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Making FISPACT-II output easier to parse, with Python 3

Documentation here @

Example - outputplotting/

Gamma spec

Example - outputplotting/

Chart of Nuclides

Example - outputplotting/

Periodic Table

Design Goals

The aim of Pypact is to make the FISPACT-II output file easy to parse so that more time can be spent on analysis, and much less time on interrogating the output file. No more convoluted scripts, just one simple to use package!

Notes on accuracy

Before we get into how to install and use pypact, a small detail regarding accuracy should be noted.

It is important to realise that the precision of some values in the FISPACT-II output file can be limited and hence parsing with pypact will give the same precision. It cannot give a more accurate result than the output file.

For example nuclide heats are only given to 3/4 significant figures and if using this in your analysis it can accumulate to larger differences for complex simulations. If you require more accuracy in your results then you are advised to use the JSON output format within FISPACT-II itself (since version 4.0), where double precision is used, roughly 16 significant figures. This is illustrated below.

An example is shown for a Si 31 nuclide entry, using both JSON approaches.

Using pypact to parse the FISPACT-II standard output.
    "element": "Si",
    "isotope": 31,
    "state": "",
    "half_life": 9432.0,
    "grams": 3.699e-16,
    "activity": 528.5,
    "heat": 5.046e-14,
    "alpha_heat": 0.0,
    "beta_heat": 5.028e-14,
    "gamma_heat": 1.84e-16,
    "dose": 1.399e-10,
    "ingestion": 8.456e-08,
    "inhalation": 4.175e-08
Using FISPACT-II JSON output directly.
    "element": "Si",
    "isotope": 31,
    "state": "",
    "half_life": 0.9432E+4,
    "grams": 0.36990418187287751E-15,
    "activity": 0.52850009418322043E+3,
    "heat": 0.50459332881338111E-13,
    "alpha_heat": 0.0E+0,
    "beta_heat": 0.50275382281787085E-13,
    "gamma_heat": 0.18395059955102398E-15,
    "dose": 0.1398653735340394E-9,
    "ingestion": 0.84560014731430124E-7,
    "inhalation": 0.41751507961244766E-7


The package is hosted on PyPi and is therefore available with pip3 directly.

A note on the nature of Pypact, it is written in Python3 and does not support Python2, therefore in order to use the package, you must have a version of Python3 installed along with pip3.

To install simply do

pip3 install pypact

After this it is easy to test if the package is installed by checking the command line tool that is shipped with it. -h

The output should give you the help menu for the converter tool.

usage: [-h] outputfile jsonoutputfile

Fispact Output Converter

positional arguments:
  outputfile      The fispact output (.out) file to be read
  jsonoutputfile  The fispact output file in JSON format to be written

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

More on this later, but fispactconverter is a command line tool to convert the FISPACT-II output to a JSON output.


As shown above you can simply run the command line tool and not use anything more from the package if you so wish. Or if you're feeling more adventurous and would like to integrate it into a current project or script you can import the package. Both ways are described below.

Command line tool

The command line tool is a python3 script uses the pypact modules to parse a FISPACT-II output file into memory, then serializes this to a more friendly and useable output JSON format.

To use the tool it requires an output file to deserialize and a JSON output file that will be created. The fispact output file must exist, otherwise the tool will fail and no JSON will be produced.

The paths should be relative to the current directory but the tool can be ran from any location, since it should be on your $PATH.

A simple example is shown below using a FISPACT-II output file 'test91.out'. This can be found on the git repository in the reference directory.

$ test91.out test91.json
test91.out test91.json

This would have equally have worked if in another directory for example.

$ example/test91.out example/test91.json
$ls /testdir
test91.out test91.json

Note that you must specify the extension for the JSON file, otherwise the file will have no extension but it will still be in JSON format. Additionally, the JSON filename does not have to match the FISPACT-II output filename, as the below example shows.

$ test91.out call_me_anything.json
test91.out call_me_anything.json
Importing the modules

A much better way to use the package is to import the modules directly into your existing python code and make new scripts using it. Note that it must be a Python3 project, not Python2!

A simple example of how to read the output into memory is given below.

import pypact as pp

filename = "fispact_ii_run_output_file.out"

with pp.Reader(filename) as output:
    # do your analysis here
Creating and manipulating input files

It is now possible to use pypact to manipulate and create some of the legacy input files, such as the input (*.i) FISPACT-II run file, the files file (IO paths), and the fluxes file, necessary for FISPACT-II to run.

Some examples are provided of how to use this module in the examples subdirectory.

A simple example of creating an input file is shown below:

import pypact as pp

id = pp.InputData(name='test')

# control setup

# thresholds

# set target
id.addElement('Ti', percentage=80.0)
id.addElement('Fe', percentage=14.8)
id.addElement('Cr', percentage=5.2)

# irradiate and cooling times
id.addIrradiation(300.0, 1.1e15)

# validate data
# write to file
pp.to_file(id, '{}.i'.format(
Reading printlib files

Typically PRINTLIB options in FISPACT-II provide the user with complementary information that is not available in conventional output files. Whilst the format is more straightforward to parse than the standard .out file, it can still be cumbersome to automate. Pypact now provides readers for various PRINTLIB options. Currently supported formats are:

  • PRINTLIB 0 (redundant)
  • PRINTLIB 4 - collapsed cross section (see example/
  • PRINTLIB 5 - spectral lines (see example/


Some basic examples are given on how to intergoate the output.

Print the run name
import pypact as pp

filename = "fispact_ii_run_output_file.out"

with pp.Reader(filename) as output:
    rd = output.run_data
Loop over time steps
import pypact as pp

filename = "fispact_ii_run_output_file.out"

with pp.Reader(filename) as output:
    for t in output.inventory_data:
Number of nuclides
# Note the different way to import
from pypact.reader import Reader

filename = "fispact_ii_run_output_file.out"

with Reader(filename) as output:
    for t in output.inventory_data:
JSON serialize

The package is written such that every data object can be JSON serialized and deserialized, as well as FISPACT-II deserialized. Whether it be the whole Output object or just a dose at a given timestep, it can be parsed and written to JSON. An example showing this for the Run Data is given below.

import pypact as pp

filename = "fispact_ii_run_output_file.out"

with pp.Reader(filename) as output:
    # print JSON format to standard output

The output would then look like

  "timestamp": "10:05:38 30 August 2017",
  "run_name": "* IRRADIATION OF TI IFMIF",
  "flux_name": "IFMIF 40MeV d on Cu tot=8.90979E"

Similarly this can be done for data in the inventory data, if the timestamp is known. For example, given timestamp 2 exists in the FISPACT-II output file, we can do the following.

import pypact as pp

filename = "fispact_ii_run_output_file.out"

fr = pp.FileRecord(filename)

dr = pp.DoseRate()
dr.fispact_deserialize(fr, interval=2)

# print JSON format to standard output

Or it can be done even simpler, by:

import pypact as pp

filename = "fispact_ii_run_output_file.out"

with pp.Reader(filename) as output:

The output would then look like

  "type": "PLANE SOURCE",
  "distance": 0.0,
  "mass": 0.0,
  "dose": 22946.0

An example script and some helper functions are included to show how some plots can be constructed using pypact. A nuclide library (in JSON format) exists containing the list of all isotopes, that is containing 118 elements from H to Og, and totaling to 3352 isotopes. These can be used in their entirety as a complete list using get_all_isotopes() or can be filtered as the example below shows. Some plotting functions are added in the 'pypact.analysis' module and are also used in the script below.

This example script is based on that in the package at 'pypact/examples/'. Note that this is an example only and is to show how pypact can be used to help perform certain analyses.

import re
import os

import pypact as pp
import pypact.analysis as ppa

filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                             '..', 'reference', 'test127.out')

tz = ppa.TimeZone.COOL
properties = ['heat', 'grams', 'ingestion']
isotopes = [ ppa.NuclideDataEntry(i) for i in ppa.get_all_isotopes() if ppa.find_z(i[0]) <= 10]

plt = ppa.LinePlotAdapter()

with pp.Reader(filename) as output:
    for p in properties:

The results of this script are shown below.

Figure of fractional grams

Figure of fractional heat

Figure of fractional ingestion

Compare .out to .json outputs

Pypact can handle the parsing of both the .out fispact file and the .json fispact file, which was added in FISPACT-II 4.0. To compare that both output parsers handle the data correctly, an example has been added to use both file formats to plot the total heat after irradiation. The example produces two identical plots to prove the parser correctness. The example,, can be found at 'pypact/examples/' and uses the reference output files test31.out and test31.json to produce the following plot.

Figure of total heat after irradiation

Get the spectral line data from the printlib files

Whilst Pypact is designed to handle only conventional inventory output files, recent developments can allow parsing of other files, such as printlib outputs. Currently only printlib 5 output (spectral lines) is supported.

An example of using this is given in the examples, but the API is similar to the conventional reader. Note that PrintLib5Reader must be used instead of Reader.

import pypact as pp

with pp.PrintLib5Reader('printlib5.out') as output:
    for m in output.spectral_data:
        # U235
        if m.zai == 922350:

The spectral lines can easily be plotted: Figure of spectral lines example

Executing tests

In order to run the unit tests to check if the package is correctly downloaded, it is required to install pytest from pip.

pip3 install pytest

Once installed and in the base directory for Pypact run

python3 test

Supported outputs

At time of writing, not all of the FISPACT-II output can be parsed and therefore some data is missing from Pypact. It is our intention to cover the whole file (or the important bits) in the future, until then the list of supported outputs is listed below.

Now contains gamma spectrum, which has the bin values of size n, and bin boundaries of size n+1. See the examples for gammaspectrum and the animation option.

  • Output (returned from reader() operation)
    • Run Data (output.run_data) - run name (output.run_data.run_name) - timestamp (output.run_data.timestamp) - flux name (output.run_data.flux_name)
    • Inventory Data (output.inventory_data) - list of TimeStep objects, which has - irradation time (output.inventory_data[entry].irradiation_time) - cooling time (output.inventory_data[entry].cooling_time) - flux (output.inventory_data[entry].flux) - total heat (output.inventory_data[entry].total_heat) - alpha heat (output.inventory_data[entry].alpha_heat) - beta heat (output.inventory_data[entry].beta_heat) - gamma heat (output.inventory_data[entry].gamma_heat) - ingestion dose (output.inventory_data[entry].ingestion_dose) - inhalation dose (output.inventory_data[entry].inhalation_dose) - gamma_spectrum (output.inventory_data[entry].gamma_spectrum) - boundaries (output.inventory_data[entry].gamma_spectrum.boundaries) - values (output.inventory_data[entry].gamma_spectrum.values) - dose rate (output.inventory_data[entry].dose_rate) - type (output.inventory_data[entry].dose_rate.type) - distance (output.inventory_data[entry].dose_rate.distance) - mass (output.inventory_data[entry].dose_rate.mass) - dose (output.inventory_data[entry].dose_rate.dose) - nuclides (output.inventory_data[entry].nuclides) - nuclides (output.inventory_data[entry].nuclides.nuclides)

Nuclides is a list of Nuclide objects containing:

  • Nuclide (output.inventorydata[entry].nuclides.nuclides[nentry] _aka nuclide)
    • element (nuclide.element)
    • isotope (nuclide.isotope)
    • state (nuclide.state)
    • half life (nuclide.half_life)
    • grams (nuclide.grams)
    • activity (nuclide.activity)
    • heat (nuclide.heat)
    • alpha heat (nuclide.alpha_heat)
    • beta heat (nuclide.beta_heat)
    • gamma heat (nuclide.gamma_heat)
    • dose (nuclide.dose)
    • ingestion (nuclide.ingestion)
    • inhalation (nuclide.inhalation)


For more information or requests, contact us through

pypact's People


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pypact's Issues

Reading large output files is slow

For large output files (.out) with large inventories, it is quite slow (>1 sec) to parse such files. I am sure this can be improved using more optimised data structures, and/or rewriting the text finding algorithms.

Alternatively, we could start writing some of this implementation in C++ and bind with pybind to improve performance.

Need printlib4 reader

Printlib5 reader exists but we need other print lib support.
Printlib 4 is quite important so let's add this Writing fluxes files using setValue method doesn't set correct groups when small rounding errors present

Hi @thomasms,

I've had a problem when writing fluxes files, when small rounding errors are present the flux is written to the wrong group, with no error handling or warnings.

I've come up with a fix, by adding a rounding tolerance:

setValue(energy_group, flux_value, energy_group_tolerance=0.001

Example showing error:

`import pypact as pp

writing a fluxes file

ff = pp.FluxesFile(name='test', norm=1.0)
ff_boundaries = ff.boundaries[::-1]

ff.setValue(1.0000e-05, 1.0)
ff.setValue(1.0000e-01, 2.0)
ff.setValue(4.1400e-01, 3.0)
ff.setValue(5.3200e-01, 4.0)
ff.setValue(6.8300e-01, 5.0)

pp.to_file(ff, 'example.fluxes_file')


Will result in a fluxes file with the 3rd 4th and 5th fluxes placed in the groups above, these are then overwritten by other values leaving gaps and incorrect values in the spectrum.

I've made a fix to this on a local branch, but can't push this. Could I be made a developer so that I can push the code to a fix branch?



install fails on v1.3.5 from pypi

Installation fails because the file ".VERSION" is missed in the pypact-1.3.5.tar.gz archive from PyPI.
This prevents using pypact-1.3.5 as dependency from PyPI.


Bug: cannot read gamma spectra from new fispact output

Found bug on gamma spectra reading from fispact 4 output.
The bug is reproduced in test, which was added at dvp2015 fork:, branch gamma_spectra_read_bug
See tests/output/

The reason is that pypact reading is based on certain number of spaces in output, but the spaces number was changed in our fispact version.

I'm taking on the fix.

I would suggest also to introduce to pypact dependency on numpy to avoid reinventing the wheel. Anyway numpy is just necessary for further analysis modules using pypact. The implementation can also rely on numpy and, probably, xarray. But this is a subject of further issues, not this one. Let's fix the bug first.

FNS Fission spectra

Sorry for writting here. But I don't sure my message to your team were delivered through page a couple days ago. I duplicate my message here in common shapes: I with my colleagues from research group working with a code for calculation activation of nuclear material and we use for validation your report "Fusion decay heat validation ..." dated September 2018. Is it possible to get data presented in the work on Fig. 3 FNS Neutron spectra, neutron uence monitored by 27Al(n,�)24Na in a numerical tabulated form?
Be appreciate for any help.

Length of printed floating points exceeds FISPACT input file limits.

The following Irradiation time causes FISPACT to produce the error:

Expecting a keyword, but token 1.0318823828959384e+16 is too long
Detected on line number = 120
Skipping to next keyword

This was generated via pypact using the .addIrradiation(1.0, 1.0318823828959384e+16) method. This can be fixed manually (in the FISPACT input file) be reducing the number of decimal places.

'LinePlotAdapter' object has not attribute 'custom'

I think I noted a bug when running the with ppa.TimeZone.BOTH (irradiation and decay) resulting in an AttributeError: 'LinePlotAdapter' object has not attribute 'custom'. Checking in in the LinePlotAdapter class there is indeed no attribute 'custom'.
For now, i just comment out the lines and the script works.
Regards, Peter.

Bug: Cannot read total mass

Since the text matcher uses 'TOTAL MASS' for both initial and total mass, this causes the total mass to be read as though it is initial mass.

This should be changed to include '0 TOTAL MASS'

input runner not working correctly

Since the Reader was moved to InventoryReader this causes problems with the fispact runner module. This is a simple fix but is important.

Reading values missing "E" character for exponentials


I am using FISPACT and noticed that the extract_boundaries_and_values function in for output treatment has issues treating outputs with missing "E" character for exponential format.

I added a "patch" from my Python experience wich is not optimal of course.

I hope this is the correct way of contributing. If this is not welcomed, please notify me.
If this is welcomed but clearly not optimal, I'll be happy to know a better method.

Best regards

meta stable isotopes mixed in with ppa plot

Hey! I would like to use python to parse the FISPACT output but it seems that meta-stable isotopes are grouped together with non-metastable. (following along the "plotting" example on the main page.

When one plots, for example, Xe-135 then every other data point corresponds to Xe-135m. Which is pretty annoying.


Digit of fuel entries

An simple fispact-II input was generated via pypact. The material composition are calculated form as set as below:

<< set the target via FUEL >>
H1 5.974010803153376e+26
H2 6.870902577422786e+22

However, fispact cannot deal with it and here is the error message:

 Detected at argument   3 on line  29 of keyword FUEL on line  28.
 Argument value is 5.974010803153376e+26. Expected argument type is floating-point number.
 Abbreviated keyword 5.974010803153376e+26 matches** keywords
 when argument 3 from previous keyword FUEL expected

 ERROR in INPUT file
 Expecting a keyword, but token 5.974010803153376e+26 is too long
 Detected on line number =  29
 Skipping to next keyword

I think the digit of float should be controled when writing input file to avoid running error. For example:

diff --git a/pypact/input/ b/pypact/input/
index 16b4991..c3955e0 100644
--- a/pypact/input/
+++ b/pypact/input/
@@ -41,7 +41,10 @@ class FuelInventory(InventoryType):
     def __str__(self):
         strrep = "{} {}".format('FUEL', len(self.entries))
         for i in self.entries:
-            strrep += "\n{} {}".format(i[0], i[1])
+            if len("{}".format(i[1]) > 20:
+                strrep += "\n{} {:.14E}".format(i[0], i[1])
+            else:
+                strrep += "\n{} {}".format(i[0], i[1])

JSONSerilizable base class is hacky - needs improvement

For output objects, they extend the JSONSerializable class to allow all data to be (de)serialized to/from JSON easily. However, the code is for deserialization is not well implemented, since extending this for lists of types is difficult. Additionally, the code is slow when trying to parse JSON output data, (really slow compared to other json libraries).

This could be improved and refactored, if anyone is willing to attempt this.

Use slots instead of freeze_it decorator

Using slots would reduce memory usage, and possibly improve performance, whilst freezing attributes (as the freeze_it decorator attempts to do).

This may affect the JSON serializable functionality and may need to be changed, since it uses dict.

Updates to pypact analysis wiki

pypact.analysis has had attribute names changed, from getallisotopes() to get_all_isotopes(), and findZ() to find_z().

Wiki examples use old method names.

Question about test91 example

Like this pypact package, very helpful for FISPACT users.
I followed the instruction on "README" to try it with the test91.out convert example.
A new test91_new.json was created by the command test91.out test91_new.json, but it has different content with the test91.json provided in reference:

drwxr-xr-x  2 gw gw 4.0K 1月  21 10:16 ./
drwxrwxr-x 17 gw gw 4.0K 1月  21 10:08 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 gw gw 103K 1月  21 10:08 test91.json
-rw-r--r--  1 gw gw 152K 1月  21 10:16 test91_new.json
-rw-r--r--  1 gw gw 192K 1月  21 10:08 test91.out

The new generated file test91_new.json has 152K, 4491 lines. But the reference one has 103K, 3009 lines.
Is my installation failed? Or the reference test91.json need to update?

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