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A PowerShell module to handle different management tasks related to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365FO). Read more about D365FO on

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Getting started

Install the latest module

Install-Module -Name

Install without administrator privileges

Install-Module -Name -Scope CurrentUser

List all available commands / functions

Get-Command -Module

Update the module

Update-Module -name

Update the module - force

Update-Module -name -Force

Getting help

The wiki contains more details about installation and also guides to help you with some common tasks. It also contains documentation for all the module's commands. Expand the wiki's Pages control at the top of the content sidebar to view and search the list of command documentation pages.

Another way to learn about the different cmdlets available is to install the tools onto your D365FO developer box. You can also visit the 'docs' folder in this repository (look at the top). Click this link docs to jump straight inside.

Since the project started we have adopted and extended the comment based help inside each cmdlet / function. This means that every single command contains at least one fully working example on how to run it and what to expect from the cmdlet.

Getting help inside the PowerShell console

Getting help is as easy as writing Get-Help CommandName

Get-Help New-D365Bacpac

This will display the available default help.

Getting the entire help is as easy as writing Get-Help CommandName -Full

Get-Help New-D365Bacpac -Full

This will display all available help content there is for the cmdlet / function

Getting all the available examples for a given command is as easy as writing Get-Help CommandName -Examples

Get-Help New-D365Bacpac -Examples

This will display all the available examples for the cmdlet / function.

We know that when you are learning about new stuff and just want to share your findings with your peers, working with help inside a PowerShell session isn't that great.

Web based help and examples

We have implemented platyPS ( to generate markdown files for each cmdlet / function available in the module. These files are hosted here on github for you to consume in your web browser and the give you the look and feel of other documentation sites.

The generated help markdown files are located inside the 'docs' folder in this repository. Click this link to jump straight inside.

They are also available in the wiki in the list of pages.

For sake of the sanity and just trying to help people out, we copy & pasted all the old examples previously available in the readme into the wiki. The page is located here. We don't plan on keep the "Old readme examples" wiki up-to-date going forward. If you believe we are missing some examples that should be part of the comment based help, please create an issue.


Want to contribute to the project? We'd love to have you! Visit our for a jump start.


This module depends on other modules. The dependencies are documented in the dependency graph and the Dependencies section of the Package Details of the package listing in the PowerShell Gallery.'s People


alexhimself avatar alpa-chino avatar batetech avatar caleblanchard avatar colind-work avatar dodiggitydag avatar fh-inway avatar fharin avatar fhoo avatar gertvdh avatar goshoom avatar ievgenm avatar ismits avatar itrasmus avatar jeroeneikmans avatar jspijkerboer avatar kennysaelen avatar onikolaiev avatar orangutech avatar paulheisterkamp avatar richardsondev avatar rowdynl avatar scifimiki avatar shashisadasivan avatar shind44 avatar skaue avatar smholvoet avatar splaxi avatar thugpotato avatar vincentverweij avatar


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A command with name 'Get-LastResult' is already available on this system.

While installing with the command Install-Module -Name I´m getting the error following error. This is a brand new 1611 VM with only PowerShell-Module installed for Visual Studio-TFS integration.

PackageManagement\Install-Package : A command with name 'Get-LastResult' is already available on this system. This
module '' may override the existing commands. If you still want to install this module '', use
-AllowClobber parameter.
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\\PSModule.psm1:1772 char:21

  • ... $null = PackageManagement\Install-Package @PSBoundParameters
  •                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Microsoft.Power....InstallPackage:InstallPackage) [Install-Package],
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandAlreadyAvailable,Validate-ModuleCommandAlreadyAvailable,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.InstallPackage

New-D365Bacpac has problemes with = in SqlPwd

If you have a SqlPwd like this "=B5*=ABCD**XXX" you will receive the following error when using New-D365Bacpac.

Exception setting "ConnectionString": "Keyword not supported: 'password=b5*'."
At line:38 char:5

  • $sqlConnection.ConnectionString = ($Params -join "")
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], SetValueInvocationException
  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExceptionWhenSetting


Implement Enable-D365User

Implement Enable-D365User

Please implement the ability to streamline the re-activation of an environment after database refresh from PROD to sandbox environment. We always have activated the users by execution SQL-Statements like this:
update userinfo set enable = 1 where ID = 'sys-ax-batch'

To get a similar “interface” for this new functions as it exists Update-D365User I would suggest to use the same parameters. So an sample call would be:
Enable-D365User -Email "[email protected]"
Enable-D365User -Email ""

Document how to give access to aosservice - Write wiki

Add-NTFSAccess -Path C:\AOSService -Account administrator -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow -InheritanceFlags ContainerInherit

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\AOSService -Recurse | Add-NTFSAccess -Account administrator -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow -InheritanceFlags ContainerInherit

Add-NTFSAccess -Path 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config' -Account administrator -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow -InheritanceFlags ContainerInherit

maybe we need to give access to these

Set permissions on services - write wiki

Install-Module carbon -AllowClobber
Import-Module carbon

Grant-ServiceControlPermission -ServiceName Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelperService.exe -Identity administrator

Grant-ServiceControlPermission -ServiceName DynamicsAxBatch -Identity administrator

Grant-ServiceControlPermission -ServiceName MR2012ProcessService -Identity administrator

Grant-ServiceControlPermission -ServiceName w3svc -Identity administrator

Ability to add custom commands to ..\internal\sql\clear-azurebacpacdatabase.sql

We need the ability to add custom commands to ..\internal\sql\clear-azurebacpacdatabase.sql for the process of "Automate the creation of bacpac from a Tier 2 (MS hosted) environment" because we have to DROP FULLTEXT STOPLIST before export starts. I´m not that familiar with PowerShell, so I don´t know if it’s possible to implement “hook points”…
Currently I´m modifying the file after installation of the module.

Fix broken VS debugging

When renaming a local VM (onebox) it breaks the VS debugging process.

A fix found by others:

Following files needed to be updated with correct spn id and url.

  1. Documents/vs 2015/settings/*.xml files (typically either defaultconfig.xml or dynamicsdevconfig.xml)
  2. C:\aosservice\packageslocaldirectory\bin\defaultdevconfig.xml

Run as Administrator

Functions relying on sql user password from AOS configuration, requires to be run as Administrator.
Functions should validate that a password is specified when it isn't running as Administrator

Implement Invoke-D365DataFlush

Create a cmdlet that has all special flush classes as a separate switch


Import-D365AadUser SQL error

When I try to run
Import-D365AadUser -UserList $UserEmail -Verbose
I have got the following

VERBOSE: Import the user
VERBOSE: Adding User : [email protected],Glib Holovin,glib.holovin,S-1-19-290.....192,DAT,,
VERBOSE: Creating the user in database
VERBOSE: Rows inserted  1 for user [email protected]
VERBOSE: Setting security roles in D365FO database
Exception calling "ExecuteScalar" with "0" argument(s): "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'I_65492RECIDIDX'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.SECURITYUSERROLE'. The duplicate key value is (5637244459).
The statement has been terminated."
At line:12 char:5
+     $differenceBetweenNewUserAndAdmin = $sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SqlException
VERBOSE: Difference between new user and admin security roles 
Import-AadUserIntoD365FO : User [email protected] did not get securityRoles
At line:195 char:9
+         Import-AadUserIntoD365FO $SqlCommand $user.SignInName $name $ ...
+         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException

Looks like SQL code is OK for AX2012, but for D365FFO you don't need anymore to retrieve the next RecId. Just insert a new row and SQL will automatically increment RecId field.

Invoke-D365DBSync error

If I use the following command:

Invoke-D365DBSync -DatabaseServer "DENUE--AX-QRA15" -DatabaseName "AXDB" -SqlUser "sqlAdmin" -SqlPwd "LokalCosm0123!" -LogPath "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory_logs" -Verbose

I get the following error:
VERBOSE: CommandFile \bin\SyncEngine.exe
VERBOSE: Parameters -syncmode=fullall -verbosity=normal -metadatabinaries=""
-connect="server=DENUE--AX-QRA15;Database=AXDB;Trusted_Connection=false; User Id=;Password=;"
Start-Process : This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file specified.
At line:88 char:16

  • ... $process = Start-Process -FilePath $command -ArgumentList $param -P ...
  •             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process], InvalidOperationException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand

VERBOSE: Process Started
Write-Verbose : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Message' because it is null.
At line:93 char:19

  • Write-Verbose $process
  •               ~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Write-Verbose], ParameterBindingValidationException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteVerbos

Time Taken for sync:

it seems to me that the sqlUser and the sqlPwd are not recognized

Implement new parameter -CustomSql for new-d365bacpac

Before exporting the copied database, we need to delete tables that take up too much memory and are not required (history tables).
This reduces our Azure database by several GB.
I suggest a parameter called "Truncate" with a table list,
e.g. -Truncate Batch, BatchHistory, BatchJobHistory, DatabaseLog, SysDatabaseLog etc.

Import-D365Aaduser not working

I just tried the import-D365Aaduser and it throwed me an error. Screenshot attached. Launched powershell as Admin
DB owner access to AXDB for local admin account
AAD user whose creds given when running the script has sysadmin

This is a cloud-hosted tier1 box

Improve Set-D365StartPage command

Please extend the command, so it will do few more steps:

  1. Show Favorites bar in IE
  2. Lock the Favorites Toolbar
  3. Add new favorites with the name "D365FO" and url equal to the current instance. End result will look like this:

Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier2 get an error

If you want to use Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier2 you will receive the follwing error:
Import-D365Bacpac : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
At line:1 char:1

  • Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier2
  •   + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Import-D365Bacpac], ParameterBindingException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,Import-D365Bacpac

Change Owner on crypto keys - write wiki

install-Module ntfssecurity -AllowClobber
import-Module ntfssecurity

Set-NTFSOwner -Path C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto -Account administrator

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto -Recurse | Add-NTFSAccess -Account administrator -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow -InheritanceFlags ContainerInherit

Issue using Rename-D365Instance

When using this command on a onebox dev vm I get the following error message.

Cannot find an overload for "Replace" and the argument count: "2".
At line:2 char:5

  • (Get-Content $File).replace($OldValue, $NewValue) | Set-Content $ ...
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodCountCouldNotFindBest

The message appears three times and IIS service is restarted and active URL typed (unaltered).

Do I use the tool in the wrong way?


Suggestion: Consider split this up in multiple lines to avoid horizontal scrolling

This is more of a developer preference thing, trying to avoid code that requires horizontal scrolling.

$AzureParams = @{AxDeployExtUserPwd = $AxDeployExtUserPwd; AxDbAdminPwd = $AxDbAdminPwd; AxRuntimeUserPwd = $AxRuntimeUserPwd; AxMrRuntimeUserPwd = $AxMrRuntimeUserPwd; AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd = $AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd; AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd = $AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd}

Replace ; with linebreaks instead. ;-)

Implement Label XRef Search (DB)

N.[Id] AS XRefIdLabel
,N.[Path] AS XRefLabelPath
,N.[ProviderId] AS XRefLabelProvider
,M.Module AS XRefLabelModule
, R.SourceId AS CodeReferenceId
, N2.[Path] AS CodeReferencePath
, M2.Module AS CodeReferenceModule
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Modules] AS M ON N.ModuleId = M.Id
INNER JOIN [dbo].[References] AS R on N.Id = R.TargetId
INNER JOIN [DYNAMICSXREFDB].[dbo].[Names] AS N2 ON R.SourceId = N2.Id
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Modules] AS M2 ON N2.ModuleId = M2.Id
WHERE N.[Path] LIKE '/Labels/@SYS330300

After the SQL Select - use the details to find the xml files for the given object and show details. Support number of lines to show, and either before, after or both switch.

Reuse of passwords when importing database

When you Import the database to Tier 1 from Tier2, according to MS docs (earlier version), you need to run a SQL script for prepare the target database with the correct credentials. Part of this step is to create the database users, with passwords from LCS. However, one can just as easily simply create the users from the existing SQL Server instance. This removes the dependency to having the passwords gathered from LCS.

So instead of:
CREATE USER axruntimeuser WITH password 'abc'

You can use:
CREATE USER axruntimeuser FROM LOGIN axruntimeuser

This is now reflected on the docs, and so should the SQL run in


Allow for TrustedConnection when on OneBox

Any database connection while on OneBox shouldn't depend on username and password (SQL User), but allow for Windows Authentication by simply omitting the SQL User credentials and letting it connect using TrustedConnection. That way, for many scenarios, we do not have to gather the SQL User credentials from LCS to get started with several database related operations on OneBox environments.

New-D365Bacpac seems to have changed arguments for ExecutionMode

New-D365Bacpac -ExecutionMode FromSql -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser sqluser -SqlPwd "pwd" -BackupDirectory J:\MSSQL_BACKUP\ -NewDatabaseName AxDB_EXPORTCOPY -BacpacDirectory J:\MSSQL_BACKUP\ -BacpacName bacpacname

This command fails as the -ExecutionMode parameter cannot be found. Is it possible that this has been renamed as I see ExportModeTier1 and ExportModeTier2 but when using these it does not find the parameter set?

Implement storing of configuration (SQLUser / SQLPWD / URL)

We plan on using the PSFramework to implement a simple solution to store default configuration details on the machine.

Use case suggestions:

  • Personale workstations (non-onebox / developer machines)
    • For all cmdlets that use a URL, enable the option to store the URL for your preferred environment. Would ease the usability of Invoke-D365TableBrowser, Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass and other relevant cmdlets
  • Tier 2 environments
  • Make it easier to just run either New-D365Bacpac or Import-D365Bacpac, because we could store the needed SqlUser and SqlPwd values from LCS. This would eliminate the need for storing environment specific commands and increase the usability because you could run most commands with default parameters.

The thought is that the first time we install the module on a machine, the user could run Set-D365MachineConfig -Url XYZ -SqlUser XYZ -SqlPwd XYZ and have the module store these informations. When getting back and starting a cmdlet that needs these details the module would pick them up and you wouldn't have specify the parameters.

D365FO Sequences

As mentioned by valerymoskalenko in issue #36

Inserting records into D365FO, should use the Sequences used in SQL server instead of the old SYSTEMSEQUENCE Table.

The Sequence is named like SEQ_TABLEID

Implement PSFramework

PSFramework can help us with having configuration files persisted to storage, that survives sessions over time.

It provides a powerfull message framework that can replace -verbose in a way were we get a historical verbose message implementation. It means we don't need to run the cmdlet again, to see what went wrong - it will be recorded even when running the cmdlet normally.

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