json')
args = parser.parse_args()

The method_decorators not called for OPTIONS

I have a method_decorator that adds CORS headers to each request, but is not being called for the OPTIONS method because is not explicitly defined. To hack this into working I had to add an empty method:

def options(self):

Please see this isse and this PR that implements this petit hack.


Marshalling decorator does not work with response tuples

marshal_with works only for methods returning simple objects, but lacks support for other (normally valid) return values from views, such as tuples.

Example (raises an exception):

class SmurfListResource(Resource):

    def post(self):
        smurf = Smurf(**parser.parse_args())
        return smurf, 202, {'Location': url_for('smurf',, _external=True)}

It has to be done this way, which is non-declarative, less clear by first sight, and introduces unncecessary extra typing if all your other views can be decorated as above:

class SmurfListResource(Resource):

    def post(self):
        smurf = Smurf(**parser.parse_args())
        data = marshal(smurf, fields)
        return data, 202, {'Location': url_for('smurf',, _external=True)}

At least, it could be documented decorator does not accept such return values. I spent quite a time by wandering why my code does not work (error TypeError: 'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__' raised from deep internals of Flask-RESTful does not say much...).

abort(404, message="foo") shouldn't add text to message.

There are two issues here:

  1. If I'm defining outputs for my error messages, I don't want Flask-Restful to add a non-overridable text to my potentially public facing output. It's just confusing. If I pass a message kwarg to abort it shouldn't append data to that message.

  2. Bug in finding "close matches" when using url params

My Code:

abort(404, message="user {} not found".format(args['with_id']))

The output:

curl localhost:5003/foo/z4s6hp33im0h?with_id=123

"message": "user 123 not found. You have requested this URI [/foo/z4s6hp33im0h] but did you mean /foo/<key> ?"

Flask-Restful does not follow extension development guidelines

Not that it's a huge issue for most people, but the Api class is not designed according to Armin's extension guidelines. This is specific to the usage of within the Api class. Per the extensions guidelines (Just above the _app_ctx_stack section):

As you noticed, init_app does not assign app to self. This is intentional! Class based
Flask extensions must only store the application on the object when the application
was passed to the constructor. This tells the extension: I am not interested in using
multiple applications.

When the extension needs to find the current application and it does not have a
reference to it, it must either use the current_app context local or change the API in
a way that you can pass the application explicitly.

Instead, current_app should be used in the Api.handle_error function and, unfortunately, the API exposed to add resources would need to be changed since it relies on as well.

My first idea would be to add a resources parameter to the constructor and init_app functions, although I am not sure if this would work for most users of this extension.

Request with "Content-Type: application/json"

What about adding support for requests in JSON format?

I could even contribute to it, if you help and point me to the right way to do it, because I'm approaching Flask for the first time in this period.


marshalling SQLAlchemy instances with foreign relations

I ran into an issue trying to marshal an SQLAlchemy instance with related/nested fields, I suspect it could impact other dynamic objects.

In my case, I have a Book has a relation to Author and has a related field. Marshalling a book instance with the fields dict {'title': fields.String, 'author': fields.Nested({'name': fields.String})} may or may not succeed depending on whether the author field was already accessed on this book instance. The reason is that nesting occurs after the call to to_marshallable_type (as can be seen here), and to_marshallable_type takes an object's __dict__ when encountering an object it doesn't know how to marshall.

Commonly, when loading instances from the database, SQLAlchemy will only load related instances from the database and populate them into the instance's __dict__ on first access (you could argue that this is an issue with SQLAlchemy, which would have done better to have left a proxy object in the object's __dict__ in the first case). When you try to marshal the object, the nesting will depend on whether the instance's __dict__ was already populated or not.

Specifically in the case of SQLAlchemy, the problem can be solved by configuring the ORM differently or by forcing relations to be eagerly loaded. Also, I'm not 100% sure if this is something that can or should be fixed (the best idea I had was to do the nested field fetched before calling to_marshallable_type, and handle the recursion in to_marshallable_type).

Either way, since Flask and SQLAlchemy are pretty common together I thought it best to let you know and document this peculiarity here.

Update PyPi

Looks like PyPi hasn't been updated for a couple months and I'd love to get some fixes from master in. Thanks! use bson.json_util


I was testing out flask today and noticed that the default object type returned from PyMongo specifically (flask.ext.pymongo) could not parse objects with ObjectID and some date types.

There is a library in bson called json_util that can serialize eveything dumps can and everything from a mongodb document.

So I was wondering if you would consider using that, i am testing it in my code locally now. I may even try return an array or object depending on the size of the mongo result.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from flask import make_response, current_app
<<<from bson import json_util>>>
from json import dumps

# This dictionary contains any kwargs that are to be passed to the json.dumps
# function, used below.
settings = {}

def output_json(data, code, headers=None):
    """Makes a Flask response with a JSON encoded body"""

    # If we're in debug mode, and the indent is not set, we set it to a
    # reasonable value here.  Note that this won't override any existing value
    # that was set.  We also set the "sort_keys" value.
    local_settings = settings.copy()
    if current_app.debug:
        local_settings.setdefault('indent', 4)
        local_settings.setdefault('sort_keys', True)

    # We also add a trailing newline to the dumped JSON if the indent value is
    # set - this makes using `curl` on the command line much nicer.
    dumped = dumps(data, <<<default=json_util.default,>>> **local_settings)
    if 'indent' in local_settings:
        dumped += '\n'

    resp = make_response(dumped, code)
    resp.headers.extend(headers or {})
    return resp

blinker 1.3

In the dependencies,


is defined. Blinker 1.3 is already out and this threw an install error, I had to manually downgrade. Are there any reasons why the old version is required?

Jython compatibility

I have a couple of flask projects which use jython.

Unfortunately, jython is still way behind CPython -- we're on 2.5.3 still. There are efforts
in moving Jython to 2.7, but this will not land anytime soon.

Is there any chance in supporting 2.5?

Mistake in docs?

Mistake in docs?
In "Output Fields" section, "Complex Structures" subsection:

json.dumps(marshal(data, fields))

must be:

json.dumps(marshal(data, resource_fields))


restful.Resource that only has text/html representation?

I couldn't find mailinglist or forum.
So, I'm posting a question here.

I want a resource that only responds to GET requests with html response:

class Foo(restful.Resource):
    def output_html(self, some_python_object, code, headers=None):
        return Response(render(some_python_object), mimetype='text/html', headers=headers, status_code=code)

    def get(self):
        return some_python_object

    representations = {'text/html': output_html}

But I get this:

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/", line 184, in default
    raise TypeError(repr(o) + " is not JSON serializable")
TypeError: <some.python.Object object at 0x7fc6870f0b90> is not JSON serializable

I want resource Foo to respond with text/html only regardless of client's Accept header.
How can I make such resource?

Change Required Parameters based upon HTTP Action

Heya! Frequently I have an endpoint with GET/POST such as /users.json. The get call returns all users and the POST call creates a new one.

Now, I want to require some fields in the POST call but not the GET call. Is there a way to currently do this? If not, could we make it do so? Thanks!


Support for same resource with multiple HTTP verbs endpoints

Consider the following

I have resources User and Transaction
A User has one to many Transaction. I was trying to design the endpoint similar to following but something I do is not right

api.add_resource(UserResource, '/users/<uuid>', '/users/<uuid>/transactions')

class UserResource(restful.Resource):
    # /users/<uuid> match here
    def get(self, uuid):
        return {'method': 'get user -> uuid'}
    # /users/<uuid>/transactions should match here
    def get(self, uuid, **kwargs):
        return {'method': 'get user transactions -> uuid'}

    def post(self, uuid):
        return {'method': 'post user -> uuid'}

    def put(self, uuid):
        return {'method': 'put user -> uuid'}

    def delete(self, uuid):
        return {'method': 'delete user -> uuid'}

When I test this, I get
hhimanshu@air14:18:22 ⮀ ~PYTHONPATH ⮀ ⭠ restful± ⮀ curl -X GET
{"method": "get user transactions -> uuid"} hhimanshu@air14:21:03 ⮀ ~PYTHONPATH ⮀ ⭠ restful± ⮀ curl -X GET
{"method": "get user transactions -> uuid"}

It always routes me into get which is shown in comments
Is there a way I can route my endpoints to different get, put, post and delete methods in same resource based on how my endpoints look?

GET /users/uuid/transactions # all transactions for a user

GET /users/uuid/transactions/yyyy # user transactions for year yyyy

GET /users/uuid/transactions/yyyy/mm # user transactions for year yyyy, month mm

GET /users/uuid/transactions/yyyy/mm/dd # user transactions for year yyyy, month mm and day dd

What do you recommend would be the best way to use Flask-RESTful in this case?

Best way to add custom headers ?


I looked at the source code and am wondering what is the suggested way to add custom headers to the API responses.

Thanks for any pointer.

Flask-RESTful does not have a license

I can't find any indication in the packaging or source code of this project what the license terms are. As a result, I have to assume that I do not have permission to copy or use this software.

Can you please add some license terms to the project, if only a simple permissive license? If you're trying to rebel against the entire institution of copyright, something like WTFPL would do, otherwise I'd recommend going with the BSD 3-Clause license to match Flask.

Using Custom Authentication - Passing account object after validating?

Hey @kevinburke !
Based on the example

def authenticate(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if not getattr(func, 'authenticated', True):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        acct = basic_authentication()  # custom account lookup function

        if acct:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

class Resource(restful.Resource):
    method_decorators = [authenticate]   # applies to all inherited resources

my rest endpoint looks like

class UserResource(RestResource):
    def get(self, uuid):
        return {'method': 'get user -> ' + uuid}

and I call it like
curl -X GET

Now when my every request is authenticated, I see if a valid acct object exists and if it exists, I delegate the control to endpoint

Since I am actually making one database call to find out acct object, is it possible to pass in that to the endpoint when a valid acct is located?

This way two things happen
a.) I know the call is authenticated
b.) I reuse the acct object which I can use for my further work, rather than making the DB call again and get the acct object from validUUID again

How can I achieve this using Flask-RESTful?

Support for pretty-printing JSON

Hey there,

It would be kinda cool if we could pretty-print returned json (by setting the "indent" parameter on json.dumps here). I really like being able to explore APIs that do this - especially from the command line.

One simple method would be to add a settings variable to the flask_restful.representations.json module that you can directly set, e.g. like this:

import flask_restful.representations.json

flask_restful.representations.json.settings['indent'] = 4

If this sounds like something that would be allowed, I'd be happy to send a pull request.


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