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News filters dropdowns editable by content editors

Currently the news component auto-generates a news category for every category added by the content team and puts the category into the drop down filter:


The categories currently are used a bit like tags so that the 'related news' is relevant to the article - for example 'Women and Girls' is a grants initiative we support and we would want those articles to link to each other. We do not want the 'Women and Girls' category to be displayed as a front end filter to the end user.

The category should still exist in the background to link relevant articles to each other - the content team just need to be able to choose if they are displayed as final front end filters to the end users.

Improve README

I think is better if we add in the documentation install composer and do a "composer global require drush/drush phing/phing" to get everything rather than the actual way. @pvhee @peter-brady

Single message FE bug

The single message update to enable text to go extend below the line of the image has broken the single message when text is less than the image height. The expected behaviour would be that the bottom of the single message would be in line with the bottom of the image unless the text is bigger than the image.

Image #4 x 3

Image 16 x 9

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Change Log


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1.22.0 (2016-12-20)

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1.21.0 (2016-12-14)

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1.20.0 (2016-12-07)

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1.19.0 (2016-11-23)

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Merged pull requests:

1.18.0 (2016-11-17)

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1.17.0 (2016-11-16)

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Merged pull requests:

1.16.0 (2016-11-03)

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Closed issues:

Merged pull requests:

1.15.0 (2016-10-26)

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Merged pull requests:

1.14.0 (2016-10-19)

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Merged pull requests:

1.13.0 (2016-10-05)

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1.12.0 (2016-09-23)

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Merged pull requests:

1.11.0 (2016-09-14)

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Merged pull requests:

1.10.2 (2016-09-08)

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Merged pull requests:

1.10.1 (2016-09-08)

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Merged pull requests:

1.10.0 (2016-09-06)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

  • Backport of 1.10.0 into develop #484 (pvhee)
  • Update release #483 (Saphyel)
  • Release 1.10 #479 (pvhee)
  • Merge back content wall hotfix and chunky_png fix to develop branch #476 (stauntont)
  • PLAT-453 cmi tools #482 (Saphyel)
  • PLAT-446 fix nav z index issue on tablet #480 (gusliedke)
  • plat-437 replaced sky-blue with blue and Sky blue with Blue #478 (Heleen-cr)
  • plat-438 added font colours to override default font colours #477 (Heleen-cr)
  • RND-323 Add default-content tags so we can exclude tests that rely on… #473 (pvhee)
  • plat-434 created a component for custom blocks with some default styling #472 (Heleen-cr)
  • Feature/plat 435 design feedback #471 (gusliedke)
  • PLAT-394 ESU refactoring + 3 new ESU + default content + behat tests #441 (pvhee)
  • PLAT-250 Attribute menu link #405 (Saphyel)

1.9.1 (2016-09-01)

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Merged pull requests:

1.9 (2016-08-31)

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Merged pull requests:

  • Release 1.9 #470 (stauntont)
  • plat-431 updated colour variables, added dark purple colour variable,… #469 (Heleen-cr)
  • PLAT-414 reviewer role #466 (pvhee)
  • PLAT-425 Update roles #465 (Saphyel)
  • plat-426 created new component for cookie consent #464 (Heleen-cr)
  • plat-415 added in support for strong tags #463 (wagg-matt)
  • PLAT-407 Default content: partners, landing page, etc. #462 (pvhee)
  • PLAT-430 Add in missing config via phing config:export #461 (pvhee)
  • Backport PLAT-430 fix config #460 (Saphyel)
  • PLAT-423 Reusing vanilla version of google_tag with only 1 GTM ID #454 (pvhee)
  • plat-421 updated colour-black variable to test new blue #451 (Heleen-cr)
  • PLAT-366 content wall update #395 (gusliedke)

1.8.1 (2016-08-25)

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Merged pull requests:

  • Hotfix/plat 430 fix config #459 (pvhee)
  • Backport Master into develop #458 (pvhee)
  • Revert "PLAT-379 update gitatt gitign binary issue" #455 (pvhee)
  • plat-410 adding padding to multiple buttons for legal and FAQ pages #453 (wagg-matt)
  • Updates to the deployment documentation. Still needs some more work. #452 (stauntont)
  • PLAT-420 Fix settings #450 (Saphyel)

1.8 (2016-08-23)

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Merged pull requests:

1.7 (2016-08-17)

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Merged pull requests:

1.6 (2016-08-05)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

  • PLAT-389: Fix downloadables #420 (stauntont)
  • PLAT-74 Only allow admin to register users. Clean up remo… #417 (pvhee)
  • PLAT-380 Don't send email upon install #412 (pvhee)
  • PLAT-74 downloadables #338 (bimsonz)

1.5 (2016-08-04)

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Merged pull requests:

  • RND-178: Re-add source element, and set defaults for device and sourc… #411 (stauntont)

1.4 (2016-08-03)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

  • PLAT-378: Removed focal point, and removed crop #409 (stauntont)
  • Revert "Feature/plat-372 update focal point crop" #407 (stauntont)

1.3 (2016-08-01)

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Merged pull requests:

1.2 (2016-07-25)

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Merged pull requests:

1.0-alpha2 (2016-06-15)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Improve install doc #150

Merged pull requests:

1.0-alpha1 (2016-05-19)

Closed issues:

  • Improve README #21

Merged pull requests:

* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator

Change RabbitMQ message to write to serverless queue

Currently, a thank-you message is added to the welcome_queue, which in turn is being consumed by smart_consumer. We'll replace this consumer with serverless_consumer, which accepts a slightly different message format.

RabbitMQ format:

Use docker-compose to run Travis build

Currently, we manage our stack (PHP, MySQL, etc) manually on Travis, but it would be easier to reuse our Docker setup, so we can debug Travis runs locally.

User groups for CMS

New user groups for CMS for

• Can do everything

User manager
• Can add/edit other individuals’ user permissions
• Can create and publish all content
• Can view all published and unpublished content

• Can create and publish all content
• Can view all published and unpublished content

• Can create content but cannot publish content
• Can view all published and unpublished content

Press team
• Can only create articles (preferably only have option to tag as press release? Don’t worry if not…)
• Can publish the articles they create
• Restricted only to adding articles, no other CMS permissions

• Can view all published and unpublished content
• No other CMS permissions i.e. can’t see CMS menu

Behat - fix landing page test to run lcoal

Button 'Add existing Partner' not found

Failed scenario
And I press the "Add existing Partner" button # Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext::pressButton()
Button with id|name|title|alt|value "Add existing Partner" not found. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException)

Make article category field optional

Editors often don't have a category to add to an article, so we should consider making this field optional instead of required. We should review how the article overview page will then show the article, would all articles without a category be shown via "None" dropdown option?

Review profile config management from Thunder v2


Thunder v2 provides some really nice documentation related to their dealing with config. Don’t think we need to adopt it as-is, but it might be useful to have a deeper look into it.

For example:

  • They log every config change with a custom logger (useful for debugging)
  • They import new config using Drupal\config_update\ConfigReverter::import()
  • They use Drupal\thunder_updater\Updater::updateConfig() to update config, and they check beforehand whether that config was overwritten or not. Since we’ll initially be managing few sites (not 100s like thunder), this feels like overkill especially since we don’t want to deal with overwritten config, but worth knowing a way to do so

Block reference link class

Link class is not showing in the markup of the block reference link.


screen shot 2017-06-02 at 16 52 24

Ideally it should be in the template not in the database.

screen shot 2017-06-02 at 16 19 20

screen shot 2017-06-02 at 16 19 10

Update to editorial functions: colours and inline links

Currently the colours added to content is not displayed in the WYSIWYG view - this means editors must publish content before really seeing what it looks like.

The colours drop down currently doesn't include yellow - can we make rules that all colours in the pattern lab are automatically in the CMS editorial tools?

Inline links are also manually added in the HTML rather than as an editor tool.

Remove modernizr from composer

Now we have grunt task to download modernizr.

We need to remove it from composer and enable it in grunt.

grunt.registerTask('build', [
    // only needed if you have your own components
    // 'sass_globbing',
    // we need to remove modernizr downloading via composer first so we can enable it and let grunt build it
    // 'modernizr',
    // 'imagemin'

Remove the config of /news-tv-and-events/ from news page set up in platform

News landing page for RND was built under the section of /news-tv-and-events/ - this is only relevant to that specific site. We need to replace this logic in the Campaign code base.

The platform config should be just “the initial state” and every site later onwards can do what they want with the config (quote from @pvhee )

Paragraph - List of articles by Category

Old title 'Featured' news in row component.

Auto-pull through relevant articles onto pages via a 'Featured' component.

This should be flexible to the content theme of the page and should be set by the content editors in the row component - for example: Showing news relating to a celebrity challenge on that landing page or news articles about grants on the grants landing page.

This will mean that we will need to have a 'featured' tag on the articles themselves to show when they should be pulled through - this tag should be set as default but can be removed (for example when the content is dry/obligatory for legal reasons).

Update drupal-composer vendors

Since we start to use this project they update their vendors or replace them with others, we should follow their suggestions otherwise we may have to deal with issues that they no longer maintain.

modules for default nav and optional feature nav
The current navigation module that's enabled by default is the feature navigation (3 items featured plus the hamburger menu). This should be changed to a default navigation that shows all the menu items inline and only has the hamburger menu on small and medium screen sizes. The feature navigation should be an optional module that can be enabled to replace the default navigation.

Styling and javascript of the new default navigation is done in the pattern-lab:
Specific styling for

The javascript for the feature navigation still lives in the navigation module, so this needs to be moved to the pattern-lab too and the feature navigation needs to be either renamed or moved to a new feature nav module.

We need to find a way to override the default navigation when the feature navigation module is enabled.


Some RND specific changes:
Disable cr_navigation module in comicrelief theme:
Styling for the feature nav needs to be checked:

Make bg colour fields optional

Currently we have some components with bg colour field required some not. For those required we had to add an option "no colour". We have decided to make them all not required so we can have the option "none" as default.

Promo header inline image styles refactoring

We need to make one field (ie desk_img) to output different responsive images depending on what layout you choose (big header or smaller head).

Remove inline responsive image styles and create a function to display the two options.

Big header: Small header:

And use something like: field_landing_image.big_header and field_landing_image.small_header

Articles without an image require default styling

Current article auto-displays the top image on the article:


If articles have no image (for example Press Releases would not necessarily have an image or a breaking news article may not yet have an image but we could update later with an image) then the article looks janky on the news view.


Exclude articles from being categorised as 'All'

There are certain instances where we do not want an article to be pulled through onto article aggregator views (e.g. an email landing page which links to a specific moment-in-time piece of marketing).

Similarly for the articles which we are using as Press Releases. they should be excluded from the main news aggregator views.

Implementation Plan

  • Add a boolean field to news articles titled "Exclude articles from aggregator views", off by default.
  • Add filter to view to make fields that have "Exclude articles from aggregator views" on, to be excluded from results.

Update behat tests

We want to start to use our docker images in Travis, in order to do that we need to update some functions or use different ones.

List of features failing:

  • Removed not-on-travis tag from article.feature
  • Added files_path and deleted travis suite in behat.yml
  • Replaced all wait Ajax loading to wait 3 secs


Add Tag dropdown to editor library view

Editors currently can apply a few different actions to many of the same content via the editor library view drop down (see admin list)

We need to review what is currently on this list - but one request is that applying tags could be an action which can be done from the library view rather than having to open each article and apply individually (image to be provided by content team).


Partners Block - remove from campaign

Partners block is pulling through the default settings from RND which means that it keeps being reset to default in CR when campaign is updated. This issue hasn't occurred this week but was happening to content team and meant that the pages with Partner blocks kept being reset.

Cookie notice shows when in Admin section.

As an admin user, while on the Drupal site admin, the cookie notice displays. Ideally this should be blocked from display when logged in as an admin user for all /admin/ routes.

Improve install doc

campaign/docs/ the order should be 1st bundle install and then npm install also for Ubuntu users we should add: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

Sorry for comment this here :)

Articles block defined by category

General use case: In order to auto-display templated content on pages on a website, we need to be able to display articles based on their category - for example on Press Releases only on the media centre page or Grants initiatives only on the grants page.

The category would also be required to not display on 'All news'

Behat - fix media feature test to run local

Change media file path in media feature test.

Failed scenarios
Then I should see "File nose (administration) has been created." # Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext::assertPageContainsText()
The text "File nose (administration) has been created." was not found anywhere in the text of the current page. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException)

Then I should see "File pdf (administration) has been created." # Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext::assertPageContainsText()
The text "File pdf (administration) has been created." was not found anywhere in the text of the current page. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException)

And I enter "Here goes the video caption" for "Video caption" # Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext::assertEnterField()
Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
System info: host: 'bf1d7a1502a8', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.8.0-52-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
Driver info: driver.version: unknown (WebDriver\Exception\ElementNotVisible)

Then I should see "File video file has been created." # Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext::assertPageContainsText()
The text "File video file has been created." was not found anywhere in the text of the current page. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException)

Replace Ajax on articles view so category URLs are possible

Currently applied filters on the news landing pages are not reflected in the url (see here)

There are cases where we may need to direct users to a pre-filtered page with only 1 category's articles displaying (for example only show The Difference We Make articles to users coming from the need section).

Ajax was added to the site when we removed the 'apply' button from the filter so ideally the new solution to meet both requirements (pulling the category into the url and single click category selection).

Update composer.lock

Regenerating composer.lock using composer update nothing, then validating it using composer validate

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